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A Black converting to Islamism is like a chicken voting for fox rule

Reader comment on item: King of Pop Michael Jackson and Black Converts to Islam
in response to reader comment: Learn the solid FACTS about islam

Submitted by Don Bill (United States), Nov 27, 2007 at 00:14

Islam, Slavery and Rape

By Jamie Glazov
FrontPageMagazine.com | Thursday, November 22, 2007

Frontpage Interview's guest today is Bill Warner, the director of the
Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI) and spokesman for
politicalislam.com. CSPI's goal is to teach the doctrine of political
Islam through its books and it has produced an eleven book series on
political Islam. Mr. Warner did not write the CSPI series, but he
acts as the agent for a group of scholars who are the authors. The
Center's latest book is The Submission of Women and Slaves, Islamic

FP: Bill Warner, welcome back to Frontpage Magazine. This is the
second part in our two-part series with you on the Center's most
recent book. In the first part we discussed Islam and its doctrine on
the submission of women. In this second and final part we will
discuss the matter of slavery. Welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Warner: It is a pleasure to work with Frontpage.

FP: So tell us in general where Islam stands on slavery.

Warner: Islam's stand on slavery is based on its political principles
of submission and duality. The principle of submission could not be
clearer. By definition a slave is the most submissive of all people.
You become a slave only when you have no more choices. A slave has
completely submitted to a master.

The principle of duality is shown by the fact that Islam does not
enslave Muslims, only kafirs (non-Muslims). Since only kafirs are
enslaved, it assures that more of the world submits to Islam.

Islamic slavery is based on the Trilogy of the Koran, the Sira
(Mohammed's life) and the Hadith (the Traditions of Mohammed). All
three texts say that slavery is permitted, ethical, desirable and a
virtue. There is not one single negative word about slavery.

Slavery is seen as a process that brings kafirs to Islam. It is a
virtue to free slaves, but Mohammed only freed slaves who submitted
to Islam. If the kafir slave does not submit, then their children
will. So given enough time, slaves convert to Islam. That is one of
the reasons that Islam sees slavery as a positive.

Of course, there is another reason that Islam sees slavery as being
so "good" and that is the money. Mohammed and the other jihadists
made a fortune out of enslaving kafirs. Mohammed used the money for
more jihad. So slavery financed the spread of Islam and jihad from
the beginning.

FP: What were the ingredients of Mohammed's own life in terms of slavery?

Warner: Mohammed is the perfect pattern for all humanity and his life
was saturated in slavery. When his mother died, it was a freed slave
who nursed him. His first wife owned slaves. One of his first
converts was a slave. His closest friend, Abu Bakr, traded one of his
black kafir slaves for a Muslim who was enslaved by a kafir.

But all of this was small change compared to his envolvement with
slavery once he turned to jihad. In his first major battle at Badr,
he stood by and prayed as his henchmen beat and tortured captured
slaves to get information about the enemy kafirs.

Slaves made Mohammed's pulpit. Slaves mended his cloths, cooked his
food, and did every thing that a slave does for the master. He gave
away slaves as gifts and received them as gifts. He went to war to
kill the males so that the remaining people would surrender to be
sold as slaves. Mohammed sold slaves on both the retail and wholesale

He offered captured slaves their freedom if they would first agree
that he was the prophet of Allah. A kafir slave then became a slave
of Allah, because all Muslims are slaves of Allah. For a slave, the
religion of Mohammed started and ended with slavery.

FP: Can you talk a bit about Islam and sexual slavery?

Warner: All morality in Islam is patterned after the example of
Mohammed. Everything that he did and said defines what is permitted
or "good". Mohammed repeatedly sanctioned forced sex (rape) with
kafir females after they were captured. The Hadith clearly reports
that he got first choice of the women. In one case, he repeatedly
demanded one particular woman for himself and swapped two other kafir
slave women for his choice. So if Mohammed was involved in the rape
of kafirs, then rape is a virtue, not a sin or error.

When Mohammed destroyed the B. Qurayza tribe, all of the adult male
Jews were beheaded, so that no husbands were left. Mohammed then took
the children and gave them to Muslims to raise as Muslims and he sold
off the Jewish women as slaves.

We know from another story that the women were divided into sex
slaves and domestic slaves. In one scene, a jihadist is trying to
obtain a high ransom for a woman and he is told that her breasts are
flat and her mouth is cold, so her value was less. In short, she was
only good for work around the house, not in the bedroom.

The Hadith tells of another story where the Muslims used coitus
interruptus to avoid impregnating the kafir sex slaves. The reason
was purely for business. If the kafir sex slave was pregnant, then
she was worth less money.

Islamic doctrine says that kafir women should not be used for
prostitutes, only for the pleasure of the master.

When Mohammed attacked the Jews at Khaybar, many moral precedents
were set. Sexual slavery received an entire set of rules. Muslims
were not to rape pregnant or menstruating women until they had
delivered the child or finished their periods. At Khaybar, Mohammed's
god Allah, announced that even married women were fair game for rape.

Mohammed only killed some of the Jews at Khaybar. The male and female
survivors were needed to work the land as dhimmis. (The original
dhimmis were semi-slaves with no civil rights. Today, dhimmis are
ignorant kafirs who apologize for Islam.) Since Islam needed the men
to work, husbands were left alive. That was the reason that the Koran
said that in this case, even with the husbands looking on, it was
good to rape the women.

Sexual slavery was not only fun and profitable for the Muslim men,
but rape was a powerful tactic of war, then and today. The women are
forced into submission to Muslim men and the husbands are humiliated.
Humiliated men are weakened men, so more kafirs were less able to
resist Islam.

For some time Mohammed's favorite sex partner was a Christian slave
from Egypt named Mary. One of Mohammed's wives caught him in some
state of intimacy with Mary in the wife's bedroom and raised hell.
Mohammed promised to not do it again and moved Mary to her own
apartment in Medina.

Mohammed had received Mary and her sister as gifts. He gave her
sister away to a Muslim poet. He was used to giving away sex slaves.
He gave several of his top lieutenants kafir sex slaves. Umar, who
later became caliph, gave his sex slave to his son. [As an aside,
when he was caliph, his son got drunk and Umar beat him to death.]

FP: This institution of Islamic sexual slavery isn't just a reality
of the past is it?

Warner: Everything that has been said up to now is not only history;
it is Sunna (the example of the perfect pattern of action and
morality found in Mohammed). So today we don't have a beautiful
blonde Christian girl on the block in Mecca, but we have continuous
and ongoing rapes by Muslims in kafir cities. This goes on everywhere
that Islam goes because it is Sunna.

This is a continuous 1400-year history of jihad. In every detailed
history that comes from the original documents from history, rape is
a constant. You have to look in the original documents, since our
historians refuse to report it in so-called history books.

Rape is Sunna. Rape is not a sin. Rape is permitted and encouraged by
Mohammed and the Koran. Islam is the only political system in the
world that includes rules for rape and war. Rape is jihad. How good
can it get? A Muslim gets to rape a kafir girl and get heaven
credits. All jihad is a ticket to Paradise.

The most disgusting aspect of the Islamic rape of kafirs is not the
rapes, but the kafir response. Kafirs become dhimmis by ignoring the
rapes. I challenge you to find one, even one, mention of Islamic rape
in the history books.

Islamic rape is more taboo than the N-word in the media. At least the
N-word is acknowledged to exist. Even unicorns exist in media
fantasy. But Islamic rape is forbidden to even exist as a fantasy.

And to reach a fevered rant: our so-called "feminist" scholars are
absolutely intellectually and morally bankrupt hypocrites. They are
traitors to our culture and a shame and a disgrace. They remain
silent in the face of heinous crimes against women. They are
arch-dhimmis when they refuse to speak of the Sunna, history and
current rapes of our daughters, mothers, and sisters.

And our tax dollars support their evil in our public universities.

FP: Mohammed was a white man and had black slaves, correct? Isn't
there a racism here? Where is all the leftist indignation against
Islam on this issue?

Warner: The relationship between blacks and slavery is ironic. A
standard approach of Islam to blacks is that Christianity is the
religion of the white man and Islam is the natural religion of the
black man. They add that Mohammed's second convert was a black slave,
Bilal, who was Mohammed's companion and the first muezzin (the man
who calls to prayer).

The Hadith, however, goes out of its way, many times, to tell the
world that Mohammed was a white man. The Hadith also tells us the
race of the kafirs that Mohammed enslaved. And Mohammed had many
black slaves in his household. One of his slaves was a black man
called, Anjasha.

Mohammed owned black slaves. It is that simple. His favorite wife,
the child Aisha, had a black slave. But to be fair to Mohammed, he
was not a racist about slavery. He enslaved Arabs, Africans, and
Greeks. Islam enslaves all kafirs, independent of race.

Mohammed was politically incorrect about blacks and called them
"raisin heads" in the Hadith. Thus it would be a compliment to call a
black Muslim a "raisin head." It would be Sunna and not offensive.
Mohammed also said that Muslims are to obey the Islamic leader, "even
if they were black." A left-handed compliment, at best.

Mohammed used his robe to shield Aisha, so she could watch black
slaves perform a martial arts routine in the mosque. The Hadith tells
of a prophecy about a black man bringing evil to Islam. Black men
were prophesized to destroy the Kabah.

But when Muslims preach to blacks they only say that Islam's first
muezzin was a black man. They don't tell the rest of the story.

FP: Can you give us a brief synopsis of the history of Islamic slavery?

