mysterious universeReader comment on item: The Voice of America, Silenced on Radical Islam Submitted by yousuf gabriel (Pakistan), May 8, 2012 at 04:32 A lecture on "The Mysterious Universe and Quran hakim" by Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel (This lecture was delivered by Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel in Bar Association Sargodha On 20-5-1968" Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel Yousuf_gabriel21@yahoo.com website: http://www.oqasa.org Tel : 03009847582 Adara Afqar-e-Gabriel (Ghosia Kutab Khana) main bazaar Nawababad Wah Cantt Distt Rawalpindi Pakistan The line of argument of the modern science guided skeptics due to their relatively greater knowledge of the universe is different from their ancient counterpart. For, whereas the ancient sceptic was generally lead to doubt and disbelief due to ignorance, the doubts of the modern scientist regarding religion are paradoxically the creation of their own knowledge Quran's genius therefore shines supreme to amount to a miracle, since we see, that the Quran surprisingly enough if on the one hand it has for generations in the past furnished the doubting mind of an ignorant skeptic with sufficiently convincing reason, it could on the other hand successfully clear the doubts of the modern knowledgeable scientist and in both the instances bringing into play the same words and the same verses. Such indeed is the versatile comprehensiveness of its marvelous composition, such unfathomable adoptability of its fluent, crystal clear expression, such unsurpassable sublimity of its exceedingly superb diction with such supernaturally unlimited resourcefulness of every word and verse in an amazingly surreptitious, esoterically occult manner, Quran seems no doubt the work of an omniscient, and all pervading author, who fully anticipated the future trends of the mind of humanity, even sometimes would repeat exact words, expressions and the true purport of a passage by a distant author in a different language, and displaying always the particular mood catachrestic of foreknowledge. Quran has its own complete, perfected philosophy and a most agreeable code of human life. When it differs it does it so with the vehemence, clarity, and reassurance of a divine oracle. This we intend to show in an example out of innumerable examples. We have selected the first twelve pages of the famous book "Mysterious Universe" and a part of the last chapter of the same work, in which the celebrated author Sir James jeans has admirably summarized the philosophical thought of the modern scientist. The two philosophies shall therein be found in the contesting arena in their true perspective and at their best. Yousuf Gabriel 20-5-1968 The point of difference and the contrasting features shall no longer remain obscure. Scientist through his knowledge has tended toward, fear, misapprehension, disbelief, dismay, confusion, perplexity, perversion, depravity, distress and lack of confidence. He fails to find the purpose of creation and the creation of man therein, has puzzled him to the extremes. His hopes of ultimately finding the truth lay unfortunately in the scientific knowledge of a degree much beyond the human reach at best at present. He has used all his knowledge to prove disbelief and his future expectations in the discoveries tend to further strengthening disbelief. He desires to usurp the sovereignty of God through man's conquest of the realm of nature, whereas Quran reiterates the right for God through his absolute command in the preset world and his unshared sovereignty on the day of judgement, the judgement of the just and merciful God, the hope of his creatures. One wonders how if on the one hand the modern scientist is splitting the invisible atom and is endeavouring to reach the moon and the mars, on the other hand his sight in the matters of human philosophy is so weak and his understanding so blind, that he call this creation on earth a chance creation, to lack proportion, a by-product and something out of the way. That he should blink his eyes at the possible purpose of the creation and the purpose of man's existence on earth. That he should completely ignore the possibility of a life after death, and all that he should do surprisingly on the dint of his knowledge of this material universe. The modern philosophy therefore as we shall see is the complete antithesis of that of the Quran in this respect. It is their misfortune, to end in atomic conflagration. And inglorious and indeed for mankind. It now is the moral duty incumbent upon the Muslims to learn and then to teach humanity the precise outlook of the Quran in religious, moral and spiritual values. That perhaps mankind may still live, and that perhaps this dreadful danger of atomic ruin be averted. And if the humanity were destined to meet their end through atomic disaster, let at least the survivals be furnished with a light and a look which could guarantee peace and prosperity in this world and the unmixed bliss in the life to come. The Quran indeed as you shall with your own eyes see, has contained sufficient proofs of the fact that as if it knew that such and such author shall in such and such age present to the mankind such and such works to contain such and such words, so that Quran occasionally repeats some of the words. They attribute everything to the laws of nature, Quran attribute everything to God the creator, as separate from nature and the absolute master of everything and always the signs which increase the faith of a believer and more perplexity to the scientist. Scientist:- " A few stars are known which are hardly bigger than the earth, but the majority are so large that hundreds of thousands of earths could be packed inside each and leave room to spare; here and thee we come upon against star large enough to contain millions of millions of earths". (Page 1 para 1- The Mysterious Universe ). Comments:- The scientist by the comparative