Submitted by M Tovey (United States), Jan 30, 2018 at 13:51
You were correct in your assertion that we passed in the fog of diffused allegories; that further, the mixing of apocalyptic revealings lend for much in the way of understanding, or better, trying to understand how quickly the world treads at the edge of the abyss; yet how do we avoid the surprise that is inevitable.
People cry 'Armageddon' for that which they do not understand in Revelation; and for good reason. They have denied the Truth of it and exchanged such for mortal revelation with a false religious diatribe.
Some time back, there was an attempt to delve into why there might be the confusion of where Magog might actually exist, since there is the remnant idea that those of that ancient population did not move further north, ostensible to the region of the Scythians, and even further north than that. In any such observation, it is referred to the 'rosh' (head) by directional cardinal indications.
A speculation of the Turkish connection that you have made led to a study of what/which constitutes being a 'Turk,' an ethnic inference that has oriental implications that completely changed that region of Anatolia, and further the lands in the vicinity of the Magyars, which eventually became Hungary, still north from there. Be that as it may, Erdoğan is only the preparation mode of clearing the path that you have intimated towards Israel, but be sure that the region surrounding Gaulanitus is in that pathway.
Where we may diverge on prophetic discernment comes next as there is no limitation of fulfillments of the Old Testament: that which was spoken of by the ancients is not dead with the first fulfillment, but the embedded subsequent fulfillments are the one of which I am seeing as we observe the Middle East scenario East. Tyrus/Tyre is indeed open for observation of how the LORD decimated its agency as a trading center of considerable value to all the nation of the time; also as it is described as the seat of the Adversary in its attempt to be the seat to rule the world. In Ezekiel, its agency in the modern context reveals the same ideology of empire seeking is now seen in Turkish ambitions while the rest of the world in the peanut gallery chant 'death to Israel' as they try in vain to defeat the WORD of the LORD at the UN.
I have maintained since I was shown certain things that Turkey does figure in the beginnings of the Ezekiel events, but Erdoğan does not fit the full leadership role necessary that defines what is required after the attempt to overrun Israel is 'sixed.' The Babylon model pitting Islam versus the Thytiran Church is still to come.
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