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SURA 30 AR-RUM - ROME and History confirm each other. Christians twist historical facts as they did to their holly book

Reader comment on item: Is Allah God?
in response to reader comment: Muhammad the prophet part one

Submitted by Nuray (Portugal), Jan 25, 2006 at 19:01

Let's read what Islamic and non-Islamic history books say.

Non-Islamic source :
610 AD Heraclius became the new Byzantine Emperor (610-641 AD )

622-626 AD During this time the war with the Persians continued in respect to the Byzantines (the war now entered into it's 2nd decade). More lands were won by the Persians, however the Byzantines did manage some large victories over the Persians within Asia Minor (here the Persians were flushed out).

Surah 30 is sent down in 615 AD. It is clear that it were fulfilled within the stipulated period of ten years.

Islamic source :
I didn't summarise the passage that I have taken from English Quran with historical background by MidEastWeb. You will enjoy it because it is about history of both Christians and Muslims.
The passage refers to the British historian Gibbon says, even seven to eight years after this prediction of the Qur'an,the conditions were such that no one could even imagine that the Byzantine Empire would ever gain an upper hand over Persia, not to speak of gaining domination.

If you don't like history you can skip the following section.

This Surah dates from 615 CE, the year when the Romans were completely
overpowered by the Persians, during the time of the Prophet's residence at Mecca.
This was the same year in which the Prophet gave permission to the oppressed
Muslims to migrate to Habash (Ethiopia).

The prediction made in the initial verses of this Surah is one of the most outstanding
evidences of the Qur'an being the Word of Allah. Research Scholar Abul A'la
Maududi narrated the historical background relevant to this Surah as follows:
"Eight years before the Prophet's advent as a Prophet, the Byzantine Emperor
Maurice was overthrown by Phocus, who captured the throne and became king.
Phocus first had the Emperor's five sons executed in front of him, and then had the
Emperor killed and hung their heads in a thoroughfare in Constantinople. A few days
after this, he had the empress and her three daughters also put to death. The event
provided Khusrau Parvez, the Sassani king of Persia; a good moral excuse to attack
Byzantine. Emperor Maurice had been his benefactor; with his help he had got the
throne of Persia. Therefore, he declared that he would avenge his godfather's and
his children's murder upon Phocus, the usurper. So, he started a war against the
Byzantines in 603 CE and within a few years, putting the Phocus armies to rout in
succession, he reached Edessa (modern, Urfa) in Asia Minor, on the one front, and
Aleppo and Antioch in Syria, on the other. When the Byzantine ministers saw that
Phocus could not save the country, they sought the African governor's help, who sent
his son, Hercules, to Constantinople with a strong fleet. Phocus was immediately
deposed and Hercules was made emperor. He treated Phocus as he had treated
Maurice. This happened in 610 CE, the year the Prophet was appointed to the

The moral excuse for which Khusrau Parvez had started the war was no more valid
after the deposition and death of Phocus. Had the object of his war really been to
avenge the murder of his ally on Phocus for his cruelty, he would have come to terms
with the new Emperor after the death of Phocus. But he continued the war, and gave
it the color of a crusade between Zoroastrianism and Christianity. The sympathies of
the Christian sects (i. e. Nestorians and Jacobians, etc.) which had been
excommunicated by the Roman ecclesiastical authority and tyrannized for years also
went with the Magian (Zoroastrian) invaders, and the Jews also joined hands with
them; so much so that the number of Jews who enlisted in Khusrau's army rose to

Hercules could not stop this storm. The very first news that he received from the East
after ascending the throne was that of the Persian's occupation of Antioch. After this,
Damascus fell in 613 CE. Then in 614 , the Persians occupying Jerusalem, played
havoc with the Christian world. Ninety thousand Christians were massacred and the
Holy Sepulchre was desecrated. The Original Cross on which, according to Christian
beliefs, Jesus had died, was seized and carried to Mada'in. The chief priest Zacharia
was taken prisoner and all the important churches of the city were destroyed. How
puffed up was Khusrau Parvez at this victory can be judged from the letter that he
wrote to Hercules from Jerusalem. He wrote: "From Khusrau, the greatest of all gods,
the master of the whole world : To Hercules, his most wretched and most stupid
servant: ‘You say that you have trust in your Lord. Why didn't then your Lord save
Jerusalem from me?"

Within a year after this victory, the Persian armies overran Jordan, Palestine and the
whole of the Sinai Peninsula and reached the frontiers of Egypt. In those very days,
another conflict of a far greater historical consequence was going on in Mecca. The
believers in One God, under the leadership of the Muhammed, were fighting for their
existence against the followers of shirk under the command of the chiefs of the
Qureysh, and the conflict had reached such a stage that in 615 CE, a substantial
number of the Muslims had to leave their homes and take refuge with the Christian
kingdom of Habash (Ethiopia), which was an ally of the Byzantine Empire. In those
days the Sassani victories against Byzantine were the talk of the town, and the
pagans of Mecca were delighted and were taunting the Muslims to the effect: "Look
the fire worshippers of Persia are winning victories and the Christian believers in
Revelation and Prophethood are being routed everywhere. Likewise, we, the idol
worshippers of Arabia, will exterminate you and your religion."

