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to maria; the deceived one

Reader comment on item: Is Allah God?
in response to reader comment: How sad...

Submitted by mat (Canada), Mar 9, 2006 at 23:31

apparently u haven't read the hadiths maria, u may have read the quran and missed many key points because it is a jumble mess with no context or real purpose ---> to prove that just -look at when the world was created , i'll give u a hint. its somewhere in the 90 something surrah
-u also said that loser was a new word, lol, i don't know where u got that from lol
- u said that u couldn't find anywhere where jews and christians are to be mistreated in the 'holy' books ?

all i have here is a TINY bit of quotes that state a little hatred... but only a LITTLE. lol


Qur'an 2:61 "Humiliation and wretchedness were stamped on the Jews and they were visited with Allah's wrath."
Qur'an 4:44 "Have you not considered those to whom a portion of the Book has been given? They traffic in error and desire that you should go astray. But Allah has full knowledge of your enemies. Of the Jews there are those who displace words from their (right) places, saying, ‘We hear and we disobey' with a twist of their tongues they slander Faith…. Allah has cursed them for disbelief."
Qur'an 4:47 "O you People of the Book to whom the Scripture has been given, believe in what We have (now) revealed, confirming and verifying what was possessed by you, before We destroy your faces beyond all recognition, turning you on your backs, and curse you as We cursed the Sabbath-breakers, for the decision of Allah Must be executed."
Qur'an 4:160 "For the iniquity of the Jews We made unlawful for them certain (foods) in that they hindered many from Allah's Way, that they took usury, though they were forbidden, and that they devoured men's wealth on false pretenses, We have prepared for those among them who reject [Islamic] Faith a painful doom."
Qur'an 5:59 "Say: ‘People of the Book! Do you disapprove of us for no other reason than that we believe in Allah, and the revelation that has come to us and that which came before?' Say: ‘Shall I point out to you something much worse than this by the treatment it received from Allah? Those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom He transformed into apes and swine."
Qur'an 2:64 "But you [Jews] went back on your word and were lost losers. So become apes, despised and hated. We made an example out of you."
Ishaq:240 "The Jews are a nation of liars.... The Jews are a treacherous, lying, and evil people."
Qur'an 33:26 "Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before."
Ishaq:250 "The bestial transformation occurred when Allah turned Jews into apes, despised."
Qur'an 59:14 "The Jews are devoid of sense. There is a grievous punishment awaiting them. Satan tells them not to believe so they will end up in Hell."
Ishaq:254/Qur'an 2:96 "We will not remove a Jew from the punishment. They know the shameful thing that awaits them."
Qur'an 4:55 "Sufficient for the Jew is the Flaming Fire!"
Qur'an 88:1 "Has the narration reached you of the overwhelming (calamity)? Some faces (all disbelievers, Jews and Christians) that Day, will be humiliated, downcast, scorched by the burning fire, while they are made to drink from a boiling hot spring."
Tabari VIII:116 "After his return from Hudaybiyah, Allah's Messenger marched against Khaybar. He halted with his army in a valley between the people of Khaybar and the Ghatafan tribe to prevent the latter from assisting the Jews."
Ishaq:264 "A notable Jew spoke to the Apostle, twisting his tongue. He attacked Islam and reviled it, so Allah sent down, ‘Allah knows best about your enemies. Some of the Jews change words from their contexts and say: "We hear and disobey," twisting their tongues and attacking the religion so Allah cursed them.'"
Tabari VIII:121 "Ali struck the Jew with a swift blow that split his helmet, neck protector, and head, landing in his rear teeth. And the Muslims entered the city. Muhammad conquered the [Jewish] neighborhood. Safiyah was brought to him, and another woman with her. Bilal led them past some of the Jews we had slain including the woman's dead husband. When she saw them, the woman with Safiyah cried out, slapped her face, and poured dust on her head. When Allah's Prophet saw her, he said, ‘Take this she-devil away from me!'"
Bukhari:V4B53N380 "Umar expelled all the Jews and Christians from Arabia. Allah's Apostle after conquering Khaybar thought of expelling the Jews from the land which, after he conquered it, belonged to Allah, Allah's Apostle and the Muslims. But the Jews requested Allah's Apostle to leave them there on the condition that they would do the labor and get half of the fruits (the land would yield). Allah's Apostle said, ‘We shall keep you on these terms as long as we wish.' Thus they stayed till the time of Umar's Caliphate when he expelled them."
Tabari VIII:130 "The Messenger said during his final illness, ‘Two religions cannot coexist in the Arabian Peninsula.' Umar investigated the matter, then sent to the Jews, saying: ‘Allah has given permission for you to be expelled; for I have received word that the Prophet said that two religions cannot coexist in Arabia."
Ishaq:517 "Khaybar was stormed by the Apostle's squadron, fully armed, powerful, and strong. It brought certain humiliation with Muslim men in its midst. We attacked and they met their doom. Muhammad conquered the Jews in fighting that day as they opened their eyes to our dust."
Ishaq:524 "We cannot accept the oaths of Jews. Their infidelity is so great they swear falsely."
Qur'an 59:14 "They [Jews] will not fight against you save in fortified townships. Their hostility and hatred amongst themselves is strong: you would think they were united, but their hearts they are divided. That is because these [Jews] are a people devoid of sense."
Ishaq:245 "Do you love Jews and their religion, you liver-hearted ass, and not Muhammad? Their religion will never march with ours…. Jews make false professions about Islam. So Allah sent down: ‘Satan wishes to lead them astray." Ishaq:248 "Allah increases their sickness. A tormented doom awaits the Jews. Allah said, ‘They are mischief makers. They are fools. The Jews deny the truth and contradict what the Apostle has brought. I will mock them and let them continue to wander blindly.'"
Tabari VII:158 "The Messenger of Allah besieged the Nadir Jews for fifteen days. In the end they made peace with him on the condition that the Prophet would not shed their blood and that their property and possessions would be his."
Qur'an 5:13 "But because of their breach of their covenant We cursed the Jews, and made their hearts grow hard. They change the words from their (right) places [the illiterate prophet pronounced] and forget and abandon a good part of the message that was sent them. Nor will you cease to find deceit in them. And because of their breaking their covenant We have cursed them. They altered words from their context and they neglected a portion of the message they were reminded of."
Qur'an 5:41 "Or it be among the Jews, men who will listen to any lie. They change the context of the words from their (right) times and places.... For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment.""
Qur'an 5:42 "They are fond of listening to falsehood, of devouring anything forbidden; they are greedy for illicit gain!"
Qur'an 5:44 "It was We who revealed the Torah. By its standard the prophets judged the Jews, and the prophets bowed (in Islam) to Allah's will, surrendering. For the rabbis and priests: to them was entrusted the protection of Allah's Scripture Book; they were witnesses of it. Therefore fear not men, but fear Me, and sell not My revelations for a miserable price."
Qur'an 5:64 "The Jews say: ‘Allah's hands are fettered.' Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for the blasphemy they utter. Nay, both His hands are widely outstretched, giving [Muslims Jewish booty] as He pleases. Amongst them we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Doom. Every time they kindle the fire of war, Allah does extinguish it. But they strive to do mischief on earth."
Qur'an 98:1 "Those among the People of the Book, who disbelieve and are idolaters, would never have been freed from their false religion if the Clear Proofs had not come to them. An Apostle of Allah came reading out of hallowed pages…. They were commanded to serve Allah exclusively, fulfilling their devotional obligations, and paying the zakat. Surely the unbelievers and idolaters from the People of the Book will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures."
Qur'an 5:78 "Curses were pronounced on the unbelievers, the Children of Israel who rejected Islam, by the tongues of David and of Jesus because they disobeyed and rebelled."
Qur'an 5:80 "You see many of them allying themselves with the unbelieving infidels. Vile indeed are their souls. Allah's wrath is on them, and in torment will they abide."
Qur'an 5:81 "If only they had believed in Allah, in the Prophet, and in what had been revealed to him."
Qur'an 5:82 "You will find the Jews and disbelievers [defined as Christians in 5:73] the most vehement in hatred for the Muslims."
Ishaq:262 "Some Muslims remained friends with the Jews, so Allah sent down a Qur'an forbidding them to take Jews as friends. From their mouths hatred has already shown itself and what they conceal is worse."
Qur'an 2:59 "We sent a plague upon the Jews from heaven, for their evil-doing."
Bukhari:V4B56N679 "Allah's Apostle said, ‘Plague is a means of torture sent on the Israelis.'"
Bukhari:V2B23N457 "The Prophet went out after sunset and heard a dreadful voice. He said, ‘The Jews are being punished in their graves.'"
Qur'an 17:7 "We shall rouse Our (Muslim) slaves to shame and ravage you (Jews), disfiguring your faces. They will enter the Temple as before and destroy, laying to waste all that they conquer."
Bukhari:V1B4N147 "People say, ‘Whenever you sit for answering the call of nature, you should not face the Qiblah of Jerusalem.' I told them. ‘Once I went up the roof of our house and I saw Allah's Apostle answering the call of nature while sitting on two bricks facing Jerusalem."
Ishaq:239 "About this time Jewish rabbis showed hostility to the Apostle in envy, hatred, and malice, because Allah had chosen His Apostle from the Arabs. The Jews considered the Prophet a liar and strove against Islam."
Ishaq:239 "Jewish rabbis used to annoy the Apostle with questions, introducing confusion." "Qur'ans used to come down in reference to their questions."
Ishaq:240 "Labid bewitched Allah's Apostle so that he could not come at his wives. These Jewish rabbis opposed the apostle, they asked questions and stirred up trouble against Islam trying to extinguish it."
Ishaq:240 "I concealed the matter from the Jews and then went to the Apostle and said, ‘The Jews are a nation of liars and I want you to give me a house and hide me from them. If they learn I've become a Muslim, they'll utter slanderous lies against me.' So the prophet gave me a house, and when the Jews came, I emerged and said, ‘O Jews, fear Allah and accept what He has sent you. For you know that he is the Apostle of Allah. You will find him described in your Torah and even named.' They accused me of lying and reviled me. I told Muhammad, ‘The Jews are a treacherous, lying, and evil people.'"
Ishaq:241 "Mukhayriq was a learned rabbi owning much property in date palms. He recognized the Apostle by his description and felt a predilection for his religion. He violated the Sabbath to fight on behalf of Islam and was killed in battle. I am told the Prophet used to say, ‘Mukhayriq is the best of the Jews [a dead one].' The Apostle took his property."
Ishaq:242 "Julas the Jew used to say, ‘If Muhammad is right we are worse than donkeys.' Allah sent down concerning him: ‘They swear that they did not say it, when they did say the words of unbelief.... Allah will afflict them with a painful punishment in this world and in the next.' [Surah 9:75] Ishaq:242 "The Apostle ordered Umar to kill him, but he escaped to Mecca."
Ishaq:246 "The surah of the Hypocrites came down because some men sent secret messages to the Nadir Jews when the Apostle besieged them.... Allah bears witness that they are liars. Like Satan when he says to men, "Disbelieve."' [59:11]
Qur'an 59:14 "They are a divided people devoid of sense. There is a grievous punishment awaiting them. Satan tells them not to believe so both of them will end up in Hell."
