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Does America Face A Jihadist Threat That's Even Bigger Than Terrorism?

Reader comment on item: Obama Would Fail Security Clearance
in response to reader comment: obama would fail secuirty clearance

Submitted by WeroInNM (United States), Nov 23, 2008 at 01:01

Does America face a jihadist threat that's even bigger than terrorism? http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Stealth-Jihad/Robert-Spencer/e/9781596985568/?itm=1

Disclaimer: I am not and would not accept a kickback for the marketing and sale of this or any other books, articles, videos or any other resources, along with their quotes, that I will share with you with my comment(s), only, as am means of attempting to fairly and factually document and support my stated concerns outlined on this and/or any other comments, that I may be share with you under separate cover. I also consider these and/or any other verbal or written concerns to be given me under our "FREEDOM OF SPEECH RIGHTS", which I consider as one of the corner stones of our "Constitution's 1st Amendment Rights."

And, with that being said, what follows is a culmination of questions, along with books, articles, videos and their supporting resources, that seem to fairly and factually support my stated concerns about our country's President Elect. Question: Is Islam Changing America From Within? • Children shout "Allahu akbar!" • Women aren't allowed in public without a male relative. • Muslims don't pay interest on financial transactions. Sounds like a description of daily life in Saudi Arabia, right?

It's actually happening right here in America—
most people just don't know it. But we can stop it! These are pertinent Barnes and Noble reviews relating to this issue: "While our homeland security efforts are focused on preventing terrorist attacks, another jihadist threat is growing right here in America-in plain sight. In Stealth Jihad, Islam expert and New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer blows the whistle on a long-term plot by Islamic jihadists to undermine the United States.

This effort aims not to bring America to its knees through attacks with guns or bombs, but to subvert the country from within-by gradually Islamizing America. The ultimate goal, the stealth jihadists themselves declare, is nothing less than the adoption of Islamic law in the United States. Describing the disturbing ease with which stealth jihadists have already become ensconced in the American political and media landscapes, Spencer exposes the full modus operandi of the movement as revealed in a stunning document unveiled in a recent terrorism funding trial. In this unsettling book, he explains: •Which Islamic fundamentalist organization is behind the stealth jihad

•How stealth jihadists have reinvented themselves as mainstream civil rights activists-despite their many past declarations of Islamic supremacism; •How stealth jihadists played a key role in formulating U.S. government guidelines for the War on Terror
*; •How insistence on "accommodating" Islamic cultural and religious practices in America is part of a calculated strategy to achieve a dangerous larger agenda

*; •The effort by stealth jihadists to whitewash the teaching of Islam in schools

*; and, •What can be done to defeat the stealth jihad and preserve America's liberty? America, Spencer demonstrates, is all but oblivious to a new kind of threat presented by a loosely organized movement whose activists are well funded, highly motivated, and relentless in pursuit of their agenda. This book is a wake-up call for a country so focused on foreign threats that it has left itself vulnerable to a growing danger much closer to home. More Reviews and Recommendations Biography Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and the author of eight books on Islam and jihad. Spencer is a weekly columnist for Human Events and the website Front-Page Magazine, and has led seminars on Islam and jihad for the United States Central Command, United States Army Command and General Staff College, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the U.S. intelligence community."

**Question: Whys Does President Elect Obama's Birth Certificate Continue To Be An Issue After The Campaign and Why Does The Media Not Report On The Lawsuits Regarding The Issue: By Douglas V. Gibbs On Political Pistacho Radio On Sunday, November 16, 2008. "You Decide": http://politicalpistachio.blogspot.com/2008/11/why-is-obamas-birth-certificate-still.html

**To Date, There Continues To Be Numerous Pending Law Suits That Have Been Filed Around The Country And Seem To Grow Day-By-Day, To Include Hawaii, Accusing Our Now President Elect Obama of Defrauding The American People By Denying Access To The Original Copy of His Typewritten 1961 Birth Certificate (e.g., Original (Vault) Birth Certificate With The State of Hawaii's Official Seal etc.), Which, To Date, He Has Adamantly Refused To Provide. These are the pertinent Web Sites: http://contrariancommentary.wordpress.com/ http://contrariancommentary.wordpress.com/2008/10/27/jerome-corsi-files-copycat-request-for-obama-birth-ertificate/?referer=sphere_related_content/

**(New) Obama's Hawaii Birth Certificate Confirmed: Posted By Pacific Business News (Honolulu) On Friday, October 31, 2008: http://pacific.bizjournals.com/pacific/stories/2008/10/27/daily60.html Which, In My Opinion, This Article Still Does Not Answer My Question Because, His Half Sister, Who Was, In Fact, Born In Indonesia, Also Has A Birth Certificate Issued By The State of Hawaii: **Former Obama Opponent Now Suing to Prove President-Elect's Citizenship By Rich Roger rogers@nbcaugusta.com and NBC Augusta Staff-Story Published On November 18, 2008 and Updated November 19, 2008: http://www.nbcaugusta.com/news/local/34587804.html

http://blogs.abcnews.com/thenumbers/2008/11/race-revisited.html (New) Obama camp: Lawsuits by citizens are 'garbage' Legal challenges spring up across U.S., demand proof of eligibility for office:

Posted By WorldNetDaily On: November 13, 2008 10:30 pm Eastern-Published By Chelsea Schilling: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=80928 These are pertinent quotes from this article: "More than a half-dozen legal challenges have been filed in federal and state courts demanding President-elect Barack Obama's decertification from ballots or seeking to halt elector meetings, claiming he has failed to prove his U.S. citizenship status.

An Obama campaign spokeswoman told WND the complaints are unfounded. "All I can tell you is that it is just pure garbage," she said. "There have been several lawsuits, but they have been dismissed." (New) U.S. Supreme Court To Review Barack Obama's Citizenship On Dec. 5,2008: Posted By GayWired.Com: Published By Jonas Oliver | Article Date: 11/20/2008 4:46 PM: http://www.gaywired.com/Article.cfm?ID=20943 These are pertinent quotes from this article: "On December 5, 2008 the United States Supreme Court is expected to meet to review a case being brought by Leo C. Donofrio against Nina Wells, the secretary of state in New Jersey, which challenges whether or not Barack Obama is a "natural-born citizen" and thus qualified under the U.S. Constitution's to become president.

Ironically Donofrio's suit also claims that Sen. John McCain's name should not have been on the election ballot for the same reason. The case, which was unsuccessful at the state level, is not expected to find much success with the Supreme Court. However if four of the nine justices vote to hear the case in full, oral argument may be scheduled. Questions linger regarding Barack Obama' s citizenship despite the fact that his campaign has posted the President-Elect's live certificate of birth at FightTheSmears.com.

Another action questioning Barack Obama's citizenship has been filed in the State of California by Alan Keyes, a former presidential candidate and rival of Obama's, who along with a series of other organizations including the United Justice Foundation, are petitioning the California secretary of state asking that the state's 55 Electoral College votes slated to be cast in the 2008 presidential election on behalf of Barack Obama be withheld until he verifies his eligibility to hold the office of president. According to conservative website World News Daily, the California case states, "There is a reasonable and common expectation by the voters that to qualify for the ballot, the individuals running for office must meet minimum qualifications as outlined in the federal and state Constitutions and statutes, and that compliance with those minimum qualifications has been confirmed by the officials overseeing the election process."

"Since [the secretary of state] has, as its core, the mission of certifying and establishing the validity of the election process, this writ seeks a Court Order barring SOS from certifying the California Electors until documentary proof that Senator Obama is a 'natural born' citizen of the United States of America is received by her," the document said. "This proof could include items such as his original birth certificate, showing the name of the hospital and the name and the signature of the doctor, all of his passports with immigration stamps, and verification from the governments where the candidate has resided, verifying that he did not, and does not, hold citizenship of these countries, and any other documents that certify an individual's citizenship and/or qualification for office.

