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Library of Alexandria

Reader comment on item: L'Institut d'Égypte – In Memoriam
in response to reader comment: "If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them. And if they are opposed to the Quran, destroy them!"

Submitted by Mark Borowsky (United States), Jan 25, 2020 at 13:31

Princeton historian Bernard Lewis has written about this topic. This " episode " is mentioned in no " contemporary " sources, and its first appearance in the work of " Occidental " historian can be traced to only as far back as the 17th century. Although a wonderful tale, as well as anti-Islamic screed, it is almost certainly apochryphal. As described in this pinko commie rag New York Review of Books Volume 37, Number 10 • June 14, 1990
Lost History of the Lost Library
By Hugh Lloyd-Jones
The Vanished Library: A Wonder of the Ancient World
by Luciano Canfora, translated by Martin Ryle
Hutchinson Radius (distributed by Norton), 205 pp., $22.50
If the United States had a secretary of culture, and if President Reagan had given the job to the late Jayne Mansfield, she could hardly have done a better job than the Greek actress Melina Mercouri in the Socialist government of Andreas Papandreou. In her famous movie Never on Sunday Miss Mercouri made popular the notion of the Greek as the modern equivalent of Rousseau's Noble Savage. But her noble savages are the heirs of the ancient Greeks, and several of her initiatives are calculated to bring this to mind. A few weeks ago she was reported by the newspapers to be supporting a plan to build a vast Greek library to replace the lost library of Alexandria. That library was the chief Greek library of the ancient world, and it is the vanished library of Professor Canfora's title. Despite its undeniable importance, we have very imperfect evidence for what it contained, for its history and the manner in which it ceased to exist.
The great library of Alexandria was part of an institution called The Museum; both were founded by Ptolemy Soter, king of Egypt from 305 to 285 BCE. After the premature death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE, his generals fought over his empire, and several managed to carve out kingdoms for themselves. Ptolemy was the most intelligent of these generals, and his dynasty proved the most durable, lasting until the death of the last monarch, Cleopatra, in 30 BCE. Ptolemy had strong literary interests, and wrote memoirs which many considered to give the best account of Alexander. Alexander had founded Alexandria, and Ptolemy contrived to get hold of his remains and to bury them in a splendid mausoleum in that city, where their talismanic effect was almost as powerful as that exercised later by the bones of saints.

Not far from this tomb Ptolemy established his Museum. Although the modern use of that word is ultimately derived from it, it was not a museum in the sense in which we use the word. A Museum is, properly speaking, a shrine of the Muses, the goddesses of literature and the arts, and the head of the Museum was a priest of the Muses, nominated first by the kings of Egypt and later by the Roman emperors. Ptolemy's chief adviser in the creation of the Museum was Demetrius of Phaleron, a statesman, philosopher, and man of letters who had governed Athens from 317 to 307 as the agent of the Macedonian dynast Cassander before being expelled by another Macedonian dynast, Demetrius the Besieger. Demetrius of Phaleron had been an associate of Aristotle, who in his school of philosophy at Athens, known as the Lyceum, had assembled a large number of books, and with his pupils had carried out researches in many branches of learning. Demetrius was thus particularly well qualified to advise the king in his creation of a community of scholars and writers and a great library. After the king's death he did not long retain the favor of his son and successor, Ptolemy Philadelphus, but the new king fully shared his father's enthusiasm for the project, and the work went on.
The Museum lay within the quarter of Alexandria that was called "the Palaces" and later the Brucheion; according to the geographer Strabo, a writer of the first century BCE, this formed a quarter or even a third of the main enclosure of the city. It had, the same author tells us, "a covered walk and a portico and a block in which were the refectory and mess of the scholars attached to the Museum." Strabo adds that this body possessed corporate funds, which does not mean, as the translator makes the book before me state, that "money was held in common in the community," as it was by the earliest Christians, to the confusion of Ananias and Sapphira. We are painfully ignorant of the way in which the institution functioned. Did the inmates live on the premises, in the manner of the fellows of the Oxford and Cambridge colleges? We do not know. Did they include scientists, as well as men of letters? There is no evidence that they did, as Heinrich von Staden has lately reminded us in his learned study of the great Alexandrian doctor Herophilus,[1] but the connection of Demetrius of Phaleron with the enterprise suggests it, since the Aristotelian or Peripatetic school to which he belonged had done scientific work of great importance, and the Alexandria of this period saw most notable developments not only in medicine but in physics and in mathematics. Did the inmates of the Museum teach or lecture? Again many surmise that they must have done so, but direct evidence is lacking.
