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Reader comment on item: Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism
in response to reader comment: Response to "Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism"

Submitted by Sardar Anees Ahmad (United States), Mar 7, 2006 at 21:14

"Dear Mr Sardar: How can Muslims not respect biblical prophets since Mohammed claimed to be one of them and sent by the same God?"

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) never claimed to be a biblical prophet. The only thing Prophet Muhammad claimed was the fulfillment of the prophecies that we find in the Old and New Testament, Hindu Scriptures, Buddhist Scriptures, etc.

"However they insult all other Gods and call them fake."

The Holy Quran declares that there is no God but the One True God, whose personal name in Arabic is Allah. The only ‘gods' the Holy Quran denounces are those innumerable gods the polytheists take as eternal and powerful deities. However the Holy Quran does not condone any foul talk regarding any other faith, despite its strong rebuke of polytheism. Verily, the Holy Quran declares, "And He has already revealed to you in the Book that when you hear the Signs of God being denied and mocked at, sit not with those who indulge in such talk until they engage in some other talk; for in that case you would be like them. Surely Allah will assemble the hypocrite and the disbelievers in Hell, all together" (4:140).

"And abuse not those whom they call upon besides Allah, lest they, out of spite, abuse Allah in their ignorance. Thus unto every people have We caused their doings to seem fair. Then unto their Lord is their return; And He will inform them of what they used to do" (6:108).

"Quran calls for the death of their adherents (9.4)"

(9:4) is a most celebrated verse amongst Muslim extremists and Islamic critics. Both groups, however, have taken this verse and other similar verses totally out of context. The full verse reads thus:

• "And when the forbidden months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever you find them and take them captive, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they repent and observe Prayer and pay the Zakaat, then leave their way free. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful" (9:4).
The "forbidden months" refer to the 4 months in (9:1) which were meant to grant a respite to idolaters to travel through the land in safety and see if Islam had triumphed. When the months had passed, war was to be resumed upon those tribes which were traditionally hostile to the Muslims and whose very existence was centered on the notion of annihilating the Muslims. Those who were not guilty of treachery or mischief were to remain unmolested (9:3, 5). The words, "…and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush" does not indicate that the Muslims should be thirsty for the blood of the pagans. Rather, it serves as a warning to the Muslims to be on strict watch of them. At this time in history, the Eastern Roman Empire was preparing an attack on the Muslims, which only added to the danger that was already in play due to the evil plots of the Arabs. Anyone who disputes this interpretation need to only look at the conduct of Prophet Muhammad and his loyal followers who endured 13 long years of senseless and unbearable torture without lifting a finger. In total, less than 500 people lost there lives in all the battles combined during Prophet Muhammad's life. This patient and forgiving behavior to a society which claimed the lives of so many Muslims can only indicate that the Muslims are told to be on guard at all times in this verse.
You conveniently forgot the very next verse that declares categorically that if any idolater seeks the protection of the Muslims, it must be granted to him: "And if anyone of the idolaters seeks protection of thee, grant him protection so that he may hear the Word of Allah; then convey him to his place of security. That is because they are a people who have no knowledge" (9:5). It is also worthy of note that conversion to Islam was at its peak during the 2 years of peace as a result of the Treaty of Hudaibiya. No sane person can argue that at a time when Muslims were of no threat to any outsider and peace was secure, that non-Muslims were forced into conversion. Swords can bend heads, but not minds.
"Only concession is to people of the book who can live as second-class dhimmies after giving protection money, called Jizya."

The status of non-Muslims during the time of Prophet Muhammad and the 4 Righteous Caliphs was nothing less than paradise. Firstly, the jizya tax non-Muslims had to pay was actually less than the Zakaat incumbent upon Muslims to run the state. Secondly, this jizya made non-Muslims exempt from military duty. It was only the Muslims who had to fight in battle if the need arose. Tell me is there any soldier today who would not gladly pay a small tax (less than 2.5%) to become exempt from military service in Iraq? Moreover, non-Muslims were guaranteed freedom of religion as never before seen. A famous example is that of Hazrat Omar, the 2nd Caliph, who, after conquering Jerusalem, granted Jews all the fundamental rights deserved by any citizen, including the freedom of religion. This was definitely not the case when the Christians or the Jews conquered Jerusalem.

Yes, we do find tyrants in Islam's history such as Hajjaj bin Yusuf or Saddam Hussein. But there are black sheep in every religion. If the gentleman wants to take some rogue ‘Islamic' rulers as an indicator of good Muslims, then how would we view Christianity after the actions of David Koresh, or Timothy McVeigh, Marshall Herff Apple. And what of the Spanish Inquisition, the genocide of the American Indians and the African slaves, the German Nazis, the KKK, etc.?

"However Quran blasphemes all religions:"

This is such an utterly baseless claim. No verse of the Holy Quran or any action of Prophet Muhammad or the 4 righteous Caliphs gives support to this bogus objection.

"Gods of all other religions shall be the fuel of Hell (21:98-100)"

This is blasphemy? That Allah tells man to shun the worship of false gods so that they may be saved from destruction? It seems as though the gentleman treats mercy and blasphemy as interchangeable entities! Regarding the rejection of false gods, Allah declares, "Nor does it befit him that he should bid you to take the angels and the Prophets for lords. What! Would he enjoin you to disbelieve after you have submitted to God" (3:80)?

"All Gods except Allah are created, dead and false, they all lead to hell (16:20-21,
25:17-19, 29:41-42,37:22-24)"

If there is only 1 Supreme Being (a concept accepted by Muslims, Jews, Sikh's, Native Americans, Aborigines, Christians, and even Hindu's) by whatever name you call Him, then undoubtedly any deity that is worshipped other than that One Perfect Being is obviously a man-made notion. Worshipping man-made deities will no doubt spell destruction for man. Moreover, all religions above adhere to the same principle, so what of Islam's criticism?

Also, Allah is the name of the Supreme Being who is the sole possessor of all perfect attributes and free from any and all defects. It is never used for any entity other than God, never used in the plural but is instead a simple substantive, not derived (Lane). Islam stands alone in this regard, as no other religion gives such a personal name to God. So Allah does not refer only to the God of Muslims, but describes that Being Who is the Sovereign and Master of the Universe.

"Jesus was a Muslim and a slave/servant of Allah, and not his son (3:52, 4:171-172,
5:115-117, 5:111-112)"

This statement shows how utterly ignorant the gentleman is of the Arabic language. The word used for slave in relation to prophets is ‘abd' – it is the same word used in Kalima Shahada when referring to Prophet Muhammad. Abd implies total obedience to Allah and total annihilation of the self. What greater compliment could one receive than to be declared by God Himself to be devoid of any selfishness and totally submissive to God Almighty? Other prophets of God, such as Abraham (pbuh), have also been referred to as Muslims denoting their total annihilation of the self and utter devotion to God. The word ‘Muslim' used in the Holy Quran does not always mean one who recites the Kalima.

Regarding Jesus Christ not being the Son of God, should every religion then bow before Christian doctrine and willy-nilly accept this belief? Surely then any non-Muslim is guilty of blasphemy by not believing in the prophethood of Muhammad, and every Buddhist for not believing in all the Israelite prophets, and every Sikh for not believing in atonement.

"Crucifixion of Jesus is a lie (4:157)"

If Muslims do not adhere to a basic tenet of Christianity, does this translate to blasphemy? Only one utterly devoid of sense would utter such a statement. Let us not forget that Muslims believe death on the cross to be an accursed death, the same belief as the Jews, as has been documented in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 21:22-23). If we were to agree with the gentleman's ‘argument,' then would a Sikh or a Jew also be guilty of blasphemy? Moreover the Holy Quran, far from maligning the holy character of Jesus Christ (pbuh), exonerates him from this punishment and declares that his spiritual status was raised (4:159). What a blasphemous statement!

"Doctrine of trinity is infidelity and disbelief, a painful doom awaits for those disbelievers
who believe in trinity (5:73)"

If I were to ask (and I have) many Christians what is my fate if I deny Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, the same answer that the Quran furnishes for believers in Trinity would be furnished. Indeed, Muslims believe that polytheism is the most abhorrent thing. If Islam declares there to be no Trinity (just like Sikhism or Judaism) how is this something that can be held against a faith? If Islam declares this way of life to lead people to destruction, then would it not be a crime to not say so? This verse does not declare any employment of coercion to change the views of those who support the doctrine of Trinity. It is only a warning for those who are seekers of truth (e.g. 2:256, 5:67).

It is also important to note that Islam does not promote any idea of salvation being monopolized. The Holy Quran has stated over and over again that while Islam is the best and most complete path, if ANY human lives a righteous life they shall be the inmates of Heaven (e.g. 2:62, 5:69).

"Christians corrupted the true message (5:14, 15)"

Firstly, if the Holy Quran had not declared there to be a flaw of some sort in the Bible, Prophet Muhammad would have no claim in his prophethood. A prophet comes when a society, or even the world as a whole, is in moral disarray. Oftentimes he does not bring a new Law but comes as a reviver of the existing Law (e.g. Prophet Isaac (pbuh), Prophet Ishmael (pbuh), Prophet John the Baptist (pbuh)). The coming of a new Law is necessitated when man has become capable of being instructed in a more detailed doctrine, and has also immersed himself in evil and vice. So if Prophet Muhammad, who claimed to bring the first and only universal teaching, had not declared there to be inconsistencies in the Bible, his prophethood would have no footing. The truth of Prophet Muhammad's claim to prophethood is NOT the issue here – only what were the criteria for any new Law-bringer prophet to meet in order for his claim to be taken seriously.

Secondly, the words of the Quran are "And from those also who say, ‘We are Christians' We took a covenant, but they too have forgotten a good part of that with which they were exhorted…" This shows that the Holy Quran is mentioning only a party from amongst the Christians and not the entire Christian world. Verily, the Holy Quran declares time and time again that there are those from amongst the People of the Book who are a God-fearing and righteous people (e.g. 2:62; 5:44, 69; 7:159).

Aside from the above, non-Muslim scholars also adhere to the belief that the Bible has suffered interpolations. As the gentleman has only cited verses where Christians have been accused of perverting God's word, we shall only give evidence to support this claim. We have not cited these excerpts to enter into a debate of the factual accuracy of these excerpts. It is only to show that it is not only Muslims who believe what the Quran has declared. A debate on the truth of the claim in (5:15-16) is a totally separate discussion:

• The facts relating to the composition of the Gospels, which have reached us from the ancient historians of the Church, are so uncertain and so slender that no definite conclusion can be drawn from them. Even the best authorities seem to accept as gospel truth the speculations current in their time, and, and out sheer reverence, those who come after accept their authority. The narratives, partly false and partly true, pass from one writer to another and after a time begin to be treated as though they were above criticism (Bible Commentary by Horn Vol. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 2, 1882)

• The first Epistle of Peter is genuine but his second Epistle has never been part of the Holy Book, but has been current in reading (Eusebius in ‘History of the Church')

• The Epistle of James & Jude, the second Epistle of Peter, and the second and third Epistles of John have all been held in great doubt (Eusebius in ‘History of the Church' Ch. 25)

• The NT was written by Christians for Christians; it was moreover written in Greek for Greek-speaking communities, and the style of writing (with the exception, possibly, of the Apocalypse) was that of current literary composition. There has been no real break in the continuity of the Greek-speaking Church and we find accordingly that few real blunders of writing are met with in the leading types of the extant texts. This state of things has not prevented variations; but they are not for the most part accidental. An overwhelming majority of the ‘various readings' of the MSS of the NT were from the very first intentional alterations. The NT in very early times had no canonical authority, and alterations and additions were actually made where they seemed improvements (Encyclopedia Biblica Vol. IV p. 4980).

• What is certain is that by the middle of the fourth century, Latin biblical MSS exhibited a most confusing variety of text, caused at least in part by revision from later Greek MSS as well as by modifications of the Latin phraseology. This confusion lasted until all the ‘Old Latin' texts were supplanted by the revised version of Jerome (383-400 A.D) which was undertaken at the request of Pope Damasus and ultimately became the Vulgate of the Western Church (Encyclopedia Biblica Vol. IV p. 4993).

