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The Arabs do not want peace, and the Israelis do not need it.

Reader comment on item: How Israel Might Destroy Iran's Nuclear Program
in response to reader comment: Syrian Plalistinians & Palistinian Syrians vs. Russian Jews & Jewish Russians

Submitted by Michael S (United States), Oct 15, 2015 at 22:20

Hi, Robert. You said,

Russia's entry into Syria is a golden opportunity for Netanyahu and Putin to join forces regarding their mutual interests.

Whatever their mutual interests, Israel has an overriding strategic conflict with Russia, in that Russia is allied with Iran.

Henry Kissinger

is the dirty dog that wanted Israel to get badly beaten in 1973, so they would be forced to the "peace" table. Nixon overrode him, and sent ammo and supplies to Israel in the nick of time. I wouldn't trust Henry Kissinger, any further than I could throw him.

and, very surprisingly, Noam Chomsky

Chomsky is a Jew; therefore, he has at least two opposing opinions about everything. Other than that, believe it or not, I know nothing about the man except that he's called a leftist and sometimes, "surprisingly", pro-Israel.

Russia's has its Sunni Islam problem as well as its interests in Syria. On the other hand, Israel has its interests regarding the disposition of the Shia Muslims on its northern frontier.

Israel certainly does have "interests" regarding the Syrian and Lebanese Shiites -- to whit, they are continually threatened by thousands of Shiite Hizbullah rockets and, thanks to the Russians, possibly much more.

Robert, maybe I'm not involved enough and corrupt enough to be a good Middle Eastern politician. Somehow, it doesn't make much sense to give sensitive intelligence data to, and to entrust my security in, the best friend of one of my worst enemies. Israel is doing what it has to do, considering its bad situation. It's not too different from paying protection money to a gangster, because the crooked cops (the US America) won't protect you.

The Druse, are Israel's natural allies - on both sides of Israel's northern frontier.

Again, I don't entirely agree. In Syria, the Druze areas are loyal to Assad; and in Lebanon, they are allied with Hizbullah. Only in Israel, are the Druze reliable allies:

Walid Jumblatt says that instead of tipping the Syrian civil war in Assad's favor, Islamic group should turn guns on 'the Israeli enemy'
By Bassem Mroue June 8, 2014, 11:11 am
-- http://www.timesofisrael.com/lebanese-druze-head-urges-hezbollah-to-fight-israel-not-rebels/

So far, we're not clicking very well, Robert, are we?

I expect eventually the possibility of Peace among Israel, Lebanon, and Syria.

The situation in that area is so fluid, it's virtually impossible to make predictions based on facts on the ground. I rely on Bible prophecy, which I check against facts (not the other way around). That way, I'm checking the shaky flaky against a solid rock. If I did it the other way around, looking at the Bible as though it were shaky flaky, I would then be comparing shaky flaky with shaky flaky. That wouldn't make much sense, would it?

From what I read of Ezekiel 38-39, I see that Israel's penultimate enemy is Turkey. Russia is not even mentioned in that prophecy, so I expect this latest venture of theirs to be temporary. America/ NATO (the "Merchants of Tarshish") are to sit on the sidelines and not join in with the Turks -- something which describes them pretty well already. Turkey will be allied with Iran, Sudan and LIbya. I'm waiting to see the "Iran" part of that; but it doesn't seem that will happen while Erdogan, Khammeini and Assad are all alive and in power. When oine of those three legs breaks, Turkey and Iran can be friends with one another; and the Ezekiel attack is free to proceed.

You may be right about eventual peace between Israel, Lebanon and Syria. The latter two were ancient enemies of Israel, and both have been technically at war with Israel for the past 67 years. Concerning Bible prophecies, the countries of Egypt and Lebanon-Syria-Jordan-Iraq (ancient "Assyria") are not mentioned in Ezekiel 38-39; and Isaiah 19 foretells a time when all these countries will be at peace with Israel. Since a whole generation of Egyptians overwhelmingly hates Israel (and I can safely assume the same for the Levanties), I'm not holding my breath to see this happen. Perhaps that prophecy is for the Messianic Age to come.

There are many prophecies against Syria ("Aram") and Lebanon ("Tyre and Sidon") in the prophecies of Isaiah and his contemporaries; but they all seem to have been fulfilled by Assyrian attacks while Isaiah waas still alive.

the most important thing is to encourage the forces, economic particularly, for all displaced, disfrancised, or distraut Arab Palestinians or Arab Israelis to move away from the Temple Mount, the center of gravity of their dissatisfaction.

Again, I disagree. I don't believe the Temple Mount has any real value to the Arabs; but I do know that the Arabswere trying to exterminate the Jews, even when the Temple Mount was entirely in their hands (from 1948 to 1967). The only way Israel can make a satisfactory peace with the "Palestinian" Arabs, is for all the Jews in Israel to jump into the sea and drown. Even then, the world will condemn Israel for its "disproportionate response".

with the explicit encouragement by Hanniya [sic], the head of Hamas, of this Third Intefada, at killing any Israelis with the current weapons of choice, knives and screwdrivers, are you not surprised that no one (except me) has the sensibility, insight, or guts, to call this Genocide primarily against the Jews in Islael"

You won't find me using the word "Genocide" very often, in any context. Whatever the UN calls it, genocide, in MY definition requires a premeditated intent to exterminate an entire nation (The Palestinian Arabs fit this definition, as well as the Turks and Iranians), along with a credible attempt to carry it out. According to that, I think only the Iranians qualify at the moment, and that only latantly.

The knife attacks represent another step of deterioration in Arab capabilities. Until 1973, the Arabs dared to meet the Israelis head-on on the battlefield. Since then, they have carried on a guerilla war with a heavy emphasis on terrorism. They purposely keep the killing of Israelis on a low-grade level, in order to terrorize Israeli civilians while being ignored by the rest of the world. The expected result is Israeli reprisals, which are then blown out of proportion by useful idiots in the West, as a psychological attack on Israel.

These are the actions of a very weak people. Seeing that the Arabs alone outnumber the Jews of Israel by 44:1, not even mentioning the Jew-hating Turks, Iranians and Europeans, this shows a tremendous, Biblically prophetic impotence on the part of Israel's enemies. Israel should not sue for peace at this time because (1) the Arabs do not want peace, and (2) the Israelis do not need it: At the moment, even with the knifings, etc., Israel is probably the most peaceful country in the region.

Supper's on the table, so I have to go. Thank you for posting.



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Reader comments (47) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
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The Arabs do not want peace, and the Israelis do not need it. [1145 words]Michael SOct 15, 2015 22:20224596
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