Submitted by oguztolga (Turkey), Aug 4, 2010 at 06:59
I know it is not easy to overcome inferiority complex of being a manufactured country/nation and a state.
I understand your inferiority to be screwed under Turkish mandatory for 450years.
I really know your anger and hate for the kicked by Turks in every 50 years.
I understand you that your everything Greek is a lie.
Some stolen from Albania,some from Macedonia,some from
Pheanians ,most of them from Egyptians,some of them from Turks
The ancient maps have been drawn by your patrons England and France to make you a base to have an state against the Turks in 1821.
Mithology has been manufactured as your culture. Even your mythology is manufactured by others to keep Greeks away from sea trade in the old times.
Than this mythology of 150years became your history(!)hahahahaah
and culture(hahahahaah) As everything greek your mythology is also Klephtocratic lie.
of Bavarian and Danish origin.
Ioannis Kapodistrias'...real name Giovanni Capo d'Istria (an Italian), of Venetian nobility residing in Corfu.
Josef Ludwig von Armansperg (a German), president of Otto's Privy Council.
Kostas Karamanlis (an ethnic Vlach from Asia Minor).
Georg Ludwig von Maurer (a German), devised the modern Greek penal code and civil procedure.
Blue, white colours and stripes (of Bavarian origin), and the cross (of Danish origin)...chosen to honor the fact that the modern Greek Royal family is...of Bavarian and Danish origin.
Written by 'Nikolaos Mantzaros'...real name Niccoló Manzaro (an Italian), of Venetian nobility residing in Corfu.
NATIONAL DRESS;The Fustanella (Albanian).
NATIONAL MUSIC;Rembetiko - Rembetiku (Turkish), Anatolian peasant music.
As you see your all have is abig lie.
Your are not even Hellen.
German Government took out all hellenic ... from the School books due to their baseless background.
You are not the inheritors of the Byzantion.
Because there was no byzantion until 1821 when England and France decided to make a GREECE(!) for the thieves.
But even your independence war(!)has been done by the Albanians.
Even your independence has been given you by the Brits,Russians,Frenchs and Albanians:)))
German Historian Hieronymus Wolf wrote a book about the fall of Istanbul in 1557 """"" Corpus Historiae Byzantinæ """"" ".
brits and Frenches created a Byzantion Empire in 1821 with this book.
Konstantin the Greek was not even Greek.
He was East Roman his real name was ""Gaius Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus""" and he was Albanian like your savior(!)in 1821.
Konstantinopolis was not Konstantinopolis and it was Nea Roma.
Konstantin was not even Greek .
He was not even Orthodox.
He was not even Christian.
He was a pagan albanian roman.
He used Apollon the Roman god in the moneys and he used his portrait as ""Sol Victius"""Sun God.
He was baptised by the thief priests after his death ...
as a normal Klephtocratic Greek habit.
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