Taking on the issue of the "certificate of live birth" posted by the Obama campaign, the California case alleges that it cannot be viewed as authoritative, given that: "Hawaii Revised Statute 338-178 allows registration of birth in Hawaii for a child that was born outside of Hawaii to parents who, for a year preceding the child's birth, claimed Hawaii as their place of residence," the document said. "The only way to know where Senator Obama was actually born is to view Senator Obama's original birth certificate from 1961 that shows the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor that delivered him." The case also raises questions about the circumstances of Obama's time during his youth in Indonesia, where he was listed as having Indonesian citizenship. Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship, raising the possibility of Obama's mother having given up his U.S. citizenship, according to World News Daily.

** More Detail on Obama and the Law Posted by Steve Marquis on November 11, 2008: http://www.peoplespassions.org/documents/Citizenship101.html ** Exhibits supporting Dual citizenship and Non-Native Born Status of Mr Obama "Yet unheard in the Courts who swat at a Gnat while Swallowing the Camel": http://www.peoplespassions.org/Exhibits/List_of_Exhibits.html

**HYMAN: Obama's Kenya Ghosts Posted By Mark Hyman On October 12, 2008 (Washington Times): http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/oct/12/obamas-kenya-ghosts/ **My Question To President Elect Obama Is: Why don't you just provide proof of your US Citizenship to put this lingering issue to rest, once in for all, and stop all the suspicion and negative gossip that this issue has stirred up? "Something Smells" **Obama's "Sex Rebel" Communist Mentor: The "Naked Truth" About Frank Marshall Davis: Sex Specialist: http://www.usasurvival.org/docs/Rpt_Davis_Sex.pdf

This is a pertinent quote from this article: "Frank Marshall Davis [was] an activist in Hawaii who died in 1987. Barack Obama met Davis when he was just 10 years old and sought his advice throughout his teen years…Who was he and what kind of an influence did he have on young Barack Obama?" **Communism In Hawaii and the Obama Connection: http://www.usasurvival.org/docs/hawaii-obama.pdf **Communists," Progressives," Obama, and the Media: http://www.usasurvival.org/docs/Column_on_Communism_ASI.pdf

**President Elect Obama's Connection to Bill Ayers Barack Obama, William Ayers Posted on October 7, 2008: http://hotair.com/archives/2008/10/07/cnn-obamas-lying-about-william-ayers/comment-page-1/#comments **Campaign Bogeyman William Ayers Talks to 'GMA"Good Morning America's 'Chris Cuomo Grills'60s Radical Bill Ayers On 11/14/08: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Politics/story?id=6251086&page=1

**Note: Many young Americans in uniform, upon returning home from the War in Viet Nam, to include others like myself who volunteered to fight in the War, but, for what ever reason, never set foot on Viet Nam, were spit on, called baby killers, refused service at some public establishments and threatened with our own lives by individuals and/or groups, the likes of Bill Ayers and his cronies, who were blaming us for the War, and, as a result, we were ordered by our base commanders to go low profile and not wear our uniforms when traveling off our home bases, thereby not attracting attention to ourselves.

I and numerous other of my young Marine friends found these threats to be, extremely, deplorable at the time because, we were serving our Country, which we had given our oath to defend and, literally, had nothing to do with the politics of starting and/or continuing the War. And here was this young rich college kid and his cronies, that were about our age, that had done absolutely nothing for their country and, more than likely, had been granted a school deferment to keep from getting drafted or had, right or wrong, burned their draft cards, which, shamefully and sadly for our country, had also been done by one of our previous Presidents.

Therefore, they did not have to serve their country, as members of our country's Armed Forces, like so many others did, simply, because their parents were well-to-do, and could afford to pay for their education, that most of us, to include our parents, as average Americans, could not afford to do back then. Today, many youngsters, both men and women, are still unable to afford a college education, as evidenced by the growing numbers that are volunteering to serve their country, as members of our Armed Forces, due to our country's deteriorating financial economic crises, which I also find suspicious because, I feel that it was caused, mainly, by greedy rich individuals, and this crisis, ultimately, increases the rolls of our unemployed.

These youngsters are joining the military not only to honorably serve their country, that is now at war here at home and abroad, but, as a means of providing for their loved ones. And back then Bill Ayers and his cronies had the audacity and, in my opinion, a twisted mind, to turn terrorists against their own country and, subsequently and unfairly, blamed us for starting and continuing the un-popular war. A war which was, more than likely, started by our country's rich politicians and, subsequently, where many of our young friends (approximately 58,000) had made the ultimate sacrifice for, by honorably, courageously and selflessly serving their country so others, like themselves, could enjoy the fruits of their FREEDOM, which, obviously, had not come free since the foundation of our great country.

A FREEDOM, that they had, obviously, taken for granted when they decided, not only, to protest the war, which was their God given right to do, as American Citizens, but, in my opinion, crossed the line when they turned the anger that they, rightfully, had towards our country's elected officials, who, at that time, I feel were visibly floundering because, they were not very sure how to save face by ending the war honorably and were, obviously, not listening to the alarming cries coming from their constituents that had elected them to serve in our country's highest leadership positions, but, instead, chose to take their anger out on other innocent young Americans in uniform, who, as members of our Armed Forces, were honorably, courageously and selflessly serving and, subsequently, making the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Even more deplorable to me, is the fact that he and his 1960s cronies, who, by the way, are now all college professors (what does that tell us about the type of education our kids have been getting over the years), to this date, do not to have an ounce of regret for their terrorist actions and, as a matter of fact, they continue to say that they wished they would have done more. I, as an American Citizen, find their attitude and actions to shameful, but guess that's what their unearned FREEDOM allows them to do, as American citizens, in our great country?

And, to add insult to injury, when President Elect Obama, was an Illinois Senator he had the VA initiate an IG investigation in 2005 into the possible fraud of VA Service-Connected Disability Compensation Benefits by those Veteran's that were receiving 100% Unemployability (UI) benefits due to their Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). These Veterans were the most vulnerable due to their PTSD condition, and had worked for many years (approx. 30 years) to get those benefits granted by the VA.

As a result one of my very close Viet Nam Veterans, who was a Purple Heart recipient, ended up committing suicide in October of 2005 because, he was concerned that his benefits would be taken away from him and, subsequently, his spouse. Although, these poor souls survived their brush with combat, many return home and, eventually, begin self-medicating with alcohol and/or drugs, as a means of dealing with their deteriorating PTSD conditions, which, over time, becomes extremely unbearable, especially, without their critical support systems and, as a result, many end up committing suicide, as a means of putting an end to their miseries. Note: My, approximately, sixty-two (62) years of hands-on and eye-opening experiences with both men and women in uniform and Veterans came from serving my country honorably for twenty (20) years, as a Marine Corps Mustang (served as an Enlisted and a Commissioned Officer), my father's, approximately, forty (40) year battle with his PTSD symptoms, as a result of his military service during WWII, and my four (4) year tenure as a State Veterans Service Officer. I served in the Marine Corps during the course of the entire Viet Nam War (1964-1984), where I lost many of my close young American friends, and my post-military retirement experiences as a State Veterans' Service Officer, where I continued to lose some of my close Viet Nam Veteran friends, who, tragically, committed suicide, to include my own father, who survived the Battle of The Bulge during WWII, but lost his own battle with PTSD at the young age of fifty-nine (59), due to his approximately forty (40) years of self-medicating with alcohol, like many of his WWII Veteran friends did.

