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Dangerous misunderstading of immigrant cultures

Reader comment on item: 50 Years of Dangerous Immigration Legislation

Submitted by Philip Andrews (United Kingdom), Oct 4, 2015 at 08:49

Based on 2 fallacies; the inherent cultural/moral superiority of the West (liberal/humanist/rationalost tendency) and the assumed-by-the-West 'inherent' wish/desire of all non-Western cultures to become 'like the West'. Ergo let these 'poor (3rd World) huddled (starving, poor, wretched) masses in and they will become as above. 'Inherently' as Western culture is seen by the above LHR Westerners as the culmination of all human achievment nd America is the peak/summit of that... It is often further assumed that 'Only' 10% of such masses will be/become 'hostile troublmakers' and Western hi-tech secirity can handle them... So complacencyy together with moral self-rihteousness reign, not just in the US but in Europe as well.

The West is blind to one fundamental of Islam. Religon as an integral part of State-community-society. The West split Church and State apart sometime in the 17/18/19C as a reaction to Christian religious dogma, the 30 Years War in Europe and The Enlightenment. Secularism has reigned ever since. Islam however never lost the integrity of religion/state/socety. Which is why its winning-and it IS winning-today.

All those huddled masses are not from 19C East Europe, Ireland or Asia, wanting to enjoy 'life liberty and the pursuit of happiness'. They are arrivals with an agenda. That agenda is to make Islam The World Religion in X generatons. This is their ONLY goal. Diametrically opposed to LLaPH. They will bring Saudi Whhabi/Salafi to the world in anynumber of variations. And the blind,deaf and Dumb liberal West will let them, then go belly up when Islam finally rears its ugly head in the West.

Islam wlil win through immigration. By 2065 51+% of America will be non-White. I would guess maybe 30% may become Moslem. it ony takes 10-30% to become Moslem as in actively Moslem for the remaining 2/3 to go belly up in surrender. This IS the Moslem Agenda. There are 1.8billion Moslems in the world. If only 10% of then become Jihadists or Jihadi supporters that is an Army of 180 million Jihadis and supporters. How many in the West as 'immigrants'? Can you imagine th other 90% of non-Jihadis opposing the 10% who are? No, they wouldn't. Pasive acceptance at worst.

What if, possibility, China (1.3 billion) decided to become officially Moslem iin return for guaranteed oil supplies? Not impossible, though not likely. What if Saudi grabbed Iraqi oil then through influence on the US (through a Sunni Moslem President...?)caused 'regime change' in Iran and grabbed iran oil? Saudi would then become the world's most powerfil oil exporter. Stuff o nightmaes. But not impossible... Their weapon isn't the miitary on which they spend billons but which remains largey unused and useless, but IMMIGRATIIN. People spreading the Faith to Conquer the Infidel. As happened (arguably) in the 7th C AD in the Middle East.

Watch out West, they're coming in Under Your Radar...


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Reader comments (32) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Teddy. [34 words]Albert E.Oct 19, 2021 00:02275875
1Immigrants have not been detrimental to America; but Obama supporters have [249 words]Michael SOct 10, 2015 23:46225563
2a simple truth [10 words]Charles MartelOct 10, 2015 19:15225558
1What does the future hold [117 words]dhimmi no moreOct 9, 2015 15:06225537
This is ... [67 words]Dear Dr. PipesOct 8, 2015 11:05225517
Steve Jobs, 1955-2011 [83 words]JeffOct 9, 2015 13:37225517
Our dear Deb and Detriot [130 words]dhimmi no moreOct 9, 2015 14:47225517
Immigrants did create the USA [203 words]DebanjanOct 12, 2015 10:06225517
Real refugees [270 words]JeffOct 18, 2015 11:58225517
2Dear Diary: October 10, 2115 [293 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DaveOct 7, 2015 21:19225509
Following just one language - English will be a start to road of recovery! [214 words]JaladhiOct 7, 2015 16:03225503
Really so unlike other government decisions? [105 words]PeterOct 7, 2015 12:56225501
1Solutions [112 words]Stu FaginOct 6, 2015 14:41225485
4American exceptionalism [276 words]Charles MartelOct 5, 2015 22:31225463
Regarding the need for a "Muslim Reformation" [497 words]RobertOct 6, 2015 11:18225463
1Stop the flow of ME money to our universities! It's suicidal! [139 words]JaladhiOct 7, 2015 16:24225463
The links between Qatar the MB and Brookings [28 words]dhimmi no moreOct 9, 2015 16:02225463
Time to Clean House [108 words]StormbringerOct 5, 2015 14:55225457
Grave concerns for the Cultural future of the United States of America and for the American English Language [138 words]Mike DelgadoOct 5, 2015 12:44225456
NO MORE IMMIGRANTS [140 words]JACQUES HADIDAOct 4, 2015 18:19225452
Agreement and Dissent [398 words]Ron ThompsonOct 4, 2015 15:08225450
Immigration [17 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
David AbrahamsOct 4, 2015 11:42225445
2Watch Out [7 words]Barry BlackOct 4, 2015 11:10225444
Abolition of Protestantism in our history [185 words]BillOct 4, 2015 10:48225442
Where is the evidence of cultural change? [86 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
EBAOct 4, 2015 09:53225441
so true, so sad [87 words]RobOct 4, 2015 09:00225439
Dangerous misunderstading of immigrant cultures [471 words]Philip AndrewsOct 4, 2015 08:49225438
The bright side/ rebuttal [287 words]PezDispenserOct 4, 2015 03:01225436
Agreement [100 words]KateOct 3, 2015 22:03225435
I could care less about color, but multiculturalism is treason! [218 words]Uncle VladdiOct 3, 2015 21:50225434
2And This Is Why Trump Is Popular [345 words]DaveOct 3, 2015 19:24225433
1touche' [7 words]Charles MartelOct 19, 2015 22:46225433

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