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And you ponder this: The Islamic historical tradition is the biggest literary fraud in the history of mankind

Reader comment on item: Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran
in response to reader comment: Read and ponder

Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Mar 19, 2014 at 17:39

Our dear GoD who is fond of quoting "corrupted" books to prove a point does that make sense our dear GoD?

84:6 as they pass through the Valley of Baca [Makkah], they make it a place of springs[spring of

So as I proved to you so far that the word in the verse is Baka or weep which is the same word as in Arabic and Syriac and Hebrew and how come you did not know that?

But the ultimate fraud here is that the Arabic word Baka is

Ba Kaf alif Maksura

Your Allah's Bakka is

Ba Kaf then ANOTHER Kaf followed by a Ta Marbouta

Big difference

This is like your bogus claim that the word Adna in Q30:1 means lowest

Why the lies and ignorance?

But I challenge the person that is feeding you this nonsese to post here and defend his bogus claims and his lies Deal?

Zamzam] the autumn rain covers it with pools.

Your Islamic sources tell us that there was only one Beer Zamzam your claim is bogus

As for Bakka or it is Mecca the fables about this city are no more than the product of the fraudulent Islamic historical tradition written not by Arabs but by Persians in the third century after the death of your so called prophet and I challenge you to find any Extant literary evidenence including

1. Coins

2. Papyri

3. Ostraca

4. Epigraphy

5. Monuments

That can be dated prior to 633 CE and was found in the Hijaz when your masters the Arabs invaded the Middle East and beyond

You will find nothing not a thing

Oh you do not believe me? Here is Robert Hoyland's book where he collected all the EXTANT literary sources that pre-date Islam and were found in the Hijaz and let me help you: IT IS BIG TIME ZERO

And the book is: Arabia and the Arabs from the Bronze Age to the coming of Islam


You will find ZERO nothing not a thing which means that your Ulama were a bunch of liars

As for Mecca Patricia Crone demolished the bogus claim by the Islamic historical tradition about Mecca being a center of trade and wealth and that what Mecca was a miserable place in the middle of the hot and barren Hijazi desert and there were no caravans or trade or anything and what the people of Mecca do was local trading and not long distance trading and it was a poor and miserable place and here read this


Crone was able to demolish the lies of the islamic historical tradition about Bakka aka Mecca

The only surprising thing is tablighees like you did not catch on Ptolemy's mentioning of a certain Macoraba and that this must be Meacca! Let me help you it ain't

And do you know why? Becuase tablighees like you and not serious students of history and are only fond of making fools of themselves

Or Pliny's Dabanegoris Regio ir really Dhu Bani Quraish! Let me help you it ain't

As for your so called prophet if he existed then he must have lived far north and never set foot on this bogus Mecca aka Bakka

Now does your Allah come down every Friday and rides a donkey as we are told by your glorious Ulama? and if then we can do lunch with him and see what does the word Baka mean? Oh I forgot that your Allah is an Arab who does not know any Hebrew or Syriac

