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Objectivity is in fact the problem

Reader comment on item: Islamist Turkey vs. Secular Iran?
in response to reader comment: objectivity

Submitted by Michel C. Zala (Switzerland), Jan 6, 2011 at 14:24

it is more important how other people think about us than how we think about ourselves. Americans may think that they always help the world without expecting any benefits from them with great genoricity and they export democracy,human rights and freedoms to the world. But the problem is we Turks simply think the opposite way with about 95% majority(world record). so you have to think why we think this way.

Anti-Americanism is on the rise worldwide. No doubt about it. I have reflected about this sad trend for a long time now and it pains me. Just a few days ago, I found mysef in a heated debate with my Swiss godson and best friends about America, Assange and the so-called American dream, during which I was attacked, because I called myself an American and not Swiss, even though I was born here. It gave me pause indeed, after which I came to realize, that I actually should declare myself as Swiss-American, as there is no such thing as an American and if, it should be reserved for Indians. If you think about it, reflect on her short history, you will have to admit, that "being American" is so much more about a philosophy, a dream, a way of thinking, than a historical definition or identity of a people with a distinctive historical profile, is it not?

The thread which links all these people from literally every corner of the world together, the common denominators of The American People are: They all are pioneers, adventurers, free-thinkers, immigrants, fugitives from nations, where they were either persecuted, poor, imprisoned, oppressed, overtaxed, or otherwise denied to "pursue their happiness" freely. It is why, as opposed to other countries, Americans still qualify and identify themselves according to their origin as either African-American, Caucasian (white), Hispanics (Latino), Indian or Asian-Americans. Since the first wave of emigrants originated not that long ago from literally all European nations, they were collated as Caucasian, even though many still call themselves proudly Italo-American, Irish-American, German-American or Anglo-American etc.

In that sense indeed, it would best qualify my personal feelings about the topic, if I were to qualify myself as Swiss-American, proud of my roots, albeit even prouder of the attribute of being called an American. Because of the philosophy she represents, we feel so close to nations, such as Canada or Australia, the only two other nations with a similar development, even though their structure, legal system and history leans much more on an Anglistic heritage and lacks the actual revolutionary element.

I myself grew up in one of the most rich, democratic, free, beautiful, peaceful, perfectly organized, social, friendly, hospitable, charitable, perfectionist, clean, orderly countries of the world. I enjoyed one of the top 3 school and education systems. As business executive I made a ton of money. So why did I emigrate to America, chose to make half the money and didn't even speak English on a business level?

While in most cases people coming to America were oppressed (financially, politically,) in my case it was nothing but the opportunity to move and shake things, think out of the box, try new ideas, be a pioneer myself. I felt restricted, over-regulated, constrained, hampered. From politics to corporate, everything was too static, rigid, perfect for my taste. Whereas the roads in Switzerland are like carpets, I felt nevertheless much more home on the potholes of Californian jam-packed freeways.

Whereas the political process in Europe must be described as two steps forward, one controlled step back, it is in America two leaps forward, a bloody nose and then a stumble sideways, only to get up and bundle an unbridled energy and boundless optimism and take yet another huge leap forward.

I myself opted to leave pessimism, cowardice, cynicism, indeciveness, sarcasm, disillusion and arrogance behind and go with optimism,courage, faith, trust and sometimes naivete. I went with the rebel children as opposed to the thoughtful, organized parents.

Havas, what I try to convey to you is, that we are the children of the old nations. We were their outcasts, their garbage, their best and their worst - but also their conscience. Our sheer existence and rise to the only superpower reminds our parents of their sins and short comings and created on a psychological dimension an inferiority complex, which was later compounded by many successful (military) engagements, where our parents either failed, or were incapable to intervene.

Most embarassing was for instance the engagement in former Jugoslawia, where even the very self-confident Europeans were unable to clean up the mess in their own backyard. Another example was Afghanistan, where 250000 Russians with the shortest supply lines could not do, what 50k American special forces did on the other side of the globe.

From Germany to South Korea, prospering, healthy, free societies exist now, because America felt compelled to come to their rescue. Dozens of nations can now freely vote, exercise freedom of speech, oppose their own government, debate and dissent and flourish in the process. Non of these countries are occupied and or added to American territory. Most of these nations even have at times harsh trade deficits, meaning that they sell more to us, than we sell to them. Hence, not even the argument of economical imperialism is valid.

