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Tocqueville was proven correct about his assessment of Islam that he wrote 160 years ago

Reader comment on item: How to End Terrorism:

Submitted by Rich (United States), Dec 13, 2006 at 12:06

On page 322 of Andre Jardin's Biography of Alexis deTocqueville, published in 1984 by Farrar, Staruss Giroux, Tocqueville wrote (sorry if I did not quote the source properly) in 1840:

"I studied the Koran a great deal, mainly because of our position vis-a-vis the Muslim populations of Algeria and throughout the Near East. I must tell you that I came away from the study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Mohammed. As far as I can see it is the principal cause of the decadence so visable today in the Muslim world, and, though it is less absurd than the polytheism of old,its social and political tendencies are in my opinion infinitely more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself."

Preceeding this quote, the author states that "...Tocqueville was interested above all in studying the moral influence that a religion exercised on a society. The Christian spirit of American society made democracy possible there, while the Muslim morality that so profoundly impregnated minds and manners crushed man with its materialism and fatalism."

George Bush should have read the book before they decided that the Middle East should be democracized :).


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (745) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
1moderate islam [25 words]m.a.sastryAug 22, 2009 13:28160527
Time Bombs ???? [218 words]JCNov 11, 2009 09:23160527
how to end terrorism [39 words]mikeMay 6, 2009 22:07155047
ULTIMATE SOLUTION TO END TERRORISM FROM MUSLIMS [382 words]IlmyFeb 21, 2009 19:58150938
Islam Terrorism [139 words]S. M> HussainJan 21, 2009 04:41148627
Who is Sayed Imam Abdulaziz al-Sharif? [236 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Coyote_UglyMar 3, 2008 19:48121664
1only virgin hungry [93 words]al fidaMay 12, 2007 04:3792602
HOW TO END TERRORISM [64 words]Keith SkillicornFeb 14, 2007 01:1077121
why jihadis??? [321 words]alexAug 31, 2007 05:4577121
Dear Skillicorn, [299 words]SollimanMar 10, 2009 23:5777121
Dear Friend, [106 words]SollimanMar 11, 2009 00:1077121
And... [43 words]SageMay 8, 2009 20:1677121
be pro-active [184 words]Peter, ScotlandJan 14, 2007 16:5372873
1KILL ALL HAJJIS IN MECCA? [93 words]SumbaMay 22, 2008 12:3172873
Fall Out [12 words]Peter, ScotlandMay 25, 2008 07:1772873
1Wishful thinking [162 words]DaniellaJan 11, 2007 11:5572420
How To End Terrorism [122 words]S.C.PandaJan 10, 2007 03:3772251
Gen.Sherman's, Scorched Earth Policy, [590 words]Steve SmithJan 11, 2007 09:4072251
I disagree with Daniel Pipes on 'Moderate Islam May Be Key To Winning War on Terror' [479 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
n.krishnaJan 9, 2007 20:1572211
Petrol [104 words]OctavioJan 6, 2007 15:3871890
tech will set us free [35 words]cassanoJan 10, 2007 19:1471890
End Terrorism? You are joking? Or are you serious? [100 words]PDMJan 3, 2007 19:1571580
Islam cannot be reformed [577 words]sheik yer'mamiDec 24, 2006 22:1570449
Your comments are so true [54 words]Stephen PhillipsJan 1, 2007 19:5970449
Moderate Islam [69 words]stranchanJul 28, 2012 00:4370449
Them or Us [44 words]PaulBDec 24, 2006 13:4070418
end terrorism [152 words]dfwhite19438Jan 10, 2007 15:2970418
thats right [41 words]cassanoJan 10, 2007 19:2270418
Defeating the Real Enemy [42 words]CliffordDec 21, 2006 21:4570192
what do you mean? [10 words]cassanoDec 31, 2006 02:2370192
Defeating Islam [183 words]Stephen PhillipsJan 1, 2007 20:1970192
to mr.phillips [426 words]cassanoJan 3, 2007 03:0270192
prayer will not work [52 words]cassanoJan 10, 2007 19:0970192
Lies paint my picture everyday/Doesn't matter to most of us/Just don't mess with the status quo [614 words]a Filipino liberalDec 19, 2006 06:5269960
more than a filipino liberal you sound like a deluded muslim [148 words]susanDec 23, 2006 16:4069960
Cranky old Communist [90 words]Judeo-ChristDec 23, 2006 17:3469960
Don't talk about what you don't understand [463 words]a Filipino liberalDec 24, 2006 02:1569960
Then explain to me this [211 words]Noah WilkDec 24, 2006 19:5069960
proven [522 words]susanDec 25, 2006 08:4769960
exactly judeo [11 words]susanDec 25, 2006 08:4869960
Your response has good comedy value, but not much else. [1241 words]a Filipno liberalDec 26, 2006 08:5369960
And you're a cranky old capitalist [451 words]a Filipino liberalDec 26, 2006 09:2169960
You have a good point, but... [1077 words]a Filipino liberalDec 26, 2006 10:1669960
ROFL [59 words]a Filipino liberalDec 26, 2006 10:2269960
lack of logic [257 words]susanDec 27, 2006 16:4969960
proven what? [1837 words]susanDec 27, 2006 17:4169960
wonderful [136 words]susanDec 27, 2006 17:4669960
lack of logic again [1088 words]susanDec 27, 2006 18:2069960
Susan, Give the old Commie a break [337 words]Judeo-ChristDec 28, 2006 21:2669960
Tactics of desperation: When all else fails, repeatedly call opponent a "communist" [879 words]a Filipino liberalDec 28, 2006 22:2669960
You are wrong [50 words]NemoDec 28, 2006 23:1669960
Watch as I destroy them again [3713 words]a Filipino liberalDec 29, 2006 00:3869960
Filipino liberal 1, susan 0 [258 words]a Filipino liberalDec 29, 2006 00:4969960
susan [85 words]ahmadzafire`Dec 29, 2006 04:3169960
Exactly Nemo [75 words]a Flipino liberalDec 30, 2006 02:1069960
Calling me a commie again, blah blah blah [1075 words]a Filipino liberalDec 30, 2006 02:5969960
Try a comparison [144 words]Noah WilkDec 30, 2006 03:1469960
...sue? [1944 words]a Filipino liberalDec 30, 2006 04:1369960
judeo, you're right [5 words]susanDec 30, 2006 12:3169960
boring [974 words]susanDec 30, 2006 12:5369960
...back again [3769 words]susanDec 30, 2006 15:0269960
zafire, no mention of muslim slavery? [61 words]susanDec 30, 2006 15:1069960
susan [1135 words]ahmadzafireDec 30, 2006 21:3269960
Susan, the old commie is hallucinating [77 words]Judeo-ChristDec 30, 2006 22:3669960
have you noticed [154 words]cassanoDec 31, 2006 04:0469960
right [36 words]cassanoDec 31, 2006 04:1669960
philly boy [3056 words]susanDec 31, 2006 09:0169960
hey FLIPPINO LIBERAL [181 words]susanDec 31, 2006 09:0969960
It's so good [11 words]a Filipino liberalDec 31, 2006 12:2469960
Oh my, she's getting angry... [2656 words]a Filipino liberalDec 31, 2006 14:2169960
mali, mauritania, saudi and sudan [209 words]susanDec 31, 2006 16:4169960
yes i have noticed... [21 words]susanDec 31, 2006 16:5569960
You have no right to comment on this... [75 words]a Filipino liberalJan 1, 2007 00:3169960
You can't just say things without backing them up, you know. [150 words]a Filipino liberalJan 1, 2007 00:4069960
You don't know what you're talking about. [307 words]a Filipino liberalJan 1, 2007 00:5669960
hi Susan [788 words]cassanoJan 1, 2007 02:1869960
Cassano, I believe you responded to Susan.... [227 words]Judeo-ChristJan 1, 2007 19:1869960
to Mr.filipino liberal [606 words]cassanoJan 1, 2007 19:4769960
hi how are you this new year [28 words]cassanoJan 2, 2007 16:5069960
well said cassano [52 words]susanJan 3, 2007 14:0169960
I have RIGHTS as anyone else [135 words]susanJan 3, 2007 14:0569960
Happy new year to Cassano [23 words]OctavioJan 3, 2007 17:1969960
hi susan [381 words]cassanoJan 4, 2007 00:2769960
you understand [133 words]cassanoJan 4, 2007 02:2769960
well done [66 words]cassanoJan 4, 2007 04:0369960