These were the conditions when this Surah of the Qur'an was sent down, and in it a
prediction was made, saying: "The Romans have been vanquished in the
neighboring land and within a few years after their defeat, they shall be victorious.
And it will be the day when the believers will rejoice in the victory granted by Allah." It
contained not one but two predictions: First, the Romans shall be Victorious; and
second, the Muslims also shall win a victory at the same time. Apparently, there was
not a remote chance of the fulfillment of the either prediction in the next few years.
On the one hand, there were a handful of the Muslims, who were being beaten and
tortured in Mecca, and even till eight years after this prediction there appeared no
chance of their victory and domination. On the contrary, the Romans were losing
more and more ground every next day. By 619 CE the whole of Egypt had passed
into Sassani hands and the Magian armies had reached as far as Tripoli. In Asia
Minor they beat and pushed back the Romans to Bosporus, and in 617 CE they
captured Chalcedony (modern, Kadikoy) just opposite Constantinople. The Emperor
sent an envoy to Khusrau, praying that he was ready to have peace on any terms,
but he replied, "I shall not give protection to the emperor until he is brought in chains
before me and gives up obedience to his crucified god and adopts submission to the
fire god." At last, the Emperor became so depressed by defeat that he decided to
leave Constantinople and shift to Carthage (modern, Tunis). In short, as the British
historian Gibbon says, even seven to eight years after this prediction of the Qur'an,
the conditions were such that no one could even imagine that the Byzantine Empire
would ever gain an upper hand over Persia, not to speak of gaining domination. No
one could hope that the Empire, under the circumstances, would even survive.
When these verses of the Qur'an were sent down, the disbelievers of Mecca made
great fun of them, and Ubayy bin Khalaf bet Sayyiduna Abu Bakr ten camels that the
Romans would not be victorious within three years. When the Prophet came to know
of the bet, he said, "The Qur'an has used the words bid-i-sinin, and the word bid in
Arabic applies to a number up to ten. Therefore, make the bet for ten years and
increase the number of camels to a hundred." So, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr spoke to
Ubayy again and bet a hundred camels for ten years.

In 622 CE, when the Prophet migrated to Medina, the Emperor Hercules set off
quietly for Trabzon from Constantinople via the Black Sea and started preparations to
attack Persia from rear. For this he asked the Church for money, and Pope Sergius
lent him the Church collections on interest, in a bid to save Christianity from
Zoroastrianism. Hercules started his counter attack in 623 CE from Armenia. Next
year, in 624 CE, he entered Azerbaijan and destroyed Clorumia, the birthplace of
Zoroaster, and ravaged the principal fire temple of Persia. Great are the powers of
Allah, this was the very year when the Muslims achieved a decisive victory at Badr
for the first time against the pagans. Thus, both the predictions made in Surah Rum
were fulfilled simultaneously within the stipulated period of ten years.

The Byzantine forces continued to press the Persians hard and in the decisive battle
at Nineveh, (627 CE) they dealt them the hardest blow. They captured the royal
residence of Dast-Gerd, and then pressing forward, reached right opposite to
Ctesiphon, which was the capital of Persia in those days. In 628 CE, in an internal
revolt, Khusrau Parvez was imprisoned and 18 of his sons were executed in front of
him and a few days later, he himself died in prison. This was the year when the
peace treaty of Hudeybiyah was concluded, which the Qur'an has termed as "the
supreme victory," and in this very year Khusrau's son, Qubad II, gave up all the
occupied Roman territories, restored the True Cross and made peace with
Byzantium. In 628 CE, the Emperor himself went to Jerusalem to instal the "Cross" in
its place, and in the same year the Prophet entered Mecca for the first time after the
Hijrah to perform the Umra-tul-Q'adah.

After this, no one could have any doubt about the truth of the prophecy of the Qur'an,
with the result that most of the Arab polytheists accepted Islam. The heirs of Ubayy
bin Khalaf lost their bet and had to give a hundred camels to Sayyiduna Abu Bakr
Siddiq. He took them before the Prophet, who ordered that they be given away in
charity, because the bet had been made at a time when gambling had not yet been
forbidden by the Shari‘ah; but now it had been forbidden. Therefore, the bet was
allowed to be accepted from the belligerent disbelievers, but instruction given that it
should be given away in charity and should not be brought in personal use."

(English Quran with historical background MidEastWeb)


