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valueless value judgements

Reader comment on item: The Mundane Origins of Germany's Huge Turkish Population
in response to reader comment: Islam: The Future Religion of the West

Submitted by Mohammed Waza Khiddif id'Ullah (United States), Nov 8, 2016 at 04:45

The Word Islam comes from the Root word Salam which means peace. That is how Muslims greets each other saying Salam Alaeykum(Peace be Upon you) or when Jewish brothers say "Shalom(Peace)

Gee, did it take you a long time to develop your didactic style, trying to make irrelevant points mean something? Of course you must have had a lot of practice at exactly that - teaching as you did in an islamic school. The word 'peace' comes from the Latin word 'pax'. Now isn't that just so amazing and relevant? What it does not do - is give you any idea what peace means or give you the experience of pace. Peace for some people is coming home from work, cracking a beer and watching TV on the sofa. For others it's going fishing. For others it means the lack of overt hostile actions between warring groups.

- The word 'peace' means a different thing to everyone. Calling something 'peace' - or 'peaceful' does not make it so. And especially for people who live in delusions and base their life around their collective imagination of fables of times gone by in foreign cultures- remember the word is not the thing.

"...It is the 21st century but many people still live in darkness.
Yes, some cultures live in darkness. Some are continually at war among themselves and with others. The rest are getting on with discovering and applying science in every field of endeavor.

instead of searching for real the truth, they have been following the way they have been brainwashed on.
I could not have phrased your condition any better - except I'd have steered clear of the grammatical mistake of the preposition 'on' you've attached to the end. I'd have used 'by'.

" Islam is the final celestial religion which have come for all mankind, for any time till doomsday and any where. "

You know, when I watch the news - I notice that 4 out of 5 comments of most people on virtually any subject should always be prefaced by ''.. in my opinion or just ' ' I think that ...'
Your statement is purely and simply a VALUE JUDGEMENT. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_judgment It is a belief that is meaningful for you - but by no means universally meaningful or true.

"Islam is the terminator of all other religions.
Another value judgement with no basis in reality.
"The Terminator is a fictional autonomous robot from the Terminator franchise portrayed by both Arnold Schwarzenegger .."

Islam is the terminator of commonsense and rationality.

" people have to search for the truth. they should not decide based on their prejudice, bias and story-typing.
... ironically, said with all sincerity by someone who has never dared step outside his cultural conditioning and the miasma of his crazy mega-cult's beliefs.

i.e. do not use discernment to evaluate proof of the very much unsupported proposition that muslims are inherently peaceful people, more peaceful than any Buddhists, Christians, Jews or Hindus.

When sister of the former British PM and so many women returned to Islam some inquisitive students begun to ask, why the West comes to Islam... "
Amazing that you can so distort meaning in one sentence. Lots of practice , eh? A few women, and many of them disturbed individuals decide to dress up in middle eastern clothes - and you label that as 'the West coming to Islam' ? Why do you not mention the numbers of Westerners who see through it after a short time and leave? Do we detect some bias here or something?

"..despite deliberate distortion in the Media and constant sponsorship against Islam?
Reporting the truth of a situation pictorially and in text is not deliberate distortion. It is called exposure

As a reminder, Pharaoh killed male children but Moses was brought up in his house. Allah guides whom so ever He wishes.
Allah tells me he wants you to understand that islam is not beyond criticism, truth has nothing to do with fables, and that muslims must learn to leave the distant past in the distant past and leave all their conditioning and predefined beliefs aside wake up and look at reality and realise that islam is nothing more than beliefs held in common mostly by particular ethnic sub-groups.

"Islam is undefeatable! "
Really... put your triumphalism back in your pants.
Islam is just a word. At best - a confused set of beliefs that all muslims do not even agree upon. It is has very little to do with realisation.