• More important than these external matters are the variations which in course of time crept into the text itself. Many of these variations were slips of the eye, ear, memory, or judgment on the part of a copyist, who had no intention to do otherwise than follow what lay before him. But transcribers, and especially early transcribers, by no means aimed at that minute accuracy which is expected of a modern critical editor. Corrections were made in the interest of grammar or of style. Slight changes were adopted in order to remove difficulties, additions came in, especially from parallel narratives in the Gospels, citations from the Old Testament were made more exact or more complete. That all this was done in perfect good faith, and simply because no strict conception of the duty of a copyist existed, is especially clear from the almost entire absence of deliberate falsification of the texts in the interests of doctrinal controversy…glosses or notes originally written on the margin, very often ended by being taken into the text, and that the custom of reading the Scriptures in public worship naturally brought in liturgical additions, such as the doxology of the Lord's Prayer; while the commencement of an ecclesiastical lesson torn from its proper context had often to be supplemented by a few explanatory words, which soon came to be regarded as part of the original (Enc. Brit. 12 Edition, Vol. III, p.646)

• A considerable portion of the NT is made up of writings not directly apostolic (Enc. Brit. 12 Edition, Vol. III, p.643)

• Every book in the NT, with the exception of the four great Epistles of St. Paul, is at present more or less the subject of controversy, and interpolations are asserted even in these (Enc. Brit. 12 Edition, Vol. III, p.643)

"People of the book (Jews and Christians) are evil doers, some of whom were converted
into apes and swine for their disbelief (5:59-60)"

If the gentleman's intent here is to imply that the Holy Quran has declared all Jews and Christians as hell-bound, nothing could be farther from the truth. Of righteous Christians, Jews, or any religious following the Holy Quran has declared that among them are those who shall be the inmates of Paradise (2:62, 5:69). Context dictates that those Jews and Christians who are evildoers truly had an evil nature. The Holy Quran states, "O ye who believe! Take not those for friends who make a jest and sport of your religion from among those who were given the Book before you, and the disbelievers. And fear Allah if you are believers; And who, when you call people to Prayer, take it for a jest and sport. This is because they are people who do not understand (5:57-58)… And when they come to you, they say, ‘We believe,' while they enter with disbelief and go out therewith; and Allah best knows what they hide (5:61).

Regarding the claim that Islam declares such evildoers to literally be turned into apes and swine, I must say it is laughable. Has the gentleman heard of metaphors? Jesus Christ (pbuh) himself used similar language to those who would not desist in their disbelief, "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you" (Matthew 7:6). Those who were ‘turned' into apes and swine are disbelievers who acquired filthy qualities of those animals.

"Jews say Ezra is son of God and Christians say Jesus is son of God, they are liars and perverts, May Allah destroy them (9:29)"

Firstly, the word ‘pervert' is not found in (9:29) or in the preceding/following verses. Second, if a religion believes that God taking a son is the worst crime that can be attributed to God, then it is fitting for Muslims to pray for the end of such a belief. It should also be noted that the Holy Quran is speaking of a specific kind of ‘Jews' and ‘Christians.' "O ye who believe! Surely, the idolaters are unclean…" (9:27) tells us that firstly it is those people who only by name are Jews or Christians and seek to pervert the Word of God, as is indicative of the explanation of (9:27) at the end of this article.

Also, the full verse reads, "And the Jews say, 'Ezra is the son of Allah,' and the Christians say, 'the Messiah is the son of Allah;' that is what they say with their mouths. They only imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before them. Allah's curse be on them! How they are turned away" (9:29). It is noteworthy that Allah states that these people believe this with only ‘their mouths' and has NOT said they believe this with ‘their hearts.' This shows that it is only those people who have purposely perverted the message of the Torah and the Gospel who are to be recipients of God's curse. This idea is further strengthened when Allah further explains the actions of these hypocrites, "O ye who believe! Surely, many of the priest and the monks devour the wealth of men by false means and turn men away from the way of Allah. And those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah - give to them the tidings of a painful punishment" (9:33). So those who knowingly pervert God's word and hoard innocent Jews and Christian's money are addressed here. If a pious Christian or Jew truly believes in the teachings we find today in the Old and New Testament and is not guilty of the crimes listed above, then that Curse of Allah is not applicable to them. The Wrath of Allah only comes upon those who repeatedly test God and His Way after knowing that they are misleading the masses.

"Quran also calls all non Muslims evil (2:99)"

Nay, only the biased nature of the gentleman is evil! How unjust and unfortunate is the state of a man who deliberately misquotes and distorts Scripture. Neither does the verse, nor context, give support to the gentleman's claim. The Holy Quran states, "Say, ‘Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel' - for he it is who has caused it to descend on thy heart by the command of Allah, fulfilling that revelation which precedes it, and is a guidance and glad tidings to the believers. ‘Whoever is an enemy to Allah, and His angels, and His Messengers, and Gabriel, and Michael, then surely, Allah is an enemy to such disbelievers'" (2:98-99).

Allah declares that anyone who is an enemy of any of His prophets is an enemy to Allah. The word ‘adu (enemy) connotes those who openly and secretly oppose the mission of a prophet and thus become victim of God's Wrath. It does not apply to God-fearing and righteous people. Indeed, the lofty status of those who truly followed the prophets of past is loved by Allah, "Surely, the nearest of men to Abraham are those who followed him and this prophet and those who believe in him, and Allah is the Friend of the believers" (3:68). The gentleman is also requested to look over the following verses as only sample of the attitude of the Quran to non-Muslims: (2:130, 132-133, 135; 3:67, 95; 5:111; 22:78; 37:103).

Allah also states that whoever is an enemy to Gabriel or Michael is His enemy as well. This establishes a very crucial point. Note that Angel Gabriel is believed to be the Bearer of Revelation and Angel Michael is assigned the duty of establishing the Unity and Oneness of God. Thus, anyone who tries to obstruct their plans becomes an enemy of the One who sent them. Non-Muslims who adhere to the qualities of righteousness need not think the Holy Quran addresses them here. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

"(Quran also calls all non-Muslims) diseased (2.10)"

Those who are declared as diseased are not all non-Muslims. The Holy Quran states earlier, "And of the people there are some who say, 'We believe in Allah, and the Last Day;' while they are not believers at all. They would deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive none but themselves; only they perceive it not. In their hearts was a disease, so Allah has increased their disease, and for them is a grievous punishment because they lied" (2:8-10).

Do also note that the next few verses refer to the evil works of these diseased people, "And when it is said to them, ‘Create not disorder in the earth,' they say, ‘We are only promoters of peace.' Beware! It is surely they who create disorder, but they do not perceive it (2:11-12) … And when they meet those who believe, they say, ‘We believe;' but when they are alone with their ring-leaders they say, ‘We are certainly with you; We were only mocking (2:14).'

"(Quran also calls all non-Muslims) cursed (2:88)"

Those who are cursed in here are, in fact, enemies of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Prophet Moses (pbuh)! Do consider the context of the passage, "Yet you are those who slay one another and turn out a section of your people from their homes (2:85)… And verily We gave Moses the Book and caused Messengers to follow in his footsteps after him; and to Jesus, son of Mary, We gave manifest Signs, and strengthened him with the Spirit of Holiness. Will you, then, every time a Messenger comes to you with what you yourselves desire not, behave arrogantly and treat some as liars and slay others (2:87)?"

It is these horrible people who malign and persecute the prophets and their followers to whom Allah has declared, "They said, 'Our hearts are wrapped up in covers.' Nay, Allah has cursed them for their disbelief. Little is that which they believe" (2:88).

"(Quran also calls all non-Muslims) losers (5:53)"

The Holy Quran does not declare all non-Muslims to be losers. Context again shows that those spoken of here are a select group of evildoers: "And thou wilt see those in whose hearts is a disease… (5:52); O ye who believe! Whoso among you turns back from his Religion … (5:54)." Those who are losers are the lot that joined Islam for immediate gains, and when seeing that the life of a Muslim was not filled with luxury and relaxation, recanted and resumed their previous ways. If Islam declares itself to be the True Word of God then would not such a one who, after knowing Islam to be the truth, leaves Islam due to hardship deserve to be called a loser? Verily, he would be the foremost of losers!

"(Quran also calls all non-Muslims) liars (16:39)"

For God's sake, can the gentleman please open a dictionary and find out what the word ‘context' means? Those declared as liars are not all non-Muslims, but a group of people: "…So travel through the earth and see what was the end of those who treated the prophets as liars! (16:36) … And they swear by Allah their strongest oaths, that Allah will not raise up those who die. Nay, He will certainly raise them up. This is a true promise the fulfillment of which is binding on Him but most men know not (16:38)."

"(Quran also calls all non-Muslims) worst beasts (8:55)"

Those spoken of here are the hypocrites (8:49) and those who resembled in nature the people of Pharaoh (8:52, 53). As I have stated time and time again, it is NOT an entire religious group that is discussed in a negative manner.

"(Quran also calls all non-Muslims) lowest creatures (58.20)"

The Holy Quran does not declare all non-Muslims to be the lowest of creatures. We have cited above verse upon verse refuting this notion completely. Moreover, those spoken of as the most abject are the same type of men condemned anywhere else in the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran states earlier in the same chapter, "Seest thou not those who take for friends a people with whom Allah is wroth? They are neither of you nor of them, and they swear to falsehood knowingly" (58:15). Allah here informs the Muslims to not take for friends those who purposely adhere to falsehood. Of these people Allah states later on, "Satan has gained mastery over them, and has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. They are Satan's party. Now, surely, it is Satan's party that are the losers" (58:19). As shown before, the Holy Quran categorically declares that not all non-Muslims are hell-bound, nor is any Muslim guaranteed salvation.

It is also noteworthy that those declared to be the most abject in (58:20) are those who OPPOSE Allah and His messenger. That is, they purposely devise strategies to create discord and enmity amongst the believers. Such people undoubtedly deserve to suffer the punishment of Hell.

"(Quran also calls all non-Muslims) deaf dumb and blind (2.171)"

This method of ‘reasoning' is getting a bit tired. Has the gentleman heard of context? Those referred to in (2:171) are mentioned in the preceding verse, "And when it is said to them, ‘Follow that which Allah has sent down,' they say, ‘Nay, we will follow that wherein we found our fathers.' What! Even if their fathers had no sense at all and followed not the right path" (2:170). Would the gentleman not refer to those who insist on denying clear proofs of guidance from God, simply because their ancestors had not believed in that guidance, as deaf, dumb, and blind?

"(Quran also calls all non-Muslims) who are considered dirty (9:27) like urine, feces, pigs
and dogs touching of whom defiles a Muslim and requires ablution."

I have no idea how the conclusion above could be drawn after reading the verse: "O ye who believe! Surely, the idolaters are unclean. So they shall not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year of theirs. And if you fear poverty, Allah will enrich you out of His bounty, if He pleases. Surely, Allah is All-knowing, Wise" (9:27).

It is the idolaters, and not all non-Muslims, who are spoken of and those idolaters who had not left any stone unturned to persecute the Muslims. Any fair-minded student of Islamic history can testify to this fact. Neither the preceding nor the following verses lend any support to the gentleman's claim.

It should also be understood that before Islam came, the rites of Pilgrimage to the Kaaba had been most unfortunately violated by the filthy nature of the Pagans. To name just one aspect of the Hajj prior to Islam, pilgrims would perform the Hajj totally naked! In (9:27) the Holy Quran is declaring, among other things, that these practices will never return to the Kaaba. Also, the idolaters were physically removed from Mecca because they were a threat to the security of the state. Regardless, whatever way one looks at the verse, the conclusion arrived at by the gentleman cannot be drawn.

Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (837) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Correct depiction of Muhammad [29 words]Francis WeberSep 8, 2020 00:08260292
1Muhammad [28 words]abdulrahmanAug 8, 2012 07:57197746
2Right, you haven't said anything [295 words]JeffAug 10, 2012 13:51197746
2Please remove the prophet Mohamed (sal) cartoon. [48 words]NizamJun 25, 2012 03:48196658
1PIGS [29 words]JeffAug 2, 2012 13:03196658
5And speaking of pigs! [347 words]dhimmi no moreAug 3, 2012 10:19196658
8Kissing pigs! [119 words]dhimmi no moreAug 3, 2012 10:48196658
7pig comment [49 words]sallySep 17, 2013 23:09196658
1photos of prophet [17 words]samiJun 21, 2012 02:19196481
399 names of Allah Cartoon show [145 words]Fred BaehrNov 6, 2010 14:34179978
relax!! [90 words]ms. sheikhJul 3, 2011 09:47179978
4Cartoon comments are still valid after 4 years...Islamic hypocrisy [74 words]DemocracyistheanswerMay 4, 2010 22:07172156
1Islam facing a critical period [87 words]vijuDec 6, 2009 11:58165422
3islam not a change [92 words]shabeerJan 16, 2011 12:00165422
1Making a true difference in the world [16 words]Ambrosia BlueDec 9, 2008 10:17144722
Responce [38 words]AbdirahmanOct 27, 2009 14:37144722
1humanity [28 words]sushil belthariaNov 2, 2008 12:49141814
3Dear brothers and sisters [102 words]jabir.pkSep 2, 2008 04:17137824
2kindness...... [187 words]RobbotJan 8, 2009 09:42137824
1reply to jabir.pk [57 words]MosesJan 13, 2009 19:51137824
3there just aint no cure for stupid [164 words]ishkashimAug 28, 2009 07:19137824
1brother [179 words]IndiaAug 29, 2009 14:51137824
3what? [34 words]ishkashimSep 1, 2009 17:35137824
tell me [37 words]salamSep 4, 2009 01:35137824
6The truth of islam [69 words]PeterJan 4, 2010 13:51137824
3Islam and voting by bombs and vigilantism...thinking has nothing to do with it [89 words]DemocracyistheanswerMay 4, 2010 21:36137824
1Your hate is not to Islam! [170 words]MuhammadJul 17, 2010 21:17137824
2Your hate is all your own [114 words]JeffOct 27, 2010 12:59137824
3Think [195 words]prakashJan 24, 2011 14:37137824
MAKING ISLAMIC PORTRAITS [69 words]sohail amjadMar 9, 2012 15:31137824
2re Muhammad [43 words]sallySep 17, 2013 23:18137824
Same same [47 words]Francis WeberSep 8, 2020 16:02137824
False science [1 words]Francis WeberSep 9, 2020 17:08137824
1Azar Majedi: Iranian Woman Voice against the exaggeration of the Danish Cartoon and Islamism. More oposition !!! [86 words]YnnatchkahAug 11, 2008 17:49136598
2tell em to stay in their own country [8 words]scottApr 14, 2008 12:40125612
5WHO MUHAMMAD PUH ? [210 words]MOHAMED ABOU EL.ezzMar 26, 2008 06:30123684
3Lies [269 words]WhossaneJun 19, 2008 21:43123684
1Re:Who is Muhammad PUH (Appritiation) [32 words]AshuSep 20, 2008 10:07123684
3lies of islam.. [180 words]RobotJan 8, 2009 10:00123684
3Reply to MOHAMED ABOU EL.ezz [153 words]MosesJan 13, 2009 20:04123684
Knowledge [17 words]Francis WeberSep 10, 2020 19:39123684
Who is Muhammad PUH [214 words]NihadFeb 23, 2008 07:18120846
5huh??? [44 words]JasonFeb 29, 2008 14:06120846
1Truth and False views in our world mixed up [116 words]TarekMar 3, 2008 22:21120846
Jason is laughing .... good news [113 words]NihadMar 5, 2008 06:03120846
1of course... it's good news [14 words]JasonMar 6, 2008 09:45120846
1Notice [210 words]SajidApr 12, 2008 07:59120846
4Muhammad justified everything with cosmic visions - like the Audacity of Hope [323 words]Muhammad al NadaJul 21, 2008 13:50120846
Must follow the instructions [22 words]Francis WeberSep 10, 2020 19:46120846
Abrogate [15 words]Francis WeberSep 11, 2020 15:19120846
5RELIGION OF PEACE? REALLY? [47 words]JasonFeb 8, 2008 12:58119810
jason ... [72 words]stonkFeb 17, 2008 08:46119810
1the same old story [53 words]spaFeb 18, 2008 03:58119810
1stonk [19 words]JasonFeb 18, 2008 11:37119810
Loudly thoughts [109 words]NihadFeb 23, 2008 06:39119810
1Coddlers of Islam/terrorism [240 words]Peter le CornuFeb 4, 2008 22:55119590
The Harmony of all religions sent by God. [143 words]TarekMar 10, 2008 19:24119590
1ISLAM- [137 words]sane voiceMar 24, 2008 16:26119590
3I will not submit- [49 words]Chris AdkinsJan 18, 2008 22:52118523
lslam is great [15 words]nabilJan 16, 2009 05:45118523
UN Resolution on Combating Defamation of Religions [1010 words]gary fouseJan 3, 2008 21:12117480
1Reply to gary fouse [142 words]MosesJan 13, 2009 20:16117480
islam [38 words]shabbirJan 2, 2008 11:19117341
Free speech, western style [193 words]P. hanburyOct 30, 2007 06:55112620
Living with freedom of speech really isn't so hard [352 words]JeffJan 12, 2008 18:28112620
1islam is against free speach [135 words]Phil GreendMay 28, 2007 23:3395082
Why I Love my Religion [299 words]MeMar 8, 2007 19:1485313
4Sacred [456 words]YnnatchkahMar 9, 2007 03:0085313
Why I Love My Relgion-- Part 2 [178 words]MeMar 10, 2007 13:5885313
3Verses. [502 words]YnnatchkahMar 10, 2007 22:1985313
1Things you will never hear Muslim leaders say... [236 words]tatoMar 15, 2007 12:2885313
Thank you "Me" [84 words]UNUNUNApr 22, 2007 16:2385313
1Muhammed, Islam and Muslims, oh my.. [266 words]DONVANApr 23, 2007 15:2685313
Muslims are as Muslims do... [152 words]donvanApr 24, 2007 11:1485313
1I didn't know what a Muslim or Islam was before 9/11............... [101 words]TimothyApr 24, 2007 13:5785313
2A response to "why I love my religion" [285 words]Monte GardnerApr 30, 2007 20:3885313
1Islam is full of contradictions. [199 words]bala lakshmiJun 26, 2007 06:1685313
1Those who do not deny evil become complacent in its embrace. [267 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 26, 2007 14:5085313
Stop Pleading Inoccence! [179 words]Jake LarsonJul 19, 2007 14:2785313
I agree to a point [172 words]R SheldonSep 5, 2007 12:0585313
You are WEAK!!! [104 words]BBBNov 19, 2007 10:3785313
You addressed [8 words]YnnatchkahNov 19, 2007 19:4285313
Islamic Imperialism [233 words]ShakeelJan 17, 2008 16:4485313
opinion.. [199 words]donvanJan 18, 2008 10:0485313
Islamic Imperialism [283 words]ShakeelJan 19, 2008 10:4085313
SPEAK FOR YOURSELF.. [137 words]DONVANJan 21, 2008 09:1985313
grasping at straws... [116 words]donvanJan 23, 2008 15:0985313
Islamic Imperialism [113 words]ShakeelJan 24, 2008 17:1085313
ok i will [209 words]bosJan 25, 2008 08:0185313
Get real... [154 words]donvanJan 25, 2008 09:2685313
quranic variations [184 words]bosJan 25, 2008 11:2685313
Islam, Mohamed and other prophets. [285 words]TarekFeb 17, 2008 18:1585313
insulting other religions [78 words]spaFeb 18, 2008 03:5185313
The Harmony of all religions sent by God. [194 words]TarekFeb 18, 2008 18:0185313
The true nature of holy books is assured by Islam [84 words]TarekFeb 21, 2008 18:3885313
Shakeel, Shakeel, Shakeel [607 words]Natassi MalsiMar 11, 2008 14:5085313
Natassi my friend [124 words]ShakeelMar 12, 2008 04:5685313
I see no fight but comedy.... [194 words]Ashish NayakMay 21, 2008 07:3385313
3death and life [137 words]Mukesh beltharia (india)Aug 30, 2008 06:1285313
Non-sence [36 words]JeromeJul 10, 2009 08:0085313
think it [59 words]md idreesMay 5, 2012 03:1885313
You didn't know this [17 words]Francis WeberSep 9, 2020 18:5785313
Wake up! [274 words]Upholder Of TruthFeb 20, 2007 23:1878125
Does ISLAM want war? [128 words]MiguelFeb 28, 2007 15:4178125
Islam is not War [157 words]Upholder Of TruthFeb 28, 2007 21:0478125
Oh Really...... [484 words]YnnatchkahMar 12, 2007 22:1978125
1Islam's oldest documents are proud of Mohammed's terrorism [398 words]ibn TabariOct 8, 2007 12:5778125
so much hate in this world [292 words]i dont think you will really careFeb 8, 2007 14:5576576
Actually, we care very much [1020 words]JeffMar 22, 2007 21:3476576
too much hate .. [117 words]donvanApr 24, 2007 12:1676576
Believers of Islam looked upon as terrorists. [228 words]FrankJan 5, 2007 23:5771810
PEACE! [77 words]RicownageNov 29, 2006 03:0767681
3The Great Contradiction of Islam [280 words]Human BeingOct 21, 2006 21:5963476
No religion is truly peaceful [101 words]Sultan Of SkepticismDec 30, 2006 18:0063476
From one human being to another [49 words]Seammus MacNemiJun 26, 2007 15:4163476
Contractions: Liberty Equality Fraternity vs Slavery Inequality Apartheid [56 words]DemocracyistheanswerMay 4, 2010 12:4563476
1westerns are jealous of Peaceful religion ISLAM and its LEADER [156 words]Ahsan MahmoodOct 10, 2006 16:1659639
1Jealous of Islam?? [213 words]Danish/AmericanOct 10, 2006 20:5659639
1Islam means submission to Murder [90 words]im2nice4islamOct 19, 2006 08:2359639
reply to danish/american [141 words]ROct 24, 2006 10:4159639
2Bent over backwards is an understatement [288 words]Danish/AmericanOct 24, 2006 21:1959639
reply to danish/american [73 words]ROct 30, 2006 19:1559639
2ISLAM is the right path !! [318 words]acNov 30, 2006 16:2959639
1Islam is not so peacefull [21 words]SamJan 28, 2007 22:3959639
1And you wonder why people hate islam [14 words]T.J.Jul 26, 2007 05:0359639
1Religion of Peace????? [52 words]Ambrosia BlueDec 9, 2008 10:3759639
Islam [139 words]ROct 3, 2006 18:3258800
1Who attacked who? [81 words]Mo Ham HeadNov 27, 2006 08:1958800
Reply to Mo Ham Head [75 words]RNov 27, 2006 17:5058800
This is to "MO HAM HEAD" [51 words]UNUNUNApr 22, 2007 17:2758800
Method behind cartoon-bashing madness: incremental submission [349 words]Dave LoevSep 21, 2006 21:1756905
Islam - what future, ultimately? [310 words]trevor_fSep 19, 2006 21:5456574
6ISLAM IS DOOMED TO FAIL. [654 words]JCSep 19, 2006 02:2756422
1There is no truth except Islam [602 words]ShaOct 2, 2006 21:4056422
Sha [58 words]Danish/AmericanOct 6, 2006 11:5356422
13Islam is full of faults and has been changed since it was first transcribed from Muhammad's rendition [845 words]Johan BachusNov 19, 2006 16:2956422
close but no cigar [116 words]ehsaanNov 24, 2006 01:2156422
what? [181 words]ehsaanNov 24, 2006 01:3056422
Ehssan [114 words]Danish/AmericanNov 25, 2006 04:2356422
the Quran [84 words]UNUNUNApr 22, 2007 17:0456422
please read [111 words]UNUNUNApr 23, 2007 00:0756422
islam is d ONLY true religion [19 words]luis gatmaitanJul 8, 2008 20:2356422
Challege acccepted [18 words]12Oct 30, 2008 07:3156422
1Difference between Islam and Christians [46 words]Yusuf AdamFeb 11, 2009 16:2156422
