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Islam is Universal and Victorious

Reader comment on item: A History of Muslim Terrorism against Jews in the United States
in response to reader comment: Living in the wonderful lands of - DAR AL HARB

Submitted by Salah Ali (Norway), Jun 5, 2009 at 08:07

Lau-Queen: If Dar al Islam is so wonderful why are you and your family living in Dar al Harb ?

Truth of the matter is that Islam was perverted by people like Hussein al Banna, and the very weird (perhaps homosexual) Sayyid Qutb. Founders of the Muslim Brotherhood ( 1930's) whose organizaional model were the Italian "black shirts". The group, along with much of the Arabian world allied itself with Hitler and the Nazi party during World War Two. Sayyid's brother Muhammed fled to Saudi Arabia after his execution, and became a college professor (Islamic studies) and was the favorite teacher of , Osama bin Laden. Interesting on how few people in your religion have commented on the fact that most of their writings, and fatwa's were not based on either the Koran, the Hadiths, or even previous religious rulings. Perhaps that is why so much of the Islamic world has entered the state of - "FITNA " !

And no I am not referring to the Dutch movie, but rather to the Arabic word itselt.

Before I am a Moslem, I am a human being and as all human beings I have the right to choose where I live. Moreover, Islam is a Universal religion and all the earth is our domain. All of us from Adam, and adam is of dust! Nevertheless, I tell you some more details on my particular case: I left my country because the Neocons launched a war of Aggression against us and herds of killers like Blackwater started shooting and killing people arbitrarily, and the USA army itself has created a state of lawlessness and chaos where several factions were created and started killing one another. Saddam Hussein built hospitals, schools and modern infrastructure. The Central Powerful Government ther Baath founded was the best for Iraq since the sectarian and ethnic divisions would threaten the integrity and sovereignty not only of Iraq but of Iran and Turkey. Even the Kurds who were peaceful under Saddam, created their death squads who assassinated scholars, physicians and engineers in cities like Mosul, Kirkok and Diyala. It was Saddam who encouraged the scholarship and those physicians and scholars were graduates of English and European Universities. I myself among hundred others am a graduate of an English University. In other words, what Saddam built, the invading yahoos destroyed.

Being a University professor myself, I received an invitation from my European colleagues who insisted that I come and live in Europe. In fact, I enjoy more freedom, security and free-speech here than I had in my home-land. But you should understand that there is political necessity and that political necessity is a must by virtue of the Middle East specific situation, and this political necessity is both historical and cultural one as well. The pattern of life we used to is very much acceptable since it preserved our history and kept our cultural identity intact. The USA looted or facilitated the looting of our Museum which was originally established by an English lady in 1921, besides, it destroyed our infrastructure built by Saddam and improved nothing. Iraq was secular and on the way of progress but the USA brought it back to primitivism and darkness. The USA army and Blackwater stole the Watch Museum too which harboured all the masterpieces made of pure gold and dispatched the uranium we had to Canada. They are thieves and criminals and if you speak of culture, culture is divorced from what you term Dar Al-Harb. We were in peace and you killed the peace in Iraq and forced the internal and external immigration of millions of Iraqis. And hundreds of thousands were killed. Is that what you term Democracy?

As for the Moslem Brotherhood, it is a reformist movement which came into existence in response to the acts of the British authority in Egypt. Your parenthesis is not unexpected from an enemy of Islam since it is ethical not to mention negative accusations when you are not certain of these accusations (note your perhaps). Also, no wonder that you label such revolutionary movement as perversion affected on Islam. First you do not understand islam to know what can be perversion from it. Also, this movement is political movement that aims are education, liberation and counteracting colonization. Your connecting them with the Blackshirts is a mistake since Islam and nationalism are incompatible. No Moslem accepts chauvinism or fascist ideology. Moreover it was Hassan (not Hussein) Al-Bana' (May God Bless His Soul)) who founded the movement not Sayyid Qutub (May God Bless His Soul). The Arab Homeland didn't ally itself with the Nazi. It was individuals who allied themselves and they were justified in their act because of the British injustice first in support of the Foundation of the Illegitimate state Israel, the massacre of the Palestinian and the feudal policy in Iraq. It was men like Rashid Ali Al-Jillani and Al-Husseini the Mufti of Al-Quds who went to Germany and met Hitler. If I were in their times, I would have gone farther and further and allied myself with the devil himself against you.

