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"The greatest pogrom of the middle class in world history"

Reader comment on item: Uncovering Early Islam
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Submitted by Ianus (Poland), Jul 1, 2012 at 10:40

the Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan wrote:

>GIK: So the fact that Stalin blamed the Germans for his massacre of 20,000 Polish officers is inconsequential? .....<<

Ianus:" Indeed, he lived on it for a couple of weeks.The West has been living on it for a couple of decades now, and seems to be living on it for a couple of centuries yet."

My question was not about Nazis opinion or their use of propaganda - but what do Poles in general and you in particular think about a) the actual summary executions of the Polish officers by fellow Slavs and b) the following deception by Stalin in the service of his propaganda and aims.<

One way of circumventing inconvenient facts and insights is not to raise questions that might suggest what one wants to hide. The West just like the Moslem East has developed an amazing mastery in this respect . My guess is that the decline of the Western education system since the 70-ies has had much to do with solving this task, namely to make young people stop asking independent inconvenient questions and instead choose from pre-suggested questions.

As to the questions you ask let me note that the Russians have admitted they had done it. So what else do you want? $ 100 bln as our government ? When these corrupt lying bastards speak of morality and historical justice , it is obvious they mean cash . They anticipate how they will embezzle the money. The problem is how to find a way to get it.Hypocrites' morality, empty rituals and crocodiles' tears are an obvious option for them.

As to what you want to learn from me , I can tell you that my father served as a soldier on the Polish-Soviet frontier in 1929-1930 near Baranovichi – a major railway knot- and so he knew officers from his units who were later killed. And what did he think ? The same I do. War is war and soldiers are there to die. Compared to the ordeal the old Russian officer corps had undergone we were lucky enough. The Katyn affair is abused by the media to deflect out attention from other problems which are created by the dysfunctional and criminalized system imposed by them in 1989. So here is one the reality : not boasted about on Australian TV "One-in-three live in absolute poverty in Poland. One-in-five can't afford to adequately heat their homes ... two thirds of Poles cannot afford an annual holiday away from home and 21 percent are not able to have a meal with meat or fish every second day. As many as 17 percent of Poles cannot afford to own and run a car." More than 25% of school children in Poland grow up in poverty. ... But wait ! Why bother? We can show a film about Poland's prosperity in Australia or America to fool the Western audiences and or make use of Katyn to fool the local audience. Both audiences are conditioned not to ask inconvenient questions. It must work ! I have to say it does without being more specific.

As to Stalin's deception can you remind me of what stand at that time the Allied took on Katyn and what happened to the Polish Prime Minister in exile general W. Sikorski ? Somehow his plane crashed when it was most needed to do , didn't it?

> "You e.g. repeated anti-communist slogans I had read in Nazi literature without any pangs of conscience."

GIK : "You mean me personally - I have repeated anti-Communist slogans found in Nazi literature? Amazing, as I've never,ever read any Nazi anti-Communist propaganda in my entire life. I will admit to having more than a teaspoon of German blood in my veins - so perhaps it's a genetic thing then - the ability to spot a crock and say so? What was it I was alleged to have repeated that is so offensive to communists?<

"No, I didn't mean you personally , of course , nor did I suspect you of having read Nazi literature. It would be too heretical and dangerous for a Westerner to do it. "

??? We are free to research and 'read whatever we like - so you hold other incorrect assumptions.<

I doubt your statement is correct. It's too good to be true. Medieval hate speech laws and freedom of research and speech can hardly co-exist. Just disagree in public with the official view on race and we will see how long you will remain free and unharrassed.

Ianus :"I would call it "different perspectives" if they added also as detailed opinions of those who had the icons painted and hung in the church as their opponents'.But this would not be politically correct."

The different perspectives are diametrically opposed - and good on those Russians who found it obscene and made it known howthey really felt.<

Do you remember that in my uncle's home the portrait of Stalin was next to a holy icon? You find it obscene, I don't. Stalin did a lot of good things you not only have never heard of but refuse to hear of , as e.g. giving a journeyman(in the pre-14th century meaning ) like my uncle or my father some land and means of existence. I am afraid you're too much of an ideologue to even admit the fact. For you the fate of my uncle, my father and some 90% of Poles that benefited from the land reform are of no consequence. I have met too many Western "humanists" of that sort not to know what I am talking about. It's impossible to discuss anything with them that runs counter to their ideology-driven worldview.

"As to me on reading your well-meant comment I thought about your earlier statement that the communist system was a failure suggesting the present one isn't ."

> I will wager that 70 years under non-communism (and non-Islam) will have a better outcome for Poles than a further 70 years under communism.<

In the 80-ies we had some 4% of people living in poverty. As you see nowadays after 20 years of forcible capitalism we have some 60%. When 50 more years pass feudalism if not slave system will be most probably fully restored with some 2-5% controlling some 95-100% of the country's (if it will exist at all which I do doubt) wealth with a servile semi-literate population. This is the trend which all your dysfunctional, anti-social and dirty capitalism is working hard to prolong ad infinitum. First it rips off and destroys the middle class ( the book I referred to calls the results of the dirty social and economic experiments in the 90-ies "the greatest pogrom of the middle class in world history" ) creates mass poverty and debt traps from which nobody will ever able to get out and then it tells us how bad communism was and implicitly that Katyn is more important that 25% of school children growing up in poverty !

> Better than that drive up to Estonia, Latvia and next door Lithuania - and ask the people there what they think.<

Are you implying the people I have asked will give the same responses as are given on Western TV ? Imagine that in Lithuania with c. 3 mln inhabitants 500 000 have emigrated. Lithuanians must be enthusiastic about it. In Latvia - every third Latvian has emigrated. Estonia reserves its privileges to "die estnische Herrenrasse", so if anything bad happens like unemployment or sky rocketing health care or education costs the first ones hit by it are the so called "non-citizens". The Estonians must feel comfortable about it , don't they?Nobody blames them for their apartheid polity.

"The total estimated number of the poor in the eighteen countries has risen twelvefold from nearly 14 million before the transition or about 4 percent of the population, to 168 million in 1993-95, or approximately 45 percent of the population." (p. 67)"

"So first, you call the system that created 4% poverty a failure while the system that creates 45% poverty seems to you to be a "success"? "

>I don't recall saying any system was a 'success'. <

Any problems about with capitalist paradise? You didn't mean to say how bad communism was as contrasted by the wonder that is capitalism? Amazing! As far as I can remember it is this lie that was being hammered into our minds in the 1980-ies."In half a year we'll become another Japan" one prominent politician promised us in 1989. His income nowadays may be close to that of the Japanese emperor , so maybe in a special sense he kept his promise.

> I can say centrally controlled command economies are a failure -

So tell me why the US economy which is not a centrally controlled economy is such a failure? With debt surpassing its budget and yet 25% defense spending this is hardly a paragon of success or free economy , is it ?

> the only one left that is doing OK is China - simply because of the 700 million potential slaves they have - which they will use to invest in capital to control production (i.e. out and out capitalists) to sell cheaply made goods too capitalist countries. That is when they are not buying up resources around the world .<

The cheap labour is not all. Something deeper is involved. The difference between a Chinese capitalist and a US one is that the former is controlled by the policy-makers and has to work for a larger good while the latter controls the policy makers and sees the state as a cow to milk working for his own interests only. The other difference is that the Chinese capitalist doesn't spend his billions on buying chateaux in the Bahamas but on reinvesting them at home and his dreams are much more modest - to have a shrine of ancestors' cult where his image will be once worshipped while conspicuous consumption is all America's rich are obsessed with.

"Interesting. Well, for some clever speculators that got rich quick in those years it must have been a big time "success" looting income that had belonged previously to 168 mln people !"

Although I know about Khodorkovsky etc I have no first hand knowledge of these clever speculators in ex-Soviet countries apart from Estonia. I know there are Russian consortiums digging for diamonds and oil in Siberia - i.e. using capital to create new ventures to produce goods. I'm sure there are many, many others who bought disused factories to start new ventures.<

They plunder natural resources and place the $ billions they get on Western bank accounts. It is how it has been working since Yeltsin's days. The West gets richer , the Russians have c.4 mln homeless children and the second biggest number of billionaires.

>And I'm sure there are disused factories right now that are still sitting there derelict - because no one is inspired to do anything with them. In Estonia - I know that (5 years ago at least) that you could have bought a disused agricultural 'commune' relatively cheaply. Anyone could have bought them - local villagers did in many cases.<

And what happened to Estonian agriculture? Did it boom ?

Ianus: "Now given the incredible fact that objective reality does exist "

Of course it exists - but only in a relative sense. Where is the world of Russian peasants in 1917 - all that fervor and hope and belief for the system that was going to transform mankind?<

It is on Cuba where education and health care are free or in China that is going to surpass the US economy by 2016 ..if no war against it is organized.

