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Adna means Nearest! And half knowledge is damn dangerous

Reader comment on item: Developments in Syria and Turkey
in response to reader comment: the Truth - abbasid Caliphate

Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Jun 23, 2013 at 11:24

For the readers: the term al-sharq al-adna means the Near East or the Middle East so read and laugh about the ignorance of wannabe Arabs the likes of our dear GoD

3. what nearest Earth????!!!!!, Yemen is nearer to Mecca than dead sea, Sudan , Khortoum is nearer to Mecca than Dead sea, Madina city is nearer to Mecca than Dead sea. ADNA means lowest point on Earth.

Why should we kuffar believe whatyou say our dear GoD about the meaning of the ادنى that it means the lowest point on earth? you tell me but let us see what it says in an Arabic language dictionary

  1. الأدنى - أدنى :

    الأدنى : الأَقرب .

    المعجم: المعجم الوسيط

  2. أَدْنَى :

    أَدْنَى الشيءُ : قرُب .
    و أَدْنَى الحاملُ : دنا نِتَاجُها أو وضعُها .
    فهى مُدْنٍ .
    ومُدْنية .
    و أَدْنَى الشيءَ : قرَّبه .
    و أَدْنَى السَّتْرَ أو الثوبَ : أَرخاهَ .
    وفي التنزيل العزيز : الأحزاب آية 59 قُلْ لأزْوَاجِكَ وَبَنَاتِكَ وَنِسَاءِ المؤْمِنِينَ يُدْنِينَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنْ جَلاَبِيبِهنَّ ) ) .

    المعجم: المعجم الوسيط

  3. أدنى - ج ، أدنون وأدان - مؤ ، دنيا ج ، دنى:

    1 - أدنى : أقرب . 2 - أدنى : أضعف ، أسقط : « الحد الأدنى للأجور » .

    المعجم: الرائد

  4. أدنى - إدناء:

    1 - أدنى الشيء : قربه . 2 - أدنى :: قرب . 3 - أدنت الحامل : قرب وقت ولادتها . 4 - أدنى الستر أو الثوب : أرخاه . 5 - أدنى : عاش عيشة فقر وحاجة .

    المعجم: الرائد

  5. أدنى - أَدْنَى :

    [ د ن و ]. ( فعل : رباعي لازم متعد ). أَدْنَيْتُ ، أُدْنِي ، أَدْنِ ، مصدر إِدْنَاءٌ .
    1 ." أَدْنَى الكَأْسَ " : قَرَّبَهُ .
    2 ." أَدْنَى السِّتْرَ ": أَرْخَاهُ .
    3 ." أَدْنَتِ الْحَامِلُ " : قَرُبَ وَقْتُ وَضْعِهَا .
    4 ." أَدْنَى وَقْتُ الصَّلاَةِ " : قَرُبَ .

    المعجم: الغني

  6. أدنى - أَدْنَى :

    جمع : أَدْنَوْنَ . مؤ : دُنْيَا . جمع : دُنىً . [ د ن و ].
    1 ." خُذْ مِنْهُ أَدْنَى قَدْرٍ مِنَ الْمَالِ " : أَقَلَّ ، أَبْسَطَ شَيْءٍ .
    2 ." طَافَ ابْنُ بَطُّوطَةَ العَالَمَ مِنْ أَدْنَاهُ إلى أَقْصَاهُ " : مِنْ أَقْرَبِ مَكَانٍ إلى مَا هُوَ أَبْعَدُ .
    3 . " أَنَا الْمُوَقِّعُ أَدْنَاهُ " : أَسْفَلَهُ .
    4 ." أَدْنَى مِنْ حَبْلِ الوَرِيدِ ". ( مثل ) : قَرِيبٌ جِدّاً ، وَشِيكٌ .
    5 . " الحَدُّ الأَدْنَى " : أَصْغَرُ كَمِّيَّةٍ .
    6 . " بُلْدَانُ الشَّرْقِ الأدْنَى " ( جغرافيا ) : مِنْطَقَةٌ تَضُمُّ البُلْدَانَ الْمُطِلَّةَ عَلَى الحَوْضِ الشَّرْقِيِّ مِنَ البَحْرِ الْمُتَوَسِّطِ .

