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The overthrow of the Great Progressive Empire

Reader comment on item: Another Voice Predicting Islamism's Doom
in response to reader comment: Nationalism

Submitted by Michael S (United States), Jul 30, 2016 at 22:29

Hello, Sakovkt

Nationalism certainly exists, I'll grant you that. If you believe the Bible, the sort of nationalism we now have (as opposed to patriarchal clans) originated with Nimrod, not long after the great flood; so it has been with us for a long time. I trust that you are just making an observation about it, rather than proposing how to combat it. The Bible's solution, if any may be interested, is the destruction of the world's empires (including the US) in a nuclear exchange, and the subsequent or concurrent arrival of Messiah to establish his rule. Though that seems far enough away to be utterly fanciful, the "countdown sequence" spelled out in the Bible seems to be moving on schedule.

Back to what you said, you mentioned the "Great Progressive Empire of the Peace of 1945". In 1945, most of the Great Powers, such as Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, etc. were in ruins. Because of its isolation, the US was left with a strong infrastructure and industrial base; so we dictated the peace that you mention. Key elements of this peace were the UN, which was supposed to keep political matters on an even keel; and the Bretton Woods System, which was supposed to keep our finances on an even keel. In Biblical prophecy, this was the time that a "little horn" (the US) which had grown up among ten "great horns" (the colonial powers, shattered by the war) rose up -- plucking up three horns (Germany, Italy and Japan). From whatever perspective you view the event, it was the beginning of this "Great Progressive Empire" you talk about -- an empire of semi-federated powers in NATO, the "Five Eyes" and other connections, all ultimately focussed on the US.

You say this empire is crumbling, and cite, as indicators, the Brexit and rise of nationalist parties. You go on to say,

"It is Nationalism that is defeating the EU and the American Progressive Empire."

This will not happen, according to the Bible -- which has been correct in these matters: The "ten horns" will not rise up against the "beast" (the Progressive Empire) and overthrow it. Instead, they will give their power and authority to the Progressive Empire.

The likely end game is this: The Progressive Empire AS IT STANDS (The UN, Bretton Woods, NATO, etc.) will be restructured. Note that the "Brexiters" are not proposing a divorce from the rest of Europe; they are merely putting in motion a new way of operating between the current member states. By beginning to tear apart the EU, moreover, they are actually breaking down the IMPEDIMENTS to a greater union -- doing away with the common external tarriff, for instance, and replacing the failed Schengen system with an Empire-wide system of border controls.

Schengen was part of the international network, giving visa-free travel to the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, most of Latin America, Greenland and the Balkans. In rough outline, this delineates "The West", or, in your own parlance, "The American Progressive Empire".

None of this will be done away with; instead, it will be revised. It seems hard to believe that this empire will NOT develop some sort of "The Last Enemy" electronic scanning system of border control -- covering not just international borders, but internal movements as well:


This accords eerily with the Biblical prophecy,

Revelation 13
[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
[17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
[18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

As for the meaning of the number, which some say is 666 and others insist is 616,

"The Hebrew transliteration of the Latin spelling of "Nero Caesar" totals 616, just as the Hebrew transliteration of the Greek, which includes an additional letter (Greek: "n"=50, English transliteration: "n"=50), renders 666."

-- http://www.equip.org/bible_answers/what-is-the-meaning-of-666/

Nero himself is long dead; and the Bible described him and his empire in cryptic terms because of censorship and persecution; but the SPIRIT of the Roman Empire is embodied today in the "Great Progressive Empire" you mention; and its "emperor", the reincarnation of Nero, as it were, is yet to come. What will overthrow the Empire, therefore, is not its "provinces", or "nations"; it is an extremely powerful "emperor". Whether that emperor is a man or a machine, I don't know

Shalom shalom :-)


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Reader comments (63) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
2Islamism is Islam [97 words]Edward L. MayMay 15, 2021 14:11267013
2Very accurate comment [144 words]A very concerned readerMay 16, 2021 22:54267013
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The ism is the norm, to spread Islam. [54 words]LynnJul 12, 2016 09:43230372
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Islam is irksome? [24 words]LynnJul 21, 2016 15:12230372
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4Any report of the impending death of Islamism is greatly exagerated [415 words]Rich McJun 24, 2016 15:25230142
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1The overthrow of the Great Progressive Empire [794 words]Michael SJul 30, 2016 22:29230136
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