They certainly engaged in scholarly work of great value, which was closely connected with the great library which was on their premises. Books were collected from every part of the civilized world that could provide them, the aim being, according to Eusebius, the church historian of the fourth century CE, "to collect the writings of all men so far as they were worthy of attention." Many Oriental writings are said to have been translated into Greek and placed in the library; ancient Egyptian texts, the Hebrew scriptures (of which more presently) and writings ascribed to the Persian prophet Zoroaster are mentioned in this connection. The kings spared no expense. If we can believe Galen, the famous doctor of the second century CE, Ptolemy borrowed the official copy of the works of the great Athenian tragic poets that belonged to the Athenian state in order to have it copied. He was required to lay down as a deposit the vast sum of fifteen talents, but when the work had been completed he chose to forfeit this, sending the copies to Athens but retaining the originals.
Literature was catalogued for the library by no less a person than Callimachus, the great poet of the third century BCE, and other distinguished men of letters helped to establish and put the collections in order. The office of librarian, which was combined with that of tutor to the crown prince, was held by a number of these in succession, including Eratosthenes, who was not only a renowned poet but a considerable mathematician and the founder of scientific geography.
How many books were contained in the collection? For an estimate we must depend on the Byzantine monk John Tzetzes; he lived in the thirteenth century CE, but probably derived his data from much earlier authority. He tells us that "the external library," by which he probably means a smaller library which was attached to the temple of the god Serapis, contained 42,800 rolls, while the "palace library," meaning presumably the great library of the Museum, contained 490,000 rolls. Of these 400,000 are described as "mixed" rolls and 90,000 as "unmixed"; presumably a mixed roll is one containing several works, while an unmixed roll contains one work only. A papyrus roll consisted on an average of twenty sheets, the sheets varying between 10 centimeters and 4.5 centimeters in width; the works of ancient authors were divided into "books" which were more or less as large as the average roll, so that 490,000 rolls may have amounted to little more than 70,000 works.[2] Using the collections, the scholars who worked in the Museum produced standard editions of the main Greek classics; their work maintained a high level until the second half of the second century BCE, when the tyrannical monarch Ptolemy Euergetes II, nicknamed Physkon ("Potbelly"), drove many of them out.
If this library had survived, the dark ages, despite the dominance of Christianity, might have been a good deal lighter; its loss is one of the greatest of the many disasters that accompanied the ruin of the ancient world. But when did the main loss occur? There was indeed little chance that the library could have survived the conquest of Egypt in 641 CE by the Arabs, most of whom at that time were not more civilized than the late Ayatollah Khomeini; but how much was left there at that time? There are various occasions on which losses are stated to have occurred; but our information is defective, and has been given various interpretations.
Learned and judicious treatment of most of the many problems presented by the history of the library may be found in two standard modern works, the first volume of Rudolf Pfeiffer's History of Classical Scholarship and P. M. Fraser's three-volume work on Ptolemaic Alexandria.[3] But there is room for a good book devoted to the history of the library; the attempt of E. A. Parsons, made in 1952, is lamentably defective.[4]
Professor Canfora is a learned man, and a scholarly treatment of the problem of the library from his pen might have been rewarding. But he has apparently been encouraged by the success of a detective story set in the remote past by another Italian scholar, Umberto Eco, to make his book into a tale of mystery, rich with vague hints and fascinating anecdotes, for the delectation of the wider public; and he has been unfortunate in having it translated by a person whose ignorance of the subject matter makes him highly unsuited to the task.
Professor Canfora has chosen to arrange his matter in a manner not at all well suited to a serious work. Part I consists of a narrative more or less continuous, but with numerous digressions, in which the subject is presented as dramatically as possible, many highly questionable statements in ancient authors being presented as though they were certain to be true. This part of the book contains no footnotes, so that the reader cannot check a statement against the alleged authority for it; but Part I is followed by a seven-page list of sources, and Part II consists of a discussion of these, divided, like Part I into brief chapters. Part II also is written in a lively manner, but it is decidedly more scholarly than Part I, and sometimes actually contradicts the dubious assert ions of the latter.
The translation matches the book's general character. It bowls merrily along, but the translator's ignorance of the subject matter and general sloppiness leads to some misrepresentation. Also, he is unaware that many classical names take a different form in English from the one they take in Italian; Aristeas becomes "Aristea," Sosibius becomes "Sosybius," Hesychius drops his "h," Zeno becomes "Xeno," Apellicon of Teos becomes "Apellicontes of Theos," Euripides becomes "Europides." He is no Latinist; Cicero, Ad Atticum becomes "Cicero, Ad Attico." Was the author of the book given no opportunity to correct these howlers?
