In 1941, after 'Operation Barbarossa' Shukeiri switched from fighting for Stalin and fought for Hitler against the Jews (Shukayri, Shuqayri, Shukairy)Reader comment on item: Breaking the Palestinians' Will to Fight Submitted by Carlos T. (United States), Nov 3, 2020 at 08:56 In 1941, after 'Operation Barbarossa' Shukeiri switched from fighting for Stalin and fought for Hitler against the Jews (Shukayri, Shuqayri, Shukairy) _____ Ahora, Issue 95; Issue 101; Issue 119; Issue 124; Issue 133; Issue 136; Issue 143; Issue 162; Issue 186 LA SEMANA EN EL LAS NOTICIAS. RAU La guerra o la paz en el Medio Este puede depender en gran parte de estos dos árabes: Hay un tercer árabe de importancia algo menor - Yussef Zayen, Primer Ministro de Siria, quien recientemente proclamó una "guerra de liberación" al estilo comunista contra Jordania, Arabia Saudita y Túnez estados árabes hermanos al igual que contra Israel. Zayen es un individuo recientemente llegado al escenario, su emergencia en Damasco coincidió con la creciente - influencia soviética en esa antigua ciudad. El tiene relativamente poco poder militar que lo respalde, aunque las guerrillas sirias - cruzando secretamente a Israel para acosar al gobierno judio - precipitaron la actual crisis del Medio Este. Nasser, con un gran ejército moderno, equipado por los rusos, mantiene el balance militar de poder en el mundo árabe. El lo ha empleado para acuñar la influencia egipcia en la península arábiga, en una campaña para apoderarse de las vastas riquezas de petróleo del Golfo de Persa (arabe), marchando a través del Yemen, Aden y los débiles Sultanatos que se encuentran entre ellos. Nasser tiene muchos enemigos en el mundo árabe como resultado de más de una década de subversión, intriga e intentado asesinato contra sus vecinos. Aunque el a veces ha encarcelado a comunistas locales, el camino de Nasser ha señalado consistentemente hacia Moscú, y fuera de Occidente. En los últimos meses ha denunciado a Estados Unidos como el enemigo No. 1 de Egipto, aún cuando la ayuda alimenticia norteamericana supera en valor la asistencia brindada por Moscú para construir la Represa Aswam. Shukairy trabajó con los comunistas rusos en el pasado, mucho antes de que Nasser fuera de alguna consecuencia. Pero Shukairy está ahora vinculado abiertamente con los comunistas chinos, aunque las metas chinas y rusas de levantamientos revolucionarios parecen ahora coincidir en el Medio Este, difiriéndo sólo en quien surgirá en lo alto. Shukairy cooperó con el Partido Comunista de Palestina, dirigido por Moscú antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sin embargo, después que Hitler atacó a Rusia ya los comunistas en todo el mundo cambió posiciones, el feroz e impredecible Shukairy se alineó con Hitler por sus programas contra los judios. Shukairy ha ganado un fuerte apoyo entre los millones de refugiados árabes extendidos a lo largo de la frontera de Israel en los últimos 20 años, aunque algunos sospechan de sus motivos y metas. ______ ENGLISH: Arabs confront crisis War or peace in the Middle East, this can depend in major part, in these two Arabs, President Nasser, from the United Arab Republic and, Ahmad Shukairy, who does not lead any country but alleges to lead a guerrilla force of Palestinian refugees who add to thousands. Nàsser, with a great modern army, equipped by the Russians, maintains the military balance of power in the Arab world. He has used it to coin Egyptian influence on the Arabian peninsula, in a campaign to seize the vast oil riches of the Persian (Arab) Gulf, marching through Yemen, Aden, and the weak Sultanates that lie between them. Nasser has many enemies in the Arab world as a result of more than a decade of subversion, intrigue, and attempted assassination against his neighbors, but continues to be the hero of many among the Arabic masses because he is the recognized spokesman of Arab nationalism and against Zionism (movement realize to reinstate the Jews to Palestine), representing the Arab fear of future expansionism... In an opportunity that Moscow leaned towards the late Colonel Kassem in Iraq as his man in the middle of this, Nasser continued to promote Arab nationalism in spite of Kruschev's complaints that he discriminated his friends the Russians. Although at times he has imprisoned local communists, the Nasser's way has consistently pointed to Moscow, and outside the West. In recent months he has denounced the United States as the enemy No. 1 of Egypt, even when American food aid exceeds the assistance provided by Moscow to construct the Aswam Dam. The communists, meanwhile, have been infiltrated in key positions in Cairo. The Russians have cultivated Nasser profoundly. He is their entry ticket for the vast oil resources of the Middle East, and the critical point to enter Africa and India, Nasser has served them, opening Cairo to large numbers of foreheads funded by Russia, active in Africa and Asia. Shukairy worked with the Russian communists in the past, long before Nasser out of some consequence. But Shukairy is now openly linked with the Chinese communists, although the Chinese and Russian goals of revolutionary uprising seem now to coincide in the Middle East, it differs only as who will emerge on top. Shukairy cooperated with the communist party of Palestine, directed by Moscow before the Second World War. However, after Hitler attacked Russia and the communists around the world changed positions, the fierce and unpredictable Shukairy has aligned himself with Hitler for his programs against the Jews. Shukairy has gained strong support among the millions of Arab refugees extended along the Israel's border in the last 20 years, although some suspect of their motives and goals. He alleged credit for negotiating Russian weapons with Syria as well as with Egypt in the mid-1950s. In recent years he has built an "Army of Liberation" among Palestinian refugees, adding an estimated 10 to 12 thousand guerrillas. Pekin, where Shukairy maintains a coordination office, has provided weapons and money ... ____ [ https://books.google.com/books?id=ivMvAAAAYAAJ&q=%22Shukairy+parece+tener+el+completo+apoyo%22 ]
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