The racist Arab Islamic fascist Alkam Khairy's massacre in front of synagogue: Jerusalem, Jan 27, 2023Reader comment on item: How Can Israel Win the Palestinian Conflict? Submitted by Aharon (United States), Jan 30, 2023 at 13:30 * * Many celebrations erupted among masses of racist Arabs. * Terrorist's father from hell praised him, that he was a devout Muslim and this is for him a joy like his wedding. * While worldwide condemnation poured in, Abu Mazen blamed ... Israel, and his Fatah actually hailed the massacre. ___________ GND @GND_arabic Tweeted: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FngV1AGWIBs_tnf?format=jpg&name=medium]. The Israeli citizen Abdelrahem Haj Yahya shares a story with a bemused smile and an impression (due to the attack): "This is what every Palestinian living in Israel looks like right now." This is a supporter of Ayman Odeh and active in his party. ___________ https://www.0404.co.il/?p=860988 Will they continue to study? Arab students at Hadassah College praised the terrorist who carried out the murderous attack in Jerusalem News 0404, 28/01/2023 This evening, the Arabic research department of the ImTitzu [If You Will] movement reveals serious incitement by students at Hadassah College. A student named Ond, studying social work, posted a status on WhatsApp in which she wrote: "The 21-year-old heroic martyr from East Jerusalem, he brought our revenge." A student named Ahmed Kalouti, studying biotechnology, uploaded a WhatsApp status in which he quoted a verse from the Koran: "Allah will abuse them and defeat them.".. In response to the words, Shai Rosengarten, head of the education department of the If You Want movement, calls for the Israel Police to immediately arrest the supporters of the terrorists and for the college management to keep them away: "The entire Israeli people are shocked and pained by the murder of 7 innocent civilians and the wounding of 5 more Israelis. It turns out that at the same time there are Israeli students who see the need Congratulate on these attacks. We call on the management of Hadassah College to immediately expel the students who published the eulogy of the murderers - there is no place in the academy for supporters of terrorism. In addition, the Israel Police must act immediately to arrest the supporters of terrorism before they carry out an attack on their classmates!" _____ Neve Yaakov attack: Arab student in Israeli college glorifies attack in social media "What's going on in Jerusalem? Someone's dispatching .. to meet their G-d." Yehonatan Gottlieb, Jan 28, 2023 Following the deadly terrorist attack in Neve Yaakov, Jerusalem, on Shabbat evening, an Arab student studying law at Kiryat Ono Academic College uploaded a mocking post to his social media accounts, highlighting his glee at the loss of Jewish life. On his "status" page on WhatsApp, the student posted a screenshot from Facebook in Arabic where someone asked, "What's going on in Jerusalem?" and another person replied, "Someone's working on dispatching .. off to their G-d." Students in the Arab's second-year class were furious to realize that their classmate thought that the slaughter of Jews was something to mock. Several contacted Israel National News to express their anger. "This also happened right after another incident on the campus, when a student picked up an object and pretended to stab another student," they related. "We're just in shock that a student could post a status glorifying terrorism and supporting this awful attack." They added that, "We expect the administration of the College to expel him and strip him of all his rights as a student. We should never condone such things happening on campus. We pay good money to learn here, in security, without concerns for our safety, and we're counting on the academic staff dealing with this incident at the earliest possible opportunity. We're not going to let this pass in silence. If they don't do anything about it, we're going to involve the police and submit a complaint accusing the student of incitement." In response to the allegations, the administration of Kiryat Ono College issued a statement saying: "We view incitement or support for terrorism with the greatest severity, as we do any calls for violence or mockery of its victims. The post will be investigated and if it is found necessary, the student will be expelled." ______ Ofir Gendelman @ofirgendelman: See how Palestinians are celebrating the #massacre that was perpetrated in a synagogue in #Jerusalem, where a Palestinian terrorist murdered 8 Israelis, 2 were a father and his 15 year old son. Now watch this Palestinian teen celebrating their murder, holding an axe. Sickening. _____ [https://hamal.wcdn.co.il/v0/b/walla-hamal.appspot.com/o/-KWbvwf60318xlkrrhtF%2Fimages%2Ffull%2F1674851786923.5127?alt=media&token=138cc7f4-78cb-4862-a85a-c2d1e3421988]. Celebrations in the Gaza Strip and Nablus following the murderous attack in Jerusalem. ____ AbuAliEnglish @AbuAliEnglishB1 ____ Joe Truzman @JoeTruzman Tweeted: ___ Arsen Ostrovsky @Ostrov_A Tweeted: ___ Arsen Ostrovsky @Ostrov_A Tweeted: _____ https://www.kan.org.il/Item/?itemId=144216 Following incitement to murder Jews: government ministers demand the arrest of the Palestinian Minister of Religion At the cabinet meeting that took place yesterday (Sunday), a number of ministers in the coalition made an unusual demand to arrest the Palestinian Minister of Religion, Hatem al-Bakhri (حاتم البكري), on the grounds of inciting the murder of Jews. This was announced this morning (Monday) on the