"MEDIA WAR AGAINST ISRAEL: FROM INVERSION OF THE TRUTH TO INVERSION OF REALITY"Reader comment on item: Zionism's Bleak Present Submitted by Sofa Sogood (United States), Oct 14, 2007 at 17:17 In terms of Israel taking up the Media battle, it's late, it's very late .... but .... The following Paper, adds a whole new dimension to what's been going on in the Media and with the NGO's and the public. I think the following is a really important piece to read -- "The Big Lie and the Media War Against Israel: From Inversion of the Truth to Inversion of Reality By Joel Fishman Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, Spring 2007 http://www.spme.net/cgi-bin/articles.cgi?ID=2923 A Weimar Republic representative who raised the question of guilt for the outbreak of World War I, asked Georges Clemeceau, "What, in your opinion will future historians think of this troublesome and controversial issue?" He replied, "This I don't know. But I know for certain that they will not say Belgium invaded Germany." "How many people still remember that in June 1967, Israel, in an act of self-defense, foiled the plans of the real aggressors?" These were the Soviet Union which encouraged the Arab states to foment a crisis, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt who built an alliance with King Hussein of Jordan and Hafez al-Assad of Syria for the purpose of annihilating the Jewish state. And how many remember that the Egyptian blockade of the Straits of Tiran in May 1967 was an act of war?" Why and how, since the 1960's, has a very dangerous and bizarre, worldwide and Islamist-Left Alliance of Israel-hatred and Anti-Semitism taken hold so firmly -- and is now spreading in leaps and bounds to the general population? The information in this paper came as a big surprise to me, and I think it's very important for all those concerned about Isreal to read and pass on to friends and foes -- but although engrossing, it's quite long. For those who might not have the patience, I've attempted to summarize it as best as I'm able. ISRAEL HAS BEEN IN A VERY LONG, WELL-RESEARCHED AND PLANNED MAJOR MEDIA WAR BASED ON INVERSION OF REALITY, A WELL-HONED AND PARTICULAR TYPE OF METHODOLOGY OF PROPAGANDA. RATHER THAN "NAZI INFLUENCED" THIS PLAN WAS DEVELOPED, DELIVERED AND CARRIED OUT HANDS ON BY NAZI SPECIALISTS LIVING IN EGYPT. LATER THE SOVIETS TOOK OVER, AND IT IS NOW IMPLEMENTED BY ... VERY PROFICIENT AND TRAINED ... LEFTISTS ... The Author supplies names, dates, places and facts. "ISRAEL HAS A STRATEGIC NEED TO DEFEND ITSELF ON THE BATTLEFIELD, but in order to EXERCISE THIS SOVEREIGN RIGHT, IT MUST EFFECTIVELY SAFEGUARD ITS LEGITIMACY IN THE FORUM OF PUBLIC OPINION. Accordingly, ISRAEL MUST FIRST RECOGNIZE THE TYPE OF WAR IN WHICH IT IS ENGAGED and then FORMULATE AN EFFECTIVE STRATEGY BASED ON SOLID INFORMATION." If there is any chance of devising a way to fight off and overcome this assault on, not only it's victims, but on the minds of the public who are its dupes -- and on all humanity -- "Proving a falsehood is not enough" -- "it is important to understand what it is, how it works," where it originated and why. It is "one of the most favored propaganda methods of Israel's adversaries" ... "One of its most frequent expressions has been the accusation that the Jewish people, victims of the Nazis, have now become the new Nazis, aggressors and oppressors of the Palestinian Arabs." Anti-semitic phenomenon and its resurgence hasn't been given much attention in recent years because (a) the fall of Soviet Union and hope that the world was on the threshold of a new democratic era; (b) with the signing of Oslo Accords many believed anti-Israel propaganda would stop; and, very interesting to think about is (c) denial -- "persistence of intense anti-Israel and anti-Semitic agitation represented "inconvenient information" -- very politically incorrect to bring up -- and could very well inhibit career advancement, especially in the academic world, [social life], etc. Dr. Fishman quotes from many sources. One of them is Jeffrey Herf's book, "The Jewish Enemy," which proposes that the Holocaust could only happen if the Jew was truly believed to be The Enemy who was out to destroy Germany and the rest of the world -- "the imposition of a paranoiac pattern on world events." "Inversion of reality as a tool of media war, with its paranoic state of mind, has persisted to the present." To this end the Nazis developed a systematic method of telling the Big Lie while using the technique of Inversion of Truth, which leads to Inversion of Reality, which leads to Reversal of Moral Responsibility. Thus, the constant mad talk of "the genocide being organized against the Muslims" -- which has gone world-wide. And the outcome of this is very likely the real genocide of the imagined perpetrators by the imagined (pretend) victims. The Soviets perfected it further. The public exposed to this enters a mental world of