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The Missing Moderate Muslims

Reader comment on item: Bolstering Moderate Muslims

Submitted by Amil Imani (United States), Apr 21, 2007 at 18:02

"I am already against the next war," read the bumper sticker on a car ahead of me.

I long to tell the driver: the next war is already here; Islamists are waging it in every corner of the globe and the "moderate Muslims" are either actively supporting them, placing the blame on the West, or simply looking the other way. This war aims to wipe out everything that free people cherish, including the right of expressing their sentiments. Banishing war has been the perennial dream of mankind's best, while its worst have been frustrating its realization. To renounce war unilaterally and unconditionally is surrender and death.

Humanity has suffered horrific wars in the past. Yet, the present multi-form and multi-front war waged by Islamists has the potential of inflicting more suffering and destroying more lives than any before it. Ruthless Islamic forces are advancing rapidly in their conquests while those of freedom are acquiescing and retreating. Before long, Islamism is poised to achieve its Allah-mandated goal of cleansing the earth of all non-Muslims. Any and all means and weapons are to be enlisted in the service of this final holy war that aims to establish the Islamic Ummeh.

But Islam is a religion of peace and the great majority of Muslims are not party to any plans and actions of the radicals, so claim academic pundits, leftist journalists, and hired Islamic apologists. The incantation of these "authorities" is the lullaby that puts the people into a sleep of complacency. For an average free human busy with all manners of demands on his time and resources, would hardly want to worry about the threat of Islamism when those he believes are "in the know" emphatically claim that there is nothing to worry about. Some of these advocates of Islam go further by accusing those who sound the alarm as racist, bigot, hatemonger and much more.

But where are all the peace-loving moderate Muslims that supposedly are in great majority? The Muslims who are neither jihadists themselves, nor do they support them? I and others, time and again, have been calling upon them to stand up and show the world that they oppose the fanatical Islamists. It is small comfort even if the vast majority of Muslims are not fanatic radicals, when they do nothing to demonstrate their position. It is instructive to recall that it is invariably a minority, and more often than not a very small minority, that launches a campaign of death and destruction.

Perhaps it is wishful thinking on the part of th8e non-Muslims to believe that one can be a Muslim moderate, given that Islam is radical at its very core. To be a moderate Muslim demands that the person explicitly renounce much of the violent, exclusionary, and radical teachings of the Quran. By so doing, the individual issues his own death warrant in Islamic countries, is condemned as apostate if he lives in a non-Islamic land and may even earn a fatwa on his head.

It is deadly, in any confrontation, to assess the adversary through one's own mental template, because the two templates can be vastly different from each other. People in the West are accustomed in relativistic rather than absolutistic thinking. To Westerners, just about all matters range from black to white with an array of gray shades between the two poles. To Muslims, by contrast, nearly everything is in black and white and with virtually no shades of gray. The former type of thinking is typical of more mature minds, while the latter is that of young children and the less-enlightened.

This absolutist thinking is enshrined in the Quran itself. When the starting point for a Muslim is the explicit fanatical words of Allah in the Quran, then the faithful are left with no choice other than literally obeying its dictates or even taking it to the next level of fanaticism. Good Muslims, for instance, do not shake hands with women, even though the Quran does not explicitly forbid it. Although the Quran stipulates that men are rulers over women, good Muslim men take it upon themselves to rule women not much better than they treat their domesticated animals.

All extreme systems operate outside of the constraints of checks-and-balances and according to the principle of negative feedback loop. That is, once it starts, the extreme becomes more and more extreme until self-destructs and takes the larger system down with it. Cancer is a case in point. It begins with only a few cells. Left unchecked, the few cells continue expanding and stop only with the death of the host.

Fanatical Islam may indeed be a minority. Yet it is a deadly cancer that has metastasized throughout the body of the world. Urgent confrontation of this advancing disease is imperative to stave it off.

Dozens of Islamist shooting wars of lesser and greater bloodletting are presently raging in the world, aided and abetted by the "moderate Muslim" majority. The so called moderate Muslims, even if they exist, are complicit in the crimes of the radicals either by providing them with funds, logistics, and new recruits or by simply failing to actively confront and unequivocally renounce them.

As is the case with cancer cells, it is the malignant minority that is death-bearing.

In Germany of the 1930s, for instance, very few people were Nazis and most Germans dismissed them as a bunch of hot-headed fools. Before long, the hot-headed few cowed in the dismissive masses and as a result millions lost their lives.

The tentacles of the Islamist hydra have deeply penetrated the world. The Egyptian-based Muslim Brotherhood poses a clear threat in Egypt with its large block of representatives in the parliament, but also wages its deadly campaign through its hundreds of well-established and functioning branches all over the world.

The Wahabis finance thousands of madressehs throughout the world where young boys are brainwashed into becoming fanatical footsoldiers for the Petrodollar-flush Saudis and other emirs of the Persian Gulf.

The end-of-the-world believers of the bomb-aspiring Iran's Khomeinism are busy establishing the Shia hegemony in an arc extending from the Gulf of Oman to the Mediterranean Sea.

The Al Queda and dozens of its like-minded jihadists relentlessly carry their barbaric campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, the Philippines, the former Soviet Union republics, the Russian federation, Somalia, North Africa and parts of Europe, as well as other lands.

I keep hoping that the purported peace-loving moderate Muslims are indeed the great majority who would prove me right by demonstrating their peacefulness and moderation in action. Thus far, only a faint murmur of equivocation is all that I hear from these people.

Is "moderate Muslims" an illusion? The only viable alternative for peaceful people of Islamic background, therefore, is to leave the bondage of violent Islam altogether and join ranks with humanity's free.

The selected puppet president Ahamadinejad boasts that Iran's mullahs' nuclear train has no reverse gear and lacks brakes. He should harbor no illusions. The non-Islamist masses of Iranians will not docilely submit to the mullahs' maniacal plans. It is the unmatched force of freedom that has no reverse gear and it is the force fully capable and determined to bring the mullahs' train to a screeching halt before it is armed with the Armageddon nuclear weapons they so doggedly pursue.

Amil Imani is an Iranian-born American citizen and pro-democracy activist residing in the United States of America. Imani is a columnist, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. He maintains a website at www.amilimani.com

Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Title Commenter Date Thread
1Quran does not encourage muslims to treat children of Israel as their enemies [190 words]ZUMAMay 2, 2012 05:39195384
I'm with Ali Sina - Moderate Muslims do not exist ... [42 words]OliverNov 2, 2007 23:16112972
www.reformislam.org [968 words]Muslims Against ShariaOct 5, 2007 16:32110420
Not what this group seems to be [55 words]R. CraigenJan 21, 2011 15:28110420
A flock of "sheep" will not rise up to kill a pack of "wolves" [247 words]Martel SobieskeyAug 20, 2007 20:56106590
blind can not lead the other blind [281 words]Muhammad RizwanJan 29, 2011 06:07106590
Moderate Muslims: will they ever join us? [222 words]Jaisingh ThakurJul 12, 2007 23:27103565
Ha "moderate" government of Pakistan bites the hand that feeds them [71 words]VijayJun 19, 2007 15:0799523
1They will always come back to bite you!!! [19 words]JaladhiJun 19, 2007 15:3399523
What may one expect [267 words]DONVANJun 19, 2007 16:4299523
A little bit pregnant! [840 words]Nick4693May 9, 2007 21:1792303
Loved what you wrote, Nick 4693 [359 words]Ynnatchkah Dievetchkah Kharoshaya. Y KrasavitzahMay 11, 2007 19:5092303
Bingo-bulls eye- absolutely right [56 words]donvanMay 15, 2007 16:2692303
Double Standards [78 words]anti-hatemongersMay 8, 2007 10:5992069
I'll try my best to get through to you, Anti-Hatemonger [704 words]Noah WilkMay 9, 2007 18:3592069
Excellent question.. [58 words]DONVANMay 15, 2007 16:1192069
Islam is a middle path [59 words]ShakeelMay 7, 2007 21:0091996
For our dear Shakeel and his poor translation of Q2:143 [511 words]dihmmi no moreMay 8, 2007 19:0691996
Apologist [127 words]true believerMay 9, 2007 05:2591996
Shakeel - "middle path" of what??- Suicide bombing, beheading, etc, etc, of non-Muslims!! [90 words]JaladhiMay 9, 2007 13:5791996
RE:For our dear Shakeel and his poor translation [55 words]shakeelMay 9, 2007 17:3191996
A miracle! I agree with Shakeel! (LOL!) [143 words]Noah WilkMay 9, 2007 18:4691996
RE:Apologists [100 words]shakeelMay 10, 2007 16:4191996
Limits? What limits? [112 words]dhimmi no moreMay 10, 2007 17:4391996
1More bogus falsafa from our dear Shakeel [314 words]dihmmi no moreMay 10, 2007 21:5291996
Shakeel:Give us the full verse [49 words]PlatoMay 11, 2007 02:0191996
Apologist2 [82 words]true believerMay 11, 2007 10:2891996
RE:For our dear Shakeel and his poor translation [149 words]shakeelMay 11, 2007 13:5691996
RE:A miracle! I agree with Shakeel! (LOL!) [164 words]shakeelMay 11, 2007 16:4891996
RE:Shakeel - "middle path" of what??- Suicide bombing, beheading, etc, etc, of non-Muslims!! [127 words]shakeelMay 11, 2007 17:1491996
Sorry buddy but Islam is the religion of the Arabs and you ain't! [375 words]dihmmi no moreMay 11, 2007 19:4191996
Hypocritical verses!! [163 words]JaladhiMay 11, 2007 20:1891996
Really? More gems from Shakeel [297 words]dihmmi no moreMay 12, 2007 07:2791996
For our dear Shakeel and his Allah's mercy and the next aya Q5:33! [295 words]dhimmi no moreMay 12, 2007 14:0191996
Jews in the Qur'an and our dear Shakeel [142 words]dhimmi no moreMay 12, 2007 14:1991996
Re:Shakeel:Give us the full verse [36 words]shakeelMay 13, 2007 01:3591996
RE:Apologists2 [143 words]shakeelMay 13, 2007 01:5391996
RE:More bogus falsafa from our dear Shakeel [43 words]shakeelMay 13, 2007 02:0491996
RE:For our dear Shakeel and his Allah's mercy and the next aya Q5:33! [219 words]shakeelMay 13, 2007 02:3091996
RE:Sorry buddy but Islam is the religion of the Arabs and you ain't! [111 words]shakeelMay 13, 2007 03:1791996
RE:Hypocritical verses!! [75 words]shakeelMay 13, 2007 03:2591996
RE:Really? More gems from Shakeel [136 words]shakeelMay 13, 2007 03:4091996
RE:Jews in the Qur'an and our dear Shakeel [113 words]shakeelMay 13, 2007 04:2091996
One word : bogus [119 words]dhimmi no moreMay 13, 2007 18:2391996
You cannot even read Arabic [65 words]dhimmi no moreMay 13, 2007 18:2991996
And no it is falsafa [139 words]dhimmi no moreMay 13, 2007 18:4691996
To Shakeel: Here is the full verse ...and Allah praying to himself? [325 words]PlatoMay 14, 2007 04:3191996
RE:And no it is falsafa [156 words]shakeelMay 14, 2007 11:1491996
RE:To Shakeel: Here is the full verse ...and Allah praying to himself? [145 words]shakeelMay 15, 2007 05:2591996
More bogus logic and Arabic from our dear Shakeel and the word for today is: Fahlawa [242 words]dhimmi no moreMay 15, 2007 06:5291996
The Jews and Christians are past Muslims (sic)? Really? [173 words]dhimmi no moreMay 15, 2007 07:1191996
More bogus answers from our dear Shakeel [82 words]dhimmi no moreMay 15, 2007 07:2391996
Hypocrisy continued... [206 words]JaladhiMay 15, 2007 13:5691996
To Shakeel: Satanic Law [165 words]PlatoMay 16, 2007 05:1691996
Oh I forgot silly me! [215 words]dhimmi no moreMay 16, 2007 17:5891996
Our dear Shakeel and you did not answer the question [86 words]dhimmi no moreMay 16, 2007 18:1791996
RE:The Jews and Christians are past Muslims (sic)? Really? [299 words]shakeelMay 16, 2007 21:4591996
RE:More bogus answers from our dear Shakeel [215 words]shakeelMay 16, 2007 22:0291996
RE:Hypocrisy continued... [78 words]shakeelMay 16, 2007 22:1191996
RE:More bogus answers....continued [24 words]shakeelMay 16, 2007 22:1791996
RE:To Shakeel: Satanic Law [200 words]shakeelMay 16, 2007 22:4591996
To Shakeel: Allah in need of anger management [304 words]PlatoMay 17, 2007 02:3491996
To Shakeel: Animals have better values than your religious ones [323 words]PlatoMay 17, 2007 08:3091996
Yes - Plato... [128 words]JaladhiMay 17, 2007 16:3291996
Wikepedia? You must be kidding [25 words]dhimmi no moreMay 17, 2007 18:4591996
RE:To Shakeel: Animals have better values than your religious ones [478 words]shakeelMay 18, 2007 03:1091996
RE:Yes - Plato... [251 words]shakeelMay 18, 2007 03:2591996
To dhimmi no more: your help required [214 words]PlatoMay 18, 2007 03:5991996
To Shakeel: Allah's will, one way ticket to zombiedom [445 words]PlatoMay 18, 2007 04:3091996
RE: To Shakeel: Allah in need of anger management [68 words]shakeelMay 18, 2007 05:3591996
RE:Oh I forgot silly me! [143 words]shakeelMay 18, 2007 13:5691996
Satanic Law - continued... [216 words]JaladhiMay 18, 2007 14:0091996
Hypocrisy - continued.... [51 words]JaladhiMay 18, 2007 15:0791996
Our dear Shakeel and his bogus translation of Q21:107 [297 words]dhimmi no moreMay 18, 2007 20:1191996
One word bogus again [59 words]dhimmi no moreMay 18, 2007 20:1791996
To Shakeel: Why the non-reply? [165 words]PlatoMay 19, 2007 01:1691996
Arabic translations [171 words]dhimmi no moreMay 19, 2007 08:0591996
Bogus again [62 words]dhimmi no moreMay 19, 2007 08:1391996
to Shakeel: Your interpretation a good beginning to reforming Islam [1852 words]PlatoMay 19, 2007 09:2491996