Canfora ekes out the actual history of the library by the inclusion of three other questions loosely linked with it, as well as other more or less relevant material. First, there is the strange history of the books and manuscripts left by Aristotle and his successor Theophrastus; second, the document misleadingly known as the "Letter of Aristeas," which purports to explain the origin of the Hellenistic Greek translation of the Old Testament known as the Septuagint; and finally the description of the Ramesseum at Thebes in Upper Egypt reproduced by Diodorus of Sicily, a historian of the first century BCE, from Hecataeus of Abdera who lived two hundred years earlier under Ptolemy I.
It is to the geographer Strabo that we owe our knowledge of the curious history of Aristotle's collections. Theophrastus left them to the philosopher Neleus, who carried them off to his home at Scepsis, not far from Troy, where his heirs kept them locked up. When they feared that the Attalid kings of Pergamum, who rivaled the Ptolemies as patrons of learning and collectors of books, might try to get them for their own great library, they hid them in a dank and moldy cellar. Finally they sold them to Apellicon of Teos, whom Strabo calls a lover of books rather than a lover of wisdom, who made clumsy attempts to restore by conjecture parts of the texts that had become illegible and sold copies that were full of errors.
Apellicon perished when the Roman dictator Sulla captured Athens from the supporters of the rebellious king of Pontus, Mithridates, and in 84 BC Sulla conveyed the books to Rome, where more faulty copies were circulated. But the grammarian Tyrannio helped to put the material in order, and finally about the middle of the first century BCE they were entrusted to a specialist, Andronicus of Rhodes, for publication. Another authority, Athenaeus, writing during the third century CE, says that Neleus sold the entire collection to Ptolemy, which contradicts the more trustworthy testimony of Strabo; the suggestion that Ptolemy bought simply the works of Aristotle and Theophrastus themselves might conceivably be right, but remains uncertain. Canfora asserts that Neleus deceived Ptolemy, selling him "various unimportant treatises, a quantity of Theophrastus' works (no rarities, these) and above all a number of books which had belonged to Aristotle"; this is nothing but a frivolous speculation.
Now we come to the "Letter of Aristeas." The author of this document claims to be a contemporary of Ptolemy I, who he says followed the advice of Demetrius that the library should include "the Jewish Law." The king, he tells us, arranged that the Pentateuch should be translated by a commission of seventy-two Jewish elders. This version was the nucleus of the translation of the Old Testament called the Septuagint, "Seventy," after the approximate number of the translators; it was not completed until the first century BCE. The Letter of Aristeas is generally agreed to be the work of a Jewish forger, writing during the second half of the second century BCE, as Canfora well knows and tells us in Part II. But in Part I he repeats as if it were undoubted truth the letter's story of the king's correspondence with Eleazar, high priest in Jerusalem, and all the rest. Ptolemy I's keen interest in the Jewish scriptures is not easily credited; for a reasoned account of the Greek attitude to the culture and religion of the Jews and other foreign peoples one must turn to the late Arnaldo Momigliano's book Alien Wisdom.[5]
Hecataeus of Abdera's description of the great compound built by Rameses II at Thebes in the thirteenth century BCE, about a thousand years before Hecataeus' own time, preserved by Diodorus, has been vindicated against modern skeptics by the excavation of the site. An entrance hall sixty feet by twenty feet led to a square peristyle with sides some 120 feet long; near a doorway stood three great statues, one of them the king's colossal statue; beyond this was another peristyle containing bas-reliefs depicting not, as Hecataeus thought, his Bactrian campaign, but his campaign against the Hittites, which a Hittite source now known to us indicates may have been a good deal less successful than Rameses was willing to allow. Then came a colonnaded building with statues of judges; then a walk lined by buildings in which every kind of delicious food was seen; here could be seen a relief depicting the king offering to the gods gold and silver from his mines, whose vast annual yields were recorded by inscriptions.
Next came the "sacred library," inscribed with the title "the Hospital of the Spirit"; near it were statues of all the gods of Egypt, all receiving offerings from the king. Sharing a wall with the library was a building which held statues of gods whom Hecataeus calls Zeus and Hera and of the king, and here the king's body was believed to be entombed. Rameses II is the same as Ozymandias; "it is irritating to reflect," the Oxford ancient historian Professor D. M. Lewis lately wrote to me after visiting the place, "how great a degree of immortality the king's building operations, despite Shelley, have achieved."