Warner: It all started with Mohammed and then went worldwide.

When Islam burst out of Arabia into the kafir world, they took the
wealth and slaves. Slavery was an unapologetic part of jihad.

The Arabic language is a good place to see how important slavery was.
In The Submission of Women and Slaves, we collected over 30 Arabic
words that deal with slavery. We think that Arabic has more words for
slaves than any other language.
Both a black African and a black slave have the same name, abd. The
historical reason for this is that African slavery was so important
to Islamic economics. Language reflects history. Islamic legal
history is filled with the complaints by African Muslim jurists about
how Arabic Muslim slave traders captured African Muslims and sold
them on the auction block.

History records around 11,000,000 Africans being sent to the Americas
and about 13,000,000 being sent to Islamic countries for a total of
24,000,000 African slaves. To get one slave, many others have to be
killed for the tribe to surrender to enslavement. The old, sick and
children are left behind to starve. These collateral deaths are
conservatively estimated to about 5 to 1. So that implies that over
1400 years, 120,000,000 million Africans have been killed to furnish
Islam with its profits.

The accepted history of race in the U.S. is that white men captured
Africans, brought them to the U.S. and sold them as slaves. This is
wrong. When the white slavers showed up on the west coast of Africa,
they didn't capture Africans. They looked them over in the pens, gave
the Muslim slave traders their money, took their bills of sale, and
loaded their purchases into their boats.

The Muslims had been plying the trade of war, capture, enslavement,
and sale for a thousand years. Mohammed was a slave trader. Long
after the white slave traders quit, the Muslims continued their
African slave trade. It still exists today.

And to put a fine point on it, many African slaves were castrated by
removing both testicles and penis. Castrated slaves brought more on
the slave block. Castrated blacks were the traditional keepers of
Mohammed's mosque in Medina.

African slaves were called abd; white slaves were called mamluk. Most
black slaves were used in mining and heavy fieldwork. White slaves
were used more for skilled trades. White slaves were even promoted to
leadership positions, if they converted. Only one black slave was
promoted to leadership. He ruled Egypt and was a eunuch.

Over a million white slaves were taken from Europe. Our word, slave,
comes from Slav. A white woman was the highest price slave for 1400
years on the Meccan auction block. The Muslim who could not afford a
white sex slave choose an Ethiopian woman at a third of the price.

The most revolting enslavement of whites was how Turkish Muslims took
as a tax, one out of five Christian children in Islamic ruled Eastern
Europe. These male children were taken back to Turkey where they
became the janissaries, elite soldiers for the sultan. The Turkish
sultans did not trust tribal Muslims to be the elite palace guards,
since they all harbored ancient tribal rivalries. We see the same
distrust of Muslim tribal politics in Afghanistan, where kafirs are
used as presidential guards.

The Hindus were enslaved, but we don't have the number. We do know
that jihad took half of ancient Hindustan and killed 80,000,000
Hindus. We have accountings of Hindus being enslaved by the hundreds
of thousands at a time.

Muslims enslave everyone, but no one enslaves Muslims. This knowledge
is part of Islam's arrogance and superiority. They know the history;
it is the dhimmis (kafir apologists) who are ignorant of the doctrine
and history of Islamic slavery.

FP: The violent capture and enslavement of black Africans by Muslim
Arabs continues to this today. The root of this modern-day slavery
is, of course, Islamic doctrine.

Warner: The enslavement of Africans is happening today. The only
reason that Islam stopped enslaving whites and Hindus is that Islam
is too weak to resist the social pressure. The Sunna of slavery has
not changed, just the ability to use their law.

In the African countryside Muslims are still using jihad to enrich
themselves. I have spoken with a Sudanese slave who escaped. The
Muslims killed his parents and took him and his sister. Each night
the jihadists gang raped his sister. Remember, rape is Sunna.

When he met his new masters, they put him in the middle of a circle
of the family and each beat him with a stick. He was told that his
new name was Abd, black slave. He slept in the barn with the animals.

Our media and intellectuals are quick to punish the slightest insult
by a white against a black man, but they have not the slightest
recognition of murder, rape and enslavement of blacks by Islam. Our
media and intellectuals are dhimmis.

FP: Final thoughts and comments?

Warner: Slavery is the fruit of Islamic duality. Mohammed, the master
of dualism and submission, used slavery as a tool of jihad because it
worked. Mohammed's life was infused with slavery. Slaves were the
lifeblood of Islam. Mohammed, the white man, owned both male and
female black slaves. His attitude was pure dualism.

The most disgusting thing about Islamic slavery is not that Muslims
enslave others, but that we ignore it. The Muslims have been fed the
Koran and the Sunna in their mother's milk. They are doing what is
ethical according to Islam. In a strange way, Muslims are to be
pitied. A Muslim is the first victim of Islam.

The criticism of whites because of their being involved in slavery is
standard fair in the media and the universities. Try to find a
university that even teaches about the killing of 120,000,000
Africans for Muslims to profit from the 24,000,000 slaves.

Blacks define themselves on the basis of slavery. They will not go
beyond the white, Christian version of slavery. There is only one
theory of history in the black community-the West African Limited
Edition version of history. Blacks will not admit the broad scope of
slave history. Hindu slavery? It never happened. White and European
slavery? It never happened. Slavery on the East coast of Africa? It
never happened. A massive slave trade through the Sahara into North
Africa? It never happened. Black, eunuchs at the Medina mosque? It
never happened. This incomplete history of slavery is what the
taxpayers fund in the state universities.

How can black leaders ignore Islam's sacred violence in Africa? Why
aren't the black columnists, writers, professors, or ministers
speaking out? They are ignorant and in total denial. They are the
molested children of Islam.

Blacks are dhimmis and serve Islam with their silence. There is a
deep fear of Islam that makes them overlook and placate Islam. Arabs
are the masters of blacks.

One thing whites and blacks have in common is that their ancestors
were enslaved by Islam, and both are too ignorant to know it. Blacks
and whites have a secret shame buried under the denial of being
slaves inside Islam.

But the rest of the media and intellectuals line up as dhimmis, too.
One of the marks of a dhimmi under the fourth caliph, Umar, was that
a dhimmi was forbidden to study the Koran. The chief mark of
dhimmitude today is ignorance of the Koran, the Sira and the Hadith.
The ignorance of kafir intellectuals about Islam is profound.

They don't know about how jihad killed the 120,000,000 Africans, the
60,000,000 Christians, the 80,000,000 Hindus or the 10,000,000
Buddhists. Our intellectuals do not know about the Tears of Jihad
(detailed in all of our books). That is a lot of death and
ignorance-270,000,000 dead. Our intellectuals don't know, don't care
and don't bother. They deny.

University Islamic studies never mention the Islamic political
doctrine. The media discusses Islam in terms of political
correctness, and multiculturalism. History courses don't teach about
the civilizational annihilation due to jihad. Religious leaders
placate imams in public gatherings and have no knowledge what the
imam actually thinks of them. Political thinkers do not even know
Islam as a political force

The problem with this ignorance is that our intellectuals are unable
to help us. They do not understand that Islam is a civilization based
upon the ideal of dualism. Islamic ethics and politics have one set
of rules for Muslims and another for kafirs. Our civilization is
based upon the ideal of unitary ethics, the Golden Rule. We do not
have two sets of laws and ethics, like Islam. Our intellectuals
cannot explain what dualism has meant in the past or what it will
mean for our future-civilizational annihilation.

Our intellectuals and the media have only one view of Islam-a
glorious civilization. They have created the "terrorist", a bogus
term based upon ignorance. And the "terrorist" is not even a "real"
Muslim, but an extremist fundamentalist. All of these terms are based
upon a profound ignorance of Islamic political doctrine.

Intellectuals cannot connect the dots of persecution of other
intellectuals and artists today, such as Salman Rushdie, Theo van
Gogh, the Mohammed cartoon riots, and Daniel Pearl. Their persecution
is part of a 1400 year Islamic tradition of keeping all intellectuals
and artists in line with the doctrine of political Islam. But for our
intellectuals, there is no history, no connection, no pattern, no
doctrine of Islam. Their only doctrine is the doctrine of denial.
These intellectuals write our textbooks. Then our tax dollars buy the
books to feed the ignorance.

What explains the intellectuals' silence and ignorance? The enormous
violence of jihad has produced the psychology of the "molested child"
syndrome. Intellectuals fear, apologize for, and placate the Islamic
abusers, ignoring the violence of the past. Then they turn around and
advise our politicians. The result is an ignorant populace who look
to our intellectuals for guidance and find treachery and lies.

FP: Bill Warner, thank you for joining us.