smallness of the earth as against the universe intends to disparage the earth and minimize its significance in order to prove the life upon earth a mere by product and somehow out of the way. The Quran therefore says:- "With Him is everything (regulated), according to (determined measure). (He) knoweth that which is hidden and that which is revealed. (He is) the GREAT, the Most HIGH". (XIII-Alraad (2) (8-9) Scientist:- "And the total number of stars in the universe is probably something like the total, number of grains of sand on all these ashore of the world". (Page 1 para 1 The Mysterious Universe). Comments:- The scientist is tending towards his ultimate ignorance of the purpose of creation by belittling the earth and the life upon it. Hence says the Quran: God is more considerable and his words:. "Say, if the seas were ink, to write the words of my Lord, verily these would fail, although we added (another sea) like unto it as a further supply". (XVIII Al-Kahf (12) (109) Scientist:- "Such is the littleness of our home in space, when measured up against the total substance of the universe". (Page 1 para 1 The Mysterious Universe) Comments:- "Do not worry" Quran:- "God's earth (is) spacious". (Quran XXXIX Alzomar (2) (10) Scientist:- "This vast multitude of stars are wandering in space. A few from groups which journey in company. But the majority are solitary travelers". (The Mysterious Universe Page 1 para 2) Quran:.- "It is He who hath ordained the stars for you; that ye may be directed thereby in the darkness of the land and of the sea. We have already shown forth (our) signs unto people who understand". (Quran VI Alanam (12) (98) Scientist:- "And they (these stars) travel through a universe so spacious; that it is an event of almost unimaginable rarity for a star to come anywhere near to another star". (The Mysterious Universe page 1 para 2) Quran:- "We have built the heavens with might, and we are to give (it) a large extent". (LI Alzariat (3) (47) Scientist:- "For the most part each (star) voyages in splendid isolation, like a ship on Empty Ocean. In a scale model in which stars are ships, the average ship will be over a million miles from its nearest neighbour, whence it is easy to understand why a ship seldom finds another within hailing distance". (The Mysterious Universe Page 1 Para 2) Quran:- "The stars are compelled by his command". (XVI Alnahl (2) (12) Quran:- "Their falleth no leaf, but He knoweth it. Neither (is there) a single grain in the dark parts of the earth, neither a green thing nor a dry thing but it (is) written in the perspicuous book". (VI Alanaam (7) (59) Scientist:- "We believe nevertheless, that some two thousand million years ago this rare event took place, and that a second star, wandering blindly through space, happened to come within hailing distance of the sun. Just as the sun and the moon raise tides on the earth, so this second star must have raised tides on the surface of the sun. But they would be very the different from the puny tides which the small mass of the moon raises in our oceans; a judge tidal wave must have traveled over the surface of the sun, ultimately forming a mountain of prodivious height, which would rise ever higher and higher, as the cause of disturbance came nearer and nearer. And before the second star began to recede, its tidal pull had become so powerful, that this mountain was torn to pieces, and threw off small fragments of itself, much as the crest of a wave throws off spray. These small fragments have been circulating around their present sun, ever since. They are the planets, great and small of which our earth is one". (The Mysterious Universe page 1-2 Para 3) Comments:- The scientist through this possibility of the accidental birth of our earth intends to strengthen his argument regarding this denial of the religious purpose of man's creation. Yet the story of this plausible accident is based on sheer speculation. No scientist could come out with a substantial scientific proof of the accident. It is just their belief without the testimony of proof. Quran:- Signs are of avail only to the believers:- "Verily (both) in heaven and earth (are) signs of (the divine power) unto the true believers". (Quran XLV Aljathia (1) (3) Quran:- "Say, Consider whatever is in heaven and on earth, but signs are of no avail, neither preachers, unto people who will not believe". (Yunus (10) (101) Quran:- "Surely as to these things (their) eyes are not blind, but the hearts are blind which are in their breasts". (Quran XXII.Alhajj). (6 (46) Scientist:- "The sun and the other stars we see in the sky are all intensely hot for too hot for life to be able to obtain or retain a footing on them". (The Mysterious Universe page 2, para 4) Comments:- By this the scientist means to diminish the area of life in order to further create about if life was the object in the mind of the creator when he created this universe. The depreciatory view of life would automatically expunge the idea of the purpose of creating as is given by religion. Quran:- "Say the fire of hell will be hotter". (Quran IX. Altaubah 11 (81) Scientist:- "Far too hot to be able to be obtained or retain a footing on them". Comments:- If God had wanted this would not have been anything difficult with him. Quran:- "Verily those who disbelieve our sign, we will surely cast to be boiled in (hell) fire. So often as their skins shall be well burned we will give them other skins in exchange, that they may taste the (sharper) punishment, for God is mighty and Wise". (Quran IV.Alnisa. (8) (56) Scientist:- "So also no doubt were the ejected fragments of the sun, when they were first thrown off. Gradually they cooled, until now they have but little intrinsic heat left". Comments:- Nothing difficult for God; if He had wanted to create life in the planets in their incandescent state. Quran:- "And when Abraham was cast into the burning pile, we said, O! Fire! Be thou cold and preservation unto