be selective [89 words]susanJan 5, 2007 09:3969960
Ahmadzafire, don't let facts interfere with your version of history [1014 words]JeffJan 5, 2007 22:5369960
hi Susan [532 words]cassanoJan 6, 2007 04:2269960
Better luck next time ?? [64 words]nemoJan 13, 2007 20:0969960
Dreamers of Doom [784 words]Right of Center FilipinoJan 15, 2007 00:2569960
Ahmadzafire [634 words]Raja208Jan 25, 2007 06:2369960
you're kidding right? [674 words]MOROUSMar 19, 2007 12:0769960
Why don't we use our one best weapon? [606 words]JeffDec 18, 2006 21:2869924
Oil? Don't think so. [30 words]Lee MorganApr 20, 2007 03:5769924
Lee, yes it's dire but not hopeless [450 words]JeffApr 28, 2007 09:0469924
What about Islamist media [103 words]DerrickDec 16, 2006 23:1469725
Islam, Terrorism, and the Koran [234 words]John RDec 16, 2006 10:1769685
All muslims are not Terrorists but all Terrorists are Muslims [146 words]PhuniDec 18, 2006 13:2369685
The wrong people are hearing you Phuni [36 words]Judeo-ChristDec 18, 2006 21:3969685
please explain John R [41 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 20, 2006 08:2769685
islam was always a terrorist religion [173 words]MichaelJan 4, 2007 20:4469685
Not all terrorists are Muslims Phuni...... [54 words]Bryan JacksonJan 10, 2007 12:5169685
"Just a slight but important change" [445 words]Lactantius JrJan 17, 2007 07:3969685
Return to John R [15 words]Generation of TomorrowMay 12, 2007 16:0469685
Jewish Terrorist... [79 words]AyanAug 11, 2007 16:3569685
Their weakness is the women. [147 words]John BentleyDec 16, 2006 10:1269684
john, it takes balls to be a woman [460 words]susanDec 17, 2006 13:1369684
Yeah! [112 words]wolfgangDec 17, 2006 15:5469684
To John Bentley [67 words]ZakyDec 17, 2006 17:1069684
Contradiction, Wolfgang [170 words]IanusDec 18, 2006 14:5169684
You cannot fight based on a better material/comforts/rights agenda alone [122 words]HarryDec 18, 2006 17:2169684
How true Phuni and Judeo Christ [16 words]Samson BellDec 20, 2006 10:4269684
you wanna fight these terrorists with stories on good life of women!!! [374 words]ASDec 21, 2006 06:0869684
lol, "dallas"? [104 words]susanDec 23, 2006 17:3369684
Mr.Pipes , In your opinion how Islam's Terror Campaign can be stopped ?? How long may take to stop it ? [44 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
YeomanDec 13, 2006 13:3069395
Tocqueville was proven correct about his assessment of Islam that he wrote 160 years ago [223 words]RichDec 13, 2006 12:0669389
blablablablablabla..... [202 words]agnosticDec 13, 2006 01:1369348
Lessons of history [76 words]IanusDec 13, 2006 19:1069348
tell that to them... [12 words]wolfgangDec 14, 2006 01:3269348
Agnostic's blabla logic? [104 words]another infidelDec 14, 2006 02:4269348
agnostic check your facts [103 words]susanDec 14, 2006 14:2669348
prejudice [104 words]phoneticsDec 14, 2006 19:1969348
blablablablablabla... [179 words]agnosticDec 14, 2006 19:2769348
Dogmatically stigmatizing? [654 words]phoneticsDec 14, 2006 19:5869348
Blablabla Logic - Part II [80 words]another infidelDec 15, 2006 03:0369348
yes phonetics [94 words]susanDec 15, 2006 11:1969348
yes [325 words]susanDec 15, 2006 11:2869348
also silly agnostic [91 words]susanDec 15, 2006 11:3169348
that's not history [506 words]susanDec 15, 2006 11:5369348
A dogmatist's critical eye [1672 words]IanusDec 15, 2006 12:5069348
Moslem Agnostic [451 words]IanusDec 15, 2006 13:2269348
PRE JUDGE.. [239 words]DONVANDec 15, 2006 14:2269348
Point [524 words]Agnostic MuslimDec 15, 2006 20:0869348
Nazis, communists, facists, KKK, and Muslims. [285 words]AgnosticDec 15, 2006 20:4869348
Converting? Go join a church group? [25 words]phoneticsDec 15, 2006 20:5169348
Ianae ad extrimus- another Eco moment as tum podex carmen extulit horridulum would suggest [407 words]phoneticsDec 15, 2006 21:1669348
contra contra contra [127 words]phoneticsDec 15, 2006 21:4869348
open mind [422 words]phoneticsDec 15, 2006 22:1369348
ARMM [329 words]phoneticsDec 15, 2006 22:3469348
conflicts of knowledge [134 words]phoneticsDec 15, 2006 22:3969348
THE BOOM BAAM BLOOM BOOM LOGIC [154 words]HarrakDec 15, 2006 23:0869348
One correction, Susan [578 words]IanusDec 16, 2006 13:2269348
For harrak: "mytho" and fillo I mean "philo" and learning from you? You must be kidding! [91 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2006 07:2969348
GLAD TO BE INFIDEL [505 words]susanDec 17, 2006 09:5069348
LOL [211 words]susanDec 17, 2006 09:5469348
evolution of communism? [61 words]susanDec 17, 2006 13:1669348
4... [540 words]susanDec 17, 2006 13:2969348
sorry if we don't like fascism as yourself [55 words]susanDec 17, 2006 13:3269348
"Prejudice" or "Have you got a problem ? Consult the Quran!" [1022 words]IanusDec 17, 2006 15:2769348
Why not try, phonetics ? [70 words]IanusDec 17, 2006 16:1069348
1Fairy tales Moslems call "history" or how the fate of Constantinople made phonetics close his mind [965 words]IanusDec 17, 2006 18:1169348
Yes, it really helps... [170 words]DONVANDec 18, 2006 09:4069348
A single instance, phonetics! I implore you! [81 words]IanusDec 18, 2006 15:0269348
counting apologies [345 words]phoneticsDec 19, 2006 03:5669348
hitler [350 words]phoneticsDec 19, 2006 04:5369348
For ianus: great post [178 words]dhimmi no moreDec 19, 2006 06:4869348
my yelling of Islamaphobia and prejudice? Like your yelling of caravan warlord and bandit? [1577 words]phoneticsDec 21, 2006 02:2769348
Thanks for the response.. [152 words]DONVANDec 22, 2006 09:2669348
Moslem "apologies" or "Can a Moslem apologize for being a Moslem ?" [1023 words]IanusDec 22, 2006 12:2369348
1Constantinople [912 words]IanusDec 22, 2006 16:2269348
not interested [356 words]susanDec 22, 2006 17:5969348
ghandi [277 words]susanDec 22, 2006 18:0869348
I promise I'll be a good kaffir [2917 words]IanusDec 22, 2006 18:3669348
1For Ianus and Runciman [337 words]dhimmi no moreDec 23, 2006 07:3369348
For phonetics Ghandi and Muhammad! [232 words]dhimmi no moreDec 24, 2006 08:2869348
1Can you do me a favour, dhimmi no more? Eutychius on Moslem robbery to embelish Al-Haram al-Sharif with a dome. [705 words]IanusDec 24, 2006 13:0769348
1For Ianus Wellhausen and the history of early Islam [457 words]dhimmi no moreDec 26, 2006 14:0469348
1Thanks in advance , dhimmi no more! [712 words]IanusDec 30, 2006 17:4269348
1For Ianus and the history of early islam [429 words]dhimmi no moreDec 31, 2006 14:5669348
The big mistake [30 words]OctavioDec 12, 2006 17:5569311
Your own fault [245 words]That Other GuyDec 28, 2006 19:3669311
Read my other messages [33 words]OctavioJan 5, 2007 15:3769311
Yes and no [136 words]OctavioJan 5, 2007 19:2969311
The EU and USA supporting terrorism [45 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
HarrakDec 12, 2006 08:2169235
Follow up with Dr Pipes [136 words]HarrakDec 13, 2006 13:3669235
1A small difference [214 words]IanusDec 13, 2006 17:5669235
For Harrak and muslim mentality is "heavenly based"! It makes sense when Muslim terrorists expect to get 72 virgins! [191 words]dhimmi no moreDec 13, 2006 18:2269235
1Allah as a virgin [203 words]IanusDec 13, 2006 19:3169235
Satanic Verses and Murder Inc [19 words]Judeo-ChristDec 13, 2006 23:1469235
RE: dhimmi no more and Ianus [242 words]HarrakDec 13, 2006 23:4269235
OR!!! [35 words]another infidelDec 14, 2006 03:1169235
Euphemisms [446 words]IanusDec 14, 2006 16:4769235
The second half of Ianus [402 words]HarrakDec 15, 2006 23:4169235