Warner: Thank you for standing against political Islam.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (644) on this item

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What about whites if it is only for Blacks [29 words]K. GordonAug 21, 2012 13:25198096
1about Michael Jackson [13 words]moon lightFeb 18, 2011 03:34182794
God Said it all. [62 words]FaisalSep 17, 2010 13:31178358
2I think we are missing something [160 words]Mohamed DanishJan 8, 2010 10:29167030
I do not agree [27 words]GuestJul 7, 2014 02:06167030
Mashallah 3alak ya MJ [36 words]MacyDec 21, 2009 01:00166085
3You are almost right... [53 words]Skip EJul 19, 2009 09:07159013
1Salute michael [20 words]George rubelJul 13, 2009 23:45158821
rest in peace mj [21 words]loayJul 6, 2009 00:09158515
2muhamad abdul aziz [116 words]jimmyJul 3, 2009 11:22158442
Maybe Islamists forced him [110 words]AndrewJul 1, 2009 16:44158328
Why no confession and why Neverland????? [84 words]Mikail AugustusJul 4, 2009 05:20158328
Michael Jackson a true Muslim? [193 words]DonJun 29, 2009 13:03158206
Correction [53 words]MostafaJun 30, 2009 08:35158206
1Don (United States), Jun 29, 2009 at 13:03 [120 words]jardineJun 30, 2009 12:00158206
God wil judge himself [66 words]DaniJul 1, 2009 06:01158206
Steady on [256 words]ShanazJul 1, 2009 09:09158206
1why??? [146 words]smokinJul 1, 2009 19:18158206
King of Pop [90 words]JardineJul 2, 2009 01:33158206
Michael Jackson Muslim or not. [29 words]Sedick KarriemMar 30, 2018 15:00158206
Michael is forever gonna remain on our minds and im a happy he is now muslim.Alhamdulillah [24 words]Maryam MusaJun 29, 2009 06:03158180
Mickael Jackson got the both w0rld... MASHA ALLAH :) [243 words]Syeda Madiha AhsanJun 30, 2009 19:27158180
ISLAM DID NOT HELP MJ [81 words]MathewJun 28, 2009 14:29158134
Submitted by Mathew (United States), Jun 28, 2009 at 14:29 [20 words]jardineJun 30, 2009 12:04158134
re: Islam did not help MJ [17 words]frensitaJul 1, 2009 08:23158134
1I don't want michael into Islam!! [139 words]peepaJul 3, 2009 04:25158134
Nothing [66 words]anonymousDec 20, 2009 04:17158134
Religion of Michael. [65 words]anniesJun 28, 2009 13:36158131
1Conversion of Black Americans to Islam is similar to lure low caste Indians for conversion to Christianity [130 words]V V S SarmaJun 28, 2009 23:24158131
Michael Jackson was born a muslim [242 words]KamranJun 28, 2009 06:37158113
only Allah knows [40 words]abikan rabiatJun 30, 2009 08:10158113
No matter if he was muslim, christian or muslim.............. God knows best [72 words]HALLYJun 27, 2009 14:03158073
may his soul rest in peace [28 words]ayshaJun 27, 2009 11:06158068
May Allah bless his soul [35 words]NajibJun 26, 2009 09:53157999
nice to see jackson conversion to islam [35 words]zeeshan begJun 27, 2009 06:04157999
25th June 2009 MJ gone. [11 words]abdul wahubJun 27, 2009 09:41157999
He is with allah and in peace [11 words]nancyJun 28, 2009 02:24157999
Michael Jackson conversion to Islam [27 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Fan of Mr PipesJun 5, 2009 20:19156867
1no matter his religion is islam or christian [47 words]alexJul 5, 2009 12:04156867
Salaam [11 words]HelmiApr 1, 2009 11:07153103
20,0000 [19 words]DavidJun 7, 2009 03:32153103
Mickael of Islam [12 words]shahnaazJan 21, 2009 09:52148641
Many many congrats to Micheal Jackson [33 words]Ahmed AthifJan 15, 2009 11:22148115
4Michael jackson's religion before death [18 words]ABDULMUMEEN MUSA (NIGERIA)Jun 27, 2009 05:27148115
he was a real muslim [39 words]NasrinJun 28, 2009 02:30148115
islam is the right way [123 words]nesreen elkarehJul 6, 2009 07:22148115
michael jackson is nuts [26 words]PrasannaDec 28, 2008 07:30146066
1Mikael a true muslim [19 words]NancyJun 28, 2009 02:21146066
re: Prasanna, Srilanka [41 words]frensitaJul 1, 2009 08:50146066
Why so much Hatred? [136 words]Abu AzzamDec 23, 2008 04:52145717
1quran called jews and christians apes and pigs [8 words]btillyDec 28, 2008 21:12145717
Islam never degrades anybody just because he is jew or a christian or of some other religion [225 words]Abu AzzamDec 30, 2008 01:09145717
quran did not called jews and christians apes and pigs [88 words]EmadJun 28, 2009 04:51145717
Totally agree [58 words]Not an Islam...Jun 29, 2009 10:29145717
A perfect match made in hell. [25 words]InfidelAndProudDec 20, 2008 00:59145475
A perfect match made in hell [118 words]moJun 28, 2009 04:59145475
Congratulation To Machel jacson [27 words]usmanDec 1, 2008 07:10144217
Be a good muslim [16 words]umrahDec 9, 2008 00:22144217
WELCOME MY BROTHER [19 words]SHAVKATNov 27, 2008 19:21143971
9Congratulation on you becoming a Muslim. [50 words]Om JohaynaMar 12, 2009 06:16143971
welcome mikail [29 words]ahmet arslanMay 2, 2009 10:58143971
religon matters nt human..welcome [53 words]sumairNov 27, 2008 15:38143961
leave him alone [53 words]leilaNov 26, 2008 06:26143851
The Reason. [66 words]BHNov 25, 2008 01:37143758
welcome michaeel [21 words]farheen gulNov 24, 2008 15:29143723
May Allah bless you [11 words]MariamNov 26, 2008 12:10143723
Whats the big deal [22 words]RodNov 24, 2008 13:55143719
The CS Treatment [23 words]Proud 2 B an InfidelNov 24, 2008 11:17143711
Should now convert to Real Islam [112 words]AliNov 24, 2008 07:29143701
Correct Niche In Islam [64 words]B.EbrahimDec 2, 2008 10:40143701
MJ is a true Moslem [43 words]XersesJan 16, 2009 07:16143701
1sunni islam is the correct islam...and bin laden isnt a terrorist... [217 words]uzair khanApr 13, 2009 18:14143701
sunni islam is the correct islam [49 words]safraMay 17, 2009 04:48143701
sunni islam is the correct islam [30 words]safraMay 17, 2009 05:05143701
Sunni [12 words]charlieAug 6, 2012 09:49143701
1I'm sorry to hear that [77 words]limefeehilyNov 24, 2008 01:37143687
Request to Limefeehily [132 words]Shahed-BangladeshNov 24, 2008 23:50143687
blacks in america were hanged and burned for doing nothing [161 words]asmaarianNov 28, 2008 15:31143687
Jackson found the only truth way of life [130 words]AhmadDec 7, 2008 20:14143687
proud to be a muslim [23 words]NancyJun 28, 2009 02:13143687
AGREE [37 words]KRISHSep 16, 2014 12:29143687
Christian response to Michael Jackson's conversion to Islam [82 words]Mufassil IslamNov 23, 2008 09:24143633
Conversion to Islam [44 words]SudarsanNov 24, 2008 11:13143633
WELCOME TO THE RELIGION OF PEACE(ISLAM) [17 words]Mohammed Ghouse(INDIA)Nov 25, 2008 10:31143633
may allah bless his soul [49 words]sdelmatNov 26, 2008 07:40143633
Proper Islam [27 words]EnaJan 12, 2009 14:32143633
Dear Sudarsan [164 words]moJun 28, 2009 05:24143633
pray for follow right islam [15 words]fayaz ahmedhNov 22, 2008 20:21143583
One God! [88 words]HasanDec 7, 2008 01:19143583
his new way for life [36 words]Abu Hanifiah Md. SalehNov 22, 2008 03:58143519
Good Bless Him. He Is Free Now [23 words]Abu Hanifiah Md. SalehJun 26, 2009 21:36143519
Congratulations ! May Allah guide him as he has taken the first step [80 words]MuhammadNov 22, 2008 01:33143512
We don't want him [5 words]AliNov 21, 2008 15:33143477
A Dilemma called MC [37 words]Free ThinkerJan 17, 2009 07:31143477
crimes done before islam [94 words]arianNov 21, 2008 13:32143469
Conversioni hate him [47 words]Sharath Gopalan AiyangarNov 21, 2008 09:56143447
May Allah bless Jackson and others who hates him [93 words]MM RahimNov 22, 2008 01:54143447
M.Jacksons Redemption [109 words]B.EbrahimDec 2, 2008 11:11143447
to Sharath Gopalan Aiyangar [124 words]moJun 28, 2009 05:38143447
insha-allah, mike will lead a haapy life hereafter [26 words]sayeedOct 30, 2008 22:39141583
congrats mikeeee [8 words]SALMANSep 19, 2008 07:22138843
1Micheale Jackson is right to be a muslim [88 words]Asma Khan PathanSep 14, 2008 12:48138539
