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"they had turned to Capitalism. At which point they became a Fascist state"

Reader comment on item: The Left Distorts Breivik's Mental World
in response to reader comment: Spoken like a true Communist

Submitted by Ianus (Poland), Aug 8, 2012 at 14:53

Doug wrote :

"I have to admit, you are a perfect Communist... you are long on words, but short on facts. Following the system of lies and stories that has been the vanguard of the ideology from the beginning."

I infer from the above that you a lover of short arguments. The shorter it is the "truer" it becomes in your opinion, doesn't it? And woe to him who disagrees with you and woe to me who again have a longer argument that your capitalist attention span is accustomed to.

"In your own response you have failed to quantify why things were done, and those numbers that you quote are just that; since, they are not placed against the background of history. I'm going to help you..."

FYI, "quantify" and "explain" are too different concepts. So "quantify" means

"to make explicit the quantity of (a proposition)". "Explain"

"to make clear the cause or reason of; account for". If you need explanations, then definitely quantifications must precede them.

"Yes you are right China has lowered the poverty level in the country significantly since 1981,"

A moment ago you claimed that I was "a true communist ... following the system of lies and stories that has been the vanguard of the ideology from the beginning." Now you say I am right. Do you want to say you also started being a "true communist ...following the system of lies and stories that has been the vanguard of the ideology from the beginning"?

>"AFTER Mae Zedong had died and they had turned to Capitalism. At which point they became a Fascist state. While they were following the "ideal" ideology of Communism, they were eating dirt."

Wait a minute, so you equate turning to capitalism with becoming a fascist state? Fascinating ! As to eating dirt, they were much better off under Mao than during the reign of warlords and foreign occupiers and opium barons when whole provinces were being depopulated by famine, drugs, epidemics and massacres. If you like history so much, then don't forget to include also other things than those you are told by the corporate media and corporate academia.

"So 140 companies run the US, that I didn't know,"

You still believe you are living in a "democracy", don't you, with social equality and unlimited opportunities for everyone with every American having a chance to one day become a Rockefeller, a Carnegie or a JP Morgan Chase CEO or at worst a well-to-do slave of them , don't you ?

> but it's still allot better than many of the other dictatorial communist system around,<

True, having "400 people who have more wealth than 155 million people combined" must be a very comforting and relaxing thought for every "democrat" and "human right activist" , needn't it ?

"where it's ran by a handful of bourgeois slave masters controlling via repression, oppression, and acts of terror against their populace."

And what would you call those 400 individuals that control the wealth of the nation? Candid , outspoken egalitarians? Contrary to your belief , repression, oppression and acts of terror are not directed against the populace , but the parasitic classes that want to exploit and enslave the populace with their financial tricks, economic exploitation, rigged elections and big mouth propaganda like the 400 tyrants and their 140 corporations that rule your country. Under communism they all would be sent to the guillotine and their wealth would be distributed among the middle class or those ruined by their depredations. And I can assure you America would be cheering and be grateful to anybody who would make this happen !

> China is no different, if not there wouldn't be a dissident movement, there would not have been a Tiananmen Square, or institute against those few voices who speak against them but "are known in the west" house arrest. Don't try to go see them, because the people will rise against you, while being brought in on state security trucks.<

As to Tiananmen Square "protests" crushing them saved China from the tragic fate that befell the USSR because its own traitors and CIA agents ("dissidents") and future oligarchs had not been exposed and crushed on time .

The political breakup,impotence, humiliation,expoitation and demographic and social disasters that followed the victory of the so called "democracy" in Russia meant in reality nothing more than the rule of Western-backed fraudsters and thieves that stole Russia's riches and transferred them to the West. You may deplore the fact that China was not fooled as easily as the Soviet Union was. Well, China's riches are also fabulous, aren't they ? You wouldn't mind expropriating them in the name of "democracy" and "human rights" and allocating them on your bank account , would you ?

> History has shown that those countries that try to achieve economic freedom first, and social equality second have done allot better.<

What "history" are you taking about? The countries that tried to achieve this fraudulent gaol you call ecnomic freedom which is nothing but economic serfdom from Western big business and monoplies perished like the USSR, others are dying rapidly out like all East European countries now under the iron hill of greedy US corporations and power elites. They have been all - with the notable exception of Belorussia - changed into US dependencies or banana republics where the most powerful man in the country is the US ambassador and US companies behave themselves like in a conquered territory . It is all your history does show!

"Than those who have tried social equality first. Just look at the collapse of the failed communist ideology in the late 80's early 90's. It was like looking at mass of people puke all the heinousness of the system."

What do you know about the communist system ? All who knew it recognized sooner or later all the capitalist fraud that was imposed upon them and regretted it. The wish to come back to communism is overwhelming and the wish to destroy the capitalist monster that like a malignant tumor grew on its ruin as ubiquitous. You can't make every second person a beggar and tell him how bad it was under the previous system where he had a decent income and a right to work, free education and health care which the bloodsucking vultures of capitalism have all stolen from him and expect he will nod at your obscene propaganda !