Qur'an 59:2 "It was He [Allah] who drove the [Jewish] People of the Book from their [Medina] homes and into exile. They refused to believe. You did not think that they would go away. And they imagined that their settlement would protect them against Allah. But Allah's [actually Muhammad's] (torment) came at them from where they did not suspect and terrorized them. Their homes were destroyed. So learn a lesson O men who have eyes. This is My warning. Had Allah not decreed the expulsion of the Jews, banishing them into the desert, He would certainly have punished them in this world, and in the next they shall taste the torment of Hell Fire."
Ishaq:251 "Moses commanded them to prostrate themselves and his Lord spoke to him and they heard His voice giving them commands and prohibitions so that they understood what they heard. But when Moses went back to the Jews a party of them changed the Commandments they had been given." [2:75]
Ishaq:252 "Have you no understanding? Why do you maintain that he is not a prophet since you know that Allah has made a Covenant with you that you should follow him? While he tells you that he is the prophet whom you are expecting, and that you will find him in Our book, you oppose him and do not recognize him. You reject his prophethood on mere opinion."
Ishaq:253 "Allah cursed them for their unbelief. When a scripture comes to them from Allah confirming what they already have, they deny it. Allah's curse is on them."
Ishaq:254 "In the pagan era the Jews were scripture folk and we were pagans. They used to say, ‘Soon a prophet will be sent whom we shall follow.' When Allah sent his Apostle from the Quraysh and we followed him they denied him. Allah revealed, ‘When there comes to him one they recognize, they deny him. They are wretched, so Allah cursed them, and He will give them a shameful punishment.' The double anger is His wrath because they have disregarded the Torah and anger because they disbelieved in this Prophet whom Allah has sent to them." [2:89]
Ishaq:254 "Long for death [Jews], if you are truthful. Pray that God will kill whichever one of us is the most false. The Jews refused the Prophet's dare." "Allah said to His Prophet, ‘They will never accept your dare because of their past deeds. But they recognize you from the knowledge they have. Yet they deny. Had they accepted your dare, not a single Jew would have remained alive on the earth." [2:94]
Ishaq:254 "We will not remove a Jew from the punishment. The Jew knows the shameful thing that awaits him in the next life because he has wasted the knowledge he has." [2:96]
Ishaq:255 "Jewish rabbis came to the Apostle and asked him to answer four questions saying, ‘If you do so we will follow you, testify to your truth, and believe in you.' They began, ‘Why does a boy resemble his mother when the semen comes from the father?' Muhammad replied, ‘Do you not know that a man's semen is white and thick and a woman's is yellow and thin? The likeness goes with that which comes to the top.' ‘Agreed,' the rabbis proclaimed.... The rabbis said. ‘But Muhammad, your spirit is an enemy to us, an angel who comes only with violence and the shedding of blood, and were it not for that we would follow you."
Ishaq:255 "So Allah sent down concerning them: ‘When the Apostle comes to them from Allah confirming that which they have received in scripture, they put it behind their backs as if they did not know it. They follow that which Satan read concerning the kingdom of Solomon—sorcery.' One of the rabbis said, ‘Don't you wonder at Muhammad? He alleges that Solomon was a prophet, and yet he was nothing but a sorcerer.' So Allah sent down, ‘Solomon did not disbelieve but Satan did, practicing sorcery.'" [2:101]
Ishaq:256 "The Apostle wrote a letter to the Jews of Khaybar [before he annihilated them]. In the name of Allah, from Muhammad the Apostle of Allah, friend and brother of Moses who confirms what Moses brought [the Torah]. Allah says to you, ‘O Scripture folk, and you will find it in your scripture "Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah. Those with him are severe against the unbelievers. You see them bowing, falling prostrate, seeking bounty, and acceptance. The mark of their prostrations is on their foreheads." That is their likeness in the Torah and in the Gospels.'"
Ishaq:256 "The Jews used to ask Muhammad questions which annoyed and confused him." Ishaq:257 "Your situation seems obscure to us, Muhammad."
Ishaq:257 "‘O Jews, fear Allah and submit, for you used to hope for the Messiah's help against the Arabs when we were pagans. You told us that he would be sent and then told us about him.' A Jew responded, ‘Muhammad has not shown us anything we recognize as prophetic. He is not the one we spoke to you about.' So Allah revealed, ‘We confirmed what they had, and We sent one they recognized, but they rejected him so We are cursing them.' The Jews replied, ‘No Covenant was ever made with us about Muhammad.'" "‘Muhammad, you have not brought anything we recognize. And God has not sent down any sign or miracle suggesting that we should believe you.' So Allah said, ‘We have sent down to you plain signs and only evildoers disbelieve them.'"
Ishaq:257 "The Jews told Allah's Messenger, ‘Bring us a book. Bring us something down from heaven that we might read it.'"
Ishaq:258 "The Jews used to turn men away from Islam. So Allah said, ‘Many Scripture folk wish to make you unbelievers after you have believed. They are envious. Be indulgent until Allah gives you his orders [to rob them, rape them, sell them into slavery, and murder them.]"
Ishaq:262 "Some Muslims remained friends with Jews, so Allah sent down a Qur'an forbidding them to take Jews as friends. From their mouths hatred has already shown itself and what they conceal is worse." "You believe in their Book [though you don't have a clue what it says] while they deny your book, so you have more right to hate them than they have to hate you."
Ishaq:263 "Abu Bakr went into a Jewish school [there is no mention of him ever going into a Muslim school] and found many pupils gathered around Finhas, a learned rabbi. Bakr told the Jews to fear Allah and submit. He told them that they would find that Muhammad was an Apostle written in the Torah and Gospels. Finhas replied, ‘Why does your god ask us to lend him money as your master pretends.' Abu was enraged and hit Finhas hard in the face [for telling the truth]. Were it not for the treaty between us I would cut off your head, you enemy of Allah. So Allah said, ‘They will taste Our punishment of burning.'"
Ishaq:264 "Allah revealed concerning Finhas and the other rabbis: ‘Allah issued orders to those who had received the Book: ‘You are to make it clear to men and not conceal it, yet they cast the Torah behind their backs and sold it for a small price. Wretched was their exchange. They will therefore receive a painful punishment.'"
Ishaq:264 "The Torah confirms what Muhammad brought. Rifa'a, a notable Jew, spoke to the Apostle, twisting his tongue: ‘Give us your attention, Muhammad, so that we can make you understand.' Then he attacked Islam and reviled it. So Allah sent down, ‘Allah knows about your enemies. Some Jews change words from their contexts and say: "We hear and disobey," twisting their tongues and attacking the religion. But Allah cursed them.'" [2:59 & 4:47]
Ishaq:264 "The Jewish rabbis knew that Muhammad had brought them the truth, but they denied that they knew it. They were obstinate. So Allah revealed, ‘People of the Book, believe in what we have sent down in confirmation of what you had been given before or We will efface your features and turn your face into your ass, cursing you.'"
Ishaq:269 "‘Tell us when the Day of Doom will be, Muhammad, if you are a prophet as you say.' So Allah sent down, ‘They will ask you about the hour when it will come to pass. Say, only my Lord knows of it. None but He will reveal it at its proper time. Say, ‘Only Allah knows about it but most men do not know.' How can we follow you, Muhammad, when you have abandoned our Qiblah? And you do not allege that Uzayr [who knows?] is the son of God.' So Allah revealed, ‘The Jews say that Uzayr is the son of God [no they don't] and the Christians say the Messiah is the son of God. That is what they say with their mouths, copying the speech of those who disbelieved in the earlier times. Allah fight them! How perverse are they?'"
Ishaq:269 "‘For our part we don't see how your Qur'an recitals are arranged anything like our Torah is.' [So Muhammad who couldn't read said,] ‘You know quite well that the Qur'an is from Allah. You will find it written in the Torah which you have.'"
Ishaq:269 "‘If men and jinn [demons] came together to produce its like they could not.' Finhas said, ‘Did men or jinn tell you this, Muhammad?' ‘You know full well that the Qur'an is from Allah and that I am the Apostle of Allah. You will find it written in the Torah you have.' The rabbi replied, ‘When God sends a prophet, He provides for him, so bring us a book that is divinely inspired that we may read it and determine if you are telling the truth. We can produce our Book.' So Allah revealed, concerning their words, ‘Though men and jinn should meet to produce this Qur'an, they would not produce its like, even working together.'"
Qur'an 2:40 "O Children of Israel, remember the favors I bestowed on you. So keep My Covenant so that I fulfil your covenant. Fear Me. And believe in what I sent down, confirming and verifying the Scripture which you possess already."
Qur'an 2:41 "Be not the first to deny or sell My Verses for a small price; and fear Me, and Me alone." [Another translation reads:] "Part not with My Revelations for a trifling price, getting a small gain by selling My Verses."
Qur'an 2:43 "[Jews] Perform prayer; pay the zakat tax; bow down and prostrate yourself with Ar-Raki'un (the obedient bowers). You read, recite, and study the Scripture. Why don't you understand? Nay, seek [Islamic prostration] prayer: It is indeed hard, heavy, and exacting, except for those who obey in submission."
Qur'an 2:59 "The [Jewish] transgressors changed and perverted the word from that which had been spoken to them to a word distorted; so We sent a plague upon them from heaven, for their evil-doing."
Qur'an 2:61 "Humiliation and wretchedness were stamped upon the Jews and they were visited with wrath from Allah. That was because they disbelieved Allah's Proofs, Signs and Verses and killed the prophets. They disobeyed and rebelled."
Qur'an 2:64 "But you [Jews] went back on your word and were lost losers. You know that you have broken the sanctity of the Sabbath, so We said: ‘Become monkeys despised and hated.' We made this punishment an example and a warning for those who fear Allah."
Qur'an 2:79 "But woe to the Jews who fake the Scriptures and say, ‘This is from God,' so that they might earn some profit thereby.' And woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn from it.'"
Qur'an 2:80 "Yet they (Jews) say: ‘The Fire will not touch us for more than a few days…but they are enclosed in error and are inmates of Hell."
Qur'an 2:85 "Do you [Jews] believe a part of the Book and reject a part? There is no reward for them who so act but disgrace in the world, and on the Day of Doom, the severest of punishment…their torment will never decrease!"
Qur'an 2:89 "The Book was sent to them (the Jews) by Allah verifying and confirming what had been revealed to them already (the Torah and Gospel). They used to pray for victory over the unbelievers—and even though they recognized it when it came to them, they renounced it. The curse of Allah be on those who deny!"
Qur'an 2:101 "When there came a messenger from Allah confirming what was with them, a party of the people of the (Torah and Gospel) Scripture Book fling away the Book of Allah, tossing it behind their backs, as if they did not know!"
Qur'an 2:109 "Quite a number of the People of the Book wish they could turn you [Muslim] (people) back to infidelity after you have believed [submitted], through selfish envy, even after the Truth has become manifest to them. Indulge them until Allah issues his orders."