For harrak: Oh I forgot to ask you one more querstion? [58 words]dhimmi no moreDec 16, 2006 08:0369235
Ianus, the iliteracy manifesto [117 words]HarrakDec 16, 2006 15:4569235
For harrak and his lesson in Arabic! [59 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2006 09:1569235
For harrak: but you still did not answer my question about Muhammad 3Atta and the ghulman (da boys that is) [241 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2006 11:2969235
"The second half of Ianus" or on the Oness of Harrak" [790 words]IanusDec 17, 2006 11:5069235
Allah (RIPYDM or Rest in Peace... ! [415 words]IanusDec 17, 2006 14:1769235
الرد الفاعل على الذمي الجاهل- The effective reply, for the dimmi that don`t fly [290 words]HarrakDec 17, 2006 21:4569235
For Harrak: al-radd al-fa3il 3ala Harrak al-jahil [477 words]dhimmi no moreDec 18, 2006 07:4069235
For Harrak "philo", "mytho" and now his "kaatitoo" and his big time Chutzpah part deux! [105 words]dhimmi no moreDec 18, 2006 16:1569235
For harrak and his bogus froay in Arabc: QTL, yaqtul wa yuqatil [490 words]dhimmi no moreDec 18, 2006 16:5869235
For harrak and his foray in Colloquial Modern Arabic! [271 words]dhimmi no moreDec 18, 2006 17:2269235
Between Harrak and Dhimmi [39 words]Mo3tamidDec 19, 2006 12:5469235
For Mu3tamid aka al-Masri al-fahlawi: al-radd al-fa3il 3ala Mu3tamid al-jahil! [213 words]dhimmi no moreDec 22, 2006 07:1269235
For harrak and his little friend mu3tamid! [59 words]dhimmi no moreDec 22, 2006 07:2569235
you too? [17 words]susanDec 22, 2006 18:0969235
For Mu3tamid and where is our dear harrak? [124 words]dhimmi no moreDec 23, 2006 07:4869235
More light to the dark aged Dhimmi [131 words]HarrakDec 23, 2006 20:4969235
For Harrak and kaatitoo! and more fantasy [194 words]dhimmi no moreDec 26, 2006 15:4269235
For Mu3tamid and plagiarism [111 words]dhimmi no moreJan 7, 2007 11:4469235
Sudden Jihad syndrome [261 words]FaqiDec 12, 2006 01:3269174
weird isnt it? [58 words]wolfgangDec 13, 2006 14:5169174
Act III ? [138 words]IanusDec 13, 2006 18:5769174
A very important question to Mr.Daniel Pipes [264 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
NatashaDec 11, 2006 23:1669168
Natasha - if you don't mind, here are my answers to your rhetorical questions [280 words]JaladhiDec 13, 2006 14:5969168
One more question [35 words]IanusDec 13, 2006 18:1169168
I did it my way!!!! [179 words]dfwhiteDec 11, 2006 16:4469139
The case for integration [107 words]OctavioDec 11, 2006 16:3169135
The case for integration [116 words]IanusDec 12, 2006 16:3469135
How To Stop Terrorism [342 words]RonnieDec 11, 2006 15:3969131
Tactical Nuclear strikes against The Iranian Nuclear Facilities is the only option left for West [234 words]Eastern FriendDec 11, 2006 23:2869131
COUNTERING TERROR LEFTHANDED... [155 words]Edgar Malcolm ErvinDec 11, 2006 09:4369110
Separating the message from the messenger [289 words]AhnoldDec 10, 2006 19:0669065
Moderate Islam, a pipe dream [185 words]InfidelDec 10, 2006 17:1869056
What is moderate Islam anyway? Any discussion without a definition risks being nonsense. [373 words]MelMDec 11, 2006 20:1069056
reply to pipe dreams [208 words]phoneticsDec 12, 2006 02:1769056
Allah authored it, not Muhammad [29 words]IanusDec 12, 2006 16:1169056
armstrong? [45 words]susanDec 12, 2006 16:5669056
For phonetics: you want me to read Karen Armstrong? She is a joke! [300 words]dhimmi no moreDec 12, 2006 18:0969056
susan [109 words]ahmadzafireDec 12, 2006 20:5269056
apologetic liars [84 words]phoneticsDec 12, 2006 21:5869056
There always was and is a moderate Islam [293 words]SafrazDec 13, 2006 10:5869056
yeah apologetic [54 words]susanDec 13, 2006 17:1269056
Actions follow beliefs [221 words]IanusDec 13, 2006 18:3669056
dhimmi... so primordial the name.... so be it primordial the talk... you talk about Urdhu more than Arabic... [308 words]phoneticsDec 13, 2006 19:3769056
retrospect yourself [62 words]phoneticsDec 13, 2006 19:4169056
kaliantampaksepertitahi [117 words]phoneticsDec 13, 2006 20:0269056
Koran was written by man [2 words]gellin and infidellinDec 13, 2006 20:2269056
What religion are you talking about...... [41 words]Judeo-ChristDec 13, 2006 23:4769056
Muhammad's Islam sure aint moderate!! [576 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 14, 2006 08:4769056
why question to the world of christian and jewish brothers and sisters [210 words]ahmad zafireDec 14, 2006 14:3669056
a new thing? [264 words]susanDec 14, 2006 14:3669056
phonetics, inquisition is a thing of the past, islamism is the present [190 words]susanDec 14, 2006 14:4169056
in the NILE [47 words]susanDec 14, 2006 15:0369056
ira? [77 words]susanDec 14, 2006 15:0569056
1On Socratic solipsism or a modern Moslem [577 words]IanusDec 14, 2006 17:4169056
For phonetics:, Karen Armstrong the big time joke part one! [325 words]dhimmi no moreDec 14, 2006 18:4469056
Easy lie [105 words]phoneticsDec 14, 2006 19:1069056
tum podex carmen extulit horridulum-as Eco would say [480 words]phoneticsDec 15, 2006 03:0569056
Dhimmi: Ma Gave La Nata! [691 words]PhoneticsDec 15, 2006 03:3669056
salve ianae [307 words]phoneticsDec 15, 2006 04:1869056
so 50+ countries all wrong? [71 words]susanDec 15, 2006 12:0069056
Extreme moderates [16 words]IanusDec 15, 2006 13:3669056
Allah's will [26 words]IanusDec 15, 2006 15:2269056
For phonetics and ahl al-kahf, dhul qarnain and his bogus falsafa! [637 words]dhimmi no moreDec 15, 2006 19:3469056
susan, you really are a lot of fun [95 words]phoneticsDec 15, 2006 19:4369056
50 out of less than 50? that's strange... [322 words]phoneticsDec 15, 2006 21:3769056
For phonetics: Karen Armstrong, socratic solipsism, primordial, poor education and bogus falsafa! [658 words]dhimmi no moreDec 16, 2006 07:5669056
response [931 words]susanDec 16, 2006 10:2069056
no, it's just [73 words]susanDec 16, 2006 10:3469056
Latin for moderate Moslems [432 words]IanusDec 16, 2006 12:0369056
For phonetics:, his poor Arabic and Karen Armstrong the big time joke! [402 words]dhimmi no moreDec 16, 2006 13:5269056
For phonetics:, Karen Armstrong the big time joke part deux! [711 words]dhimmi no moreDec 16, 2006 16:3669056
For phonetics: al-Ustaz al-faylasoof al-kabeer al-ladhi la yafhum al-lugha al-3Arabiya [83 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2006 08:0869056
replies [286 words]susanDec 17, 2006 08:1469056
For Ianus and Allah's will [95 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2006 08:3669056
only misery in muslim countries [806 words]susanDec 17, 2006 10:1069056
please ianus [11 words]susanDec 17, 2006 10:2969056
For phonetics: al-Ustaz al-faylasoof al-kabeer wa su'al fi al-falsafa! [120 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2006 11:3969056
For phonetics: and islam is the religion of the Arabs and you ani't no Arab! [26 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2006 11:4369056
For phonetics: and the word dhimmi and his bogus Arabic [121 words]dhimmi no moreDec 17, 2006 11:5569056
1Susan [135 words]SafrazDec 17, 2006 13:0969056
ianus priceless [9 words]susanDec 17, 2006 13:3869056
Not robbery, just legal acquisition inshallah [191 words]IanusDec 17, 2006 18:5769056
Silver better than gold [37 words]IanusDec 17, 2006 19:0169056
To Safraz [79 words]ZakyDec 17, 2006 19:4769056
susan [123 words]ahmadzafireDec 17, 2006 21:0569056
"Beliefs Really Do Have Consequences" [834 words]Lactantius JrDec 18, 2006 10:3669056
Bi idhin Allah , Insha' Allah ! Moslems confess... [690 words]IanusDec 18, 2006 13:4369056