Our dear Shakeel and his Arabic lesson for today [598 words]dhimmi no moreMay 19, 2007 09:2591996
Our dear shakeel and the word "mankind" or bashar in the Qur'an [276 words]dhimmi no moreMay 19, 2007 14:5291996
RE:Satanic Law - continued [184 words]shakeelMay 19, 2007 15:0591996
RE:Hypocrisy - continued [78 words]shakeelMay 19, 2007 15:2291996
RE:Our dear Shakeel and his bogus translation of Q21:107 [152 words]shakeelMay 19, 2007 15:4591996
RE:One word bogus again [58 words]shakeelMay 19, 2007 15:5491996
To Shakeel: Peculiar ethical values of Muslims [109 words]PlatoMay 20, 2007 02:2291996
To Shakeel: Terrorising to compel infidels to believe [240 words]PlatoMay 20, 2007 02:5391996
To Shakeel: Satanic law II [320 words]PlatoMay 20, 2007 05:1991996
Shakeel: Anger management II, and marvellous Muslim logic [182 words]PlatoMay 20, 2007 05:5491996
to dhimmi no more: Thanks [36 words]PlatoMay 20, 2007 06:0191996
RE:To Shakeel: Why the non-reply? [220 words]shakeelMay 20, 2007 06:2091996
Our dear Shakeel and the word Hanif [167 words]dihmmi no moreMay 20, 2007 06:5991996
Here is more evidence that your Arabic is poor [43 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2007 16:5691996
More evidence that you know no Arabic [118 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2007 17:0591996
Good translations of the Qur'an [150 words]dhimmi no moreMay 20, 2007 17:2591996
To Shakeel: Give us pea-brained people some solid proof of Rasool's prophethood [744 words]PlatoMay 21, 2007 04:2291996
1shakeel [81 words]true believerMay 21, 2007 07:0791996
RE:Shakeel: Your interpretation a good beginning to reforming Islam [807 words]shakeelMay 21, 2007 14:4791996
RE:To dhimmi and Plato: Arabic translations [70 words]shakeelMay 21, 2007 14:5891996
So what is the plural of the word people?One more gem from our dear Shakeel [229 words]dhimmi no moreMay 21, 2007 20:0791996
Bogus again [27 words]dhimmi no moreMay 22, 2007 07:0191996
More bogus Arabic from our tablighee friend Shakeel [101 words]dhimmi no moreMay 22, 2007 07:4291996
funny [56 words]true believerMay 22, 2007 11:0191996
Pakistani Arabic again! [117 words]dihmmi no moreMay 22, 2007 12:4491996
Our dear Shakeel and more gems [112 words]dihmmi no moreMay 22, 2007 20:2991996
Hypocrisy continues.... [169 words]JaladhiMay 22, 2007 22:1291996
To Shakeel: You got me with my forgotten promise to god. [1985 words]PlatoMay 23, 2007 08:4691996
To Shakeel: My forgotten promise to god II [1088 words]PlatoMay 23, 2007 08:4991996
RE:To Shakeel: Peculiar ethical values of Muslims [75 words]shakeelMay 23, 2007 13:4991996
RE:To Shakeel: Terrorising to compel infidels to believe [85 words]shakeelMay 23, 2007 13:5991996
RE:To Shakeel: Satanic law II [159 words]shakeelMay 23, 2007 14:1691996
RE:to Shakeel: Anger management II, and marvellous Muslim logic [211 words]shakeelMay 23, 2007 14:4291996
RE:To Shakeel: Give us pea-brained people some solid proof of Rasool's prophethood [415 words]shakeelMay 23, 2007 16:0291996
RE:So what is the plural of the word people?One more gem from our dear Shakeel [24 words]shakeelMay 23, 2007 16:2391996
To Shakeel: Free a slave and go to jannat [441 words]PlatoMay 24, 2007 00:2591996
To Shakeel: The threat of the shahada hanging over us [616 words]PlatoMay 24, 2007 01:1691996
To Shakeel: A great triumph for Islam [586 words]PlatoMay 24, 2007 02:2191996
ToShakeel: Rasool's vengeance and Ali's fear of Allah [685 words]PlatoMay 24, 2007 04:1491996
1The word is bashar! [26 words]dhimmi no moreMay 24, 2007 07:0091996
To Shakeel: Pure madrass stuff [1121 words]PlatoMay 24, 2007 09:5191996
RE:More bogus Arabic from our tablighee friend Shakeel [65 words]shakeelMay 24, 2007 10:4191996
RE:To Shakeel: You got me with my forgotten promise to god [747 words]shakeelMay 24, 2007 13:3591996
RE:To Jaladhi-->Hypocrisy continues.... [157 words]shakeelMay 24, 2007 13:5791996
Captive non-Muslim women are a fair game... [197 words]JaladhiMay 24, 2007 21:5391996
To dhimmi no more: Your help needed again [345 words]PlatoMay 25, 2007 00:1891996
To Shakeel: Pure madrassa stuff II [815 words]PlatoMay 25, 2007 04:0191996
Bogus one more time [107 words]dhimmi no moreMay 25, 2007 06:2091996
Translation of Q8:67 [203 words]dhimmi no moreMay 25, 2007 06:4491996
RE:To Shakeel: Free a slave and go to jannat [294 words]shakeelMay 25, 2007 13:3791996
RE:To Shakeel: The threat of the shahada hanging over us [195 words]shakeelMay 25, 2007 14:4091996
RE:To Shakeel: A great triumph for Islam [313 words]shakeelMay 25, 2007 15:5491996
RE:ToShakeel: Rasool's vengeance and Ali's fear of Allah [254 words]shakeelMay 25, 2007 16:3691996
RE:To Shakeel: Pure madrass stuff [334 words]shakeelMay 25, 2007 17:5591996
To Shakeel: Bring your proof [1808 words]PlatoMay 26, 2007 09:0891996
To Shakeel: Bring your proof II [1420 words]PlatoMay 26, 2007 09:1391996
RE:To Shakeel: Pure madrassa stuff II [377 words]shakeelMay 26, 2007 12:3591996
RE:Bogus one more time [70 words]shakeelMay 26, 2007 12:4391996
To Shakeel: Slavery is halal in Islam [1212 words]PlatoMay 27, 2007 00:1091996
To Shakeel: Bring your proof [128 words]PlatoMay 27, 2007 02:3991996
To Shakeel: I goofed. Post wrongly attributed. Bring your proof III [31 words]PlatoMay 27, 2007 02:4691996
To Shakeel: Forcible conversion. Yours scholars say different [1183 words]PlatoMay 27, 2007 07:5891996
To Shakeel: Seeing the truth at the point of a sword [689 words]PlatoMay 27, 2007 09:2691996
to Shakeel: Bring your proof IV [490 words]PlatoMay 28, 2007 05:2491996
To Shakeel: Don't swallow all those moulvi stories [1319 words]PlatoMay 28, 2007 07:0591996
To Shakeel: Islamically speaking, life is meaningless [1318 words]PlatoMay 28, 2007 08:0991996
RE:To Shakeel: Bring your proof [75 words]shakeelMay 28, 2007 14:1591996
RE:To Shakeel: Slavery is halal in Islam [187 words]shakeelMay 28, 2007 15:2591996
RE:To Shakeel: Forcible conversion. Yours scholars say different [253 words]shakeelMay 28, 2007 16:2691996
RE: To Shakeel: Seeing the truth at the point of a sword [157 words]shakeelMay 28, 2007 16:5591996
RE:To Shakeel: Islamically speaking, life is meaningless [57 words]shakeelMay 28, 2007 17:2991996
RE:To Shakeel: Don't swallow all those moulvi stories [273 words]shakeelMay 28, 2007 18:1691996
To Shakeel: I get the point. An enforcer with the responsibility to kill. [378 words]PlatoMay 29, 2007 05:4691996
To Shakeel: Tiresome moulvi-inspired logic-free answers [1307 words]PlatoMay 29, 2007 08:0691996
Bogus again and again [360 words]dhimmi no moreMay 29, 2007 12:5991996
He promises? You must be kidding [65 words]dhimmi no moreMay 29, 2007 15:1191996
To Shakeel: Read Surah 9 once more with care [1386 words]PlatoMay 30, 2007 03:1091996