Tabari VII:26 "When the Prophet came to Yathrib he saw the Jews fasting on Ashura day. He questioned them, and they said it was the day upon which God drowned Pharaoh and saved Moses from the Egyptians. He said, ‘We have a better right to Moses than you do.'"
Tabari VII:85 "After Muhammad killed many Quraysh polytheists at Badr, the Jews were envious and behaved badly toward him, saying, ‘Muhammad has not met anyone who is good at fighting. Had he met us, he would have had a real battle.' They also infringed the treaty in various ways."
Ishaq:232 "The Jews shall contribute to the cost of war so long as they are fighting alongside the believers. The Jews have their religion, the Muslims have theirs. None of them shall go out to war unless they have Muhammad's permission. The Jews must pay, however, for as long as the war lasts. If any dispute or controversy should arise it must be referred to Allah and Muhammad, His Apostle. If the Jews are called to make peace they must, except in the case of Holy War. Allah approves of this document."
Tabari VII:85 "What happened to the Qaynuqa [the wealthiest Jewish tribe in Yathrib] was that Muhammad assembled them in their Marketplace and said, ‘Jews, beware lest Allah brings on you the kind of vengeance which He brought on the Quraysh. Accept Islam [submit] and become Muslims [surrender]. You know that I am a Prophet. You will find me in your Scriptures and in Allah's Covenant with you.'"
Ishaq:363 "The Jews of the Qaynuqa replied, ‘Muhammad, do you think that we are like your people? Do not be deluded by the fact that you met a people with no knowledge and you made good use of your opportunity.'"
Tabari VII:85 "The Qaynuqa were the first Jews to infringe the agreement between them and the Messenger." [We are not told how they "infringed."] "The campaign of the Prophet against the Banu Qaynuqa was in Shawwal (March 27, 624) in the second year of the Hijrah [migration from Mecca]."
Tabari VII:86 "Gabriel brought down the following verse to the Messenger: ‘If you apprehend treachery from any people (with whom you have a treaty), retaliate by breaking off (relations) with them.' [8:58] When Gabriel had finished delivering this verse, the Prophet said, ‘I fear the Qaynuqa.' It was on the basis of this verse that Muhammad advanced on them."
Ishaq:363 "Allah's Apostle besieged the Qaynuqa until they surrendered at his discretion unconditionally."
Tabari VII:86 "Abd Allah [a Yathrib chief] rose up when Allah had put them in his power, and said, ‘Muhammad, treat my ally well, for the Qaynuqa are a confederate of the Khazraj.' The Prophet ignored him, so Abd Allah repeated his request." Ishaq:363 "The Prophet turned away from him so Abd Allah put his hand on the collar of the Messenger's robe. Muhammad said, ‘Let go of me!' He was so angry his face turned black. Then he said, ‘Damn you, let me go!' Abd Allah replied, ‘No, by God, I will not let you go until you treat my ally humanely. There are seven hundred men among them who defended me from my foes when I needed their help. And now, you would mow them down in a single morning? By God I do not feel safe around here any more. I am afraid of what the future may have in store.' So the Messenger said, ‘You can have them.'"
Tabari VII:87 "The Prophet said, ‘Let them go; may Allah curse them, and may he curse Abd Allah with them.' So the Muslims let them go. Then Muhammad [went back on his word and] gave orders to expel the Jews. Allah gave their property as booty to his Messenger. The Qaynuqa did not have any farmland, as they were goldsmiths. The Prophet took many weapons belonging to them and the tools of their trade. The person who took charge of their expulsion from Yathrib along with their children was Ubadah. He accompanied them as far as Dhubab, saying: ‘The farther you go the better.'"
Bukhari:V5B59N362 "He exiled all the Qaynuqa Jews from Medina."
Ishaq:364 "Muslims, take not Jews and Christians as friends. Whoever protects them becomes one of them, they become diseased, and will earn a similar fate."
Ishaq:364 "‘I fear this change of circumstance may end up overtaking us.' So Allah replied, ‘He will be sorry for his thoughts. True believers perform prostrations, they pay the tax, they bow in homage, and renounce their agreements with the Jews. They are Hezbollah—Allah's Party.'"
Qur'an 59:2 "It was Allah who drove the (Jewish) People from their [Yathrib] homes and into exile. They refused to believe. They imagined that their strongholds would protect them against Allah. But Allah's Torment came at them from where they did not suspect. He terrorized them. Their homes were destroyed. So learn a lesson. This is My warning. Had I not decreed the expulsion of the Jews, banishing them to the desert, I would have punished them. They shall taste the torment of Hell Fire." Qur'an 59:4 "That is because they resisted Allah and His Messenger. If any one resists Allah, verily Allah is severe in Punishment."
Qur'an 59:6 "What Allah gave as booty to His Messenger, He has taken away from the Jews. Allah gives His Messenger Lordship over whom He will. Whatever booty Allah has given to Muhammad and taken away from the (Jewish) people of the townships, belongs to Allah and to His Apostle."
Tabari VII:94 "The Murder of Ka'b bin Ashraf, The Evil Genius of the Jews: The Prophet sent messengers to the people of Medina announcing the good news of the victory granted to him by Allah at Badr. They listed the names of the polytheists they had killed." Ishaq:365 "Ka'b bin Ashraf was from the Jewish clan of Nadir. When he heard the news, he said, ‘Can this be true? Did Muhammad actually kill these people? These were fine men. If Muhammad has slain them, then the belly of the earth is a better place for us than its surface!'" Ishaq:365 "When the enemy of Allah became convinced the report was true, he set out for Mecca. He began to arouse people against Muhammad [i.e., he exposed him]. He recited verses in sympathy for the Quraysh men Muhammad had cast into the pit. Ka'b Ashraf composed the following poetic lines: ‘The blood spilled at Badr calls to its people. They cry and weep. The best men were slain and thrown into a pit.'" Ishaq:365 "Drive off that fool of yours so that you might be safe from talk that makes no sense. Why do you taunt those who mourn over their dead? They lived good lives, and as such we must remember them. But now you have become like jackals."
Tabari VII:94 "The Prophet said, ‘Who will rid me of Ashraf?' Muhammad bin Maslamah, said, ‘I will rid you of him, Messenger of Allah. I will kill him.' ‘Do it then,' he said, ‘if you can.'"
Bukhari:V4B52N270 "The Prophet said, ‘Who is ready to kill Ka'b bin Ashraf who has really hurt Allah and His Apostle?' Muhammad bin Maslama said, ‘O Allah's Apostle! Do you want me to kill him?' He replied in the affirmative." Ishaq:365 "‘Who will rid me of Ashraf?' Maslama said, ‘I will deal with him for you. O Apostle, I will kill him.' Muhammad said, ‘Do so if you can.'"
Ishaq:365/Tabari VII:94 "Muhammad bin Maslamah said, ‘O Messenger, we shall have to tell lies.' ‘Say what you like,' Muhammad replied. ‘You are absolved, free to say whatever you must.'"
Tabari VII:94/Ishaq:367 "Maslamah made a plan to kill Ka'b, the enemy of Allah. Before they went to him, they sent Abu ahead. When he arrived, they spoke together for a while. They recited verses, for Abu was something of a poet. Then Abu said, ‘Ka'b, I have come to you about a matter which I want you to keep secret.' ‘Go ahead,' he replied. ‘The arrival of the Prophet Muhammad has been an affliction for us.' Abu said, ‘Most Arabs are now hostile to us. We cannot travel along the roads, and the result is that our families are facing ruin. We are all suffering.' Ka'b replied, ‘I warned you that things would turn out like this.' Abu said, ‘I would like you to sell us some food. We will give you some collateral and make a firm contract. Please treat us generously.'"
Tabari VII:95 "Abu said, ‘We will deposit sufficient weapons with you to guarantee the payment of our debt.' Abu wanted to fool the Jew so that he would not be suspicious about the weapons when they came bearing them. Abu went back to his companions, informed them of what had happened. He told them to grab their swords and join him. Before leaving, they went to the house of the Messenger. Muhammad walked with them as far as Baqi al-Gharqad. Then he sent them off, saying, ‘Go in Allah's name; O Allah, help them [assassinate the outspoken Jew]!' Then the Prophet went back home. It was a moonlit night, and they went forward until they reached Ka'b's house."
Ishaq:368 "Then Abu called out to him. He had recently married, and he leapt up in his bed. His wife took hold of the sheets, and said to the strange voice, ‘You are a fighting man; as only a man of war leaves his house at an hour like this." Bukhari:V5B59N369 "His wife asked him, ‘Where are you going?' Ka'b replied, ‘Out with Muhammad bin Maslamah and my brother Abu.' His wife said, ‘I hear evil in his voice as if his words are dripping blood.' Ka'b said. ‘They are my brother and my foster brother. A generous man should respond to a call at night even if invited to be killed.'"
Muslim:B19N4436 "Muhammad said to his companions: ‘As he comes down, I will extend my hands towards his head, I will touch his hair and smell it. When you see that I have got hold of his head, strip him. When I hold him fast, you do your job.'" Bukhari:V5B59N369 "Muhammad said. ‘I have never smelt a better perfume than this,' so that Ka'b would relax his guard. ‘Will you allow me to smell your head?' Then Abu thrust his hand into the hair near his temple. When Muhammad got a strong hold of him, he said, ‘Strike the enemy of Allah!' So they smote him."
Ishaq:368 "Their swords rained blows upon him, but to no avail. Muhammad bin Maslamah said, ‘When I saw that they were ineffective, I remembered a long, thin dagger which I had in my scabbard. I took hold of it. By this time the enemy of Allah had shouted so loudly lamps had been lit in the homes around us. I plunged the dagger into his breast and pressed upon it so heavily that it reached his pubic region. Allah's enemy fell to the ground.'"
Tabari VII:97/Ishaq:368 "We carried Ka'b's head and brought it to Muhammad during the night. We saluted him as he stood praying and told him that we had slain Allah's enemy. When he came out to us we cast Ashraf's head before his feet. The Prophet praised Allah that the poet had been assassinated and complimented us on the good work we had done in Allah's Cause. Our attack upon Allah's enemy cast terror among the Jews, and there was no Jew in Medina who did not fear for his life.'"
Ishaq:368 "Ka'b's body was left prostrate. After his fall, all the Nadir Jews were brought low. Sword in hand we cut him down. By Muhammad's order we were sent secretly by night. Brother killing brother. We lured him to his death with guile [cunning or deviousness]. Traveling by night, bold as lions, we went into his home. We made him taste death with our deadly swords. We sought victory for the religion of the Prophet."
Tabari VII:97 "The next morning, the Jews were in a state of fear on account of our attack upon the enemy of Allah. After the assassination, the Prophet declared, ‘Kill every Jew.'"
Bukhari:V1B1N6 "Just issue orders to kill every Jew in the country."