In 2006, I also was diagnosed as suffering from PTSD, which gives me some insight into what these young Americans returning home from combat are dealing with and was able to best assist them to deal with their symptoms, during my four (4) years as a State Veterans' Service Officer, a position which I, to this day, believe was one of my most rewarding and self satisfying positions that I've served in during my approximately forty-four (44) year professional career. And to add insult to injury, when President Elect Obama, was an Illinois Senator he had the VA initiate an IG investigation in 2005 into the possible fraud of VA Service-Connected Disability Compensation Benefits by those Veteran's that were receiving 100% Unemployability benefits due to their Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

These Veterans were the most vulnerable due to their PTSD condition, and had worked for many years (approx. 30 years) to get those benefits granted by the VA. As a result one of my very close Viet Nam Veterans, who was a Purple Heart recipient, ended up committing suicide in October of 2005 because, he was concerned that his benefits would be taken away from him and, subsequently, his spouse. Note: I personally find It, extremely, ironic that here we are approximately forty some years later and, tragically, many young lives lost in the process of defending of our country's priceless FREEDOM, our own President Elect is AMIGOS with this and other TERRORISTS.

You'll have to excuse me because, although, I know that in some elitists circles am NOT being POLITICALLY CORRECT BY CALLING THEM TERRORISTS. Because, as they have said all along-they never meant to kill or mime anyone with their bombs-they were just throwing an innocent tantrum against anyone that represented any type of authority, but, until the day that I begin to smell roses from their roots, I'll always consider them as home grown TERRORISTS because in my eyes "ONCE-A-TERRORIST-ALWAYS-A-TERRORIST."

And, to top it off, our President Elect is ALSO thinking of having a civilian national security force that is trained and armed as well, if not better than our country's Armed Forces-why does this sound so much like something a tyrant (dictator) in a Third World Country would do to make sure and demand that everyone in that country has loyalty only to him-the likes of his cousin Odingo in Kenya...never would have dreamed it? I feel for my family, friends and our country. **Obama's Challenge: The Campaign Speaks To "Radicalism.": http://xn--obamas%20challengethe%20campaign%20speaks%20to%20radicalism-4f44amf.xn--ivg/ National Review Online (NRO) By: Stanley Kurtz Posted On: September 23, 2008 7:00 AM These are pertinent quotes from this article: "The Chicago Annenberg Challenge stands as Barack Obama's most important executive experience to date.

By its own account, CAC was a largely a failure. And a series of critical evaluations point to reasons for that failure, including a poor strategy, to which the foundation over-committed in 1995, and over-reliance on community organizers with insufficient education expertise. The failure of CAC thus raises entirely legitimate questions, both about Obama's competence, his alliances with radical community organizers, and about Ayers's continuing influence over CAC and its board, headed by Obama.

Above all, by continuing to fund Ayers's personal projects, and those of his political-educational allies, Obama was lending moral and material support to Ayers's profoundly radical efforts. Ayers's terrorist history aside that makes the Ayers-Obama relationship a perfectly legitimate issue in this campaign." (New) The following article is an example of how he covertly dealt with his opponents in the past, to include his Presidential Election Campaign: Question: How Obama Uses Alinsky's Rules to Out Maneuver His Opponents: Posted By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, September 22, 2008 4:20 PM PT: http://ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=306977141583041 "Election '08: Barrack Obama's mocking of John McCain, while urging his followers to "get in their face," are tactics right out of his radical hero Saul Alinsky's playbook: ridicule and agitation."

The following are pertinent quotes from this article: "At a recent Las Vegas rally, Obama poked fun at Sen. McCain for what he described as bragging about "how as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, he had oversight of every part of the economy." "Well, all I can say to Sen. McCain is, 'Nice job. Nice job,' " Obama said in a sarcastic tone. "Where is he getting these lines? It's like a 'Saturday Night Live' routine." Then he belittled the 72-year-old McCain for vowing to take on the old boys network. "In the McCain campaign, that's called a staff meeting," he sneered. The late Alinsky, a trench-warfare socialist who despised American capitalism, advised community organizers like Obama to "laugh at the enemy" to provoke "irrational anger." "Ridicule," he said, "is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

At another rally in Nevada, Obama called on the crowd of about 1,500 to join him in sharpening their elbows against McCain and his supporters. "I want you argue with them and get in their face," he said, in a naked attempt to "fan hostilities" in the tightening race, something Alinsky also advised from his bag of agitation tricks. Obama doesn't look or talk like an angry radical. He speaks in measured tones and is rarely seen out of business attire. That, too, is borrowed from Alinsky's playbook. "Don't scare" the middle class, he guides urban revolutionaries in his 1970s manual, "Rules for Radicals" (which he dedicated to mankind's "first radical, Lucifer").

Instead, look like them, talk like them, act like them. And work for radical change from the inside — "like a spy behind enemy lines," as Obama said in his first memoir. He wrote it before entering politics, while still working with hard-left Alinsky groups and training street agitators known as "community organizers." As he wrote, he became a community organizer in 1983 because of "The need for change. Change in the White House, where Reagan and his minions were carrying on their dirty deeds." That's when he set out to "organize black folks" for social revolution, first in Harlem, then the South Side of Chicago. Now he wants to do it on a "large scale."

Though most average voters wouldn't know it, he's applying Alinsky's radical rules to achieve his goal. Alinksy stressed that his rules be translated into real-life tactics responsive to the situation at hand — which right now happens to be something he never could have dreamed of: a disciple who would find himself in a viable battle for the most powerful job in the world. Obama translated several of Alinsky's rules into battle tactics, including: • Rule: "Rub raw the resentments of the people; search out controversy and issues."

In the mortgage meltdown, for instance, Obama vows to prosecute "predatory lenders" for "abusing" minority borrowers. He's also stoking class resentment by painting Wall Street and other executives as villains. • Rule: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." In an ad to woo Hispanic voters, Obama demonized Rush Limbaugh by falsely claiming he made racist statements against immigrants. • Rule: "A mass impression can be lasting and intimidating."

This explains why Obama moved his acceptance speech to a football stadium and bussed in 85,000 supporters. Alinsky's son was so impressed, he praised Obama for learning his father's "lesson well." • Rule: "Multiple issues mean constant action and life" for the cause. This is why Obama never harps on one issue, as Hillary did with health care. His platform is packed with grievances from "economic justice" to "reproductive justice" to "environmental justice." Obama is following almost to the letter the blueprint for socialist revolution drafted by the father of community organizing. While Alinsky may help him behind the scenes, however, he becomes a liability when brought out of the shadows. Sarah Palin proved this in St. Paul when she ridiculed his community organizing. Within hours, Obama surrogates whined about how just bringing up the phrase was racist code for "black." No, it's code for communist. And McCain should make that point instead of legitimizing such radicalism, as he did recently when he said, "I respect community organizers; and Sen. Obama's record there is outstanding" — which contradicted his running mate. There's nothing to respect about such anti-American radicals, even if they have traded their tie-dye for business ties.

Here were some, visible, results of now President Elect Obama's Application of "Alinsky's Rules" during his campaign: Inside Politics: The New West.-Posted On The Washington Times-Published By: Greg Pierce (Contact)
Thursday, October 16, 2008: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/oct/16/inside-politics-the-new-west/?page=2

The following are pertinent quotes from this article: "AN EMBARRASSMENT "As Obama lengthens his lead, the Republicans are praying that the election becomes close enough for the Democrats to steal," Dick Morris writes in the Hill newspaper. "But, meanwhile, ACORN, the radical community group, is becoming an embarrassment for Obama. It is not as if its shenanigans are likely to tip the result, with the Democrats so far ahead, but as they are raided by the FBI in state after state (11 so far) they are becoming identified as the electoral equivalent of Greenpeace - extremists who will stop at nothing to get their way," Mr. Morris said. "What makes ACORN particularly embarrassing for Obama is that he used to be one of them. He served as general counsel for ACORN in Illinois, channeled millions to the organization from the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (whose funds he distributed), and has lately spent $800,000 of his campaign money to subsidize the group's activities. For this emolument, ACORN has registered voters 15 times over, canvassed the graveyards for votes and prepared to commit electoral fraud on a massive scale.