    المعجم: الغني

  7. أدنى يُدني ، أَدْنِ ، إدناءً ، فهو مُدْنٍ ، والمفعول مُدْنًى:

    • أدنى الشَّيءَ قرَّبه إليه " أدنى المصباحَ ، - يدني الكتاب من عينيه حين يقرأ لصغر الخطّ ".
    • أدنى الثَّوْبَ : أرخاه وأطاله " أدنى السِّترَ ، - { قُلْ لأَزْوَاجِكَ وَبَنَاتِكَ وَنِسَاءِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ يُدْنِينَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنْ جَلاَبِيبِهِنَّ } ".
    • أدنى الحاكمُ مجلسَ فلانٍ : رحَّب به وكرَّمه .
    • أدنى فلانًا من نفسه : قرَّبه وأسرَّ إليه .

    المعجم: اللغة العربية المعاصر

  8. أدنى :

    جمع أدنون وأدانٍ ، مؤ دُنيا ، جمع مؤ دُنْييات ودُنًى :
    1 - اسم تفضيل من دنا 1 / دنا إلى / دنا لـ / دنا من : أكثر قربًا ، أو أقل قدرًا .
    2 - أَقْرَبُ " { غُلِبَتِ الرُّومُ . فِي أَدَاني الأَرْضِ } [ ق ]، - { وَأَدْنَى أَلاَّ تَرْتَابُوا } - { ذَلِكَ أَدْنَى أَنْ يُعْرَفْنَ فَلاَ يُؤْذَيْنَ } "
    • الجَدُّ الأدنى : أبو الأب ، - الموقِّعون أدناه : الذين تأتي توقيعاتهم عقب كلام مكتوب ، - وقَّع أدنى الورقة / وقَّع في أدنى الورقة .
    3 - أَقلّ " لأدنى شُبهة ، - أدنى الناس : أذلّهم ، - { وَلَنُذِيقَنَّهُمْ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ الأَدْنَى دُونَ الْعَذَابِ الأَكْبَرِ } "
    • الحدّ الأدنى : أقلّ حدّ ، - حدّ المعيشة الأدنى : أقل مقدار يكفي لسدّ حاجات العيش على مستوًى مقبول .
    • حدّ الأجر الأدنى : ( الاقتصاد ) أقلّ مستوى للأجور يحدِّده قانون أو عقد يدفعه صاحب عمل مقابل عمل معيّن .

    المعجم: اللغة العربية المعاصر

  9. أدنى :

    سورة : البقرة ، آية رقم : 282

    المعجم: كلمات القران - انظر التحليل و التفسير المفصل

  10. أدْنى الأرض:

    أقرب أرض الرّوم إلى فارس
    سورة : الروم ، آية رقم : 3

    المعجم: كلمات القران - انظر التحليل و التفسير المفصل

  11. ذلك أدنى أن تقرّ أعينهنّ:

    التفويض إلى مشيئتك أقرب إلى سرورهنّ لعلمهنّ أنّه بحُكم الله
    سورة : الاحزاب ، آية رقم : 51

    المعجم: كلمات القران

  12. ذلك أدنى ألاّ تعولوا:

    ذلك أقرب إن لا تجوروا ، أو أنْ لا تكثُر عيالكم
    سورة : النساء ، آية رقم : 3

    المعجم: كلمات القران - انظر التحليل و التفسير المفصل

  13. أدنى مبلغ سداد:

    أدنى مبلغ يتعيّن على حامل البطاقة الائتمانية أن يدفعه لتخفيض الرصيد القائم . ، وتعني بالانجليزية : minimum payment

    المعجم: مالية

  14. أدنى عائد:

    العائد إلى حين الاستدعاء أو إلى حين الاستحقاق أيّهما أقلّ ، وتعني بالانجليزية : minimum yield

    المعجم: مالية

  15. أدنى سعر للسهم:

    اتّفاق يوافق أحد طرفيه على أن يدفع للطرف الآخر في فترات محدّدة إذا هبط سعر ورقة مالية معيّنة أو مؤشّر أسعار دون مستوى محدّد مسبقاً . ، وتعني بالانجليزية : equity floor

    المعجم: مالية

  16. أدنى سعر إقراض:

    أدنى معدّل فائدة على القروض الممنوحة . ، وتعني بالانجليزية : minimum lending rate

    المعجم: مالية

  17. أدنى الشّيء:

    قرَّبه إليه " أدنى المصباحَ - يدني الكتاب من عينيه حين يقرأ لصغر الخطّ ".