To Shakeel: Why does Allah wait for judgement day? [383 words]PlatoMay 30, 2007 03:5191996
To Shakeel: Simple-minded answers not simple ones [239 words]PlatoMay 31, 2007 00:4091996
Shakeel - Hypocrisy continues... [167 words]JaladhiMay 31, 2007 10:5291996
To Shakeel: Bias is sunnah? [985 words]PlatoJun 1, 2007 06:2891996
RE: Bolstering Moderate Muslims [417 words]shakeelJun 17, 2007 16:4591996
RE:Shakeel - Hypocrisy continues... [54 words]shakeelJun 17, 2007 16:5491996
RE:To Shakeel: Simple-minded answers not simple ones [173 words]shakeelJun 17, 2007 17:0991996
RE:To Shakeel: Why does Allah wait for judgement day? [133 words]shakeelJun 17, 2007 17:2491996
RE:To Shakeel: Read Surah 9 once more with care [326 words]shakeelJun 17, 2007 17:5791996
To Shakeel: The prophet has been a licence to kill? [1144 words]PlatoJun 19, 2007 05:5091996
except for.. [111 words]donvanJun 19, 2007 17:1491996
RE:except for.. [70 words]shakeelJun 20, 2007 16:3391996
RE:To Shakeel: The prophet has been a licence to kill? [375 words]shakeelJun 20, 2007 17:3691996
what.. [161 words]donvanJun 22, 2007 08:3491996
shakeel: You keep justifying the unjustifiable [1402 words]PlatoJun 26, 2007 01:5591996
To Shakeel: Allah has made us into prer-programmed zombies! [1000 words]PlatoJun 26, 2007 04:3191996
To Shakeel: The Nazis also used another form of Itmam ul-hujja [497 words]PlatoJun 26, 2007 06:3791996
To Shakeel: No coherent answers yet [928 words]PlatoJun 27, 2007 05:4991996
RE:shakeel: You keep justifying the unjustifiable [667 words]shakeelJun 29, 2007 17:0191996
RE:To Shakeel: The Nazis also used another form of Itmam ul-hujja [94 words]shakeelJun 29, 2007 17:4391996
RE:To Shakeel: Allah has made us into prer-programmed zombies! [88 words]shakeelJun 29, 2007 17:5391996
RE:To Shakeel: No coherent answers yet [32 words]shakeelJun 29, 2007 18:0091996
To Shakeel: Reality really bites. [2538 words]PlatoJun 30, 2007 08:1591996
RE:To Shakeel: Reality really bites. [461 words]shakeelJun 30, 2007 19:0891996
To Shakeel: Get real for once [1505 words]PlatoJul 2, 2007 04:5291996
To Shakeel: Develop thirst for knowledge instead guidance [287 words]PlatoJul 2, 2007 04:5891996
To Shakeel: Help Muslims who are misreading/misinterpreting the Koran [690 words]PlatoJul 2, 2007 05:5991996
To Shakeel: Islamically speaking who really are the wrong-doers? [191 words]PlatoJul 2, 2007 07:0991996
bolstering Moderate Muslims : reply to dhimmi no more [372 words]Jaisingh ThakurJul 16, 2007 01:5391996
RE:To Shakeel:Get real for once [451 words]shakeelAug 31, 2007 01:0091996
RE:To Shakeel: Develop thirst for knowledge instead guidance [49 words]shakeelAug 31, 2007 01:1491996
Middle Path? [82 words]Linda HaslamSep 27, 2007 11:0191996
RE: Middle Path? [301 words]ShakeelSep 29, 2007 13:5391996
Cherry Picking [87 words]Linda HaslamSep 30, 2007 16:1391996
RE: Cherry Picking [240 words]ShakeelOct 2, 2007 20:1491996
Everyone's life is equal? [64 words]Linda HaslamOct 4, 2007 10:5691996
RE: Everyone's life is equal? [243 words]ShakeelOct 11, 2007 19:0391996
The utter irrelevance of the recent protests and why they are misleading [704 words]Noah WilkMay 4, 2007 19:4791679
I agree Noah [208 words]Roosevelt's DiscipleMay 6, 2007 14:4691679
The usual fantasy of "experts". [154 words]JaladhiMay 8, 2007 11:0491679
Thanks Jaladhi, and further comments [345 words]Noah WilkMay 8, 2007 23:3491679
Beware of statistics! [191 words]Farid H.May 9, 2007 20:1691679
Misplacing hope in Moderate Muslims [333 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Zack HighstreetMay 4, 2007 14:5091655
No Unicorns To Be Found Here ... [328 words]Morgaan SinclairMay 8, 2007 09:4391655
Moderates won't be able to take control of the Islamic agenda. [166 words]Zack HighstreetMay 9, 2007 09:2491655
Explain this then, Morgan [126 words]Noah WilkMay 9, 2007 18:5391655
Response to Noah ... [1193 words]Morgaan SinclairMay 10, 2007 18:0591655
Morgaan Sinclair - you strengthen my argument. [104 words]Zack HighstreetMay 11, 2007 09:3391655
noah response numero dos [333 words]moderate Muslim 1May 11, 2007 19:1191655
Oh, dear. And I thought I'd get some work done tonight ... Moderate? Don't think so. [1431 words]Morgaan SinclairMay 11, 2007 20:4691655
mistaken [31 words]moderate Muslim 1May 13, 2007 22:2791655
ROFLOL ... Getting a little arrogant, aren't you, Mr. Moderate (or so you say) [238 words]Morgaan SinclairMay 14, 2007 18:3491655
If only more women [194 words]donvanMay 15, 2007 10:4991655
moderate muslims are a bigger threat than radical muslims [134 words]Ali SinaMay 4, 2007 02:0691598
Ali Sina, your comments - a wake up call!!! [116 words]JaladhiMay 8, 2007 11:4091598
British citizens of Pakistani origin and the visa waiver program [116 words]dhimmi no moreMay 2, 2007 18:3691399
restrict all moslems [28 words]true believerMay 4, 2007 01:5291399
There should be no exceptions [169 words]Noah WilkMay 6, 2007 18:5391399
Go Ahead Lobbying It wont do any good [26 words]moderate Muslim 1May 7, 2007 19:2091399
wrong Modern Moslem [104 words]true believerMay 9, 2007 01:0291399
Useless exercise to find moderate muslim [1249 words]MilindMay 1, 2007 05:4891177
PRICELESS WORDS - PLEASE READ POST ABOVE BY MILIND [21 words]susanMay 2, 2007 16:5391177
Mr.Milind , open your eyes , Muslim groups are Islamising India step by step . [347 words]SangharshMay 4, 2007 04:2291177
Misleading and saddening post by Milind [285 words]RStoutnessMay 4, 2007 08:1791177
drum roll, the lie of the month [179 words]susanMay 5, 2007 15:0391177
reply to all [548 words]true believerMay 7, 2007 04:0191177
truth for true beleiver [84 words]MilindMay 14, 2007 10:4291177
Public Challenge for Dr.Pipes [332 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Noah WilkApr 29, 2007 14:0891050
that doesn't mean much [123 words]susanMay 4, 2007 16:5791050
Public Challenge for Dr.Pipes [356 words]IanusMay 4, 2007 17:3591050
You replied as predicted, but it's not an answer [395 words]Noah WilkMay 4, 2007 18:0391050
I agree with you: there are no Moderate Muslims. [429 words]dhimmi no moreMay 8, 2007 07:3891050
one sided fascists [145 words]Moderate Muslim 1May 8, 2007 13:5391050
Clueing in Moderate Muslim once again! [443 words]Noah WilkMay 8, 2007 23:2491050
I'm in total agreement, Dhimmi No More! [247 words]Noah WilkMay 8, 2007 23:4791050
reply to mm... [197 words]BrianMay 9, 2007 00:2491050
reply part 2 [120 words]BrianMay 9, 2007 01:0091050
introspect [269 words]true believerMay 9, 2007 05:5391050
A proportional response. [162 words]moderate Muslim 1May 10, 2007 19:1391050
Reply to MM [229 words]BrianMay 12, 2007 00:2391050
Also..... [75 words]BrianMay 12, 2007 00:4591050
mistaken again [77 words]moderate Muslim 1May 13, 2007 22:3091050
