Submitted by Bry (Canada), Jul 19, 2007 at 11:09
I normally agree with Mr. Pipes findings, but the statement that Mr. Pipes made in regards to terror not working and citing Madrid 04 bombings as an example makes me wonder what Mr. Pipes is considering a failure.
True, the bombing in Madrid didn't bring back the Islamic rule of "Al Andalus", but think what that terror attacks primary objectives were; to punish Spain for their participation in Iraq and to get them to leave the "Coalition of the willing".
The attack did infact punish Spain, and caused not only the overthrow of the US allied Spanish government, but led to an immediate pull out of all Spanish troops serving in Iraq.
That was indeed a victory through terrorism, so I would like to caution Mr. Pipes on shrugging off the effectiveness that terror still has.
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Daniel Pipes replies:
Yes, it did in a limited and strange way affect the elections that immediately followed - I acknowledge that. But:
-- these were unusual circumstances, caught up with the pecularities of Spanish domestic politics.
-- this was hardly a Spanish concession of defeat in Spain, just a retreat of a minor and mostly symbolic expeditionary force.
Therefore, I consideer this episode both somewhat eccentric (i.e., difficult to reproduce) and only partial.