> Nearly everything from that period has vanished, turned to dust. Same with the dreams and hopes, houses, horses, equipment and the people in the Californian Gold Rush . Where is that reality -that was so 'real' to them - as real to you as the room you are sitting in and the thoughts you are having right now?<

For those who believe that inequality, mass poverty and privileges based on wealth are a natural order of things this may seem to be the case.For others like me these things have never died and will never die and they are as real as the injustice and conempt for huamnism and equality that I am observing around me in this brutal and dirty system enforced upon us with lies and false promises. And before history ends for good don't be so sure this nasty world created by suicidal neoliberalism will last for ever. More and more people realize that if the neoliberal dogma that profit is the measure of all things is true, then some 80% of mankind is useless and need euthanasia. They understand that it is neoliberalism that needs euthanasia or a more violent treatment.

"It depends. This is a crucial element if the applied theory of chaos is to work with all its destructive energy. "

Freedom is freedom - people should be free to make the wrong choices. Otherwise you end up with straight-jacketed societies like Singapore - where conformity and self-censorship is encouraged. i.e.people don't connect with themselves properly.

What I see in the West is not freedom but an illusion of freedom behind which everything is controlled, organized and run in the interests of the real masters of the West -finance capitalists and monopolistic corporations. How they operate you may learn from someone who has worked for them and calls himself an economic hitman - John Perkins - a remarkable person and a remarkable story that reveals and debunks lots of things , including many a naive narrative of yours.

"A country with a healthy, nationally-minded, patriotic and morally and demographically sound population cannot be manipulated and exploited at all by outside forces, e.g. predatory finance capitalism."

Iceland and Ireland spring to mind here - both were indeed subject to those forces. And Germany pre WW2 was 'healthy, nationally-minded, patriotic and morally and demographically sound population' but able to be manipulated massively by Internal forces.

With the wounds of 1914-1918 and the trauma of Versailles Germany reacted in a way any country with a sense of dignity would and should react to being used for mopping the floor with.

"What you need therefore is undermine and desintegrate such a population with its pride, history, mentality and identity. How ? With a hostile immigration you will depict as a great luck and wisdom while in fact it will turn out to be a source of great and irreparable evil as all hostile immigration to the West clearly shows."

Ok, I can speak from a country where there has been a huge amount of immigration into a relatively stable and homogenous population since WW2. Large numbers of Italians, Poles, Greeks, Yugoslavs and Dutch migrated here immediately after WW2. Have they undermined 'such a population with its pride, history, mentality and identity. '? i.e Anglo-Saxon-Celtic population and culture . Not at all. Both parties have benefitted - and they have blended into the population. Not so with Islam - the followers of which set themselves apart (except for the nominal-only muslims). However - where their real loyalties lie is open to question.

We both agree that European immigration is a friendly immigration and Moslem immigration is a hostile immigration, don't we?

GIK: "I'm not sure how we go from my statement i.e. 'the past is unchanging' to 'nothing has consequences' .Can you explain your reasoning?<

Ianus: "And I was not talking about ALL the evil in the world. "

Good. I was almost beginning to picture you as a poster boy of 1950's Russia, praying to Saint Dzhugashvili of Gori for his help in the restoration of pan-Slavic glory.<

Will you question the statement that he saved Slavs from extermination , something which is going on now in all Slavic lands through degradation of education, drugs, poverty,demographic downfall and hostile immigration ?

> Cuique suum. I was talking about "the destroyed and desecrated churches of Northern Cyprus and Kosovo and Islamization of the Balkans" .

Blame the arrogant and bellicose Turks for Cyprus . And Clinton and the EU media for the unfair bias in the Balkans.<

There are two possible answers to that - one is harsh and one is mild. Let me choose the mild one. "The arrogant and bellicose Turks" were ready to invade Cyprus as early as 1965.What stopped them? A letter from president Johnson. You can't see any analogy to 1974 when no letter from America was written to Turkey and correspondingly the Turkish invasion went ahead? I think I have already answered you blaming Clinton. If he were to blame and not the system he stood for, then why haven't his various successors in the White House reversed his policy? And the EU media did just what they were told - reinforce what the US media were spreading. It's always so when a major crisis is to be covered. First silence, then a White House spokesman speaks and then all the mainstream media mob repeats with variations the original message.

> "Any alternative ideas based on quantum physics or any other science as to who is to blame for that ?A butterfly fluttering its sinister wings on a Russian military base in Kaliningrad ?"

It's Ok to make light of quantum physics - you sort of have to - because if you really understood it - as Neils Bohr said : "For those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it. ". '
Yet it is the substrate on which our 'real' world exists. You even depend on quantum phenomena in the IC's inside the PC you're reading this on. And as physicist John A. Wheeler said "Useful as it is under everyday circumstances to say that the world exists "out there" independent of us, that view can no longer be upheld. " An interesting thing to do is to read up on how photons can be either waves or particles - depending on whether they are being observed or not.

another of Wheeler's quotes: "We live on an island surrounded by a sea of ignorance. As our island of knowledge grows, so does the shore of our ignorance. "

Brilliant but - alas- quite useless to explain what has happened to Northern Cyprus and the Balkans.

"According to you there should have been no Soviet troops on the territory that was the most likely direction of a NATO attack in an expected war against the USSR? "

> So NATO was going to withdraw its forces to the top of the Baltic Sea and attack Russia via Estonia and presumably Finland? I've never heard of that one.<

And have you heard any thing anything negative about NATO? Never heard of Operation "Dropshot", "Plan Totality", "Operation Unthinkable" , Operation "Cyclone" ...? Are you really such an ingénue or just working for finance capitalism you can't question its military leg , to speak figuratively ?

> I can write tonight and ask an Estonian who lived in those times and whose area of employment would have allowed him to know about such things - whether this was an expectation of the Russian military.<

Please do and ask him how many NATO planes are now stationed in Estonia and how long it will take them to reach and bomb St. Petersburg !

Ianus : "Are you sure? No locals work in the factory?Have the Americans already shifted to slave/coolie labour yet ?"

> The Americans ran the local business for the last ten years and complied with all our industrial laws. Imported slave labour , in fact any sort of slave labour is illegal in this country. The Americans made a bad business decision which has resulted in millions of dollars worth of materials and equipment no longer being used.<

You can have slave/coolie labor with a legal fiction they are no slaves/coolies at all.I saw it here. They laid off the locals whom they had to pay 4-5 zl per hour and hired some Philipinos or Chinese who got 1-2 zl and were treated respectively.

Ianus: "Where did you get those "80 000" from ? I..... 20,000 Estonians were forcibly deported either to labor camps or Siberia" . .... (estimates as many as 80,000) chose to either retreat with the Germans or flee to Finland or Sweden.Didn't you mix up figures to look more dramatic ?"

> If they are the real figures then I must have mixed them up - but never deliberately . Still, 20,000 people sent to gulags for not thinking nice things about the Georgian dictator , or thinking about things the Georgian dictator didn't like them thinking about - is pretty dramatic. 20,000. That would equate to probably everyone in your suburb.<

And now tell me how many Estonians were involved in collaboration with the Nazis? For what the Estonians did a Russian was shot dead on the spot and not sent to the gulag.

> In any case - population growth from X to X +dX does not indicate how happy they were with their lives. Poplation growth in muslim countries/enclaves exceeds the Estonian figures by a mile - I don't see them in ecstatic bliss.<

Moslem population growth is possible only because the surplus population emigrates to colonize the West. You would see what happens if all the doors to the West were closed to the demographic Moslem invasion. Islam would implode with cannibalism and internal wars to restore the fragile demographic balance.

By its suicidal demographic policy and promotion of hostile immigration the West is digging its own grave.

Ianus:"And internal immigration was necessary as Estonia under the Soviet regime changed from agrarian to industrialized economy. "

Da, tovarich. But if you asked most Estonians (or Latvians, or Lithuanians) in the 1950's or 60's - 'given the chance - with no strings attached - would you like Estonia to be a fully free and independent republic - who can freely trade with Europe and whose citizens are free to travel to anywhere in the world " - what reply do you think they would give you? 'Jah' or 'Ei'?

"Who could build factories and power plants in Estonia ? Estonian peasants ?"

> The shale oil plant at Narva? If they had been allowed to trade and communicate freely with Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Finland - any one of those countries could easily have invested in Estonian infrastructure - as they do now.<

Speaking of "freedom" no strings attached" and investments , how many Estonains to your mind know that c. 97% of their banking system is owned by Scandinavian banks and are not their property any longer? Were they really fighting for Swedbank ,SEB, Nordea and Danske Dank to possess Estonia or not for something else ? Or don't they know Rothschild's saying " Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws"?