2"Arabic" numbers, or how Hindus helped Arabs get rid of their old numerical symbolism [260 words]IanusDec 18, 2006 14:2769056
wrong on all counts [385 words]susanDec 18, 2006 14:5469056
I am educated... [239 words]susanDec 18, 2006 16:2569056
For Ianus: Thank you [86 words]dhimmi no moreDec 19, 2006 06:0769056
zaky is hindu numbers [56 words]susanDec 19, 2006 15:5869056
also [108 words]susanDec 19, 2006 16:0269056
Astaghfirullah [1025 words]PhoneticsDec 21, 2006 00:4769056
Again...so much bogus... did you watch too much bill and ted or something? [302 words]phoneticsDec 21, 2006 02:5469056
allegations [1766 words]phoneticsDec 21, 2006 04:4069056
Arabic [213 words]IanusDec 22, 2006 13:1269056
For phonetics the definite artilce "al" and his bogus foray in Arabic! [155 words]dhimmi no moreDec 22, 2006 17:3069056
For phonetics and his bogus falsafa [114 words]dhimmi no moreDec 22, 2006 17:3569056
typical [1423 words]susanDec 22, 2006 17:4669056
For phonetiis and the Arabic word: dhimma! [174 words]dhimmi no moreDec 22, 2006 18:0369056
stop pasting the same stuff [35 words]susanDec 22, 2006 18:1669056
For phonetics the wannabe Arab! [370 words]dhimmi no moreDec 23, 2006 08:4369056
For phonetics declares a fatwa that the Arabic definite article "al" is haram! [37 words]dhimmi no moreDec 23, 2006 08:4769056
For phonetics: ahl al-dhimma, Allah, Allat sarat and other sordid matters! [537 words]dhimmi no moreDec 23, 2006 14:4569056
For phonetics: ahl al-dhimma, Allah, Allat sarat and other sordid matters! an addendum [106 words]dhimmi no moreDec 23, 2006 15:1769056
For phonetics and more Muslim fantasy! [473 words]dhimmi no moreDec 24, 2006 14:1469056
susan.... study your history so called rightous christians enslaved africans because the bible told them so! [132 words]ahmadzafireDec 26, 2006 22:3369056
zafire, [84 words]susanDec 29, 2006 08:1469056
Just do the opposite of Bush and Blair [30 words]OctavioDec 10, 2006 12:4269020
Lessons from Rome's diplomacy [70 words]OctavioDec 10, 2006 11:2968996
1Lessons from Rome's diplomacy or on druidism and Islam [294 words]IanusDec 10, 2006 18:2068996
Not this time Octavio [73 words]Judeo-ChristDec 11, 2006 00:4468996
Anti-terrorist legislation, or anti-Muslim legislation? [63 words]OctavioDec 12, 2006 06:1568996
smiling in our face, stabbing our backs [39 words]cassanoJan 4, 2007 04:1468996
Cassano! you hit the nail on the head [64 words]Judeo-ChristJan 4, 2007 21:0268996
creeping vines [624 words]cassanoJan 6, 2007 01:2468996
Not only Muslims [135 words]Eldad J. PardoDec 10, 2006 11:0368994
If Islam is bound to rule the world, then all of us have a say in what is Islam ??? Mr.Pardo , Are you joking ??? [512 words]OscarDec 10, 2006 21:4468994
Excellent rebuttal Oscar [36 words]Judeo-ChristDec 11, 2006 21:1468994
Muslim Inferiority Complex [436 words]Tracy WDec 10, 2006 05:1168962
Tracy. W's comments. [30 words]FaqiDec 10, 2006 18:2668962
Muslim Inferiority Complex [138 words]zakyDec 10, 2006 19:0968962
Will it ever end? [124 words]PatDec 11, 2006 12:1468962
Exception to the rule. [21 words]faqiDec 11, 2006 19:0768962
Muslim Inferiority Complex - To Zaky [471 words]Tracy WDec 11, 2006 19:4768962
Hello Pat. Below is an article that fits in with your comment on the superiority issue [425 words]gellin and infidellinDec 11, 2006 23:0668962
not true zaky [75 words]susanDec 12, 2006 17:0368962
An intractable situation [125 words]PatDec 12, 2006 18:1168962
For zaky and is Dr. Elias Zerhouni a "mawla"?! [300 words]dhimmi no moreDec 12, 2006 18:4168962
But, how do we defeat the PC leaders of our own country? I've got an idea! [368 words]MelMDec 10, 2006 00:5468957
Terrorism's Roots [201 words]Steve RDec 9, 2006 22:2968947
Remember 1945 [26 words]michael cDec 9, 2006 16:2868928
Non-Moslems of the world must unite and not fight with each other to defeat terrorism [279 words]Judeo-ChristDec 9, 2006 13:1768914
The Lesson of France 1930's [56 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 11:4568914
A nice parable , indeed ! [302 words]IanusDec 10, 2006 14:1768914
The Lesson of France 1930's ? [147 words]IanusDec 10, 2006 17:3368914
Thanks, Ianus [19 words]LDCDec 11, 2006 18:2468914
RE: Moderate Islam [219 words]JohnDec 9, 2006 13:0968913
To John [27 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 11:5068913
Re: Moderate Islam [57 words]Judeo-ChristDec 11, 2006 00:2268913
Right on - John [155 words]JaladhiDec 11, 2006 10:5168913
Muslims Condemning Terror [58 words]SalihahDec 9, 2006 11:5668902
You're a prime example [181 words]Noah WilkDec 9, 2006 20:3568902
not enough [84 words]susanDec 10, 2006 08:3468902
Yet more Muslims condemn terror [6 words]SalihahDec 10, 2006 09:5168902
Thanks, Salihah, but... [24 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 11:5368902
And not a peep out of them! [65 words]Noah WilkDec 10, 2006 16:2568902
Noah - do you know of Muslim websites dedicated to peace? [87 words]JaladhiDec 10, 2006 20:0268902
You obviously missed a few details............ [261 words]TimothyDec 10, 2006 23:2768902
Take off the mask Salihah [74 words]Judeo-ChristDec 11, 2006 00:3468902
The Muslim Manifesto - Just words [301 words]PatDec 11, 2006 12:5368902
Not true Noah Wilk [171 words]zakyDec 11, 2006 13:1768902
Good question! [55 words]Noah WilkDec 11, 2006 18:5668902
Here's your proof [750 words]Noah WilkDec 11, 2006 19:2168902
Co - Exist & Bashing - On whose terms? [136 words]Another InfidelDec 12, 2006 16:1968902
Noah - you are telling it like it is!! ... [44 words]JaladhiDec 12, 2006 17:0568902
Where are the moderate Muslims?? [812 words]SalihahDec 12, 2006 17:3468902
Yes, I condemn all that. [439 words]SalihahDec 12, 2006 17:5268902
What?? [188 words]SalihahDec 12, 2006 18:5468902
to salihah [54 words]phoneticsDec 13, 2006 03:1668902
Salihah - Thanks. [257 words]PatDec 13, 2006 17:2568902
don't believe you [1671 words]susanDec 13, 2006 18:1968902
those are not terrorists [125 words]susanDec 13, 2006 18:3168902
thank you... you are a breath of fresh air... [168 words]agnosticDec 13, 2006 20:3768902
re:Where are the moderate Muslims?? [348 words]MosheDec 14, 2006 05:4868902
1Susan, Hitler WAS a terrorist! [318 words]MosheDec 14, 2006 14:4968902
correction [203 words]susanDec 14, 2006 15:1168902
You're absolutely right. [457 words]PatDec 14, 2006 18:4168902
thank you Pat [1090 words]Agnostic MuslimDec 15, 2006 04:0968902
facts please [352 words]phoneticsDec 15, 2006 04:2768902
moshe you are confusing [394 words]susanDec 15, 2006 11:1668902
pat and agnostic a link for you [244 words]susanDec 15, 2006 12:1268902
corrections... [207 words]wolfgangDec 15, 2006 15:1668902
wrong [539 words]susanDec 16, 2006 09:4168902
Here are some things from Asia [586 words]PatDec 16, 2006 13:0368902
The winning party [81 words]IanusDec 16, 2006 14:0168902
Agnostic, This comes from China [500 words]PatDec 16, 2006 16:0368902
ianus not exactly [94 words]susanDec 17, 2006 08:2068902
Victors write history, Susan [262 words]IanusDec 17, 2006 18:2368902
great turkish people [157 words]sozekujanMar 25, 2009 03:3368902
5Turkish jihad against history or how " gazi" from "jihadist" became "a soldier who got wounded in a war" . [1427 words]IanusMar 26, 2009 14:5468902
Fools [67 words]Jon GreenSep 12, 2009 02:5168902
Jon's wrong impression!!! [166 words]JaladhiSep 14, 2009 14:4268902
Read [99 words]Jon GreenSep 14, 2009 21:5468902
1Turks ... [45 words]FreethinkerNov 3, 2011 23:2568902