No library has been found; but by arguing that the usual Greek word for library, bibliotheke, which means literally a receptacle for books, might refer to shelving, Canfora is able to indicate a place where books may have been put. This is an ingenious conjecture, and it will be interesting to see how it is received by archaeologists familiar with the site. He next suggests that the idea of a vast temple compound centering on a royal tomb and containing a library may have been suggested to Ptolemy I by his knowledge of the museum of Rameses II. Indeed the tomb of Alexander the Great was not far from the museum.
But when did the library of Alexandria suffer its chief losses? Relying chiefly on a dubious comment in Aulus Gellius, a Roman writer of the second century CE, some scholars have argued that they were caused by a fire which broke out near the harbor in 47 BCE. At that time Julius Caesar, by defeating Pompey and the main body of the Roman aristocracy at Pharsalus in Thessaly had become the most powerful person in the Western world. Pursuing his defeated rival Pompey, Caesar arrived in Alexandria with a small force. As those who know Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra will remember, the teen-age Cleopatra, reluctant to share the throne with her brother, had herself conveyed, wrapped in a carpet, into the presence of the fifty-three-year-old general, and persuaded him to risk his life against a far more numerous force in order to secure her rule. On that occasion a great fire broke out and destroyed many books; but Cassius Dio, a historian of the third century BE, says explicitly that the fire destroyed warehouses near the harbor in which grain and books were stored; the library is not near the harbor, and the conjecture that Caesar had had its contents packed up in order to be sent to Rome does not convince. We know that there were bookstores near the harbor in which newly arrived books were placed to await sorting, and the likeliest interpretation of Dio's words is that it was these which were destroyed. Plutarch in the second century CE records that Mark Antony presented Cleopatra with 200,000 rolls from the great rival library of Pergamum, and it has been conjectured that he wished to compensate her for the loss of books at Alexandria; but Plutarch himself warns us that his source is not reliable, and the conjecture lacks substance.
Gibbon in the twenty-eighth chapter of the Decline and Fall makes much of the disaster of 391 CE, when a Christian mob led by the bishop Theophilus, "a bold bad man whose hands were alternately polluted with gold and with blood," destroyed a library. But since the temple of Serapis was destroyed on that occasion, the library in question is likely to have been not the great library, but the smaller library within the Serapeum.
Gibbon writes still more eloquently in his fifty-first chapter about the destruction which followed the capture of Alexandria by the Arabs in 641 CE. Canfora in Part I gives extended treatment to the Arab historian Ibn-al-Kisti's story of how the venerable philosopher John Philoponus pleaded for the library with Amrou, the conqueror of Egypt; but he cannot overcome the awkward fact that Philoponus was born about 490 and died about 570, so that at the time of the Arab conquest he was about a hundred and fifty years of age.[6] Amrou is represented as having been not unwilling to spare the books, but the matter had to be referred to the Caliph Omar, who pronounced that if the books disagreed with the Koran they deserved destruction, and that if they harmonized with it they were not needed. When Gibbon reasonably enough remarks that by this time most of the books left in the library are likely to have been theological—a positive reason for thinking this will be mentioned presently—Canfora suggests that as a man of the Enlightenment Gibbon was trying to acquit the Arabs of the crime in order to blame Caesar and above all Theophilus.
Canfora in Part I makes no mention of the episode which in my judgment, and also, it would appear from Part II, in his own, is likely to have caused the gravest losses to the library. In 273 CE the Roman emperor Aurelian, fresh from his victory over Zenobia, the formidable Arab queen of Palmyra in Syria, was obliged to deal with the rebel Firmus, who had established himself in Alexandria, claiming to be Zenobia's friend and ally. The fourth-century historian Ammianus Marcellinus writes that at about this time the quarter called the Brucheion was totally destroyed, and the bishop Epiphanius, writing not long after, says that in his day it was a desert; and the Brucheion was the quarter formerly called "the Palaces" where the Museum lay. Near the end of Part II Canfora mentions this affair, adding, sensibly enough, that it was now that the great library really met its end. But in Part I this episode is suppressed, for it would have spoiled the dramatic effect of the dialogue of Philoponus with the Arab conqueror and the destruction commanded by the Caliph Omar.