Abraham". (Quran XXI.Alambia (5) (69) Scientist:- "Their (the cooled planets) warmth almost entirely derived from the radiation which the sun pours down upon them". (The Mysterious Universe page 2, para 4) Quran:- "Who hath ordained the sun to shine". (Quran Yunus (1) (5) "Verily God is who provideth (for all creatures) possessed of mighty power". (LI Alzariat (3) (58) Scientist:- "In course of time we know not how, when, or why one of these cooling fragments gave birth to life". (The Mysterious Universe page 2, para 4) Comments:- Mark their disbelief and ignorance. Quran:- "His command when He willeth a thing (is) that he saith unto it be! and it is". (Quran XXXVI Yasin 95) (82) Scientist:- "It (life) started in simple organisms whose vital capacities consisted of little beyond reproduction and death. But from these humble beginning emerged a stream of life, which, advancing through ever greater and greater complexity, has culminated in beings whose lives are largely centered in their emotions and ambitions, their aesthetic appreciations, and the religious in which their lightest hopes and noblest aspirations lie enshrined". (The Mysterious Universe page 2, para 4) Quran:- " First created man of clay and after wards made his posterity of an extract of despicable water, and them formed him (into proper shape) and breathed of his spirit into him, and hath given you (the senses of) hearing and seeing, and hearts (to understand).How small thanks do ye return". (Quran XXXII Alsijdah (17) (7 to 9) Scientist:- "Although we cannot speak with any certainty, it seems most likely that humanity came into existence in some such way as this". (The Mysterious Universe page 2, para 5) Quran:- "But ye have no knowledge given unto you, except a little". (Quran XVII Beni Israel (10) (85) Scientist:- "Standing on our microscopic fragment of a grain of sand (that is our earth compared to the universe), we attempt to discover the nature and purpose of the universe which surrounds our home in space and time. Our first impression is something akin to terror". (The Mysterious Universe page 3, para 5) Comments:- But according to Quran there are other things worth fearing. The universe displays the majesty of its creator. Quran:- " O men fear your Lord. Verily the shock of the (last) hour will be a terrible thing". (Quran XXII Alhajj (1) (1) And:- Quran:- "Justly fear the fire (of hell) whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the unbelievers.". (Quran II.Albakarah (3) (24) And:- Quran :- " If we had sent down this Quran on a mountain, thou wouldst-certainly have seen the same humble itself and cleawe in sunder for fear of God". (Quran LIX Al Hashr (3) (21) Comments:- Even the universe itself dreaded the offer of the trust and declined therefore the offer by the Creator, but man accepted the same. Quran:- "We proposed the faith unto the heaven and the earth, and the mountains, and they refused to undertake the same and were afraid threof; but man undertook it, verily he was unjust to himself and foolish". (Quran XXXIII Alhaab (9) (72) Comments:- It is the God that is justly feared by the believers and not the universe. The signs just increase their faith. Quran:- "Verily the true believers (are those) whose hearts fear when God is mentioned and whose faith increaseth when his signs are released unto". (Quran VIII Alanfaal (1) (2 to 4) Scientist:- "We find the universe terrifying because of its vast meaningless distances}. (The Mysterious Universe page 2, 3 para 5) Comments:- Vastness of the Universe signifies the greatness of its Creator:- Quran:- "Let God be exalted, the King, the Truth! There is no God besides him, the Lord of the honourable throne". (Quran XXIII Almominun (6) (116) But:- Quran says:- "But they make not a due estimate of God, since the whole earth shall be but his handful on the day of resurrection, and the heavens shall be rolled together in his right hand. Praise be unto him! And far be He exalted above that which they associate with him". (XXXIX Alzomar (7) (67) Scientist:- The vast meaningless distances of the universe:- Comments:- Nothing that God has created is meaningless. Rather everything is made to purpose. But they area people enchanted:- Quran:- "If we should open a gate in the heaven above them, and they should ascend thereto all the day long, they would surely say, our eyes are only dazzled, or rather we are a people deluded by enchantments. (Quran XV Alhijra (1) (14-15) Although to a believer's eye :- The Quran says:- "Verily (both) in heaven and earth (are) signs of (the divine power) unto the true believers". (Quran Aljathia (1) (3) Comments:- And indeed no disproportion in the creation of God :- and nothing meaningless:- The Quran says:- "All things we created (bound) by a fixed decree". (LIV Alqamar (3) (49) Scientist "(Universe seems) terrifying because of its inconceivably long vistas of time, which dwarf human history to a twinkling of an eye". (The Mysterious Universe page 2-3 Para 5) Comments:- Indeed the space of a day is fifty thousand years to rise on the steps to the throne of God. The Quran says :- "God the possessor of steps, by which the angels ascend un to him, and the spirit (Gabriel also), in a day whose space is fifty thousand years, wherefore bear (the insults of Meccans) with becoming patience, for they see (their punishment) afar off, but we see it might at hand". (LXX Almaarij (1) (1 to 9) Scientist:- "Universe terrifying because of its inconceivably long vistas of time which dwarf human history to a twinkling of an eye". Comments:- The regard of the resurrection and the day of judgement is more essential which also is to be as a twinkling of an eye:- The Quran says:- "The business of the (last) hour shall be only as the twinkling of an eye, or even more quick". (Quran XVI Alnahml (11) (77) Comments:- But see the different types of men and of knowledge. The Quran says:- "On a day whereon the last hour shall come, the wicked will swear, that