1Islam will remain wither you like it or not. [75 words]ghinaJun 3, 2013 19:2068902
1"Islam - that theology of an immoral illiterate Arab bedouin is a decaying corpse that is poisoning all of our life" Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha aka Ataturk [339 words]IanusJun 4, 2013 08:2268902
sozekujan and ghina are correct,don't be so pedantic. [122 words]MozereJun 4, 2013 21:3968902
1"Teenagers know better" , a Turkish teenager says. [338 words]IanusJun 6, 2013 16:5168902
Changing the ideas [150 words]Jonathan UsherDec 9, 2006 10:5568898
Politically Incorrect [11 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 11:5468898
oath against sharia and jihad [70 words]Concerned EuropeanDec 9, 2006 10:2468894
They will do " Taqqiya " and take the oath ... [113 words]BhuruDec 10, 2006 06:4068894
concerned... [91 words]susanDec 10, 2006 09:2568894
Concerned European, oath is useless [29 words]gellin and infidellinDec 10, 2006 11:4868894
Are there "Concened Europeans?" [23 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 11:5768894
re: taqiyya [323 words]trans-parereDec 11, 2006 06:5168894
Oath can be quite useful [118 words]Concerned EuropeanDec 11, 2006 08:4768894
Hi gellin and infidellin [22 words]ZakyDec 11, 2006 13:5668894
Whats "Taqqiya" [129 words]zakyDec 11, 2006 21:3268894
ZAKY [189 words]ELIASDec 11, 2006 23:5068894
Two verses or Never tell the truth to a kaffir! [352 words]IanusDec 12, 2006 15:4868894
zaky [66 words]susanDec 12, 2006 17:1768894
Ba Ba Ba-ba-ba-ba Ba ... Taqiyya! [568 words]Archimedes2Dec 13, 2006 17:0968894
manipulation of verse [208 words]phoneticsDec 13, 2006 20:5168894
Elias - Taqiyya has been practised by Muslims in India for generations ever since they invaded India [145 words]JaladhiDec 14, 2006 07:2268894
"If it can further your Islamic agenda, you can tell the truth!" [484 words]IanusDec 14, 2006 18:1068894
Archimedes2 [711 words]ZakyDec 14, 2006 20:4268894
To susan [188 words]ZakyDec 16, 2006 19:5568894
zaky... [169 words]susanDec 17, 2006 08:1868894
6Islamic Tactics of Mazar , Dargah , Madrassa , Urs , Mosque & Jehad [431 words]Prahlad PatelDec 17, 2006 13:0868894
susan?? [232 words]ZakyDec 18, 2006 17:2568894
Just like them. [347 words]marianaDec 19, 2006 07:3868894
zaky [631 words]susanDec 19, 2006 15:1068894
Prahlad Patel [34 words]Samson BellDec 20, 2006 11:2068894
Wrong Information and Wrong intention for research [123 words]Mohyuddin ShaikhOct 19, 2009 06:3668894
Are we up to ending terrorism [204 words]MARTIN kESSLERDec 9, 2006 00:2568856
Ninety-Five Other Things That Also Fuel Muslim Extremism :We must listen carefully what Muslims are saying ... [2162 words]MarathaDec 8, 2006 23:3468852
Great Martha! [12 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 12:0468852
Wonderful! [90 words]IanusDec 11, 2006 13:2168852
The future of political Islam? Just change a few words in a short WWII telegram. [57 words]MelMDec 8, 2006 19:3568831
Yes, and No [67 words]LDCDec 8, 2006 11:5268766
Islam needs to be redefined [113 words]S A KapadiaDec 8, 2006 09:4268747
Revive House' Unamerican Activities Committee' to tackle Islamic Terrorism [154 words]Romesh ChanderDec 8, 2006 17:4068747
Not so easy [172 words]S A KapadiaDec 10, 2006 08:4768747
I Remember, Romesh [43 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 12:0768747
Reply to Sonam [67 words]AlexDec 11, 2006 04:4768747
India is a soft State [159 words]S A KapadiaDec 13, 2006 07:4768747
The danger of shariatic sufis [246 words]Concerned EuropeanDec 8, 2006 08:0768746
chechens are sufi [58 words]susanDec 8, 2006 17:1968746
Turkey and -stans [128 words]Concerned EuropeanDec 9, 2006 10:1068746
chechens are sufi [36 words]IanusDec 9, 2006 12:0668746
Russian mistakes or Western Chechnia [336 words]IanusDec 9, 2006 19:1968746
There are 16% Muslims in Russia already and an average Muslim women in Russia is having more than 5 kids [113 words]OksanaDec 10, 2006 07:1468746
??? [111 words]susanDec 10, 2006 08:2868746
As long as Turkey does not join the European Union.......... [4 words]OctavioDec 10, 2006 11:4168746
Turkish police state [146 words]IanusDec 10, 2006 17:5468746
Turkey is only pretending to be secular for time being because it want to join EU as soon as possible otherwise ..........It has already elected a Leader with Militant Islamic roots [306 words]SardarDec 10, 2006 19:4768746
ianus what do you suggest? [190 words]susanDec 11, 2006 18:0968746
1Say "no" to Turkey in the European Union [256 words]OctavioDec 12, 2006 03:1768746
1Russians and Chechens [1397 words]IanusDec 12, 2006 14:3468746
ianus [307 words]susanDec 12, 2006 17:3668746
The USSR and Islam [929 words]IanusDec 13, 2006 17:4068746
so? [133 words]susanDec 13, 2006 19:0868746
Geostrategy [668 words]IanusDec 14, 2006 15:4768746
Jesus ? Never heard [93 words]IanusDec 15, 2006 19:2368746
ianus [46 words]susanDec 17, 2006 13:5068746
Chechnia again [252 words]IanusDec 17, 2006 19:4568746
ianus [105 words]susanDec 18, 2006 15:0668746
putin the commie [187 words]cassanoJan 4, 2007 02:4568746
exactly [39 words]susanJan 5, 2007 09:4168746
china russia [432 words]cassanoJan 6, 2007 05:1568746
Two Ways to Defeat Islamic Terrorism [172 words]InfideliousDec 8, 2006 03:5768729
Oh? [83 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 12:1268729
Pretty good, but let's add some details. [457 words]MelMDec 8, 2006 02:4268720
Who will guarantee that future generations of these so called moderate muslims will not become radical ??? [266 words]PistiaDec 9, 2006 09:0868720
Correction: In MEMRI video (link included), Saudi Minister was NOT advocating cutting off the tongues of "moderates." [133 words]MelMDec 9, 2006 19:2768720
Re: "Who will guarantee..?.". Ans: threats! [278 words]MelMDec 9, 2006 21:3968720
pistia, nobody [98 words]susanDec 10, 2006 08:3968720
End Islamic terrorism : Give them some of their own medicine [157 words]Tom PennyDec 8, 2006 00:4368717
too expensive [45 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDDec 9, 2006 06:1368717
Yes, but... [23 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 12:1568717
Reply to Yuval Brandstetter MD [293 words]Tom PennyDec 10, 2006 14:3468717
You forget who your president is [118 words]Y Brandstetter MDDec 11, 2006 15:0268717
Those catchy role models [393 words]JayDec 8, 2006 00:3468715
The Aggresion Flows From Islam? [317 words]John RDec 7, 2006 20:2868702
The Real Problem [48 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 12:2168702
Moderate Muslims will not confront Radical Muslims [202 words]Martin KesslerDec 7, 2006 19:5968698
How to end terrorism [31 words]OctavioDec 7, 2006 17:4268686
The incentives of Iran go to the people directly, The USA incentives go to the elite.The Labanon Example [217 words]HarrakDec 8, 2006 10:0668686
Terrorism never will end [17 words]JaladhiDec 8, 2006 15:5168686
The remainder [90 words]HarrakDec 8, 2006 20:0768686
Iran and Syria must leave Lebanon [272 words]Nabil AhmadDec 9, 2006 07:0268686
Thanks Harrak and Jaladi [66 words]OctavioDec 9, 2006 16:3168686
Jaladhi's Question [80 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 12:2768686
22Sikhs are loyal to any country they reside but Muslim are traitors in every Non Muslim Country : Its a Fact [345 words]KhalsaDec 10, 2006 12:4368686
Question for Octavio on "Muslims who are already in the west must adapt to our way of life, at all costs" [84 words]HarrakDec 10, 2006 13:3668686
Answer to Harrak [67 words]OctavioDec 10, 2006 16:5868686
