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Mansoor: Solid Islamic facts giving us indigestion

Reader comment on item: Britain's Encounter with Islamic Law
in response to reader comment: Plato "as usual rocket fired without fuel"

Submitted by Plato (India), Apr 14, 2008 at 02:27

>>Plato you have great art of twisting the original question and throw the topic in no man's land.

Rather than accepting the signs Bilawal most sincerely posted you started discussion about Pakistan...so irrelevant and sheer waste of time<<

You don't seem to have read Bilawal's post. It is boasting of some alleged mathematical miracles in the Koran and I was just deflating that balloon. I brought in a Pakistani scientist's comments to show readers why Islamic mathematics and science is such a dismal state, and in such disrepute. What did I twist and into what??

>>…and it is no harm and no shame if Pakistan or any other Muslim country sends their youth or spend huge funds to take benefits of advanced technology..<

Neither the author nor I have said that it is a shame to seek knowledge wherever one can find it. The author is pointing out (read the whole article) possible reasons for the dismal state of Pakistani science. And one telling demonstration of what he was trying to tell us is Bilawal's strange posting on Koranic mathemagic.

>>Many times you discussed about Muslim achievement in Science....but you forget that if you just minus one achievement of Algebra by a Muslim Al-Khwarizmi the whole structure of science will fall apart.<<

Mansoor, just google, number system and see what comes up. Without the Hindus, who were also your ancestors, having invented place value for numbers we would still be without algebra and calculus. Why are you so proud of a foreign mathematician when you had far superior mathematicians and scientists as your ancestors?

>>It is very difficult to digest solid facts encountering everyday. You have now focussed to find ways to insult Muslims and Islam in particular but you are failed to understand that it is the most impossible thing you are attempting continuously. <<

What we encounter everyday is Muslims telling us that we are misguided because the Koran says so. The Koran also says that kaffirs like me are unclean, deaf, dumb and without intelligence. Islam threatens unbelievers with terrifying punishments for unbelief. These are some solid indigestible facts about Islam that Muslims are unable to live down except by reasoning that is bizarre to say the least.

Unbelievers draw cartoons of the prophet, criticize him for unethical and immoral behaviour including assassinations and marrying women whom he fancied and question some verses in the Koran for calling for violence against them. This sets off orgies of violence by the same Muslims who claim that Islam is a religion of peace. This also is another indigestible solid fact.




Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (452) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
4Sharia law in the west [69 words]StasJun 18, 2012 15:47196431
3islamic bomb and western writers [226 words]allama muhammad yousuf gabrielSep 12, 2008 02:15138332
4Islamist takeover of United Kingdom [464 words]StevenJul 13, 2008 20:37135009
2britiains dimmitude to islam [238 words]rodney allsworthApr 5, 2008 03:12124691
2Why They Surrender [508 words]TomApr 2, 2008 15:38124430
1Why the West is Superior [107 words]Tommy CowanMay 12, 2010 22:13124430
1Bravo to Brits [147 words]TajMar 30, 2008 04:50124092
1Empires lost [181 words]dfwhite19438Mar 29, 2008 18:24124055
2Politicians in Ivory Towers as ever. [434 words]gordon weareMar 25, 2008 15:19123617
A sincere question to you [158 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
BDMar 24, 2008 04:57123455
off-base (just a little) [114 words]tomMar 9, 2008 04:27122144
A business of 12 Billion Dollars and more than 165 British Militar Experts at SAFP [40 words]YnnatchkahMar 8, 2008 01:25122041
BRITAIN'S ENCOUNTER WITH ISLAMIC LAW [13 words]tabingins911Feb 29, 2008 02:32121392
No nudie wrists in surgery scrub [191 words]DeeFeb 27, 2008 05:06121195
Let the British suffer, they asked for it. [243 words]john coughlanFeb 25, 2008 21:48121070
first the british and then us. [79 words]G.VishvasFeb 28, 2008 01:05121070
Re:first the british and then us. [136 words]john coughlanMar 1, 2008 22:38121070
Britain's Encounter with Islamic Law [195 words]john coughlanMar 4, 2008 07:56121070
The British should suffer?? [441 words]Brian RileyMar 7, 2008 09:31121070
Let the British suffer, they asked for it. [331 words]john coughlanMar 8, 2008 06:56121070
Irish-British History [1526 words]Brian RileyMar 11, 2008 23:26121070
Let the British suffer, they asked for it. [262 words]john coughlanMar 13, 2008 06:40121070
Let the British suffer, they asked for it. [263 words]john coughlanMar 13, 2008 06:42121070
Irish-British History [248 words]Brian RileyMar 14, 2008 04:15121070
Why the Brit-hating rant? [90 words]Peter HerzMar 18, 2008 10:57121070
England: World Capital of Dhimmitude, Grotesque Female Celebrities and Hatred of Jewish People [194 words]James BurkeApr 2, 2008 08:40121070
Re:Comment on Britain's Encounter with Islamic Law [207 words]john coughlanApr 3, 2008 19:41121070
great response [34 words]james burkeApr 5, 2008 12:13121070
Brits and voting [293 words]MairiNov 10, 2008 12:04121070
the irish [46 words]sam grerJun 13, 2009 20:29121070
Think about it!! [200 words]MansoorFeb 25, 2008 08:37121018
Now, Having Thought About It....... [185 words]M. ToveyFeb 27, 2008 19:34121018
Fine, you two can have it [291 words]SilicondocMar 2, 2008 19:54121018
muslims are never self-critical [187 words]G.VishvasMar 5, 2008 02:42121018
Mansoor's justice. [204 words]Larry B.Mar 5, 2008 16:05121018
Under extremely wrong impression [171 words]MansoorMar 6, 2008 08:10121018
fixations [144 words]G.VishvasMar 7, 2008 11:32121018
Challenging Allah will not give you any success [260 words]MansoorMar 8, 2008 06:37121018
mansoor's delusion [335 words]Larry B.Mar 8, 2008 14:50121018
To Mansoor [224 words]G.VishvasMar 8, 2008 23:15121018
Mansoor, how can a smart man be so blindingly silly. [184 words]MariaMar 9, 2008 13:00121018
1Bible is not the original Gospel (Injil) [814 words]MansoorMar 10, 2008 06:00121018
I give you no importance [358 words]MansoorMar 10, 2008 06:26121018
1For Mansoor, a few calm words [583 words]G.VishvasMar 11, 2008 04:37121018
Mansoor, what Poppycock!! [129 words]MariaMar 11, 2008 11:45121018
Mansoor: Some more laughter hidden in The Clot and The Fig [794 words]PlatoMar 11, 2008 12:40121018
Mansoor: On a faith based on cartoon characters like talking birds and animals, a flying horse and spooks called jinns [980 words]PlatoMar 11, 2008 22:15121018
Plato your blind thinking is reaching the worst [293 words]MansoorMar 12, 2008 03:02121018
