Please read and add any atrocities you can think of and then send to your friends so that they may add some:Reader comment on item: Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism Submitted by Freedom of Speech (United States), Aug 1, 2008 at 17:30 Reading tonight about some aspect of the current Middle East situation, a wave of revulsion towards everything muslim overcame me. Please excuse me now, because I am going to rant. I became aware of how much we seem to have to think about muslims, and how little they deserve to be thought about. How much of our public discourse has been focused on muslims and the impact they have on our civilization and the world? For the last 30 or 40 years, and especially for the last 15, it has been muslims, muslims, muslims, seemingly 24/7. How much of our creativity, energy, and emotion has been wasted because of these cursed people and their foul 'religion'? Butchering athletes at the Olympics. Shooting a disabled elderly man, confined to a wheelchair, in the head and then pushing him off a cruise ship into the Mediterranean to drown. Hijacking planes. Shooting women in the back of the head and throwing them out of the plane onto the tarmac. Invading neighboring countries and using chemical weapons, something that to my knowledge had not been done since the civilized world recoiled from them after the First World War. Hanging gay teenagers. Stoning women to death in bags. Mutilating the genitals of pubescent girls. Butchering their own daughters for daring to have a boyfriend, or for being raped! Swarthy men, all wearing mustaches, yelling and shooting guns in the air like idiots, chanting and hopping around in a frenzy of testosterone. Jumping around in an adolescent frenzy at Khomeini's funeral until his body was jarred loose from the coffin. Celebrating death, beating themselves on the back with swords until they are bloody. Sawing the heads off of gentle female charity workers, innocent businessmen, journalists. Shrieking "God is Great" as they commit the foulest kinds of atrocities, throwing the corpses of God's beloved children on the ground in front of Him and thinking that this would please Him! Crashing airliners full of innocent, terrified people into skyscrapers full of innocent, terrified people. Butchering people in subways, buses, shops. Butchering brides and grooms and families at weddings. Shooting mothers and their little children in their cars. Chasing, catching, and chopping off the heads of schoolgirls walking to school. Butchering children in their beds. Leaving girls to burn to death in a school on fire rather than let their "modesty" be compromised by letting them escape into the street and thus be seen by men. Coming as guests into other people's countries, then leaving butcher knives stuck in the chests of their artists in the streets. Bullying our writers and cartoonists into silence, into hiding. In our own nations! Gang-raping our girls and women, calling them whores, robbing and beating and murdering the peaceful people of our countries who welcomed them as refugees, who offered them hospitality, schooling, housing, clothing, food, and money to help them get on their feet. We who asked nothing in return - not even to adopt our language and culture. We who have bent over backwards to offer every concession, every consideration. The list of atrocities they have committed in just the last thirty years goes on, and on, and on, and on. I'm sure you can think of many more examples. Then read about Charles Martel and how he saved Western civilization from the muslims in 732, and begin to grasp that these contemptible barbarians, these savages, have been threatening our peoples since this cursed Arab death cult was founded in the Dark Ages. I am so deeply sick and tired of everything muslim, everything Arab. I am sick of their mosques, of their "Allah Ahkbar", their repulsive conviction that they are doing God's will when they murder people who do not adhere to their cult beliefs. I'm sick of their pride in their flowery poetry, their empty "Mother of All Battles" hyperbole. These backward desert nobodies, these mustachio'd, over-testosteroned, under-IQ'd bullies who have contributed nothing of meaning to world culture in a thousand years. Strutting around, insisting on "respect", threatening, beating, killing in order to demand "respect". This is their idea of how one earns respect! Not through accomplishment or greatness, but through brutality and murder and subjugation. These ignorant thugs who teach their children through rote repetition of their cult handbook, who wouldn't have so much as a light bulb hanging from a bare wire if they hadn't had oil under their feet to pay their bills for free. Oil which was found by us, developed by us, using technologies developed by us, to power things invented by us. These primitives whose every country is a thugocracy, who can't manage an honest election on their own, anywhere in their Arab world. I'm sick of their black turbans and beards, their women walking our streets in bags, the checkered cloths they wrap around their faces to hide their identities while protesting in our streets and beating and intimidating our citizens and burning our cars. I'm sick of bellydancers, of camels, of scimitars, of calls to prayer, of minarets, the Hajj, Mecca, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Palestinians. I'm sick of Saddam, Osama, Zarqawi, Uday, Qusay, Zawahiri, this endless litany of sick human monsters with their Arab names. These empty nobodies strutting around, contributing nothing to the beauty or quality or excellence of the world, only killing, ego, threats, beheadings, death. These muslims, these Arabs, they have no honor. No integrity. No respect for the lives of others, for the right of others to live free and unenslaved by them. Since this foul cult was founded fifteen hundred years ago, our society, our way of life has been more or less continuously under threat from these childish, brutal people with pauses only when they felt they were too weak to harm us. Fifteen hundred years of these animals invading, murdering, raping! How many countless number of our people have been savaged by them through the centuries? And is there any doubt - is there the slightest shadow of doubt - that if they ever have the chance to do so, that they will enslave and rape and butcher us all now, to the last one of us? Is there any chance at all that they would be any different than their cursed forefathers who tried to conquer and enslave Europe in the past? Who took the men and women of the Caucasus from their homes and bred them like animals to be their galley slaves and concubines? We have given them every possible benefit of the doubt, every assistance, every courtesy, to an extent unequaled in the history of the world. And still they behave like Dark Age savages. And not just a few of them - but millions of them. Yes, some among them despair of these things too. But it is their culture, their people, their religion, their responsibility. They have not stopped it. Too few make any attempt to do so. We should not and cannot wait any longer for them. These cursed Middle Easterners and their sick cult religion. I am so very, very tired of them. I would need a twenty year vacation from anything Islamic or Middle Eastern before I could stomach the mention of them again.
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