Your knowledge of Osama bin laden is next to nothing it seems. It was Sheik Abdullah Azzam (the Palestinian reformist) who played a major role on Osama's religious education, not Muhammad Mahmoud As-Sawwaf native of Mosul-Iraq who escaped Iraq (not Egypt) to Saudi Arabia and was welcomed as Obama was later by the Wahhabi government and had not met Osama or had any personal contact with him. Neither was he a brother of Hassan Al-Bana'. It was common for all Moslem to call each other brother! Moreover, when As-Sawwaf died in 1992, Usama was conducting a US proxy war against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Your statements are at their best bare anachronisms and misconceptions. None of the practices and tenets of Moslem Brothers is alien to the Holy Qu'an, Sirah or the prophetic Traditions. Islam is fundamentally a political religion. The brothers are very much representative of the real tenets of Islam they stress Jihad and call for Moslem education and the liberation of our lands from killers and colonizers. They are just a continuation of the reformist movement of Jamal Ad-Din Al-Afghani, Muhammad Abdo and others. Fitna or (sedition) is not the proper word to describe our holy warriors. It was originally coined in the aftermaths of the assassination of the third Caliph, and then after the martyrdom of Hussein (PBH). The Islamic world is not the result of a summation process of its component parts but is a result of a multiplication process of text and history. Its resiliency is unpredictable, its life eternal, its outcome is victory… And as you may discern if you can discern: I am almost westerner in everything but I am Moslem in my heart…The heart that will win…


