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Reply to Lisa

Reader comment on item: Converts to Terrorism

Submitted by faqi hussain (United States), Dec 10, 2005 at 20:56

Lisa, I gave you a detailed answer on November 8th post. I do not want to waste time on individuals like Ed. Everyone in the West is free to think what ever they want.

I might add, like most Muslims, we all have been victims of intellectual dishonesty. Islamic teachers and scholars in Muslim countries never indulge or impart any other knowledge beside Islam. Even when we come to the west the community hover around and the Imams are unwilling to expose anyone to the full picture outside of Islam. All they are good at is in glorifying Islam as against other ideologies and religions.

But anyone with an open mind will wonder why after 1400 years of Islam there is nothing to show. NO intellectuals, authors, scientists, painters , sculptors -- nothing . Its empty of the beauty of life. Its a death cult.


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Reader comments (93) on this item

Filter by date, name, title:
Title Commenter Date Thread
1Oh my God! [222 words]A.P.Jun 2, 2009 18:51156584
Witchhunt for terrorist [453 words]BilalJun 14, 2006 23:1047694
terrorism [76 words]sgpalMar 15, 2006 08:3940254
To No Dhimmi [115 words]AmiraJan 2, 2006 19:1430945
Reply to Amira [16 words]No DhimmiJan 4, 2006 19:2730945
ignorant fools-Ignorance is not bliss! [381 words]sgpalMar 16, 2006 07:1330945
Converts take on larger roles in Militant Islam [1900 words]SophieJan 1, 2006 10:1730886
Many reasons [235 words]MiriamDec 27, 2005 19:0330656
Reply to Miriam [526 words]AmiraDec 29, 2005 16:5130656
Amen Amira [49 words]No DhimmiJan 1, 2006 02:1130656
My take on grace [126 words]David S.Sep 3, 2006 21:0030656
To Mueen, Suicide bombers do it to get paradise, Saudi News [246 words]Ex-MuslimDec 22, 2005 11:5430413
To Mueen Ud Deen, Heretic sects deny hadiths [206 words]MohammedDec 21, 2005 18:3430375
Another reply to Mu'een Ud Deen [614 words]No DhimmiDec 20, 2005 09:4930241
A SHORT RESPONSE TO NO DHIMMI [80 words]SanaDec 23, 2005 00:1430241
to Sana, ref Dhimmihood [165 words]M. al-ContentDec 24, 2005 14:5230241
Reply to Sana [421 words]No DhimmiDec 25, 2005 12:0230241
Muslim suicide bombers, response to Mueen Ud Deen [273 words]Mamdouh M.Dec 19, 2005 12:3330187
Question about the sinfulness or honor of suicide bombing (some call homicide bombing). [118 words]James GlassOct 29, 2008 20:1630187
22Quran, Hadith and Sira all confirm violent and offensive jihad, history is the wirness. [501 words]N. KhanDec 18, 2005 12:3030143
Only fools do not Learn from other's follies. [201 words]sgpalMar 17, 2006 06:3830143
Anti Hypocricy [344 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
TravelerJul 21, 2008 07:1230143
KILLED A MOTHER OF FIVE CHILDREN. [84 words]sabyasachiMay 15, 2017 15:3230143
Convert to Terrorism art. No.3184 [80 words]S.C.PandaDec 17, 2005 05:3130108
Panda has an interesting point [140 words]Ex- MuslimDec 21, 2005 19:1330108
To Mu'een Ud Deen [179 words]SiddaDec 16, 2005 19:4230096
Reply to N.Khan [402 words]Mu'een Ud DeenDec 16, 2005 05:0730057
To Mueen Ud Deen: Real reason of suicide bombings [189 words]N.. KhanDec 15, 2005 13:0830012
clarify to N Khan and others [185 words]from IndonesiaDec 15, 2005 19:2030012
Reply to 'No Dhimmi' [599 words]Mu'een Ud DeenDec 14, 2005 04:5829930
Response to Mu'een Ud Deen [287 words]faqi hussainDec 14, 2005 01:1929925
Reply to Mu'een Ud Deen [320 words]No DhimmiDec 13, 2005 21:2029912
Reply to POD [365 words]Mu'een Ud DeenDec 13, 2005 09:0529865
Answer to P.O.D [315 words]Concerned EuropeanDec 13, 2005 07:0929862
To Harry: more hypocrisy [397 words]a Filipino liberalDec 13, 2005 04:5029859
Jihadist converts and racial profiling [110 words]Emmanuel PDec 13, 2005 04:1729858
CONVERT TO TERRORISM [84 words]syed mohammad aliDec 13, 2005 03:4429855