The book is padded out with every kind of anecdote, with scant regard for credibility. To single out one item, Callimachus wrote a four-line epigram about a candelabrum with no fewer than twenty lamps that was dedicated in a temple, and ended by addressing to it the words, "Evening star, how you have fallen!" This has reminded people that the prophet Isaiah, gloating over the fall of the proud king of Babylon, writes (14:12) "How have you fallen, bright star!" The coincidence is limited to a single sentence, the two contexts could hardly be more different, and the possibility that the poet and the prophet may independently have uttered similar sentences can hardly be excluded; yet Canfora tells us that "Callimachus was prepared to take his inspiration from the Hebrew literature recently translated, rendering some verses of Isaiah in the form of an epigram in elegiac distichs." This learned historian is not at home with poetry; he finds that Callimachus was "needlessly sensual" in making the blinding of Tiresias for having happened on Athena bathing the main episode of his hymn to that goddess. Anyone acquainted with the grave and moving treatment of that incident in the hymn must be disgusted with his tastelessness.
What might have been a useful book is utterly ruined by the attempt to secure a cheap popular success.
[1] Heinrich von Staden, Herophilus: The Art of Medicine In Early Alexandria (Cambridge University Press, 1989).
[2] See E. G. Turner, Greek Papyri: An Introduction (Princeton University Press, 1968).
[3] R. Pfeiffer, History of Classical Scholarship, Vol. I (Oxford University Press, 1968); P. M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria, 3 vols. (Oxford University Press, 1972).
[4] E. A. Parsons, The Alexandrian Library: Glory of the Hellenistic World (Elsevier, 1952).
[5] A. Momigliano, Alien Wisdom: the Limits of Hellenization (Cambridge University Press, 1975).
[6] On his date see R. Sorabji, Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science (Cornell University Press, 1987).
September 27, 1990: Bernard Lewis, The Vanished Library
September 27, 1990: Luciano Canfora, The Vanished Library

The Vanished Library
By Bernard Lewis, Reply by Hugh Lloyd-Jones
In response to Lost History of the Lost Library (June 14, 1990)
To the Editors:
From Professor Hugh Lloyd-Jones's review of Luciano Canfora's book on the library of Alexandria [NYR, June 14], one learns, with astonishment, that the author, and perhaps even to some degree the reviewer, are still disposed to lend credence to the story of how the great library of Alexandria was destroyed by the Arabs after their conquest of the city in 641 AD, by order of the Caliph 'Umar.
This story first became known to Western scholarship in 1663, when Edward Pococke, the Laudian Professor of Arabic at Oxford, published an edition of the Arabic text, with Latin translation, of part of the History of the Dynasties of the Syrian-Christian author Barhebraeus, otherwise known as Ibn al-'Ibri. According to this story, 'Amr ibn al-'As, the commander of the Arab conquerors, was inclined to accept the pleas of John the Grammarian and spare the library, but the Caliph decreed otherwise: "If these writings of the Greeks agree with the book of God, they are useless and need not be preserved; if they disagree, they are pernicious and ought to be destroyed." The books in the library, the story continues, were accordingly distributed among the four thousand bathhouses of the city, and used to heat the furnaces, which they kept going for almost six months.
As early as 1713, Father Eusèbe Renaudot, the distinguished French Orientalist, cast doubt on this story, remarking, in his History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria published in that year, that it "had something untrustworthy about it." Edward Gibbon, never one to miss a good story, relates it with gusto, and then proceeds: "For my own part, I am strongly tempted to deny both the fact and the consequences." To explain this denial, Gibbon gives the two principal arguments against authenticity—that the story first appears some six hundred years after the action which it purports to describe, and that such action is in any case contrary to what we know of the teachings and practice of the Muslims.
Since then, a succession of other Western scholars have analyzed and demolished the story—Alfred J. Butler in 1902, Victor Chauvin in 1911, Paul Casanova and Eugenio Griffini, independently, in 1923. Some have attacked the internal improbabilities of the story. A large proportion of books of that time would have been written on vellum, which does not burn. To keep that many bathhouse furnaces going for that length of time, a library of at least 14 million books would have been required. John the Grammarian who, according to the Barhebraeus story, pleaded with 'Amr for his library, is believed to have lived and died in the previous century. There is good evidence that the library itself was destroyed long before the Arabs arrived in Egypt. The 14th century historian Ibn Khaldun tells an almost identical story concerning the destruction of a library in Persia, also by order of the Caliph 'Umar, thus demonstrating its folkloric character. By far the strongest argument against the story, however, is the slight and late evidence on which it rests. Barhebraeus, the principal source used by Western historians, lived from 1226 to 1289. He had only two predecessors, from one of whom he simply copied the story and both preceded him by no more than a few decades. The earliest source is a Baghdadi physician called 'Abd al-Latif, who was in Egypt in 1203, and in a brief account of his journey refers in passing to "the library which 'Amr ibn al-'As burnt with the permisison of 'Umar." An Egyptian scholar, Ibn al-Qifti, wrote a history of learned men in about 1227, and includes a biography of John the Grammarian in the course of which he tells the story on which the legend is based. His narrative ends: "I was told the number of bathhouses that existed at that time, but I have forgotten it. It is said that they were heated for six months. Listen to this story and wonder!" Barhebraeus merely followed the text of Ibn al-Qifti, omitting his final observation on the number of baths. This number is provided by other Arabic sources, in quite different contexts.