    المعجم: عربي عامة

  18. أدنى فلانا من نفسه:

    قرَّبه وأسرَّ إليه .

    المعجم: عربي عامة

  19. أدنى الثّوْب:

    أرخاه وأطاله " أدنى السِّترَ - { قُلْ لأَزْوَاجِكَ وَبَنَاتِكَ وَنِسَاءِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ يُدْنِينَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنْ جَلاَبِيبِهِنَّ } ".

    المعجم: عربي عامة

  20. أدنى الحاكم مجلس فلان:

    رحَّب به وكرَّمه .

    المعجم: عربي عامة

  21. حد أدنى لسعر الإقراض:

    الحد الأدنى لسعر الفائدة على القروض الممنوحة .

And let is read item 1 الأدنى : الأَقرب .

المعجم: المعجم الوسيط

Or al-adna means al-aqrab or the NEAR and notice that the source is the great Arabic dictionary al-mu3jam al-waseet and I do not see any thing about the word اخفض مكان في الارض

Oh more? read item

دْنى الأرض:

أقرب أرض الرّوم إلى فارس
سورة : الروم ، آية رقم : 3

Or adna al-ard means aqrab or the NEAR ard or earth of the Ruum or the Greeks to Fars or Iran

I do not see anything about adna means Lowest

Your claim is ridiculous

Oh more evidence let us al-Tabari 's tafseer if you can read Arabic ...

{ فِي أَدْنَى الْأَرْض } مِنْ أَرْض الشَّام إِلَى أَرْض فَارِس { وَهُمْ مِنْ بَعْد غَلَبهمْ } يَقُول : وَالرُّوم مِنْ بَعْد غَلَبَة فَارِس إِيَّاهُمْ { سَيَغْلِبُونَ } فَارِس

He is saying that adna al-ard means the area from Bilad al-Sham or the Levants to Iran! he does not say that the word adna means the lowest because it means the NEAREST

How come you did not know that?

Ya Failasoof Zamanak.

Yes ya roh omak

there is no such thing as nearer in this verse,

Well I just proved that you and wrong which means that you are either and you must pardon me ignorant or you knew but you were hoping that we kuffar do not read your sources in Arabic something that you cannot do so which one is it liar or ignorant?

because you can call many places nearer, but there is only one place lowest point on Earth and this is the DEAD SEA,

Really? so how come al-Tabari does not tell us that adna al-ard means البحر الميت you think he was a liar or ignorant like you?

so Ya Failasoof zamanak

Yes ya roh omak

this is not only a prediction, it is also a miracle, that Prophet Muhammad says the Romans will be defeated in the lowest point on Earth.

This means that you are saying that Muhammad was able to fortell the future and that he is the author of surat al-Ruum right our dear GoD? Hint: your masters the Arabs will be told that you are saying that the Qur'an was composed not by Allah but by Muhammad! Hint: Deportation

this is what happened, how did Prophet Muhammad know the lowest point on Earth ??? And it is very clear where the location of the battle was

No it was not the Persians lost the war starting in 622CE 10 years before you so called prophet died and they lost it in Upper Mesopotamia very far from the dead see Mr ignorant

I urge you to write your book and you will make a fool of yourself and it would serve you right