Surely DEFINITELY NOT a proportional response [82 words]moderate Muslim 1May 13, 2007 22:3391050
proportion eh ? [375 words]true believerMay 14, 2007 10:1891050
Where to start [146 words]BrianMay 14, 2007 19:4991050
"Moderate" Muslim, stop lying! [128 words]MosheMay 15, 2007 08:1591050
crazy pt 2 [67 words]moderate Muslim 1May 15, 2007 17:5591050
crazy pt 3 [38 words]moderate Muslim 1May 15, 2007 17:5891050
Donvan... [11 words]BrianMay 16, 2007 02:3891050
More "Moderate" Muslim claims [302 words]MosheMay 17, 2007 07:3791050
Another question MM feels it is better to ignore. [95 words]BrianMay 18, 2007 15:5991050
crazy eh? [54 words]true believerMay 21, 2007 02:2491050
Karen Armstrong the wannabe historian [488 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2007 08:4591040
Karen Armstrong the wannabe historian part one [637 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2007 18:0891040
Karen Armstrong the wannabe historian part two [928 words]dihmmi no moreApr 30, 2007 19:0491040
Karen Armstrong the wannabe historian part three [1138 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2007 18:0791040
Karen Armstrong the wannabe historian part four [861 words]dihmmi no moreMay 2, 2007 08:2791040
Karen Armstrong the wannabe historian part five [548 words]dhimmi no moreMay 4, 2007 20:0891040
Karen Armstrong the wannabe historian part six [1141 words]dhimmi no moreMay 5, 2007 18:2891040
Karen Armstrong the wannabe historian part seven [1422 words]dhimmi no moreMay 6, 2007 16:1291040
Karen Armstrong : sounds like a brainwashed woman [229 words]TaprootMay 9, 2007 04:1991040
Ms Armstrong and her chutzpah! [218 words]dhimmi no moreMay 10, 2007 07:3291040
Armstrong : you've got to admit she's an interesting case ! [267 words]TaprootMay 11, 2007 02:5091040
Religion is like drugs [607 words]Farid H.Apr 28, 2007 22:4991032
Religion is like drugs ... [254 words]IanusApr 30, 2007 17:5891032
Reply to Ianus - Opiate of the masses [573 words]Farid H.May 1, 2007 22:2791032
Your theory is complete nonsense [796 words]Noah WilkMay 3, 2007 15:2591032
Crack cocaine of the masses [1724 words]IanusMay 3, 2007 15:5291032
Re: Your theory is complete nonsense [1800 words]Farid H.May 3, 2007 20:5791032
Ianus - What do you think of the muslim campaign on this board? [64 words]Roosevelt's DiscipleMay 4, 2007 06:2391032
To Roosevelt's Disciple : muslim campaign on this board and moderately intelligent kafirs [416 words]IanusMay 5, 2007 07:0391032
to Farid [425 words]ASMay 5, 2007 18:2591032
To Ianus: Jesus was right [213 words]PlatoMay 6, 2007 10:1391032
Reply to AS [1375 words]Farid H.May 8, 2007 23:0591032
Islam Sham [2 words]ChrisDec 20, 2009 06:1891032
How to win war in Iraq & Afghanistan? [297 words]Muhammad Jesus MosesApr 27, 2007 01:5690855
wrong [19 words]true believerApr 30, 2007 11:4690855
usa will lose war [29 words]AliAug 29, 2009 03:3790855
The Truth is [139 words]Abir ChaabanApr 26, 2007 18:1190794
They don't want to compromise on anything, they want total victory [325 words]sfseanApr 26, 2007 17:1990776
So you say... [168 words]donvanApr 26, 2007 15:4990764
Moderate Islam! Is this a joke! As I am posting, serious incidents in EGYPT. [158 words]Egyptian ChristianApr 26, 2007 10:3190729
religion of peace [17 words]sabualiasApr 28, 2007 05:0290729
I am 100% sure - you are not Egyptian Christian! [293 words]John VargheesApr 28, 2007 08:0390729
another mallu [148 words]geeverghese poonthottamApr 30, 2007 11:5890729
Our dear John stays at the Movin pick resort hotel and shouts "let them eat cake" [303 words]dhimmi no moreMay 6, 2007 08:0690729
There are moderate muslims [407 words]Hazel CrowleyApr 25, 2007 23:4890681
I couldn't disagree more with Mr. Pipes on this. [267 words]Morton DoodslagApr 25, 2007 22:5190678
A million years. And counting. [94 words]Azamin IppishApr 25, 2007 17:4390633
MODERATE ISLAM IS TARGETTED [237 words]IVAN againApr 24, 2007 09:2190492
It's catching. Protect our prisoners exposed to Islamic zeal. [72 words]IvanApr 23, 2007 07:4490292
The marketing of New and Improved brand of RAND's old and discredited product [198 words]Ghulam Muhammed, MumaiApr 23, 2007 03:4190278
Rage against Bush policies?? [122 words]donvanApr 25, 2007 17:0790278
Bolstering Moderate Criminal Tribal Warlords [394 words]DCMApr 22, 2007 17:2890233
An example of a moderate muslim [49 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
J CampbellApr 22, 2007 14:3190197
Mr. Irfan Hussain, Paul Wolfowitz and his girlfriend [112 words]Romesh ChanderMay 6, 2007 19:2690197
My Response [560 words]moderate MuslimApr 22, 2007 11:1590175
Reply to Moderate Muslim [311 words]Romesh ChanderApr 22, 2007 16:2890175
Our dear moderate muslim and his little pablum [103 words]dhimmi no moreApr 22, 2007 17:4490175
Compassionate Decent Muslims? [141 words]Domenic PepeApr 22, 2007 21:1190175
Moderate Muslim said: [154 words]Ynna (tchkah)Apr 22, 2007 23:5690175
Moderate Muslim: Nice try [2898 words]PlatoApr 23, 2007 06:3190175
opinions aside, [138 words]donvanApr 23, 2007 09:3090175
TO: My response moderate Muslim, [26 words]Joe Schmoe USAApr 23, 2007 11:2190175
Reply to moderate Mulslim. [85 words]FaqiApr 23, 2007 18:5690175
Muslims [203 words]surjApr 23, 2007 19:5490175
"Moderate" sermon from a Saudi mosque!!!-- Good job, Plato [167 words]JaladhiApr 23, 2007 20:5290175
cartoons [98 words]moderate MuslimApr 24, 2007 17:3490175
infidel [94 words]moderate MuslimApr 24, 2007 17:3890175
the difference between Islam and Muslims [80 words]moderate MuslimApr 24, 2007 17:4290175
joe schmoe read [55 words]moderate MuslimApr 24, 2007 17:4490175
response to Plato [612 words]moderate MuslimApr 24, 2007 18:0890175
israel, the Jews, and the Holocaust [52 words]moderate MuslimApr 24, 2007 18:1190175
Asalama Alkim Moderate Muslim! [179 words]ahmadzafireApr 24, 2007 22:0390175
neo-Wahabi factor [168 words]DTApr 25, 2007 17:0190175
Why Should Americans Welcome ...Muslims...? [83 words]Domenic PepeApr 25, 2007 18:2090175
US does not welcome muslims [42 words]Romesh ChanderApr 25, 2007 19:4290175
wa alaikum as salam [109 words]moderate MuslimApr 25, 2007 21:2490175
to pepe [54 words]moderate MuslimApr 25, 2007 21:2690175
ways and means [44 words]moderate MuslimApr 25, 2007 21:2890175
islam had been in america before ..... [94 words]ahmadzafireApr 25, 2007 22:3990175
More pablum for our dear M&M and who is really an infidel? [174 words]dhimmi no moreApr 26, 2007 07:0690175
To Moderate Muslim: Terrorism built into your religion [1265 words]PlatoApr 26, 2007 09:3090175
Propaganda by Moderate Muslim [373 words]JaladhiApr 26, 2007 11:3490175
History of Islam vs history of USA [40 words]JaladhiApr 26, 2007 15:0390175
A Convenient Untruth [462 words]moderate MuslimApr 26, 2007 20:1790175
Paki/ Arabic LOL [89 words]dhimmi no moreApr 27, 2007 07:2390175