All that said, there is undoubtedly a rising anti-American resentment. To explain it with at times heavy -handed diplomacy or policy, mistakes often declared in hindsight (Saddam support or the engagement in Vietnam), would be too simplistic. I have a different take on this and dare to venture, that a class of weak students always monitors the efforts of the Grade A student with suspicion. If one power has all the power, it creates fear, as people always extrapolate from their own frame of mind, from the perspective of their own history and traditions.

You said it yourself, if Iran was in the position of America today, we would not live in a benign world. I can emphatize with you, when you said before, that you think, if you lived in Iran you would be a Terrorist. The tragic fact is, that a thief will always judge the world around him with the eyes of a thief. The deep distrust vs America stems from that emotional, psychological aspect. You know very well, that, if Turks were in a position of superpower, they would act and behave in a certain way, which is why you look at America with fear, distrust and suspicion. It is not so much about what they did so far, it is so much more about, what they could in fact do, if they wanted to. They could be imperialists, strong-arm other nations, invade them and rob them of their wealth..... if they wanted to.

The notion however that there could be a fundamentally benign superpower, escapes you, because you (somewhat understandably) judge from your own frame of mind, history and tradition.

Cuba for instance has now been a thorne in the side of America for decades. Half of the Cubans live already as Cuban-Americans. It would just about have taken a couple of aircraft carriers and the Castro regime could have been gone within a few weeks. God knows, a lot of Americans would have supported it.

Why do you think, did we never get serious and eliminate the Castro regime? If we were imperialists, why not do the logical thing and focus on our neighbors, Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia, from where we quite actually face real threats. Instead, we endlessly debate border security, while more people die on the Mexican border yearly, than during the civil war in Lebanon. These are not the actions of an imperialistic power, wouldn't you agree?

we think we did nothing wrong in our history ,islam is a beautiful religon which teaches only good things and internal problems we have in our country is mostly provocated by the imperialist west.. but as we see here in mr pipes' site all westerners are terrified by islam and we turks are specificly cursed by many people for the things we did in our past.

Tragic statement in so many ways, dear Havas. Once again comparing, we in America very much deplore, debate and discuss, where we ourselves during our own short history went wrong. We owned up to the fact that we owe Indians a great debth. We accept responsibility for our own terrible mistakes, crimes against humanity, if you will, committed against Indians for instance. For example Abu Graibh and My Lai, have left deep wounds in our own conscience and significant efforts were spent to face our own demons. A vast amount of people in America still deplore the use ot the Atom bomb in Hiroshima as a crime, even though valid arguments could be made that America was attacked and many lives would have been lost, if the bomb would not have been used. ( I subscribe to the latter viewpoint)

Do such debates and discussions exist in Turkey, when facing a historical responsibility with regards to the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocides? If you deny that such atrocities even occured, how can you as a people ever grow and improve, thus such never again can happen again? Do you see the difference here? We freely and painfully admit, where we went wrong, we discuss and debate it and implement the necessary measures. You on the other hand state, that you never did anything wrong? I can only recommend to you to read your own history and own up to the sad fact that it is a history of bloodshed, invasions, genocides and terrible misery brought upon so many other nations by the Ottomans and later Turkey.

Why d you think do so many Armenians live in America? It is time the Turks as well join the civilized world and accept their own responsibility and maybe even apologize. I have many times advocated to not comparing genocides and atrocities, as it is futile - however, the Turks do rank far up the list of the worst atrocities of only the 20ths century ( see my post Genozides) - time for a bit of humility and introspection, wouldn't you agree?

Secondly, Islam. Nothing wrong with it?