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Reader comments (82) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
1Plenty to chew on [1211 words]David W. LincolnJun 10, 2013 11:24206872
10The hidden origin of Islam [552 words]dhimmi no moreJun 11, 2013 06:12206872
3Abbasid and Muslim Caliphate [257 words]seven upJun 13, 2013 12:12206872
9Our dear 7 Up and ignorance is bliss! [1690 words]dhimmi no moreJun 15, 2013 07:24206872
1Also, on the "hidden origins"... [122 words]JC VaughanJun 18, 2013 15:08206872
The hidden origin of Islam revisited [286 words]dhimmi no moreJun 19, 2013 07:09206872
1revisionist historians of Islam beware. [211 words]MozereJun 22, 2013 06:33206872
2the Truth - abbasid Caliphate [909 words]Gaurdian of DeenJun 22, 2013 14:55206872
3The looters join other looters this is a fact [727 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2013 07:09206872
2Teaching victims of Arabian imperialism one at a time part one [1170 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2013 07:59206872
2Our dear GoD is saying that Muhammad must be the author of Suart al-Ruum what a disaster [445 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2013 09:35206872
2Islam and racism and the victims of Arabian imperialism [256 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2013 10:43206872
3Adna means Nearest! And half knowledge is damn dangerous [1425 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2013 11:24206872
2Exposing lies and ignorance and this is what Ibn kathir says about Q30:3 and the word al -adna [190 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2013 11:35206872
4Άλωση της Κωνσταντινούπολης, and when the civilized join the barbarian [178 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2013 12:08206872
2Teaching Arabic to wannabe Arabs for the readers read and laugh [887 words]dhimmi no moreJun 23, 2013 14:52206872
1More evidence from Kutub al-Turath that the word Adna means Nearer and not lowest! this time it is al-Qurtubi! [295 words]dhimmi no moreJun 24, 2013 14:08206872
Proof for all readers [56 words]Guardian of DeenJun 25, 2013 00:43206872
دنيء mean lowly [140 words]Guardian of DeenJun 25, 2013 00:57206872
Lowest point on Earth [122 words]Guardian of DeenJun 25, 2013 01:31206872
not a surprise at all [31 words]Guaridan of DeenJun 25, 2013 01:36206872
It only took 4 years [149 words]MozereJun 25, 2013 16:18206872
6The Quranic disaster of Surat al-Ruum! Again! [1971 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2013 07:30206872
Prophecies of Muhammad [315 words]Guardian of DeenJun 26, 2013 08:09206872
4Exposing lies: this time Quranic translations of the word al-adna! [593 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2013 13:13206872
2Teaching ignorant tablighees one at a time and this time the map of the last Persian/Greek war [89 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2013 13:27206872
2Teaching Arabic to wannabe arabs and the word Greek in Arabic and the word Ruum [638 words]dhimmi no moreJun 26, 2013 13:49206872
1Tablighees are told if you have no answers then change the subject or الحيدة [155 words]dhimmi no moreJun 27, 2013 06:33206872
Mongol and other tribal invasions and origins of Abrahamic religions [115 words]MozereJun 27, 2013 07:02206872
1More ignorance [699 words]dhimmi no moreJun 27, 2013 07:09206872
1More lies and ignorance [147 words]dhimmi no moreJun 27, 2013 07:51206872
2Our dear Guardian is quoting kuffar sources and he rejects Islamic sources! What a disaster [589 words]dhimmi no moreJun 28, 2013 06:39206872
2When confronted with fact - change the topic! [381 words]dhimmi no moreJun 28, 2013 07:02206872
and speaking of changing the subject [60 words]Guardian of DeenJun 29, 2013 09:03206872
1The civilized and the barbarian [217 words]dhimmi no moreJun 29, 2013 09:49206872
read the map one more time, [81 words]Guardian of DeenJun 29, 2013 09:54206872
you could not refute any prophecy [723 words]Guardian of DeenJul 3, 2013 02:31206872
2The flat Quranic earth! [391 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2013 08:44206872
1And the ignorance goes on and on [371 words]dhimmi no moreJul 3, 2013 08:58206872
1Our dear GoD prays to Muhammad what a disaster [762 words]dhimmi no moreJul 4, 2013 12:51206872
1More tablighee twsists and turns [284 words]dhimmi no moreJul 5, 2013 06:56206872