To accept the story of the Arab destruction of the library of Alexandria, one must explain how it is that so dramatic an event was unmentioned and unnoticed not only in the rich historical literature of medieval Islam, but even in the literatures of the Coptic and other Christian churches, of the Byzantines, of the Jews, or anyone else who might have thought the destruction of a great library worthy of comment. That the story still survives, and is repeated, despite all these objections, is testimony to the enduring power of a myth.
Myths come into existence to answer a question or to serve a purpose, and one may wonder what purpose was served by this myth. An answer sometimes given, and certainly in accord with a currently popular school of epistemology, would see the story as anti-Islamic propaganda, designed by hostile elements to blacken the good name of Islam by showing the revered Caliph 'Umar as a destroyer of libraries. But this explanation is as absurd as the myth itself. The original sources of the story are Muslim, the only exception being Barhebraeus, who copied it from a Muslim author. Not the creation, but the demolition of the myth was the achievement of European scholarship, which from the 18th century to the present day has rejected the story as false and absurd, and thus exonerated the Caliph 'Umar and the early Muslims from this libel.
But if the myth was created and disseminated by Muslims and not by their enemies, what could possibly have been their motive? The answer is almost certainly provided in a comment of Paul Casanova. Since the earliest occurrence of the story is in an allusion at the beginning of the 13th century, it must have become current in the late 12th century—that is to say, in the time of the great Muslim hero Saladin, famous not only for his victories over the Crusaders, but also—and in a Muslim context perhaps more importantly—for having extinguished the heretical Fatimid caliphate in Cairo, which, with its Isma'ili doctrines, had for centuries threatened the unity of Islam. 'Abd al-Latif was an admirer of Saladin, whom he went to visit in Jerusalem. Ibn al-Qifti's father was a follower of Saladin, who appointed him Qadi in the newly conquered city.
One of Saladin's first tasks after the restoration of Sunnism in Cairo was to break up the Fatimid collections and treasures and sell their contents at public auction. These included a very considerable library, presumably full of heretical Isma'ili books. The break-up of a library, even one containing heretical books, might well have evoked disapproval in a civilized, literate society. The myth provided an obvious justification. According to this interpretation, the message of the myth was not that the Caliph 'Umar was a barbarian because he destroyed a library, but that destroying a library could be justified, because the revered Caliph 'Umar had approved of it. Thus once again, as on so many occasions, the early heroes of Islam were mobilized by later Muslim tradition to give posthumous sanction to actions and policies of which they had never heard and which they would probably not have condoned.
It is surely time that the Caliph 'Umar and 'Amr ibn al-'As were finally acquitted of this charge which their admirers and later their detractors conspired to bring against them.
