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Will we maintain our historic civilization against their challenge, or will we accept Muslim dominion and a second-class dhimmi status?

Reader comment on item: Rampaging Islamists

Submitted by Bowman2062 (Germany), Sep 19, 2012 at 10:12

Well, we did and we still have to if we want to survive. Here a little list a made a few years ago (meanwhile spread throughout the intenet)


Death of Muhammad

During his lifetime Islamic wars of aggression have enslaved and devastated wide parts of the Arabian peninsula. Since Muhammad's death, Jihad ( جهاد = "Holy" war) is continued and has converted the entire Mediterranean region for more than 1300 years into a permanent battleground


A Muslim army conquers the Christian-Byzantine city of Damascus, capital of the Christian kingdom of Damascus. The city and country are looted and burned down, the population cut down or enslaved. Forced conversion to Islam begins immediately. Which means : Non-Muslims (كفر‎ = Kuffar) have to pay a head tax ( ‏جزية = Dschizya) and become stripped of nearly all rights and protection. Only who collaborates (converts) is reprieved.


Battle of al-Qādisiyyah

Conquest of Mesopotamia including their Sassanid capital Ctesiphon.

Immediately after the victory of violence widespread looting begin. Caliph Umar gives order to burn down the library of Al-Mada'in (Comparable to the library of Alexandria). Also later the Mohammedan fanaticism seeks to destroy ancient writings wherever he can lay hand on.


A Muslim army conquers the Christian-Byzantine Jerusalem. Forced conversion to Islam begins immediately. Churches and synagogues are looted or razed. Male inhabitants are cut down, woman and children are raped and/or enslaved.


Conquest and pillage of Cairo. Nearly all of the entire male population was slaughtered, woman and children are raped and/or enslaved. The ancient library of Cairo goes up in flames.


Decisive battle at Headlam (Ecbatana) versus the Sassanid Empire. Wide parts of what today is Iran fall into the hands of the Muslim conquerors. The magnificent Ecbatana, presumed to be the oldest city of the world, is nearly razed. Irretrievable possessions in art and culture are destroyed. Punitive actions, looting, enslavement and forced conversion to Islam begin immediately. These actions last till the year 900.


A Muslim army conquers and destroys Alexandria, capital of the Christian-Byzantine Egypt. City and country get into the furor of the Muslim conquerors. Within the few first months hundreds of thousands are slaughtered, millions are enslaved. In a firestorm beyond example not only the oldest Christian testimonials are destroyed, also everything ancient Rome and Egypt ever achieved is burned to the ground. The library of Alexandria, the jewel of the ancient world (restored after an accidental fire during the roman expansion) now becomes destroyed deliberately and by method. More then 4000 years of written history, early science and poesie go up in flames.


A Muslim army conquers and destroys the Christian city of Barca in northern Africa (Libya) They destroy the ancient greco-roman capital completely. The population goes into slavery.


The last territories of the Kingdom of Armenia are run down. The become looted and forced into Islamization.


Attack by Muslim Pirates (Corsairs) on Sicily. The attack is repelled despite the fact that the coastal villages lay in ruins, and many of the inhabitants are dead or enslaved.


Further attacks by Muslim Pirates (Corsairs) on Sicily are now ordered , but still can be repelled. The coastal villages and churches now have to be fortified. Despite that, inhabitants still become enslaved


An attack on Constantinople (capital of the Christian-Byzantine empire) is repelled. On retread the Islamic army levels the regions eastwards of Bosporus to the ground, the population is forced into slavery.


Muslims conquer the Italian isle of Pantelleria and enslave the population. The island becomes a Muslim pirate stronghold.


Muslim invaders conquer Sicily for a short period. But it is able to reconquer the island under heavy losses and devastation's.


The brutal Islamic campaign against the Christian north-African territories finally reaches the Atlantic ocean. On his march every north-African city and town was plundered and burned down. More then 50% of the north-African population is dead. Millions were raped, tortured and enslaved.


The last Christian city in North Africa has been conquered and pillaged. With this raid the once Christian North Africa dies. All 400 dioceses are razed. North Africa, once a thriving Christian world, which gave birth to great theologians like Tertullian, Cyprian, Athanasius, Augustinus, does not exist anymore.


Muslim hordes cross the sound of Gibraltar and invade the Iberian peninsula ( Today Spain and Portugal) and immediately begins the forced conversion into Islam. Taxes are higher and corporal punishments (amputations & be headings) for infidels are harder than everywhere else under the iron boot of Islam. Regular programs against Christians and Jews occur.