they have not terrified above an hour, in like manner did they utter lies (in their life time). But those on whom knowledge hath been bestowed and faith, shall say, ye have tarried according to the book of God, until the day of resurrection, for this is the day of resurrection, but ye know it not". (XXX Alrum (6) (55 to 59) Scientist:- "Terrifying because of our extreme loneliness". (Mysterious Universe page 2-3 para 5) Comments:- He feels lonely:- The Quran says:- "And we are nearer unto him than (His) jogular vein". (Quran CAF (2) (1 to 22) Comments:- And the prophet know when he said to his companion in the cave :- "Be not grieved, for God is with us". (Ix Altubah (6) (40) Scientist:- "(Universe) terrifying because of the material insignifance of our home in space- a millionth part of a grain of sand out of all the seas and in the world". (The Mysterious Universe page 2-3, para 5) Comments:- But Quran has a different view thereof and says:- "God's earth is spacious". (XXXIX Alzomar (2) (10) Comments:- Need not pine therefore unnecessarily. Scientist:- "Material insignificance of our home in space ". Quran :- "The provision of this life (in respect of) that which is to come is but slander". (Quran Altaubah (6) 938) Mark therein a point of real distinction between the two philosophies. The material insignificance of the earth, and this life in eyes of the modern scientist is only comparable to this material, transient universe. His world is confined only to this present material life on earth. But regarding the life on other side of the grace he is utterly blind. Whereas the Quran compares the insignificance of this present life with the life after death, and eternal life. Scientist:- "But above all else, we find this universe terrifying because it appears to be indifferent to life like our own; emotion, ambition, and achievement, art and religion all seem equally foreign to its plan". (Mysterious Universe page 2-3 para 5) Comments:. You are created, for a test not for enjoyment. The enjoyment shall come but in the life after death, provided that you deserved on the merit of your marks in this transient life. Quran:- "Hath created death and life that He might prove you, which of you is more righteous in (His) actions". Comments:- Yet the complete indifference does not exist anywhere rather:- Quran:- " Do ye not see that God hath subjected whatever is in heaven and on earth to your services and hath abundantly poured on you his favours (both) outwardly and inwardly?". (XXXI Lockman (3) (20 to 30) Quran:- "Which therefore of your Lord's benefits will ye ungratefully deny?". (LV Alrahman (1) (13) Scientist:- Perhaps indeed we ought to say (the universe), appears to be actively hostile to life like our own". (The Mysterious Universe page 3, para 5) Comments:- Not the universe so much as the satan is hostile to man:- Quran:- "Satan is hostile to man". Scientist:- "For the most part empty space is so cold that all life in it would be frozen, most of the matter in space is so hot as to make life on it impossible ". (The Mysterious Universe page 3 para 5) Comments:- Need not bother about space but think that you have:- The Quran says:- "A good country and a gracious lord". (XXXIV Alsaba (2) (15) Scientist:- "And astronomical bodies continually bombarded by radiation of a variety of kinds, much of which is probably inimical to or even destructive of life". (The Mysterious Universe page 3, para 5) Comments:- These are far fetched things are live and are protected by the power of God, but the bombardment of stones upon the disbelievers was severe and do we not ourselves expect the shower of atombombs any moment so the Quran says :- "And dreadful was the shower, which fell on those who had been warned (in vain)". (XXVII Alnamal (4) (58) Scientist:- (1) Into such a hostile universe we have stumbled if not exactly by mistake at least as a result of what may properly be described as an accident". (The Mysterious Universe page 3-4, para 6) (2) "Life seems to be the product of the blind play of chance, just as six monkeys stumbling unintelligently on typewriters for millions of millions of years would be bound in time to write all the books in the British museum. But:- The Quran says:- "There falleth no leaf but he knoweth it, neither (is there) a single grain in the dark parts of the earth, neither a green thing, nor a dry thing, but it is (written) in the perspicuous book". (VI Alanaam (7) (59 to 60) Comments:- The term accident is erroneous in this case. God is here in complete control:- Quran says :- "Verily God sustaineth the heavens and the earth best they fail. And if they should fail, none could support the same besides him". Comments:- They could not stumble by mistake into this universe because:- The Quran says:- "Thy Lord createth what he pleaseth, and chooseth freely, but they have no free choice". (XXVIII Alkassas (7) (68) Scientist:- "Life needs suitable physical conditions for its appearance, the most important of which is a temperature at which substances can exist in the liquid state". (The Mysterious Universe page 4, para 7) Quran:. "(We) made every living thing of water". (XXI Al-ambia (3) (30 to 32) Scientist:- "The magnitude of the areas in which the life can possibly exist is incredibly small as compared to the areas in which life cannot possibly exist. Just for this reason it seems incredible that the universe can have been designed primarily to produce life like our own; had it been so, surely we might have expected to find a better proportion between the magnitude of the mechanism and the amount of the product. At first glance at least, life seems to be an utterly unimportant by-product. We living things are somehow off the main line". (The Mysterious Universe page 5, Para 9) Comments:- Life like our own:- Quran says:- "And he propoundeth unto us a comparison and forgetteth his creation". (XXXVI Yasin (5) (78 to 83) Quran:- "Is not He who hath created the heavens and the