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (2034) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
6ALLAH ALMIGHTY GUIDE all HUMANITY ! [171 words]Mohd. Shafiq M., Are.Jan 8, 2023 22:51290756
Our dear Md Shafiq Either does not know what is written in the Qur'an or he was hoping that we kuffar are not aware of Q14:4! Ignorant or a Liar? [234 words]dhimmi no moreJan 9, 2023 16:58290756
Our dear Mohd. Shafiq M., Are. is either not telling the truth or he did not know that Islam is the religion of the Arabs only and Allah is against his bogus proselytization [229 words]dhimmi no moreJan 10, 2023 07:14290756
Our Dear Mohd. Shafiq M., Are. and Prophet Modes? Mashallah [36 words]dhimmi no moreJan 10, 2023 07:17290756
6ALLAH is The Only GOD worthy of Worship! [72 words]M. Shafiq Mohiuddin, Ar.Jan 8, 2023 13:35290732
M. Shafiq Mohiuddin, Ar. and big time Meltdown! [77 words]dhimmi no moreJan 9, 2023 17:03290732
Racist Arab Jamie Zahlaway Belsito's lies [11 words]NormanJan 5, 2023 20:54290619
7ALLAH, HATS OFF TO HUMANITY [227 words]Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar.Jan 5, 2023 01:23290589
1Irony of the zealots [168 words]PrashantJan 5, 2023 12:20290589
1Our dear Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar. al-Tablighee and Qur'an and Science? Mashallah!!! [269 words]dhimmi no moreJan 5, 2023 15:05290589
Our dear Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar. al-tablighee and "The Best Of Those That Create." [531 words]dhimmi no moreJan 6, 2023 07:55290589
Our dear Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar. al-Tablighee is a Polytheist ! Astaghfirullah [175 words]dhimmi no moreJan 7, 2023 07:40290589
Our dear Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar. al-Tablighee is not aware that Allah only accepts prayers/supplications in Arabic. Urdu? No because he is an Arab [173 words]dhimmi no moreJan 7, 2023 11:26290589
Our dear Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar. is it true that Muhammad was a Polytheist and an Unbeliever for 40 long years? [408 words]dhimmi no moreJan 8, 2023 17:26290589
9ALLAH is ALLAH is ALLAH [415 words]Ar. Md.Shafiq MohiuddinJan 3, 2023 23:45290545
Islam's perfection is proven hereby without any degree of doubt [45 words]PrashantJan 4, 2023 11:20290545
Our dear Ar. Md.Shafiq Mohiuddin صلى الله عليه وسلم and the Qur'an says that Allah can have a son if he finds a "girlfriend"! [399 words]dhimmi no moreJan 4, 2023 14:53290545
Our dear Ar. Md.Shafiq Mohiuddin is not aware that his Allah is against proselytization and Allah plans every thing including who is not to be a Muslim [189 words]dhimmi no moreJan 4, 2023 15:06290545
Our dear Ar. Md.Shafiq Mohiuddin: Shirk and Spoiled Meat, anti-Semitism, Misogyny and Other Sordid Matters [344 words]dhimmi no moreJan 5, 2023 06:35290545
Our dear Ar. Md.Shafiq Mohiuddin and Q62:2: Allah sent an illiterate prophet to illiterate people! Sadaqa Allahu al-'Azeem [448 words]dhimmi no moreJan 5, 2023 07:11290545
Our dear Md and the "3 Stones Hadith" [172 words]dhimmi no moreJan 5, 2023 07:26290545
Our dear Ar. Md.Shafiq Mohiuddin Your Revered Muslim Scholars tell us that Arabic Alphabet is derived from Syriac Alphabet and Allah is a loan word from Syriac [346 words]dhimmi no moreJan 5, 2023 14:51290545
Our dear Md Shafiq ia not aware that his God's name is: له or Lah so what is the etymology of the word له? Read and laugh [199 words]dhimmi no moreJan 6, 2023 09:16290545
1Uzair is Osíris. [13 words]Noob saibotNov 22, 2020 14:09261672
12Allah certifies believers! [1057 words]Md.S.MohiuddinApr 27, 2020 12:08258753
1Boys and girls: We have another Muslim "scholar" from India! [440 words]dhimmi no moreApr 27, 2020 17:44258753
The word al-Samad in Q112:2 Muslims have no clue what this word means and our dear Md has the answer! Mashallah [416 words]dhimmi no moreApr 28, 2020 09:15258753
More questions for our dear Md! Help us kuffar! BTW: Allah is not even a spirit! [521 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2020 07:47258753
Our dear Md is it true that your Allah pays 100% interest rate if we kuffar give him a loan? [161 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2020 09:10258753
Our dear Md Mohy el-Deen is unaware that his Allah says that there is no "intercession" in Islam! So who is the liar here? [221 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2020 10:52258753