> If you knew any history you would know that the reason why Nixon got close to China, was because Russia and China were enemies (almost went to war, and still are). They realized that they could cause a divide of the two most powerful countries in the communist world. Doing so putting additional pressure on Russia, and hastening their collapse under Ronald Reagan... "It worked".<

Interesting. Why didn't they choose Russia as an ally to bring down China ? I see beacuse they had chosen Islam as an ideal ally to bring down both Russia and China. I just wonder what ally will they find to bring down Islam after the fall of China. Any guesses? Maybe aliens ? Or maybe Islam will bring down America at the end ? Frankenstein crushing the skull of his mad creator would be a pathetic end to mankind's history, wouldn't it ?

> There is a very simple rule that could be used to judge how good a country is, versus how bad it is. That is by looking at the number of people going in, versus leaving. <

This is no good criterion at all because it leaves open the fickle question of immigration laws and pressure groups (=greedy, calculating, nationally indifferent capistalists) that want cheap labor to pressurize its own native "too expensive" labor force. The best criterion is demography. You are a sick and dysfunctional society if you are dying out which applies to all the so called "Western" or capitalist societies, including the US.

>A vast majority want to get into the US, while a large majority want to leave China.<

Quantify please and open your borders to Chinese immigration ! Chinese coolies will be even cheaper than the Mexicans ! Great opportunities to make bit profits one more time!

> That speaks volumes of the effectiveness of the government, its human rights, economic viability, and hope for the future.<

It speaks volume of the wish of the US ruling class to get rid of its own crtically thinking native population to replace it with cheap servile alien immigrants and of nothing more.

"You still didn't answer my question as to why communism needs to use terror to maintain power, and also why the top two murderers in history are communist dictators"

President Andrew Jackson will do it better than a communist like me as remember that you need to use terror against all those who want to be the class of like those 400 Americans that possess more riches than 155 000 000 ordinary Americans or the class of which Andrew Jackson speaks. He said :

"Gentlemen! I too have been a close observer of the doings of the Bank of the United States. I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal, (bringing his fist down on the table) I will rout you out!"

Incidentally, this is the only solution to the worldwide crisis this den of vipers and thieves have caused by their mad wish to become the rulers of the world at the expense of the public. Rout them out or they will rout you out ! Is it so hard to understand, you defender of this den of vipers and thieves ?