Why the ignorance you tell me


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

Reader comments (231) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Yes, Jerusalem is in the Koran [8 words]comprendrelecoranApr 16, 2018 10:40242773
Our dear comprendrelecoran: No القدس or even أورشليم in mentioned in the Qur'an! Oh the Arabic? you can ask your Mullah to translate it for you! [251 words]dhimmi no moreApr 16, 2018 17:28242773
Our dear comprendrelecoran must be reading the shameful translation of Sahih International! Right our dear comprendrelecoran [99 words]dhimmi no moreApr 17, 2018 08:59242773
comments 242776 [48 words]comprendrelecoranApr 17, 2018 11:35242773
1Our comprendrelecoran: Abd al-Malik, al-Masjid al-Aqsa and Syro-Arabic Christianity [330 words]dhimmi no moreApr 18, 2018 17:04242773
Answers ! [348 words]comprendrelecoranJul 25, 2020 03:48242773
comprendrelecoran: and al-Masjid al-Aqsa inscriptions revisited [412 words]dhimmi no moreJul 26, 2020 06:42242773
Answer [319 words]Comprendre le CoranJul 30, 2020 02:04242773
Our dear Comprendre le Coran is chasing his tail! Truly pathetic [310 words]dhimmi no moreJul 31, 2020 06:23242773
Answer [265 words]Comprendre le coranJul 31, 2020 13:08242773
Our dear Comprendre le Coran is chasing his tail! Truly pathetic Part 2 [123 words]dhimmi no moreAug 2, 2020 07:45242773
Our dear Comprendre le Coran is chasing his tail! Truly pathetic part 3 [470 words]dhimmi no moreAug 2, 2020 08:05242773
Answer [46 words]ComprendrelecoranAug 3, 2020 12:07242773
Answer [14 words]ComprendrelecoranAug 3, 2020 12:12242773
Our dear Comprendre le Coran: You proved my point [56 words]dhimmi no moreAug 4, 2020 16:53242773
Our dear Comprendre le Coran: Your command of Arabic is big zero [228 words]dhimmi no moreAug 4, 2020 17:19242773
Our dear Comprendre le Coran and exposing tablighee lies: Mecca, Becca and other sordid matters [850 words]dhimmi no moreAug 4, 2020 19:30242773
Our dear Coprendre le Coran and Bakka/Jerusalem and Exposing tablighee scams! [284 words]dhimmi no moreAug 5, 2020 06:59242773
Answer [16 words]ComprendrelecoranAug 5, 2020 16:19242773
Answer Bakka [108 words]ComprendrelecoranAug 5, 2020 16:36242773
Our dear Comprendre le Coran and the mother of all tablighee scams: The Qur'an tells us about the big bang theory! Seriously? [67 words]dhimmi no moreAug 6, 2020 08:03242773
Answer [30 words]ComprendrelecoranAug 6, 2020 16:11242773
Our dear Comprendre le Coran and exposing tablighee lies: Mecca, Becca and other sordid matters part 2 [66 words]dhimmi no moreAug 6, 2020 17:23242773
Our dear Comprendre le Coran is chasing his tail! Truly pathetic part 4 [364 words]dhimmi no moreAug 6, 2020 17:59242773
Regarding the Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran #2 [86 words]ChuckApr 14, 2016 04:57228956
Regarding the Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [35 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
ChuckApr 14, 2016 04:47228955
My 2 cents for finding the "city of Mecca" in the Koran [8 words]Alain Jean-MairetMar 11, 2014 00:58213727
1Read and ponder [163 words]Guardian of DeenMar 14, 2014 23:00213727
Done [154 words]Alain Jean-MairewtMar 17, 2014 02:37213727
4Did he have a cold and this is why is it Bakka and not Mecca? [279 words]dhimmi no moreMar 17, 2014 17:45213727
Never quote a corrupted book to prove a point again [104 words]dhimmi no moreMar 17, 2014 20:19213727
3Exposing lies and ignorance and the word Baka in Arabic and Syriac and Hebrew really means to weep [573 words]dhimmi no moreMar 18, 2014 17:37213727
1Exposing blatant ignorance [251 words]dhimmi no moreMar 19, 2014 07:47213727
2And you ponder this: The Islamic historical tradition is the biggest literary fraud in the history of mankind [594 words]dhimmi no moreMar 19, 2014 17:39213727
And here is the Arabic translation of the word Baka in Psalm 84:6 or مزمور ٨٤:٦ [194 words]dhimmi no moreMar 22, 2014 11:54213727
if it doesn't mean weep what does Bakka mean [12 words]WarrenOct 29, 2014 23:15213727
Not only the Holy Quran stands but also the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad [19 words]Guardian of DeenFeb 24, 2014 19:14213417
2Our dear GoD is saying that the word al-Quds is no where to be found in the Qur'an! [113 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 28, 2014 08:00213417