1dear brothers and sisters in humanity ..plz read it [290 words]zuhaibJul 22, 2011 14:0556422
1faults of quraan [36 words]ahmedNov 11, 2012 07:1056422
1faults of quraan [144 words]ahmedNov 12, 2012 05:5156422
1No faults in Quran [109 words]MohamadNov 12, 2012 10:0556422
faults in quraan [474 words]ahmedNov 12, 2012 10:1256422
reason why Al-Quran still origin [221 words]MaulanaNov 27, 2014 03:0356422
WHAT HER MOM SAYS..?? [52 words]IBRAHAMDec 5, 2014 08:0556422
Muslims are peaceful... [128 words]wafaSep 15, 2006 06:5456009
Muslim denial [236 words]PJSep 19, 2006 21:3056009
Muslims are what? Peaceful? [137 words]Danish/AmericanSep 27, 2006 07:5856009
hmmmm [230 words]ehsaanNov 25, 2006 21:1356009
Muslim Menace [118 words]Mark KnightDec 9, 2006 05:4556009
to Danish/American [127 words]UNUNUNApr 22, 2007 17:4256009
1UNUNUN [278 words]danish/americanApr 24, 2007 18:0556009
READ THIS [213 words]anonDec 4, 2007 20:3856009
My two cents [371 words]HumanOct 30, 2008 07:2156009
Please clarify this! [27 words]12Oct 30, 2008 07:2356009
to all ppl who do not under stand islaam and talking foolishly [47 words]shaikh nomanAug 21, 2006 16:3453627
There are false religions [368 words]Dennis GrimlandSep 7, 2006 17:0253627
"you can't say that easy" [319 words]dmsstrSep 14, 2006 13:2053627
There are no true religions. [233 words]Daniel JohnsonSep 22, 2006 21:1453627
Bad pictures.. [264 words]Danish/AmericanSep 27, 2006 19:0653627
reply to danish/american [182 words]ROct 3, 2006 18:4253627
To R [203 words]Danish/AmericanOct 4, 2006 18:5053627
reply to danish/american [147 words]ROct 7, 2006 17:5753627
Another reply to R [172 words]Danish/AmericanOct 9, 2006 00:0053627
reply to danish/american [213 words]ROct 9, 2006 17:1553627
R Again [300 words]Danish/AmericanOct 9, 2006 21:3353627
reply to danish/american [160 words]ROct 10, 2006 18:3953627
R [61 words]Danish/AmericanOct 11, 2006 23:1253627
reply to danish/american [176 words]ROct 12, 2006 16:1853627
R..so an imam has not the ability to decieve? [186 words]Danish/AmericanOct 12, 2006 22:0653627
reply to danish/american [93 words]ROct 14, 2006 15:1953627
R [55 words]Danish/AmericanOct 15, 2006 20:0553627
reply to danish/american [34 words]ROct 18, 2006 14:2553627
R...peaceful muslims? [417 words]Danish/AmericanOct 20, 2006 08:2953627
reply to danish/american [19 words]rOct 20, 2006 16:4253627
Reply to R [89 words]Danish/AmericanOct 23, 2006 16:1153627
reply to danish/american [84 words]ROct 24, 2006 10:2453627
1re: links from R [140 words]Danish/AmericanOct 24, 2006 21:2553627
1R..think about this please. [583 words]Danish/AmericanOct 25, 2006 08:0953627
reply to danish/american [78 words]ROct 30, 2006 19:2253627
reply to danish/american [326 words]ROct 30, 2006 19:4253627
Danish/American needs to calm down and take a breather ... [301 words]caNov 30, 2006 16:5753627
war in the favor of peace [190 words]seekerJul 17, 2008 04:5953627
Bcos............ [27 words]12Oct 30, 2008 07:2753627
No buddy you are wrong [44 words]12Oct 30, 2008 07:3353627
Thanks for the suggestion [191 words]12Oct 30, 2008 07:3853627
No One is Listening [145 words]The Truth Will Set You FreeJul 26, 2006 02:0950848
Someone has to say something [180 words]jesusfreakAug 12, 2006 22:3250848
Standing Up To The Real Truth To The Muslims Is A True Act Of Love [132 words]AnneMAug 17, 2006 13:5050848
What? [198 words]ROct 3, 2006 18:4550848
Well, respect how so? [151 words]CartoonophileJun 8, 2006 04:0547278
2In shah Allah, World will fall to Islam by 2025 [312 words]Shabeer MuhammadJun 2, 2006 04:0046906
Would It Suprise You That The Christain Faith Will Be The Real Leading Faith In 2025? [100 words]AnneMJun 11, 2006 18:0346906
Wishful thinking! [71 words]Nick NicolleJun 14, 2006 19:4846906
1Reply to Shabeer Muhammad, Jun 2, 2006 at 04:00 [155 words]islam salemJun 27, 2006 06:2546906
Christian Largest Faith [100 words]SohailJun 27, 2006 13:3546906
Christian Faith To Come Full Circle By 2025 [62 words]AnneMJul 8, 2006 22:2846906
Wishful Thinking Indeed.... [7 words]AnneMJul 8, 2006 22:3046906
1Is it not obvious? [178 words]Coexisting Peacefully with My Muslim Neighbors in TexasJul 21, 2006 10:4946906
1Islam is the way to God and heaven. Get real!! [784 words]Lee HughesJul 22, 2006 14:4546906
Never in a million years. [51 words]Kevin MJul 22, 2006 19:5046906
Islam teaches tolerance and respect not hate . Standing up to oppression is not hate its every persons right and duty to do so in anyway they can [144 words]zeeJul 31, 2006 15:4146906
Teaching a human being to climb a tree and bray like an ass? how is that relevant to the imminent victory of Islam [19 words]zeeJul 31, 2006 16:1846906
Excellent point Lee [40 words]Abdul Rahman ReijerinkAug 1, 2006 08:4346906
1"In shah Allah, World will fall to Islam by 2025" [159 words]Russ HiltonAug 8, 2006 19:3546906
Deja vu [98 words]VijayAug 9, 2006 03:4246906
brothers please read. [527 words]mufa'khathatAug 20, 2006 18:0846906
5Shabeer Muhammad, A Muslim Who Tells The Truth [99 words]InfidelAug 20, 2006 22:0846906
Christians, Muslims, and Jews: why dont you all GROW UP? [150 words]Sky is BlueAug 31, 2006 11:4146906
2Muslim Reactions Not Surprising [164 words]Dennis GrimlandAug 31, 2006 19:4046906
keep thinking like that and Islam will die by 2025 [116 words]Spc crazySep 8, 2006 19:4546906
THINK!!! [184 words]Superman 9Sep 19, 2006 03:3346906
Conform to Islam? NEVER! [96 words]Danish/AmericanSep 27, 2006 08:0346906
The Fall of Islam [98 words]JoshOct 1, 2006 02:1246906
Reply to Lee Hughes [420 words]ROct 3, 2006 19:0446906
reply to superman9 [112 words]ROct 3, 2006 19:1646906
reply to josh [57 words]ROct 3, 2006 19:2146906
4Fall of Islam [240 words]Human RightsDec 12, 2006 22:2246906
The Future of Islam [160 words]JericoSep 18, 2007 22:5446906
SOUNDS LIKE HITLER [38 words]BUZOct 5, 2007 18:0046906
Just why? [127 words]johndoueNov 7, 2007 14:0946906
growing up [93 words]bosJan 26, 2008 04:0146906
Why WAR when LOVE is better! [123 words]Richard AbdullahFeb 5, 2008 22:3246906
frog story!!!! [206 words]Ashish NayakMay 21, 2008 07:3846906
Islam and Truth [118 words]AJAY RATHOREJun 14, 2008 03:1046906
2Please read and add any atrocities you can think of and then send to your friends so that they may add some: [1199 words]Freedom of SpeechAug 1, 2008 17:3046906
4thanks for the entertainment [641 words]12Oct 30, 2008 07:5946906
No Islam [42 words]Fred MasonJan 30, 2009 01:5246906
reality check [626 words]TommyFeb 20, 2009 00:2046906
DOOMED [8 words]YUSSUF HADIDApr 4, 2009 10:0946906
1Good Luck Mr. Muhammad [20 words]ABCJun 20, 2010 18:1146906
1Bringing the pain [121 words]PainJun 26, 2010 01:2846906
1you're kidding? [158 words]Jeff LynneAug 12, 2010 19:3646906
Jihad is doomed to fail [94 words]Mullah RajaniOct 21, 2010 15:1646906
1I agree [37 words]chaseMar 19, 2011 01:4846906
3Absolutely wrong .... [156 words]DebashishApr 8, 2011 13:0246906
Islamic Control by 2025 ? [117 words]GlolDec 23, 2012 15:0446906
Read please [4 words]Francis WeberSep 8, 2020 18:2746906
Christians should agree [58 words]TomApr 29, 2022 08:1546906
Wishfull Thinking Does Not Make it So - Islam Did Not Replace True Christianity - There is Irony in Thinking That It Did [105 words]M ToveyApr 30, 2022 18:1846906
Muslims on Southpark [87 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
PTApr 8, 2006 22:5342751
1disrespect towards other people's religion [78 words]Hifzha ShaheenMay 9, 2006 06:0342751
Respect Is A Two Street, Cannot Get It If You Do Not Give It [49 words]AnneMMay 15, 2006 07:0442751
We give respect [103 words]Hifzha ShaheenMay 16, 2006 06:5742751
Respect Can Only Be Earned Based On Positive Actions [51 words]AnneMMay 17, 2006 10:5842751
Islam is given respect [77 words]Hifzha ShaheenMay 18, 2006 05:0242751
To Hifzha [160 words]Mohammed F.May 19, 2006 22:0542751
This Is Going To Be A Suprise To Read [51 words]AnneMMay 20, 2006 11:4542751
3For: Hifzha and Muslims respect for other religions! Are you for real? [245 words]dihmmi no moreJun 2, 2006 06:4342751
For Mohammed: If you hate the "Westen culture" so much why do you live in the US? [4 words]dhimmi no moreJun 2, 2006 06:5042751
For dhimmi no more: The question is too late! [59 words]Mohammed FJun 3, 2006 23:4442751
What respect dosen't Islam get? [76 words]Hifzha ShaheenJun 5, 2006 07:0342751
2For: Mohamed: It is never too late!! and good riddance! [69 words]dhimmi no moreJun 5, 2006 18:2042751
2For: Hifza: Did you really understand what I wrote? I do not think so!!!! [128 words]dhimmi no moreJun 5, 2006 18:3342751
1To Mohammed F [394 words]JeffJun 5, 2006 22:1442751
For dhimmi no more... [172 words]Mohammed FJun 7, 2006 17:4242751
3For Mohammed: [183 words]dhimmi no moreJun 8, 2006 06:3342751
Response [237 words]Mohammed FJun 8, 2006 22:2342751
You are kuffar! [137 words]Hifzha ShaheenJun 9, 2006 04:5442751
3For: Hifza, and yes this is the best compliment that I have ever had: I'm a proud kafir! [39 words]dhimmi no moreJun 10, 2006 06:2942751
3For Mohammed and the Arabic language and other sordid matters [845 words]dhimmi no moreJun 10, 2006 07:3342751
1Hifza Shaheen declares a fatwa: So boys and girls we are all Kuffar! As if anyone cares! The amazing Muslim mind! [44 words]dhimmi no moreJun 10, 2006 15:0442751
2dhimmi no more, Non-Muslims Have Been Called Worse Names [25 words]AnneMJun 13, 2006 07:3442751
1For Hifza [111 words]IanJun 29, 2006 19:1642751
For Ian [169 words]Hifzha ShaheenJul 6, 2006 04:3742751
Settle down [182 words]petersibrahimJul 19, 2006 18:5142751
Love conquers all?! [51 words]Kevin MJul 20, 2006 10:0142751
comment to Hifzah Shaheen and any muslim [452 words]Lee HughesJul 26, 2006 07:0442751
1Islam teaches both tolerance and respect for other peoples religous beliefs [101 words]zeeJul 31, 2006 16:3642751
What nation is evil , who are the real terrorists??? [119 words]zeeJul 31, 2006 18:0142751
1Actually Islam insults Christianity [95 words]ChristianAug 8, 2006 22:2142751
you speak for idiots [94 words]Hifzha ShaheenAug 10, 2006 12:1742751
1You've really opened my eyes [822 words]JeffAug 12, 2006 20:3942751
Take your friends [53 words]InfidelAug 20, 2006 22:2742751