You are flat!! [314 words]MansoorMar 13, 2008 02:00121018
Mansoor: Tafsir is easy. That is what 54: 22, 32, and 40 say. Let us try it on "The Daybreak" [1369 words]PlatoMar 13, 2008 11:33121018
Poor Mansoor [137 words]AKHANMar 13, 2008 17:18121018
Thank you G. Vishvas [42 words]Larry B.Mar 14, 2008 21:18121018
Clear the Dust Plato [862 words]MansoorMar 15, 2008 03:19121018
Mansoor: You have flattened me and sent me back to the future. [1965 words]PlatoMar 15, 2008 12:59121018
1To Plato and Mansoor [494 words]G.VishvasMar 16, 2008 03:26121018
Answer to G.Vishvas and others as well!!!! [177 words]BilawalMar 17, 2008 02:22121018
Mansoor: You have shown us the Lord's creation skills need dusting. [1462 words]PlatoMar 17, 2008 03:15121018
Plato has finished Tomatoes [1146 words]MansoorMar 17, 2008 07:23121018
Twists and turns [393 words]MansoorMar 18, 2008 02:16121018
we judge islam by its actual results among muslims [465 words]G.VishvasMar 18, 2008 03:29121018
Identify any!! [297 words]MansoorMar 18, 2008 03:50121018
Mansoor: More light on Koranic cosmology [1107 words]PlatoMar 18, 2008 10:32121018
Bilawal: Answer? Just another desperate plea to see the 'good' side of Islam [710 words]PlatoMar 18, 2008 10:44121018
Mansoor: Your net is full of large holes [1487 words]PlatoMar 19, 2008 07:28121018
1Balloon of Elephant - Attention Bilawal [572 words]MansoorMar 19, 2008 08:05121018
TO G.VISHVAS [292 words]BASHMar 19, 2008 10:20121018
typical muslim gullibility [391 words]G.VishvasMar 19, 2008 11:10121018
Mansoor: All about contradictions, ambiguities and Harun Yahya's Islamic science. [1190 words]PlatoMar 20, 2008 01:04121018
BASH: On Muslim bashing and cleanliness of our nether regions [701 words]PlatoMar 20, 2008 01:19121018
1Poor Plato!!! and all his supporters [882 words]MansoorMar 22, 2008 03:02121018
surely Calling myself a Muslim I'm proud of it.....mind it!!!!!!!!! [271 words]BilawalMar 22, 2008 04:31121018
2Quran tells The Story Of Creation!!!! [344 words]Huzoor BuxMar 22, 2008 10:58121018
To Bash [153 words]G.VishvasMar 22, 2008 11:37121018
Who is foolish? (question to Bilawal, Bash, Mansoor etc.) [349 words]G.VishvasMar 22, 2008 22:12121018
Reply to Mr.Vishvas who should have Vishvas in others.... !!!!!! [690 words]BilawalMar 24, 2008 08:31121018
Mansoor: You must read ayat carefully and not just in context I [1252 words]PlatoMar 24, 2008 12:19121018
Mansoor: You must read ayat more carefully and not just in context II [1591 words]PlatoMar 24, 2008 12:23121018
To Bilawal and his muslims [556 words]G.VishvasMar 24, 2008 21:04121018
Mansoor you read ayat carefully, and not just in context I [1254 words]PlatoMar 25, 2008 05:31121018
Huzoor Bux: On flies, bees, honey, and garnering credit for informing us of Islam. [1222 words]PlatoMar 25, 2008 08:56121018
I am not tired [241 words]MansoorMar 26, 2008 01:15121018
Ideas Vs Co-Existence [713 words]brohiMar 26, 2008 04:13121018
1Nice Question....here is the answer [696 words]MansoorMar 26, 2008 05:50121018
Quran is perfect [199 words]MansoorMar 26, 2008 06:51121018
Mr.G.Vishvas and Plato and others, let me Ask you something.............!!!! [825 words]BilawalMar 26, 2008 08:47121018
your parody of science [435 words]G.VishvasMar 27, 2008 00:38121018
2islam [158 words]G.VishvasMar 27, 2008 00:56121018
22Listen Quran is Cure for Every Disease [280 words]Huzoor BuxMar 28, 2008 00:58121018
Bilawal: Astonishing kindergarten mathematical miracle! [1609 words]PlatoMar 28, 2008 06:51121018
1encouraging better relations [234 words]Imam Ahmed Syeed Ali MuhammedMar 31, 2008 16:01121018
Dead Silence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [104 words]MansoorApr 1, 2008 08:10121018
Mansoor - oldest "Bibles" [86 words]jennifer solisApr 2, 2008 15:45121018
Imam Ahmed [91 words]jennifer solisApr 2, 2008 16:01121018
Reforming Islam [124 words]Imam Ahmed Syeed Ali MuhammedApr 4, 2008 10:57121018
I have full sympathy with you Jennifer [320 words]MansoorApr 4, 2008 15:29121018