Tabari VII:97/Ishaq:369 "Thereupon Mas'ud leapt upon Sunayna, one of the Jewish merchants with whom his family had social and commercial relations and killed him. The Muslim's brother complained, saying, ‘Why did you kill him? You have much fat in you belly from his charity.' Mas'ud answered, ‘By Allah, had Muhammad ordered me to murder you, my brother, I would have cut off your head.' Wherein the brother said, ‘Any religion that can bring you to this is indeed wonderful!'"
Qur'an 59:14 "The Jews will not unite and fight against you except from behind walls. They hate themselves. You would think they were united, but their hearts are divided. That is because these [Jews] are a people devoid of sense. Like those who recently preceded them [the Meccans at Badr], they [the Jews who were just sent into the desert to die] have tasted the evil result of their conduct. And for them a grievous punishment."
Qur'an 59:16 "They [the Jews] are like Satan when he tells man, ‘Not to believe,' When (man) denies, Satan says, ‘I have nothing to do with you. I fear Allah, the Lord of men and jinn!'"
Qur'an 59:17 "Both [Jews and Satan] will go into the Fire of Hell, dwelling therein forever. Such is the reward of the Zalimun (disbelievers and polytheists)."
Qur'an 62:5 "The likeness of those who are entrusted with the Taurat (Torah), who subsequently failed in those (obligations), is that of an ass which carries huge books (but understands them not). Wretched is the likeness of folk who deny the Verses of Allah."
Qur'an 62:6 "Say: ‘You Jews! If you think that you are friends to Allah, to the exclusion of (other) men, then desire death, if you are truthful!' But never will they long (for death), because of what their hands have done before them! Allah knows well the polytheists! Say: ‘The Death from which you flee will truly overtake you.'"
Qur'an 3:65 "You People of the Book! Why dispute you about Abraham, when the Law and the Gospel were not revealed till after him? Have you no understanding? Ah! You are those who fell to disputing (even) in matters of which you had some knowledge! But why dispute in matters of which you have no knowledge? It is Allah Who knows, and you who know not!"
Qur'an 3:67 "Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was a true Muslim, surrendered to Allah (which is Islam), and he joined not gods with Allah."
Qur'an 3:77 "As for those who sell for a small price the covenant and faith they owe to Allah and their own plighted word for a small price, they shall have no portion in the Hereafter. Nor will Allah speak to them or look at them on the Day of Judgment, nor will He cleanse them: They shall have a grievous torment, a painful doom. There is among them a section who distort the Book with their tongues. (As they read) you would think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book; and they say, ‘That is from God,' but it is not from Allah: It is they who tell a lie against Allah, and (well) they know it!"
Qur'an 3:84 "Say (Muhammad): ‘We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed unto Abraham and Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob and the tribes [of Israel], and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered, bowing our will (in Islam).'"
Qur'an 3:85 "If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (Surrender), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who are losers." Qur'an 3:87 "Of such the reward is that on them (rests) the curse of Allah, of His angels, and of all men, all together. In that will they dwell; nor will their penalty of doom be lightened."
Tabari VII:156/Ishaq:437 "In the fourth year of the Islamic Era the Prophet expelled the Nadir [a large Jewish community in Yathrib] from their homes.
Tabari VII:158 "Call Muhammad bin Maslamah to me.' When Muhammad came, he was told to go to the Jews and say, ‘Leave my country. You have intended treachery.' He went and said, ‘The Messenger orders you to depart from his country.' They replied, ‘We never thought that an Aws would come with such a message.' ‘Hearts have changed,' Muhammad said. ‘Islam has wiped out our old covenants.'"
Ishaq:437 "The Apostle ordered them to prepare for war and to march against them. Muhammad personally led his men against the Nadir and halted in their quarter. The Jews took refuge against him in their homes, so he ordered their date palms to be cut down and burnt. They shouted, ‘Muhammad, you have forbidden wonton destruction of property and have blamed those who perpetrated it. Why are you doing this?'" Qur'an 59:5 "The palm trees you cut down or left standing intact was by Allah's dispensation so that He might disgrace the transgressors."
Ishaq:437 "So Allah cast terror into the hearts of the Jews. Then the Prophet said, ‘The Jews have declared war.'"
Tabari VII:159 "The Messenger of Allah besieged the Banu Nadir for fifteen days until he had reduced them to a state of utter exhaustion, so that they would give him what he wanted. The terms in which the Prophet made peace with the Jews were: he would not shed their blood, he would expel them from their lands and settlements, providing for every three of them a camel and a water-skin." Ishaq:438 "The Jews loaded their camels with their wives, children, and property. There were tambourines, pipes and singing. They went to Khaybar with such splendor as had never been seen from any tribe." Ishaq:438 "The Nadir left their property to Muhammad and it became his personal possession, to do with it as he wished."
Ishaq:438 "Allah wreaked His vengeance on the Jews and gave His Apostle power over them and control to deal with them as he wished. Allah said, ‘I turned out those who disbelieved of the Scripture People from their homes. And in the next world I will torment them again with a painful punishment in Hell. The palm trees you cut down were by Allah's permission; they were uprooted on My order. It was not destruction but it was vengeance from Allah to humble the evildoers. The spoil which Allah gave the Apostle from the Nadir belongs to him."
Bukhari:V4B52N153 "The properties of Nadir which Allah had transferred to His Apostle as Booty were not gained by the Muslims with their horses and camels. The properties therefore, belonged especially to Allah's Apostle who used to give his family their yearly expenditure and spend what remained thereof on arms and horses to be used in Allah's Cause."
Bukhari:V4B52N176 "Allah's Apostle said, ‘You Muslims will fight the Jews till some of them hide behind stones. The stones will betray them saying, "O Abdullah (slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him."'"
Bukhari:V4B52N177 "Allah's Apostle said, ‘The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."'"
Ishaq:441 "A man who had neither shown treachery nor bad faith haply had a change of fortune and took revenge, cutting down their palm trees and killing the Nadir. A sharp sword in the hand of a brave man kills his adversary. The rabbis were disgraced for they denied mighty Lord Allah." Ishaq:442 "Sword in hand we brought down the Nadir. By Muhammad's order we beguiled them."
Tabari VIII:7 "The Quraysh said: ‘Jews, you are the people of the first Scripture, and you have knowledge about the subject on which we and Muhammad have come to differ. Is our religion better or his?' ‘Your religion is better,' they said. ‘You are closer to the truth than he.'"
Ishaq:450 "They are the ones concerning whom Allah revealed: ‘Have you not seen those to whom a portion of the Scripture has been given? They believe in idols and false deities. They say, "These are more rightly guided than those who believe?"—until the words, "Hell is sufficient for their burning. They are jealous and Allah has cursed them."'" [4:51]
Tabari VIII:15 "When the news reached Muhammad, he sent Sa'd, chief of the Aws to Ka'b. ‘If it is true, speak to me in words that we can understand but that will be unintelligible to others. So he went out and found them engaged in the worst of what had been reported. They slandered the Messenger and said, ‘There is no treaty between us.' Sa'd reviled them, and they reviled him. Sa'd was a man with a sharp temper. He told the Jews, ‘Stop reviling him for the disagreement between us is too serious for an exchange of taunts.'"
Ishaq:461 "Just before the noon prayers, Gabriel came to the Apostle wearing a gold turban. He was riding a mule. He said, ‘Have you laid down your weapons and stopped fighting, Muhammad?' ‘Yes,' he replied. Gabriel said, ‘The angels have not laid down their arms! I've just returned from pursuing the enemy. Allah commands you to march to the Qurayza. I, too, will attack the Jews and shake them out of their homes.'"
Bukhari:V5B59N443-8 "When the Prophet returned from the Trench, laid down his arms and took a bath, Gabriel came to him covered in dust. "Why have you laid down your sword? We angels have not set them down yet. It's time to go out against them.' The Prophet said, ‘Where to go?' Gabriel said, ‘This way,' pointing towards the Qurayza. So the Prophet went out to besiege them."
Bukhari:V5B59N444 "The dust rose in the streets of Medina as Gabriel's regiment marched through. The angels joined Allah's Apostle in attacking the Qurayza Jews."
Ishaq:461 "The Messenger commanded a crier to announce that all should heed and obey. He ordered that none should perform the afternoon prayer until after they reached the Qurayza settlement. The Prophet sent Ali ahead with his war banner against the Jews, and the Muslims hastened to it. Ali advanced toward their homes and heard insulting language from the Jews about Allah's Messenger. Ali ran back and told the Prophet that the Jews were rascals and that there was no need for him to go near those wicked men. ‘Why?' Muhammad asked. ‘Have you heard them insult me?' ‘Yes,' Ali answered. ‘Had they seen me,' Allah's Apostle replied, ‘they would not have said anything of the sort.'"
Tabari VIII:28 "Before reaching the Qurayza, Muhammad greeted his Companions. ‘Has anyone passed you?' he asked. ‘Yes, Prophet,' they replied. ‘Dihyah ibn Khalifah passed us on a white mule with a brocade covered saddle.' Allah's Apostle said, ‘That was Gabriel. He was sent to the Qurayza to shake their homes and terrorize them.'"
Tabari VIII:29 "The Prophet said, ‘No one should pray the afternoon prayer until they are in the territory of the Qurayza because warfare against the Jews is incumbent upon Muslims.'"
Ishaq:461 "The Muslims had been totally occupied with warlike preparations. They refused to pray until they had come upon the Jews in accordance with Muhammad's order. Allah did not find fault with them in His Book, nor did the Messenger reprimand them for it."
Tabari VIII:28 "When the Messenger approached the Jews, he said, ‘You brothers of apes! Allah shamed you and cursed you.'"
Bukhari:V5B59N449 "On the day of the Qurayza siege, Allah's Apostle said to Hassan, ‘Abuse them with your poems, for Gabriel is with you.'"
Ishaq:461 "Muhammad besieged them for twenty-five nights. When the siege became too severe, Allah terrorized them. After the siege exhausted and terrorized them, the Jews felt certain that the Apostle would not leave them until he had exterminated them. So they decided to talk to Ka'b Asad. He said, ‘Jews, you see what has befallen you. I shall propose three alternatives. Take whichever one you please.' He said, ‘Swear allegiance to Muhammad and accept him; for it has become clear to you that he is a prophet sent from Allah. It is he that you used to find mentioned in your scripture book. Then you will be secure in your lives, your property, your children, and your wives.'" Tabari VIII:30 "The Jews said, ‘We will never abandon the Torah or exchange it for the Qur'an.' Asad said, ‘Since you reject this proposal, then kill your children and your wives and go out to Muhammad and his Companions as men who brandish swords, leaving behind no impediments to worry you. If you die, you shall have left nothing behind; if you win you shall find other women and children.' The Jews replied, ‘Why would we kill these poor ones? What would be the good of living after them?'"