To AnneM: American based news are all bs! Dont you know? This is my FREEDOM OF SPEECH [262 words]Sky is BlueAug 31, 2006 17:4242751
wake up america [141 words]tristramSep 19, 2006 22:1242751
2Hifzha Shaheen, thank you for the laugh! [126 words]Danish/AmericanSep 27, 2006 19:1242751
reply to Jeff [65 words]ROct 3, 2006 19:3042751
BUT YOU ARE KUFFARS :S [40 words]ROct 3, 2006 19:4142751
Oh my god! [43 words]ROct 3, 2006 19:4442751
Hifzha Shaheen [169 words]Anti-ExtremisimMar 5, 2007 12:5642751
WHATEVER [53 words]Hifzha ShaheenMar 6, 2007 07:5042751
what [108 words]the truthSep 3, 2007 04:4542751
1Our dear al-haq rabina yu3alimuhu al-haqiqa and on pretending to be Catholic: is not haqiqa! [25 words]dhimmi no moreSep 3, 2007 20:5042751
bombs on children [21 words]ihateSep 6, 2007 18:4142751
"God is not great" [150 words]evetsMay 16, 2008 05:4942751
kuffars [30 words]Mary Elphinstone DealAug 22, 2008 16:5642751
To Hifzha Shaheen [68 words]A Lost ManJan 29, 2010 03:3542751
Get a grip muslims [28 words]sheebaApr 21, 2010 17:1342751
wrong [9 words]devsMay 23, 2011 12:2042751
Wow boi! [19 words]Jed MobilyMar 30, 2006 09:5141871
reply to jed whateva [78 words]ROct 3, 2006 19:5341871
To R...which religion are you exactly? [160 words]Danish/AmericanOct 7, 2006 00:4241871
reply to danish american [114 words]ROct 7, 2006 18:0441871
Reply to R [595 words]Danish/AmericanOct 8, 2006 23:4941871
reply to danish/american [335 words]ROct 9, 2006 17:0641871
R [416 words]Danish/AmericanOct 9, 2006 21:2341871
reply to danish/american [192 words]ROct 10, 2006 18:3141871
Reply to R [65 words]Danish/AmericanOct 11, 2006 23:1641871
reply to danish/american [4 words]ROct 12, 2006 16:2041871
R...Sunnis and Shiites [123 words]Danish/AmericanOct 12, 2006 22:1341871
reply to danish/american [113 words]ROct 14, 2006 15:2841871
Class assignment for today [129 words]JasonMar 27, 2006 08:3041482
cartoon review/in class exercise [667 words]Pat SmithMar 22, 2006 09:3941051
CONDEMN [75 words]Zeeshan HafeezMar 19, 2006 11:4440724
The Danes do not care for Islam! [328 words]fajensenMar 20, 2006 10:5040724
Take your Condemnation and go home [298 words]JasonMar 21, 2006 08:2440724
No choices in Islam [481 words]DonMar 24, 2006 01:2340724
CNN version of Islam [327 words]AHMar 24, 2006 01:5140724
Islam peace and Freedom [284 words]MarkMar 24, 2006 07:0140724
1Mark - Dubai [107 words]SiddaMar 24, 2006 15:4340724
AH, appeasement and understanding [275 words]DonMar 26, 2006 09:4240724
Hafeez's condemnation [204 words]Nick NicolleMar 26, 2006 19:5840724
Good on you, Nick [271 words]DonMar 26, 2006 23:4440724
AH is mistaken [306 words]Nick NicolleMar 27, 2006 04:2640724
Didn't learn Islam from CNN [432 words]JasonMar 27, 2006 08:1040724
Christianity wasn't always true to the Bible, either [317 words]JasonMar 27, 2006 09:0140724
Islam is a hate ideology [110 words]andyApr 24, 2006 13:4640724
reply to don [119 words]ROct 3, 2006 20:0340724
balance of anger [44 words]BobMar 15, 2006 19:2640326
misintrepretation [207 words]AHMar 18, 2006 01:3640326
The key is how we respond to our pain-AH [261 words]JasonMar 27, 2006 09:3840326
Cheyenne Muslims speak out [57 words]Dale BrownMar 14, 2006 12:2840102
Islamic Reformation [873 words]JasonMar 8, 2006 14:4439395
Food for thought [164 words]Jason HansfordMar 4, 2006 08:3738848
Jason Hansard's comment [29 words]Ed SMar 24, 2006 14:0038848
Mahmoud, people misinterpret the texts,but what about history? ISLAM looking to spread the love... [842 words]BarbaraMar 1, 2006 19:2238579
Answers to Lubna's questions [1718 words]JeffMar 1, 2006 14:5438526
What You PPL Think! [84 words]SaadFeb 27, 2006 00:0838144
Saad, no. We are not the first who think that muslims are terrorists. [260 words]John BastileMar 7, 2006 09:2238144
... it can stop ... [45 words]MistyMountainJun 8, 2006 04:2338144
Bin Laden Faith According to the Quran [951 words]Freedom FighterFeb 26, 2006 00:5738052
Allah is not God [111 words]DanielMar 23, 2007 03:4338052
Bounty on Heads of Terrorists [37 words]Brother BarkFeb 24, 2006 03:2737876
lubna el syed - -Sidda and ALL others Who wants to just "IMAGINE" .? [250 words]BarbaraFeb 23, 2006 21:5837866
points? [10 words]observerFeb 24, 2006 06:5537866
points? .."observer ". [37 words]BarbaraFeb 24, 2006 18:1337866
How about We All Live In Peace for a Change? [554 words]MahmoudFeb 21, 2006 13:4736794
Arrogance does corrupt [30 words]ProfessorFeb 22, 2006 15:2236794
1west is not plotting against Islam [389 words]bill goldbergFeb 23, 2006 13:3536794
the new Crusade [255 words]nasrFeb 24, 2006 09:1436794
self-serving history [635 words]RikkFeb 24, 2006 16:1236794
To Nasr: The truth about the crusades [235 words]Richard Lion HeartFeb 24, 2006 22:2536794
Muslim conquer? [167 words]nasrFeb 25, 2006 18:4836794
To Nasr: Crusades were a response to muslim agression [275 words]Richard Lion heartFeb 26, 2006 13:4636794
To Mahmoud [91 words]KathyFeb 27, 2006 23:4336794
CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? [68 words]DONVANFeb 28, 2006 16:0836794
To Kathy & DONVAN, & ALL [428 words]MahmoudMar 1, 2006 09:0336794
Live in Peace with Islam [74 words]Nabil ShwarmaMar 12, 2006 07:5536794
Mahmoud, you're fooling yourself, but not us [101 words]DonMar 24, 2006 01:4436794
Excuse you Donovan!!!! [357 words]MuslimaMar 29, 2006 21:4436794
1Islam is not Peaceful- Muslima [285 words]William UKApr 20, 2006 20:2736794
Non Muslims are cowards [358 words]Prapancha SnehiMay 29, 2006 10:4036794
good luck [136 words]ROct 4, 2006 18:3436794
1why Bill Goldberg should stop his illogical remarks [198 words]The Sword of TruthAug 4, 2008 16:0836794
1was looking for "muslims are cowards [43 words]Chris DraperMay 31, 2011 15:3836794
Impertinent Cartoons. [4974 words]lubna el syedFeb 21, 2006 10:1836734
3response to lubna el syed [668 words]SiddaFeb 23, 2006 11:5836734
The hypocrisy of lubna el syed [187 words]RikkFeb 24, 2006 12:0036734
To Lubna El Sayed [67 words]KathyFeb 27, 2006 22:5636734
You are not respecting anyone Dear Lubna [184 words]KathyFeb 27, 2006 23:3536734
issues with cartoons [529 words]john b.f.Feb 20, 2006 17:0036594
Sad, sad, sad world we live in. [193 words]Professor CFeb 19, 2006 18:2936411
'Sad, sad, sad world we live in. ' [78 words]BarbaraFeb 20, 2006 00:5436411
If allah were real then why worry @ mohammad [144 words]Jeff P.Feb 19, 2006 10:1536337
Well obviously we respect our religion more than you respect yours. [98 words]ROct 4, 2006 18:4536337
Relax, R [273 words]David AOct 31, 2006 05:5336337
reply to David A [91 words]ROct 31, 2006 16:4536337
Read my comments [127 words]David ANov 1, 2006 18:5236337
Reply to David A [38 words]RNov 2, 2006 16:0936337
Remember to Relax [162 words]David ANov 18, 2006 07:1336337
reply to David A [82 words]RNov 18, 2006 17:1236337
Remember to Relax [156 words]David AJan 4, 2007 13:0636337
To heck [17 words]Shane GhahramaniFeb 17, 2006 15:5836126
WAKE UP! MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING "cartoons) is well staged Propaganda [374 words]BarbaraFeb 17, 2006 14:5036119
Cartoons [18 words]Irwin K. KlineFeb 17, 2006 10:4736080
Denmark [43 words]DenmarkFeb 16, 2006 13:5135960
to Denmark [169 words]SiddaFeb 16, 2006 16:1335960
how free the western nwespapers are. [168 words]nasrFeb 24, 2006 08:3035960
to nasr [761 words]SiddaFeb 24, 2006 17:2735960
Demonization of a Group - Religion of Peace [764 words]vineethFeb 15, 2006 04:5735732
Jeg Sta Med Danmark--This Is VERY Encouraging [157 words]Mike KleinFeb 14, 2006 22:3835688
JEG STA MED DANMARK! [4 words]Dinesh PatelMar 9, 2006 12:5835688
bare facts [55 words]Thor GudenMay 28, 2006 14:3535688
1From another perspective, muslims in the Western world are suffering [237 words]saraFeb 14, 2006 19:1435668
to Sara [250 words]SiddaFeb 14, 2006 20:5835668
1FREEDOM OF SPEECH is all about offensive speech. [429 words]Wes ClarkFeb 14, 2006 21:3635668
how ignorant can u be? [714 words]sara85Feb 15, 2006 05:2335668
1Sara, I am sorry, but I beg to disagree with you [825 words]ApostateFeb 16, 2006 16:1235668
Sara, wake up and smell the cofee [202 words]NazFeb 16, 2006 16:4835668
What the Muslims believe about disbelievers and Jesus... [203 words]K. MFeb 19, 2006 15:3235668
Sara, I must also disagree [1169 words]JeffFeb 20, 2006 21:0535668
In Support of Sara's Comments [161 words]lubna el syedFeb 22, 2006 12:0835668
Submit or die [75 words]David ReedFeb 23, 2006 10:1435668
...the greatest blasphemy of all [366 words]JasonFeb 14, 2006 09:2335546
Comment on .Blasphemy'..Submitted by Jason, Feb 14, 2006 at 09:23 [105 words]BarbaraFeb 15, 2006 01:0935546
Jason, I agree with you but disagree with your son in law [686 words]Ex-muslimaFeb 16, 2006 17:5235546
You Have Never Been A "Muslima" [33 words]MahmoudFeb 21, 2006 12:1935546
Mahmoud, prove that I misquoted Quran and hadiths [350 words]Ex-muslimaFeb 22, 2006 12:4535546
Reply To Jason [309 words]LubnaFeb 22, 2006 15:4035546
NO [34 words]observerFeb 24, 2006 06:4535546
To Ex-Muslima [134 words]MahmoudFeb 24, 2006 16:0935546
Reply to Lubna [262 words]JeffFeb 24, 2006 20:1435546
Thank you Jeff! [159 words]JasonMar 8, 2006 11:3435546
Danish flag. [52 words]BarbaraFeb 14, 2006 00:5835501
I will protest in the strongest possible terms [55 words]NikFeb 23, 2006 18:3935501
Islam is Peace [174 words]Wesley Clark, MDFeb 14, 2006 00:3035499
Why didn't Denmark invoke Article 5 [53 words]Mike KleinFeb 14, 2006 22:4035499
meaning of Peace [372 words]LuxFeb 22, 2006 17:0535499
Spoken like a true Euro-socialist [256 words]DonMar 27, 2006 23:3435499
So We are Totally Wrong? [838 words]JeffFeb 13, 2006 22:2035481
Response to "Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism" [260 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Sardar Anees AhmadFeb 13, 2006 21:2935477
Response to Sardar [242 words]John M.Feb 17, 2006 01:2835477
Response to Response to "Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism" [4962 words]Sardar Anees AhmadMar 7, 2006 21:1435477
Danish Cartoons Depicting Muhammad Help Uncover the Gaps Between Muslims and the West [566 words]Bob JackFeb 13, 2006 19:2735464
Danish Cartoonist [14 words]Abdallah RamadhaniJun 22, 2006 04:3835464
Daniel Pipes's worldwide influence [238 words]Gabriel GrossoFeb 13, 2006 17:0935435