Bernard Lewis
Princeton, New Jersey
Hugh Lloyd-Jones replies:
I am delighted that my review has elicited Professor Lewis's learned and interesting letter. But if he had looked a little more closely at what I wrote, he would have seen that I do not believe that when the Arabs conquered Egypt there was very much left in the library for them to destroy. Whether the Arabs of that time would have destroyed a great library belonging to an alien culture is an interesting question which Professor Lewis is far better qualified to answer than I am, so that I am disappointed that nothing in his letter throws light upon this problem.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (104) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
1Destruction of historical artifacts [77 words]jeanFeb 19, 2012 02:19193485
Muslims not capable of "hate" [412 words]Dan B.Feb 8, 2012 16:30193217
Are today's egyptians a civilization? [142 words]WalberJan 23, 2012 05:21192743
3Upsetting but not surprising [68 words]saraJan 13, 2012 18:05192569
1Just to clarify [25 words]Bernard ZimmermanJan 6, 2012 20:10192350
6Why would a mob destroy a thing of beauty? [283 words]PrashantDec 29, 2011 05:06192124
2Deliberate Defilement [80 words]Garry LockwoodJan 3, 2012 01:27192124
D. B. [75 words]The West becoming Islam's fire hydrantFeb 8, 2012 16:59192124
4Does this signal a shift in self perception of Egyptian identity? [566 words]ShishirDec 28, 2011 04:41192089
1My response to Shishir [344 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 7, 2012 22:11192089
3Response to dhimmi/Islamist apologist Debanjan [738 words]ShishirJan 9, 2012 05:57192089
1Dear Shishir [695 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 11, 2012 02:26192089
3Nile to Euphrates Israel,Mossadegh is an Arab,Islam unites Arabs and other nuggets of wisdom from Debanjan [574 words]ShishirJan 12, 2012 09:39192089
Dear Mr. Shishir [1172 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 16, 2012 00:12192089
More drivel from Debanjan [1357 words]ShishirJan 19, 2012 12:54192089
1Dear Mr. Shishir [1227 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 21, 2012 22:30192089
Debanjan claims he is the next Theodor Herzl [1847 words]ShishirJan 29, 2012 13:19192089
1My dear Shishir [849 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 2, 2012 02:48192089
3At it again Debanjee? [839 words]Peter HallFeb 3, 2012 09:38192089
1My Answers to you. Mr. Hall [1205 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 21, 2012 23:03192089
3Debanjee, you are hilarious [925 words]Peter HallFeb 22, 2012 19:25192089
Banning burkhas in publicc is justified [47 words]PrashantFeb 24, 2012 09:09192089
Dear MR. Prashant [106 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 24, 2012 22:19192089
1Another square peg in a round hole Debanjee? [341 words]Peter HallFeb 26, 2012 08:25192089
Banerjee won't understand and switch the topic [135 words]PrashantFeb 26, 2012 10:16192089
1Dear Mr. Hall [824 words]Debanjan BanerjeeFeb 27, 2012 23:22192089
5The Core for Burning is in First pillar of Islam [75 words]Michael Hanni MorcosDec 27, 2011 21:39192081
Erase and Control [113 words]Jay1Dec 27, 2011 19:59192078
2Very very Proud [108 words]Michael Hanni MorcosDec 27, 2011 17:18192075
Where can the interview be viewed? [53 words]ShishirDec 28, 2011 07:14192075
2Very very Rusty [94 words]Michael Hanni MorcosDec 29, 2011 00:03192075
1Burn the library! [43 words]Martin H. KatchenDec 27, 2011 12:10192073
1Assaulting History [43 words]Georga CollinsDec 27, 2011 11:13192071
4Who controls the past controls the future. [99 words]IanusDec 28, 2011 14:53192071
But it did pose a threat. [67 words]JeffDec 31, 2011 14:50192071
2French government does not learn! [62 words]Gudrun EussnerDec 27, 2011 10:34192068
5The destruction of the Egyptian historical record [135 words]Saul KellyDec 27, 2011 09:51192067
1islamic stagnation [56 words]steve omaraFeb 2, 2012 23:09192067
2Return of "looted arts" to their countries of origin [208 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Ronald ngDec 27, 2011 02:32192061
3What to loan Egypt. [17 words]Jon, a Brit in EurolandDec 28, 2011 10:15192061
2Mo vs. Mao [184 words]IanusDec 28, 2011 15:18192061
1Interesting perspective [151 words]Kepha HorDec 28, 2011 20:48192061
Destructions of Works of Art [157 words]Ronald NgDec 28, 2011 22:36192061
1You are right [139 words]Ronald NgDec 29, 2011 20:30192061
3You're too dogmatic about dogmas , I am afraid. [855 words]IanusDec 30, 2011 15:37192061
13The Parthenon Mosque [533 words]IanusDec 30, 2011 18:03192061
2Not Always The Case [145 words]BB KingDec 30, 2011 21:13192061
Intolerance [303 words]Ronald NgDec 30, 2011 21:24192061
