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Teaching Arabic to wannabe Arabs

Reader comment on item: My Views of Islam and Islamism
in response to reader comment: Too bad the salvation was not extended to cananites

Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Feb 7, 2014 at 09:55

Our dear Abdul realized that he got himself in a topic far above his poor madrassa education

You see our dear Abdul never quote a corrupted book to prove a point because garbage in is garbage out so learn never to quote the NT or OT to prove a point as long as you are a follower of the religion of the Arabs only

To set records straight, first, I am an Arab from the Sultanate of Oman.

Suer sure sure and I'm from planet Mars

Let me help you the way you transliterate your name is the dead give away that you ain't no Arab because your Arab masters would transliterate this name as: Abd el-Karim or Abd al-Karim or عبد الكريم and not the Pakistani AbdulKarim but again like a lost tablighee it is all in one

So you tell me do your Arab masters call you; مسكين من الهند I'm just curious

Secondly, I don't ask a mullah, stupid or otherwise,

Well you can ask your stupid Mullah to tell you what مسكين من الهند means deal?

on matters of faith. I can read and interpret the Quran and the words and deeds of my prophet myself, thank you very much.

Oh the Qur'an that says that Islam is the religion of the Hijazi Arabs only? So if you are really from Oman who was the prophet that was sent to your ancestors in Oman that were either Syriac speakers or Pahlavi speakers because he ain't Muhammad

See? Silence is golden

As to your question why I quote what you think I perceive as corrupted book,

That is what the Qur'an says in Q5:13 as in

blah...blah...blah يحرفون الكلم

Or as per the foolish Pickthall who was converted to islam by lost tablighees: They change words

and to change words in a text يا ايها العبقري الكبير means that you corrupted the text

Oh you do not believe me? let us see what al-Tabari says about this little disaster

يُحَرِّفُونَ كَلَام رَبّهمْ الَّذِي أَنْزَلَهُ عَلَى نَبِيّهمْ مُوسَى صَلَّى اللَّه عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ , وَهُوَ التَّوْرَاة , فَيُبَدِّلُونَهُ وَيَكْتُبُونَ بِأَيْدِيهِمْ غَيْر الَّذِي أَنْزَلَهُ اللَّ

Or: They corrupt the words of their God (the Jews) that was revealed to their prophet Moses and it is al-Tawra (read this as the OT) and they change it and they write with their hands not what their god has revealed

This is how you corrupt a text يا ايها العبقري الكبير

Oh you still do not believe me/ here is the meaning of the word from Hans Wehr page 169B

محرف muharraf corrupted (word)

تحريف tahrif pl. -at alteration change distortion perversion corruption esp. phonetic corruption of a word

Oh more evidence from Arabic language dictionary? let us read the meaning of the word Corrupt in Arab


And here is the word in Arabic حَوّرَ , حَرّفَ , فَسَدَ or changed corrupted or spoiled

How come you did not know that?

you are wrong.

Sorry but the wrong is you or your sources are not telling us kuffar the truth

In Islam, the bible and the torah are not corrupted as such, but modified or distorted.

Really? so where does it say in the Qur'an that ان الانجيل والتوراة كتب غير محرفة oh I forgot and that the OT and NT are only حَوّرَ , حَرّفَ , فَسَدَ but the disaster here is as I just told you Arabic language dictionaries tell us that this means that this means that they are corrupted

Now you tell me why the twists and turns?

I am not a Muslim if I don't believe in the divinity of the Bible and the Torah.

Then congratulations but you are not a Muslim anymore now you think that i should tell your Arab masters in Oman that you believe that the OT and NT are divine? what do you think would happen to you? Hint: Deportation

But you know what? neither the Jews nor the Christians care about what you believe or do not believe about their holy books

But I am asked to be cautious about them, as certain parts of the two holy books are distorted, not corrupted.