The 9/11 atrocity and the Qur'an [160 words]dhimmi no moreApr 27, 2007 07:3990175
More fantasy by none other that Ahmad Zafire [65 words]dhimmi no moreApr 27, 2007 19:2390175
To Moderate Muslim: Peaceful islam a convenient....untruth. [1019 words]PlatoApr 29, 2007 08:0490175
Moderate Muslim shot down again! [301 words]Noah WilkApr 29, 2007 13:4990175
Jaladhi, he just proves our point! [139 words]Noah WilkApr 29, 2007 14:2390175
Gaza... [120 words]donvanApr 30, 2007 09:3490175
Palestinians should move to Mecca [150 words]skmillerApr 30, 2007 14:1990175
Noah (Daniels if you watch 24) Wilk [71 words]moderate MuslimApr 30, 2007 23:0190175
"What's in a name?" [1777 words]Lactantius JrMay 1, 2007 11:1190175
weeks passing and still no reply [82 words]susanMay 1, 2007 14:2390175
being respected means paying and extra tax? [18 words]susanMay 1, 2007 14:3590175
oh yeah? [103 words]susanMay 1, 2007 14:3790175
first killer of jews [43 words]susanMay 1, 2007 14:4090175
it won't take long [20 words]susanMay 1, 2007 14:4390175
i am not protected by any muslim [81 words]susanMay 1, 2007 14:4590175
history in the making [83 words]susanMay 1, 2007 14:4790175
your prophet said the opposite [146 words]susanMay 1, 2007 14:5390175
Great post - Plato [596 words]JaladhiMay 1, 2007 16:0990175
Moderate Muslim [398 words]Noah WilkMay 1, 2007 16:4390175
Noah - We will hear truth from them!!! [95 words]JaladhiMay 1, 2007 21:4990175
so nice to live in turkey [254 words]susanMay 2, 2007 16:4090175
For Noah and you forgot one more pillar of the religion of peace [17 words]dhimmi no moreMay 2, 2007 17:5590175
To Jaladhi: Appreciate your remarks [51 words]PlatoMay 3, 2007 01:2890175
answer [27 words]moderate Muslim 1May 3, 2007 18:5890175
Think first [57 words]moderate Muslim 1May 3, 2007 19:0290175
How dare you susan [112 words]moderate Muslim 1May 3, 2007 19:0890175
bring it Noah [28 words]moderate Muslim 1May 3, 2007 19:1090175
...turkey [92 words]moderate Muslim 1May 3, 2007 19:1890175
your prophet had slaves, no doubt about it [56 words]susanMay 4, 2007 16:4290175
false as usual [106 words]susanMay 4, 2007 16:4490175
yes, i dare [158 words]susanMay 4, 2007 16:4990175
wrong again [45 words]susanMay 4, 2007 16:5190175
For our dear M&M and his bogus comments of the mafia tax aka al-jizya [614 words]dhimmi no moreMay 5, 2007 09:0390175
What country do you live in. [55 words]moderate Muslim 1May 5, 2007 12:5890175
Moderate's posturing is getting boring [333 words]Noah WilkMay 5, 2007 15:4890175
things not belonging to reality [201 words]susanMay 5, 2007 18:1590175
come on Susan [17 words]moderate Muslim 1May 6, 2007 13:2690175
bring it susan [31 words]moderate MuslimMay 6, 2007 13:2890175
jizya [209 words]moderate Muslim 1May 6, 2007 13:4190175
Our dear M&M and the mafia tax aka al-jizya [267 words]dhimmi no moreMay 6, 2007 18:1290175
typical [313 words]susanMay 6, 2007 18:2190175
jyza was not simbolic [242 words]susanMay 6, 2007 18:2690175
Our dear M&M and the bogus context again! [349 words]dhimmi no moreMay 6, 2007 18:5190175
They don't belong in our military in the first place! [121 words]Noah WilkMay 6, 2007 19:0090175
Superior acting fool [188 words]moderate Muslim 1May 7, 2007 18:4890175
My response [845 words]moderate Muslim 1May 7, 2007 19:1690175
Putting Moderate Muslim in his place - AGAIN! [813 words]Noah WilkMay 8, 2007 23:0390175
when exactly...... [69 words]BrianMay 9, 2007 21:4690175
ok [118 words]moderate Muslim 1May 9, 2007 21:5490175
Our Dear M&M and his bogus claims [565 words]dhimmi no moreMay 10, 2007 13:2890175
A lesson in Constitutional Law for Moderate Muslim [425 words]Noah WilkMay 10, 2007 18:3290175
To Moderate Muslim1: Tauba, Tauba. Astaghfirullah. [1786 words]PlatoMay 11, 2007 03:5990175
exemption [43 words]moderate Muslim 1May 13, 2007 22:3590175
hogwash... [95 words]donvanMay 15, 2007 11:0190175
To Moderate Muslim1: What is the fate of those do not pay jiziya? [259 words]PlatoMay 16, 2007 06:0590175
yeah you [114 words]moderate Muslim 1May 22, 2007 18:4890175
When exactly part 2 [57 words]BrianMay 23, 2007 19:4590175
Also [85 words]BrianMay 23, 2007 19:5690175
"No they don't, just who is this Allah?" [1487 words]Lactantius Jr.Oct 17, 2007 06:3690175
:S [34 words]maria.khanApr 8, 2008 10:4690175
Our dear maria [19 words]dhimmi no moreApr 13, 2008 19:1690175
Our dear maria and Arabic [117 words]dhimmi no moreApr 13, 2008 19:5090175
:S [88 words]Maria KhanApr 27, 2008 09:2990175
;D [589 words]Maria KhanApr 27, 2008 11:0490175
Our dear Maria Khan and Arabic and she ain't no Arab or one of "them people" [179 words]dhimmi no moreApr 28, 2008 07:2490175
Our dear Maria and islam is the religion of the Hijazi Arabs and you ain't no Hijazi Arab [1202 words]dhimmi no moreApr 28, 2008 08:1790175
dhimmi the comedian [138 words]maria khanApr 28, 2008 16:2690175
Our dear maria is calling the wahhabis and the taliban for help [150 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2008 19:3390175
Freedom of speech and islamo-fascists [26 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2008 19:4990175
Cherry picking time, and our dear Maria who is running away [123 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2008 20:2590175
Too little Too late [79 words]Brian ChatwinApr 21, 2007 22:3690120
Media is also responsible [146 words]Moosa IssaApr 21, 2007 22:0790117
Response to Moosa [138 words]SanchezApr 22, 2007 15:5790117
Hired killers or hungry persons, no choice [104 words]Issa MoosaApr 22, 2007 18:2290117
What about in Northern Ireland? [35 words]Thomas MosesApr 23, 2007 04:0790117
big difference... [110 words]donvanApr 23, 2007 09:4190117
big joker mollah moosa [294 words]true believerApr 24, 2007 01:4290117
You are totally wrong. [233 words]Issa MoosaApr 25, 2007 07:2390117
yeah,,, NO!!!! [36 words]moderate MuslimApr 25, 2007 21:5190117
some of your facts are wrong [223 words]robert andersonApr 26, 2007 10:2590117
really ? [623 words]true believerApr 26, 2007 12:3690117
Yes It's real! [142 words]Issa MoosaApr 26, 2007 21:2190117
Aaah, the Japs !! [217 words]true believerApr 27, 2007 12:2890117
re: really ? [237 words]true believerApr 30, 2007 11:4390117
Our Dear Issa Moosa and his flawed logic [426 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2007 07:2190117
it's perfectly logical [126 words]susanMay 1, 2007 14:5990117
colonial powers? [165 words]susanMay 1, 2007 15:0190117
here are all the answers [120 words]susanMay 1, 2007 15:1090117
Susan [68 words]true believerMay 2, 2007 01:0090117
Moosa- have you forgotten Muslim bloody past and present??? [186 words]JaladhiMay 2, 2007 12:0490117
Bolstering Moderate Muslims : A reply to Issa Moosa [206 words]Jaisingh ThakurJul 14, 2007 00:4090117
