Mansoor: Tafsir is easy. That is what 54: 22, 32, and 40 say. Let us try it on "The Daybreak"Reader comment on item: Britain's Encounter with Islamic Law Submitted by Plato (India), Mar 13, 2008 at 11:33 Hello, Mansoor. How did we get here? To tafsirs, I mean. You wrote: >>It is highly unfortunate for a person like you who claims sanity and agile mind. You think you can best interpret Quran more than authentic Muslim Scholars????? Ironic!!!<< Mansoor, I do plead sanity but I doubt it requires an agile mind to interpret the Koran. There are no great truths hidden in it except Allah thundering at anyone who cares to listen that he will tear you limb from limb and throw them into hellfire for the idiotic crime of not believing in Him. It is a fact that ‘authentic Muslims' do have very agile minds to come up convoluted explanations for Allah abrogating (tafsir: eating) his own words 2:106 SHAKIR: Whatever communications We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring one better than it or like it. Do you not know that Allah has power over all things? Or Allah saying there is no compulstion in religion in one place and elsewhere that He will not accept any religion other than Islam. 2:256 SHAKIR: There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaitan and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. 3:85 SHAKIR: And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers. It does require ‘scholarship' of a very agile kind to make sense of these verses. >>You mentioned, Allah mentioned the source of human creation on many places in Quran with different words, blood clot, sand, water, sperm.... Nice you read that very deeply but unfortunate to know that you cannot figure out that all above are necessary for creation of a living being which is called "Human".<< Water and sperm I can understand. But where does sand (dust) and blood clot come in? If the All-Knowing Allah had mentioned carbon in some form, the most important element for life or referred to something with a double helical formation I would not mind grovelling in front of Allah. >>Science has no disagreement with what Quran says and it is an eye opening fact that all the embryonic stages mentioned in Quran can only be studied with the help of microscope which was invented in 1500 BC.<< Zakir Naik's irf.com is a very useful reference for the Islamic kind of science. The site probably referred you to a Dr. Keith Moore's book about Islamic embryology. Last I heard these Drs (also Dr. Maurice Bucaille) had still not become Muslims despite the wonders they discovered in the Koran. I am sure reading them made you swell with pride, and their bank balance also swelled as more Muslims lapped up their Islamic nonsense science. (And I expect you mean 1500 A.D not B.C.) >> Allah gave hints in Quran and wants us to learn and study and find the secrets and on knowing something extra ordinary just thank and praise the Lord for such delicate creations.<< Among his ‘delicate creations' are also viruses like rabies, which so terrifies the mighty Archangel Gabriel, and prevents Muslims from being friendly with those loyal, sweet creatures, dogs. The little stray puppy across the street would so love to be petted and taken care off but you back off in fear. Why is Allah so cruel? That is one secret Muslims are still struggling with. >>Our accepting the creations of Lord as the sign of his presence, would really bring satisfaction to our hearts. You are stuck with materialistic life and can hardly taste spiritual satisfaction.<< The Koran seems to say different. Our accepting the presence of the Lord in His creations seems to satisfy Allah most. He rewards you with paradise full of materialistic pleasures like houris, wine, and are allowed to just laze around for eternity just getting yours pleasures from wine and women. If you don't recognise His presence in His creation He frets and fumes and gets into a frenzy of Lordly spiritual anger and throws you into hell. I am very happy with my materialistic life. Although it has only one woman, a little bit of wine now and then to go with my pork chops and a faithful little dog whose affection I appreciate and who appreciates mine. I couldn't be happier.Thank you, Lord. >> More ironic is that you challenge the way Allah talks to us in Quran. The swear on different creations shows his love and importance of those creations.<< Allah shows love for mostly inanimate objects by swearing by them. But the question is does Allah love human beings? He calls us His vice-regents on the planet once but spends many verses telling us how ungrateful, how misguided we are and swears at and curses people who are not His followers. Are we less important for Him than figs, and olives and fading sunlight and such everyday things? >>If Allah has mentioned any thing with affirmed words then there is always an important message linked with that. For Muslim every verse is a guideline and a glowing torch and the source of satisfaction.<< Let us study a small surah, The Daybreak, and attempt a tafsir. 113.001 - 005 This surah should be a guideline for you. It asks you to seek refuge from the evil that Allah has created. Read it again, that is what it says: That Allah has created evil and He then wants you seek refuge from it. Unless of course, the Lord of the dawn is different from (He) Allah. That would put you between a rock and a hard place (The Lord of the dawn and Allah). And then the Lord of the dawn says that utterly dark nights are evil so run to him (the Lord of the dawn) for protection. Also run to the Lord of the dawn for protection from witches who blow on knots to do evil. Now we see that the Koran accepts witchcraft has power over you. As for the ayat about the envier, I grant you that a human envier can do you harm unlike witches, dark nights and Allah. See, Mansoor, the science of tafsir is easy, not complicated. All it requires is some sanity, not a mind intoxicated with religion, or "scholar logic". >>You can not understand this, your heart is rusted and your body is ready to be thrown to Hell because of arrogance and rejection of Allah's words even after knowing the weight and truth.<< Now, was Surah 113 difficult to understand? Even with a rusted heart like mine the meaning is clear. It only becomes difficult to understand when ‘scholars' put their agile minds to it to twist its meaning to what it is not. Remember the Koran tells you in many ayah that it is easy to understand. Why don't you believe the Koran? Read: 44: 58 SHAKIR: So have We made it easy in your tongue that they may be mindful. 54: 22 SHAKIR: And certainly We have made the Quran easy for remembrance, but is there anyone who will mind? (Repeated in exactly the same words in 54: 32 and 54:40) Read that plaintive question from Allah ('but is there anyone who will mind?'). Do the ‘scholars' mind that they are reading meanings into the Koran for which Allah has given no authority? You read the "weight and truth" in Surah 113, the truth of Allah's admission that He is the creator of evil. Now if Allah Himself creates evil how can I (or you for that matter) escape being thrown into hell. It should be a source of satisfaction to you that my body will be glowing like a torch in hell because of the evil that Allah says He has created. Regards Plato
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