More disasters for our dear Md? Muhammad is quoted as saying that the Black Stone is an intercessor! What a disaster [254 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2020 17:18258753
Our dear Md is mangling transliteration of the Arabic language and Allah's funny claims! [503 words]dhimmi no moreApr 30, 2020 08:01258753
Our dear Md disagrees with his Allah about who is really a "believer"! Astaghfirullah [342 words]dhimmi no moreApr 30, 2020 14:32258753
Our dear Md is not aware that even al-Tabari had no clue what the word Kursi means and you know? Seriously? [413 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2020 07:50258753
Question for our dear Md Shafiq and strange words in the Qur'an [137 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2020 16:07258753
Our dear Md Mohy el-Deen if your Allah is the most reach then why does he ask mere human beings to lend him money and he will pay with in interest rate of 100%? [105 words]dhimmi no moreMay 2, 2020 07:14258753
wikipedia has new wikipedia pages in the language of Masr (read this as Egyptian Arabic)! It is about time and would Levant Arabic be next? [184 words]dhimmi no moreMay 8, 2020 16:07258753
Surat Corona! Or سورة كورونا [117 words]dhimmi no moreMay 10, 2020 11:46258753
1Our dear Md Mohiuddin and teaching Arabic to wannabe Arabs and the word al-Ikhlas and al-Tawheed! [216 words]dhimmi no moreMay 11, 2020 12:10258753
1More disasters from Muslim Ulama! "Farewell Sex" with a dead wife is very Islamic! [167 words]dhimmi no moreSep 17, 2017 10:07240840
4Jesus of the Gospels is not 'Essa or عيسى of the Qur'an [374 words]dhimmi no moreAug 29, 2017 16:38240638
2Does the word الله or Allah mean God or is it the name of the God of Islam? [226 words]dhimmi no moreSep 2, 2017 07:31240638
Muslims need to disconnect their jackhammers [241 words]Michael SSep 23, 2017 10:52240638
3Arabic translations of the Bible [938 words]dhimmi no moreSep 27, 2017 17:11240638
I am happy to see your rational discourse [148 words]Michael SOct 3, 2017 05:15240638
5Allah is the arabic word for God and Allah is the God of the Abrahamic faiths [157 words]zbeechJun 23, 2016 11:51230122
2The bogus "Ibrahimic" religions! [236 words]dhimmi no moreSep 9, 2017 07:58230122
2Allah is the arabic word for God and Allah is the God of the Abrahamic faiths [157 words]zbeechJun 23, 2016 11:51230121
1The bogus claim by tablighees: But Christian Arabs call their God Allah! [888 words]dhimmi no moreSep 2, 2017 12:49230121
1Our dear zbeech claims that the only word for God used by Christian Arabs in Allah! Mashallah! [246 words]dhimmi no moreSep 3, 2017 07:03230121
1Where can we kuffar find a copy of Allah's al-Injil wa al-Tawrat wa al-Zubur? And the Quranic disaster: al-Tahrif! [320 words]dhimmi no moreSep 4, 2017 09:50230121
1The Qur'an says Allah is one of so who are the other Gods? [122 words]dhimmi no moreSep 4, 2017 10:06230121
21Allah is not the God of the Bible [879 words]Pastor Keith Piper PhDAug 9, 2014 08:45217009
6Wrong. [68 words]OnsaphiSep 12, 2014 16:52217009
3Ancient Edom [102 words]JohnJul 24, 2015 19:57217009
2Allah is PROPER NOUN [127 words]Kristian H SugiyartoMay 12, 2016 23:50217009
2Etymology of the word Allah? It is a loan word from Syriac Alaha or Allaha [87 words]dhimmi no moreMay 13, 2016 07:46217009
The word Allah is Proper Noun [65 words]Kristian SugiyartoMay 20, 2016 23:03217009
1The word Allah is an Ism or name [56 words]dhimmi no moreMay 23, 2016 06:58217009
1The true meaning of Allah [52 words]DennisJun 6, 2016 02:39217009
Name of Allah is not Elah [89 words]Andre ErasmusAug 2, 2016 23:06217009
ALLAH is INDEED proper noun [31 words]Daniel JeevanDec 2, 2016 10:37217009
Allah is the God of the Bible but not Christianity [100 words]JohnApr 4, 2017 10:18217009
1Jews in Muslim lands [113 words]anonAug 6, 2014 17:16216764
2Errors in stating Islamic beliefs. [69 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
kausar AbbasMay 14, 2014 20:09214831
4The Qur'an does say that the OT and NT are corrupted books and what a disaster [313 words]dhimmi no moreMay 16, 2014 08:59214831
4religion of Adam??? [181 words]Muhammad ibn e NoorNov 7, 2014 22:17214831
2Allah is not the God of the Bible [283 words]JuleanDec 23, 2015 15:24214831
When was the OT and NT Corrupted and who corrupted it? [45 words]Daniel TuckerJul 25, 2016 11:08214831
The Qur'an by its own definition [185 words]dhimmi no moreJul 26, 2016 17:24214831
A man as God [16 words]MichaelOct 25, 2016 05:51214831
19Reason behind Burka [183 words]RajputSep 23, 2013 19:03209988