earth able to create (new creatures like unto them)". (XXXVI Yasin (5) (78 to 83) Comments:- To find the lack of proportion in the magnitude of mechanism and the amount of the product a mere absurdity". Quran:- "We have estimated and how-nice and accurate estimaters we have been". (LXXVII Almursalat (1) (23) Quran:- "Hath created all things and hath disposed (the same) according to a determinal will". (XXV Alfurqan (1) (2) Quran:- "With Him is everything regulated according to a determined measure". (XIIII Alraad (2) (8) Scientist:- "At first glance at least life seems to be an utterly unimportant by product". (The Mysterious Universe page 5, para 9) Quran:- "Thou canst not see in a creature of the most merciful any unfitness or disproportion. Life up thine eyes again to heaven, and look, whether thou seest any flaw, then take two other views and thy sight shall return unto thee dull and fatigued". (LXVII almulk (1) (1 to 6) Quran:- "As thou livest, they wander in their folly". (XV Alhijr (5) (72) Scientist:- Life an utterly unimportant by product. Quran:- ""Did ye think that we had created you in sport and that you should not be brought before us"? (Quran XXIII almominun (6) (115) Comments:- They are blind, because they are blind to the fact resurrection. Scientist:- "We do not know whether suitable physical conditions are sufficient in themselves to produce life or whether some other accident or some vital force was also necessary". (The Mysterious Universe page 5. para 10-11) Comments:- Breaking of soul necessary:- Quran:- "First created man of clay and afterwards made his posterity of an extract of despicable water and then formed him (into proper space), and breathed of his spirit in to him, and breathed of his spirit into him, and hath given you (the senses of) hearing and seeing and hearts (to understand).How small thanks do ye return". (Quran XXXII Alsijdah (1) (7 to 9) Scientist:- "An omnipotent creator subject to no limitations whatever would not have been restricted to the laws which prevail in the present universe; he might have elected to build the universe to conform to any one of innumerable other sets of laws. If some other set of laws had been chosen, other special atoms might have had other special properties associated with them. We cannot say what, but it seems a priory unlikely that either radioactivity or magnetism or life would have figured amongst them. Chemistry suggests that, like magnetism and radioactivity, life may merely be an accidental consequence of the special set of laws by which the present universe is governed". (Mysterious Universe page 8, para 14) Comments:- "Such propositions will lead us nowhere. To imagine of some other sets of laws of a nature quite different from these present is beyond human ken. Yet the same existing set of laws is a modified from are not a matter of fact. Yet some other sets of law some other universe or something is not even imaginable by the human mind as it is. Therefore ". Quran says:- "Say, Is there with you any (certain) knowledge, (of what ye allege), that ye may produce it unto us? Ye follow only a false imagination, and ye only utter lies". (Quran VI Alanaam (18) (149) Comments:- Yet indeed is Omnipotent enough to introduce other new sets of laws:- Quran says :- "God shall abolish and shall confirm (what he pleaseeth), with him is the original of the book". (XIII Alrad (6) (39) And:- "If he pleaseth he can take you away and produce anew creature (in your stead), neither will this be difficult with God". (XXXV Fatir (3) (16-17) Quran:- "Bare opinion attaineth not anything of the truth". (LIII Najam (2) ( 28 to30) Scientist:- "So long as we think of the creator as a magnified man-like being, activated by feelings and interests like our own, the challenge cannot be met. If however, we dismiss every trace of anthropomorphism from our minds, there remains no reason for supposing that the present laws were specially selected in order to produce life". (The Mysterious Universe page 9 Para 15). Comments:- God a magnified man-like being"? Quran:- "There is nothing like Him"". (XLII Alshora (2) (11) Quran:- Comments:- Athropomism the rule of human race only. Therefore:- The Quran says:- "If we had appointed an angel (for our messenger) we should have sent him (in the form of) a man and have clothed (him) before them as they are clothed". (VI Alanaam (1) (9) Scientist:- "Physics plays an incomparably greater part in the universe than biology. Viewed from a strictly material point of view, the utter insignificance of life would seem m to go far toward dispelling any idea that it forms a special interest of the great architect of the universe". (The Mysterious Universe page9 para 15) Yes:- The Quran says:- "Verily the creation of heaven and earth (is) more considerable than the creation of man". (XL Momin (6) (57) Comments:- Yet this life is quite insignificant compared to the next life :- The Quran says:- "The present life is no other than a toy and a plaything, but the future mansion of (paradise) is life indeed, if they knew (this). They would not prefer the former to the later". (XXIX Alankabut (7) (64) Scientist:- "" A trivial analogy may exhibit the situation in a clearer light. And unimaginative sailor, accustomed to tying knots, might think it would be impossible to cross the ocean if trying knots were impossible. Now the capacity for tying knots is limited to space of three dimensions; no knot can be tied in a space of 1,2,4,5 or any other number of dimensions. From this act our unimaginative sailor might reason that a beneficent creator must have had sailor under his special patronage, and have chosen that space should have three dimensions in order that tying knots and crossing the ocean should be possibilities in the universe he had created in brief space was of three dimensions so that there could be sailors. Life indeed is as insignificant as the tying of knots for crossing the oceans and therefore could not be