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Uncle Sam and Uncle Saud

Reader comment on item: Innocents Abroad Build Foreign Armies
in response to reader comment: As an American, I only wish...

Submitted by Ianus (Poland), Feb 22, 2013 at 07:15

Kepha Hor wrote :

> Ianus, you continue to think that the USA is the source of all evil and a scheming conspiratorial power--<

In the words of a famous scholar on the subject and an official in teh State Department

> Since the end of the Second World War, the United States of America has …

Attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, most of which were democratically-elected.[1]

Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.[2]

Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.[3]

Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.[4]

Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.[5]"

William Blum worked in the the Department of State himself and wrote : " Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II". A very sobering account of US foreign policy in action without any politically correct sweeteners.

" . But there is also another, even more sinister sort of activities the US is engaged big time in. It is the economic enslavement of the world through economic hit men as described by a former agent of this invisible empire in the making - John Perkins. His "Confessions of an economic hitman" are a candid exposition of how ruthlessly and cynically the US corporatocracy works to totally control the world's resources cost what it may. I could not read those things without a shudder of disgust . But to you they seem to be testimony of transparency, openness and glasnost of US foreign policy without the slightest hint of conspiracy ? How could anyone suspect any conspiratorial element in attempted overthrows of 50 governments ? Or do you try to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders by way of conspiracy ? Never ! Impossible ! ;)

> as well as continuing to believe that I am a Uighur, apparently, when the only language of the Sinosphere that I am comfortable with is Mandarin (汉语/普通话)--and a smattering of Hakka (客家语), which is also Sinitic rather than Turkic. The only words of Uighur that I know are "thank you" and "good bye". Apparently, a bare sympathy for the legitimate grievances that many religious believers across China have (and this includes Hui, who simply want more freedom to be Muslim within China, rather than separatism) seems to make you think me a Sharki Turkistan separatist.<

I once told you that for me whoever sides with Moslems against non-Moslems is the most despicable traitor and renegate, didn't I? What people like you are doing is repeating Tito's Yugoslavia's madness to serve a momentary agenda. Tito could easily put an end to Islam by sending all those Islamic Nazi collaborators, torturers and sympathizers and jihadists to where they had sent the Jews and Serbs during the Nazi occupation or at least out of the country. Instead he promoted Albanian autonomy in Kosovo and gave rights to Moslems in Bosnia. It ended with US/NATO aggression against Yugoslavia and Serbia and the creation of two aggressive Moslems states at the very heart of Europe by your country and an unspeakable tragedy for Christianity that has been exterminated in Kosovo.

So don't tell me about "the legitimate grievances that many religious believers and this includes Hui, who simply want more freedom to be Muslim within China, rather than separatism". We have been through this deception too many times to cherish any illusions. First Moslems have some problems (they always have and it is always non-Moslems that they blame). Then enters Uncle Sam and whines abort "human rights" , "freedom of religion" and "democracy". After him enters Uncle Saud and the Moslems get the necessary training, weapons and more propaganda to start a rebellion and when this is opposed Uncle Sam makes an outcry of "Muslim genocide" (the Sarajevo bombing, the Srebrenica incident) and immediately NATO planes bomb the kafirs and Moslems become again part of dar al-Islam and Uncle Saud is given free reins to set up another Wahhabistan. and this includes Hui, who simply want more freedom to be Muslim within China, rather than separatism and this includes Hui, who simply want more freedom to be Muslim within China, rather than separatism and this includes Hui, who simply want more freedom to be Muslim within China, rather than separatism)

> Being a teacher (English for Speakers of Other Languages, Chinese), I'm afraid you're right about the dumbing down of our country. However, you can lay that at the door of the pop Marxists in my profession<

Wrong! The deliberate dumbing down of America is part of the neoliberal project that started with Ronald Reagan and its main objective was to reverse the progressive social developments between 1945-1970-ies that posed a serious threat to the American class structure. By radically re-distributing wealth upwards, de-industrializing America (outsourcing etc.) and diminishing the middle and working class and flooding the country with illegal immigrants neoliberalism has restored the shattered class power which is now very rigidly concentrated in the States in very few hands. Part of the neo-libreakl counter-revolution was also the dumbing down of the population so that it could not understand what was going on. Before you can deprive people of their income and status what you need is to make sure they won't notice it. How by dumbing them down. This is what Charlotte Iserbyt , an insider in the Reagan administration confirms. But maybe you will tell me that Readan was a Marxist ?