>You're not seriously suggesting only the Russians could are you? The Russians did - because the Russians were told to by their central planners.<

And now nobody is telling from the center in Brussels what to do and what not to do?The new bosses of Estonia care more than the old ones. Is it what you mean?

"Note also that Estonia's short-lived economic "rise" was a bubble that burst in 2009 making Estonia one of the hardest hit economies of Europe."

2009? Read a little further - they are quite happy to accept austerity measures - because they were totally used to them under Soviet rule! Let's look at more recent figures from Eesti Pank - people who are intimately involved with Estonian finance. And 3.1% growth in 2010? Not what I would call a hard hit economy. Poland is doing better then?<

You say 3,1% from what threshold? When Paul Krugmann mentioned this Estonians were enraged. They are happy with austerity perhaps because in the apartheid state of Estonia the costs are borne first of all by non-Estonian non-citizens.

A nd as to the reality of Poland don't even ask me because I am not going to tell you an economic fairy tale you would like to hear from me.

"Who in Europe needs Estonia's production "

Sweden, Finland - all the Nordic countries buy Estonian products - forest goods, tech products etc<

It seems that they produce what they did under the previous regime with one essential difference you didn't tell me. Estonia was a major agrarian land with some 60% of food exports going eastwards. What has happened to Estonia's agriculture since 1991? A country that produced milk and meat in excess has been flooded by cheap products from its more powerful EU bosses who routinely subsidize their ownagriculture that is ruining Estonian farmers. You ahve to pay a high price for having the new bosses, don't you?

"while for political reasons it closes its borders on its only natural market - Russia ?"

What is so 'natural' about the Russian market? It is a completely contrived market. Were Estonians - who also have very strong historic and genealogical links with Swedes , Danes ,Germans and Finns allowed to have traded frreely with those counjtries since WW2 - those markets would be as large as any markets with Russia. <

Those who told you so seem to have forgotten Estonia's agriculture and textile industry. And a belief that the neighbours are altruistic while the Soviets were predatory is also a very curious belief which no doubt reflects the official Estonian worldview nobody is supposed to doubt. Is there anything you don't believe your Estonians guides ?

"In your "most prosperous economy in Europe" it is more profitable to clean latrines in Australia or the UK than work in an Estonian office"

GIK >Why does the world seem so bleak to you - why do you always picture the worst outcome?<

Ianus "I don't care about 'bleak or bright" "the worst outcome or the best outcome". What I care about is truth."

Truth is infinite - so where do you actually stop? If you care about truth - then , whether you interpret it as bleak or bright - know that there are little to no Estonians cleaning toilets in Australia.<

Truth is the correspondence between words and reality- nothing more. So don't invent infinities where something different is involved.

Ianus: "Now why must the truth be identical with "bright" or "the best outcome" to your mind ?"

I never said it did. Why do you suggest that I would make that assertion. Truth is what is - but to us humans with our limited senses and miscomprehension of reality - we often settle for a good-looking approximation - and for many - it becomes truth when it coincides with their biases.<

Who at your hinting at? Me or you?

> A favourite quote ' The truth has never denied the seeker…only the seeker who has denied the truth."<

It sounds reasonable if applied rigorously. Otherwise you may abuse it to target anything and anybody you dislike. 'Oh, you hvae denied the truth, you know .Drop your numbers! I have seen a movie where they showed happy rich Poles. Your two-thirds living in poverty can't be true ! go around and look for my reality you will for sure find it somewhere in Poland!'