I totally support Denmark and FULL Freedom of Speech and Expression [656 words]jihanFeb 13, 2006 16:0235422
mexico supports denmark!! [12 words]kinutsiFeb 26, 2006 20:1535422
You have to live with it to believe! [75 words]Iso RudaFeb 13, 2006 14:2735399
Let us leverage the cartoon situation to stick it to liberal media outlets [70 words]Hari IyerFeb 13, 2006 14:1635397
At last - a voice of reason [105 words]David RobertsFeb 13, 2006 12:0735383
1Muslim outrage [321 words]Ramsis AlmasryFeb 13, 2006 09:4835358
to Ramsis Almasry [12 words]orange yonasonFeb 13, 2006 15:1135358
Or you could make a longer list [79 words]observerFeb 14, 2006 13:4135358
1The Real Face of Islam [147 words]Freedom FighterFeb 25, 2006 23:3435358
Fear from Islam = Freedom of speech [15 words]NurayFeb 13, 2006 08:3335350
To all conservatives [380 words]a Filipino liberalFeb 13, 2006 03:4335332
conservative obsession [423 words]SiddaFeb 14, 2006 11:5935332
response to Sidda [714 words]a Filipino liberalFeb 15, 2006 04:2135332
to filipino liberal [1051 words]SiddaFeb 15, 2006 16:1735332
IT IS A CASE OF PARANOIA OF MUSLIMS [131 words]RAJAGOPALANFeb 13, 2006 03:0335330
respond to what you see, not what you want to see. [151 words]Derrick ConleyFeb 13, 2006 00:2235318
Main problem is a 'lack of respect and understanding'... [199 words]M Saleem AkhtarFeb 12, 2006 23:4635316
thank you [8 words]bradDec 13, 2010 08:5735316
Buy Lego, Scold Bush [118 words]BrynFeb 12, 2006 21:5735306
buy danish [12 words]L. McClainFeb 13, 2006 15:5735306
Free speach [202 words]F. ShakkiFeb 12, 2006 16:4535277
Moslems wants any excuse for violence [302 words]F. ShakkiFeb 18, 2006 20:0935277
Relax [103 words]JohannesOct 12, 2006 22:2235277
The Danish Cartoons [520 words]Stephen CipollaFeb 12, 2006 11:4435118
Freedom for all [164 words]Thomas Earl CannadyFeb 12, 2006 09:3635055
LETS SHOW MUSLIMS OUR OUTRAGE!! [485 words]RPaineFeb 12, 2006 09:2535053
THANK YOU MR PIPES [10 words]AlanFeb 12, 2006 08:0235045
There is a problem if we have to be afraid [173 words]Susan RussellFeb 13, 2006 14:1335045
to Gary & everyone else [466 words]JamilFeb 12, 2006 05:3935028
RE: Jamil [284 words]WeAreAllDanes!Feb 12, 2006 16:0035028
You need to take a deep breath Jamil [251 words]John GiannascaFeb 13, 2006 00:4635028
Actually, Abu Laban the Danish Imam profaned Mohammad and Islam! [345 words]RPaineFeb 13, 2006 01:0135028
John Giannasca, it's Freedom of speech [52 words]Jamil Al-isisFeb 14, 2006 04:0735028
↔ John Giannasca, it's Freedom of speech [52 words]Jamil Al-isis Feb 14, 2006 04:07 [3 words]BarbaraFeb 15, 2006 00:4235028
To Jamil, Islam and terrorism [159 words]KhalafFeb 17, 2006 12:2135028
I agree [148 words]S TaylorFeb 12, 2006 01:4935007
South Park and Mohammad [49 words]Brian MckeeverAug 15, 2006 02:1035007
what is freedom of speech? [131 words]A1Feb 12, 2006 00:3735002
what.. [5 words]donvanFeb 12, 2006 15:1435002
freedom and acceptance [249 words]Frank OddersborgFeb 12, 2006 15:4935002
Double standard [131 words]Valerie OrlandoMar 7, 2006 17:1435002
Not all Muslims are extremists [210 words]Aidan MaconachyFeb 11, 2006 23:0734995
so what?? [81 words]donvanFeb 12, 2006 15:3534995
You have a point Aidan [130 words]John GiannascaFeb 12, 2006 16:4134995
Not all Muslims are extremists ,but... [160 words]DankalFeb 20, 2006 18:3134995
would this be fair game?? [42 words]alnoor veljiFeb 11, 2006 16:4534972
thank you [134 words]garyFeb 11, 2006 12:1234938
2BOYCOTT MUSLIM GOODS?? [74 words]DONVANFeb 12, 2006 15:0934938
DONVAN and the declaration of person [182 words]HarrakFeb 12, 2006 21:3934938
3Boycott Islam [237 words]Wiley FreemanSep 19, 2006 15:3934938
1BOYCOTT all Muslim goods [215 words]MaggieNov 23, 2006 11:4034938
maybe we should boycott muslim goods! [16 words]DaveJul 15, 2007 20:4234938
arrogance and ignorance [60 words]AbdulhafizJan 20, 2008 12:0934938
to my friends in france and germany [72 words]garyFeb 11, 2006 08:2634914
Poor friend [133 words]DankalFeb 20, 2006 09:4034914
to all moslem commentators [63 words]garyFeb 11, 2006 04:5934888
Mass hysteria can't be allowed to win [285 words]Aidan MaconachyFeb 11, 2006 03:1934879
Jack Straw is a straw man [219 words]Aidan MaconachyFeb 11, 2006 02:4734878
Islam, you embarrass yourself [34 words]JimFeb 11, 2006 02:1834875
Nazism Cloaked in Religion [145 words]LakerFeb 10, 2006 23:5034863
to laker, [29 words]garyFeb 11, 2006 04:1834863
Freedom of the press v. good sense [215 words]Bob WeissFeb 10, 2006 23:2834860
to Bob Weiss [272 words]SiddaFeb 11, 2006 13:1434860
Muslims who swear at god! shocking testamony [273 words]HarrakFeb 10, 2006 22:5934858
Re: Muslims who swear at God ... [49 words]LeaNderFeb 11, 2006 10:4334858
Muslims who swear against Allah ! - a "shocking" testimony [198 words]IanusFeb 11, 2006 12:4234858
reply for LeaNder [46 words]HarrakFeb 11, 2006 16:3334858
Pseudo-Secular liberal media [41 words]Hari IyerFeb 12, 2006 02:3234858
I just dont see this as a religion of Peace? [135 words]CristinaFeb 10, 2006 22:2934857
To Cristina [32 words]MahmoudFeb 21, 2006 12:2834857
Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism: [109 words]Qamar AhmadFeb 10, 2006 22:2134856
Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism: [80 words]IanusFeb 11, 2006 13:1134856
RE:Qamar Ahmad [271 words]WeAreAllDanes!Feb 11, 2006 15:4934856
Qamar Ahamd: The Qur'an rejects violence? [10 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 11, 2006 16:3134856
Qamar Ahamd: Are we reading the same Qur'an? [25 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 11, 2006 16:3434856
Qamar Ahmed [35 words]DaisyFeb 11, 2006 22:5634856
To Qamar Ahmed [21 words]Romesh ChanderFeb 13, 2006 01:5234856
To Romesh [39 words]MahmoudFeb 21, 2006 12:3634856
Islam cannot dictate what we can and cannot say [925 words]Aidan MaconachyFeb 10, 2006 16:4734829
part of a wider global jihad against western values [60 words]DHFeb 10, 2006 15:1234820
Everyone in coming out in this true picture [366 words]Amitabh tripathiFeb 10, 2006 13:2434809
To Amitabh tripathi: Jack Straw was right [289 words]NurayFeb 10, 2006 17:1934809
also to nuray [214 words]garyFeb 11, 2006 04:4634809
to tapathi [67 words]garyFeb 11, 2006 05:1034809
1Reply to Nuray [391 words]Amitabh tripathiFeb 11, 2006 05:1534809
RE:Nuray [378 words]WeAreAllDanes!Feb 11, 2006 20:5834809
gary and tripathi, their societies crumble [70 words]BarbaraFeb 12, 2006 03:2034809
Nuray: the google man and "if you make others (Muslims) unhappy and angry how do you enjoy your freedom of speech" [34 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 12, 2006 07:1834809
To : WeAreAllDanes! : What a shame on both Jews and Christians [208 words]NurayFeb 13, 2006 12:2434809
To gary : Learning at Internet is another means of education. [86 words]NurayFeb 13, 2006 16:1534809
respect for multiculturalism [223 words]SiddaFeb 13, 2006 17:3134809
Nuray ..No kidding, Now go read ..You have stepped way over the line Jamil [70 words John Giannasca Feb 13, 2006 00:58 [94 words]BarbaraFeb 13, 2006 19:3034809
RE:To:WeAreAllDanes! : What a shame on both Jews and Christians [453 words]WeAreAllDanes!Feb 13, 2006 22:3334809
Nuray you know why muslims dont insult Moses and Jesus [251 words]Mamdouh M.Feb 17, 2006 12:0134809
To Mamdouh M: Christians remember their religions when they confront Islam. [141 words]NurayFeb 18, 2006 12:1734809
answers for Lisa, John Bastile, Yuval Brandstetter, Dr RJP & Mr. IS [809 words]Jamil Al-isisFeb 10, 2006 10:0634792
the conquest of Palestine [359 words]yuval brandstetter MDFeb 10, 2006 15:1434792
to yuval brandstetter [106 words]garyFeb 11, 2006 05:3134792
to jamil [543 words]garyFeb 11, 2006 09:3434792
yuval, the Palestinian people are pawns in the Islamic agenda. [220 words]Janet AnnFeb 11, 2006 12:1334792
rely to:: answers for Lisa, John Bastile, Yuval Brandstetter, Dr RJP & Mr. IS [80 words]tandyFeb 12, 2006 11:2934792
RE: tandy [121 words]WeAreAllDanes!Feb 12, 2006 16:0234792
followup:palestinian myths: yuval brandstetter MD [218 words]JasonFeb 14, 2006 13:3334792
us response [410 words]patemFeb 10, 2006 07:4534783
to patem [14 words]garyFeb 11, 2006 05:4334783
to nuray [95 words]garyFeb 10, 2006 06:3034771
To Gary: Luckiest guy in the world [180 words]NurayFeb 10, 2006 16:3834771
In full agreement with Gary [193 words]Nick NicolleFeb 10, 2006 21:0834771
Europe's backbone [92 words]Saxon HardingFeb 10, 2006 06:1234769
to Saxon- Visible signs of War [790 words]SiddaFeb 11, 2006 11:3334769
The Children's author who ignited a worldwide protest [1361 words]SophieFeb 10, 2006 06:0534768
a basic misunderstanding [61 words]yuval brandstetter MDFeb 10, 2006 15:2234768
They should be pleased with the cartoon. [46 words]Ricki GregersenFeb 10, 2006 05:1034759
How a meeting of Leaders in MECCA set off the cartoon wars around the world [1058 words]SophieFeb 10, 2006 04:5534757
Treat everybody the same [178 words]Gabriel GrossoFeb 9, 2006 18:3134699
The Great Satan [661 words]PeterSFeb 9, 2006 18:0634690
to peter [27 words]garyFeb 11, 2006 08:3734690
The Great Satan [172 words]IanusFeb 11, 2006 14:5034690
Insulting Islam Is The Real Issue, ...Isn't It? [146 words]orange yonasonFeb 9, 2006 16:3734666
I will never submit to their demands [145 words]Bob DonovanFeb 9, 2006 14:2834647
To Bob Donovan [88 words]MarkFeb 10, 2006 13:1234647
I will never submit to their demands [43 words]IanusFeb 11, 2006 13:0434647
To Mark [267 words]Bob DonovanFeb 11, 2006 14:0934647
to Bob Donovan [203 words]UNUNApr 23, 2007 00:3134647
Muslims are as Muslims do.. [243 words]DONVANApr 23, 2007 15:5334647
How many Jews [77 words]yuval brandstetter MDFeb 9, 2006 17:3034644
Christian reaction to Jesus cartoons [285 words]Dr RJPFeb 9, 2006 13:3134635
wrong again Dr RJP [187 words]Jamil Al-isisFeb 9, 2006 14:0734635
Jamil -- Ever heard of Africa and Indonesia? [216 words]Dr RJPFeb 9, 2006 16:5234635
To jamil AlSIS [24 words]LisaFeb 9, 2006 22:1734635
Geshvolen zolen zai veren. [56 words]ISFeb 10, 2006 01:1934635
Re: Jamil [148 words]BFeb 10, 2006 10:1734635
To B & Gary [207 words]JamilFeb 10, 2006 15:0634635
You have stepped way over the line Jamil [70 words]John GiannascaFeb 13, 2006 00:5834635