Ishaq:462 "Then the Jews asked, ‘Send us Abu Lubaba, one of the Aws,' for they were confederates, ‘so that we can ask his advice.' The Prophet complied and the Jews grabbed hold of him. The women and children were crying, so he felt pity for them. They said, ‘Lubaba, do you think we should submit to Muhammad's judgment?' ‘Yes,' he said. But he pointed with his hand to his throat, indicating that it would be slaughter. Lubaba later said, ‘As soon as my feet moved, I knew that I had betrayed Allah's Apostle. He rushed away and tied himself to a pillar in the mosque. He cried, ‘I will not leave this spot until Allah forgives me for what I've done. I betrayed His Apostle.'" Ishaq:462/Tabari VIII:32 "I heard Allah's Apostle laughing at daybreak; so I said, ‘Why are you laughing, Prophet? May Allah make you laugh heartily!' He replied, ‘Lubaba has been forgiven.'" Ishaq:463 "He vanished into the night. It is not known to this day what happened to him. Some allege that he was bound with a rotten rope and cast away."
Tabari VIII:33 "In the morning, the Jews submitted to the judgment of Allah's Messenger. The Aws [Medina Muslims] leapt up and said, ‘Muhammad, they are our allies. You know what you did the other day with the allies of the Khazraj [another tribe of Medina Muslims]!' Before besieging the Qurayza, the Messenger had besieged the Qaynuqa, who were the confederates of the Khazraj. They had submitted to his judgment and were banished."
Bukhari:V5B59N448 "Sa'd said, ‘O Allah! You know that there is nothing more beloved to me than to fight in Your Cause against those who disbelieve Your Apostle. If there remains any fight with the infidels, then keep me alive till I fight against them for Your sake.'"
Ishaq:463 "En route to Muhammad, the Aws said, ‘Treat our client well for the Prophet has put you in charge of this matter. After many requests, Sa'd said, ‘The time has come for Sa'd, in the Cause of Allah, not to be influenced by anyone's reproach.' Some of the people who heard him, announced the impending death of the Qurayza before Sa'd Mu'adh reached them because of the words he had said."
Ishaq:463/Tabari VIII:34 "When Sa'd reached the Messenger of Allah and the Muslims, the Prophet said, ‘Pass judgment on them.' Sa'd replied, ‘I pass judgment that their men shall be killed, their women and children made captives, and their property divided.' Allah's Apostle proclaimed, ‘You have passed judgment on the Jews with the judgment of Allah and the judgment of His Messenger.'"
Bukhari:V5B59N362 "So the Prophet killed the Qurayza men. He distributed their women, children and property among the Muslims."
Tabari VIII:39 "After the affair of the Qurayza ended, the wound of Sa'd broke open. He prayed saying, ‘O Allah, You know that there are no men whom I would rather fight and kill than men who called Your Messenger a liar.'"
Qur'an 33:26 "Allah took down the People of the Scripture Book. He cast terror into their hearts. Some you slew, and some you made prisoners. And He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, giving you a land which you had not traversed before." [Version two:] "And He drove the People of the Scripture down from their homes and cast panic into their hearts. Some you killed, and you made some captive. And He caused you to inherit their farms, houses, wealth, and land you have not trodden."
Ishaq:464 "The Jews were made to come down, and Allah's Messenger imprisoned them. Then the Prophet went out into the marketplace of Medina (it is still its marketplace today), and he had trenches dug in it. He sent for the Jewish men and had them beheaded in those trenches. They were brought out to him in batches. They numbered 800 to 900 boys and men. As they were being taken in small groups to the Prophet, they said to one another, ‘What do you think will be done to us?' Someone said, ‘Do you not understand. On each occasion do you not see that the summoner never stops? He does not discharge anyone. And that those who are taken away do not come back. By God, it is death!' The affair continued until the Messenger of Allah had finished with them all."
Tabari VIII:40 "Allah's Apostle commanded that furrows should be dug in the ground for the Qurayza. Then he sat down. Ali and Zubayr began cutting off their heads in his presence."
Tabari VIII:35/Ishaq:464 "Huyayy, the enemy of Allah, was brought out. He was wearing a rose-colored suit of clothes that he had torn all over with fingertip-sized holes so that it would not be taken as booty. His hands were bound to his neck with a rope. When he looked at Muhammad he said, ‘I do not regret opposing you. Whoever forsakes God will be damned.' He sat down and was beheaded."
Ishaq:464/Tabari VIII:36 "According to Aisha, one Jewish woman was killed. She was by my side, talking with me while Allah's Messenger was killing her men in the marketplace."
Tabari VIII:38 "The Messenger of Allah commanded that all of the Jewish men and boys who had reached puberty should be beheaded. Then the Prophet divided the wealth, wives, and children of the Qurayza Jews among the Muslims." Ishaq:465 "When their wrists were bound with cords, the Apostle was a sea of generosity to us."
Ishaq:465 "Then the Apostle divided the property, wives, and children of the Qurayza among the Muslims. Allah's Messenger took his fifth of the booty. He made known on that day the extra shares for horses and their riders—giving the horse two shares and the rider one. It was the first booty in which lots were cast."
Tabari VIII:38 "According to this example (Sunnah), the procedure of the Messenger of Allah in the divisions of booty became a precedent which was followed in subsequent raids." Tabari VIII:39 "Then the Messenger of Allah sent Zayd with some of the Qurayza captives to Najd, and in exchange for them he purchased horses and arms."
Tabari VIII:38 "The Prophet selected for himself from among the Jewish women of the Qurayza, Rayhanah. She became his concubine. When he predeceased her, she was still in his possession. When the Messenger of Allah took her as a captive, she showed herself averse to Islam and insisted on Judaism."
Ishaq:466 "The Apostle chose one of the Jewish women for himself. Her name was Rayhanah. She remained with him until she died, in his power. The Apostle proposed to marry her and put the veil on her but she said, ‘Leave me under your power, for that will be easier. She showed a repugnance towards Islam when she was captured."
Ishaq:466 "Allah sent down [a surah] concerning the Trench and Qurayza raid. The account is found in the Allied Troops. In it He mentions their trial and His kindness to the Muslims."
Ishaq:468 "Allah brought down the People of the Scripture Book. I forced the Qurayza from their homes and cast terror into their hearts. Some you slew, and some you took captive. You killed their men and enslaved their women and children. And I caused you to inherit their land, their dwellings, and their property. Allah can do all things.'"
Ishaq:479 "Slain in Allah's religion, Sa'd inherits Paradise with the martyrs. His was a noble testimony. When he pronounced his verdict on the Qurayza, he did not judge on his own volition. His judgment and Allah's were one. Sa'd is among those who sold his life for the Garden of Bliss." Ishaq:469 "An Ansar [Muslim] recited this poem: ‘The throne of Allah shook for only one man: Sa'd the brave and bold, a glorious leader, a knight ever ready. Stepping into the battle, he cut heads to pieces."
Ishaq:469 "On the day the Qurayza Jews were slain, one Muslim was martyred. A stone was thrown on him and it inflicted a shattering wound. The Apostle said, ‘He will have the reward of two martyrs.'"
Ishaq:475 "Allah commanded that horses should be kept for His enemy in the fight so they might vex them. We obeyed our Prophet's orders when he called us to war. When he called for violent efforts we made them. The Prophet's command is obeyed for he is truly believed. He will give us victory, glory, and a life of ease. Those [Jews] who call Muhammad a liar disbelieve and go astray. They attacked our religion and would not submit."
Ishaq:481 "The Apostle slew them in their own town. With our troops he surrounded their homes. We shouted out cries in the heat of battle. The Jews were given the Scripture and wasted it. Being blind, [the illiterate man said] they strayed from the Torah. You Jews disbelieved the Qur'an and yet you have tasted the confirmation of what it said. May Allah make our raid on them immortal. May fire burn in their quarter. They will no longer ruin our lands. You [Jews] have no place here, so be off!"
Ishaq:480 "The Qurayza met their misfortune [now there's an understated word]. In humiliation they found no helper. A calamity worse than that which fell upon the Nadir befell them. On that day Allah's Apostle came to them like a brilliant moon. We left them with blood upon them like a pool. They lay prostrate with the vultures circling round."

Qur'an 5:17 "Verily they are disbelievers and infidels who say, ‘The Messiah, son of Mary, is God.'"
Qur'an 5:51 "Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends. They are but friends and protectors to each other."
Qur'an 5:72 "They are surely infidels who blaspheme and say: ‘God is Christ, the Messiah, the son of Mary.' But the Messiah only said: ‘O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.'"
Qur'an 74:31 "We have appointed nineteen angels to be the wardens of the Hell Fire. We made a stumbling-block for those who disbelieve and We have fixed their number as a trial for unbelievers in order that the People of the Book may arrive with certainty, and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book, those in whose hearts is a disease."
Ishaq:180 "According to my information, the Apostle often sat by a young Christian slave named Jabr. The Meccans said, ‘He is the one who teaches Muhammad most of what he brings.' Then Allah revealed, Qur'an 16:103 ‘We know what they (pagans) say: "It is only a mortal man who teaches him (Muhammad). But the tongue of the man they wickedly point to is notably foreign, while this (Qur'an) is pure Arabic.'"
Qur'an 72:15 "But the Qasitun (disbelievers) are the firewood of hell."
Qur'an 88:1 "Has the narration reached you of the overwhelming (calamity)? Some faces (Jews and Christians) that Day, will be humiliated, downcast, scorched by the burning fire, while they are made to drink from a boiling hot spring."
Qur'an 9:29 "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or the Last Day, who do not forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, or acknowledge the Religion of Truth (Islam), (even if they are) People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizyah tribute tax in submission, feeling themselves subdued and brought low." [Another translation says:] "pay the tax in acknowledgment of our superiority and their state of subjection."
Ishaq:552 "The Quraysh had put pictures in the Ka'aba including two of Jesus and one of Mary. Muhammad ordered that the pictures should be erased."
Qur'an 5:14 "From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We made a covenant, but they forgot and abandoned a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, stirred up enmity and hatred among them to the Day of Doom. Soon will Allah show them the handiwork they have done."
Qur'an 5:15 "O People of the Book! There has come to you Our Apostle, revealing to you much that you used to hide in your Scripture, suppressing and passing over much. There has come to you from Allah a (new) light (Muhammad) and a clear Book [the Qur'an]."
Qur'an 5:17 "...Say (Muhammad): ‘Who then has the least power against Allah, if His will were to destroy Christ, the Messiah, the son of Mary, his mother, and everyone else on earth?"
Qur'an 5:18 "The Jews and the Christians say: ‘We are sons of Allah, and his beloved.' Say: ‘Why then does He punish you for your sins? Nay, you are but men. He forgives whom He wishes and punishes whom He pleases.'"
Qur'an 5:35 "Believers, fear Allah and seek the way to approach Him, striving hard, fighting Jihad with all your might in His Cause that you may be successful. As for the disbelievers [previously defined as Christians], if they had everything on earth, two times over, to give as ransom for the penalty of the Day of Doom, it would never be accepted from them. Theirs will be a painful torment. They will desire to get out of the fire, but they shall not be released from it. They shall have an everlasting torture."
Qur'an 5:47 "Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein. If any fail to judge by what Allah has revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel."
Qur'an 5:48 "To you [Christians] We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: so judge between them by what Allah has revealed."