No Dhimmi [16 words]P.O.D.Dec 12, 2005 01:0729790
Concerned European/Statistically impossible [176 words]P.O.D.Dec 12, 2005 00:5629789
Reply to "I Know This" [228 words]No DhimmiDec 11, 2005 09:5929771
coversions - biggest challenge? [347 words]Concerned EuropeanDec 11, 2005 04:0929764
Lisa/Former Muslims/Suicide Missions [407 words]P.O.D.Dec 11, 2005 01:0529761
Reply to Lisa [144 words]faqi hussainDec 10, 2005 20:5629757
Islam is the problem [114 words]joe roseDec 10, 2005 07:3429737
I know that/ -Polgamy/Muslims in the USA [251 words]P.O.D.Dec 10, 2005 03:0429727
To ex muslim Faqi Hussian [39 words]LisaDec 9, 2005 23:4829722
Consider this.... [28 words]MEDec 9, 2005 21:2129720
Blase --dont spread your propoganda [492 words]HarryDec 9, 2005 20:1329719
Response to I know and you dont. [308 words]faqi hussainDec 9, 2005 19:3529716
Reply to no name [769 words]AllonehhobDec 9, 2005 16:3229713
the Left blame Bush [58 words]michael goodmanDec 9, 2005 11:5029701
John G. dont listen to No Dhimmi [94 words]I KNOW THISDec 9, 2005 11:3429697
to John Giannasca [153 words]SaNa2Dec 9, 2005 11:2529694
Converts to Terrorism [332 words]Blase`Dec 9, 2005 06:3829689
Consider this.... [24 words]MeDec 8, 2005 21:1829682
I realy feel your pain John Giannasca [503 words]AllonehhobDec 8, 2005 17:1529672
Allonehhob, what ? [200 words]I know and u dontDec 9, 2005 11:4829672
Suggestion for Mr. Giannasca [386 words]No DhimmiDec 8, 2005 15:5429667
Response to John G [252 words]P.O.D.Dec 8, 2005 12:4429653
Conversion Responsibility/Polygamy [240 words]P.O.D.Dec 8, 2005 11:3629650
Re: To James Just [83 words]JaladhiDec 8, 2005 11:1929649
Not Christian-born....Re: Converts to Terrorism [92 words]Cornelia CreasyDec 8, 2005 08:5429644
Sana2 help me out please [87 words]John GiannascaDec 8, 2005 04:5429636
Fraley you can't be serious!!! [143 words]John GiannascaDec 8, 2005 04:4429635
Unlearn Before U-learn! [2376 words]KK VermaDec 8, 2005 03:2429632
group with most influence over americans [71 words]James JustDec 8, 2005 00:1629627
Responding to P.O.D. [292 words]Sana2Dec 7, 2005 23:5129626
Sana2 simplified to the point of idiotic [202 words]Mike RosenbergDec 7, 2005 22:0229623
To P.O.D. [209 words]AllonehhobDec 7, 2005 17:3629604
Re: A. Ahmed - Right on [153 words]JaladhiDec 7, 2005 17:2129603
Allonehhob you hit the mark! [359 words]John GiannascaDec 7, 2005 16:3129600
The West has lost itself [149 words]Paul FraleyDec 7, 2005 15:2829595
Wake Up: Conversions begin at home. [429 words]p.o.d.Dec 7, 2005 12:4629587
Reply to A. Ahmed [123 words]Sana2Dec 7, 2005 12:3929586
Taking the teachings of Muhammed seriously. [42 words]LanceDec 7, 2005 10:2529575
We had Hanoi Jane; why not Baghdad Bob? [44 words]George Oh WellDec 7, 2005 09:1929570
Converts to terrorism [115 words]SamiDec 7, 2005 01:5029561
Correction to Bill Waldron [40 words]LisaDec 7, 2005 00:3429558
To John Giannasca [246 words]AllonehhobDec 7, 2005 00:2829556
Why do they convert? [289 words]John GiannascaDec 6, 2005 16:4429538
To John Giannasca [431 words]Dinesh PatelFeb 9, 2006 10:0329538
Why do they convert? [16 words]mariamOct 13, 2006 18:1729538
prison conversions [322 words]festineDec 6, 2005 16:0629536
To fight against terrorism, control enemy within [85 words]A. AhmedDec 6, 2005 16:0429535
Wonderful information, with one scary assumption [418 words]DancerDec 6, 2005 15:5129534
Extreme Converts [48 words]Bill WaldronDec 6, 2005 14:4829529
Incentives beyond religious fanaticism [106 words]E. J. BlumbergDec 6, 2005 12:4529523
Converts [244 words]Donald W. BalesDec 6, 2005 12:3729522
Discernment vs. bigotry [45 words]David W. LincolnDec 6, 2005 12:0529520
Where is our News Media? [32 words]Lee D CaryDec 6, 2005 11:3429517
Why do you search for the tail? Strike the head [291 words]T.A.Dec 6, 2005 11:1029515
Jihadists [78 words]BenDec 6, 2005 10:2429513
jihadis [497 words]sgpalMar 18, 2006 01:5229513

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