Plato "as usual rocket fired without fuel" [533 words]MansoorApr 4, 2008 15:54121018
Imam Ahmed - your post should be shouted from the roof-tops - why isn't it? [567 words]jennifer solisApr 5, 2008 18:49121018
2The Bible and Muslim delusions [244 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2008 07:40121018
moderate Muslims [394 words]Imam Ahmed Syeed Ali MuhammedApr 7, 2008 16:59121018
Mansoor - the original languages exist [166 words]jennifer solisApr 7, 2008 17:54121018
1And the "debate award" goes to....dhimmi!! [25 words]jennifer solisApr 7, 2008 19:12121018
I can only pray for you.. [2233 words]MansoorApr 8, 2008 09:09121018
Hello Jenni are you here? [179 words]MansoorApr 9, 2008 02:58121018
1Islam is a moderate religion,Moderation of Muhammad(salla Allah Alai Wassallam) [502 words]BilawalApr 9, 2008 08:22121018
Proof Of Muhammad(Salla Allah Alai Wasslam) s' Prophethood in Old testament. [325 words]BilawalApr 9, 2008 08:53121018
Reply to Bilawal [109 words]jennifer solisApr 10, 2008 00:26121018
Reply to "Manni" [47 words]jennifer solisApr 10, 2008 00:36121018
Mullah Ahmad [149 words]dhimmi no moreApr 10, 2008 18:20121018
The oldest Qur'an [944 words]dhimmi no moreApr 10, 2008 19:23121018
Good question but answer is simple!! [176 words]MansoorApr 11, 2008 03:25121018
(Reply) in Proof of Muhammad(Salla Allah Alai Wassalam) s' prophethood in New testament(Injil) [341 words]BilawalApr 11, 2008 08:52121018
Our dear Bilawal and his big time falsafa and Muhammad's name in the Bible! Really? [479 words]dhimmi no moreApr 11, 2008 17:36121018
1Our dear Mansoor: Bahira and I and more Muslim delusions [454 words]dhimmi no moreApr 12, 2008 08:44121018
Our dear mansoor wa al-tahreef fi al-Quran [196 words]dhimmi no moreApr 12, 2008 09:05121018
Mullah Ahmad and reforming Islam? Really? [266 words]dhimmi no moreApr 12, 2008 09:32121018
More delusions and early Qur'ans [542 words]dhimmi no moreApr 12, 2008 19:50121018
Dhimmi no more - you're WAY beyond me! [574 words]jennifer solisApr 12, 2008 20:05121018
1I'm sorry - LOL - to BASH and G.Vishvas [53 words]jennifer solisApr 13, 2008 02:41121018
The oldest Qur'an and a slight correction [710 words]dhimmi no moreApr 13, 2008 09:37121018
1oldest Qur'an [703 words]dhimmi no moreApr 13, 2008 17:39121018
Our dear mansoor but you still did not answer one of my questions [258 words]dhimmi no moreApr 13, 2008 19:06121018
Thanks for your patience, dhimmi no more [215 words]jennifer solisApr 14, 2008 00:31121018
Bilawal, introduces a "New" Muhammad [289 words]InfidelApr 14, 2008 01:48121018
Thanks again - do you teach Arabic? [272 words]jennifer solisApr 14, 2008 02:07121018
Mansoor: Solid Islamic facts giving us indigestion [433 words]PlatoApr 14, 2008 02:27121018
write directly to Bash, under his message [19 words]G.VishvasApr 18, 2008 02:33121018
Mansoor: You cannot ask Allah to forgive us. He does not allow any intercession [733 words]PlatoApr 18, 2008 08:50121018
Arabic [164 words]dhimmi no moreApr 18, 2008 22:31121018
Reform [57 words]Imam Ahmed Syeed Ali MuhammedApr 25, 2008 12:48121018
Oh [95 words]Imam Ahmed S MuhammedApr 25, 2008 13:07121018
Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [137 words]dhimmi no moreApr 26, 2008 06:51121018
Our dear Mullah believes that Arabian imperialism is just great [195 words]dhimmi no moreApr 26, 2008 07:00121018
Our dear Mullah ahmad and your credibility is on the line [66 words]dhimmi no moreApr 26, 2008 18:06121018
Good point, dhimmi no more [151 words]jennifer solisApr 28, 2008 01:54121018
The Original Languages of Islam are an obstacle [567 words]jennifer solisApr 28, 2008 03:11121018
I disagree [205 words]Imam Ahmed Syeed ali MuhammedMay 16, 2008 10:28121018
Response to Imam Ahmed Syeed ali Muhammed [332 words]jennifer solisMay 17, 2008 20:39121018
knowledge [67 words]rahman zaibJul 15, 2008 04:41121018
True [53 words]Dr Haroon RashidAug 12, 2008 21:22121018
response to Poor Plato!!! and all his supporters by Mansoor [334 words]IfrahimJan 17, 2009 20:09121018