Both Christians and Muslims are Threatened the World [52 words]RodrigueMar 18, 2006 01:0334635
cartoons and sensitivities [198 words]Ilya ShostakovskyFeb 9, 2006 13:2634634
1There is no reason to mock the prophet [735 words]John BastileFeb 9, 2006 13:0334628
Ah, Sane Advice [15 words]JaladhiFeb 9, 2006 17:0234628
Actions Speak Louder Then Words [87 words]AnneMFeb 9, 2006 17:0734628
Reply to John Bastille [37 words]MarkFeb 10, 2006 13:3434628
You are a Blashphemer. [242 words]aqua FyreDec 12, 2008 08:4934628
It is necessary to mock Mohammad, the prophet of Islam, because [94 words]kafirmanFeb 1, 2010 06:2534628
Thank you to newspapers and magazines that practice freedom of speech [56 words]Covenant of UmarFeb 9, 2006 12:3334625
Will Islamic Absolutism defeat Western Relativism [202 words]AndyFeb 9, 2006 10:2134608
Free Speech or Fighting Words? [215 words]SapphoFeb 9, 2006 04:0334564
Sappho [133 words]DaisyFeb 10, 2006 09:1734564
uk response [72 words]hughFeb 9, 2006 02:2134555
uk response [121 words]IanusFeb 11, 2006 14:0934555
2Islamic sensitivity and tolerance: ultimate oxymorons! [498 words]Dr RJPFeb 8, 2006 23:5234543
Prophet Muhammed, united Muslims again. [137 words]NurayFeb 9, 2006 13:5834543
Nuray [353 words]DaisyFeb 9, 2006 23:3034543
To Daisy : All ways go to Islam [209 words]NurayFeb 10, 2006 10:5034543
Nuray .. again. [376 words]DaisyFeb 10, 2006 18:1834543
Bamian statue [50 words]Hari IyerFeb 8, 2006 23:0634538
Gautam Buddha - the Divine master [80 words]JaladhiFeb 9, 2006 06:4534538
How productive is the publication of an insulting cartoon? [162 words]Bob KopsteinFeb 8, 2006 21:5334522
fight for our freedom [161 words]ElizabethFeb 8, 2006 21:2834519
It's NOT a tiny minority of extremists [271 words]Sick and TIredFeb 9, 2006 10:5334519
Re to Sick and Tired [87 words]JaladhiFeb 9, 2006 16:4334519
To 'Sick and TIred'; What's Wrong With Being Millenarist? [54 words]orange yonasonFeb 10, 2006 01:2234519
It's NOT a tiny minority of extremists [84 words]IanusFeb 12, 2006 06:3034519
Freedom of press? [49 words]David GoldfarbFeb 8, 2006 20:5034515
Appeasing Moslems [533 words]F. ShakkiFeb 8, 2006 20:4634513
You are totally wrong [554 words]Jamil Al-isisFeb 8, 2006 14:3234422
Jamil, violence is not an appropriate response when offended. [365 words]Janet AnnFeb 9, 2006 11:5234422
2Who's totally wrong? [788 words]M. MorisFeb 9, 2006 12:3034422
Jamil, I support you [172 words]John BastileFeb 9, 2006 13:1334422
Understanding the West [517 words]Robert ArsenaultFeb 9, 2006 15:1334422
Special Thanks To M. Moris [111 words]L. EbrahimFeb 9, 2006 22:5434422
Freedom or Hatred [668 words]CMLFeb 8, 2006 14:1034416
CML you have got it so wrong! [255 words]John GiannascaFeb 8, 2006 18:0034416
Oh Really? [241 words]hrFeb 8, 2006 18:2234416
Very Eloquently Stated [55 words]ShellieFeb 8, 2006 18:3834416
Its a laugh Shellie! [112 words]John GiannascaFeb 8, 2006 22:0134416
"Mohammed's Believe It or Else?" by Aboullah Azaz [74 words]Janet AnnFeb 8, 2006 13:2934405
"Mohammed's Believe It or Else?" by Aboullah Azaz [239 words]IanusFeb 11, 2006 13:3134405
OPEN LETTER TO: Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State [222 words]Janet AnnFeb 8, 2006 11:5234382
The Sellout U.S. State Department [174 words]Persia Gran-FreelandFeb 8, 2006 11:3334378
Muslim Hate [40 words]Donna SummerFeb 8, 2006 11:3034377
Reply on cartoons and islamic imperialism [313 words]Islam SalemFeb 8, 2006 16:4634377
Talk in terms of today [127 words]John GiannascaFeb 8, 2006 22:1734377
Please, inform us. [319 words]Brad SmithFeb 9, 2006 14:0234377
The followers of religion of peace demand cutting of cartoonist heads [24 words]A.A.Feb 8, 2006 11:2734376
The followers of religion of peace demand cutting of cartoonist heads [113 words]IanusFeb 11, 2006 17:5934376
Individual matter [26 words]euFeb 8, 2006 11:2434375
Should non muslims show respect to prophet of islam? [206 words]N. KhanFeb 8, 2006 11:2134374
Get Over It! [80 words]MortFeb 8, 2006 11:1134371
Veteran's slant [48 words]mais churchillFeb 8, 2006 09:3834359
Veterans decision [50 words]mavis ChurchillFeb 8, 2006 09:0734354
Reply to Mavis, Veterans Decision [179 words]Janet AnnFeb 8, 2006 15:0034354
2the family troublemaker [235 words]jrFeb 8, 2006 08:2534344
Jew or Sikh cartoons [269 words]Arif RajaFeb 8, 2006 07:0734332
If the shoe fits Arif! [74 words]John GiannascaFeb 8, 2006 22:2934332
UNITED WE STAND - DIVIDED WE FALL [34 words]Bella CeruzaFeb 8, 2006 06:2734324
Professor sacked for displaying blasphemous drawing in class [189 words]SophieFeb 8, 2006 05:5634321
Freedom [78 words]TFeb 8, 2006 05:3634318
Moslem outrage at Danish cartoons [99 words]Anita EllerFeb 8, 2006 05:2634315
the danish writer did not know what he was doing, or did he ? [162 words]abu mohammedFeb 12, 2006 07:1534315
RE:Moslem outrage at Danish cartoons [179 words]WeAreAllDanes!Feb 12, 2006 16:3734315
Cartoons vs classification of non-muslims [93 words]S.C.PandaFeb 8, 2006 05:2334314
Militant Islam intimidates [1238 words]SophieFeb 8, 2006 04:3034312
names of danish goods [43 words]garyFeb 8, 2006 04:2534309
Arrogant dictators [217 words]Olivia M.Feb 8, 2006 02:3934297
Double Standards [284 words]Mohamed Al-LawatiFeb 8, 2006 01:1734285
to al-lawati [40 words]garyFeb 8, 2006 05:4834285
Living in your own world? [273 words]hrFeb 8, 2006 07:0034285
other double standards examples [206 words]harrakFeb 8, 2006 08:5234285
so what are you doing in the "evil" west? [23 words]susanFeb 8, 2006 11:4634285
Human double standards vs Alaty Akbar standards [149 words]hrFeb 8, 2006 14:4934285
Re: Susan and Ahmadinajad [79 words]HarrakFeb 8, 2006 15:2134285
Reply to hr concerning Ridha [186 words]HarrakFeb 8, 2006 15:4334285
alaty akbar [54 words]HarrakFeb 8, 2006 15:4734285
Freedom of speech opposing the "Reda" Law [77 words]hrFeb 8, 2006 16:2934285
just a cartoon [64 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 8, 2006 17:3834285
alaty or alati are the same [367 words]hrFeb 8, 2006 19:2634285
There is a time for anger. [144 words]Janet AnnFeb 8, 2006 20:0834285
Lots of mistakes [77 words]HarrakFeb 8, 2006 22:2734285
Mohammad, you share the duplicity [115 words]John GiannascaFeb 8, 2006 22:3934285
Every Single Muslim, Without Exception, Feels the Same Things [164 words]SapphoFeb 9, 2006 04:4934285
Reply to Harrak, Redha is Betrayal !!!!! [415 words]hrFeb 9, 2006 08:4434285
To Harrak, don't worry [200 words]hrFeb 9, 2006 09:0934285
reply for DOCTOR hr [221 words]HarrakFeb 9, 2006 16:3434285
Reply for hr on who is defending Ridha law for real.. [162 words]HarrakFeb 9, 2006 18:4834285
Harrak - Hard Luck [280 words]hrFeb 10, 2006 19:1534285
Bush !! vs Redha Law [43 words]hrFeb 10, 2006 19:5734285
hr YOUR LUCK IS EVEN HARDER [126 words]HarrakFeb 11, 2006 06:4634285
Every Single Muslim, Without Exception, Feels the Same Things [384 words]IanusFeb 13, 2006 11:2034285
allah [31 words]ashrafFeb 21, 2006 12:1934285
to susan [39 words]dim sumSep 26, 2006 04:3534285
mohammad cartoon [80 words]marialFeb 7, 2006 23:1934273
Kill all Infidels - No Kidding [52 words]hrFeb 8, 2006 07:0934273
1Why Muslims do not joke about jesus, moses, abraham [80 words]InfidelFeb 8, 2006 17:1534273
Muhamad is terrorist?! How about Mary! [124 words]HarrakFeb 9, 2006 16:5934273
Harrak - Read Please [196 words]hrFeb 10, 2006 19:4534273
Reply to hr on READ PLEASE [382 words]HarrakFeb 11, 2006 13:0834273
Muhamad is terrorist?! How about Mary ...and Byzantine history! [200 words]IanusFeb 11, 2006 16:0734273
Explaining why using the term Byzantine and a lesson in history [158 words]HarrakFeb 11, 2006 16:5334273
Awww..did the big bad cartoon say something mean..there there..STOP CRYING! [241 words]JonFeb 12, 2006 15:2934273
The term "Byzantine" or a Muslim lesson in history [577 words]IanusFeb 12, 2006 17:0434273
to Jamil [179 words]LafFeb 12, 2006 17:1334273
IANUS and the new face of WAHABISM [164 words]HarrakFeb 13, 2006 14:1934273
Wahhabites and Vandals [342 words]IanusFeb 14, 2006 15:0534273
1"Satanic Words" by Salman R-It goes hand in hand [121 words]salmanMar 4, 2006 04:3634273
What the Qur'an actually says. [41 words]KaneJun 30, 2006 05:5234273
sick man [26 words]Muhamad FikriJun 6, 2008 12:4634273
Our Freedoms [797 words]PeterSFeb 7, 2006 22:5734270
NATO [59 words]Douglas BoggsFeb 7, 2006 22:5434268
NATO Not Helpful [42 words]BeverlyFeb 9, 2006 16:5934268
NATO and Islam- Douglas Boggs [63 words]IanusFeb 13, 2006 05:5934268
The losers and the winners in this game are.. [285 words]HarrakFeb 7, 2006 21:4334256
No need to wait for new book [46 words]William Sumner Scott, J.D.Feb 7, 2006 20:5334250
1The Islam Comic Book [358 words]Islamic ImperialismFeb 7, 2006 20:5134249
yes it is true [3 words]ItalianFeb 8, 2006 14:2234249
Not surprised at US Reaction [160 words]Darwin BarrettFeb 7, 2006 19:5434237
Newspapers, stop publications insulting to Islam -NOW!! [158 words]RPaineFeb 7, 2006 19:5034235
Digging our own grave [224 words]Laurie Dinerstein-KursFeb 7, 2006 19:4734234
A double standard on the right to insult? [134 words]Darwin P. MoradiellosFeb 7, 2006 19:4534233
the constitution and free insult [19 words]ellieApr 23, 2006 00:3034233
Cartoons and religion [201 words]Len GFeb 7, 2006 18:4334219
I am against the hypocritcal protestors but not "with" the idiot cartoonists [285 words]AndyFeb 7, 2006 18:3734218
freedom to make light of religion [54 words]robert finkFeb 7, 2006 18:3734217
Cartoons and double-standards [209 words]Gabriel GrossoFeb 7, 2006 18:2534212
Re: Cartoons and double-standards [260 words]SteveFeb 7, 2006 18:5934212
Answer to Steve [345 words]Gabriel GrossoFeb 8, 2006 02:3234212
response to g grosso [253 words]patemFeb 8, 2006 08:3234212
To Gabriel Grosso: Thanks 4 your wise comment [37 words]NurayFeb 8, 2006 09:3734212
Time to Take a Stand [47 words]Peter RonaiFeb 7, 2006 18:1734208
Cartoons, wrong, Murder, right.... [26 words]LoriFeb 7, 2006 18:0234201
Muhammad and the Holocaust [50 words]Joseph WechslerFeb 7, 2006 17:4634195
Wherein lies the difference [230 words]Philip AdamsFeb 7, 2006 17:2834189
Christians in islamic countries [148 words]AllonehhobFeb 7, 2006 17:1234184