Nobel Prize lost its value & credibility when it was given to Terrorist Yasser Arafat who had blood of innocents on his hands [192 words]PeaceloverDec 10, 2006 20:2468686
khalsa [11 words]HarrakDec 10, 2006 22:0768686
LDC - Surely you jest!! [129 words]JaladhiDec 11, 2006 14:0168686
pathetic! [121 words]DannyJan 14, 2011 05:3068686
Comment! [17 words]TATHAGAT MUKHERJIOct 21, 2011 14:4668686
end of oil = end to terror [83 words]mike bazDec 7, 2006 13:3168669
How to end Islamist Terrorism in one month time [562 words]KartikDec 8, 2006 02:0168669
nothing to add kartik [87 words]susanDec 8, 2006 17:2568669
Kudos to you Susan [55 words]Judeo-ChristDec 8, 2006 21:1068669
Even Israeli Jews flock to Sinai to have holidays in Egyptian Territory and pay them in millions of Dollars / Shekhels [111 words]ToombhiDec 8, 2006 21:5068669
How to end Islamist Terrorism in one month's time [205 words]IanusDec 9, 2006 13:0068669
To Kartik [81 words]ZakyDec 9, 2006 14:1468669
zak not true [376 words]susanDec 10, 2006 09:1168669
Susan - Muslim countries export immigrants to the West in addition to oil!! [97 words]JaladhiDec 11, 2006 14:4968669
Massive Growth of Muslims in West is real " Weapon of Mass destruction " WMD [95 words]BorisDec 11, 2006 22:1968669
A clean break from traditional immigration policies [47 words]OctavioDec 12, 2006 02:5968669
Boris - you are right [33 words]JaladhiDec 12, 2006 20:1968669
RSS is terrorist Group of india [65 words]ashish kumarJan 26, 2011 13:4068669
The Silent Majority [382 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratDec 7, 2006 10:0168645
You're dreaming [401 words]Noah WilkDec 7, 2006 21:0568645
are you sure? [145 words]susanDec 8, 2006 17:2968645
Wouldn't you be afraid, too? [398 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratDec 9, 2006 09:5968645
tradition of apoliticism [63 words]Concerned EuropeanDec 9, 2006 10:5968645
Who brings up the "Palestine gibberish?" I DO! [443 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratDec 9, 2006 11:0968645
Susan [36 words]OctavioDec 9, 2006 16:3468645
Fear is no excuse [895 words]Noah WilkDec 9, 2006 20:2568645
Concerned European [65 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratDec 9, 2006 22:5268645
octavio it's not enough [16 words]susanDec 10, 2006 08:1768645
you are naive [265 words]susanDec 10, 2006 08:2368645
not true, hear my example [289 words]susanDec 10, 2006 09:2368645
So what? [45 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 12:3168645
Armageddon [121 words]OctavioDec 11, 2006 11:1768645
Pro-Isralei is right on! [1006 words]zzazzeefrazzeeDec 12, 2006 20:0868645
I hate to break it to you... [720 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratDec 12, 2006 22:0568645
some corrections [670 words]susanDec 13, 2006 17:1168645
Thank You... [295 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratDec 13, 2006 18:2068645
Apologizing for Genocide?!?! [419 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratDec 13, 2006 22:4068645
And on Zoroastrianism... [86 words]Pro-Israeli DemocratDec 13, 2006 23:3868645
you can only be democrat [461 words]susanDec 14, 2006 14:5268645
? [90 words]susanDec 14, 2006 14:5568645
Solution to the Iraqi violence [60 words]RyanDec 7, 2006 09:1968641
How to End Terrorism [99 words]BenDec 7, 2006 01:4668621
A good start [255 words]Noah WilkDec 7, 2006 21:1568621
Exactly! [22 words]wolfgangDec 8, 2006 16:2168621
On a side note [62 words]Noah WilkDec 8, 2006 17:3268621
Nuclear weapons [159 words]joe kaffirDec 7, 2006 00:3768619
Where's the motivation for moderate Muslims? We have the stick, but what is the carrot? [134 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Dr RJPDec 6, 2006 22:4968613
How difficult would it be to start a moderate Muslim group? [138 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Rick HouseDec 8, 2006 18:1168613
rick it's hard [104 words]susanDec 10, 2006 09:3068613
Outlaw Islam [392 words]Rudie RothmanDec 6, 2006 20:0568596
Good idea! [113 words]IanusDec 8, 2006 12:0568596
Ban Islam in US? [82 words]Romesh ChanderDec 8, 2006 12:3168596
Rudie Rothman for president '08!!! [145 words]WolfgangDec 8, 2006 16:3668596
so what! [76 words]WolfgangDec 11, 2006 16:3468596
2BAN ISLAM petition [68 words]Lorenzo BouchardJan 16, 2008 20:2368596
Hamas's Rockets [655 words]Lorenzo BouchardJan 5, 2009 16:1068596
times change [253 words]jeffDec 6, 2006 17:2168580
Classification [758 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DaveDec 6, 2006 16:5368579
Behaviour Modification, why not go all the way towards winning, no limits! [305 words]RPaineDec 18, 2006 18:1068579
The weakness of "moderates" [125 words]Frank VoslerDec 6, 2006 16:5168578
Frank...They are getting louder! [704 words]gellin and infidellinDec 7, 2006 09:2568578
Really ? [117 words]IanusDec 7, 2006 13:1068578
Islamists of Somalia, Sudan , Egypt will be threat to Africa and ultimately Europe [145 words]kuionDec 8, 2006 03:4968578
Either Reform or Ban Koran / Hadees / Sharia [74 words]ChuulloDec 8, 2006 03:5468578
On calling in Beelzebub [123 words]IanusDec 6, 2006 16:4368577
China? [121 words]Charles StewartDec 7, 2006 14:0468577
We never had it so good than when Saddam worked for us [160 words]Tom PennyDec 7, 2006 23:1568577
US , Europe should use its active diplomatic efforts to alert China , Russia & India about the Threat Islam poses to their countries [184 words]SashaDec 8, 2006 05:2468577
China and Islam [1086 words]IanusDec 8, 2006 14:2068577
Beelzebub/China: reply to Charles Stewart [198 words]Peter HerzDec 8, 2006 20:4268577
Ianus , Great Analysis ! You have shown the way " We can defeat Islam by Chinese Methods " , It seems efficient [63 words]GalluDec 8, 2006 22:0568577
Inter-Moslem war [359 words]IanusDec 9, 2006 11:5768577
Not so, Charles [60 words]LDCDec 10, 2006 12:3568577
Agree 100% [142 words]dfwhiteDec 6, 2006 15:5668571
The West must be united and determind to fight the reconquest of islam [194 words]simon mendesDec 6, 2006 15:3368559
Plus ca change..... [416 words]marianaDec 8, 2006 13:1768559
mariana [308 words]trans-parereDec 9, 2006 01:0668559
To trans-parere re: "plus ca change" [561 words]marianaDec 11, 2006 16:0968559
Mariana: lost in translation [983 words]trans-parereDec 12, 2006 00:2668559
To trans-parere [1354 words]marianaDec 17, 2006 13:2168559
Nihilism and The Bagdad Shuffle [470 words]trans-parereDec 17, 2006 20:3268559
Democracy is merely the means [186 words]Charles GruenspanDec 6, 2006 15:3068557
Charles Gruenspan, Iraq mission was not to effect reform of Islam [287 words]InfidelDec 6, 2006 20:5268557
Infidel, one of us [394 words]Charles GruenspanDec 7, 2006 23:2968557
Democracy and Islam cannot coexist peacefully in any corner of world [956 words]JulieDec 8, 2006 06:4068557
Julie - you define the problem, but give no suggestion of any solution [184 words]Charles GruenspanDec 8, 2006 18:3568557
charles, we all know what to do [182 words]susanDec 10, 2006 09:3868557
After Iraq----Now What [67 words]BlackspeareDec 6, 2006 14:5268553
Only America & Europe seem to be concerned about what is happening in Iraq [80 words]StefDec 7, 2006 08:3468553
There is no need to spend money of US Taxpayers on carnage which has done by Zarkavi - Sadr Type Jehadis in Iraq [479 words]Cool dudeDec 8, 2006 10:2268553
I'm impressed [139 words]CVTDec 6, 2006 13:4568546
I worked as an Engineer in a Petroleum Company in Jeddah , I have seen the truth with my own eyes in Saudi Arabia ( Sordid Wahabia) [299 words]AmitDec 8, 2006 10:3968546
