Watching a Muslim meltdownReader comment on item: Europe is Finished, Predicts Mark Steyn Submitted by Noah Wilk (United States), Nov 21, 2006 at 17:46 Well, once again Mu'een Ud Deen shows us why it's impossible for civilized people to deal with Muslims (if indeed he is Muslim, since I and several others here have our doubts). You try to engage then in intelligent debate and they have emotional meltdowns, all the while evading the issues. Let's go over it once again. Mu'een wrote: "You don't know much about history when you say christianity is not violent." If this is an example of Islamic education, I can see why the Muslim world still lives in the Dark Ages. Your reading comprehension is questionable. I readily admitted that Christianity committed atrocities over the course of its history. No one is denying that, although you seem to think we are. But today Christianity is not violent. Who is it doing all the killing in Darfur? Is it the Christians who are raping, beheading, and murdering? No, it's the Muslims committing atrocities against those who refuse to live under the jack boot of the "Religion of Peace", as it the case everywhere we find Islam festering. I would give you a history lesson on Kosovo and Bosnia, but I don't feel like wasting that much time since you'll just ignore reality as is your tendency. And here comes the Muslim Meltdown: "What about the IRA and KKK. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. You don't seem like a realist ..." Typical of Islam. Whenever an outsider confronts a Muslim with the reality of his violent death cult, he has an emotional meltdown, ignores the debate, and descends into infantile name calling. Bravo! You prove my point every time you sit down to write a post! :-) This next absurdity has me laughing: "Islam isn't the evil of today, some Muslims maybe but how can Islam be... it hasn't done anything - it's followers have." Why don't you try being intellectually honest for once instead of making excuses? Islam is a cult that espouses an ideology that lends itself perfectly to the hateful, violent, backwards people who practice it. You obviously won't answer this question, but why is it ,if Islam is indeed a "religion of peace", that Islam is at the core of all the terrorism, raping, genocide, and war going on in the world today? Why are so many Muslims committing acts of terror and genocide? Surely a "peaceful religion" would not see that level of violence coming from its practitioners everywhere it exists. You don't see Buddhists acting like this, now do you? "As for America, which prides itself on christianity, look how America was created - on an act of evil - how can an act of evil make America pure? They killed so many of the early innhabitents, as well as, the war of Vietnam hundreds of years later." No one is defending the trampling of the Native Americans as a good thing. All countries have done wrong. America as well as all the rest. What you must do, ultimately, is look at the balance of things over the course of history. Which country has given man the greatest freedoms, the best standard of living, the most peaceful, joyous existence? Which country has contributed most to world peace and aid to those in need? That would be America. Next, you engage in typical Muslim minimalist arguments: "Just because one Muslim made a mistake or exagerrated doesn't mean all of those who follow Islam are like that. What arrogance. " Oh, my mistake. It was that one bad apple in Islam who crashed all 4 airplanes in the heinous 9/11 terrorist attacks? It was that same single bad apple, that ONE MUSLIM GUY who is the exception to the rule, who is doing all the raping, beheading, and torturing in Sudan, right? Is he the same guy who keeps blowing himself up with suicide vests in Israel, murdering innocent women and children? How many lives does Allah grant this lone wolf Muslim terrorist, and why does Allah allow this ONE MUSLIM GUY to keep committing all these acts of genocide and violence and denigrating the name of Islam by his actions? And if it's just thus ONE MUSLIM GUY who's giving you all a bad name, why don't you just behead him and get it over with so that we can then see the truth about your religion of peace when all the violence stops after you behead this lone wolf? "The 'West' has the highest criminal and divorce rates in the world - there are soo many things wrong in your 'modern world.'" As usual, you avoid addressing any legitimate criticisms of Islamic society, and point to minor problems with Western culture. Why don't we just stick to the subject and address the problems of the Islamic world...suppression of truth, denial of information, enslavement and torture of women, rampant rapes, beheadings, slavery (sex slaves), genocide, fanaticism, high unemployment rates, low education rates, incest, high illiteracy rates...need I go on? "As for Hindus, yes there is a hatred because of the mass murder and rape committed during the partition of India into Pakistan." And what did the Buddhists to do you to cause you to hate them? What about the Muslims who killed millions of themselves in the Iran/Iraq war? Muslims hate even themselves. Did the Lutherans, Baptists, Taoists, Mormons, and all the rest commit some atrocity against Islam to justify all the violence towards these other religions? Why is it always Muslims committing the acts of violence? "The sikhs you see were promised their own country apart from India but look now - they have nothing. So don't talk to me about karma..." They got all of Pakistan, didn't they? But what do I know? I'm just an ignorant infidel! (rolling my eyes) Next, you once again attribute something to me that I never said: "You just admitted that your bible was wrong." I never even said it was "my" Bible. I'm not Christian. So it's not "my Bible" in the first place. Whether the Bible is perfectly accurate in every way or totally wrong is irrelevant to the argument though. We're not discussing the Bible (well, YOU are, the rest of us aren't). We're discussing the problem with Islamic violence. It makes you uncomfortable because you know you cannot in reality defend that violent death cult. "I didn't have to work for it - look for yourself. You said that christianity matured and became civilised - how can you change the word of god and expect it to remain authentic and undistorted?" I have no idea what you're talking about. Who said anyone "changed the word of God"? (Note to Mu'een...civilized people capitalize the "G" in God out of respect, something Muslims sorely lack). All I said was that Christians became civilized...they stopped killing in the name of their God, and are a peaceful religion that goes out and does good deeds. I can name literally thousands of Christian charities, but strange how I cannot name one single Muslim charity. Of course, I cannot name a single Christian terrorist group, but I can name several hundred Muslim terrorist groups, so I guess that balances out in a perverse sort of way. "You people changed your religion to make in suit the fabric of today - what is God's word not good enough to be accepted today?" Clue to Mu'een...religions, like everything else, adapt to the changes of the time. That does not mean you discard the truths of the religions or the morals or beliefs. It means you become better people. Christians and other religions have become more peaceful, more God-like, over the years. Except Islam, which has remained locked in the barbarity of the Dark Ages because it's unwilling to deal with the world of reality. "Actually, I think you and other Zealots should take his advice into consideration. You just defamed religion all by yourself 'mate.'" "Mate"? Are you an Australian Muslim perhaps? (rolling my eyes) I can't "defame my religion" because I am not Christian. And nothing I have said defames it in any way. You, on the other hand, are proving to the rest of us that it is useless to try communicating with Muslims because they're all brainwashed fanatics in a death cult that cannot examine its own faults and weaknesses without diverting the issue and having emotional breakdowns. I suspect that if this conversation were taking place in person, you'd be lobbing bombs in my direction at this point.
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