While such Obama albatrosses as William Ayres and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright can lie low until November, ACORN cannot. "But, as Election Day approaches and early balloting proceeds in many states, ACORN's tactics will get more and more media attention. As election officials discover ACORN frauds, the association will become more injurious to Obama, particularly when it is his own campaign that is funding many of the fraudulent activities. At the very least, the negative publicity ACORN will attract will paint Obama as a radical with questionable judgment. At the most, it might cause voters to wonder if he is not involved in electoral fraud."

**Obama's Middle East Studies Mentors By Cinnamon Stillwell 
American Thinker 
On November 2, 2008: http://www.meforum.org/article/2002

**Middle East Scholars Strike Out in Washington By Norvell B. De Atkine 
Middle East Quarterly
 In December 1994: http://www.meforum.org/article/203 **Syria Can't Be Flipped by Michael Rubin
 On November 12, 2008: http://www.meforum.org/article/2008 **Fred Thompson: Why We Must Be Concerned About Sen. Obama's Presidency: http://infidelsarecool.com/2008/10/24/video-fred-thomspon-obama/ (New) HOW OBAMA GOT ELECTED: Posted on howobamagotelected.com: http://www.howobamagotelected.com/

These are pertinent quotes from this web site: "On November 4th, 2008 millions of Americans were shocked that a man of Barack Obama's limited experience, extreme liberal positions and radical political alliances could be elected President of the United States. For many of these Americans, the explanation was rather simple... the news media, completely enamored with Obama, simply refused to do their job. On Election day twelve Obama voters were interviewed extensively right after they voted to learn how the news media impacted their knowledge of what occurred during the campaign. These voters were chosen for their apparent intelligence/verbal abilities and willingness to express their opinions to a large audience.

The rather shocking video below seeks to provide some insight into which information broke through the news media clutter and which did not." **Georgia Congressman Warns Of Obama Dictatorship (Published By: AP On 11/11/08): http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iRxZox4GFoIweckPDP1oRhKBlHOwD94CCDU00

**Question: Is President Elect Obama An Islamic Puppet and, As A Result, Being Black Mailed By Other High Ranking Officials Here At Home And Abroad, Who Seem to Know The Answer To This Question-You Decide?: http://blog.myspace.com/tom_heneghan_intel

**My Final Question Is: Taking Into Account Everything That We Are Currently Experiencing Here In The US (e.g., Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, Financial Crisis, Global Terrorist Historical, Growing Tensions Here At Home and Abroad and our Historical Presidential Election etc.), What Stage Of Subversion Do You Think The USA Is In TODAY-You Decide? And, if you had never thought about before, hopefully, I've shared enough, seemingly, fair, factual and unbiased information that would, at least, spark some curiosity within you, which would put you on a journey of better educating yourselves on the subject-You Decide.

Note: So this PRESIDENT ELECT is going to be our Troop's Commander-In-Chief? BOTTOM LINE: If my concerns are proven to have MERIT, which, tragically, the American people may NOT even find out about until after President Elect Obama takes office and governs our country for the next four years, all I can hope and pray for, this late in the game, is that my concerns are unfounded, but if they are NOT: "Good Bless Our United (Not Divided) States of America." "FOOD FOR THOUGHT"

Have A Great Day & Weekend! Semper Fi!