"..educate yourselves on Islam before it's too late.
Thanks for the pep talk, but don't worry - we're doing exactly that . We do realize the urgency. Hence the proliferation of these sorts of sites and the huge dawning realization by the public in so many countries of the deleterious effects islam has on individuals and countries. Other cultures, like India , need no such education as they already know. You'd think every Pakistani would know why Pakistan was created,

Step out of your comfort zone and ask yourself why is Islam always being demonized by the media.
Step out of YOUR comfort zone and ask why so many people from s many cultures, speaking so many languages have a common perception of the non-worth of islam in their scieties.

Why isn't anything good being told about Islam?
Because history teaches and video shows - that it produces the most backward , hate-filled, fanatics willing to do anything at all to further the progress of their delusions of an islamic utopia. And the muslims comfortably living in the West? All they talk about is this mythical 'islam' - yet have no clue what it actually is. Don't spout' 'islam' means peace. Buddhists have peace, so do Hindu saddhus. So do people of any religion.

Do you honestly think you know all there is to Islam.
Do you?
And do you honestly think you know all there is to know about Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism?

"It is the fastest growing religion in the world.
You mean by reason of the fact that muslim women keep using their bodies abilities to clone human beings an keep popping them out irresponsibly, allowing children to grow up in societies ripe with poverty, disease and war? Do you have facts and figures or are you just happy with your beliefs. Islam is the religion with the fastest growing number of people who ditch it... at least in the West where they have the freedom to do just that. No such freedom in muslim countries of course. I can see why Mr Ahmed hasn't mentioned pesky little points like that - doesn't really help with the rosy image he's trying to paint, does it?.

More women convert in Europe than men. Yet Islam oppresses women?
Yes, strange that, isn't it . . . and a little sad? It clearly underlines the fact that some women are mentally ill and have masochistic tendencies.

"...Islam says that it is a duty for every Muslim to recognize and respect Jesus, Moses, and all true prophets and their true teachings. This is repeatedly recorded in the Holy Qur'an.."
But the muslims never tell you what those 'true teachings' are - because they don't know them.

Islam is the fastest growing faith in Britain. Hundreds and thousands of Brits are reverting to Islam. By the middle of this century, over half of Brits would be Muslims.
Another toxic sleight of hand. They are not 'reverting' to anything. If they were originally muslim - which they were not , and they left islam - and then went back into it - that could be considered 'reverting'. Otherwise not. To be a muslim - you have to recite the 'shahada' right - and do hajj at least once etc. So anybody before 7th century cannot be 'muslim' - so please don't try the old 'Moses was a muslim, Jesus was a muslim ', 'Buddha was a muslim' BS

"...The Orientologist Bernard Lewis said that, by 2100, England will be an Islamic country in terms of its education system, its population, the predominance of religion, the rollout of Islamic law. It has already happened in towns and areas of big cities.

Ahh, the nonagenarian Bernard Lewis. Yes, he must be fully clued up.

"I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of
its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age.

All this talk of people who burn the Koran and nothing about the people who reacted in such a stupid way. We are always blaming the victim and not holding them -- not most Muslims, but at least a large part of Muslim culture that doesn't condemn their people... There is one religion in the world that kills you when you disagree with them and they say 'look, we are a religion of peace and if you disagree we'll f**king cut your head off, and nobody calls them on it -- there are very few people that will call them on it. It's like if Dad is a violent drunk and beats his kids, you don't blame the kid because he set Dad off. You blame Dad because he's a violent drunk.
-Bill Maher

<>"Having thus given a cursory view of the Quran, I lay it before the sensible persons with the purpose that they should know what kind of book the Quran is. If they ask me, I have no hesitation to say that it can not be the work either of God or of a learned man, nor can it be a book of knowledge. Here its very vital defect has been exposed with the object that the people may not waste their life falling into its imposition... The Quran is the result of ignorance, the source of animalization of human being, a fruitful cause of destroying peace, an incentive to war, a propagator of hostility among men and a promoter of suffering in society. As to defect of repetition, the Quran is its store.
- Dayanand Saraswati