Qutaiba ibn Muslim commissioned by the Umayyad Caliphate starts a raid from Khorasan versus Transoxania. He conquers the notable city's of Samarkand and Bukhara which become pillaged and nearly depopulated. Also Khwarezm and the Fergana valleys are subdued.


Islamic conquerors reach the borders of India and China. Behind them (following to contemporary chroniclers) all conquered country's are in flames. Soon these Arabs wage first attacks on Sindh. Streams of slaves arrive on the markets of the middle east.


The Islamic Conquest and forced Islamization of southern Spain are nearly finished. North African slave markets are full to the bursting point with European slaves.


Muslims conquer and loot Barcelona, crossing the Pyrenees flooding, parching and looting into the kingdom of the Franks.


Another attack on Constantinople (capital of the Christian-Byzantine empire) is repelled. On retread the Islamic army levels the regions eastwards of Bosporus to the ground, the population is forced into slavery.


Muslims invade southern France, conquer Narbonne and besiege Toulouse. The primary function of this campaign is less aimed on conquest then of the chase for loot and slaves.


Another landing operation by Muslim invaders on Sicily comes to extended battles and more devastation.


Defensive battle of frankonien troops near Tours and Poitiers (today France) Victory of the franconian troops over the islamic invaders. The muslims have to retreat behind the Pyrenees but still control large areas of the iberien peninsula (today Spain and Portugal)


Plundering Islamic troops achieve a break through into southern France. From Dijon to Sens near the Loire, Langres and Luxeuil, nearly all of France and southwards of the Loire river falls into their hands.


The plundering of the rich Monastery city of Tours fails through the loss of the battle of Tours and Poitiers. Also the Muslim invaders manage to pillage and devastate the surrounding areas. On retreat they are able to lead thousands of hostages into slavery.


Again strong Muslim army attacks southern France. Despite the fact that they don't achieve to conquer and hold the cities and country's they wanted to, they enslave everyone who falls into their hands. In addition to that woman and children are raped.


In the battle of Talas an Arab Muslim army defeats a Chinese army for the first time.


Islamic troops occupy the island of Corsica. They use it from now on as base for attacks on the coastline of southern France.


Muslim troops conquer and pillage the city of Palermo on Sicily.


Muslim troops raid and plunder the city of Marseilles, where they obtain great numbers of slaves and goods.


Muslim troops operating from Sicily attack the Italian mainland and devastate Calabria.


Islamic troops again raid and pillage southern France and the Rhone Valley.


The cities of Tarent and Bari fall into Islamic hands. Both cities are heavily ransacked and pillaged. Thousands are enslaved.


Muslim invaders conquer the city of Benevent which stood under frankonia protection.


The Italian city of Brindisi falls after intense fighting into Muslim hands.


The Italian city of Capua is completely plundered and destroyed after a short besiege.


Muslim troops conquer and pillage the City of Messina on the island of Sicily.


Arab attacks on the City of Rome fail. Nevertheless the city and the surrounding region are plundered and set on fire. The population, as far as captured, is enslaved.


Further Arab attacks on the City of Rome fail. Nevertheless the city and the surrounding region are plundered and set on fire. The population, as far as captured, is enslaved.


In August 848 the city of Ragusa (on Sicily) is plundered and destroyed be the Arabs, despite to the fact that Ragusa signed a peace treaty and gave the city to the Arabs.


Muslim units raid and plunder Marseille, the surrounding region becoomes heavily devastated.

Hostages and slaves are taken.


Arab attacks on the City of Rome fail. Nevertheless the city and the surrounding region are plundered and set on fire. The population, is captured and enslaved.


The Italian city of Benvent, for a short time liberated, now falls again into Islamic hands. The occupant troops massacre great parts of the inhabitants.


Arab invaders atatck and destroy the cathedral of Canosa in Apulia.

The city is plundered and slaves are taken.


Muslim troops again raid and plunder southern France.


The Arabs finally conquer the city of Ragusa (Sicily)


Arabs conquer the isle of Malte where they destroy a 700 years old undaunted christian culture.


Moslem troops conquer and pillage the city of Syracus on Sicily


Moslem troops conquer and pillage the city of Nice


Moslem troops create a beachhead in the Provence (Fraxinetum) controlled by the Spanish Moorish, from there they attack Campania as well as Sabinia in the province of Latium.