The Temple Vs Al-Aqsa Masjid [108 words]Guardian of DeenMar 5, 2014 09:14213417
1Mangled Arabic by our dear GoD [113 words]dhimmi no moreMar 9, 2014 11:42213417
Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the first 5 Books of Moses [20 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Guardian of DeenFeb 23, 2014 14:07213378
2Never quote a "corrupted" book to prove a point! [190 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 24, 2014 08:44213378
8The Qur'an is a corrupted book oh my evidence? read and laugh [465 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 26, 2014 17:40213378
a verse with a Miracle [60 words]Guardian of DeenFeb 27, 2014 20:39213378
The Torah a Corrupt book [51 words]Guardian of DeenFeb 27, 2014 20:45213378
2Our dear GoD is editing the Qur'an what a disaster [228 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 28, 2014 23:34213378
2Guiding the perplexed and why never quote a corrupted book to prove a point [354 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 28, 2014 23:51213378
The Scripture and Dhamim [100 words]Guardian of DeenMar 5, 2014 09:20213378
1Never quote a corrupted book to prove a point [714 words]dhimmi no moreMar 10, 2014 08:56213378
The Qur'an is a corrupted book oh my evidence? read and laugh [68 words]williamOct 8, 2015 12:42213378
Lost tablighees [286 words]dhimmi no moreOct 9, 2015 14:07213378
4Jihad aka holy war aka al-harb al-muqadassa in the Qur'an [446 words]dhimmi no moreOct 24, 2010 07:51179591
Very funny this offer 1 milion [75 words]JosephDec 2, 2009 19:36165322
3Third Holiest Place was in India? [46 words]WawiOct 5, 2009 11:53162635
1Muslims don't accept the realty [45 words]AntonyDec 15, 2010 02:28162635
3Can i have my million dollars now? [43 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
BobSep 30, 2009 18:43162391
2Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [535 words]Clyde NassifJul 29, 2009 10:23159405
3Logical fallacy [42 words]MaryAug 16, 2010 19:22159405
1: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [94 words]Clyde NassifAug 17, 2010 19:50159405
7McDonalds vs. a Mosque?? Funny! [657 words]saraAug 17, 2010 20:01159405
4You will not find the name of Jerusalem in the Qur'an and arguement from Macdonald's [314 words]dhimmi no moreAug 18, 2010 07:28159405
$1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [20 words]Clyde NassifAug 18, 2010 19:05159405
$1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [35 words]Clyde NassifAug 18, 2010 19:16159405
2Islamic delusions [69 words]dhimmi no moreAug 22, 2010 17:53159405
2More ignorance from our dear Clyde [72 words]dhimmi no moreAug 22, 2010 17:58159405
Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [16 words]Clyde NassifAug 22, 2010 23:24159405
2Our dear Clyde is back for more [57 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2010 18:18159405
1You need to stick to urdu our dear Clyde al-tablighee [1400 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2010 19:20159405
1This is from your kutub al-turath al-islami! Oh the Arabic? may be you can consult with your Mullah [69 words]dhimmi no moreAug 23, 2010 19:31159405
$1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [102 words]Clyde NassifAug 24, 2010 20:36159405
$1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [28 words]Clyde NassifAug 24, 2010 20:41159405
2Our dear Clyde al-tablighee is back for much more [111 words]dhimmi no moreAug 24, 2010 20:51159405
2More drivel from our dear Clyde [187 words]dhimmi no moreAug 24, 2010 20:55159405
Propehets miraculous trip to Jerusalem [82 words]RajeevAug 24, 2010 23:53159405
1The logical fallacy continues... [231 words]MarySep 3, 2010 14:17159405
$1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [291 words]Clyde NassifSep 3, 2010 19:13159405
10No, You are wrong about the history! [240 words]saraSep 5, 2010 18:35159405
2al-Tabari had no clue what is really al-masjad al-aqsa or al-masjad al-haram and you think that you know? You must be kidding [859 words]dhimmi no moreSep 6, 2010 07:10159405
$1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [138 words]Clyde NassifSep 8, 2010 19:00159405