foggy unreality, lost ability for personal judgment outside the party line, and is easily manipulated, emotionally and otherwise. It's what George Orwell wrote about in 1984. It's what we're witnessing now. As I write this I'm frightening -- myself --- as I visualize the faces -- rampant, unleashed irrationality -- the snarling faces of the "activists" at the N.Y. Muslim Day Parade holding "Death to Israel" signs with pictures drawn of long-nosed Jews while chanting "Anti-Racism;" -- the blank faces of the people who weren't a part of it but thought it was okay, didn't mind the anti-American slogans and signs, and didn't mind that it was held on a date close to the anniversary of 9-11; -- the wild-eyed faces and chanting at Durbin; -- and at American and British "Peace" (Hate) marches -- the declaration that "We are All Hezbollah Now!" Besides containing a fascinating exposition of the development of media propaganda, from its use in WW1 by the British, to methods of its perfection by the Nazis and Soviets, and its morphing from crude lies to the more sophisticated and mind-numbing "Inversions" and "Doublespeak;" this paper shows that many of Hitler's propaganda experts took shelter in Egypt after the war, and it was they themselves who not only taught the methodology, but actually produced much of what Muslims have used and are still using.. The Soviets and the Nazis were developing their techniques for propaganda at around the same time. By the time the Nazi presence was waning in the Middle East, the Soviets stepped in and added their own special expertise at mind control. The Soviet's crowning glory of the 70's was "Zionism is Racism" which has made a comeback lately -- or maybe never left the scene -- transformed an anti-Semitic slogan into an internationally accepted 'truth." "By reducing a complicated issue to a slogan, this libel, which inverted reality, prevented rational discussion of the real problems... In an era of mass media, when the study of the past has gone out of fashion, slogans such as "Zionism is Racism" have taken the place of facts. They have penetrated the popular mainstream idiom and the consciousness of uncritical mass audience." Which brought us to the UN World Conference against Racism at Durban, 28 Aug-8 Sept. 2001 ... "scene of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel speeches and agitation of a ferocity unknown since the 1930's." "After Durban, all pretenses vanished. Anti-Semitism in the name of Palestinian justice became acceptable." "A condition of 'convergence' ... had been reached....Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism merged, probably for the first time since the Nazi era. "Propositions found at Durban: - Denial of anti-Semitism as a human rights issue of our time. - Acceptance of anti-Semitism in the name of fighting racism. - Anti-Semitism is not a manifestation of contemporary racism. - Recognition of the Palestinian people as victims of Israeli racism. - Expropriation of the term Holocaust. - Approval of terrorism or "armed struggle" - as a means to combat racism. - Exclusion and isolation of the Jewish state in the name of multiculturalism." To repeat -- Islamists have not come up with these techniques of insidious Media War by themselves -- and it's not a spontaneous outburst by the left, but it was, and still is, being developed for them by the experts. It's not just an ignorant ploy, but carefully planned and executed according to a particular and proven methodology. Israel must defend herself on this battlefield. In the same vein, as, let's say, the 1960's media blitz concerning what was called "Subliminal Advertising," the (failed) attempts at subliminal mind-control by the advertising industry -- this current issue of mind control, if exposed from its roots, could well become a topic of popular attention. Pro-Israel placards at demonstrations and any chanting that's done should, from now on, always include the words, "INVERSION OF TRUTH, INVERSION OF REALITY." Perhaps even "MIND CONTROL" or "DOUBLESPEAK." Following is my personal comment to express my disappointment, disgust and revulsion at the behavior of my European "friends": Just as the Nazis would not have been able to accomplish their genocide without the complicity of the European citizens, in the current era the Palestinians, once again, without the emotional and "moral" support and encouragement in the form of extravagant and irresponsible financial support -- of the Europeans -- might very well have calmed down and had normal lives by now. It's the Islamist nations who have destroyed the lives of the Palestinian people for their own ends, and the Europeans who claim to "care" about them, who have used them to enable their own frenzy of misguided, self-righteous hatred which, for whatever reason, they have a-l-w-a-y-s been very eager to indulge. They haven't changed a bit. "
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