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (379) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
NO SURPEISE! [291 words]Bernice SteffanApr 7, 2009 13:33153506
"sTs", respond up here to most recent comments... [79 words]kmanNov 26, 2008 01:02143835
1The Enemy Within, Barack Hussein Obama! [278 words]Jim WatcherNov 20, 2008 15:13143373
You "forgot" the fact that it is a tradition in to give the father's name to the elder son [28 words]John SmithNov 22, 2008 15:01143373
Obaam would fail security clearance [85 words]Sufi imdad Ali SoomroNov 24, 2008 01:36143373
And, on the other hand ... [147 words]kmanNov 24, 2008 23:33143373
sufi imdad ali soomro [164 words]btilly`Nov 25, 2008 07:53143373
Oh, "btilly", you so insist on reality ... [99 words]kmanNov 27, 2008 01:55143373
KMAN-muslims dont want to know the truth [144 words]btilly`Dec 5, 2008 22:11143373
Security Clearance [230 words]C KoziarJul 14, 2009 13:23143373
The State of Affairs In The United States [1072 words]Alice Ann SternNov 14, 2008 16:24142932
What a Rant! [25 words]DisgustedNov 18, 2008 09:28142932
Priceless, Alice, just priceless... [281 words]kmanNov 25, 2008 23:34142932
Dear kman, November 25, "Priceless, ..., Just Priceless" [589 words]Alice Ann SternNov 28, 2008 00:20142932
Follow The Money [149 words]Alice Ann SternNov 29, 2008 16:03142932
Thank you Alice ... [209 words]kmanNov 30, 2008 21:49142932
Reap what you sow [82 words]DisgustedNov 13, 2008 12:06142856
Barrack Obama [281 words]dont need to know my nameNov 10, 2008 21:13142669
RE: Obama TO: don't need to know my name [28 words]AmeliaNov 22, 2008 16:34142669
You have a fair amount of sense. [82 words]kmanNov 25, 2008 23:41142669
White Whining [155 words]mrTDDec 23, 2008 01:00142669
If Obama would really fail a security clearance [51 words]John PhilipsNov 7, 2008 23:22142403
The Change You'll Get -- Will We See Free Elections Ever Again? [127 words]Sofa SogoodNov 6, 2008 19:28142311
What about Michelle Obama? [103 words]elasmoNov 6, 2008 18:57142305
Reaching.... [126 words]Proud of my country too....Nov 8, 2008 15:42142305
Oh, child. [252 words]kmanNov 10, 2008 22:33142305
Reaching but true [732 words]elasmoNov 12, 2008 01:05142305
Man, can you nail the truth! [23 words]kmanNov 27, 2008 02:02142305
The Day After [9 words]CeciliaNov 5, 2008 16:50142163
I'm shocked too [50 words]u know whoNov 5, 2008 19:11142163
Obama would fail security clearance [108 words]Sufi Imdad Ali SoomroNov 5, 2008 23:46142163
Don't close your eyes!!! [137 words]MansoorNov 6, 2008 03:37142163
Contradictions galore [99 words]kmanNov 6, 2008 17:35142163
Beg to differ... [193 words]elasmoNov 6, 2008 17:59142163
Shock [7 words]munawar salehNov 6, 2008 18:06142163
Some readers think Obama's "win" is a blessing...but to the contrary.... [262 words]Joseph Guida MDNov 6, 2008 21:12142163
Why? [26 words]johanna jacobsNov 7, 2008 06:54142163
Truth died a slow death for years [26 words]kmanNov 8, 2008 19:08142163
without favour or fear [210 words]peter murrayNov 9, 2008 13:56142163
Obama's own words [75 words]kmanNov 14, 2008 00:25142163
Mansoor, dont get that excited bro ... [51 words]tayyabNov 20, 2008 00:22142163
No excitement [287 words]MansoorNov 21, 2008 04:45142163
Perhaps you are right. On the other hand... [161 words]kmanNov 24, 2008 23:26142163
Yeah, I'm with you "Mansoor", turn our back on reality. [249 words]kmanNov 24, 2008 23:54142163
Closing eyes won't change the reality [719 words]MansoorNov 26, 2008 01:04142163
So, you think these "revelations are something new?? [555 words]kmanNov 27, 2008 01:48142163
The "anti-American forces"...vultures [121 words]kmanNov 27, 2008 02:14142163
The Muslim threat [101 words]S.K.ShahAug 4, 2010 09:20142163
USA will have what she deserves [132 words]Radovan AustraliaNov 4, 2008 01:44141988
Obama, the Consummate Chameleon [64 words]Richard RheinerJul 3, 2009 15:24141988
Obama Isn't Who They Think He Is. He Didn't Protect The People in His District from the Ravages of Slumlords. He Looked the Other Way. [282 words]Sofa SogoodNov 4, 2008 01:00141986
Why wait this last minute to exposed this issue WHY? [57 words]elenaNov 3, 2008 10:47141895
obama would fail security clearance [116 words]Sufi Imdad Ali SoomroNov 3, 2008 23:47141895
This is how Allah crushes the infidels [151 words]MansoorNov 4, 2008 08:38141895
Thank Mansoor. Hope they understand our pain [31 words]Khurram BaifNov 5, 2008 17:55141895
KHURRAM [83 words]btillyNov 5, 2008 19:19141895
does greywater glory await Mansoor? [115 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 6, 2008 03:58141895
Many conservaties support and like presidential candidate Alan Keyes, an African American [41 words]Ezekiel33Nov 6, 2008 12:53141895
Mr Infidel: You proved my claim [10 words]Khurram BaigNov 7, 2008 13:12141895
lost sheeps (sic) [102 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 7, 2008 18:39141895
No proof "Khurram". More babble. [297 words]kmanNov 8, 2008 19:29141895
Our dear Khuram and on being a wannabe Arab [286 words]dhimmi no moreDec 2, 2008 07:44141895
Hard to fight against someone who knows their own language than them ... [39 words]kmanDec 6, 2008 19:00141895
The only way that we can beat Islamists and tablighees is to know Arabic and read the Muslim sources in arabic [44 words]dhimmi no moreDec 7, 2008 18:15141895
why has this well-known fact of now nearly two years not been viewed with any seriousness [71 words]canoerNov 3, 2008 09:11141886
Why hasn't this surfaced? [148 words]kmanNov 4, 2008 00:04141886
Obama already has clearance!! Come on already [37 words]AaronNov 3, 2008 00:18141853
Alinsky's Hide Your Ideology Rules. Camouflage of Marxist Ideology is Key to Obama's Alinsky Trained Style of "Organizing." [457 words]Sofa SogoodNov 2, 2008 15:43141832
What is the US coming to? [90 words]LarissaNov 2, 2008 07:44141798
A wise man [301 words]Lori BelleNov 2, 2008 02:13141775
Obama's pastor Jeremiah Wright was also former Muslim [385 words]Toby K.Nov 1, 2008 14:25141740
guilt by association or birds of a feather flock together? [242 words]LarryNov 1, 2008 11:12141730
Rahm, Ariel and Ezeikel Emanuel Support Obama [58 words]Paula HerschOct 31, 2008 18:15141674
What's Wrong With Them? [137 words]Sofa SogoodOct 31, 2008 17:00141668
Obama what can you say [186 words]G. JonesNov 3, 2008 14:41141668
How do I know who to vote for? [98 words]David DouglasOct 31, 2008 11:03141633
Frank Gaffney Video Goes Right to the Heart of What Matters Most Right Now [34 words]Sofa SogoodOct 31, 2008 16:27141633
security clearance [56 words]chrisOct 31, 2008 08:30141611
You say Obama has one? Where did you get this information? [40 words]Sofa SogoodOct 31, 2008 16:14141611
Obama's security clearance [45 words]chrisOct 31, 2008 17:57141611
This is just your opinion. Clearly, you have nothing to back it up. [32 words]Sofa SogoodNov 1, 2008 19:29141611
information [164 words]u know whoNov 2, 2008 21:48141611
elected officials security clearances [92 words]DavidNov 3, 2008 01:17141611
about clearances [35 words]u know whoNov 3, 2008 18:49141611
What an ugly answer. [71 words]Sofa SogoodNov 3, 2008 23:29141611
a joke [25 words]u know whoNov 4, 2008 15:45141611
A Retired Teacher Discusses With a Blogger Who is Going to Vote For Obama, Her Thoughts and Feelings About McCain and Obama, the Iraq War, Campaign Promises, Negative Campaigning, etc. [1371 words]Sofa SogoodOct 31, 2008 07:07141603