The fears in the West not justified? Nothing wrong with the sad fact that all terror is currently of muslim origin? What muslim country is currently subject to imperialism? Have we ever attacked Saudi Arabia, Jemen, Sudan, Egypt, from where at present we are finding ourselves under almost daily terror? What is wrong with a religion which condones suicide bombings of innocent civilians? What is wrong with a religion which promotes medieval stoning of women committing adultery? What is wrong with beheadings of hostages or prisoners of war? What is wrong with hacking off the hand of a shop lifter? What is wrong with a religion, where such murderers are being celebrated as martyrs, dying during a Djhihaad, going straightway to paradise? What is wrong with a religion which treats women as second class human beings, denying them any equality to men? A religion which still arranges marriages, where 12 year old girls are being raped into submission by 60 year old farts? What is wrong with a religion issuing Fatwas against critical journalists, writers and cartoonists? What is wrong with Islam, when a Taliban bombs historical wonders into rubble, just because they are not of muslim origin? What is wrong with a religion , which at present, today condones a clear and present genocide committed in Sudan on the non-muslim population of said country? No mufti, Imam, Ayatollah, Mullah, speaks out against it. Silence.

Wake up, Havas, as there are fundamental design flaws in your religion. IN the name of Allah and Islam, while I write this, people are massacred. Show me please, where such happens right now in the name of God or Buddha. Where is the outcry from the muslim world? Instead of engaging in your own mess, sending your own troops into Sudan and eliminating a massmurdering regime, instead of openly condemning and villifying your own fanatics, your religious authorities prefer to clamor about discrimination in the West, the Mosqe in NY or Sharia Law in the UK. They cry foul about some backwater nutcase in the USA intending to have a Burn The Quran Day, but they all stay silent about the atrocities committed in the name of Allah.

If in fact muslim fundamentalists can abuse your religion thus blatantly, justify their actions with muslim scripture, if there is no authority within the muslim world willing or empowered to speak out against such inhuman acts and outlaw these monsters, dear friend, there is something fundamentally wrong with your religion. It does not matter, if most muslims do not arrange marriages, subscribe to Sharia law, promote stonings, support terror or suppress their women (for which they according to their own religion should be ostracised by "true and real" muslims).

What does matter howevwer is, that your religion does make room for these medieval interpretations and justifications, allowing misguided, manipulable people to conduct themselves as anything but civilized and enlightened. The problem is the distinction between faith and religion, the latter to be defined as the theological framework in which your faith operates. Nobody has and shall have a problem with your faith. But your religion, dear friend, the structure, the organization, the system, the ideology, is seriously flawed and in dire need of reformation.

To give you an example here: The Christians have their share of fanatics or fundamentalists too. They come in all shades and forms and sometimes indeed, they go overboard (abortion clinics, creationism etc.) When that happens and, if even lives were at stake, we know religious (and political) authorities, such as the Pope, who will immediately reign in any excesses. Every denomination has people who are responsible for interpretations and canon law. Who in your religion speaks for all muslims? Where is the worldly authority empowered and willing to speak out against excesses from within the muslim world? Who sais, what is right and what is not? Who will reign in the backwater mullah who called for a Djihaad? Who gave Osama Bin Laden the religious authority to call for a Holy war? The idiot Ghaddafi thinks he speaks for all muslims. So does Achmadinejaad, Mulla Omar or Bin Laden. Erdogan takes it upon himself to speak out against the Swiss after the Minaret initiative, in the name of all muslims to boycotting Swiss goods. The Wahabis in Mecca feel to be the authority, issuing rules and fatwas. Dear Havas, there is utter chaos in your religion.

Please understand... I do not have any problem with your faith, for all I care you can believe in Mickey Mouse, but your religion is seriously f@ked up, sorry to be blunt. For as long as you do not accept that reality and sad state of Islam, you can - DnM is right on the money here - never truly be free.

ı cant understand how my belief and culture islam can damage the world. but ı agree that we muslims must react much much stronger and from heart against the terrorists who call themsellves muslims.any person who kill an innocent civilian is an evil.

Your belief and culture damages the world, because the people you condemn yourself have hijacked your religion. Your religion was hijacked, because these fanatics can easily do so, as they operate within the medieval, never reformed religious framework of Islam. In some perverse sense, they stay well within the current canon law of Islam. In comparison to the Judeo-Christian world, orthodoxy is the norm in the muslim world, not the exception, which is why a reform of Islam is much more urgently needed than it was in the Christian world, where secularism had much deeper roots.

For as long, as fundamentalists, Islamists, radical Islam can easily find moral and theological justification in your ancient, never revised, never modernized, never newly defined scriptures, atrocities committed in the name of Allah will continue indefinitely to occur. It is as simple as that.