Islam is not evil. [68 words]RandomPersonAug 17, 2008 05:07136877
LOOK AT THE GLEE OUR MUSLIM BROTHERS FEEL [297 words]Proud IndianApr 13, 2008 05:11125493
7Time to stop the drift into this "Islam" [430 words]KumbhakaranJun 28, 2008 19:32125493
Predictable reaction [22 words]AAAJul 28, 2008 08:13125493
1RE: LOOK AT THE GLEE OUR MUSLIM BROTHERS FEEL [84 words]Proud CanadianNov 22, 2008 10:38125493
WHAT A JOKE! [180 words]RAMBHADec 3, 2008 13:10125493
The Lure of Islam..How do we stop it? [277 words]KumbhakaranJan 4, 2009 13:14125493
Time to stop the drift into this "Islam [169 words]moJun 28, 2009 05:59125493
A betrayal of Christ [61 words]BernieJun 29, 2009 10:48125493
facinated by Kumbhakaran's "facts" [37 words]amazedJul 5, 2009 18:45125493
Thankfully he didnt convert to Osho [20 words]jamil ahmedJan 2, 2013 06:22125493
Michael Jackson's conversion to Islam [111 words]Nisar Ahmad NaziriJan 27, 2008 16:28119087
Good News (Allah Merci on him and all to practise Islam in right way).... [12 words]Mir Yaser A.Dec 4, 2007 10:49115702
Its sad-so sad! [177 words]OkeeIgbos OnenuluMar 12, 2008 01:35115702
Learn the solid FACTS about islam [17 words]Former slave of allahNov 16, 2007 05:43113830
king of pop [51 words]surjNov 16, 2007 20:43113830
A Black converting to Islamism is like a chicken voting for fox rule [3538 words]Don BillNov 27, 2007 00:14113830
misplaced perceptionst --------Don Bill [248 words]Rizwan akhtarJan 14, 2008 09:21113830
1For the Truth about Islam read the book! Holy Quraan. [223 words]Yusuf Armien ( South Africa )Jan 25, 2008 10:53113830
I read the Koran [61 words]Willi BrixFeb 9, 2008 11:09113830
To Willi Brix [319 words]Yusuf Armien ( South Africa )Feb 11, 2008 08:54113830
medieval arab [174 words]WARDAJul 16, 2008 07:25113830
MashAllah [12 words]Slave of AllahOct 16, 2008 22:58113830
Blacks Convert to Islam [15 words]tabingins911Sep 8, 2007 22:25108324
1Praises all Praises are due to Allah [179 words]Shamsuddin AliOct 30, 2007 15:35108324
Have him [315 words]surjNov 18, 2007 11:14108324
Please read this well [146 words]A proud MuslimDec 5, 2007 04:14108324
surj : What wrong have I or any non believer [458 words]Yusuf Armien ( South Africa )Jan 26, 2008 13:19108324
M Jackson Esq makes 'Shahadah 'Testimony of Faith' [112 words]H SimpsonSep 2, 2007 11:07107521
small comment [69 words]aliMay 2, 2008 11:55107521
1Why would an African-American convert to islam ? [122 words]Phil GreendAug 23, 2007 23:22106869
race doesnt matter [82 words]tamerSep 5, 2007 13:17106869
to b christian or muslim ??? [49 words]Zoe ayitienSep 19, 2007 10:13106869
wake up [85 words]tallalOct 26, 2007 21:31106869
slaves of allah [76 words]surjNov 18, 2007 18:47106869
Slaves? [55 words]PixelNov 22, 2007 00:25106869
To Pexil [412 words]surjNov 23, 2007 15:36106869
REVERTED not converted! [71 words]sabrinaNov 26, 2007 13:29106869
to sabrina [40 words]surjNov 26, 2007 19:20106869
To Surj regarding surah an nisa verse 4:34 [398 words]sabrinaDec 2, 2007 18:04106869
Oppression of women [389 words]SabrinaDec 2, 2007 18:46106869
mischief definition [93 words]EsmeraldaDec 3, 2007 02:22106869
Defintion of mischeif [1241 words]sabrinaDec 4, 2007 15:46106869
Original hadits and Sira regarding Safyia [719 words]EsmeraldaDec 5, 2007 03:19106869
To Surj [63 words]A proud MuslimDec 5, 2007 05:07106869
Esmeralda [894 words]sabrinaDec 6, 2007 13:01106869
Errors regarding my reply, Esmaralda. [41 words]sabrinaDec 7, 2007 08:36106869
To sabrina- no mischief definition given, still [1427 words]EsmeraldaDec 7, 2007 09:56106869
to a proud muslim [309 words]surjDec 7, 2007 19:37106869
Yawn [1428 words]SabrinaDec 8, 2007 19:43106869
6meaning of mischief in the (Quran) [640 words]sabrinaDec 9, 2007 06:52106869
1mischief definition [820 words]EsmeraldaDec 11, 2007 04:31106869
sweet esmeralda [92 words]sabrinaDec 11, 2007 17:08106869
Definitions [182 words]EsmeraldaDec 14, 2007 09:44106869
To Surj [225 words]I'm still proudDec 15, 2007 08:01106869
To Surj ( On Truth about Islam ) [290 words]Yusuf Armien ( South Africa )Jan 26, 2008 10:54106869
THE TRUE MEANING OF SLAVERY-A slave to the One. [167 words]Abdul WaahidNov 24, 2008 16:47106869
abdul [131 words]btillyNov 25, 2008 13:10106869
To phil Greend, here is the truth.... [176 words]EmadJun 28, 2009 04:35106869
meaning of 'mischief' per the quran [40 words]SidSep 2, 2013 17:16106869
Qu'ran 5:32 Misinformation [60 words]DavidMar 14, 2015 12:46106869
To be a terrorist? [74 words]MujibAug 9, 2007 08:52105782
Irrational arguments [64 words]Rizwan akhtarAug 3, 2007 11:43105394
Re who cares if he converted to islam [87 words]Salaheddine ElAyoubiMay 19, 2007 23:2693670
Allah knows better... [110 words]DianeApr 21, 2007 06:5690044
yeah [31 words]FarvApr 25, 2007 22:0490044
MJ converts? [26 words]Suza RafaeliApr 17, 2007 23:2189590
not a blind follower [32 words]1Apr 25, 2007 22:2189590
Why don't we try to find out before judging? [34 words]moubarakaOct 14, 2007 12:3989590
A lot of lies [123 words]Zulqarnan RehmanApr 17, 2007 08:2189463
1If the king of pop Michael Jackson converts: A Reply to Zulqarnan Rehman [238 words]Jaisingh ThakurAug 20, 2007 06:0589463
Reply to Mr Jai Singh Thakur [432 words]KumbhakaranOct 14, 2007 02:3789463
In Response to Kumbhakaran, TIME TO WAKE UP & SMELL THE COFFEE!! [527 words]Proud IndianApr 13, 2008 05:5489463
3Two Wars fought by Hindus that destroyed Lanka and the World [393 words]KumbhakaranJun 28, 2008 12:3289463
beyond layers [78 words]ankurAug 1, 2012 14:3889463
UTTERLY WRONG!!! [16 words]gouthamMar 3, 2018 07:2489463
how much they paid him this time?? [77 words]mahmoudApr 12, 2007 04:4689050
really sincere [32 words]1Apr 25, 2007 22:2489050
Correct youself lest it gets too late [86 words]Mohammad Asif KamalAug 17, 2007 09:0489050
a revert!!! [23 words]ahmed hanteApr 7, 2007 03:1088772
proud to be muslim [158 words]sameeraMar 2, 2007 21:4079821
Question to sameera [61 words]surjNov 18, 2007 20:0479821
WHY DO YOU MAKE SIMPLE THINGS COMPLICATED [43 words]saqibNov 30, 2007 00:2479821
it's his choice [33 words]ahmed AyadJan 28, 2007 19:2774886
Michael is being persecuted by the elite [150 words]FitzgeraldJan 18, 2007 14:1173498
michael jackson=muslim=good [38 words]ANABFeb 7, 2007 04:4473498
Regret [15 words]DevJan 15, 2007 23:3773057
Regret [140 words]KhalidFeb 24, 2007 04:0273057
oh please [50 words]1Apr 25, 2007 22:2973057
To dev [30 words]Zayed AhmedJul 31, 2007 01:4073057
god only know [117 words]samJun 26, 2009 12:0673057
i am happy for michael [35 words]zayyan maginiDec 3, 2006 10:5468124
Michael Jackson, real muslims dont dress like women... [113 words]amalNov 14, 2006 07:3166071
I LOVE YOU MICHEL JACKSON [113 words]SYED AAMIR ALI ZAIDIDec 18, 2006 04:4866071
for those against islam and for the commentaries making generalizations [226 words]amalDec 19, 2006 07:4666071
Michael Jackson will be judged according to his belief within his heart not on his visual appearance! [81 words]Thats not importantJan 5, 2007 13:1866071
to amal [208 words]wiqasJan 15, 2007 05:2566071
Okay, I thought about it a little, as you asked [89 words]JamesMar 4, 2007 23:1366071
unisex clothing [81 words]surjitNov 19, 2007 17:5366071
SPECIALITY CLOTHING... [184 words]DONVANNov 20, 2007 12:2766071
Muslims promote hate. [83 words]HenryMay 19, 2006 20:4645985
correction [7 words]true believerMay 23, 2006 04:5645985
Muslims don't promote hate, it's the provocation that does it! But there's hope... [246 words]FatimaMay 26, 2006 17:5845985
Mr. Henry.. this is unfair [383 words]Hisham El-BazMay 28, 2006 17:4145985
Surely what you mean is:... [62 words]Cemy Junction ExpatAug 23, 2006 16:4945985