main object of the creator". (The Mysterious Universe page9, para 16) Comments:- To call such a sailor unimaginative is a wrong unusually great. However the Quran should come to our aid to clarify the matter. The Quran says :- "Have we not made him two eyes, and a tongue and two lip, and shown him the two highways (of good and evil)? Yet he attempeteth not the cliff". (XC Balad (1) (8 to 10) Comments:- The particular aptness in form and duty shown in their respective roles by various organs at least leads to the possibility that they were purposely created and ordained to prove further that life also have had a particular patronage of the Creator. Now please see the formation of the camel in a particular view of its environments that is the desert, and you shall not miss the amazing affinity between the creature and the environment to present some striking features. Quran:- "Do they not consider camels, how they are created"? (LXXXVIII alghashia (1) (17) Comments:- Further proof of the significance of this life due to the fact of resurrection they shall positively find when they shall be driven actually to a three space dimension hell. The Quran says :- "Walk onto that which ye called a lie. Walk onto the covering having three branches, neither having the coolness of the shade, nor availing against the flame. It sends up sparks like palaces. As if they were tawny camels. Woe on that day to the rejecter". (LXXVII Almursalat(1) (29 to 40) Scientist:- "The stars themselves are disqualified (for the production of life) by being too hot". (The Mysterious Universe page 4 para 7) Comments:- The stars are there to adorn the world:- The Quran says:- "We have adorned the lower heaven with the ornaments of a star". (XXXVII Alsafat (1) (6) Scientist:- "Is much for the surprising manner in which, so far as science can at present inform us we came into being and our bewilderment is only increased when we attempt to pass from our origins to an understanding of the purpose of our existence, or to see the destiny which fate in store for our race". (The Mysterious Universe page 10 para 17) Comments:- The scientist has bewilderment only but Quran has a set purpose of our existence. Quran:- "Did ye think that we had created you in sport, and that you should not be brought before us?". (XXIII Almouminun (6) (115) Quran:- "I have not created genni and men for any other end, than that they should worship me. I require not any substance from them, neither will I that they feed me, verily God is He, who provideth for all creatures, possessed of mighty power". (LI Alzzariat (3) (56 to 58) Comments:- Since the whole creation is engaged in his worship obediently. Quran:- "Does thou not perceive that all (creatures) both in heaven and earth raise God and the birds (also) extending their wings? Every one knoweth his prayer and his praise; and God knoweth that which they do. Unto God (belongeth) the kingdom of heaven and earth, and unto God (shall be) the return (at the last day)". (XXIV Alnur (6) (41 -42) Scientist:- "Life of the kind we know can only exist under suitable conditions of light and heat. We only exist ourselves because the earth receives exactly the right amount of radiation from the sun; upset the balance in either direction, of excess or defect, and life must disappear from the earth. And the essence of the situation is that the balance is very easily upset". (The Mysterious Universe page 10, para 18) Quran:- "And we are not negligent what we have created". (XXIII Almominun (1) (17) Comments:- But if God be so disposed as to upset the balance: He has even more abrupt means, ad-infinitum for he is the absolute governor perpetually on the control. The Quran says:- "And we send down rain from heaven, by measure, and we cause it to remain on the earth; we are also certainly able to deprive you of the same". (XXIII Almominun (1) (18) Comments:- There are other more ingenious methods. Quran:- "The lightening wanteth but little to taking away their sight". (II Albakarah (2) (20) Scientist:- "Primitive man, living in the temperate zone of the earth, must have watched the ice-age descending on his home with something like terror; each year the glaciers came farther down into the valleys; each winter the sun seemed less able to provide the warmth needed for life. To him as to us, the universe must have seemed hostile to life". (The Mysterious Universe page 10, para 19) Comments:- Quran seems well acquainted the primitive and the modern and their necessities. Glorious Quran. A wonderful work only if you cared to read it sometime. You shall see miracles ad-infinitum. Quran:- "We have placed (the twelve) signs in the heaven, and have set them out (in various figures), for (the observation of) spectators; and we guard them from every devil, driven away with stones; except him who listeneth by stealth, at whom a visible flame is darted. We have also spread forth the earth, and thrown thereon stable (mountains), and we have caused every kind of (vegetables) to spring forth in the same, according to a determinate weight, and we have provided therein the necessaries of life for you, and for him whom ye do not sustain. Three is no one thing but the store houses thereof are in our hands, and we distribute not the same (Otherwise) than in a determinate measure. We also send the winds driving the pregnant clouds, and we send down from heaven water, whereof we give you to drink, and which ye keep not in store. Verily we give life and we put to death; and we are the heirs (of off things), we know those among you who go before (the primitive); and we know those who stay behind (the modern).And thy Lord shall gather them together (at the last day); for he (is) knowing (and) wise". (XV Alhijr (2) (16 to 25) Comments:- Indeed this passage alone was sufficient miraculously indeed to wonderfully picture the modern scientist and his disbelief despite his knowledge of the universe. Time and space would not allow us to dwell upon