They brought it on themselves... [297 words]Brad SmithFeb 7, 2006 17:0034178
The forces beyond our control. [136 words]renchFeb 7, 2006 16:5434176
Dr. Pipes, it's time ... [167 words]Victor PurintonFeb 7, 2006 16:5434175
Islam Vindicates Cartoonists, And.... [211 words]orange yonasonFeb 7, 2006 16:4534171
If I say 'Islam is Evil!' [264 words]ScottFeb 7, 2006 16:3734170
Cartoons and Islamic Mentality [1207 words]L. EbrahimFeb 7, 2006 16:2134167
Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism [141 words]kim segarFeb 7, 2006 16:1434166
Cartoons etc. [168 words]Joe FitzgeraldFeb 7, 2006 16:0834164
Religion is antithetical to life as a human. [181 words]Ralph C Whaley MDFeb 7, 2006 16:0434163
Re: Religion is antithetical to life as a human. [327 words]SteveFeb 7, 2006 16:5634163
Freedom of speech in an era of global communication [459 words]James ArchibaldFeb 7, 2006 16:0334162
STAY STRONG & UNINTIMIDATED. [60 words]JOHN MANITTAFeb 7, 2006 15:5034160
cartoons depicting Muhammad as a terrorist are utterly inaccurate, by Karen Armstrong [302 words]NurayFeb 7, 2006 15:4534158
Mohammad as terrorist? [194 words]DaisyFeb 7, 2006 17:1034158
1"Depicting Mohammed as terrorist in cartoons is inaccurate"(Karen Armstrong), Is it really? [625 words]RodFeb 7, 2006 18:3134158
To Karen Armstrong - No Knowledge leads to No Sense [410 words]hrFeb 7, 2006 20:4034158
Islamophobia - must be. [78 words]G.BisvasFeb 8, 2006 06:1234158
ALL THE RESPECT TO ROD [103 words]hrFeb 8, 2006 06:2934158
To G.Bisvas: [82 words]NurayFeb 9, 2006 09:1734158
I can't say that I agree with the Muslims, but... [302 words]warrenFeb 12, 2006 00:2334158
1Toqia [573 words]LuLuOct 5, 2009 06:3434158
1Cartoons [82 words]LuLuOct 5, 2009 08:3134158
Muhammad made victorious with terror [42 words]AmillennialistDec 12, 2009 13:0234158
wrong [66 words]usmanJan 25, 2010 04:1734158
Cartoon Wars [133 words]chris bischofFeb 7, 2006 15:4534157
Love Ya, Dr. Pipes [39 words]Regan HuffmanFeb 7, 2006 15:3834155
Respect? Try separating Mosque and State. [235 words]DaisyFeb 7, 2006 15:3134151
Signal of resistance [159 words]ItalianFeb 7, 2006 15:3034150
No Middle Ground [138 words]Marie ClelandFeb 7, 2006 15:2834149
MPLS. Star Tribune Response [32 words]Nora ElifsonFeb 7, 2006 15:1234145
Nora, the real reason is "fear". [169 words]Janet AnnFeb 8, 2006 17:2134145
T real reason is "fear of Islam". [498 words]IanusFeb 11, 2006 17:2634145
cartoons [180 words]HannahFeb 7, 2006 15:0734141
let's not succumb to their arrogance [136 words]vincentFeb 7, 2006 15:2534141
1the arrogance of Islam [483 words]richard mcgaheyFeb 7, 2006 15:0534140
show solidarity with Danes, we're at war [231 words]JobroFeb 7, 2006 15:0434139
History of Islam in Europe [86 words]truett harrisFeb 7, 2006 15:0334138
europe awakening [86 words]ItalianFeb 7, 2006 15:4734138
Islamic hypocrisy [101 words]Richard the Lion heartFeb 8, 2006 17:5934138
Timeline of Protest ( Or the Story of "Spontaneous Rioting" [671 words]Dan EliasFeb 7, 2006 15:0034136
muslims are not europeans [131 words]italianFeb 7, 2006 16:2734136
cartoon comment [296 words]HannahFeb 7, 2006 14:4434133
I stand with Denmark [64 words]Elie HadidFeb 7, 2006 14:3434130
what muslims did to us [136 words]G.BisvasFeb 7, 2006 14:1834125
Yes, Buy Danish Products Today!! [13 words]J.S.Feb 7, 2006 14:1434123
Danish cookies [60 words]HarrakFeb 7, 2006 15:1534123
"Support Denmark" banner site: multiple languages [46 words]Russell WhitakerFeb 12, 2006 18:3434123
Stand with Denmark [37 words]Bronia BrandmanFeb 7, 2006 14:0634121
What will offend next? [239 words]SiddaFeb 7, 2006 13:5934119
Dialogue of deafs [101 words]Sadi CayciFeb 7, 2006 13:5134114
Islamic cartoons -- not offensive at all; just funny [477 words]Romesh ChanderFeb 7, 2006 13:5034113
What makes THEM any different than US [126 words]Rachel JetteFeb 7, 2006 13:4234112
Muslims never talk ill of any prophets [104 words]abd_abdalFeb 7, 2006 13:2134108
Muslim's attitude toward other prophets [131 words]Richard SnellFeb 7, 2006 14:5934108
Islamist had no respect to other religion [80 words]ItalianFeb 7, 2006 16:4834108
muslims never talk ill of any prophets [192 words]juliaFeb 7, 2006 17:4034108
To Babatunde Abdullah & Abd Abdla [188 words]L. EbrahimFeb 7, 2006 22:1234108
If Islam Is Respectful Of Other Faiths [143 words]AnneMFeb 9, 2006 08:0134108
Zero tolerance & zero respect for others by Radical Muslims [201 words]Faqir chandFeb 7, 2006 12:5734104
Islamic Amnesia [120 words]JaladhiFeb 7, 2006 15:0934104
They hold up a mirror [61 words]Ivan CherFeb 7, 2006 12:5434101
1زلزال التخلف والجهل ..سيظل إلى الأبد [575 words]mohamed.mFeb 7, 2006 12:3734099
Shameful UK and USA response [243 words]JaladhiFeb 7, 2006 12:3734098
2Muslims demand to show respect to their prophet [644 words]N.KhanFeb 7, 2006 12:2434095
what is wrong with you?! [302 words]aishaJan 15, 2009 18:2634095
Why are you here or What is wrong with you!? [112 words]another infidelJan 16, 2009 02:5134095
It's about accountability [61 words]David W. LincolnFeb 7, 2006 12:1334091
Burning of Danish Embassy [29 words]Yaakov WatkinsFeb 7, 2006 12:1134090
I am glad [456 words]HilareFeb 7, 2006 12:1034089
Insults and Blasphemy [144 words]MargieFeb 7, 2006 12:0934087
Cartoons [80 words]Dan RusenFeb 7, 2006 12:0834086
What about the sensitivities of non-muslims [424 words]A.A.Feb 7, 2006 12:0434085
FREEDOM USE IT OR LOSE IT.... [74 words]Vicki MorganFeb 7, 2006 12:0134084
Muslim do not make mockery of prophets [211 words]Babatunde AbdullahFeb 7, 2006 12:0034083
I keep hearing this.. [19 words]WillisFeb 7, 2006 15:0334083
You do not understand [309 words]SiddaFeb 7, 2006 15:0834083
The right to offend. [145 words]Jeff DavisFeb 7, 2006 16:3134083
I SEE CHRISTIANS ARE BEING HATEFUL AS USUAL [146 words]SheilaFeb 8, 2006 08:2034083
Hypocrisy Is Found In All Faiths [77 words]AnneMFeb 9, 2006 08:1934083
Why Christians only ? All the infidels [141 words]hrFeb 9, 2006 09:2434083
RE:Babatunde Abdullah [252 words]WeAreAllDanes!Feb 11, 2006 02:3934083
Now you set the rules [77 words]Babatunde AbdullahFeb 17, 2006 13:5934083
To Shiela [480 words]LeeJul 26, 2006 06:0234083
as always on target [43 words]waksmanFeb 7, 2006 11:5934082
Let's se thousands of Muhammad cartoons [173 words]Behrouz AzarniaFeb 7, 2006 11:5434081
Let's see thousands of Muhammad cartoons [178 words]IanusFeb 13, 2006 09:4034081
Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism [11 words]Richard SnellFeb 7, 2006 11:5134080
The Sistine Chapel still stands. [124 words]TinaFeb 7, 2006 11:4234079
Free Speech [138 words]Liz ReynoldsFeb 7, 2006 11:4034078
re cartoons of mohammad [153 words]DanFeb 7, 2006 11:3634077
Cartoons and the comparisons [270 words]HarrakFeb 7, 2006 11:3334076
cartoons and the comparisons [163 words]David ReedMar 3, 2006 12:0334076
Jyllands-Posten Cartoons Stupid [118 words]Jiri SeveraFeb 7, 2006 11:3034075
Did they know? [113 words]SiddaFeb 7, 2006 15:3334075
Standing with Denmark [71 words]Keith R. SnyderFeb 7, 2006 11:3034074
Right on! [47 words]ray brunerFeb 7, 2006 11:2934073
It is wrong to make fun of any religion, but Muslims do it [178 words]bashaFeb 7, 2006 11:2734072
we stand With You [8 words]Jacob WeinbergFeb 7, 2006 11:2334071
The World is Watching [177 words]Jeff DavisFeb 7, 2006 11:1734069
Behind the Temper Tantrum [722 words]ChrisFeb 7, 2006 11:1534068
support for the braves [160 words]Elpi NipniFeb 7, 2006 11:1534067
Slow to See [198 words]Bill StoreyFeb 7, 2006 11:1234065
BE CAREFUL [962 words]howlinFeb 7, 2006 11:1234064
West Being Played [256 words]Lee D. CaryFeb 7, 2006 11:0834063
C-SPAN LINKS [192 words]Paul MasonFeb 7, 2006 10:5934058
imposition of Islamic law [60 words]Dr.L. McClainFeb 7, 2006 10:5734056
How would Mohammed react to the Danish cartoons? [898 words]John BastileFeb 7, 2006 10:5534055
why Muslim complain of the cartoons [49 words]DriciSep 1, 2009 10:2934055
an unmasking [198 words]RobFeb 7, 2006 10:4734053
Cartoons [125 words]GSFeb 7, 2006 10:4334052
Strange [109 words]SinghaFeb 7, 2006 10:4034051
Whew! [204 words]ddsFeb 7, 2006 10:3134048
Feeding on Weakness [112 words]Logan BerryFeb 7, 2006 10:1834047
insulting religions [101 words]Mikkel OlsenFeb 7, 2006 10:0034046
How about Jesus as Osama bin Laden? [161 words]SiddaFeb 7, 2006 14:1934046
re: jesus as osama [356 words]Mikkel OlsenFeb 8, 2006 07:3334046
The real insult to Islam [349 words]SiddaFeb 8, 2006 15:5834046
Wrong judgements of Muslims... [159 words]FatimaFeb 10, 2006 23:2934046
to fatima [44 words]garyFeb 11, 2006 10:0534046
To: gary [245 words]FatimaFeb 15, 2006 19:2334046
Well this is really unfair with Muslims. [15 words]MariaFeb 16, 2006 10:3834046
Why is it unfair to Muslims, Maria? [420 words]JimmyFeb 17, 2006 14:4834046
KKK/slavery is that Christianity? [387 words]K.M.Feb 18, 2006 23:0334046
u don't live in middle east [112 words]MirnaFeb 21, 2006 07:1834046
Jimmy r u a Muslim? [63 words]MariaMar 5, 2006 09:5034046
The False satement,the Muslims always say [154 words]sebas joeMar 7, 2006 13:4634046
Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism [113 words]CCFeb 7, 2006 10:0034045
Double Standard At Work [87 words]AnneMFeb 7, 2006 09:1134039
Jeg sta med Danmark ( English: I stand with Denmark) [106 words]Jeff BurkeFeb 7, 2006 14:0634039
Jeg sta med Danmark ( English: I stand with Denmark) [228 words]IanusFeb 11, 2006 15:4234039
cartoons and censorship [371 words]petemFeb 7, 2006 08:4134036
1What Do Muslims Believe ?? [213 words]Freedom FighterFeb 26, 2006 00:0534036
1NON-MUSLIM UNITY IS STRENGTH [196 words]Ram NarayanJun 1, 2006 12:3034036
Reply to Nam Narayan [132 words]GuidedFeb 16, 2007 03:3234036
How can we get united? [97 words]LisaMar 3, 2007 22:1634036
Amen [58 words]Jake LarsonJul 19, 2007 14:3434036
Islam is spreading because... [86 words]Jake LarsonJul 19, 2007 15:1834036
Jesus loves you no matter what you do [151 words]ABCDEGHIJKApr 8, 2009 00:1634036
Islam spreading? [70 words]RaviApr 14, 2009 18:4334036
1I'm with ya Denmark!!! [56 words]WilksFeb 7, 2006 08:2234032
1I agree. [63 words]BrianaOct 27, 2006 20:5634032
Do not disrespect yourselves... [375 words]AZZZUDec 7, 2008 03:2334032

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