1Part deux: al-Tabari had no clue what is really al-masjad al-aqsa or al-masjad al-haram and you think that you know? You must be kidding [339 words]dhimmi no moreSep 10, 2010 16:07159405
$1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [75 words]Clyde NassifSep 12, 2010 10:12159405
Part trois: al-Tabari had no clue what is really al-masjad al-aqsa or al-masjad al-haram and you think that you know? You must be kidding [173 words]dhimmi no moreSep 13, 2010 06:41159405
$1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [203 words]Clyde NassifSep 20, 2010 19:22159405
2The argument from the Golden Arches and al-Tabari had no clue what is really al-masjad al-aqsa or al-masjad al-haram and you think that you know? You must be kidding [851 words]dhimmi no moreSep 22, 2010 07:19159405
1dhimmi no more [82 words]Clyde NassifSep 22, 2010 18:36159405
4Our dear Clyde and logic Islamic style [121 words]dhimmi no moreSep 23, 2010 06:53159405
Wars Of Opinions And Of Each Written Word [456 words]D.K.Milgrim-HeathSep 23, 2010 10:04159405
$1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [51 words]Clyde NassifSep 23, 2010 19:37159405
3Islamic ignorance [351 words]dhimmi no moreSep 25, 2010 06:40159405
3More islamic delusions and what does the number of christians in Lebanon have to do with the fact that you will not find the name of Jerusalem in the Qur'an? [281 words]dhimmi no moreSep 25, 2010 09:48159405
Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [68 words]Clyde nassifSep 25, 2010 20:18159405
Third holy site or political expediency? [245 words]RajeevSep 25, 2010 21:46159405
1Our dear Clyde has nothing to say [196 words]dhimmi no moreSep 26, 2010 07:33159405
dhimmi no more [46 words]Clyde NassifSep 27, 2010 07:29159405
Rajeev [180 words]Clyde NassifSep 27, 2010 07:44159405
2Our dear Clyde has nothing to say part deux [89 words]dhimmi no moreSep 27, 2010 18:44159405
Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [54 words]Clyde NassifSep 28, 2010 20:32159405
2More Islamic I mean Episcopalian delusions by our dear clyde [201 words]dhimmi no moreOct 2, 2010 06:48159405
Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [35 words]Clyde NassifOct 2, 2010 23:13159405
2More Islamic I mean Episcopalian delusions by our dear clyde part deux [99 words]dhimmi no moreOct 4, 2010 06:52159405
Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [31 words]Clyde NassifOct 4, 2010 21:09159405
More Islamic I mean Episcopalian delusions by our dear clyde part deux [69 words]Clyde NassifOct 5, 2010 19:11159405
1Our dear Clyde has nothing to say part trois [136 words]dhimmi no moreOct 6, 2010 06:44159405
4Gem time and al-Episcopalian al-kabeer! [931 words]dhimmi no moreOct 7, 2010 07:03159405
Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [137 words]Clyde NassifOct 7, 2010 21:47159405
How come Abd al-Malik the one that built al-masjad al-aqsa had no clue that such building has anything to do with Q17:1 [377 words]dhimmi no moreOct 9, 2010 07:05159405
1They called themselves Syrians and not Lebanese [225 words]dhimmi no moreOct 10, 2010 07:35159405
Our dear Clyde: How come Abd al-malik that built that mosque did not tell: Oh this is the site of the Quranic 17:1 any guesses? [159 words]dhimmi no moreOct 10, 2010 07:44159405
Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [164 words]Clyde NassifOct 10, 2010 21:00159405
2More Islamic delusions [464 words]dhimmi no moreOct 12, 2010 07:44159405
proof [67 words]Clyde NassifOct 12, 2010 19:47159405
2Muslim delusions [719 words]dhimmi no moreOct 14, 2010 07:18159405
Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [113 words]ClydeOct 7, 2011 00:04159405
4Another victim of Arabian imperialism [236 words]dhimmi no moreOct 8, 2011 08:33159405
Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [21 words]CNOct 10, 2011 19:07159405
5Another victim of Arabian imperialism [293 words]dhimmi no moreOct 15, 2011 09:31159405
2So where can we find any mention about al-Quds in the Qur'an a book that says that islam is the religion of the arabs only [34 words]dhimmi no moreOct 15, 2011 09:35159405
1Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [58 words]CNOct 15, 2011 22:27159405
Offer: $1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Koran [51 words]CNOct 15, 2011 22:36159405