Obama vs Bush [18 words]FritzOct 31, 2008 03:11141597
Back to Reality... [54 words]TajOct 30, 2008 20:25141574
Hate to tell you [53 words]pmvOct 30, 2008 18:03141550
what a joke obama and security [99 words]GJonesNov 3, 2008 15:31141550
Drug tests are part of the clearance. [139 words]pmvNov 3, 2008 20:26141550
re.obama [186 words]mikeblackOct 30, 2008 17:20141538
Excuse Me Denmark, Which Countries Have Made War For How Many, Was It Only Four, Centuries? [171 words]Sofa SogoodOct 31, 2008 15:56141538
Your interview with Fox news, this date [72 words]L.S.Oct 30, 2008 11:20141443
Send it to Michael Savage, Sofa. [7 words]CarlitaOct 31, 2008 14:08141440
The WAGNER Act [130 words]JackJan 27, 2010 01:18141440
He can't change USA [44 words]tanueOct 31, 2008 04:58141425
3Obama and the Strategy of Orchestrated Chaos with Connections to ACORN, Ayres, Alinsky, and Soros. [1008 words]Sofa SogoodOct 30, 2008 03:37141413
Obama would fail security clearance [11 words]chrisOct 29, 2008 21:53141387
A good column [102 words]Peter HerzOct 29, 2008 14:25141327
WAKE UP AMERICA!! [218 words]SUEOct 29, 2008 12:12141311
The Gravest Security Threat in American History [664 words]Craig KoziarOct 28, 2008 21:58141267
The False Messiah [202 words]True PatriotNov 6, 2008 06:20141267
Alarming Information [285 words]ZentristOct 28, 2008 21:21141263
Zentrist, good article, but [43 words]InfidelOct 29, 2008 21:27141263
A North American's Humble Response to Mr. Francois Francour's Comment [148 words]Madu63Oct 28, 2008 14:37141232
Majority rules - ??? [51 words]kmanNov 14, 2008 00:40141232
Obama will understand [201 words]InfidelOct 28, 2008 14:23141229
Infidel, you are lontana!! [123 words]LilianaOct 28, 2008 19:17141229
shocking behaviour [18 words]Peter, ScotlandOct 29, 2008 15:05141229
Liliana, ah te dorna baba [198 words]InfidelOct 29, 2008 21:13141229
it is all over the world [89 words]sTsNov 1, 2008 06:00141229
sts [160 words]btilly`Nov 2, 2008 09:26141229
sTs, stoning irreligious, illogical [97 words]InfidelNov 2, 2008 15:12141229
Not Islamic [47 words]sTsNov 4, 2008 00:28141229
a married woman [100 words]sTsNov 4, 2008 00:36141229
infidel [137 words]btilly`Nov 5, 2008 19:35141229
not "Allah" (God) [44 words]kmanNov 10, 2008 22:18141229
One small exception 2 your post [302 words]kmanNov 10, 2008 22:53141229
Our dear samer and ayat al-rajm and the hungry goat who ate the aya [178 words]dhimmi no moreNov 30, 2008 12:32141229
Constitutional Dilemma - America's Security is Forfeit if Its Security Cannot be Guaranteed Constitutionally [1433 words]M. ToveyOct 28, 2008 12:05141222
What does it mean to be an "unindicted conspirator"? [57 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
a word to the wiseOct 28, 2008 10:11141215
Obama failing security clearance [23 words]SylvinOct 28, 2008 07:55141207
sit in a war room without a TSC [95 words]bob wasemOct 28, 2008 00:03141185
Obama a Muslim [28 words]CheyenneOct 27, 2008 22:52141180
Afraid of losing our Liberty through Tyranny! [269 words]sue CostanzoOct 27, 2008 16:57141160
Don't Be ...foolish [788 words]Curtis SO RealOct 28, 2008 03:16141160
ressponse to Curtis so real [323 words]SueOct 28, 2008 22:15141160
The most amazing thing of all! [77 words]Lawrence J.Oct 29, 2008 02:34141160
I saw Don Warden in Action [323 words]Ted GruenOct 27, 2008 12:22141139
Even on the Italian Lisistrata Blog ? [31 words]LilianaOct 27, 2008 12:00141135
Liliana, information or propaganda [24 words]InfidelOct 28, 2008 00:11141135
Of burning churches and dead Christians in Kenya. [143 words]Francois FrancouerOct 27, 2008 11:16141132
because [53 words]yuvalOct 28, 2008 01:28141132
Facing facts - feeling disgust [223 words]RandallOct 29, 2008 02:22141132
Nation of Islam's infamous Louis Farrakhan [640 words]MayOct 27, 2008 09:58141125
obama security clearance [19 words]JOHN T DYSONOct 27, 2008 09:21141121
Is security clearance not taken before nomination? [117 words]KamekishOct 27, 2008 05:30141112
The worst Security Breach in our Nation's History [360 words]Craig KoziarOct 26, 2008 20:55141087
Typical reactionary.... [231 words]donvanOct 27, 2008 11:18141087
The Americans are really blind [64 words]f.shaOct 26, 2008 19:51141079
Americans are really blind [195 words]sufi Imdad AliOct 27, 2008 00:06141079
Naivete of Americans in not seeing through the duplicity of MSM!!! [111 words]JaladhiOct 27, 2008 16:06141079
80% are indeed blind [101 words]DavyOct 28, 2008 12:57141079
Why Doesn`t He Just Admit He`s A Muslim [16 words]r.j.liguoriOct 31, 2008 03:09141079
obama would fail security clearance [94 words]sufi imdad Ali SoomroNov 1, 2008 06:11141079
NO I Will NOT Read Islam [34 words]r.j.liguoriNov 2, 2008 19:01141079
obama would fail secuirty clearance [168 words]sufi Imdad Ali SoomroNov 4, 2008 00:35141079
You will lose [93 words]sTsNov 4, 2008 04:43141079
sufi imdad ali soomro [203 words]btillyNov 15, 2008 08:46141079
Obama would fail securiy clerance [266 words]sufiimdad ali soomroNov 18, 2008 02:02141079
sufi imdad ali soomro [34 words]btilly`Nov 20, 2008 02:30141079
Does America Face A Jihadist Threat That's Even Bigger Than Terrorism? [4958 words]WeroInNMNov 23, 2008 01:01141079
You should write a book ... [193 words]kmanNov 25, 2008 00:16141079
I served in the Navy for five years and couldn't get a clearance. [191 words]IanOct 26, 2008 18:31141071
Oohhhh, that's good! [17 words]kmanNov 25, 2008 23:47141071
A Reaction of Dismay [250 words]Ron ThompsonOct 26, 2008 17:25141070
Give me a break. [474 words]AnnNov 2, 2008 04:46141070
Give you a break? [674 words]Sofa SogoodNov 3, 2008 23:26141070
Intolerance and Class Warfare Brought To You By Hope and Change Uniter Obama [647 words]Sofa SogoodNov 4, 2008 05:22141070
Very well said! [111 words]kmanNov 10, 2008 23:15141070
Thank you. [41 words]Sofa SogoodNov 20, 2008 23:25141070
what? [80 words]kmanNov 25, 2008 23:57141070
wait there. [123 words]Iza La.Oct 26, 2008 16:12141064
What of Failure?? [47 words]Peter, ScotlandOct 26, 2008 13:20141049
No clearance if relative living in foreign country [47 words]DianaOct 26, 2008 11:53141045
Of course I hate those radical Islamists! [24 words]Liliana CohenOct 26, 2008 07:21141038
There is a silver lining [110 words]michaelOct 26, 2008 07:09141035
More on Khalidi links. It seems LA Times has a video but won't air it. [1 words]SimonaOct 26, 2008 07:08141034
Obama... It's not fair to fool the sheep... [132 words]Steve JockwynOct 26, 2008 04:45141025
Obama couldn't get clearance to guard latrines... [368 words]mekannykOct 26, 2008 03:53141022
Obama-Odinga genocide ties [143 words]JPOct 25, 2008 20:59140998
Much more to this story [47 words]HJOct 27, 2008 00:25140998
Obama's popularity [35 words]Molly POct 25, 2008 19:43140996
Because the truth concerning this man is being suppressed [129 words]Thomas F.Oct 26, 2008 20:30140996
Response to Obama's Popularity [266 words]KristanOct 27, 2008 13:05140996
Obama is just one in a long line of showman presidents (all useless since 1959) [175 words]Healthy scepticOct 29, 2008 05:22140996
BHO NOT BEING A CITIZEN [91 words]sorayaOct 25, 2008 17:55140992
At least honor his confession of faith [83 words]Mark AdamsOct 25, 2008 17:35140990
Obama's lawyers are refusing to provide a vault copy of his birth certificate & the one on Obama's website is obiously false. [283 words]Barbara PaolucciOct 25, 2008 15:19140982
Obama's security clearance [33 words]Al FischerOct 25, 2008 13:26140970