Qur'an 5:49 "And this (He commands): Judge between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their [Christian] desires, but beware of them lest they beguile you, seducing you away from any of that which Allah hath sent down to you. And if they turn you away [from being Muslims], be assured that for their crime it is Allah's purpose to smite them. Truly most men are rebellious."
Qur'an 5:57 "Believers, take not for friends those who take your religion for a mockery or sport, a joke, whether among those who received the Scripture before you or among those who reject Faith; but fear Allah."
Qur'an 5:68 "Say: ‘People of the Scripture Book! You have no ground to stand upon unless you observe the Taurat [Torah], the Injeel [Gospel], and all the Revelation that has come to you from your Lord.' It is certain to increase their rebellion and blasphemy. But grieve you not over unbelieving people."
Qur'an 5:72 "...Lo! Whoever joins other gods with Allah or says He has a partner, Allah has forbidden Paradise, and the Hell Fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help."
Qur'an 5:73 "They are surely disbelievers who blaspheme and say: ‘God is one of three in the Trinity for there is no Ilah (God) except One, Allah. If they desist not from saying this (blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall them—the disbelievers will suffer a painful doom."
Qur'an 5:75 "The Messiah, Christ, the son of Mary, was no more than a messenger; many were the messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had to eat their food. See how Allah does make His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded!"
Qur'an 4:157 "‘We [Jews] killed the Messiah, Jesus,' but they killed him not, nor crucified him. It appeared so to them (as the resemblance of Jesus was put over another man and they killed that man). Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself. Those who differ with this version are full of doubts. They have no knowledge and follow nothing but conjecture. For surely they killed him not."
Qur'an 4:171 "O People of the Book! Do not exaggerate in your

Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (2034) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
6ALLAH ALMIGHTY GUIDE all HUMANITY ! [171 words]Mohd. Shafiq M., Are.Jan 8, 2023 22:51290756
Our dear Md Shafiq Either does not know what is written in the Qur'an or he was hoping that we kuffar are not aware of Q14:4! Ignorant or a Liar? [234 words]dhimmi no moreJan 9, 2023 16:58290756
Our dear Mohd. Shafiq M., Are. is either not telling the truth or he did not know that Islam is the religion of the Arabs only and Allah is against his bogus proselytization [229 words]dhimmi no moreJan 10, 2023 07:14290756
Our Dear Mohd. Shafiq M., Are. and Prophet Modes? Mashallah [36 words]dhimmi no moreJan 10, 2023 07:17290756
6ALLAH is The Only GOD worthy of Worship! [72 words]M. Shafiq Mohiuddin, Ar.Jan 8, 2023 13:35290732
M. Shafiq Mohiuddin, Ar. and big time Meltdown! [77 words]dhimmi no moreJan 9, 2023 17:03290732
Racist Arab Jamie Zahlaway Belsito's lies [11 words]NormanJan 5, 2023 20:54290619
7ALLAH, HATS OFF TO HUMANITY [227 words]Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar.Jan 5, 2023 01:23290589
1Irony of the zealots [168 words]PrashantJan 5, 2023 12:20290589
1Our dear Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar. al-Tablighee and Qur'an and Science? Mashallah!!! [269 words]dhimmi no moreJan 5, 2023 15:05290589
Our dear Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar. al-tablighee and "The Best Of Those That Create." [531 words]dhimmi no moreJan 6, 2023 07:55290589
Our dear Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar. al-Tablighee is a Polytheist ! Astaghfirullah [175 words]dhimmi no moreJan 7, 2023 07:40290589
Our dear Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar. al-Tablighee is not aware that Allah only accepts prayers/supplications in Arabic. Urdu? No because he is an Arab [173 words]dhimmi no moreJan 7, 2023 11:26290589
Our dear Md. Shafiq Mohiddin, Ar. is it true that Muhammad was a Polytheist and an Unbeliever for 40 long years? [408 words]dhimmi no moreJan 8, 2023 17:26290589
9ALLAH is ALLAH is ALLAH [415 words]Ar. Md.Shafiq MohiuddinJan 3, 2023 23:45290545
Islam's perfection is proven hereby without any degree of doubt [45 words]PrashantJan 4, 2023 11:20290545
Our dear Ar. Md.Shafiq Mohiuddin صلى الله عليه وسلم and the Qur'an says that Allah can have a son if he finds a "girlfriend"! [399 words]dhimmi no moreJan 4, 2023 14:53290545
Our dear Ar. Md.Shafiq Mohiuddin is not aware that his Allah is against proselytization and Allah plans every thing including who is not to be a Muslim [189 words]dhimmi no moreJan 4, 2023 15:06290545
Our dear Ar. Md.Shafiq Mohiuddin: Shirk and Spoiled Meat, anti-Semitism, Misogyny and Other Sordid Matters [344 words]dhimmi no moreJan 5, 2023 06:35290545
Our dear Ar. Md.Shafiq Mohiuddin and Q62:2: Allah sent an illiterate prophet to illiterate people! Sadaqa Allahu al-'Azeem [448 words]dhimmi no moreJan 5, 2023 07:11290545
Our dear Md and the "3 Stones Hadith" [172 words]dhimmi no moreJan 5, 2023 07:26290545
Our dear Ar. Md.Shafiq Mohiuddin Your Revered Muslim Scholars tell us that Arabic Alphabet is derived from Syriac Alphabet and Allah is a loan word from Syriac [346 words]dhimmi no moreJan 5, 2023 14:51290545
Our dear Md Shafiq ia not aware that his God's name is: له or Lah so what is the etymology of the word له? Read and laugh [199 words]dhimmi no moreJan 6, 2023 09:16290545
1Uzair is Osíris. [13 words]Noob saibotNov 22, 2020 14:09261672
12Allah certifies believers! [1057 words]Md.S.MohiuddinApr 27, 2020 12:08258753
1Boys and girls: We have another Muslim "scholar" from India! [440 words]dhimmi no moreApr 27, 2020 17:44258753
The word al-Samad in Q112:2 Muslims have no clue what this word means and our dear Md has the answer! Mashallah [416 words]dhimmi no moreApr 28, 2020 09:15258753
More questions for our dear Md! Help us kuffar! BTW: Allah is not even a spirit! [521 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2020 07:47258753
Our dear Md is it true that your Allah pays 100% interest rate if we kuffar give him a loan? [161 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2020 09:10258753
Our dear Md Mohy el-Deen is unaware that his Allah says that there is no "intercession" in Islam! So who is the liar here? [221 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2020 10:52258753
More disasters for our dear Md? Muhammad is quoted as saying that the Black Stone is an intercessor! What a disaster [254 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2020 17:18258753
Our dear Md is mangling transliteration of the Arabic language and Allah's funny claims! [503 words]dhimmi no moreApr 30, 2020 08:01258753
Our dear Md disagrees with his Allah about who is really a "believer"! Astaghfirullah [342 words]dhimmi no moreApr 30, 2020 14:32258753
Our dear Md is not aware that even al-Tabari had no clue what the word Kursi means and you know? Seriously? [413 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2020 07:50258753
Question for our dear Md Shafiq and strange words in the Qur'an [137 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2020 16:07258753
Our dear Md Mohy el-Deen if your Allah is the most reach then why does he ask mere human beings to lend him money and he will pay with in interest rate of 100%? [105 words]dhimmi no moreMay 2, 2020 07:14258753
wikipedia has new wikipedia pages in the language of Masr (read this as Egyptian Arabic)! It is about time and would Levant Arabic be next? [184 words]dhimmi no moreMay 8, 2020 16:07258753
Surat Corona! Or سورة كورونا [117 words]dhimmi no moreMay 10, 2020 11:46258753
1Our dear Md Mohiuddin and teaching Arabic to wannabe Arabs and the word al-Ikhlas and al-Tawheed! [216 words]dhimmi no moreMay 11, 2020 12:10258753
1More disasters from Muslim Ulama! "Farewell Sex" with a dead wife is very Islamic! [167 words]dhimmi no moreSep 17, 2017 10:07240840
4Jesus of the Gospels is not 'Essa or عيسى of the Qur'an [374 words]dhimmi no moreAug 29, 2017 16:38240638
2Does the word الله or Allah mean God or is it the name of the God of Islam? [226 words]dhimmi no moreSep 2, 2017 07:31240638
Muslims need to disconnect their jackhammers [241 words]Michael SSep 23, 2017 10:52240638
3Arabic translations of the Bible [938 words]dhimmi no moreSep 27, 2017 17:11240638
I am happy to see your rational discourse [148 words]Michael SOct 3, 2017 05:15240638
5Allah is the arabic word for God and Allah is the God of the Abrahamic faiths [157 words]zbeechJun 23, 2016 11:51230122
2The bogus "Ibrahimic" religions! [236 words]dhimmi no moreSep 9, 2017 07:58230122
2Allah is the arabic word for God and Allah is the God of the Abrahamic faiths [157 words]zbeechJun 23, 2016 11:51230121
1The bogus claim by tablighees: But Christian Arabs call their God Allah! [888 words]dhimmi no moreSep 2, 2017 12:49230121
1Our dear zbeech claims that the only word for God used by Christian Arabs in Allah! Mashallah! [246 words]dhimmi no moreSep 3, 2017 07:03230121
1Where can we kuffar find a copy of Allah's al-Injil wa al-Tawrat wa al-Zubur? And the Quranic disaster: al-Tahrif! [320 words]dhimmi no moreSep 4, 2017 09:50230121
1The Qur'an says Allah is one of so who are the other Gods? [122 words]dhimmi no moreSep 4, 2017 10:06230121
21Allah is not the God of the Bible [879 words]Pastor Keith Piper PhDAug 9, 2014 08:45217009
6Wrong. [68 words]OnsaphiSep 12, 2014 16:52217009
3Ancient Edom [102 words]JohnJul 24, 2015 19:57217009