this amazing topic at length. They steal the knowledge from the universe, but the angels dart at them the flames and they never reach the truth, the belief. Scientist:- "We of these later days, living in the narrow temperate zone surrounding our sun and peering into the far future, see an ice age of a different kind threatening us. Just as TANTALUS, standing in a lake so deep that he only escaped drowning, was yet destined to die of thirst, so it is the tragedy of our race, that it is probably destined to die of cold, while the greater part of the substance, of the universe still remains too hot for life to obtain a footing". (The Mysterious Universe page 10, para 20) Comments:- The Quran confirms in them the similitude of Tantalus a simile miraculously contained in the Quran; and it further compare those who invoke idols besides God, to a TANTALUS, just as the modern TanTalus would invoke the idol of knowledge. Which has proved incapable of fostering belief. Quran :- "It is he who ought of right to be invoked. The (idols) which they invoke besides him shall not hear them at all, otherwise than he (is heard), who stretcheth forth his hand to the water, that it may ascend to his mouth, when it cannot ascend thither; the supplication of the unbeliever is utterly erroneous". (XII Alraad (2) (14) Comments:- You are please requested to read the whole passage the (rakuh) in question. Nay but always read the whole passage out of which but an ayat is herein quoted. You shall find wonderful correspondence and relevancy. Scientist:- "The sun having no extraneous supply of heat, must necessarily emit ever less and less of its life giving radiation, and, as it dows so, the temperate zone of space, within which alone life can exist, must close in around it. To remain a possible abode of life, our earth would need to move in ever nearer and nearer to the dying sun, yet, science tells us, that so far from its moving inwards, inexorable dynamical laws are even now driving it far-third away, from the sun into the outer cold and darkness. (The Mysterious Universe Page 11, para 20) Quran:- "We have built the heaven with might and we are to give (it) a large extent". (LI Alzariat (3) (47) Quran:- "Do not the unbelievers therefore know, that the heaven and the earth were solid (one continued mass of matter) and we clave the same in sunder, and made every living thing of water? Will they not therefore believe? And we placed stable (mountains) on the earth, lest it should move with them, and we made broad passages between them for paths that they may be directed, (in their journeys) and we made the heaven a roof well supported. Yet they turn aside from the signs threof (not considering that they are the workmanship of God). (XXI Alambia (3) (30to 32) Comments:- So indeed the scientists who keep their telescope directed towards and fixed upon the heaven, yet the revelation of all the mysteries fail to foster faith and belief in their heart. Scientist:- "And so far as we can see they must continue to move afar off, until life is frozen off the earth, unless indeed some celestial collision or cataclysm intervenes to destroy like even earlier by a more speedy death". (The Mysterious Universe Page 11, para 20) Comments:- Quran repeats the same terms that is the celestial collision and cataclysm, but as warning to foster belief. Quran:- "Are ye secure that he who (dwelleth) in heaven will not cause the earth to swallow you up? And behold it shall shake? Or are ye secure that he who (dwelleth) in heaven will not send against you an (impetuous whirlwind) driving the sands (to overwhelm you?) Then shall ye know how important my warning was". (LXVII Almulk (2) (16-17) Scientist:- "This prospective fate is not peculiar to our earth; other suns must die like our own; and any life may be on other planets must meet the same inglorious end". (The Mysterious Universe page 11, para 20) Quran:- "Every thing shall perish except himself, unto whom belongeth judegement, and before him shall ye be assembled (at the last day)". (XXVIII Alkasas (9) (88) Scientist:- "Inglorious end". Quran says:- "On (that) day the trumpet shall be sounded, and whoever are in heaven and on earth shall be stuck with terror, except those whom God shall please (to exempt therefrom) and all shall come before him in humble disguise". (XXVII Alnamal (7) (87) Scientist:- "Physics tells the same story as astronomy. A "heat-death" in which the total energy of the universe is uniformly distributed and all the substance of the universe is at the same temperature, according to the second law of thermo-dynamics. This temperature shall be so low as to make life impossible. It matters little by life impossible. It matters little by what particular road this final state is reached; all roads lead to Rome, and the end of the journey cannot be other than universal death". (The Mysterious Universe page 11) Quran:- "Every thing shall perish except Himself". (XXVIII Alkasas (9) (88) Quran :- "Unto Him (God) is reserved the knowledge of the hour (of judgement)". (XLI Hamim Sijdah (6) (47) Quran:- "Every (of the heavenly bodies) sunneth an appointed course. He rodereth all things. He showeth his signs distinctly that ye may be assured, ye must meet your Lord at the least day". (XIII Alraad (1) (2) Scientist:- "Is this then, all that life amounts to stumble, almost by mistake, into a universe which was clearly not designed for life, and which to all appearances, is either totally indifferent or definitely hostile to it, to stay clinging to a fragment of a grain, of grand until we are frozen off, to stut our tiny hour on hour tiny stage, with the knowledge that our aspirations are all doomed to find frustration, and that our achievements must perish with our race, leaving the universe as though we had never been?". (The Mysterious Universe page 11, para 22) Comments:- Yes. Lamentably:- The Quran says:- "When the sun shall be folded up, and when the stars shall fall, and when