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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5Our dear Ali disagrees with Allah and he is saying that the Quran has its share of foreign words! I'm shocked! [921 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 9, 2013 13:50197189
Wow [15 words]AdilSep 29, 2014 19:35197189
2Here is an example of a foreign word in the Qur'an and I'm not even the one who is saying that it is your revered Islamic sources [322 words]dhimmi no moreSep 30, 2014 12:39197189
1Victims of Islam and of Arabian imperialism [98 words]dhimmi no moreSep 30, 2014 16:25197189
Well... [10 words]AdilOct 2, 2014 18:50197189
2al-Tur is not an Arabic word but it made it to the Qur'an and why [111 words]dhimmi no moreOct 3, 2014 06:05197189
3Quranic disasters and lost tablighees [438 words]dhimmi no moreOct 3, 2014 17:05197189
8A truly Islamic reply to Rober Spencer's book ! "you dog, scumbag.I would not slash u, but cut you head off and hang it on the White House." [217 words]IanusJun 28, 2012 15:38196797
7Here is another islamic reply by MdShafiq [168 words]dhimmi no moreJun 30, 2012 15:09196797
4really? [117 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 30, 2012 23:52196797
8Not just Pakistanis I am afraid [393 words]IanusJul 2, 2012 16:45196797
1Some Moslems burn inconvenient books, others make their publishers do it. [310 words]IanusJul 2, 2012 17:15196797
2MdShafiq is Indian Muslim and he works in Saudi Arabia [117 words]dhimmi no moreJul 2, 2012 18:36196797
ways and means [176 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJul 2, 2012 21:01196797
With due respect, I don't think putting Indian Moslems along with Pakistanis is a good idea. [72 words]IndianHinduFeb 20, 2014 10:28196797
What religion do you follow? [5 words]AdilSep 29, 2014 19:38196797
2Meccan Paganism? [60 words]dhimmi no moreSep 30, 2014 08:09196797
3Principles vs. Reality [380 words]saraJun 23, 2012 19:23196603
11does it really matter? [125 words]Farhad lahafdooziJun 14, 2012 22:58196365
We need to counter this Prison Dawah [1 words]SamJun 7, 2012 14:23196106
5Daniel Pipes' comments are the best synopisis of early Islam [73 words]burkeJun 6, 2012 19:47196085
A book of great help [47 words]Joe BadirOct 20, 2012 17:08196085
Definition of Sufi [440 words]Mahmood HussainJun 5, 2012 01:32196038
4Our dear Mahmoud did you read Spencer's book? [247 words]dhimmi no moreJun 6, 2012 06:13196038
1Sufi means Sanyasi [34 words]MadanmohanFeb 11, 2013 12:26196038
Sufism has no connection with Hinduism a response to Mr. Madanmohan. [949 words]Mahmood HussainMar 7, 2013 03:47196038
history man history [18 words]sivaOct 25, 2013 06:27196038
sufi had inspiration [24 words]tulasi dassMar 19, 2015 22:59196038
on oral traditions and history [156 words]John PhilipsJun 2, 2012 02:50195979
2Robert Spencer predictable as always [233 words]Antonio JerezMay 27, 2012 19:18195867
1John Wansbrough [41 words]Antonio JerezMay 27, 2012 19:32195867
7In memory of John Wansbrough [219 words]dhimmi no moreMay 30, 2012 07:16195867
9Huh? [171 words]SusanMay 30, 2012 13:43195867
4Read the book first our dear Antonio al-tablighee [42 words]dhimmi no moreMay 31, 2012 07:31195867
I have yet to find it! [239 words]Ibn IsmailJun 3, 2012 17:31195867
9another frog [928 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 6, 2012 22:53195867
11Ibn Ismail: Find it here [1032 words]PlatoJun 7, 2012 08:26195867
3Plato! You have been missed [177 words]saraJun 7, 2012 15:06195867
Muslims flee from anti- sharia tyrants, not "sharia abiding tyrants" [148 words]Ibn IsmailJun 7, 2012 17:59195867
5We agree more than we disagree about Muslims, Ibn Ismail [431 words]saraJun 8, 2012 15:35195867
7Victims of Arabian imperialism and islam is the religion of the arabs only [78 words]dhimmi no moreJun 8, 2012 16:54195867
5the curious phenomena of muslim pre-afterlife migration [288 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 8, 2012 23:05195867
1Thanks [36 words]PlatoJun 9, 2012 02:22195867
Dearth of Islamic dawah? [339 words]saraJun 9, 2012 17:44195867
back to basics [121 words]ibn ismailJun 9, 2012 20:12195867
3Ibn Ismail: Koran Al Nisa 95 says Muslims living in infidel lands wrong themselves [970 words]PlatoJun 10, 2012 04:44195867
Yes dawa is still on the minds of Muslims [128 words]PlatoJun 10, 2012 05:03195867
Peace or war? [45 words]Ibn IsmailJun 10, 2012 13:33195867
ATT: GRAND INFIDEL [112 words]Ibn ismailJun 10, 2012 13:52195867
5Exactly the problem Ibn Ismail! [228 words]saraJun 10, 2012 20:14195867
4squealing vanquishees [93 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 10, 2012 22:47195867
1issues [239 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 10, 2012 23:07195867
1now or then? [109 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 11, 2012 01:46195867
3So did you fly on al-buraq from South Africa to London our dear Ibn Ismail? [548 words]dhimmi no moreJun 12, 2012 07:30195867
1Like it or not reply [114 words]Ibn ismailJun 12, 2012 08:54195867
2a big IF [582 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 12, 2012 22:56195867
3Charity starts at home [54 words]dhimmi no moreJun 13, 2012 07:50195867
Plato, another one for your consideration [2 words]saraJun 18, 2012 17:09195867
1fat chance [71 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 20, 2012 20:36195867
Replied [33 words]PlatoJun 21, 2012 10:59195867
D N M - advice about Quran source? [51 words]saraJun 21, 2012 16:15195867
Translations of the Qur'an [35 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2012 17:28195867
What a mess! [208 words]saraJun 21, 2012 18:44195867
5Translation of the Qur'an [1239 words]dhimmi no moreJun 22, 2012 07:44195867
Quran translation challenge [176 words]saraJun 22, 2012 17:18195867
DNM and Plato - -- Another one who deserves attention [38 words]saraJun 25, 2012 18:49195867
Schills is another lost tablighee [79 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2012 07:01195867
Wait a minute... [44 words]AdilOct 14, 2014 21:36195867
1In search of al-Buraq aka the winged horse [236 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2014 07:54195867
2Slavery in the Qur'an and other sordid matters [301 words]dhimmi no moreOct 18, 2014 07:42195867
I am very insulted [127 words]AdilOct 19, 2014 15:23195867
3In search of al-Buraq aka the winged horse part two [484 words]dhimmi no moreOct 27, 2014 15:07195867
1Well, would you look at that [36 words]AdilNov 16, 2014 14:55195867
2In spite of the fact the Qur'an says that we kuffar are unclean our dear Adil still lives among us [420 words]dhimmi no moreNov 18, 2014 08:10195867
375% of converts to Islam leave Islam within a very short period time [169 words]dhimmi no moreNov 26, 2014 16:24195867
Islam's roots. [40 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
BenMay 23, 2012 10:29195806
4Religions do not spring fully fledged from the heads of prophets [162 words]dhimmi no moreMay 24, 2012 06:29195806
Goldziher is still in print [1 words]Alain Jean-MairetMay 21, 2012 01:26195721
25Henri Lammens and the Sira [1016 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2012 16:50195715
8Fantastic historical recounting! [67 words]saraMay 20, 2012 18:38195715
3Thank you [23 words]dhimmi no moreMay 21, 2012 06:20195715
1Substantiating teaching of religions in all schools as part of History [130 words]Stephen BorkowskiMay 20, 2012 16:18195713
2al-Masjid al-Aqsa and early Islam [226 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2012 07:21195708
5surat al-Qadr or Christmas in the Qur'an [362 words]dhimmi no moreMay 19, 2012 17:54195697
Uncovering Early Islam [267 words]Balarabe AbbaMay 19, 2012 12:13195695
5Asoka [307 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanMay 21, 2012 23:56195695
10History of Islam and the influence on the U.S. [447 words]Frank LivingstonMay 19, 2012 08:39195692
5The Muslim Brotherhood in America wrote a plan to destroy us...... [472 words]Frank LivingstonAug 4, 2013 10:59195692
1Read Emmet Scott [62 words]David RaschMay 18, 2012 12:23195685
16Who is this person? [62 words]L FosterJun 16, 2012 18:29195685
2Helping our dear L Foster! [92 words]dhimmi no moreJul 7, 2012 08:21195685
3Critical Questions [259 words]AlexandrosMay 18, 2012 10:21195681
1Yes, there's a religion that asks us to kill [180 words]Kepha HorMay 19, 2012 21:18195681
1Yes but..... [56 words]AlexandrosMay 21, 2012 04:44195681
2A religion that asks us to kill ... and its various enemies that ask the same [135 words]IanusMay 21, 2012 18:21195681
Some light for Alexandros and others [429 words]DEBORAH THE JUDGEMay 22, 2012 10:43195681
2is it light? [846 words]AlexandrosMay 23, 2012 06:20195681
No comparison [381 words]DEBORAH THE JUDGEMay 25, 2012 09:19195681
1I thought i would agree in the beginning [384 words]AlexandrosMay 26, 2012 05:28195681