the best response [129 words]CVTDec 8, 2006 18:0468546
My compassion [93 words]IanusDec 9, 2006 12:2068546
I disagree [332 words]morton doodslagDec 6, 2006 13:2368541
Morton is quite correct [71 words]EarlDec 6, 2006 20:1468541
Terrorism will continue until we win!! [163 words]JaladhiDec 7, 2006 15:2268541
Hamas will never recognize Israel or give up jihad – Palestinian PM Haniya in Tehran [120 words]PompiDec 8, 2006 11:2868541
Plenty of CASH for Iraqi jihadis. Stop funding our destruction; seize the oil! [200 words]MelMDec 9, 2006 00:4768541
yes, the West has bred a monster [88 words]michael cDec 9, 2006 16:3968541
History is the Key to Understanding [369 words]MichaelDec 6, 2006 12:0468531
Defeating Islamic Terrorism [85 words]PhillipDec 6, 2006 11:4568528
Have you seen " Koranic Verses & Sword " on the green Islamic Flag of Saudi Arabia [80 words]TolanDec 8, 2006 11:4368528
Islamic roots and synergies [198 words]Arnold FishmanDec 6, 2006 11:2068525
One remark [238 words]IanusDec 7, 2006 12:5968525
Muslims are winning their Jehad against West because [125 words]PatraDec 8, 2006 11:5068525
US supported Jehadis against Soviets in Afghanistan , In the same way now Russia is supporting them indirectly [150 words]OlegDec 8, 2006 11:5868525
Two Suggested Fast-Acting Terror Stoppers [228 words]Jos WeberDec 6, 2006 11:1768524
Either Complete Media Blackout or Show Full Coverage about beheadings by Islamists to Whole World to know reality of great religion of peace [104 words]RauravDec 8, 2006 12:0468524
Keep your eye on the nukes [70 words]Andrew B.Dec 6, 2006 10:1868515
Take out Nukes of Pakistan , Stop Iran from enriching Uranium and impose complete ban on technology transfer to Islamic Nations [74 words]KimDec 8, 2006 12:1168515
4Personal Experience with Islam and Muslims : An eye opener for all !! [837 words]LotiaDec 6, 2006 10:0268513
Lotia - you are so right [90 words]Mike WoodDec 7, 2006 03:2668513
1Allah is not the God of the Bible revealed in the Lord Jesus Christ [611 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 7, 2006 07:4268513
To Lotia. You call it like it is! [52 words]gellin and infidellinDec 7, 2006 09:3568513
List of 300 Islamic Terror Attacks in last four Months by Peace Loving Moderate Muslims [10727 words]DhanusDec 8, 2006 14:4568513
Breathtaking [182 words]CanadianChrisDec 8, 2006 20:4268513
Good article, Dr. Pipes [277 words]Nabil AhmadDec 6, 2006 08:5768508
Good news , At last I found a moderate muslim ! Hip hip Hurray ! [81 words]CholeDec 8, 2006 12:1668508
I appreciate your kindness [545 words]Nabil AhmadDec 9, 2006 07:4168508
"How to end terrorism" response [1193 words]Herb StoneDec 6, 2006 08:2068506
The shape of things to come [1098 words]AvengerDec 6, 2006 07:0468499
DELERIUM [24 words]susanDec 14, 2006 15:2768499
The shape of things to come - an Islamic idyll [1321 words]IanusDec 15, 2006 15:1768499
Ianus - were you visited by an archangel!!! [23 words]JaladhiDec 16, 2006 08:3368499
It was an Olympian Muse incensed against Islam [364 words]IanusDec 17, 2006 13:0768499
Avenger and his fairy tales [500 words]InfidelDec 17, 2006 19:0168499
bravo ! infidel [119 words]eliDec 18, 2006 06:1368499
Moslem "achievements" - from an official exposition [495 words]IanusDec 23, 2006 13:3968499
Parallel Universe of Muslims [136 words]JaladhiDec 24, 2006 15:2068499
Parallel realities or the non-reality of reality is called Islam. [280 words]IanusDec 26, 2006 16:4968499
Your audience doesn't believe you [74 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Rick HouseDec 6, 2006 00:5468461
Reply to Pipes' reply to Rick H. [437 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Archimedes2Dec 11, 2006 04:0868461
Interested in how you plan to address this [163 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Bob IDec 12, 2006 10:1868461
Daniel, do you never disagree with Robert? [177 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
zzazzeefrazzeeFeb 5, 2008 19:2868461
HOW TO END TERRORISM [518 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyDec 6, 2006 00:4768460
From Terrorism to Nation Building [188 words]HarrakDec 6, 2006 00:1968458
The Raging Jehad : International Terrorism Monitor by Counter Terrorism Expert [2275 words]RaapchikDec 8, 2006 12:3168458
Raapchik [9 words]HarrakDec 9, 2006 14:3668458
very good [4 words]StuartDec 6, 2006 00:1868456
Saudi Arabia [60 words]Tracy WDec 5, 2006 23:2868450
Saudi Oil Money have bought powerful lobbyists in Washingtom to support spread of Islam in West including USA [27 words]LolaDec 8, 2006 12:3668450
Bad analogy [162 words]Roger WilliamsDec 5, 2006 23:0968445
winning the war [196 words]robert fusfeldDec 5, 2006 22:4968442
Well? What's wrong with that? [132 words]Melvin A. FechterDec 5, 2006 22:3268433
Gee, Aren't We Trying That?! [35 words]BlackspeareDec 5, 2006 21:5368430
Ending Islamic Terrorism [163 words]GeraldDec 5, 2006 21:5268429
But the info is indeed out there [296 words]Noah WilkDec 6, 2006 19:1368429
The real source of Terrorism [433 words]Caesar ArevaloDec 5, 2006 21:3868427
how do u reconcile "verses" from the koran about christians and jews [159 words]zakyDec 9, 2006 14:3768427
The Root of Terrorism [592 words]Caesar ArevaloDec 9, 2006 21:5268427
To Caesar Arevalo- thats NOT true. [1708 words]zakyDec 11, 2006 00:1268427
Stop whitewashing Islam. [1100 words]Caesar ArevaloDec 11, 2006 23:2868427
Whitewashing Islam [1109 words]Caesar M. ArevaloJan 2, 2007 16:1068427
MY VIEW AS TO HOW TO END TERRORISM [219 words]JACQUES HADIDADec 5, 2006 20:1768415
How does One Go About Doing This -- Practically? [122 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Jack BergerDec 5, 2006 21:3268415
Source of Islamic terror? [399 words]Archimedes2Dec 5, 2006 20:0568411
How to test Moderate Muslim's reality ............ [449 words]ChampuDec 6, 2006 10:4468411
Pipes in right, Spencer is wrong [176 words]SafrazDec 6, 2006 19:1768411
You must have a different Qur'an than me, Safraz [1225 words]Archimedes2Dec 7, 2006 22:0568411
Ever heard of FMCAT? [55 words]Nabil AhmadDec 9, 2006 07:1068411
To Archimedes [755 words]ZakyDec 9, 2006 20:0468411
I don't write for "Islam Q&A" [1845 words]Archimedes2Dec 11, 2006 03:2868411
To Archimedes2 [189 words]ZakyDec 11, 2006 20:0768411
Response to Archimedes2 [576 words]SafrazDec 11, 2006 22:1368411
Islam before blood [228 words]trans-parereDec 13, 2006 02:3768411
To trans-parere [21 words]ZakyDec 16, 2006 00:5068411
Fake Moderates [193 words]Ed HalperDec 5, 2006 19:4768407
I fear that all this chit chat is for naught! [116 words]gellin and infidellinDec 6, 2006 12:0468407
time and the growing tide [308 words]trans-parereDec 5, 2006 19:0768397
the silence of moderate muslims [157 words]rodney allsworthDec 5, 2006 19:0368396
Have to disagree on a few points [1226 words]Noah WilkDec 5, 2006 18:3168390
WOW [11 words]pbDec 5, 2006 20:0168390
Thanks PB! [7 words]Noah WilkDec 6, 2006 02:3568390
Excellent post Noah [9 words]gellin and infidellinDec 6, 2006 12:2468390
We're running out of time for moderation [73 words]Bob IDec 6, 2006 18:3468390
Noah, you spoke for all of us [54 words]Judeo-ChristDec 6, 2006 21:4668390
Two points only [779 words]IanusDec 7, 2006 14:4168390
Now if only... [16 words]Noah WilkDec 7, 2006 20:2368390
Thanks for the comment [49 words]Noah WilkDec 7, 2006 20:2568390
We do need to wake up [70 words]Noah WilkDec 7, 2006 20:2768390
Agreed, to a degree [197 words]Noah WilkDec 7, 2006 20:3568390