3Another victim of Arabian imperialism [301 words]dhimmi no moreOct 20, 2011 08:03159405
2Our CN is saying that we kuffar will not find the name al-Quds in the Qur'an right our dear Clyde? [230 words]dhimmi no moreOct 20, 2011 08:14159405
2al-komidyya al-islamiyya goes on and on [54 words]dhimmi no moreOct 20, 2011 08:18159405
1Anyone can play that game. [22 words]MarkJul 2, 2009 04:12158366
Actually not even in the Bible [37 words]BobSep 30, 2009 19:19158366
1Check again. [44 words]HomeworkOct 24, 2009 05:12158366
1My misguided brother . [139 words]ShahidDec 20, 2009 15:08158366
Accuracy of translation [70 words]FredApr 25, 2011 00:07158366
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! [153 words]Socialist JewMay 17, 2009 20:45155657
democracy, divine will, what does it matter? [42 words]Kevin W BoydAug 23, 2009 19:34155657
1Give me my 1 million dollars! [16 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
I have found a quote IN THE KORAN!Feb 12, 2009 19:01150344
1"Farthest place" [45 words]MaryAug 16, 2010 19:25150344
It is mentioned! [133 words]BobJan 11, 2009 17:50147775
1"its mentioned" where???? [37 words]scottFeb 5, 2009 01:39147775
3Builder of jerusalem [81 words]SrulSep 9, 2009 17:13147775
Where do you live so I can collect [40 words]Peter HallOct 31, 2012 06:53147775
1Muslims have nothing to do with Jerusalem [70 words]MichaelAug 6, 2008 22:02136382
better watch dreams... [81 words]Follower of jesusMay 24, 2009 08:36136382
1Muslims are in a fantasy world. [191 words]AntonyDec 15, 2010 02:14136382
Jerusalem is the second holiest place in Islam, not the third. [162 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
IssamSep 15, 2007 04:53108908
Reply to Mr. Daniel Pipes [337 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
IssamSep 16, 2007 03:36108908
Jerusalem [135 words]IssamSep 23, 2007 15:12108908
Heaven. [150 words]IssamSep 24, 2007 17:56108908
1Israel has always belonged to the Jews- Issam. [467 words]YnnatchkahFeb 6, 2008 18:01108908
To Ynnatchkah [96 words]IssamFeb 7, 2008 18:30108908
1No Proof at all- But Bogus. [304 words]YnnatchkahFeb 8, 2008 22:48108908
To Ynnatchkah [596 words]IssamFeb 16, 2008 09:23108908
1Al Taqyia on muhamad. [349 words]YnnatchkahFeb 19, 2008 14:43108908
1I tottaly agree with Ynnatchkah [191 words]GeorgeNov 29, 2008 03:59108908
Did you know Mr Issam [119 words]GeorgeNov 29, 2008 05:21108908
1Ynnatchkah - You should read your book more carefully! [84 words]SaffySafDec 1, 2008 07:02108908
1No evidence of Jews? You have to be kidding. [65 words]MeeTooJan 9, 2009 09:46108908
Adna el ard means the lowest not the closest [36 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
BobSep 30, 2009 19:14108908
Great job! [11 words]BobSep 30, 2009 19:17108908
Bible [12 words]AntonyDec 15, 2010 02:23108908
Nice try, "Anthony"...Pure Koran... [59 words]YnnatchkahDec 15, 2010 20:30108908
Palestinian [31 words]MandyJun 11, 2013 06:08108908
1jerusalem never islamic [113 words]Phil GreendMay 28, 2007 01:0394988
Wow. Huge dissagreement. [363 words]AnnaDec 15, 2007 00:1994988
2FACTS, not opinions! [48 words]johnnyJan 3, 2007 14:2071546
Jerusalem in Koran [190 words]Raqib Ahmed AsifSep 19, 2006 05:4556438
1Muslim patience running out [373 words]Humble infidelJan 10, 2007 19:2756438
In Reply To Humble Infidel [69 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 12, 2007 03:2556438
2MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING [209 words]alhagieDec 7, 2007 15:1256438
1A rare example of honesty and truth !!! [149 words]JaladhiFeb 7, 2008 10:4956438
Are you kidding? [214 words]IslamoscepticMar 30, 2008 13:3056438
1Jerusalem in Koran by reader [272 words]IFRAHIMDec 20, 2008 21:4256438
TRY TO CREATE A CHAPTER LIKE THE QURAN [111 words]SHAMAug 26, 2009 12:2256438
ABOUT (Iliya, Al-Quds, Bayt al-Maqdis), [117 words]ALIApr 24, 2006 14:4544025
Pointless challenge [179 words]Taj AshaheedApr 3, 2006 17:2042257
12000 year old "Dead Sea Scroll", written in Arabic [46 words]M. LevyMay 25, 2006 22:5742257
2Missing the point [106 words]YDec 24, 2006 04:4442257
Jerusalem is mentioned in 8:127 [33 words]IssamSep 15, 2007 05:0542257
Jerusalem is spiritually important in Islam [85 words]IssamSep 15, 2007 08:1442257