Calling terrorists evil, is courageous, Havas, but it makes you the enemy of many muslims. Ask yourself, would you voice such an opinion during your Friday visit at the mosque? Would you dare to do so? Muslims like you should be the first to call for reformation, until everyone is free to voice such an opinon without any fear of repercussions.

if we try to understand the other side we can respect even like each other more and than it can be easier to live together and beat the provocations of terrorists and the states who are behind the terrorists..

I could not agree more with you and close the circle with these lines. It is about objectivitiy. The ability to put yourself into the shoes of the other party and see the topic from their viewpoint. I invite you to do exactly that and not understand my at times harsh words as critique of someone who does not see your perspective.

Please make an effort not to react emotionally, as it is easy to fall into that trap, but to remain on a pragmatic, unemotional level, while reading this piece. Since we after all talk about Turkey and you are admittedly very cliose to the subject, I invite you to step into an imaginary elevator, push level 500, until you see all of Europe. From that point of view, high above the clouds you will have , what we call the Helicopter View, from where you may appreciate much more rationally, what I was trying to convey to you.



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Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (192) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
34000 Years of Bloodshed - Systematic killing of member of the same species - we are indeed unique. [443 words]Michel C. ZalaJan 3, 2011 11:15181493
2objectivity [451 words]havasJan 4, 2011 13:23181493
3Objectivity is in fact the problem [2947 words]Michel C. ZalaJan 6, 2011 14:24181493
6Michel is saying that there was really an Armenian Genocide and now he is saying that there is "utter chaos in" islam right Michel? [87 words]dhimmi no moreJan 7, 2011 06:38181493
1no agreement [724 words]havasJan 7, 2011 16:34181493
9Real gems from our dear Havas and the religion of peace [576 words]dhimmi no moreJan 8, 2011 11:22181493
17The useful idiots revisited and read this Havas [197 words]dhimmi no moreJan 9, 2011 13:54181493
5The Armenian Genocide and those who deny it and shame on them [66 words]dhimmi no moreJan 10, 2011 06:46181493
3While we evidently must agree to disagree.... [3383 words]Michel C. ZalaJan 10, 2011 10:14181493
6The Armenian Genocide and those that deny it and the next victim of the Turks are the Kurds right Havas? [1096 words]dhimmi no moreJan 10, 2011 12:35181493
3This useful idiot [564 words]Michel C. ZalaJan 10, 2011 13:00181493
hatred [96 words]havasJan 10, 2011 14:56181493
7How about going back to central Asia where the Turkish barbarians came from? oh and good riddnace [172 words]dhimmi no moreJan 11, 2011 07:23181493
6The useful idiots revisited and read this Havas part deux [193 words]dhimmi no moreJan 11, 2011 07:38181493
2Tariq Ramadan and the useful idiots [27 words]dhimmi no moreJan 11, 2011 07:51181493
7Hate Turkish style [415 words]dhimmi no moreJan 11, 2011 09:34181493
4Helping the useful idiots [219 words]dhimmi no moreJan 11, 2011 16:32181493
an addendum [10 words]dhimmi no moreJan 12, 2011 08:04181493
2More help for the useful idiots [109 words]dhimmi no moreJan 12, 2011 16:26181493
Shallow knowledge of Islam ... [83 words]kamel KhalilDec 11, 2011 02:40181493
3But the Qur'an says that islam is the religion of the Hijazi Arabs only [530 words]dhimmi no moreDec 12, 2011 07:13181493
8One of the worst [133 words]TSDec 13, 2010 22:05180927
Whats your point? [11 words]gokJan 11, 2011 01:16180927
1To Myth, Grand Infidel, and Dhimmi [91 words]Barry BlackDec 9, 2010 16:08180819
5response [209 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 10, 2010 17:35180819
6A sincere question to Dr. Pipes [142 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Debanjan BanerjeeDec 7, 2010 23:31180775
More on the definition of secularism and democracy [253 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Debanjan BanerjeeDec 16, 2010 00:24180775