I agree with Noah Wilk 100 % , Excellent Post [49 words]Indian RepublicanDec 8, 2006 13:2468390
Noah Wilk [26 words]gellin and infidellinDec 8, 2006 16:2868390
You have a plan! [122 words]Noah WilkDec 8, 2006 17:3768390
I can't agree more.But it's already FAR too late for certain parts of what used to belong to the West. [80 words]Michael BelaDec 13, 2006 07:3068390
THE EMBRACE OF DARKNESS [303 words]PBDec 5, 2006 18:1768389
Why not just target the radical imams? [53 words]gellin and infidellinDec 6, 2006 12:2968389
semantics [45 words]Alan WintersDec 5, 2006 17:5268385
Defeating terrorism [240 words]Donald W. BalesDec 5, 2006 17:4468384
"And what happened to Al-Ustazh Mahmud Muhammad Taha?" [297 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 5, 2006 17:1668381
liberalize Islam? [309 words]DrewDec 6, 2006 08:3468381
The big mix [50 words]OctavioDec 5, 2006 16:4168378
Jew, turned Muslim, offers knowledge of Al Qaeda [767 words]ASDec 7, 2006 05:0568378
Jews, turned Muslim [99 words]OctavioDec 13, 2006 03:0468378
Why converts embrace Terrorism ?? [114 words]BataiDec 17, 2006 13:1968378
Moderate Muslims are unislamic [174 words]Romesh ChanderDec 5, 2006 16:0268376
to Romesh Chander [72 words]gellin and infidellinDec 6, 2006 12:1868376
Back to Byzantine realism [481 words]IanusDec 6, 2006 16:1268376
Tying One Hand - and Perhaps the Stronger Hand - Behind One's Back [959 words]Ron ThompsonDec 5, 2006 15:2968371
Who we are [87 words]David W. LincolnDec 6, 2006 18:4468371
violence and intimidation are shutting us up [150 words]Mike WoodmanDec 7, 2006 07:4768371
intimidation by muslims and extremists [120 words]troyDec 22, 2007 13:1568371
Muslims don't dare to fight islamism [96 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
LARS NIELSENDec 5, 2006 14:1668366
Well, without making open efforts of persuasion, we might try to gather some good arguments for them... [407 words]Alain Jean-MairetDec 6, 2006 16:1468366
I have grave misgivings... [264 words]J.S.Dec 5, 2006 13:3068362
deepening depression [179 words]richard blomDec 5, 2006 13:0768360
talking to your Muslim friends.......... [75 words]WendyDec 5, 2006 12:4568358
Agression doesn't result from Islam? [189 words]LissetteDec 5, 2006 12:4168356
Yeah, Right [126 words]SledgeDec 5, 2006 12:3468355
I know of one! [68 words]Noah WilkDec 5, 2006 18:5268355
Liberal Homeland [128 words]Right of Center FilipinoDec 6, 2006 04:0768355
Afganistan [49 words]maksmanDec 5, 2006 12:2368353
Responsibility of nations [34 words]Abu NudnikDec 5, 2006 12:1968351
Comment on "How to End Terrorism" essay [261 words]Bryan TaplitsDec 5, 2006 12:1768350
1One question [95 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
IanusDec 5, 2006 12:1368349
Was Muhammed a Moderate Muslim? [61 words]Romesh ChanderDec 5, 2006 18:4568349
The Islam of Muhammad [362 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 6, 2006 07:4668349
Past , Present and Future of Islam : by Prof. Balraaj Madhok [36 words]SudarshanDec 6, 2006 14:1168349
This type of oppression must end -READ [262 words]gellin and infidellinDec 6, 2006 15:2068349
It is of course the whole point: to see at last that Muhammad is but an fallen idea blowing in the wind of history [32 words]Alain Jean-MairetDec 6, 2006 16:2168349
I wonder [204 words]IanusDec 6, 2006 17:3068349
Dilemma [109 words]IanusDec 6, 2006 17:5868349
Thank you Sudarshan [5 words]gellin and infidellinDec 7, 2006 10:0568349
educate yourself... [80 words]Azi AhmedDec 7, 2006 16:1968349
Homo Islamicus versus Homo Sapiens or "Educate Yourself..." [250 words]IanusDec 7, 2006 18:1668349
Lactantius Jr. - Was he a terrorist or not? [42 words]JaladhiDec 13, 2006 10:2368349
Thank you Jaladhi [415 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 14, 2006 06:3168349
Thank, Lactantius Jr. [65 words]JaladhiDec 18, 2006 13:5968349
using the sources [716 words]Lactantius Jr.Dec 19, 2006 18:0568349
Moderate Muslims? [186 words]Wes TuckerDec 5, 2006 12:0968348
The problem with Islam [69 words]DesmondDec 6, 2006 00:1268348
totally unrealistic [246 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDDec 5, 2006 12:0368347
BULLSEYE [14 words]pbDec 5, 2006 20:0868347
Well said, and I agree in part. [73 words]Rick HouseDec 6, 2006 00:0468347
Islam , Muslim Problem , Terrorism and Civilisational Conflict : Must read for all those who care for World Peace [285 words]ReenaDec 8, 2006 01:3668347
Yuval - you hit the nail on the head [170 words]JaladhiDec 8, 2006 15:1768347
Moderate Muslims? [330 words]SusanDec 5, 2006 11:5468345
1Islam, criminality and selfishness. [152 words]Kingsley BeattieDec 5, 2006 11:3868343
Utopians [81 words]pigfootDec 5, 2006 11:3368342
Multicultaralism creates Political correctness... [14 words]MathewwDec 12, 2006 12:0168342
Multiculturalism is evil [76 words]OctavioDec 16, 2006 13:3668342
David Duke preaches the same idea in a way, Octavio [17 words]ZakyDec 17, 2006 11:0768342
Forget about David Duke [187 words]OctavioDec 17, 2006 18:0968342
The Ku Klux Klan [183 words]OctavioDec 17, 2006 18:2168342
To Octavio [101 words]ZakyDec 17, 2006 19:3968342
Zaky [210 words]OctavioDec 18, 2006 03:1668342
False religion - bad society [155 words]MathewDec 18, 2006 07:2868342
Terrorism, Europe and the Ku Klux Klan [238 words]OctavioDec 18, 2006 07:4168342
To Octavio [7 words]ZakyDec 18, 2006 21:0068342
too nice [58 words]cassanoJan 4, 2007 03:0868342
How to End Terrorism [229 words]Stewart "Stew" GableDec 5, 2006 11:3168341
Glad Someone is Listening [43 words]AlexDec 5, 2006 10:5068339
REPLY to : Pipes explains "How to End Terrorism," [406 words]Benjamin HegemanDec 5, 2006 10:4768338
Ibn Jamin "the hardest in debate" [107 words]HarrakDec 7, 2006 00:3068338
Moderate Islam [166 words]David W. LincolnDec 5, 2006 10:4468337
We wrestle not ... [310 words]DrewDec 5, 2006 10:3768336
Wow...Out of all these responses [66 words]jeffDec 6, 2006 10:0368336
Not on a par [80 words]IanusDec 6, 2006 14:3568336
Reforming Islam [166 words]Bill StoreyDec 5, 2006 10:3568335
Islam and Terror [338 words]Peter JonesDec 5, 2006 10:2568334
Communism was easy [69 words]LeoDec 5, 2006 10:1868332
Communism and Nazism are incomparable [204 words]IanusDec 6, 2006 14:1668332
The other way of defeating Islam [71 words]Jonathan UsherDec 5, 2006 10:0968330
Nice Idea... [53 words]SledgeDec 6, 2006 07:0168330
Final Solution [128 words]GBDec 6, 2006 18:3968330
Final Solution Islam-style [99 words]IanusDec 7, 2006 17:4868330
Ianus that has to be the most disturbing book I have ever read! [1 words]gellin and infidellinDec 8, 2006 12:1768330
NATO Forces will be defeated in Afganistan : Pakistani General ( Are Pakistanis our real Allies ??) [1135 words]KoleDec 8, 2006 13:1468330
Nightmare - year 2130 [55 words]IanusDec 9, 2006 11:2968330
how to end terrorism [161 words]mike matejevichDec 5, 2006 09:5168327
Is Islamic Totalitarianism such a new thing? [234 words]Joel S.Dec 5, 2006 09:4968326
Christianity [32 words]fellowDec 5, 2006 09:4968325
The reason for Islamic terrorism... [272 words]Don TunnellDec 5, 2006 09:2168323
"The Myth of Moderate Islam" [2570 words]Lactantius Jr.Jan 17, 2007 08:3668323
Two things a Muslim is terrified of: [250 words]Kevin MDec 5, 2006 08:2868314
The war against terror is a misnomer [188 words]stephen kleinDec 6, 2006 09:2168314
Syria and Iran [42 words]OctavioDec 11, 2006 16:3468314
answer for jaques hadida and others of like mind [184 words]pete lDec 11, 2006 21:5768314

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