Moslem troops again create a beachhead in the Provence (Fraxinetum) controlled by the Spanish Moorish, from there they organize raid campaigns. Westwards up to Arles (capital of the Kingdom of Burgundy) and also along the river Rhone, up to Avignon, Vienne (Near Lyon) and Grenoble.


Moslem troops raid and pillage the City of Taormina in Sicily.


The bishop of Narbonne is unable to travel from France to Rome due to the fact that raiding Muslims blocked all pass roads in the alps. Highway robbery, enslaving and plundering become order of the day in the alps.


Moslem troops from Sicily conquer and pillage the city of Reggio on the Italian mainland (Calabria)


Muslims push forward from Spain over the Pyrenees, devastating unhindered the Gascogne (southern France) and threaten Toulouse.


The Italian cities of Genoa and La Specia are raided, plundered and pillaged by Muslim troops.


The Italian cities of Genoa and La Specia again become raided, plundered and pillaged by Muslim troops.


Moslem hordes push over the Swiss alps up to Geneve. The city is plundered and slaves are taken.


Moslem troops march pillaging and murdering through the southeast of France and push into northern Italy.


Muslim troops conquer and burn down the city of Nice.


Starting from the alpine passes Muslim troops conquer the Swiss for nearly 8 years. They plundered and destroyed in the following years the canton Valais, parts of canton Grisons and eastern Swiss. Between 952 and 969 Arabs ruled after the battle of Orbe (near the German border) wide parts of southern and western Swiss, including the Great St Bernard Pass, and pushed forward onto St. Gall up to Pontresina.


Muslim troops conquer and devastate the duchy of Savoy.


Muslim troops conquer and devastate the Provence (France)


Muslim troops, coming from Sicily conquer and pillage, parts of the Italian mainland and the city of Rometta.


Sebük Tegin declares Jihad (holy war) on the Hindu-Shāhī. He defeats their king Djaypal in the years 979 and 988. All fortresses in Afghanistan along the Indian Border fall into the hands of his Muslim warriors.


Arab troops again conquer and destroy the Italian city of Bari.


Arab troops conquer and plunder the italian city of Genoa


Arab troops conquer and plunder the Italian city of Pisa.


Caliph Al-Hakim commands the systematic devastation of all christian sanctuaries within Jerusalem. Also the Church of the Resurrectio (including the holy grave) was destroyed.


The Seljuks, a inner Asian nomad tribe, which converted in the 10th century to Islam, gains control over Jerusalem. Peaceful pilgrimage is increasingly hindered. Raids on Christian pilgrims, including murder and enslavement increases.


Battle of Manzikert. A Christian-Byzantine army is desperately defeated by Islamic hordes.The Muslim Seljuks conquer the entire heartland of the Christian-Byzantine empire: Asia Minor.


After nearly 470 years of islamic expansion and agression as counter reaction the christian crusades begin.


Sultanate of Deli. General Qutb-ud-Din Aibak takes over the power in the land at the river Indus by assassination of his former king. He found the so called Slavedynasty = Mamluk Dynasty or Ghulam Dynasty) This sultanate later goes over as bankruptcy assets into the Mughal Empire.


Battle of Kosovo. A Christian army of Serbians, Bosians and Bulgars are defeated by an Islamic horde . The entire Balkan becomes Islamic.


Conquest of Constantinople (Today Istanbul) Heart of the east roman empire (byzantine empire) . The Christian emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos dies defending the city. The end of the Byzantine Empire. The City is plundered 3 days and nights. In all streets bloodcurdling deeds occur. Murder, torture, mutilation and rape are daily order. Sutan Mehmed II gives order for the public execution (beheading) of all Byzantine aristocrats including their families. Tens of thousands of civilians end up on Muslim slave markets.


Ottoman troops conquer after extremely heavy fighting on the venetian island of Euboea. Main parts of the population are massacred, survivors are sold into slavery.


A Muslim army conquers the Italian city of Otranto. The city becomes occupied (till 1481) and exposed to the arbitrariness of the occupants. After the retreat there are only burned walls and streets full of bones left.


After the King of Spain reconquered with Granada in 1492 the last Muslim kingdom in europe, fled Moriscos settled in the Maghreb. These Corsairs built together with local Arabs and Morishs great fleets and start a permanent war on Christian Europe. Especially on their shipping and coasts. The corsairs raid within the next 4 centuries all coasts and ship lines up to the coast of Flanders,Denmark, Ireland, even Island. Most targeted for slave hunt, plundering, rape and pillage are the coasts and coastal villages of Italy, Spain, and Portugal.