2Allah is PROPER NOUN [127 words]Kristian H SugiyartoMay 12, 2016 23:50217009
2Etymology of the word Allah? It is a loan word from Syriac Alaha or Allaha [87 words]dhimmi no moreMay 13, 2016 07:46217009
The word Allah is Proper Noun [65 words]Kristian SugiyartoMay 20, 2016 23:03217009
1The word Allah is an Ism or name [56 words]dhimmi no moreMay 23, 2016 06:58217009
1The true meaning of Allah [52 words]DennisJun 6, 2016 02:39217009
Name of Allah is not Elah [89 words]Andre ErasmusAug 2, 2016 23:06217009
ALLAH is INDEED proper noun [31 words]Daniel JeevanDec 2, 2016 10:37217009
Allah is the God of the Bible but not Christianity [100 words]JohnApr 4, 2017 10:18217009
1Jews in Muslim lands [113 words]anonAug 6, 2014 17:16216764
2Errors in stating Islamic beliefs. [69 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
kausar AbbasMay 14, 2014 20:09214831
4The Qur'an does say that the OT and NT are corrupted books and what a disaster [313 words]dhimmi no moreMay 16, 2014 08:59214831
4religion of Adam??? [181 words]Muhammad ibn e NoorNov 7, 2014 22:17214831
2Allah is not the God of the Bible [283 words]JuleanDec 23, 2015 15:24214831
When was the OT and NT Corrupted and who corrupted it? [45 words]Daniel TuckerJul 25, 2016 11:08214831
The Qur'an by its own definition [185 words]dhimmi no moreJul 26, 2016 17:24214831
A man as God [16 words]MichaelOct 25, 2016 05:51214831
19Reason behind Burka [183 words]RajputSep 23, 2013 19:03209988
1Wrong Wrong Wrong [42 words]Saeed VazirianJul 11, 2014 19:52209988
5Veil for arab lust [22 words]ZindJul 25, 2014 07:30209988
9An Excellent Reply ! [682 words]Ibrahim Ibn Mohammed Ibn Ibrahim, Casablanca MoroccoJul 18, 2012 11:01197292
17Another victim of Arabian imperialism and Islam [868 words]dhimmi no moreJul 19, 2012 07:58197292
5Teaching Arabic to wannabe Arabs one tablighee at a time part two [694 words]dhimmi no moreJul 19, 2012 14:36197292
17Islam and the terrorism verse in the Qur'an [176 words]dhimmi no moreJul 22, 2012 07:45197292
2a question [150 words]rebeccazgSep 18, 2012 21:10197292
6to" Christian" [107 words]kafurDec 29, 2012 16:57197292
2the answer [53 words]KajalSep 7, 2013 15:59197292
1Assumption of islam [131 words]DanMay 11, 2014 13:51197292
Thank You [87 words]cloliverJun 5, 2017 09:11197292
1allah subhan wajalla [120 words]abdi wahabJul 5, 2012 05:43197003
Why [10 words]FredJun 4, 2012 10:41196024
1Allah is God, the creator of heavens and earth and the all-knower of everything [155 words]ZUMAMay 1, 2012 21:48195379
1ALLAHA [10 words]mohammed irshadNov 19, 2011 07:07191020
21ALLAH AND GOD CANNOT BE THE SAME [195 words]Conrad Robert AlleluyaJul 8, 2011 04:23187098
1Allah is the Only God [79 words]TausifSep 12, 2011 02:10187098
5Why will Allah punish us if we do not follow his orders? [156 words]PrashantSep 12, 2011 22:30187098
5Allah is the arabic word for God [539 words]1lluminatedOct 13, 2011 15:39187098
2Surah 52:32 [379 words]Omo NjaNov 11, 2011 19:20187098
No need to blame God for our sins on this earth [80 words]NurayJan 7, 2012 19:10187098
1... your beliefs! [394 words]AhmedJan 10, 2012 16:32187098
2Allah and God [154 words]V G S S ReddyMay 7, 2012 17:23187098
Allah and God the same? [13 words]Dan SchnittkerMay 8, 2012 13:43187098
1Allah and God [210 words]V G S S ReddyMay 9, 2012 00:26187098
2Allah and God - Reply to Conrad Robert Alleluya's Comments [567 words]V G S S ReddyMay 9, 2012 12:51187098
Islam [180 words]MuslimFeb 6, 2013 19:58187098
1Another victim [100 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 8, 2013 07:15187098
4Is Allah GOD [444 words]IfrahimMar 6, 2013 13:43187098
1answer [110 words]KajalSep 7, 2013 15:48187098
La ilaha illallah [14 words]OnsaphiMar 5, 2014 20:24187098
WHUT? [77 words]SprigganOct 31, 2015 22:24187098
4educate yourself about your own religion [224 words]twSep 9, 2010 19:18177968
15Mohammed was NOT a descendant of ishmael! [252 words]Me MEJun 20, 2011 13:54177968
Allah [408 words]StoneJul 14, 2012 15:12177968
Is that so? [204 words]يوسف قناوةMar 25, 2018 05:31177968
1Guiding the perplexed our dear يوسف قناوة! [974 words]dhimmi no moreMar 26, 2018 08:19177968
Guiding the perplexed our dear يوسف قناوة! Islamic literary sources about Muhammad were written by "Liars and Plagiarists" Part two [318 words]dhimmi no moreMar 26, 2018 09:42177968
Guiding the perplexed our dear يوسف قناوة! More disasters? Early Muslim Mufasereen had no clue who was supposed to be the subject of the Sacrifice! Isaac or Ismael! [297 words]dhimmi no moreMar 26, 2018 10:21177968
1Muhammad was not from the progeny of Ismael, but from the Arabs of Yemen [627 words]VegAug 12, 2019 03:17177968
145ALLAH needs no certification! [34 words]MsMSep 2, 2010 01:13177579
2so he wont mind [28 words]jacksonOct 25, 2010 02:30177579
5are you people out of your mind? [99 words]jakewardMar 13, 2011 06:57177579
124Ask those struck with TSUNAMI ? [128 words]MsMMar 14, 2011 04:24177579
2Okay... [27 words]SteveApr 16, 2011 08:39177579
128Who do you think Hell is prepared for? [91 words]M s MApr 17, 2011 03:05177579
4Who do you think Hell is prepared for [83 words]WilliamMay 2, 2012 11:44177579
100JANNAT for BELIEVERS: MUSLIMS [1316 words]MdShafiqMJun 17, 2012 06:10177579
23Our dear Md is doing his little da3wa read and laugh [116 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2012 10:16177579
22The victims of the wahhabis from India and Pakistan and Bangaldesh [206 words]dhimmi no moreJun 21, 2012 14:04177579
5For indigestion in Allah's paradise: Allah dispenses "perfumed sweating" that is supposed to help it! What a disaster [204 words]dhimmi no moreJun 30, 2012 13:55177579
Saudis are not representative of Islam [51 words]Sajid GhouriJul 29, 2012 08:00177579
3Another victim of Arabian imperialism and Islam [311 words]dhimmi no moreJul 29, 2012 18:45177579
"I AM THAT I AM" [355 words]RobertMar 19, 2016 11:32177579
3Faulty Approach [41 words]Scott FowlerJul 30, 2010 09:23176165
8Judaism and Islam worship one true g.d while Christianity is heretic [389 words]A commentorOct 7, 2010 13:54176165
7Why can't God have a son? [32 words]RajeevOct 8, 2010 01:14176165
4RE: WHY GOD CANNOT HAVE A SON [116 words]KhalilOct 20, 2010 20:40176165
So God is not omnipotent, then? [47 words]Charles LavergneNov 17, 2010 13:38176165
1mary coming from the side of David [34 words]r smithFeb 3, 2011 19:40176165
1Why?? [30 words]retaFeb 4, 2011 09:58176165
A commentor then believe Mohammad is YAWEH's Prophet [46 words]ifrahimMar 24, 2011 19:43176165
2Why GOD can't have a son? [161 words]ifrahimMar 24, 2011 20:14176165
3I feel sorry for you [897 words]khalilApr 2, 2011 02:16176165
2a response to "I feel sorry for you" by Khalil [275 words]IfrahimApr 9, 2011 14:42176165
Son of God [44 words]SriApr 13, 2011 15:58176165
does not make sense at all [85 words]KhalilApr 14, 2011 12:08176165
Some Verses from The Holy Bible which say that Jesus is indeed the Son of God [9 words]SriApr 14, 2011 15:37176165
6Islamic drivel [402 words]dhimmi no moreApr 15, 2011 07:30176165
VERY CHRISTIAN FOR YOU [34 words]KhalilApr 16, 2011 00:56176165
5Islamic drivel part deux [238 words]dhimmi no moreApr 17, 2011 07:14176165
2Son of God [1764 words]RajeshApr 23, 2011 15:22176165
Hear O Israel,the Lord our God is ONE Lord. [349 words]MagnaEstVeritasJul 22, 2011 09:12176165
The voice of one crying in the wilderness [56 words]man childNov 19, 2011 23:14176165
Son of God [272 words]CliveMar 15, 2012 18:14176165
Spelling [10 words]AtiaJun 2, 2015 00:20176165
God cannot have son [950 words]UsmanApr 4, 2017 05:34176165
Can Muslims just leave Jesus alone [125 words]PrashantApr 6, 2017 05:01176165
1If Allah cannot have a child then he cannot be omnipotent which means he is not a God [470 words]dhimmi no moreApr 8, 2017 09:22176165
4Allah or God [273 words]Muhammad ArifJul 19, 2010 14:08175763
8Our dear Muhammad Arif needs to stick to Urdu [798 words]dhimmi no moreJul 20, 2010 06:45175763
145ALLAH is ALLAH. [333 words]MdShafiqMApr 27, 2010 01:42171745
1PLEASE READ AND COMMENT [212 words]MichaelOct 6, 2010 15:12171745
Bang on! [64 words]HaidJan 25, 2011 19:45171745
12Is Bush Muslim? [19 words]m d sApr 21, 2010 05:38171526
Jesus is LORD & allah is god [7 words]ddFeb 9, 2010 03:16168688
1Thank you [48 words]JasonOct 1, 2009 08:22162424
10Another name for Allah / Jehovah is God of War! [638 words]ReebaMay 8, 2009 16:29155115
Failure of a mini god [358 words]NurayJul 25, 2009 13:31155115
In answer Allah / Jehovah are not the same God [67 words]rosemaryNov 25, 2009 16:25155115
2Another name for Allah / Jehovah is God [76 words]glenJan 25, 2010 07:54155115
You don't really matter, do you? [148 words]jayrenaudJan 31, 2010 01:52155115
1Quran is very peaceful book [188 words]NurayFeb 8, 2010 04:19155115
2Quran is very peaceful book. [103 words]jamesMar 11, 2010 19:22155115
By your argument christians are wrong then... [110 words]AthairfiachdubhDec 1, 2010 17:56155115
Quran is a very peaceful book (response to James) [432 words]haidJan 25, 2011 20:19155115
wow [7 words]jakewardMar 14, 2011 06:28155115
Response to Quran is a very peaceful book [193 words]ifrahimMar 29, 2011 00:04155115
Tell the truth and shame the devil. [310 words]MagnaEstVeritasJul 27, 2011 11:56155115
1Nasikh [775 words]Omo NjaNov 11, 2011 21:26155115
1Non.. The quran is not a peacful book - please read the following from Islam Review [241 words]Omo NjaNov 13, 2011 16:00155115
Jehovah war god [102 words]IggiDec 14, 2013 12:26155115
1Malaysian government thinks that Allah is not God [66 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
George WaltersMar 1, 2009 19:17151417
1george walters [268 words]btillyMay 9, 2009 09:13151417