To henry [185 words]hassanSep 1, 2006 07:0545985
Truly Henry you are the one with Hate [292 words]AmeenaSep 13, 2006 02:4145985
hisham answer this simple question [291 words]susanOct 13, 2006 13:2145985
hassan NUNS are not "our women" [85 words]susanOct 13, 2006 13:2845985
converts... [161 words]susanOct 13, 2006 13:3445985
Jackson, think first.... before you leap into the fire [138 words]Jackson 5Oct 15, 2006 04:4545985
not fair religion [77 words]MikeOct 15, 2006 04:5945985
HEY YOU JACKSON 5 ... [123 words]ANAS HabibOct 18, 2006 11:1645985
Islam does not promote hate. People promote hate. [739 words]IsaiahDec 1, 2006 01:0245985
oh really [136 words]Esra BiniciDec 16, 2006 09:1445985
Islam [133 words]Vir PublicusJan 19, 2007 22:3045985
To Mr. Hisham El-baz [14 words]SoapScumBuildupJan 27, 2007 16:5645985
you're particularly right [123 words]sametJan 30, 2007 05:1345985
hate [104 words]KhalidFeb 24, 2007 04:1145985
Listen henry [73 words]shuaibFeb 25, 2007 08:5245985
Islam is love and peace and total submission to gods will whos proper name is allah(god)in Arabic [470 words]True believer from Philadelphia paFeb 28, 2007 08:5045985
ISLAM IS NOT A COPYCAT - to Jackson 5.. [280 words]Nur FaezaMar 2, 2007 05:3145985
Islam promotes hate??? [137 words]LeeMar 17, 2007 09:2745985
Fake Religions??? [122 words]LeeMar 18, 2007 06:5345985
how silly [48 words]noah bilalApr 13, 2007 10:2245985
reply [201 words]1Apr 25, 2007 22:1845985
Sad [92 words]RadhouaneMay 28, 2007 15:1245985
islam promote love, hence MJ made the right choice of becoming a muslim [47 words]monsur abdulraheemMay 29, 2007 07:4645985
Islam and the Muslims does'nt promote hate...Henry [293 words]Taimoor AhmedJun 16, 2007 18:5545985
To Khalid [291 words]surjNov 21, 2007 22:0545985
to Shuaib [246 words]surjNov 26, 2007 15:4645985
true believer from philadelphia [326 words]surjNov 26, 2007 17:2445985
nur faeza [78 words]surjNov 26, 2007 17:4745985
monsur abdulraheem [82 words]surjNov 26, 2007 18:4445985
Your reply to mr henry [14 words]sabrinaDec 2, 2007 19:3245985
Give a wave from the fire of hell [4 words]sabrinaDec 2, 2007 19:3545985
1Those who lack knowledge surj [989 words]truebelieverincreater from philaDec 6, 2007 21:0545985
Jizyah{Tax} [54 words]truebelieverincreater from philaDec 6, 2007 21:1945985
To true Believer [87 words]SabrinaDec 7, 2007 18:1845985
Poor girl....pity you [95 words]ZafarNov 23, 2008 05:2545985
reply to Henry [153 words]ShuaibNov 23, 2008 13:3445985
Er...you talkin to me?? [71 words]SabrinaNov 27, 2008 18:4645985
someone is writing under my pseudonym [33 words]true believerJan 16, 2009 07:1245985
open your mind and you'll find the truth [409 words]anonymousJun 29, 2009 21:5745985
usual lies from the muslims [360 words]susanJul 1, 2009 03:3445985
light your way [87 words]al coboneJul 6, 2009 00:5545985
If the King of Pop Convrts to Islam [33 words]S.C.PandaApr 24, 2006 11:0544005
I have been praying for this to happen for long. [74 words]Kabiru SalehMay 5, 2006 12:3544005
i agree [219 words]leila yussefMay 27, 2006 05:1744005
You can have him. [119 words]SoapScumBuildupJun 6, 2006 10:4644005
Are you serious..Kabiru Saleh ? that makes you happy..? [135 words]TonyJun 29, 2006 02:3244005
kING OF POP IF CONVERTS TO ISLAM !! [47 words]AHSAN KHANOct 26, 2006 18:1144005
ashan khan [66 words]surjNov 26, 2007 19:4844005
1Arabs muslims looting raping and killing black muslims in Darfur (Sudan) [25 words]black kaffirApr 24, 2006 08:1843984
re: kaffir boy [268 words]true believerApr 26, 2006 03:0243984
to kafir boy [64 words]saq from ukMay 1, 2006 18:1943984
re: Suk [134 words]true_believerMay 2, 2006 04:0843984
Reply 2 Saq from UK [126 words]black kaffirMay 2, 2006 05:5743984
to saq from uk [64 words]SiddaMay 2, 2006 12:0043984
To kaffir [429 words]faisalMay 14, 2006 03:2143984
The big question [101 words]Nissim AvrahamMay 14, 2006 21:3243984
To Nissim [277 words]faisalMay 15, 2006 04:3443984
to Kaffir boy, and true believer [489 words]A muslimMay 22, 2006 20:3543984
re: A Muslim [633 words]true believerMay 29, 2006 04:5943984
Reply to saq in uk [15 words]SoapScumBuildupJun 12, 2006 17:1443984
to nissim [137 words]surjNov 27, 2007 19:2543984
Michael Jackson, Mohammed Ali, and the Shari'a [196 words]MohammedApr 6, 2006 23:5942593
re: [56 words]true believerApr 24, 2006 08:2742593
How Americans view the 'King of pop' [41 words]VijayApr 2, 2006 01:5842101
Bilal (slave) was first convert to islam [203 words]BilalMar 30, 2006 11:3941881
1Bilal, was no slave... [131 words]charlie binsJul 12, 2006 22:3041881
Mohammed wasn't black. [73 words]noneOct 23, 2006 14:0341881
Islam's scriptures [92 words]Roy WeinbergMar 25, 2006 17:3741361
Ridiculous Claim [52 words]AmrMar 26, 2006 07:1641361
Shame on you [74 words]Rahman PatelMar 26, 2006 12:5441361
to Roy [124 words]RashidMar 27, 2006 00:2141361
Weinberg? [123 words]AkbarMar 27, 2006 13:0141361
To Roy [225 words]KaziMar 27, 2006 23:3141361
Christianity could not show them the right path... [36 words]AnonymousMar 19, 2006 17:0140741
Response to Anonymous [227 words]faqiMar 20, 2006 11:1140741
Committed crimes while Christians? [473 words]JasonMar 20, 2006 13:2440741
response to Jason [163 words]Taj AshaheedMar 27, 2006 01:1440741
Jason hides the truth [136 words]AkbarMar 27, 2006 13:1340741
The Christian Faith Calls Its Believers To Repentance [55 words]AnneMApr 8, 2006 10:4440741
not so fast my muslim "friend" [77 words]My faithApr 13, 2006 20:2240741
To Akbar....Pot calling the kettle black [471 words]PCMadnessApr 15, 2006 18:5540741
Whoa, "My Faith"... [72 words]Taj AshaheedApr 16, 2006 02:3640741
Taj ! Your Faith [287 words]true believerApr 24, 2006 07:3040741
Are you implying that Islam is inferior? [78 words]The Royal CanadianJul 1, 2006 01:0040741
Oh, yes! [43 words]Octavio JohansonJul 1, 2006 17:3540741
desasters of christians [11 words]ashraf bukhariOct 17, 2011 14:0040741
Notes to Jose and Baneeskhan [160 words]Peter J. HerzMar 19, 2006 14:5440732
Jesus- The word of God! [106 words]AkbarMar 27, 2006 13:2340732
Jesus was a real person [60 words]JasonMar 30, 2006 11:2240732
Shroud Of Turin Is Lasting Proof That Jesus Is Real [44 words]AnneMApr 8, 2006 10:3740732
get your facts straight [66 words]FiruzaApr 13, 2006 20:2740732
Jesus the savior of the world [172 words]luis da fonsecaApr 14, 2006 18:0740732
Paul is the true founder of the Christian faith [38 words]AkbarMay 1, 2006 15:1640732
Do your homework Akbar [3032 words]true believerMay 3, 2006 07:1040732
Paul, the founder of Christianity. [202 words]AkbarMay 4, 2006 08:5240732
You are totally off mark, Akbar + Message for others [2423 words]true believerMay 5, 2006 07:2340732
Paul, the founder of Christianity. [90 words]AkbarMay 8, 2006 13:0240732
JESUS CHRIST the founder of CHRISTianity. [231 words]true believerMay 10, 2006 08:4540732
Paul, the founder of Christianity [83 words]AkbarMay 11, 2006 10:3040732
JESUS CHRIST the founder of CHRISTianity. [170 words]true believerMay 12, 2006 07:0740732
Huh? [22 words]SoapScumBuildupJun 7, 2006 22:2340732
Harrak correcting GK on Shiism, Suffism and Sunnism. Introducing Suffism in other religions [238 words]HARRAKMar 19, 2006 12:4240727
Sufist Conversions are not the same as Salafist Conversions [264 words]GKMar 18, 2006 04:3540642
every race was slaves at one time of another.... [68 words]ahmad zafireMar 20, 2006 02:3540642
Add on [12 words]YovenMar 17, 2006 16:4040584
Can't Tell Victims From Victimizers Without A Program? [86 words]orange yonasonMar 14, 2006 00:1040025
answering the Dhimmi and unveiling Octavio... [563 words]HARRAKMar 13, 2006 22:5240015