4Torture in the book of ignorance [104 words]dhimmi no moreDec 19, 2010 15:23180775
Ignore left-wing rant of Mr. Debasheesh [21 words]SBDec 26, 2010 01:45180775
Secularism is not Saintliness [175 words]Frank LukeJan 5, 2011 11:20180775
Islamic Changes Still Coming on Strong-Toward Fundamentalism [152 words]M. ToveyJan 6, 2011 19:32180775
A reply to Mr. Tovey [185 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 8, 2011 11:33180775
Heaven or Hell Not a Question of Human Secular Logic-Heaven is Not a Secular Place [1140 words]M. ToveyJan 10, 2011 19:32180775
My Reply to M Tovey--- Continued [623 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 17, 2011 22:56180775
Historisticity of the Holy Bible is Maintained [258 words]M. ToveyJan 18, 2011 19:40180775
Further on the Implications of Rejecting The Hebrew Holy Bible and Relations with Israel [723 words]M. ToveyJan 19, 2011 18:47180775
My Reply to M Tovey--- Continuing----3 [232 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 20, 2011 12:13180775
My reply to Mr. Tovey _Continuing---3 [411 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 21, 2011 23:49180775
1Pure Semantics - But Khomeini meant to be taken literally [896 words]Michel C ZalaJan 24, 2011 10:44180775
Answers of Truth Come From The Holy Bible-Therein Lies the Response All Should Seek After [570 words]M. ToveyJan 24, 2011 19:03180775
My reply to Mr. Zala [520 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 25, 2011 21:43180775
4More islamic comedy and Hypatia [438 words]dhimmi no moreJan 27, 2011 07:04180775
My reply to Mr. Tovey _Continuing---4 [615 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 28, 2011 21:01180775
1Rewriting History - Denial pure [1685 words]Michel C. ZalaJan 29, 2011 13:41180775
1A reply to Mr. Zala [540 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 30, 2011 12:13180775
7Islamic hypocrisy [373 words]dhimmi no moreJan 30, 2011 14:40180775
4Wishful Thinking - Just Repeating Lies Does not make The Truth [1392 words]Michel C. ZalaJan 31, 2011 11:51180775
Discontent in Egypt Emblematic of an Unbelieving World Not Wanting to Seek Jesus for Answers [1085 words]M. ToveyJan 31, 2011 12:18180775
More reply to Mr. Tovi continuing---3 [304 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 4, 2011 23:02180775
Seriously, Who In Government is Asking Jesus Christ About What to Do in Egypt, Turkey, Iran? Secularism and Islam Do Not Mix. [1168 words]M. ToveyFeb 7, 2011 12:13180775
Understanding the Purim as Deliverance from Hatred and Not a Reason for Hatred [436 words]M. ToveyMay 5, 2011 14:46180775
There is one other dimension of this story [481 words]Amitabh tripathiDec 3, 2010 04:21180667
1My point here [131 words]Debanjan BanerjeeDec 6, 2010 21:13180667
4Mr. Banerjee - Assange evidence for decaying western civil liberties? It's the horse behind the waggon. [2230 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 8, 2010 14:17180667
5great scholars?? [316 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 9, 2010 03:13180667
1Responsibilites of Liberty Not Embraced by 'Liberal' Sensibilties [621 words]M. ToveyDec 9, 2010 11:55180667
What are true "Freedom" and "Liberty" ? [206 words]Debanjan BanerjeeDec 10, 2010 02:12180667
Outstanding comment, Mr. Tovey. [243 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 10, 2010 10:02180667
7The mufti of Saudi Arabia is saying that jihad in only offensive holy war and that al-raqeeq or slavery is indeed part of Islam! How disgusting [605 words]dhimmi no moreDec 11, 2010 08:05180667
2Mr. Bannerjee, you do not know Calvinism [553 words]kepha horDec 12, 2010 11:12180667
Debanjan, your knowledge of Calvinism is 4th hand [716 words]Kepha HorDec 12, 2010 18:22180667
1Freedom and Liberty State of Mind Found in Love of God and Those Who Love God [1020 words]M. ToveyDec 13, 2010 12:27180667
What is the crime of Assange [208 words]Debanjan BanerjeeDec 16, 2010 13:23180667
@Mr. Zala [71 words]Debanjan BanerjeeDec 16, 2010 13:32180667