I think Mr Ahmed wold find it difficult to read the thoughts of lots of bright people with hundreds of years of insight at: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Quotations_on_Islam_from_Notable_Non-Muslims


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (35) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
11961 a strange reversal of 1941 [145 words]mythNov 10, 2016 04:17233922
1"We called for workers but humans came." [231 words]RomanisNov 3, 2016 05:49233771
migrants in German prisons [97 words]mythNov 8, 2016 05:36233771
Question about those Turks who stayed [46 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
MikeOct 31, 2016 04:46233728
a very old generation of German politicians [178 words]mythNov 5, 2016 06:39233728
"Never buy a car from a Turk!" [280 words]JoeOct 30, 2016 22:51233723
Islam: The Future Religion of the West [575 words]Iftikhar AhmadNov 5, 2016 13:43233723
1valueless value judgements [1737 words]Mohammed Waza Khiddif id'UllahNov 8, 2016 04:45233723
2migration stream flees islamic countries [71 words]mythNov 8, 2016 05:03233723
1Islam Taslam and GB will never by a Muslim country [117 words]dhimmi no moreNov 8, 2016 14:23233723
wrong [30 words]JoeNov 8, 2016 20:49233723
1Mass Immigration Sign Of Dangerous Weakness [294 words]DaveOct 30, 2016 18:22233715
1Immigration [755 words]Iftikhar AhmadOct 30, 2016 13:32233708
language in Germany different from other European countries and the small role of Islam for Turks [182 words]mythOct 31, 2016 06:58233708
Not Unintended Consequences - Assimilation is a Western Word Never Allowed in the Orient [311 words]M. ToveyOct 31, 2016 11:21233708
Democracy and secularism in all countries but Islamic countries [138 words]PrashantOct 31, 2016 22:47233708
2shock horror [1377 words]Mohammed Waza Khiddif id'UllahNov 5, 2016 01:33233708
2Re: The Mundane Origins of Germany's Huge Turkish Population [142 words]Bill NarveyOct 30, 2016 10:25233707
why Turks?! [16 words]ThiagoNov 3, 2016 15:19233707
1How Germany spotted Turkey and needed so many [374 words]mythNov 5, 2016 05:47233707
3The German-Turkish flag image [62 words]DavidOct 30, 2016 09:13233705
3Fully Agree [43 words]Michael Hanni MorcosOct 30, 2016 18:33233705
1this particular German-Turkish flag does demonstrate assimilation [146 words]mythOct 31, 2016 07:11233705
2Turks in Germany. [178 words]VIRAJOct 30, 2016 03:06233701
3They will Never Assimilate [29 words]Michael Hanni MorcosOct 30, 2016 02:40233700
Jihad [805 words]Iftikhar AhmadOct 30, 2016 15:52233700
a bilingual contribution to German [178 words]mythOct 31, 2016 07:31233700
1Defining a Just Cause - and What is Not. [402 words]M ToveyNov 1, 2016 11:51233700
2If you ever wondered what Muslim schools in the U.K are like, read-skim his comment [89 words]anonNov 2, 2016 17:28233700
1we agree [101 words]Mohammed Waza Khiddif id'UllahNov 5, 2016 01:44233700
1it's OK [126 words]Mohammed Waza Khiddif id'UllahNov 5, 2016 01:50233700
2Ibn Manzur's Lisan al-Arab tells us that Jihad means Holy War and a Mujahid is a terrorist holy warrior [407 words]dhimmi no moreNov 7, 2016 14:03233700
2Jihad means Holy War as per Ibn Manzur's Lisan al-Arab and teaching Arabic to our dear Iftikhar [168 words]dhimmi no moreNov 8, 2016 14:04233700
3Delusions [83 words]dhimmi no moreNov 8, 2016 14:12233700
re: a bilingual contribution to German [65 words]AlexelaNov 12, 2016 04:02233700

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