1Wrong Wrong Wrong [42 words]Saeed VazirianJul 11, 2014 19:52209988
5Veil for arab lust [22 words]ZindJul 25, 2014 07:30209988
9An Excellent Reply ! [682 words]Ibrahim Ibn Mohammed Ibn Ibrahim, Casablanca MoroccoJul 18, 2012 11:01197292
17Another victim of Arabian imperialism and Islam [868 words]dhimmi no moreJul 19, 2012 07:58197292
5Teaching Arabic to wannabe Arabs one tablighee at a time part two [694 words]dhimmi no moreJul 19, 2012 14:36197292
17Islam and the terrorism verse in the Qur'an [176 words]dhimmi no moreJul 22, 2012 07:45197292
2a question [150 words]rebeccazgSep 18, 2012 21:10197292
6to" Christian" [107 words]kafurDec 29, 2012 16:57197292
2the answer [53 words]KajalSep 7, 2013 15:59197292
1Assumption of islam [131 words]DanMay 11, 2014 13:51197292
Thank You [87 words]cloliverJun 5, 2017 09:11197292
1allah subhan wajalla [120 words]abdi wahabJul 5, 2012 05:43197003
Why [10 words]FredJun 4, 2012 10:41196024
1Allah is God, the creator of heavens and earth and the all-knower of everything [155 words]ZUMAMay 1, 2012 21:48195379
1ALLAHA [10 words]mohammed irshadNov 19, 2011 07:07191020
21ALLAH AND GOD CANNOT BE THE SAME [195 words]Conrad Robert AlleluyaJul 8, 2011 04:23187098
1Allah is the Only God [79 words]TausifSep 12, 2011 02:10187098
5Why will Allah punish us if we do not follow his orders? [156 words]PrashantSep 12, 2011 22:30187098
5Allah is the arabic word for God [539 words]1lluminatedOct 13, 2011 15:39187098
2Surah 52:32 [379 words]Omo NjaNov 11, 2011 19:20187098
No need to blame God for our sins on this earth [80 words]NurayJan 7, 2012 19:10187098
1... your beliefs! [394 words]AhmedJan 10, 2012 16:32187098
2Allah and God [154 words]V G S S ReddyMay 7, 2012 17:23187098
Allah and God the same? [13 words]Dan SchnittkerMay 8, 2012 13:43187098
1Allah and God [210 words]V G S S ReddyMay 9, 2012 00:26187098
2Allah and God - Reply to Conrad Robert Alleluya's Comments [567 words]V G S S ReddyMay 9, 2012 12:51187098
Islam [180 words]MuslimFeb 6, 2013 19:58187098
1Another victim [100 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 8, 2013 07:15187098
4Is Allah GOD [444 words]IfrahimMar 6, 2013 13:43187098
1answer [110 words]KajalSep 7, 2013 15:48187098
La ilaha illallah [14 words]OnsaphiMar 5, 2014 20:24187098
WHUT? [77 words]SprigganOct 31, 2015 22:24187098
4educate yourself about your own religion [224 words]twSep 9, 2010 19:18177968
15Mohammed was NOT a descendant of ishmael! [252 words]Me MEJun 20, 2011 13:54177968
Allah [408 words]StoneJul 14, 2012 15:12177968
Is that so? [204 words]يوسف قناوةMar 25, 2018 05:31177968
1Guiding the perplexed our dear يوسف قناوة! [974 words]dhimmi no moreMar 26, 2018 08:19177968
Guiding the perplexed our dear يوسف قناوة! Islamic literary sources about Muhammad were written by "Liars and Plagiarists" Part two [318 words]dhimmi no moreMar 26, 2018 09:42177968
Guiding the perplexed our dear يوسف قناوة! More disasters? Early Muslim Mufasereen had no clue who was supposed to be the subject of the Sacrifice! Isaac or Ismael! [297 words]dhimmi no moreMar 26, 2018 10:21177968
1Muhammad was not from the progeny of Ismael, but from the Arabs of Yemen [627 words]VegAug 12, 2019 03:17177968
145ALLAH needs no certification! [34 words]MsMSep 2, 2010 01:13177579
2so he wont mind [28 words]jacksonOct 25, 2010 02:30177579
5are you people out of your mind? [99 words]jakewardMar 13, 2011 06:57177579
124Ask those struck with TSUNAMI ? [128 words]MsMMar 14, 2011 04:24177579
2Okay... [27 words]SteveApr 16, 2011 08:39177579
128Who do you think Hell is prepared for? [91 words]M s MApr 17, 2011 03:05177579
4Who do you think Hell is prepared for [83 words]WilliamMay 2, 2012 11:44177579
100JANNAT for BELIEVERS: MUSLIMS [1316 words]MdShafiqMJun 17, 2012 06:10177579
23Our dear Md is doing his little da3wa read and laugh [116 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2012 10:16177579
22The victims of the wahhabis from India and Pakistan and Bangaldesh [206 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2012 14:04177579
5For indigestion in Allah's paradise: Allah dispenses "perfumed sweating" that is supposed to help it! What a disaster [204 words]dhimmi no moreJun 30, 2012 13:55177579
Saudis are not representative of Islam [51 words]Sajid GhouriJul 29, 2012 08:00177579
3Another victim of Arabian imperialism and Islam [311 words]dhimmi no moreJul 29, 2012 18:45177579
"I AM THAT I AM" [355 words]RobertMar 19, 2016 11:32177579