answer of the question [15 words]zibaApr 3, 2006 01:4042190
The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem [17 words]ajmJan 9, 2006 07:2131326
1Al-aqsa mosque is Quran [209 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AliJan 8, 2006 02:4631259
1Al-aqsa mosque is Quran" (sic) [240 words]LactantiusJan 9, 2006 04:3531259
1The Al-aqsa mosque mentioned in the Quran could not be in Jerusalem... [99 words]yusufJan 9, 2006 09:0131259
yusuf, reality check, please? [16 words]Omar KajJan 10, 2007 18:2731259
AL-AQSA / PALESTINE IN THE QURAN [96 words]ADAMApr 4, 2007 18:4631259
w/response from Daniel Pipes
ADAM MUSTAFAApr 6, 2007 13:0731259
Any place of worship is called a mosque. [94 words]IssamSep 15, 2007 05:1231259
aqsa [16 words]MohandezMay 10, 2008 22:5631259
koran shows importance of jerusalam [22 words]dr johnJul 19, 2008 14:4631259
Masjid al Aqsa [22 words]MakAug 18, 2008 10:2631259
correction! [28 words]YoussefSep 22, 2015 10:5631259
1The Qur'an is a corrupted book My evidence? From the Qur'an [278 words]dhimmi no moreSep 25, 2015 08:5531259
Tuba-Zangariyye (2011): Arab burning of Mosque - in order to pin it on Jews [4081 words]FaridJan 4, 2022 15:4531259
4"Jerusalem's not there and never was Muhammad" [655 words]LactantiusJan 6, 2006 08:5631175
Jerusalem [16 words]Bernardo RJan 6, 2006 17:5431175
Very informative post [17 words]MiltonJan 6, 2006 23:1931175
first mosque [138 words]SulamanJan 8, 2006 03:3831175
1Where was the "farthest mosque"? [143 words]Kevin SnappJan 8, 2006 20:2331175
the furthest mosque [15 words]marialJan 8, 2006 23:5431175
Neatly done, Lactantius [19 words]EarlJan 9, 2006 10:1531175
But what about---? [186 words]john w. mcginleyJan 29, 2006 19:2431175
Do some real research [73 words]dFeb 8, 2006 20:5631175
Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa [318 words]DavidMar 19, 2006 12:1531175
2What about 3:96 of the Holy Quran? [314 words]Mohideen IbramshaJun 23, 2006 07:0731175
ALLAH IS LOVE [29 words]LARRY CLEMONSQSep 12, 2006 09:0031175
d, thank you [4 words]Omar KajJan 10, 2007 11:0531175
the prophet did go on miraj [29 words]subhanMay 5, 2007 11:2731175
It's so easy [42 words]MishaJan 1, 2008 17:3631175
ok [9 words]jodieFeb 6, 2008 12:1831175
Jesus not in OT, but why does that mater? [53 words]JackMay 14, 2008 19:2631175
About Quran [16 words]Abdul SHahFeb 27, 2020 09:2631175
Our dear Abdul SHah, Allah, Arabic and Urdu! [96 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 28, 2020 06:2231175
DNM is right about q14:4 [76 words]PrashantFeb 28, 2020 20:1731175
$1 million for Finding "Jerusalem" in the Torah [14 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
NabeelJan 6, 2006 08:0331174
Find me the name "Jesus" in the OT [32 words]RobertJan 30, 2006 14:3231174
find jesus' name in the old testement [220 words]countenayMar 7, 2007 18:4331174
To those who are true to the true faith of Israel [79 words]Seamus MacNemiJun 12, 2007 18:0731174
1'Jerusalem' is written 767 times in the Bible... [27 words]AshleyMay 1, 2010 02:3631174
1Jerusalem in the Scriptures [33 words]UgriMay 2, 2010 01:2131174
What's the Point? [39 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
JohnJan 5, 2006 11:5231106
"Palestine" is also not in the Quran.. [38 words]YosephJan 6, 2006 12:3931106
12Origin of the name "Palestine" [613 words]LactantiusJan 9, 2006 07:2231106
unity, belief & propaganda [57 words]mohammad yaqoub gowonSep 22, 2006 10:0631106
PALESTINE [43 words]ADNANAug 29, 2007 21:5131106
1Yousef is wrong - Palestine IS mentioned in the Quran [21 words]SaffysafDec 1, 2008 06:5531106
1reply to yoseph [21 words]mohammadJun 5, 2009 19:3031106
Palestine [72 words]acespotApr 23, 2013 17:5731106
Finding the unicorn [106 words]IanusJan 5, 2006 10:5331101
Israel in the Koran. [456 words]GenivaldJan 4, 2006 22:2131070
2ISLAM APOCALYPSE CRITICISM BY NON-MUSLIM'S [393 words]IfrahimDec 16, 2008 20:5831070
1I dont understand what is the qustion. [19 words]HendrixJun 3, 2010 09:1231070
1There is no jerusalem in the koran! [47 words]BobJun 3, 2010 11:3331070
Quran as a history reference and prophecy. [626 words]johorvillageboyNov 13, 2010 17:2731070
Find & Replace All [14 words]lemmyJan 4, 2006 20:3231065

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