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (82) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Optimismo Y Relaciones [71 words]Pasando Del Pesimismo Al OptimismoDec 27, 2018 13:58246799
1Absurd to blame someone who re-blogs news reports [80 words]JTAug 30, 2012 16:52198259
That's false [21 words]NickOct 26, 2014 19:27198259
2Distortions continue [120 words]johnAug 22, 2012 12:33198119
Wow! [21 words]Mike ShapiroAug 2, 2012 08:23197634
Thank you, Mr. Pipes for this very useful list. [13 words]SM ISACJul 26, 2012 14:28197456
3So What? [57 words]Peter HerzJul 24, 2012 19:42197420
6Islam and its claims [280 words]dhimmi no moreJul 24, 2012 11:02197411
Misunderstood concept of islam [155 words]saira (germany)Dec 30, 2013 16:18197411
2Victims of the Arabs and their imperialism part one [795 words]dhimmi no moreDec 31, 2013 08:56197411
2Violence in the Qur'an including murder! part two [496 words]dhimmi no moreDec 31, 2013 13:17197411
Saira should read Q5:33 [70 words]PrashantJan 2, 2014 05:09197411
5He is a nut case and a psychopath [37 words]dhimmi no moreJul 24, 2012 07:53197406
3Very well said [32 words]PrashantAug 17, 2012 00:35197406
2Allah and pre-destination [144 words]dhimmi no moreAug 17, 2012 18:40197406
Dhimmi no more - so selective [19 words]fifiJun 20, 2013 18:56197406
2Islamic logic at its best [119 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2013 07:22197406
1Brevik is an agnostic/atheist, NOT a Christian [37 words]Brian O' ReillyDec 12, 2015 06:22197406
We are living in a cesspool of human feces [47 words]NuritGJul 23, 2012 17:22197383
3Distorted reporting [107 words]saraJul 23, 2012 14:21197381
2Truth is a rare commodity [48 words]StasJul 23, 2012 07:22197372
1Amazing list! [33 words]roxanneJul 23, 2012 02:27197368
Breivik [5 words]Josef PozarskiJul 23, 2012 02:26197367
Bravo, Dr. Pipes! You could be talking about the majority of the mainstream western media ... [120 words]kmanJul 23, 2012 01:03197364
1Normay And Colorado [142 words]CliffordJul 22, 2012 23:17197363
Breivik [26 words]Steven LJul 22, 2012 21:39197361
3Breivik is obviously insane, and the Center for American Progress is obviously either ignorant or possessed [73 words]Stephen BlantonJul 22, 2012 18:37197360
3Too bad to be true [419 words]IanusJul 23, 2012 12:23197360
Typical Liberal Response [119 words]Stephen BlantonJul 23, 2012 19:25197360
3History and its nemesis [80 words]dhimmi no moreJul 24, 2012 07:40197360
4The biggest pro-jihadist operation in world history and its conservative authors [450 words]IanusJul 24, 2012 14:16197360
2The monster and its US-made weapons [308 words]IanusJul 24, 2012 23:13197360
5Correction [93 words]DougJul 25, 2012 16:55197360
3The Communist Party of China governing ... "a right wing dictatorship ... a fascist state" [832 words]IanusJul 26, 2012 08:18197360
Sounds good, but flawed [389 words]DougAug 2, 2012 16:46197360
5"China accounts for nearly all the world's reduction in poverty" vs. 'A country where "400 people have more wealth than 155 million people combined" '. [1860 words]IanusAug 3, 2012 12:03197360
5The Uighur and their little jihad and the sordid woman Rebiya Kadeer [282 words]dhimmi no moreAug 4, 2012 07:45197360
4"The Government-in-Exile of East Turkistan ...The Head Quarters of the Government-in-Exile is Washington, D.C..." [783 words]IanusAug 5, 2012 16:36197360
1Spoken like a true Communist [450 words]DougAug 7, 2012 16:38197360
9The Hindu Genocide [69 words]dhimmi no moreAug 7, 2012 19:45197360
You are correct [48 words]DougAug 8, 2012 10:32197360
5"they had turned to Capitalism. At which point they became a Fascist state" [1724 words]IanusAug 8, 2012 14:53197360
1The pattern continues [493 words]DougAug 9, 2012 18:50197360
5Mahomet - the greatest mass murderer and evil-doer of all times [180 words]IanusAug 10, 2012 05:47197360
1And Muhammad's strategy was to punctuate a lot of bad stuff with the sentence "Allah is merciful". [56 words]PrashantAug 11, 2012 00:57197360
It's a little more complicated [143 words]DougAug 11, 2012 12:03197360
31,4 billion Chinese political refugees in the US [1474 words]IanusAug 11, 2012 15:10197360
4Muslim mobeds (Zoroastrian priests) and Muslim rabbis of early Islam and Islam and historical continuity [921 words]dhimmi no moreAug 12, 2012 07:41197360
4Addendum: The Muslim Rabbis part two [377 words]dhimmi no moreAug 12, 2012 09:04197360
4Religion makes a world of difference [308 words]IanusAug 12, 2012 17:19197360
Two different views on what shapped Islam [110 words]DougAug 13, 2012 11:13197360
Religion is a practice of man [175 words]DougAug 13, 2012 11:25197360
The trend continues [597 words]DougAug 13, 2012 12:00197360
2al-nasikh wa al-masnukh and the Muslim Rabbis [572 words]dhimmi no moreAug 14, 2012 08:02197360
Dear Mr. Prashant [184 words]Debanjan BanerjeeAug 15, 2012 12:21197360
1Lost tablighees and victims of Arabian imperialism [593 words]dhimmi no moreAug 16, 2012 07:19197360
History is writen by the victor [149 words]DougAug 16, 2012 15:14197360
1Brevity is the soul of wit. [856 words]IanusAug 16, 2012 15:30197360
History is written by the victor! So what? the rule of Muhammad, if he indeed exist is marginal at best [340 words]dhimmi no moreAug 16, 2012 18:20197360
Illogical argument [75 words]DougAug 20, 2012 22:59197360
More ramble [41 words]DougAug 20, 2012 23:02197360
2Whose ramble ? [134 words]IanusAug 22, 2012 06:41197360
Our dear Doug is a lost tablighee [150 words]dhimmi no moreAug 26, 2012 08:06197360
Islamic delusions [75 words]dhimmi no moreAug 26, 2012 08:10197360
1Doug is another lost tablighee right Doug? [48 words]dhimmi no moreAug 26, 2012 08:16197360
1Our dear Doug and his twists and turns [129 words]dhimmi no moreAug 26, 2012 08:50197360
Comical [15 words]DougAug 30, 2012 09:08197360
36How many Indians were killed off by the British colonialism [940 words]ShastriDec 4, 2012 10:13197360
Hindu ancestors [19 words]fifiJun 20, 2013 18:52197360
2el-tekrar yu3alem al-humar! [164 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2013 06:42197360
1A few questions for our dear fifi [115 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2013 06:59197360
3Why is Allah in the habit of repeating himself? and the shrinking Qur'an! What a disaster [401 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2013 07:55197360
So The Royals Could get Richer [74 words]Simon Allan (Disgusted to be British)Feb 7, 2016 03:48197360
1Number of Indians killed by British [31 words]Narinder DograFeb 12, 2016 02:44197360
right left [130 words]yung whiMay 14, 2017 02:19197360
English Genocide [75 words]Janet HudginsJun 9, 2017 15:49197360
America Light [116 words]CanukMar 31, 2020 08:03197360
7Breivik was influenced by Islam [149 words]BamagujeJul 22, 2012 18:02197356
3John III Sobieski was also a Moslem terrorist, wasn't he? [476 words]IanusJul 23, 2012 11:56197356
1Our actual thought of "The Ends Justify Means" have created Breivik [507 words]IsmaelAug 16, 2012 13:57197356
1Neofeudalism [904 words]IanusAug 19, 2012 07:45197356
brevik [34 words]fifiJun 12, 2013 14:27197356

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