3Faulty Approach [41 words]Scott FowlerJul 30, 2010 09:23176165
8Judaism and Islam worship one true g.d while Christianity is heretic [389 words]A commentorOct 7, 2010 13:54176165
7Why can't God have a son? [32 words]RajeevOct 8, 2010 01:14176165
4RE: WHY GOD CANNOT HAVE A SON [116 words]KhalilOct 20, 2010 20:40176165
So God is not omnipotent, then? [47 words]Charles LavergneNov 17, 2010 13:38176165
1mary coming from the side of David [34 words]r smithFeb 3, 2011 19:40176165
1Why?? [30 words]retaFeb 4, 2011 09:58176165
A commentor then believe Mohammad is YAWEH's Prophet [46 words]ifrahimMar 24, 2011 19:43176165
2Why GOD can't have a son? [161 words]ifrahimMar 24, 2011 20:14176165
3I feel sorry for you [897 words]khalilApr 2, 2011 02:16176165
2a response to "I feel sorry for you" by Khalil [275 words]IfrahimApr 9, 2011 14:42176165
Son of God [44 words]SriApr 13, 2011 15:58176165
does not make sense at all [85 words]KhalilApr 14, 2011 12:08176165
Some Verses from The Holy Bible which say that Jesus is indeed the Son of God [9 words]SriApr 14, 2011 15:37176165
6Islamic drivel [402 words]dhimmi no moreApr 15, 2011 07:30176165
VERY CHRISTIAN FOR YOU [34 words]KhalilApr 16, 2011 00:56176165
5Islamic drivel part deux [238 words]dhimmi no moreApr 17, 2011 07:14176165
2Son of God [1764 words]RajeshApr 23, 2011 15:22176165
Hear O Israel,the Lord our God is ONE Lord. [349 words]MagnaEstVeritasJul 22, 2011 09:12176165
The voice of one crying in the wilderness [56 words]man childNov 19, 2011 23:14176165
Son of God [272 words]CliveMar 15, 2012 18:14176165
Spelling [10 words]AtiaJun 2, 2015 00:20176165
God cannot have son [950 words]UsmanApr 4, 2017 05:34176165
Can Muslims just leave Jesus alone [125 words]PrashantApr 6, 2017 05:01176165
1If Allah cannot have a child then he cannot be omnipotent which means he is not a God [470 words]dhimmi no moreApr 8, 2017 09:22176165
4Allah or God [273 words]Muhammad ArifJul 19, 2010 14:08175763
8Our dear Muhammad Arif needs to stick to Urdu [798 words]dhimmi no moreJul 20, 2010 06:45175763
145ALLAH is ALLAH. [333 words]MdShafiqMApr 27, 2010 01:42171745
1PLEASE READ AND COMMENT [212 words]MichaelOct 6, 2010 15:12171745
Bang on! [64 words]HaidJan 25, 2011 19:45171745
12Is Bush Muslim? [19 words]m d sApr 21, 2010 05:38171526
Jesus is LORD & allah is god [7 words]ddFeb 9, 2010 03:16168688
1Thank you [48 words]JasonOct 1, 2009 08:22162424
10Another name for Allah / Jehovah is God of War! [638 words]ReebaMay 8, 2009 16:29155115
Failure of a mini god [358 words]NurayJul 25, 2009 13:31155115
In answer Allah / Jehovah are not the same God [67 words]rosemaryNov 25, 2009 16:25155115
2Another name for Allah / Jehovah is God [76 words]glenJan 25, 2010 07:54155115
You don't really matter, do you? [148 words]jayrenaudJan 31, 2010 01:52155115
1Quran is very peaceful book [188 words]NurayFeb 8, 2010 04:19155115
2Quran is very peaceful book. [103 words]jamesMar 11, 2010 19:22155115
By your argument christians are wrong then... [110 words]AthairfiachdubhDec 1, 2010 17:56155115
Quran is a very peaceful book (response to James) [432 words]haidJan 25, 2011 20:19155115
wow [7 words]jakewardMar 14, 2011 06:28155115
Response to Quran is a very peaceful book [193 words]ifrahimMar 29, 2011 00:04155115
Tell the truth and shame the devil. [310 words]MagnaEstVeritasJul 27, 2011 11:56155115
1Nasikh [775 words]Omo NjaNov 11, 2011 21:26155115
1Non.. The quran is not a peacful book - please read the following from Islam Review [241 words]Omo NjaNov 13, 2011 16:00155115
Jehovah war god [102 words]IggiDec 14, 2013 12:26155115
1Malaysian government thinks that Allah is not God [66 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
George WaltersMar 1, 2009 19:17151417
1george walters [268 words]btillyMay 9, 2009 09:13151417
1A commercial strategy of Christian missionaries [67 words]NurayJul 25, 2009 13:43151417
Fake translation of holy books [152 words]NurayJul 25, 2009 14:00151417
1Allah is not God [77 words]JamesSep 15, 2009 08:35151417
writte from a muslima [79 words]safrasjhdz mujahidaSep 16, 2009 15:50151417
4Our dear Nuray al-tablighee and his bogus translations of the Qur'an [995 words]dhimmi no moreOct 3, 2009 10:07151417
Allah is not God [88 words]Abiodun IgbekoyiJan 2, 2010 04:01151417
allah is not God--he is a god. [42 words]HarveyJan 2, 2010 19:34151417
ALLAH IS ALWAYS THE NAME OF GOD BUT [92 words]ABDULATIFJan 3, 2010 17:32151417
If that so.. [56 words]JackJan 13, 2010 20:59151417