Your Questions [348 words]Kepha HorMay 28, 2012 13:33195681
Re: cultural equality [402 words]DEBORAH THE JUDGEMay 30, 2012 11:27195681
Equality is Freedom [425 words]AlexandrosMay 31, 2012 07:27195681
2ideologues [197 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanMay 31, 2012 22:38195681
2The equality myth [364 words]DEBORAH THE JUDGEJun 1, 2012 09:26195681
Answers to Deborah and Infidel. [92 words]AlexandrosJun 2, 2012 14:26195681
What is religion [40 words]Ibn IsmailJun 6, 2012 17:45195681
Go ... [55 words]FarkhadJun 7, 2012 04:17195681
Equality myth part 2 [241 words]DEBORAH THE JUDGEJun 7, 2012 09:06195681
1No doubt [175 words]AlexandrosJun 7, 2012 12:22195681
2Today Nagorno Karabakh, tomorrow the whole earth [95 words]IanusJun 8, 2012 08:53195681
1"That even bigger pig of a man" and ideologues [396 words]IanusJun 8, 2012 10:24195681
Be open-minded [134 words]FarhadJun 9, 2012 01:43195681
differing viewpoints welcome [401 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 9, 2012 06:40195681
2goading the competition? [506 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 9, 2012 22:21195681
2Genocide in velvet gloves [1177 words]IanusJun 10, 2012 16:32195681
2"The limits of my ideology are the limits of my world" [836 words]IanusJun 10, 2012 18:51195681
2point a finger and three point back at you [973 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 11, 2012 00:09195681
3 little pigs [468 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 11, 2012 00:30195681
3Russia as historical bulwark against Islam vs. the US as historical enabler and ally of Islam [1118 words]IanusJun 12, 2012 18:56195681
1re Europe etc [2627 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 14, 2012 00:46195681
7Re-Islamisation of Central Asia or the American harlot at work [1334 words]IanusJun 16, 2012 13:01195681
To Ianus and GIK [225 words]saraJun 16, 2012 20:03195681
different perspectives - that is all [695 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 17, 2012 03:37195681
a place for everything [109 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 17, 2012 03:45195681
1"What is more important in world history - a few stirred up Moslems or the fall of communism ...or a few thousand Americans killed on 9/11 and afterwards by a few stirred up Moslems? " [1472 words]IanusJun 18, 2012 15:49195681
1The fall of Russia/USSR = the rise of Islam [140 words]IanusJun 18, 2012 16:12195681
Russia vs Islam- reply [181 words]saraJun 18, 2012 17:29195681
1Stalin was bad even doing good things while the West is good even doing bad things. [754 words]IanusJun 18, 2012 19:11195681
America Does Not Play the Harlot As Well As Others Who Have More Experience [696 words]M. ToveyJun 18, 2012 19:15195681
3Most poins well taken, Ianus [356 words]saraJun 19, 2012 19:13195681
Far east [651 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 19, 2012 20:52195681
1The Islamic Republic of Bosnia - a joint US-Iranian venture [898 words]IanusJun 20, 2012 02:57195681
journeyman? [298 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 20, 2012 09:12195681
1"Journeyman" [327 words]IanusJun 21, 2012 08:35195681
7No mistakes , just applied theory of chaos as a new grand US strategy [1430 words]IanusJun 21, 2012 10:18195681
what to do? [635 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 21, 2012 22:07195681
1The world without what America ? [1550 words]IanusJun 22, 2012 18:01195681
Islamists and US interests [681 words]saraJun 22, 2012 19:25195681
Ordnung aus Chaos [948 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 23, 2012 02:56195681
2Death wish and no enlightened self-interest . [523 words]IanusJun 23, 2012 17:10195681
1What to do? Fight Islamophobia as your idols do! [1476 words]IanusJun 23, 2012 19:31195681
maths is dispassionate [869 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 24, 2012 00:45195681
1America's Moslem death squads [1915 words]IanusJun 25, 2012 19:13195681
1Chaos aus der Ordnung [1748 words]IanusJun 26, 2012 18:27195681
going on [2430 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 27, 2012 01:14195681
West vs East- Choose [380 words]saraJun 27, 2012 17:25195681
comment on comment [1171 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 27, 2012 23:02195681
2The so called "West" - another outpost of Islam [1459 words]IanusJun 28, 2012 07:52195681
2I think I give up, Ianus [435 words]saraJun 28, 2012 15:52195681
1More comments [2033 words]IanusJun 29, 2012 14:40195681
1more comment [2666 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 30, 2012 05:16195681
2"The greatest pogrom of the middle class in world history" [4596 words]IanusJul 1, 2012 10:40195681
We got it, Ianus. Now what? [106 words]saraJul 1, 2012 17:21195681
even more [4092 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJul 2, 2012 01:58195681
1Pro-truth - if I may say it so. [597 words]IanusJul 2, 2012 02:25195681
Fascism [124 words]mozereJul 2, 2012 04:37195681
Classification of immigration [184 words]mozereJul 2, 2012 06:56195681
1Predicatble response, Ianus [453 words]saraJul 2, 2012 17:07195681
2"There are more things in heaven and earth, Mozere, than are dreamt of in your Moslem philosophy." [114 words]IanusJul 2, 2012 17:29195681
1I don't want your future. [479 words]IanusJul 2, 2012 18:29195681
1The American Spring is needed much more than the Arab Spring [355 words]IanusJul 2, 2012 19:29195681
Disappoining response to GIK, Ianus [108 words]saraJul 2, 2012 19:32195681
1"The Western horde" [210 words]IanusJul 2, 2012 20:04195681
more information [613 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJul 2, 2012 22:11195681
4still going on [423 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJul 2, 2012 22:19195681
The world without America [38 words]AdilSep 20, 2014 17:50195681
1Go Bob! [221 words]Fred BaehrMay 18, 2012 00:32195675
1Spencer's book [153 words]Peter HerzMay 17, 2012 22:37195672
Sounds Fishy to a (semi-)Specialist [208 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AlexMay 17, 2012 16:42195667
3Leviathan [104 words]C kalotarisMay 17, 2012 14:07195663
3The patience of an Islamic spider [464 words]IanusMay 18, 2012 11:56195663
1But they won't listen [62 words]Mjolnir de JersiaiseMay 17, 2012 07:34195660
8Whether Muhammad Existed Or Not ... [1452 words]Jake NeumanMay 17, 2012 05:01195658
The attributes of God [242 words]Sigmund DermanMay 18, 2012 12:20195658
5Proof of Prophet Muhammad's presence. [932 words]Mahmood HussainMay 22, 2012 04:26195658
6The victims of islam [103 words]dhimmi no moreMay 24, 2012 07:34195658
3The victims of Arabian cultural imperialism [280 words]dhimmi no moreMay 25, 2012 07:39195658
2Why is the Koran the word of god? [20 words]Calatrava BanshariaMay 25, 2012 20:27195658
4"Produce a Suarh like it" [613 words]Lactantius JrMay 26, 2012 07:03195658
1004THE 10 MOST DIABOLICAL EVIL TEACHINGS IN ALL HUMAN HISTORY [2827 words]Jake NeumanMay 27, 2012 13:40195658
In response to Mr.Hugh Watt's questions about the mistakes in the Quran. [621 words]Mahmood HussainMay 31, 2012 03:25195658
Quranic disasters and the flat earth! [115 words]dhimmi no moreJun 1, 2012 12:37195658
1"Questions about mistakes in the Qur'an" [280 words]Lactantius JrJun 2, 2012 10:14195658
180% Muslims don't understand Quran! [27 words]Ibn IsmailJun 7, 2012 18:23195658
Biblical languages [239 words]Lactantius JrJun 9, 2012 15:48195658
no confusion [266 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 10, 2012 04:43195658
most likely god spoke..... [130 words]Ibn IsmailJun 10, 2012 06:17195658
3Ibn Ismail: Arabic Koran is a disaster for Allah and his religion [144 words]PlatoJun 10, 2012 06:18195658
1How right you are, Plato [128 words]saraJun 10, 2012 19:25195658
big difference [19 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanJun 11, 2012 01:12195658
1It's your call Ibn Ismail [1531 words]Lactantius JrJun 12, 2012 15:28195658
1Proving lies in the Quran? [120 words]AnnonymousOct 20, 2012 02:31195658
Truth [36 words]RandallApr 23, 2013 10:01195658
1Jake is an maron [176 words]athiestMay 5, 2013 03:21195658
death to terrorists [5 words]freethinkerAug 4, 2013 09:39195658
Impossible! [57 words]LeoAug 11, 2013 04:40195658
islam [193 words]Aran section88Oct 20, 2013 16:32195658
posted here [18 words]alexNov 4, 2013 07:10195658
OMG ! [36 words]Veronique st-DenisDec 25, 2013 04:33195658
torture [31 words]yousefJan 16, 2014 12:03195658
1So where's the BIblical Equivalent [17 words]effthatFeb 9, 2014 22:44195658
Don't judge ... [66 words]Majed S. AlanaziApr 12, 2014 22:30195658
Let's not twist Koranic verses [55 words]markApr 14, 2014 16:32195658
Light in darkness [148 words]OmarApr 16, 2014 16:19195658
MARK COMMENTS [578 words]Jake NeumanApr 17, 2014 01:28195658
Quraan is a guide. [104 words]Zoey parkerApr 23, 2014 04:14195658
1untrue. [150 words]Muslim GirlApr 25, 2014 15:33195658