program "This Morning" Kan on Reshet Bet. The Palestinian minister, who every Thursday distributes an instructional document for preachers which directs what to say in their sermons, distributed in the latest document readings that imply support for the murder of Jews. _____ Abbas' Fatah praises murder of 7: "The war has begun in Palestine... we greet and bless these heroic (sic) operations" Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jan 29, 2023. _____ https://www.hamal.co.il/post/-NMsdLPk9cyQCTQa8Gfl The world condemns the two attacks in Jerusalem, but Abu Mazen avoids condemnation: "Israel is responsible for the escalation" The European Union said today that it was "horrified by the horrific terrorist attack yesterday at the synagogue in Jerusalem, in which at least seven people were killed and many injured, when they arrived for the Shabbat service". The Union also added that it is also shocked by the attack that took place today in the city of Dof in which a father and son were injured. "The European Union strongly condemns these insane acts of violence and hatred," an official statement said, "These terrible events demonstrate once again how urgent it is to reverse this spiral of violence and engage in significant efforts to restart peace negotiations. We call on all parties not to respond to provocations." Many Arab countries have also condemned the recent attacks in Jerusalem, including Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia stated that "the country is concerned about the deterioration of the situation between Israel and the Palestinians to a dangerous escalation. We condemn any harm to civilians and call for a halt to the escalation and a resumption of the peace process." Egypt's foreign minister also warned against escalation and "slipping into a cruel cycle of violence", and called on the parties to exercise maximum restraint. Jordan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs also added in addition to the condemnation that it calls for immediate steps to stop the escalation between Israel and the Palestinians and warns against the "explosion of the circles of violence". The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Emirates expressed its condolences to the families of the victims and stated that the country "opposes all types of violence and terrorism that aim to undermine security and stability in the region and are contrary to all humanitarian principles." In contrast, the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority Abu Mazen did not condemn the attacks, and stated that Israel is responsible... ______ LIVEBLOG: Grief, shock as Jerusalem rocked by two terrorist attacks in 24 hours i24NEWSJanuary 27, 2023 Attacks took place near an ultra-Orthodox synagogue in the Neve Ya'akov neighborhood, and near the City of David At least seven people were shot and killed and five others were wounded in terrorist shooting attacks in Jerusalem's Neve Ya'akov neighborhood and near the City of David. Both shootings in east Jerusalem took place just over 12 hours apart, with two separate shooters killed in each incident... ______ https://www.mako.co.il/news-military/2023_q1/Article-a7ebaac7dd8f581026.htm The father of the terrorist Khairy Alkam who carried out the attack in Neve Ya'akov in Jerusalem ______ White House, State Department condemn 'heinous terrorist attack' (January 27, 2023 / JNS) "We strongly condemn the heinous terror attack that took place this evening at a synagogue in Jerusalem, and are shocked and saddened by the loss of life, including the killing of at least eight innocent victims," White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement. "The attack tragically occurred on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, when the memory of those lost in the Holocaust is commemorated around the world." The United States offers the Israeli government and people its full support, and President Joe Biden directed the national security team to "engage immediately with Israeli counterparts to offer all appropriate support in assisting the wounded and bringing the perpetrators of this horrible crime to justice," the statement added. Tom Nides, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, issued a statement on Twitter condemning the "horrific act of violence at a Jerusalem synagogue on International Holocaust Remembrance Day." "I am shocked and disgusted at this heinous terrorist attack on innocent people, including children," he wrote. "Praying for all of the victims and their loved ones." The attack killed seven people and injured several others, some seriously, at a Jerusalem synagogue. Members of Congress also put out statements condemning the attack, including Reps. Pat Ryan, Ritchie Torres, Brian Fitzpatrick, Carlos Gimenez, Andy Biggs, Jerry Nadler, Randy Feenstra, Jim Risch, Doug Lamborn and Brad Finstad. "Attacking worshippers at a synagogue on Shabbat is a purely evil act. We will never let terror win," wrote Asaf Zamir, consul general of Israel in New York. "My heart breaks for the victims' families," Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Gilad Erdan wrote. "The world must support Jews when we defend ourselves against terror. This is the true meaning of Never Again." Statements also poured in from across the diplomatic community, including from the Austrian Foreign Ministry, Italian foreign minister, Australian, Dutch, EU, German, Swedish and UK ambassadors to Israel, as well as Azerbaijan's foreign affairs ministry. _____ https://www.0404.co.il/?p=860895 They heard the shots, ran to help and were murdered Natalie and Eliyahu the 14th Noa Magid, 01/28/2023 Natalie and Eliyahu Ziskin were murdered together last night in an attack in Neve Yaakov in Jerusalem. 