For the Ah'lul Kitab (the people of the book)Reader comment on item: Europe is Finished, Predicts Mark Steyn Submitted by Avenger (United Kingdom), Dec 5, 2006 at 23:29 It is best for me to speak on matters making reference to the Holy Qu'ran, although as many of you are Christians I feel it is better for me to discuss Jesus and Mohammed (pbut) with reference to the Bible. References to the Holy Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) are made in the Bible although very few Christians know where these references actually are as they turn the pages. In the original scriptures Mohammed is actually mentioned by name; as you are probably aware the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament in Greek. In the Old Testament in the Song of Solomon v5, Ch 16 in the Hebrew language it reads (phonetically) "hi'kko ma mitha'kimm vi kullo mohammadim zehdudi vi zeherehi baynat yerushalem" "…in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth…" "…his beloved of mine is all together lovely…" If you read like this there is no association with ‘Mohammed'. There is no way to associate this. There should be no right to translate the names of people. Mr Black is Mr Black – in Arabic we would not call him Mr Aswad (‘black' in Arabic). In English Mohammadim has been translated as ‘all together lovely'. The word ‘Mohammadim' is in the Hebrew original. Latinised Language: Further examples - Jesus was the Messiah (Hebrew word), in Arabic 'Massih', in English ‘Christ'. How does this happen? The Hebrew it means to anoint, to rub over. As Muslims when we do ablutions for prayer (Wudu) we rub water over our head and this is called ‘Massah' every Muslim does that – it stems from the Hebrew and Arabic to rub, wipe or anoint. Messiah in Greek means ‘Christos', this was turned into Christ in English. Jesus was not his name; it was Yeheshua in classical Hebrew or (Isa, Isoh, Iesu in Arabic or Hebrew). Westerners have a habit of adding J's – Yusuf becomes Joseph, Yohanna becomes John, Yakub becomes Jacob. Where there is no ‘J', a ‘J' is added. It is akin to a sickness or literary J-walking! When the Messiah returns (as we both believe), when the Christians call to him as ‘Jesus Christ' he won't know you - it was never his name, he never heard Jesus and he never heard Christ in his lifetime! Matthew ch7, v22 tells us that the people will say that they prophesised - did good works and miracles in his name but the Holy Prophet will respond to them: "Then will I profess unto them I never knew you, depart from me, ye workers of iniquity" Can you see what is happening? The names of people are being translated.... fast and loose. It is a human ‘sickness' where we change things to match ourselves out of some inferiority complex, all nations do it; we all suffer from it. The Christians are not exempt. Over and over again they translate names, Saul became Paul, Yeheshua becomes Jesus and Keefus becomes Peter and so on. In the Qu'ran, Jesus (pbuh) says "And when Isa son of Marium said: O children of Israel! surely I am the apostle of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of the Taurat and giving the good news of an Apostle who will come after me, his name being Ahmad, but when he came to them with clear arguments they said: This is clear magic" [61:6] Ahmad is another name for Mohammed. Mohammed and Ahmad are synonymous terms, they mean the same – in Hebrew there are no vowels so the word is ‘H, M, D'. Of course, when you look in your Bible, you will not find either Mohammed or Ahmad. You are left with no alternative other than to analyse what is there. In the Gospel of St. John, ch16, Jesus states that he tells the truth and he makes reference to the ‘Comforter' and that if he (Jesus) does not go away, the comforter will not come. "And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment" [16:8] Muslims say that comforter is Mohammed (pbuh). Christians say ‘no, this is not Mohammed' he said ‘Comforter'. Did Jesus speak English? So what did he say? We do not know because the the original term is lost! The Holy Ghost is also said to be with Jesus and the disciples. It can make no sense to say that ‘if I don't go, he won't come' – it is something other than the Holy Ghost. Jesus says: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. So who is this ‘spirit of truth'? The Christian says the Holy Ghost. If this is the Holy Ghost what ‘new' things has he given you in the past 2000 years? There are 8 masculine pronouns references – hardly befitting a ghost. There is not another verse in the Bible with 8 masculine or female references – It is a man without any doubt. It is a unique verse, utterly unique. "…O Marium, surely Allah gives you good news with a Word from Him (of one) whose name is the 'Messiah, Isa son of Marium, worthy of regard in this world and the hereafter…" [3:45] On the testification of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) two billion Muslims believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the son of Mary (Marium). They are cross-referencing each other as Holy Prophets of Allah. Jesus says he has many things to say unto us; no church and no denomination can state any one thing that the Holy Ghost has brought to us in 2,000 years. Jesus is saying that there is truth to come but we, the people, are in no fit state to receive it – we do not have the capacity to receive it or we are not ready for it yet. Jesus says we will be guided to all truth. The Muslims say that the Spirit of Truth is Mohammed (pbuh), the truthful the faithful who guides us to all Truth. A decade ago there were some 11 million drunkards (alcoholics) in America and 44 heavy drinkers – this is 55 million drunkards in addition to the social drinkers! In the U.S. almost half of all traffic fatalities are alcohol-related, more than half of all adults have a family history of alcoholism or problem drinking and substance abuse causes more deaths and disabilities each year in the U.S. than from any other cause (http://www.gdcada.org/stories/alcprob.htm). The Holy Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) outlawed alcohol and intoxication completely. On the say-so of the Prophet, with the verse revealed in the Qu'ran, the Muslims instantly became the biggest society of tee-totallers on the planet - ever! Americans spend some $100bn a year on gambling.
The Muslims have the lowest alcohol rate, gambling rate, suicide rate, divorce rate and the highest charity rate amongst all the nations of the World. This is a miracle surely? With all the modern science, lecturing and social help there has been no cure for alcoholism in the USA – the only solution is total abstinence: Islam. The Holy Ghost has fixed none of these ills, provided no solutions, brought about no Truths. Islam answers the problems, with practical answers all of the above and many more things besides. We may have to agree to differ on the following issue but Islam is the fastest growing religion in the US. You have 400,000 Muslims in Texas alone - the Protestant Baptist Bible belt is rapidly hurtling towards Islam. Post 911, mosques in America have seen seeing the greatest upsurge in conversions to Islam than in any other time in their history. There are more copies of the Qu'ran being sold in the U.S. than ever before. Alhamdulillah (Hallelujah). I look forward to your comments.
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