to Jack [35 words]antiJan 15, 2010 23:58151417
2Allah is not God [1510 words]Dear AbiodounJan 26, 2010 14:45151417
1re- allah is not God [237 words]Abiodun IgbekoyiJan 28, 2010 02:31151417
write from a muslima (Safrasjhdz mujahida) [271 words]MariaJan 29, 2010 03:35151417
2Absolutely all False Allegations against the Last Prophet of God- Allah. [317 words]Mohammad, CPAFeb 4, 2010 00:30151417
why muslims believe He, Jesus will come to judge the world [55 words]NurayMar 4, 2010 13:26151417
Indeed the Quran is peace as is Islam [342 words]AmirMar 24, 2010 16:10151417
Jihad [42 words]LionAug 23, 2010 10:56151417
3Our dear Lion and al-Jihad fi kitab muharraf [227 words]dhimmi no moreAug 24, 2010 17:57151417
reply to "george walters" [407 words]HaidJan 25, 2011 20:44151417
a response to Absolutely all False Allegations against the Last Prophet of God- Allah. by Mohammad, CPA [375 words]IfrahimApr 15, 2011 13:23151417
1The name ALLAH [16 words]Richard DeckerApr 9, 2008 09:39125177
Muhammad was an arab [28 words]Tamara OmariApr 20, 2008 02:46125177
wasn't that al ilah?? [36 words]oliverApr 28, 2008 22:08125177
Allah [106 words]imdad AliAug 8, 2008 03:47125177
word allah [102 words]AL SacmadSep 20, 2008 01:09125177
False logic [28 words]NurayDec 26, 2008 16:11125177
Allah [113 words]timothyJan 23, 2009 00:43125177
Is Allah God [96 words]Sufi Imdad Ali SoomroJan 26, 2009 00:00125177
2Allah a pagan God. [166 words]JohnMar 17, 2009 10:38125177
Allah is Not A PAGAN GOD [45 words]UndisclosedMar 21, 2009 22:21125177
Is Allah God [58 words]u know whoMar 27, 2009 10:23125177
Allah a pagan God. [91 words]JohnApr 4, 2009 12:45125177
3Mohammed, real or not, was not a prophet [370 words]Brainless BananaMay 26, 2009 03:47125177
moon god [81 words]JosueJun 18, 2009 23:35125177
1Allah the moon God. [905 words]JohnJun 24, 2009 10:44125177
I Think Not [149 words]GoldenJun 30, 2009 15:04125177
Allah is God of Abraham [130 words]nurayJul 23, 2009 17:27125177
You explained well why Muhammed was a real Messenger [98 words]nurayJul 25, 2009 14:22125177
Some people are simply deaf, blind, dumb and shall not believe even truth has been given [118 words]Wasif AhmedSep 5, 2009 13:54125177
In response to reading the Koran. (I read it four times, already). Enough [101 words]Brainless BananaSep 7, 2009 02:15125177
allah is al ilah [62 words]Leia RowanSep 17, 2009 09:02125177
Dear John [250 words]moJan 10, 2010 04:36125177
PROPHET MOHAMMAD PEACE BE UPON HIM. [113 words]MUZAMILMar 2, 2010 05:33125177
Moses(pbuh) and Jesus(pbuh) did not introduce mistakes. [201 words]Mohamed YazidMar 10, 2008 11:15122278
The oldest Bible dates before Mohammed [87 words]jennifer solisMay 1, 2008 03:58122278
certain maronite christians [24 words]JibranJun 4, 2008 17:25122278
2Our dear Jibran and Muhammad [168 words]dhimmi no moreJul 15, 2008 06:40122278
Muhammad was an arab [126 words]imdad AliAug 7, 2008 06:02122278
no god [173 words]abJul 3, 2009 14:48122278
Koran says: "Do not prostrate yourself before the sun or the moon." Who is Pat Robertsosn kidding ? [78 words]robertFeb 3, 2008 02:12119500
is allah god? [34 words]crystalApr 16, 2008 13:12119500
Pat Robinson's comments on Islam & Muslims. [64 words]MohammadJul 13, 2008 14:48119500
1wats in a name [194 words]sunil/indiaJan 17, 2009 08:03119500
Allah Is God. [16 words]Stanley Sony IrwinNov 28, 2007 00:52115147
First you read miracle words of Qurann [77 words]Ummer FarookDec 22, 2007 09:57115147
Allah is not God [86 words]mijabaJan 17, 2008 14:07115147
exploiting jihad [83 words]mahamaAug 6, 2008 23:20115147
IS allah - G-d? NO [11 words]YnnatchkahOct 8, 2007 02:49110694
Peace [60 words]SecretOct 5, 2007 10:10110397
if you dont know the difference [75 words]MarcoSep 17, 2008 14:31110397
1Here's your Proof [89 words]NieyaazOct 4, 2007 04:30110303
We don't like Islam because. [62 words]AliApr 11, 2008 20:06110303
why hate islam? [85 words]crystalApr 16, 2008 12:56110303
1The religion of tolerance and peace, of course! [153 words]OliverApr 28, 2008 22:28110303
To Ali: "we don't like Islam because..." [71 words]BrandonJun 17, 2008 11:47110303
Islam, the religion of peace?? [338 words]Yousef MarwanJun 27, 2008 18:19110303
TO Yousef Marwan about the fake peace in islam. [652 words]YnnatchkahJun 27, 2008 23:41110303
Sword of Islam [248 words]Yousef MarwanJul 1, 2008 18:11110303
West's Folly [222 words]JaladhiJul 1, 2008 22:06110303
We don't like Islam because it killed people..... Comments by Ali. [183 words]MohammadJul 15, 2008 03:43110303