Ottoman troops invade the northern Italian region of Friuli and threaten the city of Vicenza. The Apulian harbor town Otranto ( ca 100 kilometers southeast of Brindisi) becomes conquered and is prepared for beachhead for further plunder and war expeditions.


A Muslim army conquers Belgrade. The city is plundered, all churches are destroyed or converted into mosques. Priest are often impaled or burned alive. Men cut down, woman and children raped and/or soled as slaves.


Battle of Mohács. A Christian army was defeated by a Muslim horde. Muslim armies now occupy wide parts of Hungary and threaten Vienna. Ottoman hordes wreak havoc in a till then unknown dimension.


The city of Ragusa (today Dubrovnik) was conquered by Muslim troops. It follows the normal plundering rape and forced conversion to Islam or slavery.


Grand Mogul Babur conquered starting from what today is Uzbejistan and Afghanistan the sultanat of Dehli as well as the Indian heartland around the north Indian Indus and Ganges plain. And the cities of Delhi, Agra and Lahore. Between 100 and 150 million people get into the grip of this Muslim usurper.


First siege of Vienna from Muslims armies fails. But in advance the cities of Komorn and Preßburg (today Bratislava) go up in flames. The entire surrounding areas become heavily devastated. Thousands upon thousands are captured and end up on slave markets in Istanbul.


Muslim pirates raid and pillage with 84 galleys the southern west coast of Italy, Starting at the city of Reggio northwards through the Tyrrhenian Sea up to the city of Sperlonga, subsequently driving home to Istanbul, loaded with thousands of slaves and immeasurable booty.


Muslim pirates conquer the venetian isles Naxos, Kasos, Tinos and Karpathos.


Muslim Corsairs of the Barbary coast besiege and plunder the city Nice.


Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha raids the island of Ischia (near the Italian coast) and takes 4000 hostages (which he only releases with ransom) and enslaves further 9000 inhabitants (nearly the rest of the population)


Turgut Reis enslaves the entire population of the Maltese island Gozo- 5000 to 6000 people are sold on the Libyan slave markets.


Moslem pirates raid the city of Vieste. The city is plundered and 7000-10000 slave are taken which are soled on slave markets in Istanbul.


Turgut Reis raids the city of Bastia on Cosica. He enslaves 6000-7000 people which are sold on the Libyan slave markets. On retreat he gives order to set numerous coastal villages on fire.


Pirates of the Barbary Coast conquer the city of Ciutadella (Monorca) They destroy all buildings and take 3000 slaves ( to be soled in Istanbul) and otherwise slaughter all inhabitants.


Turgut Reis invades the coastal region of Grenada (Spain). The Conquers and plunders every coastal village. Among them Almuñécar, where he takes 4000 slaves and cuts down a much higher number. In the following years the Balearics are raided so often that the entire coastline has to be fortificated with fortified watchtowers and fortified churches. Islands like Formentera become depopulated by slavery, massacres and escape.


Siege of Malta by Ottoman troops and Muslim Corsairs. Beginning at May 18th and ending at September 8th 1565. During this failed campaign nearly the entire Island was devastated. All fortifications shot to rubble and more then 42000 soldiers and civilians killed.


The Mogul Empire expands southwards and forcing the conquered regions to convert to Islam.


Great Britain alone looses 466 merchant ships (between 15000 and 40000 people) by attacks through pirates of the Barbary Coast. Crews were massacred or sold as slaves.


Attacks by Corsairs of the Barbary Coast are daily order. Raids occur in southern Portugal, South – and East Spain, the Balearic islands, Iceland, Sardinia, Corsica, Elba, the Italian peninsula (especially in Liguria, Toscana, Lazio, Campagnia, Calabria and Apulia) further Raids and plundering (including rape and enslavement) occur on Sicily and Malta. Greater raids in dimensions of real military expeditions strike down cities like Bouzas, Cangas, Moaña and Darbo.


Iceland was raided and plundered several times by Turkish pirates. A major part of the population end up as slaves at the Barary Coast. Those who resisted were herded together in a church and burned alive.


Murat Reis along with Algerian pirates and regular Ottoman troops raid Ireland. They storm the coast near Baltimore (County of Cork) They pillage and plunder the entire city, they took nearly all inhabitants as slaves and sold them on the slave markets of the Barbary Coast. Only two came home alive.


Further 160 British merchant ships (between 8000 and 20000 people) were lost to the Algerian Muslim-pirates. Crews were slaughtered and enslaved.


