More debReader comment on item: The Temple Mount's Indian Counterpart Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Jul 11, 2010 at 08:31 Our dear deb did not answer most of my questions to him and he is back for more >Hi Mr. DNM, Yes our dear Deb Our dear Deb is back for more >Vanunu broke the law and here in the west you pay when you break the law >My Answer : Which law did Vanunu Broke , can you kindly specify. I do not know whether he broke any law. Wait a minute , your ex-president G.W. Dubya lied to the world about WMD-s in Iraq. Now I think telling lies while being the president of the USA is considered breaking the law , right. But nothing happened to him. So what happened to your statement "in the west you pay when you break the law".Wait a minute. I forgot that Vanunu was a non-Askhenaji Jew. Was that the matter that he got jailed for being a non-Askhenaji Jew ? i'm not interested in a chit chat with a tablighee about the rule of the law. >My Answer : I accpet that you have no answer for that one. Answer to what?you break the law you go to jail it is as simple as that but again the muslim mind works on the conspiracy theory. So what do you want me to tell you: Oh those pesky Israelis put him in jail because he is a Sephardic jew? Right? The answer is no he broke the law like it or not >My Answer :You are again evading my question. What question? >I ask you what kind of law is this that punishes a morally just whistle blower and truth-teller but leaves alone (and rewards) Sure I love whistle blowers but hello: The law is the law And if you care about "whistle blowers" then you should champion the case of a history professor and his name skips me now at 3Ayn Shams University in cairo who was attacked by Muslim funddies because he called the Arab invasion of Egypt "The Arab invasion" instead of Futuh masr "the opening of Egypt" as if Egypt was closed before the arrival of those arab barbarians and he also called the arab invasion colonialism and imperialism. The poor man had to leave Egypt for a few months as he was afraid that he will be killed You are and you must pardon me a hypocrite >a President who lied and was responsible for the murder of thousands of innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan. Wait: why are you switching subjects? We are talking about Vanunu right? >This time I expect a straight answer. Hello: It is up to the people of Israel to change their laws but until then if you break the law then you go to jail but our laws in the West are not written in stone like the barbaric shri3a that cannt be changed we can change our laws and have better laws So go and tell the israelis to change their laws and as if they will listen to you >You accept that your founding fathers were the biggest mass murderers in history. So? they were real human beings with the good and the bad and the ugly. At least they were not rusul (the plural of rasul) of a deity right mr fake?and non of them for sure was an Arabian warlord and caravan raider >My Answer : The American founding fathers were some of the biggest mass murderers in he history. Your whole American nation is a product of American genocide. Mr fake the biggest Genocide in the history of humanity was the slaughter of 90M Hindus You also told us that 120M native Americans were killed right? Where is your evidence? And you know what? We admit that horrible crimes were committed against our native population and now they are equal citizens and it will never happen again. Hindus your own ancestors are being attacked in Pakiland are you aware of that mr fake and what do you plan to do about it? In today's papere there is an article about a Hindu boy in pakiland who was attacked by Muslims because he drank some water from a source that is not allowed to infidels. What do you plan to do about it mr fake? You? You do not even have the decency to admit that the biggest crime inflicted on humanity was the Hindu genocide and to this days your pals in Pakiland still celebrate the life of the mass murderer mahmud of Ghazni right our dear deb? We do not celebrate the lives of those that committed atrocities against our native population >How dare you criticize any faith without criticizing your founding fathers , first. And first: did our founding fathers establish a faith? sobhanallah. and did George Washington have a little chit chat with a deity too like an Arabian warlord and caravan raider claimed? Hello: Our founding fathers were not inspired by a deity that is supposed to get 1/5 of the loot collected from looting the infidles so you see our dear Deb you are comparing apples and oranges here >History proves The last one to talk about history is you >us that the nation of America is responsible for the murders of most number of innocent people on earth in last couple of centuries.1. The genocide of millions of native Americans by American founding fathers. A Muslim tablighee who cares about our native populaion! Sobhanallah you see our dear Deb al-munafiq al-kabeer charity starts at home you have to worry about your own ancestors the Hindus that were brutalized by Islam before you worry about anyone else right our dear deb? >2. The political dominance and interference against many number of small south american countries through the immoral Monroe doctrine.3. The genocide against the Philippinos by Teddy Roosevelt.4. The mass killings in Dresden during the second world war and rest of the atrocities against the innocent Germans during the second world war.5. The use of nukes against Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the continuing occupation of Japanese Islands like Okinawa against the will of the Japanese people6. The slaughter of innocent Koreans during the Korean war7. The genocide against Vietnamese and Cambodians8. The intervention in Iran by overthrowing Mossadegh and installing a puppet regime which brutalized and tortured millions of Iranians9. Helping Saddam Hussain to kill millions in the Iraq-Iran war Suer we make mistakes but non of our mistakes can be attributed to a deity! Your Allah and if he is for real and as per al-qada' wa al-qadr then Allah must be the one to be blamed for the death in cold blood of 90M Hindus and for the above crimes See? Your poor islamic theology comes back to bite you >10. Killing of millions in Afghanistan and Iraq through illegal ways Millions really? Where is your evidence that millions died in Afghanistan? But wait your Allah says that war is OK if it is to defend yourself which means that Allah is OK with our war in Afghanistan and how dare Allah allows the death of as you wrote "millions in afghanstian"? Remember al-qada' wa al-qadr? So if you are looking for some one to blame then it must be allah See? I'm not the author of this poor islamic theology >11. Killing of millions in the third world countries by American multi-national corporations (e.g. Bhopal gas tragedy) But we have established that Allah must be blamed for this one or did you forget? >I have evidence for all these crimes. Read Howard Zinn , Noam Chomsky and Robert Fisk to know. Oh "argument from kuffar" You are not very original Oh and Robert Fisk and his book that you never read right mr fake? >Now before you criticize the Muslims remember that you are a citizen of the nation that has killed most number of innocents throughout the last two centuries. Hello: If you believe your own islamic theology then you must believe al-qada' wa al-qadr which means that it is Allah that must be blamed for any "crimes" committed by anyone But you see non of this was done in the name of an evil deity that is supposed to collect 1/5 of the loot I urge you to abandon islam and be free of the arabs and their imperialism and go and study the history and the languages of your own people and say goodbye and good riddance to allah and the arabs and their imperialism
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