2Allah tells Muhammad in the Qur'an that he cannot foretell the future! So do you disagree with Allah our dear Guardian? [97 words]dhimmi no moreJul 5, 2013 12:50206872
nice try [67 words]Guardian of DeenJul 5, 2013 16:45206872
1Exposing lies and fabrications and ignorance [176 words]dhimmi no moreJul 6, 2013 06:27206872
here are the verses of the unseen [107 words]Guardian of DeenJul 7, 2013 06:10206872
reply to your questions [152 words]Guardian of DeenJul 7, 2013 06:20206872
lazy ... [21 words]Guardian of DeenJul 9, 2013 03:34206872
1Teaching Arabic to wannabe Arabs [387 words]dhimmi no moreJul 9, 2013 16:31206872
Adna again! [175 words]dhimmi no moreJul 9, 2013 16:39206872
2More lies and exposing liars [882 words]dhimmi no moreJul 9, 2013 18:11206872
Getting confused? or struck dumb? [45 words]Guardian of DeenJul 11, 2013 02:59206872
here is another translation for the word low [55 words]Guardian of DeenJul 11, 2013 03:08206872
1Tablighee twists and turns [73 words]dhimmi no moreJul 11, 2013 06:23206872
More twists and turns [73 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2013 05:52206872
2More tablighee ignorance [162 words]dhimmi no moreJul 12, 2013 07:20206872
Adna means low [71 words]forkNov 29, 2019 05:02206872
Our dear Fork needs to stick to Urdu! And Argument from "But al-Qurtubi was human and not infallible" [454 words]dhimmi no moreDec 1, 2019 08:02206872
al-Tabari defines the word Adna! More disasters for our dear Fork who needs to stick to Urdu! [185 words]dhimmi no moreDec 1, 2019 08:26206872
More disasters for our dear Fork and this time translations of the Qur'an [110 words]dhimmi no moreDec 1, 2019 08:39206872
Our dear Fork aka شوكة and argument from: Ask a Christian Arabic! Oh is this another ridiculous "Brother Christian Arabs call their God Allah"? [144 words]dhimmi no moreDec 1, 2019 11:38206872
Our dear Fork where is your evidence that "Adna means low"? I will be waiting [418 words]dhimmi no moreDec 2, 2019 06:54206872
Our dear Fork is not aware that al-Mufasereen have no clue what does the Qur'an say in Surat al-Ruum! [678 words]dhimmi no moreDec 3, 2019 12:28206872
Adna has two meanings like I said before [108 words]ForkDec 16, 2019 19:09206872
Adna has more than one meanings [101 words]ForkDec 16, 2019 20:11206872
Your comment shows you dont know what you are talking about. Proof in comment below. [87 words]ForkDec 16, 2019 20:26206872
1Dhimmi-no-more's repeated arguments with Islamists show that Islamic doctrine cannot be sustained [379 words]PrashantDec 17, 2019 23:09206872
Our dear Fork must be saying that Arabic speaking Mufasereen are a bunch of liars and he has the answer [393 words]dhimmi no moreDec 26, 2019 09:04206872
Our dear Fork and the Qur'an says that the earth is flat! [351 words]dhimmi no moreDec 26, 2019 09:24206872
Our dear Fork al-Tablighee is not aware that his link from elmaany dictionary tells us that Adna means NEAR! I wonder why? [1114 words]dhimmi no moreDec 26, 2019 09:41206872
Every tablighee and his cousin and Arabic to English translations of the Islamic literary sources and it is a disaster [146 words]dhimmi no moreDec 26, 2019 09:54206872
More questions for our dear Fork! [46 words]dhimmi no moreDec 26, 2019 09:57206872
The Qur'an and modern Arabic! [270 words]dhimmi no moreDec 26, 2019 13:04206872
Our dear Fork and teaching the Arabic language to wannabe Arabs and the word for today: دنيء [359 words]dhimmi no moreDec 27, 2019 05:46206872
Here is Tafsir al-Tabari of Q7:169 and the word al-Adna [202 words]dhimmi no moreDec 28, 2019 07:33206872
Our dear Fork: You need to stick to Urdu and stay away from "googletranslate" [56 words]dhimmi no moreDec 28, 2019 07:42206872
More disasters for our dear Fork is not aware that the Qur'an says: Allah did not send any miracles to Muhammad! [244 words]dhimmi no moreDec 30, 2019 11:18206872
More disasters for our dear Fork and this time from Tafsir al-Jalalyin and Q7:169 [249 words]dhimmi no moreJan 1, 2020 12:12206872
Book Review: "Corrections in Early Qur'an Manuscripts" [407 words]dhimmi no moreJan 7, 2020 11:30206872
4Jewish Prophets Words Bear Fact in the Coming Middle-East Wars [477 words]BrianJun 9, 2013 23:46206865
Go Brian Go! [8 words]FroikeJun 21, 2013 12:02206865
The Republic of Turkey [73 words]MozereJun 22, 2013 03:57206865
not quite true [124 words]Guardian of DeenJun 29, 2013 09:42206865

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