If the King of Pop Converts to Islam [275 words]Thomas Earl CannadyMar 13, 2006 09:5439935
ALL PRAISE TO ALLAH [226 words]HassanNov 21, 2008 12:3739935
Blacks and Islam [104 words]Susan WalkerMar 12, 2006 22:4739892
If blacks only knew [189 words]Tayyib MuzainaMar 14, 2006 16:4939892
Has no one told Blacks about Islamic slave traders? [118 words]Reef DiverMar 15, 2006 00:4339892
Arabs more racist than Whites [46 words]AlexisMar 16, 2006 09:4539892
A COMMENT ON THE COMMENT OF Alex. [113 words]jonnyMar 16, 2006 17:0539892
Come Into My Parlor, Said The Muslim To The "King Of Pop." [455 words]orange yonasonMar 16, 2006 17:2839892
a reply to the article by orange yonason -if you knew how muslims treat slaves [662 words]jonnyMar 17, 2006 09:3039892
Muhammad sold Black Slaves [48 words]Kenny HattenMar 17, 2006 21:1239892
It Never Ceases To Amuse Me [330 words]orange yonasonMar 19, 2006 00:1439892
"Given Islam's record on slavery,..." [69 words]orange yonasonMar 19, 2006 02:2439892
Islam & Slaves [72 words]AhlaamMar 20, 2006 03:1139892
ahlaam [15 words]ahmad zafireMar 21, 2006 09:0139892
re: ahlaam [104 words]fureliseMar 23, 2006 04:3639892
Many Wrong Facts [454 words]AmrMar 25, 2006 05:3539892
Why do blacks continue to be Christian? [122 words]AkbarMar 27, 2006 13:3639892
1Are Arabs more racist then whites? [57 words]AkbarMar 27, 2006 13:4439892
Did white Christians enslave blacks? [60 words]AkbarMar 27, 2006 13:4939892
furlise [99 words]ahmad zafireMar 27, 2006 22:1739892
amr [29 words]ahmad zafireMar 27, 2006 22:2439892
re: furelise [126 words]Taj AshaheedMar 28, 2006 01:0439892
White Christians freed slaves [54 words]JasonMar 30, 2006 11:1739892
Christians/slavery/emanicipation [180 words]Taj AshaheedApr 3, 2006 19:3339892
muhammed (pbuh) never kept slaves [34 words]Yusuf khan NiaziApr 8, 2006 18:5739892
2Islamic racism in Sudan, against black Africans [548 words]Non Muslim, Not InnocentApr 19, 2006 08:0939892
Don't wash your hands off, And don't try to twist History. You were ad bad as the white man if not worse. [872 words]black kaffirApr 24, 2006 07:4939892
watered down version [68 words]YahyaSep 26, 2006 16:1239892
UN, Do SOMETHING! [40 words]ubahDec 3, 2006 00:1739892
give arguments or keep your story [36 words]Salaheddine ElAyoubiMay 19, 2007 23:4639892
To Kenny Hatten [62 words]Zayed AhmedJul 31, 2007 01:5839892
News Flash: There's 'also' RACISM in (pro) TERRORISM [489 words]AlJul 18, 2008 03:0939892
Meaning of Muzaina [10 words]MinhajJul 21, 2008 12:2939892
1Arabism's / racism On Caucasians [662 words]LimaApr 26, 2009 02:3939892
Ignoring our own roll [282 words]BrahimaDec 23, 2009 16:3439892
Wow. [241 words]CarolynMay 2, 2010 08:0039892
2Arabs = most racists on earth! [1579 words]akiMay 9, 2011 16:0039892
Racism under 'palestinianism' is an "accepted" garbage [156 words]OmarDec 14, 2021 17:0639892
Thousands of racist Arab Palestinians cheer, like at abusing a person with disabilities who happened to be Jewish [122 words]FathimahDec 20, 2021 22:2939892
Palestinianism: B4 Xmas, racist Arabs push blood libel of fake "persecution" of [sic] Christians [504 words]MahmoudDec 21, 2021 12:3139892
Arab Racism: Friend of Eli Kay murdered by Arab (11.21.21) confronts Arab shops owners in Jerusalem who filmed, refused to help [184 words]NoraFeb 1, 2022 20:5739892
Another racist Arab group, attacks Haredim who never serve in IDF and publicize on TikTok for many other racist to get likes [84 words]GalitFeb 8, 2022 13:3439892
Protesting lingering (Jordanian original) racist Arab Apartheid law prohibiting sale of land to Jews in Judea, Samaria [62 words]GaliApr 12, 2022 12:0539892
Question to Richard lion heart and AnneM [431 words]BaneeshkhanMar 10, 2006 20:5739690
To BaneeshKan: Answers [181 words]Richard Lion heartMar 11, 2006 16:2039690
Sorry Richard [312 words]BaneeshkhanMar 11, 2006 21:0339690
Answer to Baneeshkhan Question to Richard Lion Heart [38 words]InfidelMar 12, 2006 01:0739690
To Baneeshkhan: Jesus sent Paul and Peter to the gentiles [282 words]Richard Lion heartMar 12, 2006 01:0939690
Sorry, Baneeskhan [24 words]Octavio JohansonMar 12, 2006 05:3239690
Answer to fidel [98 words]BaneeshkhanMar 12, 2006 20:1739690
Question to Richard Lion heart [31 words]BaneeshkhanMar 12, 2006 21:0239690
To Baneeskhan: stop your blasphemy against Jesus [117 words]Octavio JohansonMar 13, 2006 06:3039690
Baneeskhan, the fundamentalist [234 words]Octavio JohansonMar 13, 2006 06:4439690
Answer to Octavio Jhonson [415 words]BaneeshkhanMar 13, 2006 23:0839690
Baneeskhan is like Tariq Ramadan [98 words]Octavio JohansonMar 14, 2006 03:4239690
Response to your questions [44 words]ErikMar 14, 2006 13:5539690
Thats his business, he can convert to anything. [51 words]RichardMar 16, 2006 10:4039690
Did Jesus send Paul? [110 words]AkbarMar 27, 2006 15:3739690
old jewish proverb [28 words]garyMar 10, 2006 19:4339687
very good proverb [7 words]HarrakMar 11, 2006 18:1639687
Bader S Response to Bisvas and Muddled Jewish History [393 words]InfidelMar 10, 2006 17:1539667
Infidel - Muddled Jewish history [516 words]faqiMar 11, 2006 02:0039667
Infidel's muddled history [887 words]Bader SMar 11, 2006 06:4839667
Infidel's muddled history [419 words]Bader SMar 12, 2006 01:5439667
Lies about Jewish history and Israel [198 words]JasonMar 13, 2006 08:2539667
Response to Bader S [116 words]InfidelMar 13, 2006 21:1039667
Response to Infidel [135 words]Bader SMar 14, 2006 01:5339667
Bader S Our Preeminent Historian [125 words]InfidelMar 21, 2006 14:1639667
Michael Jackson and Reply to Laura [76 words]Peter J. HerzMar 10, 2006 09:5639623
Tourorism [190 words]anonymouseMar 10, 2006 15:5939623
anonymouse - the answer is simple [157 words]PatMar 10, 2006 17:1439623
conversions and propaganda [92 words]G.BisvasMar 11, 2006 05:4939623
Mohammad not illiterate [562 words]jasonMar 13, 2006 13:5639623
The miracle of Muhammed may peace be upon him [416 words]jonnyMar 17, 2006 15:2739623
1To Jonny: Muhammad told many lies [212 words]Richard Lion heartMar 18, 2006 01:0639623
Jonny, please get your facts straight [499 words]JasonMar 22, 2006 13:3339623
So called Islamic science - to Mu'een Ud Deen et.al. [1020 words]faqiMar 9, 2006 22:4439578
OUTSTANDING! [148 words]DanielMar 10, 2006 07:4139578
So called Islamic science - to faqi [226 words]Bader SMar 10, 2006 10:0839578
Thank you Sir. [41 words]YovenMar 10, 2006 13:0839578
3HADITHS HAVE A WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT HEALTH AND MEDECINE [1001 words]Abdullah A.Mar 10, 2006 18:4439578
To Bader, Golden period of islam ended with the rise of islamic fanaticism [96 words]HishamMar 10, 2006 19:1339578
science/advance [154 words]ben deanMar 10, 2006 20:0139578
To Bader: What golden age? [158 words]Richard Lion heartMar 11, 2006 00:3939578
To Hisham Re: Golden Period [222 words]Bader SMar 11, 2006 17:0439578
Scientific breakthroughs made in the Islamic Age [254 words]Bader SMar 11, 2006 18:0339578
To Abdullah A. re: Hadith [116 words]RashidMar 12, 2006 11:3439578
To Faqi - a friend [5014 words]Mu'een Ud Deen (Helper of faith)Mar 13, 2006 10:0039578
Science & Islam - reply to Mu'een Ud Deen [445 words]faqiMar 9, 2006 21:4939577
Bravo Faqi [21 words]DaouadMar 10, 2006 11:1639577
Quran and science [182 words]Mamdouh M.Mar 10, 2006 14:3039577
Opened antisemitism on a garbage website [132 words]HarrakMar 11, 2006 13:2939577
Now he can claim Islamophobia!! [71 words]Dinesh PatelMar 9, 2006 12:0339512
i dont think so... [32 words]ahmad zafireMar 9, 2006 17:4039512
Now I can claim you walk on four.. Patel [131 words]HARRAKMar 9, 2006 19:1339512
Harrak you talk but you say nothing [170 words]Richard Lion heartMar 10, 2006 00:3539512