Correct [6 words]CheeseApr 27, 2014 13:47195658
force imposed on people. [14 words]FRANCIS AKINYAMOJUApr 27, 2014 20:23195658
Why doesn't dear Muslima reply with facts. [77 words]PrashantApr 28, 2014 01:35195658
PEACE [170 words]alusineMay 15, 2014 15:15195658
When will we learn [55 words]The plumberJun 30, 2014 20:19195658
1Well done for this TRUTH! [14 words]Maimbolwa MuliwanaAug 3, 2014 13:34195658
Christians judging again [8 words]JgAug 6, 2014 22:29195658
1REPLY TO CANADA [85 words]Jake NeumanAug 9, 2014 00:50195658
The Truth [17 words]AdilAug 13, 2014 13:30195658
Reply tp Adil [24 words]Jake NeumanAug 15, 2014 01:46195658
why'd you drag the President of the United States into this? [37 words]kymAug 20, 2014 22:53195658
just like the king james bible [19 words]cleeAug 31, 2014 13:03195658
Just a few questions [28 words]AdilSep 8, 2014 14:23195658
I am a MUSLIM [4 words]AdilSep 8, 2014 16:14195658
1Quran and violence [171 words]AdilSep 8, 2014 16:18195658
And just a few answers [382 words]dhimmi no moreSep 10, 2014 17:43195658
Helping one more victim of Islam [87 words]dhimmi no moreSep 11, 2014 06:52195658
1I have a few questions for our dear Adil [355 words]dhimmi no moreSep 11, 2014 07:19195658
The Truth That Needs To Be Told [77 words]AnneMSep 11, 2014 09:53195658
True [5 words]sdjhbSep 15, 2014 14:57195658
What are you talking about [50 words]AyatSep 20, 2014 17:43195658
Islam [19 words]AdilSep 20, 2014 17:46195658
1Why I live in the U.S [16 words]AdilSep 20, 2014 17:47195658
1Yes why do you live in the US and not among the Wahhabis? [81 words]dhimmi no moreSep 21, 2014 08:06195658
1Remember: Silence is golden [242 words]dhimmi no moreSep 21, 2014 08:19195658
1Teaching Arabic to wannabe Arabs [645 words]dhimmi no moreSep 21, 2014 09:00195658
Reply [9 words]Adil PatelSep 22, 2014 16:49195658
Why [11 words]Adil PatelSep 22, 2014 16:52195658
Yes you are [17 words]Adil PatelSep 22, 2014 17:01195658
Yes you are [19 words]Adil PatelSep 22, 2014 17:04195658
What I would like you to call me [5 words]Adil PatelSep 22, 2014 18:30195658
Victims of the Arabs and Islamic imperialism [95 words]dhimmi no moreSep 23, 2014 07:46195658
1Self hate [31 words]dhimmi no moreSep 23, 2014 07:50195658
1Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [153 words]dhimmi no moreSep 23, 2014 08:23195658
You are wrong [69 words]Adil PatelSep 24, 2014 18:44195658
Actually.. [8 words]Adil PatelSep 24, 2014 18:48195658
Tell me.. [27 words]Adil PatelSep 24, 2014 18:52195658
Why don't you [32 words]Adil PatelSep 24, 2014 18:54195658
1Victims of the Arabs and Islamic imperialism [435 words]dhimmi no moreSep 26, 2014 08:02195658
1Muslims and logic! [124 words]dhimmi no moreSep 26, 2014 08:18195658
1The Qur'an says that Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [100 words]dhimmi no moreSep 26, 2014 08:23195658
Actually.. [21 words]AdilSep 28, 2014 19:04195658
Did he.... [78 words]AdilSep 28, 2014 19:15195658
Okay [44 words]AdilSep 28, 2014 19:22195658
1Our dear Adil and chasing his tail and Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [447 words]dhimmi no moreSep 30, 2014 13:03195658
1For the Nth time: The Qur'an says that Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [27 words]dhimmi no moreSep 30, 2014 13:06195658
1You will not find the name of Muhammad in the verse and how come you did not know that? [252 words]dhimmi no moreSep 30, 2014 13:12195658
The real meaning for forever... [18 words]AdilOct 2, 2014 13:40195658
Do you think I am a fool [39 words]AdilOct 2, 2014 18:55195658
You should.... [19 words]AdilOct 2, 2014 19:01195658
You know what? [39 words]AdilOct 2, 2014 20:01195658
1Ignorance again [128 words]dhimmi no moreOct 3, 2014 06:22195658
Well [66 words]AdilOct 3, 2014 12:49195658
The name Muhammad is implied.. [59 words]AdilOct 3, 2014 12:54195658
1Our dear Adil agrees that the Qur'an says that Islam is really the religion of the Arabs only [181 words]dhimmi no moreOct 5, 2014 18:05195658
2What a disaster Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [361 words]dhimmi no moreOct 8, 2014 15:38195658
1Islamic logic at its best [247 words]dhimmi no moreOct 8, 2014 15:46195658
Good well answer this, please [276 words]AdilOct 10, 2014 22:51195658
The Quran was revealed to Muhammad [78 words]AdilOct 11, 2014 12:54195658
Solid evidence.. [54 words]AdilOct 11, 2014 13:01195658
2Our dear Adil really has no answers [517 words]dhimmi no moreOct 12, 2014 08:01195658
2Tablighees and their bags of tricks! [258 words]dhimmi no moreOct 12, 2014 08:21195658
Allah revealed the Quran not Jesus [56 words]AdilOct 13, 2014 14:28195658
1How many people have read Quran seriously [66 words]PrashantOct 14, 2014 01:41195658
1Our dear Adil is saying that the Bible is not a corrupted book! I smell riots! [805 words]dhimmi no moreOct 14, 2014 08:21195658
Allah sent the Quran down to Muhammad [19 words]AdilOct 14, 2014 13:57195658
Why would you use a blog from a "scholar" who thinks he knows Islam? [125 words]AdilOct 15, 2014 16:01195658
1Islamic logic at its best and Quthm the prophet [403 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2014 08:17195658
2Lost in time and space [194 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2014 08:33195658
al-Qurtubi tells us that the prophet of islam real name is Quthm and what a disaster [107 words]dhimmi no moreOct 18, 2014 11:31195658
4Your worst enemy [172 words]dhimmi no moreOct 18, 2014 11:52195658
Oh, so you really think God came to Mary, shared a bed with her, and Jesus was born. Helping the foolish and misguided Christians who were dumb enough to believe a no body named Paul................. [17 words]AdilOct 19, 2014 15:33195658
Yes, I have checked your links and they are the opinions of people who think they know Islam.... [113 words]AdilOct 20, 2014 14:32195658
1Al-Wali wa al-Mawali and more evidence that Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [776 words]dhimmi no moreOct 22, 2014 17:53195658
The Qur'an says that Jesus must be Allah and no I'm not kidding [234 words]dhimmi no moreOct 23, 2014 17:05195658
2Allah has no difficulty with the Trinity! Read and laugh [258 words]dhimmi no moreOct 24, 2014 09:01195658
The Qur'an says that al-Da3wa and al-Tabligh are against Allah's grand plan [191 words]dhimmi no moreOct 25, 2014 11:44195658
Where does it say.... [28 words]AdilNov 4, 2014 19:44195658
Where does it say.......... [81 words]AdilNov 4, 2014 20:01195658
And we did not send a Messenger except with the language of his people to make clear............... [129 words]AdilNov 4, 2014 20:58195658
1For the Nth time: The Qur'an says that Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [419 words]dhimmi no moreNov 6, 2014 16:45195658
2You will not find ليجعلها واضحة as you seem to claim in Q14:4 [199 words]dhimmi no moreNov 7, 2014 07:51195658
Stop using unreliable resources [13 words]AdilNov 8, 2014 13:59195658
I still did not find it [18 words]AdilNov 9, 2014 17:14195658
But look, Allah is not a fool and he knows you kuffar are trying to accomplish [48 words]AdilNov 9, 2014 17:20195658
1The Qur'an says that al-Da3wa and al-Tabligh are against Allah's grand plan part two [366 words]dhimmi no moreNov 11, 2014 08:50195658
What the Quran says. [92 words]AdilNov 16, 2014 14:47195658
This is why Allah did not make everyone Muslim... [117 words]AdilNov 17, 2014 13:56195658
2When things do not work out for tablighees they change the subject [130 words]dhimmi no moreNov 18, 2014 10:10195658
1We kuffar can find the name of Lord Krishna in the Qur'an! That is what Mirza Ghulam said [93 words]dhimmi no moreNov 18, 2014 10:16195658
2Teaching Arabic to wannabe Arabs [382 words]dhimmi no moreNov 21, 2014 07:33195658
1Our dear Adil is editing the Qur'an astaghfirullah [242 words]dhimmi no moreNov 21, 2014 07:44195658
I still did not find........ [20 words]AdilNov 22, 2014 16:42195658
Whatever.... [47 words]AdilNov 26, 2014 13:13195658
1The Qur'an says that Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [188 words]dhimmi no moreNov 27, 2014 13:04195658
1The Ahmadees are regarded by the Arab Muslims as kuffar [464 words]dhimmi no moreNov 30, 2014 10:47195658
1Spot the mistake in Q5:69 and Q22:17 [660 words]dhimmi no moreNov 30, 2014 18:00195658
1The Qur'an says that Jesus is really the son of Allah [246 words]dhimmi no moreDec 1, 2014 08:51195658
Can you show me more please? [20 words]AdilDec 2, 2014 11:52195658
I know he exists. [17 words]AdilDec 2, 2014 11:54195658
I do not need....................................... [19 words]AdilDec 3, 2014 14:09195658
2I feel sorry for you [431 words]dhimmi no moreDec 3, 2014 17:10195658
1Islam does not make sense part one [168 words]dhimmi no moreDec 10, 2014 14:46195658
Knowledge is Power [20 words]G.I.Jan 8, 2015 07:27195658
Do you have any more information? [11 words]AdilFeb 3, 2015 10:21195658
