Shamsud Doulah: The Sharia and civilized law are contradictory termsReader comment on item: Why Shariah Must Be Opposed Submitted by Plato (India), Sep 2, 2009 at 21:46 Shamsud Doulah, you wrote to Grand Infidel of Kafiristan, >>I refer to your message. Please do not be hostile to others. This is not a civilized way of public relationship.<< Great sentiment Shamsud Doulah. I cannot agree with you more. You advise Grand Infidel of Kafiristan not to be hostile to others as it is not a civilized way of carrying on a public relationship. Islamic Sharia is under the scanner in this article. Non-Muslims find the sharia extremely hostile and contributes to uncivilized public relationships. Just one example will do. The Sharia demands that non-Muslims be subject to a humiliation tax called jiziya. The order to impose the humiliation tax comes right out of the Koran, not the Hadis or ruling of a jurisprudent. The infamous verse subjecting all non-Muslims to this humiliation tax is 009.029 YUSUFALI: Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. PICKTHAL ….pay the tribute readily, being brought low. As a lawyer yourself you would have noticed that Allah has issued an order to fight non-Muslims and collect jiziya. The respected jurists of Islam also said jiziya is a humiliation tax: I quote again from my reply to helen: Shafi jurist an-Nawawi, "The infidel who wishes to pay his poll-tax must be treated with disdain by the collector; the collector remains seated and the infidel standing in front of him, his head bowed and his back bent. The infidel personally must place the money on the scales, while the collector holds him by the beard, and strikes him on both cheeks." http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/160714 >>Islam clearly states that everybody should follow his own way.<< On the contrary Islam clearly states there is only one way and that is Islam: 003.085 YUSUFALI: If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good). 003.083 YUSUFALI: Do they seek for other than the Religion of Allah?-while all creatures in the heavens and on earth have, willing or unwilling, bowed to His Will (Accepted Islam), and to Him shall they all be brought back. 009.033 YUSUFALI: It is He Who hath sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it). Where did you learn your Islam Shamsud Doulah? >>That is the norm of our modern civilized world Live and let live. Peaceful co-existence is the message of any civilized society. Hatred is an identity animalism.<< Clearly live and let live is the modern civilized ethos but Muslims demand that people who will not accept Islam be fought or made to pay a humiliation tax (9:29, quoted above). I can quote chapter and verse for you where the shahaba went about implementing Allah's uncivilized order to Muslims to fight and humiliate non-Muslims. >>All human being can live together in peaceful co-existence in civilized society.<< True only if all are civilized. When one party acts on an uncivilized order from Allah and considers non-Muslims as people of Dar Al Harb how can there be peaceful co-existence. Bangladesh is a typical example. The Hindu population has been in decline, why??: Declining Hindu population in Bangladesh region Year Percentage (%) 1941 28.0 1951 22.0 1961 18.5 1974 13.5 1981 12.13 1991 11.62 2001 11.2 [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Bangladesh I suggest you also check this link: http://www.rediff.com/news/2006/mar/22spec.htm >>To whom belongs Australia or the United States or Canada? To the white immigrants from Europe? No. These countries belong to the original (i.e. the earlier) inhabitants. But they are no more in the forefront. No need of going into details.<< Go back long enough and you will find that you are also immigrants who pushed the tribals and Dravidians into the jungles and down to the south of India. >>Every Islamic way is a decent way of life and living.<< Every Islamic way?? Unwilling underage girls being married off to decrepit old men is not a decent thing to do. Nor is the blood sacrifice of millions of animals every year to a needless god. >>There is not a single way of living in Islam which would disturb or interrupt any non-Muslim in any country. Of course, adjustment is necessary.<< In Islamic countries non-Muslims can be jailed for openly indulging in an activity that is the Allah-given right of everyone, the right to quench ones thirst or eat when one feels like it, if done in public, for 30 days in a year. >>Might is right -- the most primitive law-- continues to be in force universally.<< Allah's law laid down in 9:29 fits your description of primitive law perfectly and it continues to be in force for Muslims as the Koran is a book of law for eternity. >>But it remains in a declining status in all civilized and educated society.<< Yes it does in civilized and educated societies. How many such countries can you name among those with Muslim majority populations? >>If some one is not exactly civilized then help him to become civilized. Because he is your neighbour. If some one has a civilized life-style then your living will be better. Hence, help others for your own better living.<< That is exactly what many on this blog are trying to do! >>Insulting others is very easy. This is an uncivilized act.<< Insulting others is a specialty of the Koran. It calls non-Muslims deaf, dumb without sense, and an abomination among other choice insults. Koran 2:171 8:22, 8:55 … and many more. >>Always it is better to win and influence others.<< Allah has shown Muslims a great way to influence non-Muslims in: 9:33 quoted above. >>Not speak of Beer or Whisky -- any intoxicating drink or food is bad for man. Any pork; ham; bacon; in some cases red meat; stale food; scientifically proved harmful food and drink; and intoxicating drugs and herbs are bad for all human being. These are totally prohibited to the Muslims. Why not avoid those, even by consulting doctors.<< Where is it scientifically proven that pork ( ham, bacon) is harmful? bnd since Muhammad had not heard of tobacco and its terrible effects on health it escaped alcohol's fate. The maulanas have not been able to discover any verse which necessitates banning tobacco as they have for alcohol >>Do not become allergic and hostile to Islam. Islam loves you, do not hate Islam.<< If Islam loves non-Muslims why does Allah keep cursing them or calling them unclean and threatening them with horrifying punishment? Koran 3:159, 2:161, 9:28 …..And why does Allah want Muslims to fight and humiliate non-Muslims in 9:29? >>Analyze history. ….. You may like to have change. And there will be changes. Do not hate faithful Muslims; they are also human being and your fellow citizens. …….<< Great sentiment. But the faithful Muslims are the ones who worry us as they want to live by sharia law which has verse 9:29 as one of its clauses. >>Live and let live. Help thy neighbours.<< Remember what one of the great shahaba, the sword of Islam, Khalid bin Walid told a neighbouring country, Persia "…For indeed I have come to you with a people who love death just as you love life." Why do you think he loved death so much? The Koran gives the glad tidings to Muslims that Allah has made a great bargain with them to trade paradise for killing or being killed in His cause (9:111). So why would a Muslim want to live or let live? Regards Plato
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