3The Qur'an says that Jesus is really god and it is not us kuffar that are saying that so do you disagree with your Allah? [99 words]dhimmi no moreDec 19, 2010 13:27180667
1Allegations Relating to the Alleged Crimes are Made Manifest by International Community, Media [1237 words]M. ToveyDec 20, 2010 11:45180667
1To Mr. Banerjee - In response to "Questions" - Why Assange is a criminal at least [854 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 21, 2010 16:09180667
A response to Michael C Zala [364 words]Debanjan BanerjeeDec 23, 2010 22:25180667
1Banerjee - Desk Jockey Propaganda vs. The Hard Brutal Reality [1221 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 29, 2010 12:01180667
The real hard brutal reality [626 words]Debanjan BanerjeeDec 29, 2010 23:18180667
1Futile Debate - but here a last ditch effort [1320 words]Michel C. ZalaJan 3, 2011 12:20180667
1Seeking Truth In Comments are Harder When No One Wants to Hear the True Answers [690 words]M. ToveyJan 3, 2011 19:38180667
It Ain't So Bad [136 words]Barry BlackDec 2, 2010 12:31180651
3some pratical sharia criticism [135 words]mythDec 4, 2010 05:17180651
2another funny guy [204 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 4, 2010 18:29180651
7The Islamic comedy and ridiculous Sharia [220 words]dhimmi no moreDec 6, 2010 07:45180651
5Turks in Austria [41 words]UgriDec 2, 2010 10:12180646
3WOW- amazing to watch! [126 words]saraDec 3, 2010 18:10180646
amazed at the rhetorical skills [115 words]mythDec 4, 2010 04:52180646
3doing them a favour [179 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 4, 2010 06:54180646
Osterreich [96 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 6, 2010 01:53180646
Battle of Vienna [168 words]UgriDec 6, 2010 05:03180646
WOWIE [22 words]Barry BlackDec 6, 2010 13:02180646
2Let us be careful, before damning the Turks - The Stadler Haymaker missed its target. [4306 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 6, 2010 16:22180646
analysis [167 words]havasDec 9, 2010 14:03180646
3Thanking Michel Zala [648 words]Erich WDec 9, 2010 16:02180646
to michel zala [406 words]havasDec 9, 2010 18:23180646
TX, Erich, I certainly understand your concerns, however, consider our own ideological tides [579 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 10, 2010 09:30180646
Mr. Havas Comment seems to support my arguments. [425 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 10, 2010 10:42180646
1Thank You, Mr. Havas, for your comment, which truly adds circumstantial evidence to my initial post [1535 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 11, 2010 12:48180646
7Islam and Turkey and speaking of victims and propagandists [1362 words]dhimmi no moreDec 12, 2010 09:04180646
4islam and terror [342 words]havasDec 12, 2010 13:23180646
5Love Turkish style [486 words]dhimmi no moreDec 12, 2010 15:06180646
5The islamic comedy goes on and on: The message and the source of the message [170 words]dhimmi no moreDec 12, 2010 15:15180646
4Our dear Michel and his little love fest with Kebab! [250 words]dhimmi no moreDec 12, 2010 15:29180646
2To Havas: we face similar problems - To Dhimmi: Chill, Dude, before you get a heart attack - [1954 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 13, 2010 08:00180646
5Our dear Michel and his little love fest with Kebab! part deux [861 words]dhimmi no moreDec 14, 2010 06:14180646
2Schrebergartenanalysten - Seelig sind die geistig armen [1130 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 14, 2010 12:15180646
2True representation [401 words]Erich WDec 14, 2010 19:08180646
3various [872 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 15, 2010 02:06180646
4Eddi el-3abita zummara! Oh darn it this is Arabic! [294 words]dhimmi no moreDec 15, 2010 07:34180646
1Mr. Havas - Thank You for one of the few clear muslim voices against terror [1548 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 15, 2010 12:35180646
Save yourself the trouble, Dhimmi, before your hands fall off. [80 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 15, 2010 13:59180646
from muslims point of view [827 words]havasDec 15, 2010 14:33180646