The Missing Moderate Muslims [1266 words]Amil ImaniApr 21, 2007 18:0290092
Moderate Muslims [175 words]Maurice PicowApr 21, 2007 14:5690080
The American policy on terror may just create new superpower: Terrorism.. [429 words]Adam EylatApr 21, 2007 06:1890039
Bolstering Moderate Muslims,art. No. 4426 [47 words]S.C.PandaApr 21, 2007 04:3390032
Why muslims don't demand Human Rights in muslim countries [172 words]Romesh ChanderApr 21, 2007 18:4090032
One can ask for human rights only from the countries which will give them and not from those who will kill them [25 words]JaladhiApr 21, 2007 20:2590032
Be honest [421 words]Bharat KhanApr 21, 2007 22:4790032
to Bharat Khan [118 words]ASApr 26, 2007 03:0190032
War on terror or War for business interest? [306 words]Bharat KhanApr 28, 2007 04:4190032
LOL, new pakistan will still jail victims of rape for misconduct [60 words]susanMay 4, 2007 17:0490032
War on terror or War for business interest? [24 words]joeMar 14, 2009 01:4590032
Ten commandments to become moderate Muslim [226 words]Judeo ChrislamApr 20, 2007 21:4989997
The Joe Schmoe "How to know if I could be a "Moderate Muslim" test. [123 words]Joe Schmoe USAApr 19, 2007 20:1789868
Islamist [287 words]Dr.Richard L. BenkinApr 19, 2007 18:4589858
Delusions for everyone! [1269 words]Noah WilkApr 19, 2007 18:2289848
Ban, Deport, Isolate, Deter...and Crush Psychopathic Islamism [290 words]Domenic PepeApr 21, 2007 14:2589848
DEIslamize West [52 words]Romesh ChanderApr 21, 2007 18:4789848
To Romesh [213 words]Ynna (Tchkah)Apr 22, 2007 15:1389848
Comment on Noah Wilk's post [97 words]Romesh ChanderApr 22, 2007 16:5089848
Radical Suggestions for Dealing with Militant Islam [640 words]Robert OdeanApr 19, 2007 12:1289808
Solutions from another angle [324 words]HarrakApr 19, 2007 23:2689808
muslim beliefs [328 words]G.VishvasApr 20, 2007 06:4889808
Response to Robert Odean [202 words]SanchezApr 21, 2007 11:5289808
Request for comment by Daniel Pipes on Robert Odean's Radical Suggestions for Dealing With Militant Islam. [65 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Frank K. HooverApr 22, 2007 22:3189808
Zalmay Khalilzad [59 words]CVTApr 19, 2007 11:5289806
moderate is practice not theory [126 words]bndApr 18, 2007 22:4989727
Islamism is Saudia Arabia. [177 words]Martin KesslerApr 18, 2007 21:4789723
Media and other factors destroy the true pictires of Saudia Arabia. [304 words]loomaApr 27, 2007 01:4389723
I am a moderate muslim [155 words]MuminsalihApr 18, 2007 16:3489695
moderate moslem = BIG joke [330 words]true believerApr 19, 2007 03:1889695
I totally agree with you, Muminsalih [270 words]ItalianApr 19, 2007 10:0889695
Response to Muminsalih [20 words]SanchezApr 19, 2007 19:0689695
Apostates may appear as moderates [46 words]muminsalihApr 20, 2007 16:2889695
okay [96 words]moderate MuslimApr 22, 2007 11:2289695
apostasy? not really [68 words]moderate MuslimApr 22, 2007 11:2489695
Our dear M&M and flawed logic and poor Arabic and the religion of peace (sic) [446 words]dhimmi no moreMay 13, 2007 17:5289695
One word -- WHY? [287 words]J.S.Apr 18, 2007 13:3789675
regarding BBC World [132 words]jKalvinApr 19, 2007 08:2589675
Comments on JS fabulous piece [106 words]RachelleApr 19, 2007 10:1989675
Yes indeed - why? [205 words]JaladhiApr 19, 2007 10:4389675
regarding BBC World ... You mean "al-Beeb" ? [573 words]IanusApr 19, 2007 17:2989675
12 year old muslim boy beheads another fellow moderate muslim in Pakistan [433 words]MonitanApr 21, 2007 09:3789675
More on BBC World [445 words]J.S.Apr 22, 2007 11:4589675
Stephen Sakur biased? [76 words]Rob holmesAug 25, 2008 10:2189675
Stephen Sackur [49 words]jKalvinOct 22, 2008 16:5589675
Biased BBC, again chews ugly Pallywood terminology [146 words]DiannaMay 30, 2012 07:2289675
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum [432 words]Abu NuwasApr 18, 2007 12:4789666
words have power... [217 words]donvanApr 19, 2007 09:3889666
A Tisket A Tasket [432 words]Abu NuwasApr 20, 2007 11:4289666
Deconstruct Muslim beliefs about their founder [79 words]PlatoApr 21, 2007 07:3389666
one can only hope.. [176 words]donvanApr 22, 2007 08:2889666
Muslim terms [203 words]donvanApr 23, 2007 09:1089666
The elephant in the room [291 words]RichardApr 18, 2007 12:4089665
Moderate Islam Is Not The Answer [236 words]Andrew StunichApr 18, 2007 12:1989664
Window dressing [76 words]David W. LincolnApr 18, 2007 12:1889663
2MODERATE MUSLIMS DO NOT EXIST [154 words]RAJAGOPALANApr 18, 2007 09:4989646
What is justified in the name of Islam [142 words]David W. LincolnApr 19, 2007 10:3989646
I urge all moderate muslims to join "MMF" and raise a voice against Islamism , Jehad and Militancy by Fanatics [184 words]RochisApr 21, 2007 09:5489646
means and intentions [173 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDApr 18, 2007 08:4289635
Another question about [93 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Ben WilsonApr 18, 2007 07:0789624
Dialectic Approach [56 words]HarrakApr 22, 2007 20:4689624
2 earths (a suggestion) [101 words]G.VishvasApr 18, 2007 06:2889619
A Call to Moderate Muslims [1449 words]Amil ImaniApr 18, 2007 02:5289603
Reinterpreting the Quran [130 words]Moderate MuslimApr 18, 2007 02:2789601
"Look where wishing to 'reinterpret the Qur'an' got Al-Ustazh Mahmud Muhammad Taha" [504 words]Lactantius JrApr 23, 2007 11:2689601
I am happy to share the "theoretical framework" [162 words]Moderate MuslimApr 24, 2007 08:4289601
"Reinterpreting the Qur'an" [1494 words]Lactantius Jr.Apr 25, 2007 11:4889601
jihad et all [143 words]moderate MuslimApr 25, 2007 21:5089601
"Reinterpretation of the Qur'an; Medinan Islam, Abrogation, Apostasy from Islam and its punishment" [2331 words]Lactantius Jr.Apr 28, 2007 06:5089601
Reading the Qur'an and a "text with no context" [665 words]dhimmi no moreApr 28, 2007 08:5189601
Here is the theoretical framework [3403 words]Moderate MuslimApr 29, 2007 19:3089601
Please see - "Here is the theoretical framework" [31 words]Moderate MuslimApr 29, 2007 19:4489601
I have posted the "theoretical framework" [46 words]Moderate MuslimApr 29, 2007 20:0989601
So what did we learn from our dear M&M? [60 words]dhimmi no moreApr 30, 2007 17:4089601
moderate Muslim 1 [135 words]moderate MuslimMay 1, 2007 18:1189601
There is no abrogation in Quran and the punishment of Apostasy is not death by human [242 words]anwer khanMay 2, 2012 16:4189601
Moderate Islam and a reformation [157 words]Andria SwitzerApr 17, 2007 23:3089591
Reply to Andria [160 words]LucasApr 19, 2007 05:2289591
I saw her on the Crossroads special [84 words]Rick HouseApr 20, 2007 17:4389591
There is no moderation in Islam [107 words]JohnApr 17, 2007 23:0889589
Try Moderate Buddhists instead [141 words]SanchezApr 17, 2007 21:3389578