1A commercial strategy of Christian missionaries [67 words]NurayJul 25, 2009 13:43151417
Fake translation of holy books [152 words]NurayJul 25, 2009 14:00151417
1Allah is not God [77 words]JamesSep 15, 2009 08:35151417
writte from a muslima [79 words]safrasjhdz mujahidaSep 16, 2009 15:50151417
4Our dear Nuray al-tablighee and his bogus translations of the Qur'an [995 words]dhimmi no moreOct 3, 2009 10:07151417
Allah is not God [88 words]Abiodun IgbekoyiJan 2, 2010 04:01151417
allah is not God--he is a god. [42 words]HarveyJan 2, 2010 19:34151417
ALLAH IS ALWAYS THE NAME OF GOD BUT [92 words]ABDULATIFJan 3, 2010 17:32151417
If that so.. [56 words]JackJan 13, 2010 20:59151417
to Jack [35 words]antiJan 15, 2010 23:58151417
2Allah is not God [1510 words]Dear AbiodounJan 26, 2010 14:45151417
1re- allah is not God [237 words]Abiodun IgbekoyiJan 28, 2010 02:31151417
write from a muslima (Safrasjhdz mujahida) [271 words]MariaJan 29, 2010 03:35151417
2Absolutely all False Allegations against the Last Prophet of God- Allah. [317 words]Mohammad, CPAFeb 4, 2010 00:30151417
why muslims believe He, Jesus will come to judge the world [55 words]NurayMar 4, 2010 13:26151417
Indeed the Quran is peace as is Islam [342 words]AmirMar 24, 2010 16:10151417
Jihad [42 words]LionAug 23, 2010 10:56151417
3Our dear Lion and al-Jihad fi kitab muharraf [227 words]dhimmi no moreAug 24, 2010 17:57151417
reply to "george walters" [407 words]HaidJan 25, 2011 20:44151417
a response to Absolutely all False Allegations against the Last Prophet of God- Allah. by Mohammad, CPA [375 words]IfrahimApr 15, 2011 13:23151417
1The name ALLAH [16 words]Richard DeckerApr 9, 2008 09:39125177
Muhammad was an arab [28 words]Tamara OmariApr 20, 2008 02:46125177
wasn't that al ilah?? [36 words]oliverApr 28, 2008 22:08125177
Allah [106 words]imdad AliAug 8, 2008 03:47125177
word allah [102 words]AL SacmadSep 20, 2008 01:09125177
False logic [28 words]NurayDec 26, 2008 16:11125177
Allah [113 words]timothyJan 23, 2009 00:43125177
Is Allah God [96 words]Sufi Imdad Ali SoomroJan 26, 2009 00:00125177
2Allah a pagan God. [166 words]JohnMar 17, 2009 10:38125177
Allah is Not A PAGAN GOD [45 words]UndisclosedMar 21, 2009 22:21125177
Is Allah God [58 words]u know whoMar 27, 2009 10:23125177
Allah a pagan God. [91 words]JohnApr 4, 2009 12:45125177
3Mohammed, real or not, was not a prophet [370 words]Brainless BananaMay 26, 2009 03:47125177
moon god [81 words]JosueJun 18, 2009 23:35125177
1Allah the moon God. [905 words]JohnJun 24, 2009 10:44125177
I Think Not [149 words]GoldenJun 30, 2009 15:04125177
Allah is God of Abraham [130 words]nurayJul 23, 2009 17:27125177
You explained well why Muhammed was a real Messenger [98 words]nurayJul 25, 2009 14:22125177
Some people are simply deaf, blind, dumb and shall not believe even truth has been given [118 words]Wasif AhmedSep 5, 2009 13:54125177
In response to reading the Koran. (I read it four times, already). Enough [101 words]Brainless BananaSep 7, 2009 02:15125177
allah is al ilah [62 words]Leia RowanSep 17, 2009 09:02125177
Dear John [250 words]moJan 10, 2010 04:36125177
PROPHET MOHAMMAD PEACE BE UPON HIM. [113 words]MUZAMILMar 2, 2010 05:33125177
Moses(pbuh) and Jesus(pbuh) did not introduce mistakes. [201 words]Mohamed YazidMar 10, 2008 11:15122278
The oldest Bible dates before Mohammed [87 words]jennifer solisMay 1, 2008 03:58122278
certain maronite christians [24 words]JibranJun 4, 2008 17:25122278
2Our dear Jibran and Muhammad [168 words]dhimmi no moreJul 15, 2008 06:40122278
Muhammad was an arab [126 words]imdad AliAug 7, 2008 06:02122278
no god [173 words]abJul 3, 2009 14:48122278
Koran says: "Do not prostrate yourself before the sun or the moon." Who is Pat Robertsosn kidding ? [78 words]robertFeb 3, 2008 02:12119500
is allah god? [34 words]crystalApr 16, 2008 13:12119500
Pat Robinson's comments on Islam & Muslims. [64 words]MohammadJul 13, 2008 14:48119500
1wats in a name [194 words]sunil/indiaJan 17, 2009 08:03119500
Allah Is God. [16 words]Stanley Sony IrwinNov 28, 2007 00:52115147
First you read miracle words of Qurann [77 words]Ummer FarookDec 22, 2007 09:57115147
Allah is not God [86 words]mijabaJan 17, 2008 14:07115147
exploiting jihad [83 words]mahamaAug 6, 2008 23:20115147
IS allah - G-d? NO [11 words]YnnatchkahOct 8, 2007 02:49110694
Peace [60 words]SecretOct 5, 2007 10:10110397
if you dont know the difference [75 words]MarcoSep 17, 2008 14:31110397
1Here's your Proof [89 words]NieyaazOct 4, 2007 04:30110303
We don't like Islam because. [62 words]AliApr 11, 2008 20:06110303
why hate islam? [85 words]crystalApr 16, 2008 12:56110303
1The religion of tolerance and peace, of course! [153 words]OliverApr 28, 2008 22:28110303
To Ali: "we don't like Islam because..." [71 words]BrandonJun 17, 2008 11:47110303
Islam, the religion of peace?? [338 words]Yousef MarwanJun 27, 2008 18:19110303
TO Yousef Marwan about the fake peace in islam. [652 words]YnnatchkahJun 27, 2008 23:41110303
Sword of Islam [248 words]Yousef MarwanJul 1, 2008 18:11110303
West's Folly [222 words]JaladhiJul 1, 2008 22:06110303
We don't like Islam because it killed people..... Comments by Ali. [183 words]MohammadJul 15, 2008 03:43110303
1The truth is revealed! [125 words]TinaJul 24, 2008 01:07110303
Why I hate Islam [347 words]AustinJul 31, 2008 13:04110303
Every sinner hates Islam [42 words]NishiAug 7, 2008 12:02110303
The Religion Of Peace? ... I doubt it is even A religion of peace [165 words]AustinAug 16, 2008 01:51110303
1Mass Killers are on your side [337 words]NishiAug 21, 2008 09:55110303
Yes, war is bad [75 words]AustinAug 23, 2008 13:38110303
please realise your BIG mistake (same as everyone else) [177 words]adil chaudryAug 31, 2008 23:41110303
Innocent killings are sin in Islam too [111 words]Believer in one GODNov 7, 2008 07:19110303
innocent people should not be killed [66 words]TimothyJan 23, 2009 01:13110303
muhammads words! [179 words]thndrbangFeb 5, 2009 16:22110303
Proofs for Allah? [62 words]NorthApr 1, 2009 16:06110303
10 commandments [310 words]john 8:32May 7, 2009 13:41110303
you are twisting the verses-let me show [435 words]BilalSep 21, 2009 10:15110303
Why we don't like islam [101 words]MariaJan 29, 2010 06:48110303
Islam is for Peace & Love, Not in favor of Killings of every kind. [245 words]Mohammad, CPAJan 29, 2010 19:11110303
2Our dear CPA disagrees with the words of Allah. Read and laugh [159 words]dhimmi no moreJan 31, 2010 08:50110303
Read Quraan then we talk [144 words]EsamSep 6, 2010 23:35110303
check out [93 words]saeedApr 1, 2011 08:21110303
real knowledge o f who is actualy responsible for all of going on [22 words]syedAug 31, 2014 15:40110303
It is worth to enter into discussion, also when they end in dissent [316 words]Ameen MannJun 6, 2007 12:3596262
Say the Truth and Dont Misinformed. [903 words]jamalMar 17, 2007 16:2286642
gr8 [402 words]RVVApr 25, 2007 06:0386642
Here is an answer to your questions [181 words]MuhammadJul 29, 2007 06:4986642
4Jesus was the Last Prophet and problems with 6666 lines in the Quaran [811 words]Robert RobergJul 31, 2007 10:4286642
1Thanks for the reply Robert [337 words]MuhammadAug 4, 2007 12:4986642
1Peace cousin Muhhamad [303 words]Robert RobergAug 6, 2007 14:3486642
1And the Quraan was not manipulated by people ? Oh please give me break. [230 words]TimothyAug 6, 2007 22:4886642
How nice are the words you have mentioned... [634 words]MuhammadAug 7, 2007 14:1486642
Thank you Cousin Muhammad [602 words]Robert RobergAug 7, 2007 17:1486642
Hello there Timothy [831 words]MuhammadAug 8, 2007 15:1186642
Muhammad thank you for your civil response. [367 words]TimothyAug 8, 2007 22:2686642
How nice are the words you have mentioned... [1444 words]MuhammadAug 11, 2007 05:4986642
Thanks Timothy for your reply [1216 words]MuhammadAug 11, 2007 11:3186642
1The arabic in the Qur'an cleared things up? Really? [216 words]dhimmi no moreAug 12, 2007 16:4586642
1Contradictions in the Qur'an! Really? [46 words]dhimmi no moreAug 12, 2007 16:5186642
The Creator's will [249 words]Robert RobergAug 12, 2007 17:0786642
Sorry for the late reply brother Robert [420 words]MuhammadAug 13, 2007 21:2586642
1Our dear Muhammad and the word Deen and his credibility is on the line [243 words]dhimmi no moreAug 14, 2007 07:2986642
1Our dear Muhammad and the gem of the day: They will choose heaven! [77 words]dhimmi no moreAug 14, 2007 18:5186642
Response to questions Tim [1271 words]Arthur EsparzaAug 19, 2007 02:5186642
1Our dear Arthur: You speak like a good tablighee [704 words]dhimmi no moreAug 26, 2007 08:1786642
my reply [266 words]arthurAug 27, 2007 18:3886642
1Our dear Arthur and ego [224 words]dhimmi no moreAug 28, 2007 06:5486642
1Our dear Arthur and was Muhammad really uneducated? [177 words]dhimmi no moreAug 28, 2007 07:2186642
drop in the ocean [295 words]Arthur EsparzaAug 28, 2007 18:5886642
1Our dear Arthur and which ocean is that? [80 words]dhimmi no moreAug 29, 2007 19:0786642
1Our dear Arthur and was really muahmmad a jahil? Oh I forgot it is a moot point now! [167 words]dhimmi no moreAug 29, 2007 19:2486642
1Our dear Arthur and his big time falsafa and Abul Qasim's only miracle is on the line [322 words]dhimmi no moreAug 30, 2007 07:0286642
4Quran is a book that contain no mistakes [230 words]FahadSep 11, 2007 01:1586642
There are no contradictions inside the Quran [74 words]FahadSep 11, 2007 01:5086642
Answer to your question [152 words]FahadSep 11, 2007 02:2186642
OK [33 words]Robert RobergSep 12, 2007 17:0586642
Allah is God [91 words]Fahad RahmanSep 19, 2007 01:0486642

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