4Even Mehemt II al-ghazi was half Armenian! [197 words]dhimmi no moreDec 16, 2010 07:22180646
3Michel is running away [66 words]dhimmi no moreDec 16, 2010 07:28180646
2Self hate [198 words]dhimmi no moreDec 16, 2010 07:53180646
To Mr. Zala - I am an "American Muslim" living in Turkey [132 words]Zacharias C.Dec 16, 2010 07:57180646
2Origins [173 words]dhimmi no moreDec 16, 2010 08:13180646
2Erich - as usual reasonable and balanced [796 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 16, 2010 11:24180646
To the Grand Infidel [535 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 16, 2010 12:17180646
To Havas - Holy Cow.... I need to digest this one.... [76 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 16, 2010 12:29180646
1turkish genocide [480 words]havasDec 16, 2010 13:31180646
4dhimmi no more, Ianus, and the Exposure of Demagogues aka "Useful Idiots" [149 words]Young MCDec 16, 2010 16:51180646
2Havas is against Turkish terror? really? How about the Armenian Genocide? [26 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2010 06:17180646
4Islam is the problem [198 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2010 06:30180646
8Historical discontinuity or the concept of al-jahiliya and the likes of Havas [591 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2010 07:23180646
2For the readers: Michel is running away part deux [110 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2010 17:08180646
5Origins and Greeks in the Qur'an! Oh the Turks in the Qur'an? that is a different story [383 words]dhimmi no moreDec 18, 2010 07:22180646
2A little clue [381 words]dhimmi no moreDec 18, 2010 07:49180646
Thank you Mr. Zala for your detailed and accurate analysis [28 words]AnkaraDec 18, 2010 08:22180646
Questions for Dr. Pipes - Going forward, what now? Your suggestions for a western strategy concerning Turkey? [308 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Michel C. ZalaDec 18, 2010 09:20180646
3logic to a point [724 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 19, 2010 03:13180646
think again [378 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 19, 2010 03:56180646
2Eddi el-3abita zummara! Revisited [82 words]dhimmi no moreDec 19, 2010 07:09180646
To Ankara, Havas & Zacharia - TX for a sign of life [1011 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 19, 2010 09:09180646
4Oh the Turks poor babies they are humiliated and rejected! The Islamic CRUSADES and other sordid matters [578 words]dhimmi no moreDec 19, 2010 13:54180646
1an addendum [18 words]dhimmi no moreDec 19, 2010 14:03180646
1trends [491 words]Erich WDec 20, 2010 01:20180646
to the kafir [339 words]havasDec 20, 2010 03:31180646
3Michel and the truth [156 words]dhimmi no moreDec 20, 2010 05:50180646
to mr zala [440 words]havasDec 20, 2010 05:58180646
4Islam in Turkey and Turkish delusions [932 words]dhimmi no moreDec 20, 2010 06:38180646
2facts please Mr havas [994 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 21, 2010 03:27180646
7Shame [145 words]dhimmi no moreDec 21, 2010 06:49180646
6Our dear Havas the Qur'an says that you cannot be Muslim! [271 words]dhimmi no moreDec 21, 2010 07:08180646
1To the Grand Infidel.... Now that, Mate, is fun. First allow me to outline my individual Modus Operandi [741 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 21, 2010 11:07180646
1My response to " Logic To A Point" [2041 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 21, 2010 13:37180646
1To Erich - in response to "Trends" [166 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 21, 2010 13:55180646
3Modus Operandi? It is le Grand Delusion [501 words]dhimmi no moreDec 21, 2010 17:26180646
2comments on comments [1092 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 22, 2010 05:02180646
3Notre Cher Michel et Le Grande delusion part deux [232 words]dhimmi no moreDec 22, 2010 07:18180646
3Origins and Greeks and bad Roman dudes in the Qur'an! Oh the Turks in the Qur'an? that is a different story part deux [383 words]dhimmi no moreDec 22, 2010 13:24180646
5The source behind the source [453 words]dhimmi no moreDec 23, 2010 07:49180646