Suppose Islamists pose as moderates [29 words]Darwin MoradiellosApr 17, 2007 20:2489566
Moderate: A direct definition and a new theology are needed. Won't happen. [414 words]MelMApr 17, 2007 20:2389565
Double standards [334 words]Muhammad Jesus MosesApr 17, 2007 18:5989552
correction [86 words]susanApr 20, 2007 16:1389552
Our dear Muhammad blah...blah... and his poor Muslim education [116 words]dhimmi no moreMay 4, 2007 07:1389552
It won't work. It's time to throw in the cards and push ourselves away from the table. [240 words]Rick HouseApr 17, 2007 17:2789539
It's too late Rick [92 words]Ephraim LiorApr 18, 2007 07:1589539
"Moderate" Muslims amount to little [277 words]David CampbellApr 18, 2007 09:4389539
Rick I agree with you [268 words]Haim BelisowskiApr 18, 2007 12:5389539
What's the alternative? [172 words]Rick HouseApr 20, 2007 16:4789539
Thanks! [75 words]Rick HouseApr 20, 2007 17:0089539
Disengagement is still not an option. [300 words]Ephraim LiorApr 21, 2007 13:3289539
Ephraim, I was attempting to state a belief, not an argument [361 words]Rick HouseApr 29, 2007 12:1989539
Why not end Muslim immigration to the U.S.? [258 words]PaulApr 17, 2007 16:5389535
1Immigration of Muslims to non-muslim countries is UNISLAMIC. [137 words]Romesh ChanderApr 18, 2007 09:2389535
Agreed - but how do we pick them out? [186 words]PatApr 18, 2007 13:1489535
Romesh Chander, the world belongs to Muslims [128 words]InfidelApr 19, 2007 01:0689535
Infidel - Moderate Mullah??? [82 words]JaladhiApr 19, 2007 15:4889535
Reply to infidel regarding Earth Belongs to Allah [215 words]Romesh ChanderApr 19, 2007 18:2489535
Romesh Chander, a little proof please [152 words]InfidelApr 20, 2007 19:4289535
Search for moderate muslims [79 words]G. VishvasApr 17, 2007 15:0489520
Moderate Muslims do exist!! [20 words]Romesh ChanderApr 17, 2007 16:3389520
1House of Saud [103 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
CVTApr 17, 2007 13:1089510
Easy answers, when you don't need to deal with reality! [156 words]Noah WilkApr 19, 2007 18:3289510
Another way of tackling Saudis [192 words]VijayApr 20, 2007 12:0989510
what is moderate? [183 words]syed mohammad aliApr 17, 2007 13:1089509
Typical... [121 words]donvanApr 17, 2007 16:3689509
mohammedians [76 words]joe kaffirApr 18, 2007 01:0489509
cult is democrazy [161 words]syed mohammad aliApr 18, 2007 04:2989509
Our dear Syed is back, strike up the band [34 words]dhimmi no moreApr 18, 2007 08:0089509
syed mohammad ali, you sir are a scary man......... [143 words]TimothyApr 18, 2007 13:5089509
Syed says - there are no moderate Muslims!!!! And he is right!!! [120 words]JaladhiApr 18, 2007 15:3189509
syed mohammad ali, SAID: [235 words]Ynna (tchkah)Apr 18, 2007 18:2789509
correction... [190 words]donvanApr 19, 2007 09:0689509
MALAPROPISMS [85 words]DONVANApr 19, 2007 09:5889509
ynna [154 words]syed mohammad aliApr 19, 2007 13:4189509
Ok. [314 words]Ynna (tchkah)Apr 19, 2007 16:3589509
To syed mohammad ali [235 words]Ynna (tchkah)Apr 19, 2007 19:5689509
can sword change the heart of the people? [77 words]syed mohammad aliApr 27, 2007 13:0589509
WHATS A METAPHOR? [290 words]DONVANApr 30, 2007 09:1389509
donvan why use of force to implement democracy .. [67 words]syed mohammad aliMay 1, 2007 04:4689509
reverts [102 words]moderate Muslim 1May 1, 2007 18:1589509
Dear Ali, [223 words]donvanMay 2, 2007 08:3189509
Our dear M&M and wishful thinking [166 words]dhimmi no moreMay 6, 2007 19:0889509
sword said md ali [119 words]true believerMay 21, 2007 06:5489509
Isn't it too wishful? [164 words]Ephraim LiorApr 17, 2007 12:4589507
Moderate Muslims? [24 words]Bob VeigelApr 17, 2007 12:3989506
Support for moderate muslims? [49 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Henk TwerdaApr 17, 2007 11:3889500
With all due respect to Dr. Pipes... [138 words]Mike RamirezApr 18, 2007 11:1989500
The Term "Moderate" [175 words]Mike RamirezApr 17, 2007 11:0689493
Extremist in "moderate" clothing [46 words]Don SchuldApr 17, 2007 11:0089491
Moderate Muslims...? [295 words]HowardApr 17, 2007 10:5789489
Moderate Muslims [78 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
T.L. SinkApr 17, 2007 10:4189486
"Moderate" Muslims [221 words]Bill StoreyApr 17, 2007 10:2689483
Right on - Bill Storey [113 words]JaladhiApr 17, 2007 15:5889483
"Moderate Islam" is just an emanation of the extreme official ideology of the West [593 words]IanusApr 17, 2007 18:0989483
It is true that extremists are just few but powerful than moderate muslims [169 words]Hassan PierreApr 17, 2007 10:0289478
For our dear hassan aka Pierre and more falsafa [8 words]dhimmi no moreApr 17, 2007 21:4889478
Dr. Pipes - Please Define Your Terms [734 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Bill NarveyApr 17, 2007 09:5989477
How do we trust them? [315 words]PatApr 17, 2007 20:0889477
Liked what you emphasized [436 words]Ynna (tchkah)Apr 20, 2007 03:5689477
It's not just Arabs [277 words]PatApr 20, 2007 16:1889477
pat, a clarification [134 words]susanMay 4, 2007 17:3589477
Moderate Nazis!! [46 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Romesh ChanderApr 17, 2007 09:4789476
Good German and a Good Muslim [45 words]SinghaApr 20, 2007 03:1289476
yeah, correction [36 words]moderate MuslimApr 22, 2007 11:2789476
Moderate Muslim: Oxymoron or A Moderate Muslim Should become a Christian [166 words]Mr. ShawarmaApr 27, 2007 07:3589476
John McCain [22 words]moderate MuslimApr 28, 2007 11:0089476
My interpretation of the John McCain method re: Iran [164 words]Mr ShawarmaApr 30, 2007 13:5389476
Sadly, Dr Pipes logic is flawed [346 words]Roosevelt's DiscipleMay 4, 2007 04:5789476
Moderate Islam is not the solution The Anti-life is Evil: Religion is anti-human life: [90 words]Ralph C Whaley MDApr 17, 2007 09:2489472
"Life In all Its Fullness" [1545 words]Lactantius Jr.Apr 21, 2007 10:1889472
Let us take all good things from all relegion [455 words]Judeo ChrislamApr 17, 2007 09:0689468
Moderate Islam In Turkey [44 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
yonatan silvermanApr 17, 2007 08:5889467
Moderate Islam In Turkey [28 words]CVTApr 17, 2007 18:3589467
Moderate Islam in Turkey? [131 words]surjApr 18, 2007 19:3989467
Moderate Islam In Turkey [520 words]IanusApr 19, 2007 15:4389467
Moderate Islam in Turkey??? [29 words]JaladhiApr 19, 2007 17:3289467
Bad and good news [92 words]IanusApr 21, 2007 18:1189467
...We'll see [44 words]moderate MuslimApr 29, 2007 15:1889467
"...We'll see" - Whatever we'll see , it won't be a "moderate" Turkish Moslem [172 words]IanusApr 30, 2007 17:0689467
personal choices become lack of choice [41 words]true believerMay 1, 2007 03:2589467

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