> who even to this day, seem to believe that I am Jiang Jieshi's nephew or something simply because I don't speak of "Liberation" in 1949. And you should've seen the jaws drop in a seminar on minority language policies when I pointed out that the Chinese government's are, like any other overbearing regime's, done more to ease administration than to truly help rural poor folks in remote places.<

I can't hardly believe you feel so much concern for "rural folks in remote places". If America once imposes its will upon China , then those "rural folks in remote places" will praise communism as their golden age as it so happening now in Eastern Europe which thanks to your economic hit men and empire builders is a rapidly decaying and dying out region with poverty rates, inequalities and injustice never heard of between 1945-1989.

> As for our "applied chaos theory", I suspect that it is a symptom that sections of our policy community are waking up and recognizing the world for what it truly is, and calling for a little more caution rather than misplaced enthusiasm for international institutions.<

No, it a weapon to hit China with. After all the global struggle for hegemony is between the US and China. Many things which seem erratic, unexplained and irrational become suddenly understandable , methodical, rational when you look at them from the perspective of the Sino-American struggle for global hegemony.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (27) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Babes in the woods......... [60 words]Kenneth Duke MastersMar 8, 2013 14:38204126
naive policy [30 words]Fred SchwartzFeb 15, 2013 17:36203538
7More on Major Nidal [123 words]Mark WerfelFeb 14, 2013 08:30203496
The plan all along [188 words]DEBORAH THE JUDGEFeb 13, 2013 18:45203471
1Innocents Abroad Build Foreign Armies [12 words]SOLFeb 13, 2013 10:32203450
Ben Franklin was the last... [151 words]DmitryFeb 13, 2013 09:59203449
Mark Twain Nodding In Agreement. [40 words]Charles GriffithFeb 13, 2013 04:30203442
1Corporate profits from training [65 words]Richard WeissmanFeb 12, 2013 22:59203434
TRAINING YOUR ENEMIES [122 words]JACQUES HADIDAFeb 14, 2013 19:48203434
12Tell me, who is surprised? [277 words]Mark WerfelFeb 12, 2013 20:17203432
2Fundamentalist Islam as America's strategic ally [142 words]IanusFeb 14, 2013 02:38203432
2The War on Terror [29 words]Howard MarksFeb 14, 2013 21:56203432
4Do Allies Cheat or Kill Friends? [419 words]Mark WerfelFeb 15, 2013 00:08203432
2"Who can we trust, in the end? Who is telling us the truth?" - Two most fundamental questions [236 words]IanusFeb 16, 2013 05:08203432
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And we PAY these people [25 words]EthanPFeb 12, 2013 19:33203430
3No insanity , a method [149 words]IanusFeb 14, 2013 03:21203430
Don't forget Iraq, Dr. Pipes. [88 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
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That's only half the story [65 words]BJFeb 13, 2013 20:38203404
1The Soviets were not the same. [141 words]IanusFeb 14, 2013 02:51203404
2Here's why America doesn't create stability [260 words]Kepha HorFeb 17, 2013 09:01203404
3Chaos as the new US strategy and "Reflections on the overthrow of communism" [414 words]IanusFeb 18, 2013 08:04203404
As an American, I only wish... [262 words]Kepha HorFeb 20, 2013 21:13203404
To Ianus on America and Chaos theory [567 words]Peter HerzFeb 20, 2013 21:47203404
2Uncle Sam and Uncle Saud [1147 words]IanusFeb 22, 2013 07:15203404
2The apostle of chaos [2666 words]IanusFeb 24, 2013 15:42203404
4policing home and abroad [91 words]mythFeb 11, 2013 11:11203402

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