Where is the answer! [143 words]HARRAKMar 11, 2006 09:5739512
Harrak, re : where is the answer [455 words]RashidMar 11, 2006 19:1639512
Harrak Baby talk [107 words]PCMadnessMar 11, 2006 22:2339512
Rachid, you opened an interesting discussion! [467 words]HARRAKMar 12, 2006 13:5239512
For Harrak: "Some suras do not need tafsir...that I also agree" You are kidding me...Just name one sura [114 words]dhimmi no moreMar 13, 2006 06:2039512
What is Islamophobia? [174 words]Octavio JohansonMar 13, 2006 15:4339512
i agree... [33 words]ahmad zafireMar 13, 2006 19:2339512
Re: I agree [43 words]Octavio JohansonMar 14, 2006 06:2639512
An other reply for dhimmi no more RE: two different gods.. [114 words]HARRAKMar 16, 2006 13:3639512
Harrak the slave of allah [526 words]Richard Lion heartMar 18, 2006 01:4139512
we care about any one who will be a moslem [25 words]MohamedMar 16, 2007 20:0739512
Don't Judge [54 words]SalmanMar 9, 2006 03:0839481
Don't Judge [56 words]KamathMar 9, 2006 08:3139481
Yes; Judge! [60 words]sanjayMar 9, 2006 11:3139481
Michael Jackson - Don't Judge - Et Al [56 words]Heather ClarkMar 10, 2006 02:3339481
sanjay [196 words]ahmad zafireMar 10, 2006 08:4139481
Sure, lets judge [40 words]Bader SMar 10, 2006 12:5939481
To Salman [120 words]Dinesh PatelMar 12, 2006 06:3139481
Block access of Muslim clerics to US jails. [90 words]MarkusMar 9, 2006 02:0939478
UK Prison Problem [169 words]Dinesh PatelMar 12, 2006 06:4039478
If the King of Pop Converts to Islam [3 words]faqiMar 9, 2006 01:2739477
Huh?!? What?!? [29 words]Mr. RayMar 9, 2006 00:0539468
Jacko's Islamist outfit "a mercy to all mankind" [18 words]Ben van de PolderMar 8, 2006 23:4539465
What about Sammy?? [30 words]WayneMar 8, 2006 23:3239462
wayne [109 words]ahmad zafireMar 11, 2006 04:4439462
The King of Pop in Bahrain [56 words]Heather ClarkMar 8, 2006 23:1139457
Re: Your Prediction [35 words]sanjayMar 9, 2006 14:0439457
He'll be in worse shape then ever. [124 words]renchMar 8, 2006 17:3239421
Fruitcake [23 words]jakmanMar 11, 2006 05:0839421
Why is he in Middle East? [101 words]PigfootMar 8, 2006 15:4739405
Feeding off of minorities [23 words]Donna SummerMar 8, 2006 15:2439403
A man of many loves and faiths [104 words]Michael BernetMar 8, 2006 13:2439387
Black American converts to Islam [152 words]Ken MMar 8, 2006 13:1339386
Islam [222 words]IsabellaApr 13, 2006 20:1139386
Why? [243 words]JohnMar 8, 2006 12:1339378
Johnny You are Good! [59 words]Minhaj uddinMar 9, 2006 01:0539378
Read the Qur'an... [94 words]dancerMar 9, 2006 04:5039378
Michael Jackson in Muslim women's clothing! [48 words]KamathMar 8, 2006 09:2539361
the chosen 1 [13 words]SameerNov 21, 2008 11:2139361
Michael Who Cares [99 words]Joy MMar 8, 2006 08:4539357
Religion [119 words]John RMar 8, 2006 22:2339357
Michael Jackson [40 words]KarenMar 8, 2006 08:3239356
Ah, but the guilty party.... [71 words]dancerMar 8, 2006 17:4639356
King of Pop Becomming a Muslim? [225 words]Ed GordonMar 8, 2006 03:1939320
More on Mike's conversion [77 words]MarkMar 8, 2006 01:4239313
more conversions... [44 words]ahmad zafireMar 8, 2006 09:2539313
where are the church leaders? [88 words]lauraMar 8, 2006 00:1339304
point well taken Laura [74 words]Richard Lion heartMar 8, 2006 13:1239304
Lion heart [11 words]weareallprophetsMar 8, 2006 18:5339304
laura [127 words]ahmad zafireMar 9, 2006 13:1439304
african-americans conversions [168 words]ahmad zafireMar 7, 2006 23:5739301
to ahmad zafire [407 words]SiddaMar 8, 2006 09:4539301
Irony [31 words]NinaMar 7, 2006 23:5239298
Michael Jackson will never convert to Islam [48 words]Rachel E.Mar 7, 2006 22:4839289
Sorry to burst your bubble, Rachel [617 words]dancerMar 8, 2006 13:4739289
michael be a christian [42 words]pallaviAug 4, 2007 05:5539289
says who? [28 words]reiDec 7, 2007 00:3639289
If the King of Pop Converts to Islam [70 words]steven LMar 7, 2006 22:4239288
Reply [98 words]Mu'een Ud DeenMar 8, 2006 05:1339288
Sad to see ignorance proven [649 words]dancerMar 8, 2006 17:3939288
To Mu'een Ud Deen: what Koran are you reading from? [198 words]Richard Lion heartMar 8, 2006 20:1539288
who knows? [120 words]PurryMar 8, 2006 22:5939288
True Ignorance [370 words]Mu'een Ud DeenMar 9, 2006 07:1439288
???? [69 words]Mu'een Ud DeenMar 9, 2006 07:1939288
To Richard Lion heart: what Koran are you reading from? [79 words]HousniNov 23, 2008 13:0339288
You are 100% right [130 words]Victor AMar 7, 2006 21:4039281
Reply to a friend [29 words]Mu'een Ud DeenMar 8, 2006 05:1639281
Islamic Conversion of Dubious Black Celebrities [66 words]Laina Farhat-HolzmanMar 7, 2006 18:0539252
Michael Jackson [15 words]VijayMar 8, 2006 04:4039252
is bible God's word? [473 words]makhdoomNov 9, 2006 06:3839252
If the king of pop converts to Islam [85 words]Nissim AvrahamMar 7, 2006 18:0539251
Nissim Avraham may I teach you something! [377 words]HARRAKMar 8, 2006 11:0139251
4Islam about Blacks [607 words]PranitMar 8, 2006 13:2539251
To Harrak re: Questions for Nissim [307 words]dancerMar 8, 2006 17:0139251
Harrak, I am willing to be taught........ [428 words]PCMadnessMar 8, 2006 19:2139251
Sources supporting what we stated for PC Madness, Dancer needs to Copy and read before paste! [221 words]HARRAKMar 8, 2006 21:4439251
Sorry Harrak, insult bounces off. Nations ok--and where's Jizya again? [150 words]dancerMar 9, 2006 04:4039251
Harrak, close but no cigar [469 words]PCMadnessMar 9, 2006 04:5739251
Black people [89 words]Nissim AvrahamMay 14, 2006 21:2439251
3THERE IS NO RACISM IN ISLAM. THE FIRST CALIPH OF MUHAMMAD (PBUH) WAS A BLACK. [410 words]Chris Berg (Ex-Christian)Sep 26, 2012 12:2439251
1Allah's cares for our intentions. Yeah right. [91 words]PrashantSep 29, 2012 00:1239251
There is less here than meets the eye. [30 words]Yaakov WatkinsMar 7, 2006 16:3739234
not necessarily bad [22 words]AlMar 7, 2006 15:5439228
Islam Conversion [124 words]JohnMar 7, 2006 15:4439226
blacks,white and hispainic convert to islam [91 words]ahmad zafireMar 9, 2006 13:3339226
Hispanic Muslims [78 words]JoseMar 9, 2006 22:5539226
jose [81 words]ahmad zafireMar 10, 2006 08:5039226
More than a fan phenomenon [78 words]MargieMar 7, 2006 15:0539221
The Convergence of the Nation of Islam & the Takfir Mentality [299 words]JoeMar 7, 2006 14:5539217
Joe is right [76 words]MickyMar 7, 2006 20:1239217
To Joe: Your racism is part of the problem [347 words]Richard Lion heartMar 8, 2006 01:0239217
partially agree with you richard but do not ignore two recent incidents [43 words]JamesMar 8, 2006 16:2039217
Re: Richard Lion Heart [789 words]BMar 8, 2006 18:0739217
i agree to a point..but that's alright. [190 words]ahmad zafireMar 9, 2006 13:5539217
To B: I'm not a racist [173 words]Richard Lion heartMar 9, 2006 18:4439217
lion heart [80 words]ahmad zafireMar 10, 2006 08:5839217
It is not racism, it is just common sense [87 words]Octavio JohansonMar 12, 2006 05:4039217
If Michael Jackson Converts to Islam [57 words]Roger LoveMar 7, 2006 14:5539216
:s [57 words]ShaleyraMar 21, 2006 23:3439216
Michael Jackson is the sickest of the sick and he must be ignored [54 words]Behrouz AzarniaMar 7, 2006 14:2439215
don`t be frightened [214 words]BANEESHKHANMar 7, 2006 22:0339215
This Century Will See Major Christian Boom Thanks To Global South [195 words]AnneMMar 8, 2006 11:5739215
To Baneeshkan: Lots of prostitution in Islam [179 words]Richard Lion heartMar 8, 2006 13:4539215
Just a minute AnnMe [346 words]BaneeshkhanMar 8, 2006 22:3239215
Richard lion heart what you understood [818 words]BaneeshkhanMar 9, 2006 01:1539215
Repentance And Conversion Is A Lifetime Process In Christian Faith [303 words]AnneMMar 9, 2006 16:4839215