46-year-old Natalie Ziskin worked until Friday, for 20 years, as a food department at Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital. Every day she came to work where she met many patients, provided them with hot food and enjoyed listening to their stories and asking how they were doing... When her father, who is my brother, died a decade ago, she continued to take care of mother devotedly, all the time for her. Doctors, transportation, medicines and treatments - all for mom. Two years ago she married Eliyahu after a few years of friendship. On Friday, as always, she finished her shift at Hadassah Mount Scopus and after distributing dinner to the patients, she went to Hama's house, Eli's father. From there, like every Friday, she was supposed to drive back to Beit Shemesh so as not to leave her mother alone. When they were in the middle of the Shabbat meal, they heard the shots - in the middle of the meal, she and her husband wanted to offer help and came down from the house to take care of the wounded, then they were both shot. That's how a whole life ended. We are broken, we can't believe this happened to us." The CEO of the Hadassah Medical Center, Prof. Yoram Weiss: "The Hadassah employees all bow their heads at this difficult time, mourning the loss of dear Nathalie and her husband Eliyahu. Nathalie was part of a large family, the Hadassah family, a long-time worker and seller at the hospital. Everyone who worked alongside her tells of a warm, caring woman who wanted to do good to the patients she met every day, so her co-workers were not surprised when they heard that she rushed to help the injured last night. The staff of the Hadassah Medical Center wishes to console the family for their difficult loss and embraces them in their difficult hours. Natalie and Elijah her husband, may their memory be blessed.' Couple trying to help wounded among killed in Jerusalem attack Eli and Natali Mizrachi are two of at least seven people who lost their lives in the Jerusalem synagogue massacre; meanwhile, the IDF orders reinforcement after it neutralized the terrorist and arrested his family; world leaders continue condemn 'heinous' attack. _ https://www.kolhair.co.il/jerusalem-news/203306/ This morning in Hadassah: a commemorative corner in memory of hospital worker Natalie Mizrahi and her late husband Eli In Hadassah, Mount Scopus, a commemorative stand was set up this morning in memory of two of the victims of the severe attack in Neve Ya'akov on Saturday night – hospital employee Natalie Mizrahi and her husband Eli. ""The Hadassah employees all bow their heads at this difficult time, mourning the loss of dear Nathalie and her husband Eli" Kol Ha'ir, Published on: 29.1.23. This morning, Sunday, a commemorative stand was placed in the entrance plaza of Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital in memory of hospital employee Natalie Mizrahi and her husband Eli OBM, who went down to help the victims after hearing the sounds of gunfire, met a terrorist and were shot and killed. The late Natalie, 46 years old at the time of her death, worked in the food department at Hadassah Mount Scopus for about 20 years. She also worked on Friday morning, a few hours before she was murdered. As mentioned, at Hadassah Mount Scopus, a commemorative stand was placed with the photos of the late Nathalie and Eli Mizrahi, and soul candles next to them. Hospital employees and patients bowed their heads and lit soul candles. "Two years ago, she married Eliyahu .. On Friday, as always, she finished her shift at Hadassah Mount Scopus, and after distributing dinner to the patients, she went to the home of her father-in-law, Eli's father, in Neve Yaakov. From there she was supposed to go, like every Friday, Back to Beit Shemesh so as not to leave her mother alone. When they were in the middle of the Shabbat meal, they heard the shots – in the middle of the meal she and her husband wanted to offer help and came down from the house to treat the wounded, then they were both shot. This is how a whole life ended. We are broken, we can't believe this happened to us". _________ . 'Sabbath Night Massacre' In the A-Tor neighborhood, where the terrorist Kheiri [Kheyri] Alkam lived who killed 7 in the attack in Jerusalem, family members and relatives were arrested. To disturb the forces: fireworks were set off in the neighborhood. The terrorist was recorded fleeing on foot after leaving his vehicle - and neutralized. A police officer who participated in the assassination repeated: "I shot while running." By order of the commissioner: police alertness in Israel - at the highest level Haim Golditch, Einav Halavi, Daniel Salama, Jan 28, 2023. _____ Jan 28, 2023 Hamal, Jan 28, 2023 Minister Nir Barkat: https://www.hamal.co.il/post/-NMt3bp0JfNZ2QNfMd2u Hamal, Jan 28, 2023 The shooting attacks, which took place yesterday in the Neve Ya'akov neighborhood and this morning in the city of David, marked a step up after the rocket barrages from Gaza on Thursday evening. 