Second (failed) siege on Vienna and threat to central Europe by Muslim armies. On advance the Ottoman army sets the surrounding regions on fire. All towns are plundered utterly and depopulated (enslavement) as far as who has not already fled. The retreating Ottomans only leave scorched earth.


Still over 20,000 European hostages ( not slaves) rot in Algerian dungeons and await redemption. Among them not only people from the Mediterranean coasts, there are also Danes, Germans, British , Swedish and Icelandic people.


Armenian Genocide. The ottoman empire uses the confusions of WW I to eliminate of the Christian Armenians. Up to 1.5 million Armenians were slaughtered on death marches and camps or local massacres.

This is only a rough conspectus about the Islamic aggressions.
In Islams time of existence, Islam has enslaved and sold more then 1 Million Europeans and more then 2 million were killed during these actions. In India the death tolls are up in the 100 millions. Islamic slave traders sold up to 12 million Africans to the west (north- and south America) and have abducted up to 18 million back to the Islamic heartlands. For one slave captured there was an average of three more losing their lives. Which increases the African victims of Islam up to 120 Million! Not to speak about the millions of Muslims who became victims of their own ideology.

And it goes on and on. There have been 19.625 poeple been (Sep. 20.2012 16:10 MEZ) killed and hundreds of thousands wounded since 2001.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (73) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
How many anti Islamists on the Left? Not many..so how do we win? [399 words]ShishirJul 11, 2013 14:44208081
4There is so much anti-Islam videos on youtube and cause and effect! [99 words]dhimmi no moreJul 9, 2013 16:57208041
3What really happened in Libya? [318 words]dhimmi no moreOct 15, 2012 07:59199834
Western apathy [49 words]Jim FoxOct 15, 2012 02:35199830
4The perfect scenario: Islamists protesting against Google [164 words]PrashantOct 15, 2012 01:03199827
2Clueless Morsi and the recent riots between Islamists and secularists in Midan el-Tahrir in Cairo [289 words]dhimmi no moreOct 14, 2012 12:06199800
6Boys and girls: Now we have a new term by the enablers of Islamists: Christianists! [509 words]dhimmi no moreOct 14, 2012 09:31199796
9The atrocity in Benghazi revisited [578 words]dhimmi no moreOct 13, 2012 12:08199775
2Benghazi killers were not true muslims (sarcasm intended) [42 words]PrashantOct 14, 2012 17:37199775
9'Love the prophet' day in Pakistan [91 words]PrashantSep 23, 2012 13:46199013
15The diary and the truth [263 words]dhimmi no moreSep 23, 2012 07:57199002
"I say to the president: find those criminals and bring them to justice" [15 words]Jim PlimmerOct 2, 2012 20:40199002
1I'm going to assume you are being sarcastic [152 words]stanley bOct 3, 2012 16:57199002
4When yelling fire in a crowded movie theater is a civic duty! [145 words]dhimmi no moreOct 4, 2012 17:46199002
2Corruption of Our Political Class [244 words]Kepha HorSep 22, 2012 20:35198990
19Clueless Morsi and "round up the usual suspects"! [215 words]dhimmi no moreSep 22, 2012 09:48198973
15Sarah Chayes and the useful idiots [198 words]dhimmi no moreSep 22, 2012 07:52198967
2Let's imagine the LA Times if Bush were President [94 words]JeffSep 24, 2012 13:04198967
1Rampaging Catholics [220 words]JeffSep 21, 2012 13:59198879
3dont go that route [70 words]yuval Brandstetter MDSep 22, 2012 09:11198879
9Rampaging Islamists [89 words]Vinod SethiSep 21, 2012 12:13198878
1Same guy [59 words]Y Brandstetter MDSep 21, 2012 09:10198873
5Our government has no clue how to deal with the ascendency of Islam [87 words]NuritGSep 20, 2012 00:24198833
4It is not the job of the US govenmrnent to deal with the ascendency of Islam [237 words]PrashantSep 21, 2012 02:08198833
54islam hatred [282 words]havasSep 21, 2012 16:36198833
4It has always been the job of the US government to promote the ascendency of radical Islam [446 words]IanusSep 23, 2012 06:30198833
17Armenian and kafir hate [812 words]dhimmi no moreSep 23, 2012 08:25198833