I still do not know who this "Quthm" is. [8 words]AdilFeb 3, 2015 10:23195658
Well........ [295 words]AdilFeb 3, 2015 10:31195658
3The Qur'an says that Allah is the father of Jesus oh you do not believe me? read Q66:12 [292 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 4, 2015 09:08195658
More fatwat from dhimmi... [23 words]AdilFeb 12, 2015 15:47195658
1The Qur'an says that Jesus is really the son of Allah! [213 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 17, 2015 09:28195658
very poor understanding of wishdom of the devine Book [81 words]Sharif HamidMar 25, 2015 09:00195658
Traitors and the enemy within [312 words]dhimmi no moreApr 3, 2015 14:50195658
Well, you obviously do not know Arabic... [161 words]AdilApr 7, 2015 15:05195658
Stop that [10 words]NoApr 17, 2015 13:23195658
1The Pauls of Islam? Read and laugh [363 words]dhimmi no moreApr 21, 2015 07:58195658
what a shame [110 words]drewMay 16, 2015 18:49195658
The Holy Bible [66 words]JamesMay 26, 2015 15:31195658
Speak in a glass of religions in secret is not respected [121 words]EmadJun 11, 2015 10:57195658
Judging Islam [263 words]AnnonymousJun 23, 2015 17:30195658
All interpretations of 4:34 but the right one [326 words]PrashantJun 25, 2015 15:22195658
The veil of ignorance - a devil's disguise [58 words]With loveAug 1, 2015 12:40195658
Mind Christian Teachings [89 words]shaOct 7, 2015 02:31195658
Christians Faulty Claim [265 words]shaOct 7, 2015 02:37195658
ISIS steamrolling our heritage [60 words]Sujay Rao MandavilliOct 11, 2015 21:56195658
How do we tell them? [45 words]MichaelOct 20, 2015 13:47195658
Islam [6 words]AgathaNov 6, 2015 00:07195658
how do they know [82 words]waltNov 20, 2015 01:37195658
Is it not obvious [189 words]DmanDec 12, 2015 22:45195658
Item 5 [5 words]Carlos BorgesDec 31, 2015 11:02195658
False [49 words]bassem jamaleddineMar 13, 2016 16:39195658
How can I put this on Facebook, preferably pared down? [35 words]Linda StevensMar 19, 2016 09:40195658
mr neuman who is evil? and is the right path? [493 words]abdifatah abdilahi hanafMar 30, 2016 16:11195658
Islam [8 words]FrancisApr 14, 2016 02:27195658
Absolutely right [39 words]Daniel FarnsworthJun 18, 2016 21:03195658
Universal laws of Humanity-Hinduism [123 words]Jha, NavkantJul 1, 2016 09:18195658
cult following [23 words]bekkyJul 10, 2016 20:19195658
Couches of Human Skin? [686 words]HannahJul 14, 2016 11:04195658
comparison between christian bible & Quran [38 words]cesarJul 27, 2016 02:26195658
Response to the 10 most diabolical teachings in all human history [168 words]EwaJul 28, 2016 18:30195658
Allah [188 words]DENNIS DURKOPJul 28, 2016 19:13195658
Evil Teaching [67 words]Ismail TaibJul 30, 2016 23:23195658
Mans understanding is the problem not the scriptures [16 words]georgeAug 30, 2016 13:31195658
Qur'anic verse [18 words]Didymus ThomasSep 26, 2016 12:01195658
27answers to lies which you have posted about Prophet Muhammad(P.B.U.H) . [2737 words]haq ahmadOct 8, 2016 11:54195658
1So they say that Bible is worse than Quran [357 words]PrashantOct 9, 2016 02:05195658
ANSWER haq ahmad [306 words]jake NeumanOct 9, 2016 04:05195658
God bless you. [12 words]Delaine BoothOct 10, 2016 02:23195658
#2 is out of context read Quran 9:6 also [34 words]CunayNov 26, 2016 01:04195658
A manual of subjugation of alternate thought [70 words]PrashantNov 27, 2016 09:15195658
Get ready for the slaughter [32 words]talking cloudDec 1, 2016 08:20195658
The 11th diabolic teaching [158 words]I AM GABRIALApr 25, 2017 03:02195658
2Debate or diatribe? [258 words]G RuleApr 25, 2017 05:16195658
Unexpected. [24 words]Nayeem Md Lutful HuqMay 20, 2017 13:17195658
cgd-ogd prognosis [40 words]arthur buistMay 29, 2017 07:16195658
The Islam "god" and Islam people are evil [13 words]UnknownMay 30, 2017 23:59195658
Logical Conundrum [119 words]SudiptoJun 10, 2017 11:00195658
out of context [299 words]vicJun 20, 2017 10:35195658
Answer the Questions with Quranic proves [25 words]MicaJun 23, 2017 08:54195658
This is not good [11 words]offiong edetJul 2, 2017 07:01195658
Political correctness [32 words]Dissily MordentrogeNov 11, 2017 01:50195658
STOP DEFENDING THE LIES [38 words]NO NAMEMay 15, 2018 06:12195658
You just proved the difference between the two. [30 words]Norman LancasterJun 11, 2018 23:14195658
When will we learn [28 words]JamesNov 15, 2018 15:44195658
Weak defense and poor facts to claims [158 words]kingRalph JRMay 28, 2019 21:12195658
Hoist Islam On Its Own Pitard [9 words]ChrisJul 8, 2019 16:37195658
2The Character of Islamic Ideology [52 words]Prof. Paul EidelbergMay 17, 2012 03:18195656
Held by ... stories [139 words]batya daganMay 17, 2012 01:50195652
2New York - another sacred city of Islam [108 words]IanusMay 18, 2012 17:50195652
2"Early Islam" [6 words]steven lMay 16, 2012 22:30195649
1How about Holland? [125 words]John the DrunkardMay 16, 2012 18:41195644
4A priori Christian apologetic stance?! [190 words]SusanMay 17, 2012 02:14195644
All of us have a priori positions [153 words]Peter HerzMay 17, 2012 22:44195644
2Did you read the book our dear Drunkard [172 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2012 07:27195644
Try theology 101 [170 words]BartemausMay 22, 2012 08:11195644
1Religion's research,not the religious war [67 words]BenMay 24, 2012 07:09195644
Was there something covered? [220 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Ibrahim MirzayevMay 16, 2012 18:24195643
4The victims of Islam [580 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2012 06:57195643
About Saudis and coins [205 words]Ibrahim MirzayevMay 21, 2012 05:38195643
5The victims of the Arabs and their imperialism [647 words]dhimmi no moreMay 22, 2012 06:56195643
What about is our discussion? [274 words]Ibrahim MirzayevMay 23, 2012 04:13195643
5Islam and communism and their victims [1184 words]dhimmi no moreMay 24, 2012 07:23195643
A death of a muslim. Congrats [313 words]Ibrahim MirzayevMay 25, 2012 04:08195643
2More from our dear Ibrahim or is it Ibraham! [606 words]dhimmi no moreMay 25, 2012 18:12195643
1So did you read Robert Spencer's book our dear Ibrahim or is it Abraham? [224 words]dhimmi no moreMay 27, 2012 08:18195643
9The Sana'a Quran from c. 650 A.D. [331 words]IanusMay 16, 2012 18:08195642
1The Sana'a koran is still a Koran [95 words]BernardZMay 16, 2012 21:45195642
6Public secrets , Islamic "debates" and Mahomet's corpse in Medina [549 words]IanusMay 18, 2012 05:02195642
Earlier Korans [402 words]Sigmund DermanMay 18, 2012 11:44195642
5The Qur'an and Wansbrough: Quranic pericopes and logias v. the canonized copy of the Qur'an [2422 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2012 08:52195642
8The Qur'an and Wansbrough: Quranic pericopes and logias v. the canonized copy of the Qur'an part two [657 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2012 10:32195642
4The Qur'an and Wansbrough: Quranic pericopes and logias v. the canonized copy of the Qur'an part three [498 words]dhimmi no moreMay 21, 2012 07:46195642
3The Quran as a weapon in the battle of Siffin A.D. 657 [513 words]IanusMay 21, 2012 17:29195642
8Salvation history [743 words]dhimmi no moreMay 22, 2012 07:35195642
6Siffin revisited: The motif of the Qur'an impaled on lances and Noth's Quellenkrirtische [258 words]dhimmi no moreMay 23, 2012 18:16195642
1Too many negative things are contained in the traditional early history of Islam to reject it all as a fiction. [635 words]IanusJun 8, 2012 06:30195642
4Sebeos -a 7th century Armenian author - on Mahomet [1472 words]IanusJun 8, 2012 08:44195642
3The islamic historical tradition and what really happened v. salvation history [1644 words]dhimmi no moreJun 8, 2012 16:39195642
4Can the extant non islamic sources tell us about what really happened? the answer is no [2056 words]dhimmi no moreJun 8, 2012 18:12195642
Another masterfully done history lesson DNM! [138 words]saraJun 8, 2012 18:17195642
2The word al-Muhajiruun [341 words]dhimmi no moreJun 9, 2012 06:00195642
12Footnote: The Quranic al-kalam al-mukarrar and iltifat [749 words]dhimmi no moreJun 9, 2012 11:16195642
Muhajerun vs Mujahedeen [186 words]saraJun 9, 2012 17:14195642
1The Arab invaders in 633CE [508 words]dhimmi no moreJun 10, 2012 05:52195642
The root word of Hagar, and it seems that Ishmael was not part of the Covenant... [314 words]saraJun 10, 2012 19:53195642
2the word hagar [644 words]dhimmi no moreJun 11, 2012 15:25195642
Hagar and origin, thanks to Sara [152 words]DEBORAH THE JUDGEJun 16, 2012 15:27195642
2"The detestable doctrine of the beast, this is, Mohammed " - John of Nikiu , a 7th century Coptic author [499 words]IanusJun 17, 2012 15:59195642
5Can the extant non islamic sources tell us about what really happened? the answer is no and John of Nikiu [1676 words]dhimmi no moreJun 20, 2012 12:48195642
You have right to your opinion [25 words]DaudNov 26, 2012 12:32195642