Mr ignorant to distort a text means to corrupt the text but I'm curious how come Allah who pre-plans all did not stop the Jews and the Christians from corrupting his words after all he tells us that no one can change his words so some one is a liar here

Oh the Qur'an? It is also a corrupted book would you like to know more? just ask

The Arabic word used is "حرف"

Oh you mean the root ح ر ف or do you mean حَرفَ? You cannot be an Arab unless you have no clue about basic Arabic language grammar

from the verb "تحريف"

تحريف is a verb? Mr ignorant the verb is يحرف you cannot be an Arab you are too and you must pardon me ignorant

I have no respect for you and more evidence that you are not an Arab but a wannabe Arab

which more accurately translates to distorted or imprecise, not corrupted.

Shame on you for telling us the meaning of an Arabic word when you clearly have no command of basic Arabic grammar

As to your question why I quote the bible, it is to answer the gentleman who postulates that Christianity in the way it is written is for the salvation of mankind, and I pointed him to the "distortion" in the bible with regards to its treatment of the Canaanites.

And my question again why do you quote a corrupted book to prove a point?

Oh I see you got caught with your pants down

And it will be of great help to all, if your arguments are wee bit more civil. There is no need to be abusive.

The only thing you will get from me would be sarcasm

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Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (32) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Real Islam vs moderate Islam [161 words]SilasFeb 20, 2014 21:29213318
modern islam and lawsuit of arab-- [38 words]errJan 18, 2014 10:37212722
Only 100 years of islamism? [168 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
HenkJan 7, 2014 21:59212512
this happen in the Bible as well [23 words]Sheila Seabreeze-BeyFeb 15, 2014 18:15212512
Moderate Islam As The Solution [375 words]Mark DJan 7, 2014 21:10212509
Evolve? How? [154 words]Jason PappasJan 4, 2014 09:19212472
Moderate Islam [34 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mark D.Dec 29, 2013 21:57212387
To The Standard-Bearer [115 words]Mark DDec 30, 2013 22:09212387
1None can 'improve' Islam [34 words]George KeselmanDec 29, 2013 14:09212374
1Islamic doctrine [82 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AlexDec 16, 2013 19:10212186
8no such thing [87 words]Alan DowningDec 15, 2013 06:59212161
4You did what no one can do [116 words]PrashantDec 13, 2013 01:34212129
India and Islam [53 words]Mark D.Dec 29, 2013 21:36212129
2Islamism in South Asia [13 words]KPSDec 10, 2013 02:48212097
9Confused [180 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
LarryDec 8, 2013 19:08212071
5Would agree with Larry [49 words]AnonDec 8, 2013 21:25212071
1Confused [178 words]LarryDec 14, 2013 18:28212071
2Islamism or Islam both use the same koran. [87 words]rodney allsworthDec 19, 2013 21:02212071
Islam Evolves Just Like The Rest [33 words]Mark D.Dec 29, 2013 21:40212071
1The Roman Catholic Church [65 words]Mark DDec 29, 2013 21:51212071
Too bad the salvation was not extended to cananites [71 words]Abdulkarim Al-HabsiJan 29, 2014 10:16212071
1Why do you quote a corrupted book to prove a point? [263 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 1, 2014 10:09212071
1Too bad Allah being the so called al-Rhaman wa al-Rahim but his Rahma was not extended to your Hindu ancestors [56 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 1, 2014 10:18212071
1Too bad the salvation was not extended to cananites [213 words]Abdulkarim Al-habsiFeb 3, 2014 23:50212071
6Teaching Arabic to wannabe Arabs [983 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 7, 2014 09:55212071
1Will not stoop to your level [115 words]Abdulkarim Al-HabsiFeb 8, 2014 00:14212071
3no clear definitions [197 words]Mohammed Wazir AhkspaidarFeb 8, 2014 23:02212071
5The Qur'an also says that the OT and NT cannot be corrupted! [812 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 9, 2014 08:21212071
1Our dear Abdul: why do you quote a corrupted book to prove a point? [548 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 11, 2014 07:52212071
The Story Behind Why G-d Cursed Canaan - a lesson for all time. [182 words]orange yonasonFeb 11, 2014 20:44212071
5Violence in the Qur'an including murder war and terrorism [121 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 13, 2014 07:44212071
2The big time fraud of Ahmad Deedat and his Muslim victims [195 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 26, 2014 13:00212071

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