Fighting Turkish Barbarity [138 words]7A3Jan 1, 2012 08:55192061
6When burning a book fails, then maybe converting it to Islam will be worth trying ? [785 words]IanusJan 1, 2012 16:48192061
7Missing sense of proportions and time [1047 words]IanusJan 1, 2012 19:33192061
Putting things into perspective [283 words]Ronald Paul NgJan 1, 2012 21:28192061
Still Not Always the Case [152 words]BB KingJan 1, 2012 22:59192061
3Fighting Turkish barbarity [94 words]IanusJan 2, 2012 17:04192061
1The choices... [49 words]Amin RiazJan 3, 2012 21:22192061
5Good news from Saudi Arabia : In 500 years witches will no longer be hunted and executed there ! [1159 words]IanusJan 5, 2012 10:42192061
Dogma [216 words]Ronald NgJan 5, 2012 21:46192061
8Aristotle vs. Allah [1502 words]IanusJan 6, 2012 10:16192061
3Not the Case Again [560 words]BB KingJan 7, 2012 00:39192061
8How many people did Mahommet kill? [873 words]IanusJan 7, 2012 14:27192061
3"He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." [1714 words]IanusJan 8, 2012 10:10192061
1So there is just one muslim voice... [53 words]car313Jan 9, 2012 11:35192061
To Assume [5 words]Amin RiazJan 9, 2012 22:45192061
Oh the Irony and Other Observations [444 words]BB KingJan 10, 2012 01:18192061
Answering Your Question [255 words]BB KingJan 10, 2012 01:49192061
5There is nothing hilarious or ironic in cultural nihilism which you represent . [1703 words]IanusJan 11, 2012 15:47192061
Changing the Goal Post [617 words]BB KingJan 11, 2012 19:10192061
3Feel free to circumvent also these questions ! [2237 words]IanusJan 13, 2012 11:18192061
3Do not trust anybody ! Rely on your ignorance ! [1443 words]IanusJan 13, 2012 13:26192061
Historical Revisionism Part 1 [312 words]BB KingJan 13, 2012 19:26192061
Cognitive Dissonance [168 words]BB KingJan 13, 2012 20:12192061
4"Don't trust your eyes!Trust mine!" [614 words]IanusJan 15, 2012 15:34192061
1Cognitive harmony between not knowing and not realizing one's not knowing [642 words]IanusJan 15, 2012 17:19192061
2Historical Revisionism Part 2 [421 words]BB KingJan 15, 2012 17:33192061
3The mystery of "the unusual depth ... of Lincoln's Christian perception" [772 words]IanusJan 16, 2012 07:40192061
Historical Revisionism Part 3 [443 words]BB KingJan 16, 2012 21:10192061
3The wasteland of whose imagination ? [1070 words]IanusJan 18, 2012 14:31192061
1I think you are onto something [168 words]Peter HallFeb 3, 2012 09:50192061
1Did you hear about ... [181 words]Amin RiazFeb 3, 2012 17:52192061
1Amin, you make a great victim [470 words]Peter HallFeb 4, 2012 20:25192061
Just to add [237 words]Peter HallFeb 4, 2012 20:53192061
8Islam's Destruction of Everything Beautiful [134 words]RobinDec 27, 2011 00:38192059
4You beat me to it, Robin [119 words]DEBORAH THE JUDGEDec 27, 2011 23:30192059
Robin from Australia is right [83 words]TedDec 28, 2011 09:45192059
6Copts are the true Egyptians [106 words]IanusDec 28, 2011 18:52192059
3Only the Koran worth knowing ... [116 words]RobinDec 29, 2011 01:30192059
Copts [142 words]DEBORAH THE JUDGEDec 29, 2011 20:15192059
2It is always Relative to the Time [121 words]Michael Hanni MorcosDec 31, 2011 12:59192059
You are right Deborah [125 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 7, 2012 22:01192059
L'Institut d' Égypte [41 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
hans GuggenheimDec 27, 2011 00:34192058
7"If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them. And if they are opposed to the Quran, destroy them!" [517 words]IanusDec 28, 2011 13:35192058
Library of Alexandria [5343 words]Mark BorowskyJan 25, 2020 13:31192058
1Peace Treaty is ultimate target [18 words]P RoseDec 26, 2011 23:41192057
What "peace" treaty [96 words]ShishirDec 28, 2011 04:48192057
4Cyprus [55 words]NikkiDec 26, 2011 23:12192056
8Sibel Edmonds will best explain to you why Turkish barbarity has never been punished. [445 words]IanusDec 28, 2011 14:37192056
1Happy 2012 , Ianus [213 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 7, 2012 21:52192056
4No reason for a Moslem to complain [415 words]IanusJan 11, 2012 17:21192056
1Dear Mr. Ianus [420 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 15, 2012 23:16192056
9An easy way to Islamize Eastern Europe = Saudi bribes +US pressure+Turkish jihad [745 words]IanusJan 22, 2012 09:08192056
Dear Mr. Ianus [138 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 24, 2012 22:26192056
3Cleptocracy [972 words]IanusJan 26, 2012 13:08192056
Dear Mr. Ianus I support you on this [371 words]Debanjan BanerjeeJan 31, 2012 12:03192056
1Re: An easy way to Islamize Eastern Europe = Saudi bribes +US pressure+Turkish jihad [40 words]NikJul 29, 2012 20:14192056

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