Helen: You got it right. The West is responsible for their own biggest problemReader comment on item: Why Shariah Must Be Opposed Submitted by Plato (India), Aug 30, 2009 at 06:22 helen, you wrote, >>hi, its people like the guy who wrote this article who dont understand that the west is the biggest problem to the bigger picture!<< You are so right Helen! The West provides Muslims with billions of dollars by purchasing their oil extracted using their technology so that they can sit in interminable traffic jams in their big SUVs. Muslims use this money to purchase bombs and Kalashnikovs to cause mayhem in the West. They also use this money to tell impressionable young minds in madrassas how bad the West is for allowing women to dress as they please or marry or live with whom they wish and it is Allah's wish that they become soldiers of Islam to do peaceful dawa for Islam and if that fails show them Allah's mailed fist in the form of suicidal jihadis. The big picture is the West is responsible for the biggest problem they face – Jihadi violence. >>God forbid if your daughter or mother got raped, you would be the first to moan about the punishment given to the criminal as the punishment system in this country is appauling. I've travelled to many muslim countries and due to the punishment system there is barely any crime at all! << Below I have picked out some relevant portions of a report which highlights what Isalamic laws do to women. This is typical and can probably be repeated in the case of all of your Islamic countries. All the references are given in the article if you are inclined not to be believe a non-believer like me "Women in Pakistan live in a world structured around strict religious, family and tribal customs that essentially force them to live in submission and overall fear. In a nation where Islamic law dictates traditional family values and is enmeshed in the legal system, Pakistan's government, law and society discriminate against women and condone gender-based violence……Women are subjected to discrimination and violence on a daily basis due to the cultural and religious norms that Pakistani society embraces. Pakistan's interpretation ofIslam views women as needing protection, which essentially results in their suppression physically, mentally and emotionally Strict family, tribal and traditional Pakistani Islamic values dictate that women are considered property of male family members. Pakistani society essentially views a woman as being owned by her father or brothers before marriage, and her husband after marriage. This commodification of women is one of the main factors contributing to violence against women. If men believe that women are mere property, men are more inclined to feel that they may do as they please to women. Women are viewed as chattel. ……… Male dominance and commodification subjects women to violence on a daily basis in Pakistan. Approximately seventy-percent to ninety-percent of Pakistani women are subjected to domestic violence.4 Typical violent acts include, but are not limited to, murder in the name of "honor," rape, spousal abuse including marital rape, acid attacks, and being burned by family members (often labeled an accident by family members). A rape occurs in Pakistan every two hours with one in every 12,500 women being victims of rape. 1 United Nations' Women's Indicators and Statistics, 1994, Pakistan Gender Indic ators - projections for 1995 2 Human Rights Commission of Pakistan's 1999 Report, www.hrcp.cjb.net. 3 "Pakistan: Violence Against Women in the Name of Honor," Amnesty International, September 1999, p. 41. 4 "Crime or Custom? Violence Against Women in Pakistan," Human Rights Watch 1999, p. 1. …………………… In 1979, under the rule of General Zia-ul-Haq, Pakistan enacted the Hudood Ordinance. This ordinance was passed as an effort to Islamicize Pakistan's legal system. As a provision of the Hudood Ordinance, the Zina Ordinance defines "rape" in terms of Islamic law; that is as being sexual relations between individuals who are not married… ……. Under Article 17 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order of 1984, Pakistan's law of evidence, a woman's testimony is not weighed equally to that of a man.13 Under the Hudood Ordinance, in order for a rapist to receive "hadd," the maximum punishment provided for under the Quran, four adult Muslim men must witness the "act of penetration" itself and testify against the perpetrator.14 Thus, if a woman does not have male witnesses but does have female witnesses, their testimony would not satisfy the evidentiary requirement and the perpetrator may be acquitted. Furthermore, if a woman does not have physical signs of rape or of a struggle such as 13 Qanun-e-Shahadat Order of 1984 (Law of Evidence), Article 17, located at www.equalitynow.org/beijing_plus5_toc_eng.html 14 The Offence of Zina Ordinance, 1979, Section 8, located at www.equalitynow.org/beijing_plus5_toc_eng.html 9 bruises and scratches, she is often seen as having not resisted. The judicial system oftentimes views the woman not as a victim but instead an "immoral" woman. These biases are a direct violation of the Constitution's guarantee of equality before the law. As discussed previously, if a woman accuses a man of rape and the man is acquitted, the rape victim could be found guilty of violating zina. By reporting the rape, a woman has essentially "admitted" to either extra-marital or non-marital intercourse. According to Amnesty International, more than one-third of all Pakistani women in prison are being held due to having been accused or found guilty of zina.15 The threat of being prosecuted discourages victims from filing complaints. http://www.du.edu/intl/humanrights/violencepkstn.pdf So, Helen, tell us which woman will dare to report a rape? Would you let your daughter or mother go to Pakistan, an Islamic republic? Allah forbid if one of them got raped (a rape occurs in Pakistan every two hours!) and you took the culprit to court the Sharia judge will demand that you bring four male witnesses who had seen "the act of penetration". Will you moan at the miscarriage of justice? Can you blame the Sharia judge for not giving you justice? I would blame Islam and a merciless Allah and His Prophet for such horrendous laws that treat women as chattel. >>I've travelled to many muslim countries and due to the punishment system there is barely any crime at all! << After reading the report I have pasted you would have realized why there are "barely" any crimes in Muslims countries. The victims tend to end up as the criminals according to Islamic justice! >>What we must understand is that no where on this earth is there pure sharia law and there hasnt been for many many years.<< When will Muslims understand that the Phantom of the Skies who claims to be all powerful, all knowing and all merciful has failed in His attempt to make Muslims stick with Sharia for these last 1400 years. If you consider that the rule of the Companions was the golden age of Sharia how did this perfect system collapse after them. How can an Allah-inspired system of law collapse? What is the use of implementing Sharia now when we know its the track record is dismal as it is unable to put down roots even in Muslim majority areas. >>Where sharia law is implemented in the correct manner it actually acts as a scare device whereas people are too scared to commit crime.<< In Saudi Arabia they scare you so much with Sharia that you end up dead, as happened to fourteen school girls trying to flee a fire that engulfed their school. The religious police, the mutawa, are so scared of letting men see little girls running for their lives without the abaya that they pushed them back into the flaming building and to their death. >>We in the west talk about democracy but we will not even let the muslim implement sharia law in there own countries. If this is what the people want then let them have it.<< Why don't you give us an example of a country in which the West stopped sharia. You said above that nowhere is pure sharia practiced which would imply some kind of fuzzy, namby-pamby sharia is in force in Muslim nations. What do you want the West to do, enforce your concept of pure sharia (like maybe in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or Afghanistan?) >>We will never win the war in iraq or afghanistan because we are seen as intruders out to steal the valuable oil and gas reserves... Open your mind these people are deserved of their rights just as we are!<< Muslims intruded into countries which had never threatened the Arab Muslims all over the world and took booty (including women and children) as allowed by Sharia law. 008.069 YUSUFALI: But (now) enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and good: but fear Allah: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. 048.020 YUSUFALI: Allah has promised you many gains that ye shall acquire, and He has given you these beforehand; and He has restrained the hands of men from you; that it may be a Sign for the Believers, and that He may guide you to a Straight Path; [THE GAINS, BOOTY, BEING PROMISED ARE FROM FUTURE CONQUESTS] Allah's Straight Path (SHARIA) leads Muslims to booty. Why do you want to deprive the West of enjoying the booty they acquired in war in Iraq and Afghanistan? Are only Muslims allowed by Sharia to take booty? Regards Plato
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