If he is elected . . . [31 words]Music ProducerOct 25, 2008 13:26140969
lol - the hypocrisy of it all [56 words]jennifer solisOct 25, 2008 22:51140969
First Carter, now this [30 words]F. LandspergOct 26, 2008 16:05140969
Senator Obama his criminal "friends" = fail [130 words]Phil GreendOct 25, 2008 13:04140968
Glass Houses [98 words]PAULOct 27, 2008 15:07140968
Terrorist Racist khalid was once shot... [58 words]DanOct 25, 2008 12:19140964
When [9 words]YnnatchkahOct 25, 2008 22:50140964
Stragetic defensive [284 words]joe six-packOct 25, 2008 10:57140961
The whole thing's a mystery [95 words]r.j.liguoriOct 25, 2008 03:45140937
r.j.ligouri: Obama's success has to be a Divine Intervention- nothing less. [32 words]Adolf LugarOct 27, 2008 18:01140937
Definitely Dark Forces At Work [98 words]r.j.liguoriOct 29, 2008 02:39140937
r.j.liguori: You missed my point [103 words]Adolf LugarNov 5, 2008 17:51140937
I Don`t Want Sharia Law [52 words]r.j.liguoriNov 6, 2008 17:12140937
I want Shari'a Law [37 words]sTsNov 13, 2008 08:59140937
Our dear samer the viticm of the imeprialism of the Arabs [253 words]dhimmi no moreNov 16, 2008 14:53140937
True There Is A Vacuum [79 words]r.j.liguoriNov 16, 2008 15:05140937
Slogans not real proof [41 words]sTsNov 19, 2008 01:26140937
But you I know who you are [68 words]sTsNov 19, 2008 09:27140937
Easy To Prove [126 words]r.j.liguoriNov 21, 2008 12:58140937
and speaking of filth [182 words]dhimmi no moreNov 22, 2008 07:14140937
You don't have free will [347 words]sTsNov 22, 2008 11:00140937
Schemes Up Islam [166 words]r.j.liguoriNov 23, 2008 04:30140937
Why Not? [121 words]sTsNov 23, 2008 05:59140937
Islam include all religions' teachings [368 words]sTsNov 24, 2008 06:52140937
Who Said The Bible Was A Corrupt Book? [180 words]r.j.liguoriNov 24, 2008 22:10140937
sTs [185 words]btillyNov 25, 2008 07:35140937
sTs [61 words]btilly`Nov 25, 2008 07:43140937
"sTs", it's "clear". [98 words]kmanNov 26, 2008 00:05140937
"Fact". [467 words]kmanNov 26, 2008 00:28140937
No real Arab would ... [57 words]kmanNov 26, 2008 00:35140937
Potpourri of all "gods" .... [310 words]kmanNov 26, 2008 00:54140937
Wrong concept [307 words]sTsNov 27, 2008 05:12140937
All prophets ordered killing by God's command [232 words]sTsNov 27, 2008 05:43140937
Last time - I am not going to reply [273 words]sTsNov 27, 2008 08:33140937
Christians require the least amount of effort - Jesus bears their sins [266 words]sTsNov 27, 2008 12:10140937
you have Zero idea about Islam [29 words]sTsNov 27, 2008 12:18140937
I challenge you [205 words]sTsNov 27, 2008 12:30140937
I`m Sick Of That Religion [142 words]r.j.liguoriNov 27, 2008 18:08140937
You are being obtuse ... [244 words]kmanNov 28, 2008 20:15140937
Truly, you make it far to easy ... [1301 words]kmanNov 29, 2008 00:18140937
Oh, when will you show me what Islam does, instead of their empty words?? [337 words]kmanNov 29, 2008 01:23140937
And speaking of more filth: Smare says that the Qur'an says that Allah is really he who decieves [442 words]dhimmi no moreNov 29, 2008 08:17140937
Samer [44 words]dhimmi no moreNov 29, 2008 16:02140937
Your level of understanding is zero [18 words]sTsNov 30, 2008 05:15140937
Yahshua vs.Yahweh [84 words]sTsNov 30, 2008 06:08140937
Cubical zone [146 words]sTsNov 30, 2008 06:15140937
It is easier than you think [765 words]sTsNov 30, 2008 10:15140937
Teaching one tablighee at a time [430 words]dhimmi no moreNov 30, 2008 12:12140937
I have seen both names and many others. [673 words]kmanNov 30, 2008 19:24140937
You accuse me of "living in a cubicle" ... [944 words]kmanNov 30, 2008 20:17140937
Facts? I ask for "facts". [22 words]kmanNov 30, 2008 20:20140937
Oh, this is good! [1058 words]kmanNov 30, 2008 21:35140937
"dhimmi", thank you ... [64 words]kmanNov 30, 2008 21:58140937
stubborn mind [83 words]sTsDec 2, 2008 00:29140937
Christianity is too complex ideology, Islam is easy straight forward [45 words]sTsDec 2, 2008 00:40140937
Our dear Samer says that he does not like reading lies! Really? [69 words]dhimmi no moreDec 2, 2008 07:21140937
clear explicit questions are welcome [34 words]sTsDec 2, 2008 11:24140937
How many "explicit questions" do you need? [7 words]kmanDec 4, 2008 00:41140937
as much as you can [7 words]sTsDec 5, 2008 00:28140937
Let's re-name you obtuse. [1471 words]kmanDec 5, 2008 21:25140937
a school boy would be ashamed to ask such silly questions [281 words]sTsDec 15, 2008 09:34140937
So, after almost 2 weeks all you can come up with is, "Huh?", and Crusades? [437 words]kmanDec 16, 2008 22:46140937
don't call, I will not [32 words]sTsDec 18, 2008 00:19140937
All the Obama's Men [1603 words]Amil ImaniOct 25, 2008 03:36140935
Hussein Obama will win [235 words]rosieOct 25, 2008 02:30140932
Unreal... [68 words]MarvinOct 25, 2008 02:30140931
The Rezco-Auchi connection to Obama... [47 words]Susan Williams-PellegriniOct 25, 2008 01:52140928
Graditude [4 words]jennyOct 25, 2008 00:49140925
Why Has He Been Able To Get Away With All This? [172 words]AlexOct 24, 2008 22:04140912
The Power of Fear [230 words]Rebecca MouldsOct 25, 2008 22:29140912
The american public lack any ability. [50 words]WillisOct 24, 2008 21:08140910
Insecurity Clearance [805 words]EOct 24, 2008 20:22140907
- clever [73 words]jennifer solisOct 25, 2008 23:23140907
Obama Couldn't get secuity clearance [90 words]G MillerOct 24, 2008 17:56140897
Deep Trouble [73 words]Thomas FOct 24, 2008 09:36140865
The enemy within [38 words]Rickie SlominskiOct 24, 2008 21:40140865
Yes, Michael Savage is correct [62 words]Thomas F.Oct 25, 2008 21:01140865
Obama's Islamic past [179 words]MauriceOct 24, 2008 05:34140852
Alexis de Tocqueville must be turning in his grave. [49 words]Mladen AndrijasevicOct 24, 2008 04:41140851
No, we (U.S.A.) need a GIANT kick in the a**. The shame is on us. [104 words]jennifer solisOct 26, 2008 00:03140851
Jenn: Even I hate him, but I don't know why I still feel like voting for him. There is something mysterious in his personality. [26 words]Janet HickOct 27, 2008 18:04140851
Maximization of Brain Wash. [103 words]YnnatchkahOct 27, 2008 22:28140851
We are under the influence of EVIL [75 words]EJMOct 28, 2008 14:12140851
if he is elected [39 words]mo.redneckOct 31, 2008 01:56140851
No Security Clearance Required for a Global Leader in a World Without Boundaries [276 words]M. ToveyNov 3, 2008 14:19140851
Obama and the Muslims [201 words]sTsNov 4, 2008 04:59140851
By His Own Words - 'Audacity of Hope' [93 words]M. ToveyNov 4, 2008 18:27140851
I cannot understand ! [158 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreOct 24, 2008 03:59140849
Prayer is our only hope [79 words]Thomas F.Oct 26, 2008 20:52140849
Are you serious? [39 words]SeanOct 23, 2008 22:05140830
Wouldn't get a STANDARD clearance [57 words]keithOct 24, 2008 22:14140830
standard clearance [3 words]you know whoOct 31, 2008 19:46140830
CAIR, Hamas, Nation of Islam, etc. [77 words]DonOct 23, 2008 21:59140828
Barak Hussain Obama's Security Clearance. [78 words]Charlie GriffithOct 23, 2008 21:22140826
No-bama [18 words]SoapScumBuildupOct 23, 2008 20:56140824
How did Obama get the Dem nominee anyway? [100 words]Snowball in CaliforniaOct 25, 2008 06:23140824
blah obama [9 words]Angel (Tenshi!)Oct 25, 2008 19:02140824
Obama would fail security Clearance [396 words]DebbieOct 23, 2008 20:04140821
Islamic Obama Ties [129 words]John R PeacherOct 23, 2008 19:53140819
Obama would fail Security Clearance as well he should!! [375 words]Margaret HoodOct 23, 2008 19:46140818