To BaneeshKhan: Christianity does not condone prostitution [178 words]Richard Lion heartMar 9, 2006 19:0639215
To Baneeshkhan: Jesus is God [312 words]Richard Lion heartMar 9, 2006 19:2239215
Question to Richard lion Heart and AnneM [156 words]BaneeshkhanMar 10, 2006 08:1039215
Jesus-" The son of God" [379 words]BaneeshkhanMar 11, 2006 04:2939215
Question to Richard lion Heart and AnneM [315 words]BaneeshkhanMar 11, 2006 07:2939215
Crucification of Christ 'some questions to all christians' [795 words]BaneeshkhanMar 11, 2006 23:0539215
To BaneeshKhan: Jesus the Son of GOD [555 words]Richard Lion heartMar 12, 2006 00:3439215
Leave Jesus alone! [26 words]Octavio JohansonMar 12, 2006 05:3439215
Respect Jesus [86 words]Octavio JohansonMar 12, 2006 07:4839215
To Baneeshkan: Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead [349 words]Richard Lion heartMar 12, 2006 16:0239215
Now, you are talking about my Lord [65 words]Octavio JohansonMar 13, 2006 13:5739215
Baneeshkhan Christ's Crucifixion And Resurection Part Of Bible Prophecy [316 words]AnneMMar 13, 2006 15:1039215
Answer to Anne M [176 words]BaneeshkhanMar 13, 2006 23:2739215
sad [29 words]MelissaApr 19, 2006 19:1739215
Islamic hypocrisy [268 words]The Royal CanadianJul 1, 2006 00:5639215
Crucified, probably; But why can't God pick his table-mates? [5559 words]Janice GNov 27, 2006 02:1639215
Christian riddles [240 words]JJJosephJan 26, 2007 01:1039215
Son of God and Caricature [208 words]LeeMar 20, 2007 00:3239215
Comments on the crucifixion of christ. [210 words]RachelMar 28, 2007 18:2439215
your information about islam is completly twisted and false [189 words]ozairMar 31, 2007 04:0039215
Misinformed [78 words]Mr. AliDec 11, 2007 03:1439215
To Richard Lion heart: Lots of prostitution in Islam through your eyes [105 words]HousniNov 23, 2008 13:1739215
Jesus' miracle – surviving death on the Cross [586 words]paarsurreyDec 26, 2008 21:2939215
Could you please let me know only one thing that is where in bible jisus said "worship me". [20 words]AsimJun 5, 2010 18:5139215
Who is fascinated by islam? [75 words]G.BisvasMar 7, 2006 14:2139214
Bisvas: who is not facinated by Islam! [225 words]HarrakMar 7, 2006 17:0939214
The evil-cynical fascination [316 words]G.BisvasMar 8, 2006 05:0739214
Answer to G.Bisvas [255 words]Muhammed AliMar 8, 2006 05:2039214
An example of the Systematic Ignorance [55 words]HARRAKMar 8, 2006 16:4939214
Tyson did though [51 words]PCMadnessMar 9, 2006 05:1439214
answering Harrak and Mohammmad Ali [504 words]G.BisvasMar 9, 2006 05:2839214
Bisvas and my old mother has answered you [292 words]HARRAKMar 9, 2006 18:5339214
To Harrak [85 words]G.BisvasMar 10, 2006 09:3839214
Answering G.Bisvas [312 words]Bader SMar 10, 2006 12:4039214
To Bader S. [429 words]G.BisvasMar 11, 2006 05:3339214
Religion, Ethnicity and Ideology.. [225 words]HarrakMar 11, 2006 10:1639214
G. Bisvas and the definition of fascism [172 words]Bader SMar 12, 2006 05:2739214
For: Harrak re Allah [33 words]dhimmi no moreMar 12, 2006 14:3239214
To Mr.G. Biswas [676 words]faqiMar 12, 2006 15:2839214
To Bader: Islam is a political movement [387 words]Richard Lion heartMar 13, 2006 00:2339214
Islamism and Zionism are ideologies that can be politicized [4 words]HarrakMar 14, 2006 00:0339214
To Richard Lion Heart -- Islam & fascism [530 words]Bader SMar 14, 2006 16:4939214
Jermaine Jackson also converted to Islam... [7 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Tim CavanaughMar 7, 2006 13:4939210
Nothing Suprises Me Anymore [27 words]AnneMMar 7, 2006 16:5139210
You just can't make this stuff up, folks. [130 words]Fred CalmMar 7, 2006 13:0439205
It paves the way [43 words]David W. LincolnMar 7, 2006 12:5939204
Rumble in the Jungle [60 words]Fred CalmMar 7, 2006 12:5439202
Cassius Clay and Islam [76 words]PatMar 7, 2006 16:2939202
Oversight? [76 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Melvin A. FechterMar 7, 2006 19:2339202
Reasons [77 words]JohnMar 7, 2006 20:4439202
4some facts on Mohammed Ali, a/k/a Cassius Clay [172 words]festineMar 8, 2006 14:4439202
Mohammed Ali and PEACE [138 words]JasonMar 10, 2006 14:2239202
Muhammed Ali's Daughter Doesn't Consider Herself a Moslem [17 words]Jay BarneyMar 10, 2006 19:3339202
1Michael jackson and Islam. [24 words]Monty PogodaMar 7, 2006 12:4439201
conversion to Islam and the Burdah [530 words]HarrakMar 7, 2006 12:4339200
Islamists Actively Seek Angry Men [151 words]Jane OMar 7, 2006 18:4239200
Read history - don't just copy and paste the names... Don't expose your hasty ignorance [54 words]two_heroesMar 8, 2006 00:0039200
to Harrak [128 words]Bill HaleyMar 8, 2006 00:2339200
To Bill Haley and the like [252 words]SumejaMar 8, 2006 13:3939200
back to Sumeja [504 words]Bill HaleyMar 9, 2006 21:4639200
Bill Haley [303 words]Bader SMar 11, 2006 09:4639200
to Bader [154 words]RashidMar 11, 2006 21:0239200
Bader S letter to Bill Haley March 11 [385 words]InfidelMar 12, 2006 00:0439200
To Infidel: Cheap and dishonest insinuation [252 words]Bader SMar 12, 2006 17:3239200
Just so that you know [252 words]SumejaMar 12, 2006 20:3439200
To Rashid [127 words]Bader SMar 13, 2006 04:0239200
Answer to Bader S [471 words]RashidMar 13, 2006 23:3439200
to Bader S (cont'd) [63 words]RashidMar 14, 2006 16:4739200
Islam watch [7 words]Bill MorganDec 23, 2006 18:2939200
To Rashid [19 words]Yusuf Armien ( South Africa )Jan 26, 2008 14:0439200
What then? [26 words]VijayMar 7, 2006 12:2139198
By comparison.... [42 words]Charles R.L. PowerMar 7, 2006 12:1139195
The attraction Islam holds for African-Americans in trouble [133 words]BookwormMar 7, 2006 11:5739189
Young Bride of Mike [66 words]MarkMar 7, 2006 11:5639188
PBUHN? [29 words]Johnny Van StynMar 7, 2006 20:5039188
1PBUHN [90 words]MarkMar 8, 2006 02:0339188
PBUHN [15 words]MarkMar 8, 2006 03:1839188
Peace be Upon him was taken from Christianity (peace be with you) [46 words]lamaMar 8, 2006 15:1439188
Even earlier.... [61 words]dancerMar 8, 2006 16:3639188
Famous Atheists [70 words]JJJosephJan 26, 2007 00:4339188
VIRAL INFECTION [116 words]DONVANMar 7, 2006 11:5539186
Oh great! [8 words]Ariton MarkuMar 7, 2006 11:5539185
Pardon by New God [22 words]JaladhiMar 7, 2006 11:4839182
right [31 words]Proud HinduMay 12, 2006 07:1039182
LOOK YOUR OWN PROBLEM [108 words]SHILPAMar 7, 2007 01:1839182
seek for more knowledge [85 words]mohammed b mohammedApr 8, 2007 06:1039182
Dream on [133 words]surjSep 6, 2007 17:0239182
Lose the Abaya [125 words]MarkMar 7, 2006 11:4239180
I have criticized Europe: now it is America's turn [163 words]Octavio JohansonMar 7, 2006 11:3739179
not really... [310 words]ahmad zafireMar 11, 2006 05:0939179
Don't forget Mohammed Ali [87 words]Dr. Les CherowMar 14, 2006 21:3439179
May Allah Accept Mike [57 words]MohamedOct 9, 2006 09:1839179
If the king of pop converts to Islam [16 words]MohamedFeb 16, 2007 12:2539179
Michael Jackson conversion [149 words]MarkMar 7, 2006 11:3539178
Michel Jackson following the steps of Cat Stevens [92 words]zezoMar 28, 2006 04:5339178
Michel has taken the right decision [43 words]Qazi ImranOct 15, 2006 10:5339178
The Believers [118 words]kitaApr 19, 2007 23:5639178
stop dreaming [102 words]surjSep 5, 2007 19:1039178
you are confiused.... [221 words]kitaSep 7, 2007 00:0339178
Open your mind! [7 words]Ostee R.Oct 24, 2007 21:0939178
Open your mind too mr.Ostee R. [8 words]badboyNov 16, 2007 07:3739178
CONGRATULATIONS [11 words]M. shahid husainJan 24, 2008 17:5439178
Please do dudge islam [96 words]Syed (Bangalore)Feb 9, 2009 07:4139178
1MJ blessed in peace [76 words]i'm a rockerJul 6, 2009 00:2339178

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