US has to dictate to itself the moral values [50 words]Ephraim SamiriSep 24, 2012 09:41198833
5"Murderer America , get out of Turkey !" [638 words]IanusSep 24, 2012 14:14198833
5Ephraim Samiri wishes bad for America while living in America [50 words]PrashantSep 25, 2012 01:42198833
Clarification on US government's responsibility to prevent the ascendancy of Islam [327 words]PrashantSep 25, 2012 02:22198833
3"US government is doing a decent job" ... In what? In unleashing fundamntalist Islam worldwide? [261 words]IanusSep 25, 2012 17:36198833
2Islamic Jihad everywhere massacres - as hate crimes en-masse [321 words]MiliaOct 3, 2012 16:48198833
5No Enemy, No War [328 words]SusanSep 19, 2012 22:32198832
Rise and rise of religious bigotry in world politics [208 words]MozereSep 25, 2012 23:01198832
Trip to Chios, a glimmer of hope for peace and coexistence [311 words]MozereSep 26, 2012 00:37198832
1Mozere - or the Lesson from a Habitual Genocide Denier [113 words]Young MCSep 28, 2012 10:36198832
6Where lying and ignorance are involved, there can be no glimmer of hope for peace and co-existence whatsoever! 1 [2556 words]IanusOct 1, 2012 08:15198832
7Where lying and ignorance are involved ...2 or "ΕΡΓΑ ΟΘΩΜΑΝΩΝ" (="Made In Turkey") [945 words]IanusOct 1, 2012 10:24198832
Its a good title but the content ... [85 words]RobertMay 14, 2013 22:52198832
1Rampaging Islamists [18 words]Steven LSep 19, 2012 19:49198830
Separation means avoiding constant culture wars [224 words]ArthurSep 19, 2012 18:12198827
11Clash of Civilizations [172 words]Abdul AmeerSep 19, 2012 17:26198826
A very astute comment [6 words]Jay AbouafSep 20, 2012 15:13198826
7Insulting Islam [47 words]EdwardSep 19, 2012 16:53198825
2Insulting Islam~ [16 words]BONNIESep 20, 2012 02:33198825
3Naming the enemy [117 words]ZahirSep 21, 2012 10:36198825
7Islamists or Muslims [274 words]Patrick MooreSep 19, 2012 16:18198824
1Unchanging values [182 words]JosefSep 19, 2012 16:02198823
4Westerners Are Divided? [26 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Gary SackSep 19, 2012 14:59198822
3'How the United States helped unleash fundamentalist Islam' [75 words]IanusSep 20, 2012 14:55198822
2'How the United States helped unleash fundamentalist Islam' [127 words]VijaySep 21, 2012 05:00198822
Can you learn anything when your interests depend on ignoring reality? [1 words]IanusSep 23, 2012 04:10198822
5THE RAMPAGING ISLAMISTS [147 words]Nenette GrunbergSep 19, 2012 14:33198820
Battle of wills [37 words]Henk TwerdaSep 19, 2012 13:18198819
2Arab Spring [37 words]Richard BlankenshipSep 19, 2012 13:08198818
Preposterous conclusion [181 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jesse DarvasSep 19, 2012 12:36198817
2Confusing the small extremist crowd with the whole population is a big mistake. [61 words]ZahirSep 21, 2012 11:21198817
I am sorry you think so. [34 words]SankarSep 24, 2012 07:59198817
Who started it all? [123 words]al KidyaSep 19, 2012 12:36198816
6Religion of No-Peace [79 words]Michael Hanni MorcosSep 19, 2012 12:21198815
1It's over [214 words]George BattaSep 19, 2012 11:32198813
Stirring the pot [108 words]DarwinBSep 19, 2012 10:58198812
Fear powers Islam [101 words]Bob SmithSep 19, 2012 10:44198810
1The US that has sown the Islamic wind is now reaping the Islamic whirlwind. [355 words]IanusSep 21, 2012 17:08198810
islamic "rule"?! [100 words]yzwiseySep 19, 2012 10:32198808
10Will we maintain our historic civilization against their challenge, or will we accept Muslim dominion and a second-class dhimmi status? [3424 words]Bowman2062Sep 19, 2012 10:12198807
4Ongoing Islamic Conquest of the West [252 words]Edward ClineSep 19, 2012 09:43198806
1Not political correctness, but US Realpolitik ! [127 words]IanusSep 20, 2012 15:05198806
1The Role of Pragmatism and Altrusim in our Foreign Policy [281 words]Edward ClineSep 20, 2012 19:26198806
1Macchiavellian interests and no altruism at all [71 words]IanusSep 23, 2012 05:20198806
12The need to update immigration laws after reading about the Australian example [79 words]PezDispenserSep 19, 2012 09:16198804
1An immigration contract is required [48 words]ZahirSep 21, 2012 10:42198804

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