42 relatives of the terrorist from Neve Ya'akov were arrested; The terrorist in the city of David - 13 years old. The police raised alertness to the highest level; Netanyahu: "Don't take the law into your own hands" The other attack took place around 11:00 am on Ma'alot Street in the City of David in the Silwan neighborhood in the east of the city, in which two people were seriously injured. According to MDA, the two - the officer's father and son, 47 and 22 years old - were seriously and moderately wounded by gunshots to their upper bodies. Arab countries condemned, Abu Mazen blames: "Israel is responsible" The West has condemned the recent attacks in Jerusalem, and leaders in the United States, Great Britain and the European Union have issued statements of condemnation. Along with these, Arab countries including Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt condemned the attacks. On the other hand, the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority Abu Mazen did not condemn the attacks, and stated that Israel is responsible..." In addition, the Chairman of the Authority announced that he is continuing the suspension of security coordination with Israel, which began on Thursday. Credit: Yanon Shalom Yathach, Karin Sagi, Yanir Yagna and Guy Elster. ____ Biden: 'This was an attack against the civilized world' US officials responded to the Friday evening terror attacks by further committing to Israeli security needs. By Omri Nahmias, Jerusalem Post , January 28, 2023 WASHINGTON - US President Joe Biden spoke on Friday night with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu "to discuss the horrific terror attack tonight in Jerusalem, which claimed at least seven innocent Israeli lives." According to a readout provided by White House, President Biden "made clear that this was an attack against the civilized world." "He offered all appropriate means of support to the Government and People of Israel over the coming days," said the White House. "The President stressed the iron-clad US commitment to Israel's security, and agreed that his team would remain in constant touch with their Israeli counterparts." Earlier on Friday White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre issued a condemnation as well. "We strongly condemn the heinous terror attack that took place this evening at a synagogue in Jerusalem, and are shocked and saddened by the loss of life, including the killing of at least eight innocent victims," she said in a statement. "The attack tragically occurred on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, when the memory of those lost in the Holocaust is commemorated around the world." "The United States will extend our full support to the Government and people of Israel. Accordingly, the President has directed his national security team to engage immediately with Israeli counterparts to offer all appropriate support in assisting the wounded and bringing the perpetrators of this horrible crime to justice," Jean-Pierre said. Condemnation from US officials US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement that the United States "condemns in the strongest terms the horrific terrorist attack that occurred today outside of a synagogue in Jerusalem." "We mourn those killed in the attack, and our thoughts are with the injured, including children," said Blinken. "The notion of people being targeted as they leave a house of worship is abhorrent. It is particularly tragic that this attack occurred on International Holocaust Remembrance Day." "On behalf of the United States, I express our deepest condolences to the families of the deceased and wish those injured a full recovery," said the Secretary of State. "We are in close contact with our Israeli partners and reaffirm our unwavering commitment to Israel's security." At least seven people were killed and another three injured in a terror attack at a synagogue in the Neve Yaakov neighborhood of Jerusalem on Friday evening. "On behalf of the United States, I express our deepest condolences to the families of the deceased and wish those injured a full recovery," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken The terrorist was identified as Kheiry Alkam from east Jerusalem. The 21-year-old opened fire at people leaving the Ateret Avraham synagogue after Friday night prayers. After entering and attacking the people in the synagogue, the shooter reportedly started chasing after people who were trying to escape. He then attempted to flee the scene by car and fired in the direction of Israel Police officers. The officers fired back and killed him. ____ 28.01.23 https://jerusalem.mynet.co.il/local_news/article/bjzra0zhi Documentation: The moments of the terrorist's elimination after the shooting spree in Neve Ya'akov Alkam Khiri (21), a resident of East Jerusalem, shot passers-by in the neighborhood and then fled with his car. The police chased him and managed to neutralize him near Beit Hanina. The police emphasize: "Within about 5 minutes of receiving the first report, the terrorist was neutralized, preventing another killing of innocents." View the documentation Liran Temari, Jan 28, 2023. _ Jerusalem synagogue killing spree leaves seven dead, three injured The Jerusalem Post, Gadi Zaig, January 27, 2023. After entering and attacking the people in the synagogue, the shooter reportedly started chasing after people who were trying to escape. He then attempted to flee the scene by car and fired in the direction of Israel Police officers. The officers fired back and killed him. One of the attendants of the synagogue who witnessed the attack said that the police didn't arrive at the scene for 20 minutes after the initial shots were fired, as they didn't believe the callers and thought the noise came from shots being fired in the air in nearby east Jerusalem neighborhoods...
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