1A Latin saying for all Mahometans to learn [115 words]IanusNov 27, 2012 01:02195642
Ishmael not part of the Covenant [191 words]Apostle AlfonzoOct 5, 2013 01:03195642
The root word of Hagar, and it seems that Ishmael was not part of the Covenant... [47 words]CNOct 19, 2013 06:52195642
Not true. [227 words]AdilSep 29, 2014 20:04195642
The big time Islamic idol aka al-hajar al-Aswad and Islamic paganism [755 words]dhimmi no moreOct 3, 2014 17:44195642
We cannot stand for this evil! [67 words]AdilOct 8, 2014 19:14195642
My proof... [13 words]AdilOct 10, 2014 23:05195642
Actually... [197 words]AdilOct 10, 2014 23:20195642
Islam is for all.. [118 words]AdilOct 11, 2014 12:36195642
2Guiding the perplexed and victims of Arabian imperialism [338 words]dhimmi no moreOct 12, 2014 08:34195642
2Victims of Islam and of Arabian imperialism [156 words]dhimmi no moreOct 12, 2014 09:59195642
Rules of fighting. [75 words]AdilOct 13, 2014 13:27195642
....That is why I pray for you [46 words]AdilOct 13, 2014 14:15195642
Look at what Allah says about Christians and Jews... [30 words]AdilOct 13, 2014 14:39195642
1Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [538 words]dhimmi no moreOct 14, 2014 08:46195642
I know how to read Quranic Arabic... [41 words]AdilOct 15, 2014 14:34195642
Our dear Adil admits that he is a tablighee aka Muslim missionary and as if we kuffar did not know [447 words]dhimmi no moreOct 16, 2014 07:19195642
1Islam is the religion of the Arabs only again [183 words]dhimmi no moreOct 16, 2014 16:20195642
1Grammatical mistakes in the Qur'an [228 words]dhimmi no moreOct 16, 2014 16:40195642
Islam is the religion of the Arabs only again [321 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2014 07:34195642
Actually.... [14 words]AdilOct 17, 2014 16:42195642
Interesting [109 words]AdilOct 17, 2014 16:51195642
No, asked him in English [140 words]AdilOct 18, 2014 11:28195642
1More grammatical mistakes in the Qur'an [108 words]dhimmi no moreOct 19, 2014 10:02195642
comment [83 words]NehaOct 19, 2014 12:21195642
1Mental health issues and the Islamic literary sources [431 words]dhimmi no moreOct 19, 2014 13:03195642
Hajj [16 words]AdilOct 22, 2014 13:26195642
1Muslims are real victims of their leaders and Mullahs and a certain book that shall remain unnamed [154 words]dhimmi no moreOct 22, 2014 18:00195642
1Interesting, so where in the Quran does it say that dawah is haram if it is done by a non-Arab? [269 words]AdilOct 23, 2014 12:29195642
2Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [1028 words]dhimmi no moreOct 25, 2014 08:48195642
1The word Haj and its etymology is from the word al-Hak or to rub as per al-Shahristani so was he a liar? [155 words]dhimmi no moreOct 25, 2014 09:16195642
3It is a literary disaster [401 words]dhimmi no moreOct 27, 2014 14:32195642
Well, it is time that you realize the truth......... [124 words]AdilOct 28, 2014 21:10195642
2When things do not work out for tablighees [345 words]dhimmi no moreOct 31, 2014 08:35195642
Actually, you are wrong........... [7 words]AdilNov 1, 2014 15:03195642
1Amr the Bee or is it Wasp [47 words]dhimmi no moreNov 2, 2014 08:26195642
So where....... [16 words]AdilNov 3, 2014 14:29195642
Stop repeating yourself [81 words]dhimmi no moreNov 4, 2014 07:46195642
Muhammad did not............................. [13 words]AdilNov 19, 2014 20:50195642
1Islam and gem time [123 words]dhimmi no moreNov 26, 2014 07:29195642
No they did not.... [7 words]AdilNov 30, 2014 14:56195642
Oh, well let us see what the Quran has to say about da'wah....... [17 words]Adil PatelJan 3, 2015 07:31195642
2Another Syriac hymn in the Qur'an! Q74:1 and Q74;2 [361 words]dhimmi no moreJan 10, 2015 09:36195642
Stand and warn [41 words]AdilJan 12, 2015 13:29195642
1Q74:31 is an interpolation! (Gasp!) [637 words]dhimmi no moreJan 17, 2015 10:15195642
Were is your evidence? [122 words]AdilJan 21, 2015 15:18195642
2The Qur'an is a corrupted book! My evidence? Q74:31 [925 words]dhimmi no moreJan 23, 2015 08:45195642
He was not mercy for ever and not even close [595 words]dhimmi no moreJan 23, 2015 14:01195642
1The Mufti of Egypt declares that members of al-Ahmadiyya, our dear Adil included, are Kuffar! What a disaster [155 words]dhimmi no moreJan 23, 2015 14:22195642
It is not an interpolation [89 words]AdilJan 28, 2015 15:53195642
Well, I understand you now.... [66 words]AdilJan 28, 2015 16:01195642
The evidence remains.... [45 words]AdilJan 28, 2015 16:05195642
Delusions! [205 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 1, 2015 07:48195642
The bogus al-Tawheed [123 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 1, 2015 08:37195642
Our dear Adil is saying that Mirza Ghulam was a liar! and I call this التقية [173 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 1, 2015 09:28195642
Allah was not created [8 words]AdilFeb 4, 2015 13:42195642
The Quran....... [14 words]AdilFeb 4, 2015 13:46195642
2The Qur'an says that God is one of and not one so who are the other Gods? [145 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 8, 2015 08:22195642
1The goat that ate the verse! [222 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 8, 2015 08:40195642
I can understand why you need evidence for this.... [61 words]AdilFeb 12, 2015 15:54195642
1More Bakhwas [253 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 17, 2015 09:36195642
So, tell me............ [46 words]AdilMar 1, 2015 14:59195642
Logic and our dear Adil do not mix [248 words]dhimmi no moreMar 3, 2015 07:40195642
I did not tell you I have any answers....... [64 words]AdilMar 9, 2015 13:35195642
So (mufti) dhimmi no more shows how little he knows about Islam.... [257 words]AdilMar 12, 2015 15:56195642
2Guiding the perplexed our dear Adil aka Ayat aka Adil patel [625 words]dhimmi no moreMar 16, 2015 07:52195642
2It is you that has to provide the evidence! [191 words]dhimmi no moreMar 16, 2015 08:02195642
More about Mirza Ghulam... [11 words]AdilMar 16, 2015 13:49195642
Allah created me... [9 words]AdilMar 16, 2015 13:52195642
2Our dear Adil is saying that he is the son of Allah! Astaghfirullah! [164 words]dhimmi no moreMar 17, 2015 08:26195642
Actually ..... [24 words]AdilMar 17, 2015 15:24195642
Go read.... [17 words]AdilMar 17, 2015 15:28195642
1Our dear Adil is saying that Mirza Ghulam was a liar! I smell a fatwa [350 words]dhimmi no moreMar 20, 2015 16:35195642
2The Qur'an says that the earth is flat! Oh Zaghloul el-Nagar? He is a big time نصاب [364 words]dhimmi no moreMar 20, 2015 17:01195642
Answer this for me...... [64 words]AdilMar 21, 2015 16:25195642
2Guiding the perplexed our dear Adil aka Ayat aka Adil patel [630 words]dhimmi no moreMar 26, 2015 07:20195642
Exposing the lies of the non-Muslims... [120 words]AdilMar 29, 2015 16:02195642
Exposing the lies of Muslims and those that live in the US and call the US evil! [701 words]dhimmi no moreApr 3, 2015 08:23195642
Kuffar surgeons are fixing Allah's poor creations in-utero [179 words]dhimmi no moreApr 3, 2015 15:26195642
1The Qur'an says that Jesus must be God! [358 words]dhimmi no moreApr 5, 2015 09:24195642
Your logic shocks me... [28 words]AdilApr 7, 2015 14:39195642
...But Allah is a perfect creator.... [70 words]AdilApr 7, 2015 15:12195642
Allah quoted... [35 words]AdilApr 7, 2015 15:21195642
1And your ignorance shocks me [136 words]dhimmi no moreApr 10, 2015 13:38195642
1Our dear Adil and his twists and turns [393 words]dhimmi no moreApr 10, 2015 14:00195642
The Qur'an is a corrupted book! You do not believe me? then read Q4:46 [434 words]dhimmi no moreApr 10, 2015 14:15195642
Your revered Mufasereen tell us that the word Dahaha in Q79:30 means he made the earth flat and this time Tafseer al-Jalalyain [427 words]dhimmi no moreApr 11, 2015 12:24195642
Not funny.. [71 words]AdilJul 12, 2015 17:42195642
1Our dear Adil calls the US evil and he still lives in the US! It must be the social benefits [552 words]dhimmi no moreJul 25, 2015 07:45195642
1You found it! [56 words]A very concerned readerApr 13, 2021 01:59195642
3Did Muhammad Exist? [109 words]Carl GoldbergMay 16, 2012 18:06195641
1facts or fiction [160 words]mythMay 17, 2012 11:35195641
Question about book [25 words]WmarkWJul 12, 2012 08:42195641
Question about book [26 words]saraJul 12, 2012 16:01195641
2Non-Arabic Quran? [189 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
WmarkWJul 12, 2012 17:35195641
You have no evidence that the Quran was revealed in Syriac... [16 words]AdilMar 16, 2015 13:46195641
1Syriac in the Qur'an! [159 words]dhimmi no moreApr 10, 2015 14:36195641
9Islam Needs Debunking For Peace [79 words]DaveMay 16, 2012 18:02195639
4Sense and Sensibility [69 words]PudentianaMay 16, 2012 17:51195638
1Hardly a solution [32 words]Gary ShowalterMay 16, 2012 17:48195637
1Terrorism [15 words]JustinDec 19, 2017 17:12195637

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