1To Mr. Havas - finally my response to the muslim point of view [1984 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 23, 2010 11:23180646
3thoughts on Christmas eve [1301 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 24, 2010 05:03180646
5He is a Sufi! This is as bad as it can get [153 words]dhimmi no moreDec 24, 2010 13:48180646
3Havas is against Turkish terror? really? How about the Armenian Genocide? part deux [55 words]dhimmi no moreDec 26, 2010 10:44180646
GIK - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all [476 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 29, 2010 12:49180646
1Genocides - let's see [388 words]Michel C ZalaDec 29, 2010 13:09180646
at least 2 omissions! [52 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 30, 2010 03:12180646
4The Armenian Genocide [21 words]dhimmi no moreDec 30, 2010 06:35180646
3The Crusades? Let us see [56 words]dhimmi no moreDec 30, 2010 06:58180646
1Clarification on "Genozides" [172 words]Michel C. ZalaJan 3, 2011 10:32180646
3grave threats [330 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJan 4, 2011 01:49180646
4You still did not answer my question [14 words]dhimmi no moreJan 4, 2011 06:40180646
4And more hypocrisy and this time the Muslim v. Christian crusades [168 words]dhimmi no moreJan 4, 2011 06:50180646
4Michel "deplores" the Armenian Genocide [64 words]dhimmi no moreJan 4, 2011 06:59180646
2Masters of genocide!! [144 words]JaladhiJan 5, 2011 14:43180646
1TX for the advertisement [394 words]Michel C. ZalaJan 6, 2011 15:06180646
2Teaching Arabic to wannabe Arabs [134 words]dhimmi no moreJan 7, 2011 07:07180646
7Michel "deplores" the Armenian Genocide are you reading this havas? and cherry picking time [350 words]dhimmi no moreJan 8, 2011 06:43180646
Charles Taylor, Blood Diamonds, Islamic Socialism and the 'Green Book' [51 words]NellieApr 26, 2012 21:07180646
1Iran the Shias or Turkey the Sunni [206 words]BADec 1, 2010 21:51180632
1A thought on percentages, and a matter for inquiry [421 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Erich WDec 16, 2010 02:54180632
Good try [64 words]Sohel Ahmed BahjatDec 1, 2010 13:38180611
1Turkish domestic politics. [115 words]motokosomaDec 1, 2010 12:05180609
your turkey analysis not correct [385 words]meteDec 1, 2010 11:52180607
Selectivity [371 words]Erich WDec 16, 2010 03:52180607
true [21 words]havasDec 19, 2010 05:40180607
1Flawed Analysis [215 words]PaulDec 1, 2010 09:17180604
Very True! [8 words]MohammadDec 1, 2010 04:56180600
When the West cannot meet the East [184 words]NuritGNov 30, 2010 23:38180597
Iran teetering on the brink of "secularism" is a fantasy!!! [169 words]JaladhiNov 30, 2010 20:07180595
Islamo-fascism is evil; don't let it spread! [36 words]Maria Houser ConzemiusNov 30, 2010 18:12180593
The Hidden Turkey [153 words]Rebecca MouldsNov 30, 2010 14:04180587
Recognizing "hidden" Turkey [155 words]TedJan 12, 2011 00:02180587
9The Iranian Theocracy doomed? [1593 words]Michel C. ZalaNov 30, 2010 13:01180583
2Support Mr. Zala's view [115 words]hirenDec 2, 2010 11:10180583
1Could Turkey be converging towards Iran's theocracy??? [228 words]JaladhiDec 14, 2010 14:04180583
1To Jaladhi - Full Agreement - Why we can never allow for the Iranian Nuke [611 words]Michel C. ZalaDec 15, 2010 13:45180583
1Turkey has no oil [252 words]hamanaJan 11, 2011 09:54180583
Extrapolation is a mug's game, the wheel turns, and history springs surprises. [8 words]Abu NudnikNov 30, 2010 12:59180582
2Iran vs. Turkey [184 words]Ralph C Whaley MDNov 30, 2010 09:17180578
Turkey vs. Iran [150 words]Stergios BakasNov 30, 2010 07:58180576
Turkic one from China [18 words]DiliNov 30, 2010 07:25180575
2open your eyes [141 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 3, 2010 18:04180575
Interesting origin [91 words]Kepha HorDec 12, 2010 18:39180575
the immigrant mirror [104 words]mythNov 30, 2010 05:43180574
fed up [51 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanDec 2, 2010 04:04180574
Great article [78 words]John in Michigan, USANov 30, 2010 03:55180573
4W.Churhiil [185 words]ChurchillMar 24, 2011 16:06180573

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