1The truth is revealed! [125 words]TinaJul 24, 2008 01:07110303
Why I hate Islam [347 words]AustinJul 31, 2008 13:04110303
Every sinner hates Islam [42 words]NishiAug 7, 2008 12:02110303
The Religion Of Peace? ... I doubt it is even A religion of peace [165 words]AustinAug 16, 2008 01:51110303
1Mass Killers are on your side [337 words]NishiAug 21, 2008 09:55110303
Yes, war is bad [75 words]AustinAug 23, 2008 13:38110303
please realise your BIG mistake (same as everyone else) [177 words]adil chaudryAug 31, 2008 23:41110303
Innocent killings are sin in Islam too [111 words]Believer in one GODNov 7, 2008 07:19110303
innocent people should not be killed [66 words]TimothyJan 23, 2009 01:13110303
muhammads words! [179 words]thndrbangFeb 5, 2009 16:22110303
Proofs for Allah? [62 words]NorthApr 1, 2009 16:06110303
10 commandments [310 words]john 8:32May 7, 2009 13:41110303
you are twisting the verses-let me show [435 words]BilalSep 21, 2009 10:15110303
Why we don't like islam [101 words]MariaJan 29, 2010 06:48110303
Islam is for Peace & Love, Not in favor of Killings of every kind. [245 words]Mohammad, CPAJan 29, 2010 19:11110303
2Our dear CPA disagrees with the words of Allah. Read and laugh [159 words]dhimmi no moreJan 31, 2010 08:50110303
Read Quraan then we talk [144 words]EsamSep 6, 2010 23:35110303
check out [93 words]saeedApr 1, 2011 08:21110303
real knowledge o f who is actualy responsible for all of going on [22 words]syedAug 31, 2014 15:40110303
It is worth to enter into discussion, also when they end in dissent [316 words]Ameen MannJun 6, 2007 12:3596262
Say the Truth and Dont Misinformed. [903 words]jamalMar 17, 2007 16:2286642
gr8 [402 words]RVVApr 25, 2007 06:0386642
Here is an answer to your questions [181 words]MuhammadJul 29, 2007 06:4986642
4Jesus was the Last Prophet and problems with 6666 lines in the Quaran [811 words]Robert RobergJul 31, 2007 10:4286642
1Thanks for the reply Robert [337 words]MuhammadAug 4, 2007 12:4986642
1Peace cousin Muhhamad [303 words]Robert RobergAug 6, 2007 14:3486642
1And the Quraan was not manipulated by people ? Oh please give me break. [230 words]TimothyAug 6, 2007 22:4886642
How nice are the words you have mentioned... [634 words]MuhammadAug 7, 2007 14:1486642
Thank you Cousin Muhammad [602 words]Robert RobergAug 7, 2007 17:1486642
Hello there Timothy [831 words]MuhammadAug 8, 2007 15:1186642
Muhammad thank you for your civil response. [367 words]TimothyAug 8, 2007 22:2686642
How nice are the words you have mentioned... [1444 words]MuhammadAug 11, 2007 05:4986642
Thanks Timothy for your reply [1216 words]MuhammadAug 11, 2007 11:3186642
1The arabic in the Qur'an cleared things up? Really? [216 words]dhimmi no moreAug 12, 2007 16:4586642
1Contradictions in the Qur'an! Really? [46 words]dhimmi no moreAug 12, 2007 16:5186642
The Creator's will [249 words]Robert RobergAug 12, 2007 17:0786642
Sorry for the late reply brother Robert [420 words]MuhammadAug 13, 2007 21:2586642
1Our dear Muhammad and the word Deen and his credibility is on the line [243 words]dhimmi no moreAug 14, 2007 07:2986642
1Our dear Muhammad and the gem of the day: They will choose heaven! [77 words]dhimmi no moreAug 14, 2007 18:5186642
Response to questions Tim [1271 words]Arthur EsparzaAug 19, 2007 02:5186642
1Our dear Arthur: You speak like a good tablighee [704 words]dhimmi no moreAug 26, 2007 08:1786642
my reply [266 words]arthurAug 27, 2007 18:3886642
1Our dear Arthur and ego [224 words]dhimmi no moreAug 28, 2007 06:5486642
1Our dear Arthur and was Muhammad really uneducated? [177 words]dhimmi no moreAug 28, 2007 07:2186642
drop in the ocean [295 words]Arthur EsparzaAug 28, 2007 18:5886642
1Our dear Arthur and which ocean is that? [80 words]dhimmi no moreAug 29, 2007 19:0786642
1Our dear Arthur and was really muahmmad a jahil? Oh I forgot it is a moot point now! [167 words]dhimmi no moreAug 29, 2007 19:2486642
1Our dear Arthur and his big time falsafa and Abul Qasim's only miracle is on the line [322 words]dhimmi no moreAug 30, 2007 07:0286642
4Quran is a book that contain no mistakes [230 words]FahadSep 11, 2007 01:1586642
There are no contradictions inside the Quran [74 words]FahadSep 11, 2007 01:5086642
Answer to your question [152 words]FahadSep 11, 2007 02:2186642
OK [33 words]Robert RobergSep 12, 2007 17:0586642
Allah is God [91 words]Fahad RahmanSep 19, 2007 01:0486642

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