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (80) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Test, just a test [109 words]TuinderJan 6, 2020 19:32257059
A History of Constitutional Terrorism against ANYTHING in the USA [27 words]Joe PJul 5, 2009 22:05158510
Genius [60 words]Eric HoustonJun 2, 2009 11:06156571
The end of the Golden Ages. [30 words]M.D'SouzaMay 22, 2009 10:18155989
A History of muslim terrorism Against Jews in the United States- or all over the world! [173 words]Anne- USAMay 22, 2009 09:19155984
IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP [253 words]Aaron S.May 24, 2009 18:54155984
"islamophile in the whitehouse" [216 words]Joe KaffirMay 29, 2009 17:13155984
Video: Muslim Obligation to Hate Jews Clearly Explained by Egyptian Cleric [253 words]Chaim GoldmanMay 22, 2009 01:37155967
Serious reply to Susan B [580 words]Lou from Queens, NYC, USAMay 22, 2009 01:27155966
2Response to A History of Muslim Terrorism against Jews in the United States [194 words]YarbyayaMay 26, 2009 15:01155966
This is about the incidences of prison conversions to Islam and their leading to terrorism [450 words]saraMay 21, 2009 22:02155956
Number of Muslim Terror attacks in U.S. may be UNDERstated by Pipes [92 words]Ron GerskupMay 21, 2009 21:26155953
Absurd reactions in NYC [153 words]Susan BMay 21, 2009 21:15155952
NY Jews - big supporters of Hussein Obama ( he's the one who bowed to the King of Arabia) [169 words]james burkeMay 22, 2009 01:16155952
seattle attack summer 2006 [347 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
mbrachmanMay 21, 2009 20:31155950
Dar al Islam vs Dar al Harb [165 words]Lou from Queens, NYC, USAMay 21, 2009 20:10155949
I could care less about Malcolm X [73 words]Peter HerzMay 22, 2009 15:08155949
Jewish-Moslem Understanding enhances Arab-Hebrew Coexistence [267 words]salah aliMay 21, 2009 15:28155933
What does a muslim know of justice? [41 words]james burkeMay 22, 2009 01:20155933
for Sala Ali [189 words]Peter HerzMay 22, 2009 15:15155933
typical muslim viewpoint [351 words]The Last ProhphetMay 22, 2009 23:15155933
Avoiding Zionism: Avoiding Hatred [514 words]Salah AliMay 23, 2009 05:28155933
A primitive who feels his God is worshiped everywhere! [160 words]Salah AliMay 23, 2009 05:40155933
Holy religious nonsense [247 words]Janusz KowalikMay 24, 2009 02:09155933
>> Avoiding Zionism: Avoiding Hatred [124 words]The Last ProphtMay 24, 2009 02:16155933
Salah Ali's Fallacy [298 words]Tziona, UKMay 24, 2009 10:08155933
---->The log in your own eye [157 words]The Last ProphetMay 25, 2009 01:33155933
Islam didn't replace other religion [353 words]Salah AliMay 26, 2009 07:51155933
To the Last ... [316 words]Salah AliMay 26, 2009 08:12155933
Read better, see better [432 words]Salah AliMay 26, 2009 08:47155933
Salah Ali's Fallacy redux [45 words]TzionaMay 26, 2009 20:19155933
To Salah Ali: [462 words]The Last ProphetMay 26, 2009 23:15155933
Without comment! [111 words]Salah AliMay 28, 2009 00:51155933
You are wrong! [393 words]Salah AliMay 28, 2009 01:29155933
Yadyadyadyady...........blame the Jews ! [96 words]Joe KaffirMay 29, 2009 17:38155933
We are humans after all [183 words]Salah AliMay 30, 2009 03:31155933
Again To Salah Ali [595 words]The Last ProphetMay 30, 2009 22:27155933
Islam is EVERYWHERE in the WORLD [1085 words]Salah AliMay 31, 2009 05:57155933
To Salah Ali [756 words]The Last ProphetJun 1, 2009 22:26155933
What A Big Hit! [183 words]Salah AliJun 4, 2009 09:05155933
Living in the wonderful lands of - DAR AL HARB [178 words]Lou from Queens, NYC, USAJun 4, 2009 18:29155933
Islam is Universal and Victorious [1137 words]Salah AliJun 5, 2009 08:07155933
Beware [140 words]Lou from Queens, NYC, USAJun 5, 2009 16:49155933
lies and distortions [294 words]The True Last ProphetJun 6, 2009 12:20155933
Lanterns of Magnificent Islam [948 words]Salah AliJun 8, 2009 11:19155933
Last Reply to Salah! [442 words]Lou from Queens,NYC,USAJun 10, 2009 10:32155933
Can you define what is Human in temporal,universal and historical terms? [448 words]Salah AliJun 11, 2009 01:27155933
Our dear Salah Ali and Arabian imperialism [708 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2009 17:58155933
Ask Obama? [478 words]Salah AliJun 25, 2009 11:18155933
Our dear salah Ali and his big time meltdown [959 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2009 18:27155933
Our dear Salah did not answer my questions [131 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2009 18:35155933
Our dear salah and muslim sources that he cannot read in Arabic [122 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2009 20:54155933
Cherry picking time and our dear salah and his "desertation" [85 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2009 21:04155933
Our dear salah and speaking of calling us infidels names and I'm really in good company [122 words]dhimmi no moreJun 27, 2009 12:23155933
1Our dear Salah Ali disagrees with his Allah and the doctrine of al-taqiyya [468 words]dhimmi no moreJun 27, 2009 18:32155933
Damn All Heathens [159 words]Salah AliJun 28, 2009 07:41155933
Dhimmi no more: Teaching an Arab Arabic! [135 words]Salah AliJun 28, 2009 07:59155933
And I'm a proud kafir [331 words]dhimmi no moreJun 28, 2009 20:34155933
Our dear Salah the follower of the religion of peace [170 words]dhimmi no moreJun 28, 2009 20:42155933
How can I get Allah to un-heathen us infidels [300 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2009 07:30155933
Our dear Salah and delusions [137 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2009 07:42155933
A primitive who feels his views are everybody else's! [459 words]Salah AliJun 30, 2009 01:46155933
Our dear Salah and the Arabic language that he seems to know by pure fahlawa [1248 words]dhimmi no moreJul 1, 2009 07:39155933
article [20 words]MeyerAug 12, 2012 19:46155933
A Smart Solution [206 words]Anatoly TsaliovichMay 21, 2009 15:06155930
History of Muslim Terrorism in USA [68 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Robert GuinaughMay 21, 2009 15:01155929
Sorry Dan, your response to Sirhan Sirhan doesn't cut it. [62 words]Joe KafirMay 29, 2009 17:54155929
1Muslim hate of the Jews [124 words]Janusz KowalikMay 21, 2009 14:29155924
For Janusz [162 words]Peter HerzMay 22, 2009 15:22155924
Religious wars [164 words]Janusz KowalikMay 23, 2009 01:01155924
I beg to differ [301 words]Peter HerzMay 26, 2009 14:22155924
Religious wars [395 words]Janusz KowalikMay 26, 2009 21:06155924
To Janusz [569 words]Peter HerzMay 28, 2009 14:41155924
To Janusz (2) [116 words]Peter HerzMay 28, 2009 14:45155924
Mohammad (PBUH) was a warrior turned Prophet ...! [34 words]Rachel BradNov 9, 2014 11:31155924
Oops, forgot one! [59 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Bloodthirsty LiberalMay 21, 2009 14:28155923
2006 Seattle Shooting [21 words]Noah NewmanMay 21, 2009 14:07155921
Attack at El Al in JFK where private security for El Al subdued the would-be murderer [8 words]Richard SacklerMay 21, 2009 13:58155920
We don't know the half of it!!! [174 words]FroikeJun 2, 2009 12:05155920
7/2006 entry missing. [109 words]Last Man StandingMay 21, 2009 11:10155908

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