The Audacity of Truth [468 words]Jack CooperOct 23, 2008 19:10140815
Also Auchi [40 words]infosifterOct 23, 2008 17:45140809
The Emperor's Newest Clothes [227 words]Rebecca MouldsOct 23, 2008 17:34140808
We don't live in a dictatorship; but we have a Democratic majority Congress [100 words]jennifer solisOct 23, 2008 23:36140808
Clarification needed [251 words]Rebecca MouldsOct 24, 2008 19:20140808
Blind admiration [168 words]Sunshine GirlsOct 25, 2008 21:19140808
It is frightening! [88 words]Viviane PaoliniOct 23, 2008 17:31140807
To Viviane [25 words]YnnatchkahOct 24, 2008 12:50140807
Guilt by associatrion is a marvelously flexible instrument. [120 words]Robert S. WeissOct 23, 2008 17:26140806
Security Clearance [28 words]JaladhiOct 23, 2008 17:16140805
Obama Security Clearance [108 words]Douglas TurnerOct 23, 2008 16:24140802
Thanks [5 words]YnnatchkahOct 23, 2008 18:09140802
Sen. Obama Seems To Have Selective Memory. [118 words]WeroInNMOct 23, 2008 22:33140802
Reply to Obama Security Clearance [162 words]Douglas TurnerOct 24, 2008 23:25140802
Not only a Muslim but he's not even eligible to run for the presidency; he wasn't born in the USA [98 words]YidithOct 23, 2008 16:04140800
Trip to Hawaii-a cover-up [246 words]DEBORAH THE JUDGE-(NEW HAMPSHIRE)Oct 24, 2008 12:35140800
Yidith: Shame for your over-statement [32 words]MGOct 24, 2008 17:31140800
AMEN SISTER !! [68 words]CAROL BARRYOct 25, 2008 00:19140800
They don't care [78 words]sOct 26, 2008 16:11140800
obama legality for presidency [54 words]saggioNov 2, 2008 21:53140800
Too far a stretch [282 words]Albert NekimkenOct 23, 2008 16:04140799
What did you expect ? [91 words]dfwhite19438Oct 23, 2008 15:59140797
Excellent point, and that's the price of the SUCCESS of the Bush Presidency [94 words]jennifer solisOct 24, 2008 00:26140797
We need another 9/11 [106 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
jennifer solisOct 23, 2008 14:19140792
Here's the Link You Asked For [11 words]Sofa SogoodOct 29, 2008 08:11140792
You're a gem, Sofa Sogood! [46 words]jennifer solisOct 29, 2008 23:40140792
Politicians and their bedfellows [251 words]think smallOct 23, 2008 14:12140790
Obama comments [636 words]Barry SunshineOct 23, 2008 14:08140788
Would you choose your babysitter this way? You're a really, really nice guy. [197 words]Sofa SogoodNov 2, 2008 05:07140788
Mr. Pipes: Tide is truning in favor of Islam in America [109 words]Jean DusonOct 23, 2008 14:06140787
Most Importantly. [30 words]YnnatchkahOct 23, 2008 13:53140786
Is this the best you can do to advance the discussion? [61 words]Francis Sarguis, EsqOct 23, 2008 13:48140784
Reply to Comment on Security Clearance [136 words]Douglas TurnerOct 23, 2008 18:14140784
Security Clearance [72 words]Sunshine GirlOct 25, 2008 21:03140784
You are a pretender to reality. [179 words]kmanNov 10, 2008 23:06140784
all the facets of Obama that the mainstream media ignores [319 words]larryOct 23, 2008 13:47140783
Was I sleeping? [176 words]AlanOct 25, 2008 02:43140783
Disastrous economy [307 words]Sunshine GirlsOct 25, 2008 21:36140783
Dhimmocrats will provide the security clearance to Obama! [37 words]JaladhiOct 23, 2008 13:38140781
Bin Laden for US presidency [135 words]IanusOct 24, 2008 15:19140781
BO Security Clearance [121 words]wardOct 23, 2008 13:37140780
Obama's security clearance [185 words]Sue JonesOct 23, 2008 23:57140780
Wouldn't it be nice for the Dhimmocrats and MSM to tell the truth to American people!!! [62 words]JaladhiOct 24, 2008 11:01140780
The name Barak [36 words]NashOct 23, 2008 13:07140779
Mr. Pipes: All of Barak's family names are MUSLIMS. We don't need to be persuaded, we already know he is Muslim? [169 words]Joe GreenOct 24, 2008 17:26140779
About the names. [192 words]YnnatchkahOct 25, 2008 02:57140779
Names don't mean squat [89 words]Keith WilliamsNov 2, 2008 01:41140779
A blind spot? [258 words]John W. McGinleyOct 23, 2008 12:59140777
Don't confuse me with the facts [203 words]David GoshenOct 23, 2008 12:46140776
Indeed? [119 words]yuval Brandstetter MDOct 23, 2008 12:38140775
Obama, the 'Mansourian' candidate. [116 words]M.D'SouzaOct 23, 2008 12:28140773
Let's be fair to Obama [183 words]Dennis GravesOct 23, 2008 12:24140770
Policies are not Important but this perpetuated Fraud is tantamount [323 words]Larry Noble StinsonOct 25, 2008 14:54140770
Alleged Obama birthplace fraud [70 words]Dennis GravesOct 26, 2008 19:25140770
Obama Supporters [29 words]AmericanOct 27, 2008 10:21140770
Why wait for history to repeat? [100 words]DavyOct 28, 2008 11:41140770
Kindly provide the source of your information [62 words]Dennis GravesOct 28, 2008 19:42140770
LOL, another lie against Senator Obama. President Obama will be our finest President ever [106 words]Keith WilliamsOct 26, 2008 21:46140769
YOUR VOTE? [67 words]THE SHORE HUNTEROct 29, 2008 20:42140769
I am sorry to disappoint you. Senator Obama is right for America. We need him. [61 words]Keith WilliamsNov 2, 2008 01:28140769
How prescient is this? [15 words]The Third LanternFeb 21, 2015 00:54140769
So really [13 words]BillOct 23, 2008 12:10140767
crime and punishment [86 words]yuval Brandstetter MDOct 23, 2008 12:02140764
Yuval-a sage indeed [103 words]DEBORAH THE JUDGE-(NEW HAMPSHIRE)Oct 24, 2008 13:33140764
Mr. Yuval, come on..... [92 words]YnnatchkahOct 25, 2008 03:36140764
Obama and Osama [38 words]Craig in IndianaOct 26, 2008 00:03140764
His presidency will redefine the term 'domestic security'. [45 words]PhillipOct 23, 2008 12:02140763
Freak out [113 words]Robert SolotOct 23, 2008 11:40140761
Obama as Islamist [96 words]John SchwartzOct 23, 2008 11:39140760
Make distinction between Sunni Islam and Nation of Islam [56 words]Debbie PoulalionOct 23, 2008 11:35140759
Obama an Arab? [67 words]P.L.RoseOct 23, 2008 11:29140756
Obama an Arab [82 words]chrisOct 31, 2008 08:52140756
chris (USA),only PHD without a PHD [156 words]InfidelOct 31, 2008 20:19140756
Phd without a phd to Infidel [270 words]u know whoNov 2, 2008 00:10140756
u know who [11 words]btillyNov 3, 2008 22:12140756
hagar fromHam [80 words]u know whoNov 4, 2008 15:40140756
u know who [23 words]btillyNov 5, 2008 19:12140756
sons of Mizraim [162 words]u know whoNov 6, 2008 20:15140756
Mizraim = EGYPT [99 words]saraNov 7, 2008 17:24140756
Egypt [22 words]u know whoNov 8, 2008 00:09140756
Our dear u know who needs to get his money back from his glorious madrassa [69 words]dhimmi no moreNov 9, 2008 16:46140756
Egypt [32 words]u know whoNov 18, 2008 21:26140756
means what? [25 words]LaineyJan 16, 2010 05:46140756
"The Fall of Hosni Mubarak as a Great Lesson in the Establishment of True International Justice" [572 words]JEONG CHUN PHUOCFeb 12, 2011 23:34140756
Hagar was from Ham [173 words]ZadokApr 13, 2014 17:22140756
Main Stream Media (MSM) Doing Great Job of Downplaying Sen. Obama's Real Background. [391 words]WeroInNMOct 22, 2008 09:46140672
Barack Obama is the hope of millions [85 words]Sinqui LabhailOct 26, 2008 13:00140672
Is Sen. Obama ready for the presidency? [1120 words]WeroInNMOct 26, 2008 20:27140672
don't question... [283 words]donvanOct 27, 2008 10:51140672
Sinqui Labhail, Obama hope of millions [36 words]InfidelOct 27, 2008 14:53140672
Except The Unborn [44 words]r.j.liguoriOct 30, 2008 02:28140672
To WeroInNM: Confused! [198 words]AmeliaNov 22, 2008 16:22140672

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