the mountains shall be made to pass away, and when young shall be neglected, and when the wild beasts shall be gathered together, and when the seas shall boil, and when the souls shall be joined (against their bodies), when the girl who hath been buried alive shall be asked or what crime she was put to death, and when the books shall be laid open, and when the heaven shall be removed, and when hell shall burn fiercely, and when paradise shall be brought near. Every soul shall know what it hath wrought. Verily I swear by the stars which are retrogate, which move swiftly (and) which hide themselves, and by the night when it cometh on, and by the morning when it oppereath, that these are the words of an honourable messengers, endued with strength, of established dignity in the sight of the possessor of the throne obeyed (the angels under his authority) and faithful, and your companion ( Mohammad) is not distracted". (LXXXI Alakwir (1) (1 to 29) Comments:- Is then all that life amounts for them that believe not in resurrection:- Quran:- "They say (there) is no (other life) except our present life, we die and we live and nothing but time desroyeth us, but they have no knowledge in the matter, they only follow a (vain) opinion". (XLV Alhathia (3) (24) Scientist:- "And that our achievements must perish with our race, leaving the universe as tough we had never been?" "But a terrible noise (from heaven) associated those who had acted unjustly, and in the morning they were found in their houses, lying (dead and) prostrate, as though they had never dwelt therein". (XI Hud (6) (67-8) Scientist:- "Is this, then, all that life amounts to?". Comments:- No! but:- The Quran says:- "There shall be but one blast (of the trumpet), and they shall say alas for us! This is the day of judgement; this is the day of distinction, (between the righteous and the wicked) which ye rejected as a falsehood". (XXXVII Alsaffat (1) (19-21) Quran:- "Every soul shall taste death and ye shall have your rewards at the day of resurrection, and he, who shall be far removed from (hell) fire and shall be admitted into paradise, shall be happy, but the present life is only a deceitful provision". (III Alamran 19. (185) Quran:- "Every (creature) which (liveth) on the earth is subject to decay, but the glorious and honourable countenance of thy Lord shall remain (for ever)". (LV Alrahman (2) (26-27) Comments:- But let the truth prevail at last. Let the truth of the Quran prevail in the end. After centuries of bewilderment and confusion in their scientific maze at least some of the scientist has begun to feel their mistakes, just as we shall see in the following quotation from the very same bookie. "The Mysterious Universe" by Sir James jeans, given out by its authors his opinion, although he has expected some opposition. Says, he "many will disagree with it was written to this end". The whole chapter is indeed worth reading, but we are obliged only to quote but a para or two:- We have found it to have considerable accord with the Quran's concept. "Today there is a wide measure of agreement" says Sir James Jeans "which on the physical side of science, approaches almost to unanimity, that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality! The universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears as an accidental intruder into the realm of mater; we are beginning to suspect that we caught rather to hail it as the creator and the governor of the realm of matter not of course our individual minds, but the mind in which the atoms out of which our individual minds have grown exist as thoughts. The new knowledge compels us to revise our happy first impressions that we had stumbled into a universe which either did not concern itself with life or was actively hostile to life. The old dualism of mind and mater, which was mainly responsible for the supposed hostility, seems likely to disappear, not through matter becoming in any way more shadowy or insubstantial than heretofore, or through mind becoming resolved into a function of working of matter, but through substantial matter resolving itself into a creation and manifestation of mind. We discover that the universe shows evidence of a designing or controlling power that has something in common with our individual's minds not, so far as we have discovered, emotion, morality, or aesthetic appreciation, but the tendency to think in the way which, for want of a better word, we describe as mathematical. And while much in it may be hostile to the material appendages of life, much also is akin to the fundamental activities of life, we are not so much strangers or intruders in the universe as we first thought. Those inert atoms in the primeval slims which first began to foreshadow the attributes of life were putting themselves more, and not less in accord with the fundamental nature of the universe". So at least we are tempted to conjecture today, and yet who knows how many more times, the stream of knowledge may turn on itself? And with this reflection before us, we may well conclude by adding, what might well have been interlined into every paragraph, that every- thing that has been said, and every conclusion that has been tentatively put forward, is quite frankly speculative and uncertain. We have tried to discuss whether present –day science has anything to say on certain difficult questions, which are perhaps set for ever beyond the reach of human understanding. We cannot claim to have discerned more than very faint glimmers of light at the best; perhaps it was wholly illusory, for certainly we had to strain our eyes very hard to see anything at all. So that our main contention can hardly be that the science of today has a pronouncement to make, perhaps it ought rather to be that science should leave off making pronouncements; the river of knowledge has too often turned back on itself". THE END typing last date 3/10/2011
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