1Yemen Sidr Honey [384 words]Sam AliDec 23, 2009 01:21121018
anemia in islam [11 words]ahmedJul 24, 2010 08:18121018
well thought out G.Vishvas [45 words]claude AguileraMar 24, 2011 18:24121018
First educate yourself about what you are talking about. [118 words]islamJan 15, 2012 11:57121018
Cure of PCOS [21 words]ahmedJul 13, 2012 14:25121018
diabetes [31 words]deni rachdianMay 22, 2013 18:00121018
really? [15 words]kenDec 7, 2014 00:07121018
Lohe mehfooz [93 words]Rabiya kaziMar 21, 2016 21:59121018
A right to bare arms !!! [81 words]dfwhite19438Feb 24, 2008 03:02120940
Bring on Shariah Law [104 words]YovenFeb 19, 2008 15:27120545
BRILLIANT IDEA, YOVEN [145 words]DANIEL REDMONDFeb 19, 2008 20:47120545
Would they want sharia prescribed punishment??? [33 words]JaladhiFeb 19, 2008 21:04120545
Off hand (pun intended), [55 words]DonFeb 25, 2008 10:46120545
Twisted and Skewed [71 words]Straight_Talk_LuigiFeb 25, 2008 17:13120545
feminism and sharia together [27 words]JaladhiFeb 25, 2008 22:02120545
is that shareia'a law [137 words]nihadMar 5, 2008 07:17120545
foolish [51 words]YovenMar 7, 2008 16:19120545
Just a normal thing, [77 words]HusseinFeb 19, 2008 10:27120531
Just a normal thing [180 words]CherFeb 20, 2008 00:47120531
1Sharai Law [58 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 20, 2008 19:32120531
Just a normal thing, [137 words]HusseinFeb 21, 2008 13:29120531
Hussen: Prejudging or postjudging Islam? [936 words]PlatoFeb 22, 2008 05:08120531
Hussein and "The Glorious Qur'an" [532 words]InfidelFeb 22, 2008 20:32120531
Mush, mush [54 words]SilicondocFeb 23, 2008 13:40120531
The Essential Difference [299 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 23, 2008 16:08120531
Dark Ages [77 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 24, 2008 11:39120531
Back To Mitch vanBiljon [363 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 25, 2008 22:36120531
Plato's proof to judge Islam and Muslims as Hussein asked us to do!!! No reply from Hussein as expected!!!! [226 words]JaladhiFeb 26, 2008 06:18120531
Advocates of Human Rights [314 words]MansoorMar 10, 2008 06:59120531
Left that all behind ! [199 words]dfwhite19438Apr 2, 2008 17:27120531
The deception [330 words]GamaFeb 19, 2008 01:50120507
Cowardice and Dhimmitude: Coming Soon to a Country Near You! [51 words]JeffFeb 18, 2008 16:02120475
The White Flag of surrender [265 words]Roy WeinbergFeb 17, 2008 11:32120405
DHIMWITS ARE RUNNING EUROPE [420 words]DANIEL REDMONDFeb 19, 2008 20:37120405
MSM and neo-libs - Beware what awaits you!!! [196 words]JaladhiFeb 20, 2008 21:02120405
We need rescuing from the liberal elite [190 words]MariaFeb 21, 2008 17:10120405
Well, it's all so overlbown. [559 words]SilicondocFeb 23, 2008 14:18120405
REPLY TO JALADHI [355 words]DANIEL REDMONDFeb 23, 2008 17:06120405
RESPONSE TO MARIA OF NORWAY [578 words]DANIEL REDMONDFeb 23, 2008 17:51120405
Tough Brits? [43 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 24, 2008 11:42120405
Thanks Daniel Redmond [142 words]JaladhiFeb 25, 2008 17:02120405
REPLY TO JALADHI [220 words]DANIEL REDMONDFeb 26, 2008 04:06120405
Time to mobilize at the grass roots. [123 words]James GFeb 17, 2008 06:32120389
Grass roots effort [569 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 18, 2008 09:38120389
mission improbable? [147 words]Rebecca MouldsFeb 18, 2008 16:44120389
What to do [46 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 18, 2008 17:45120389
Now we are on the same page. [223 words]Larry B.Feb 18, 2008 20:22120389
What to do against the tyranny? [1496 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 19, 2008 18:29120389
In Reply To Mitch van Biljon [85 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 20, 2008 07:35120389
Again To Mitch van Biljon [176 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 21, 2008 06:20120389
1Mitch van Biljon, President Bush is not an "ASS" [97 words]InfidelFeb 21, 2008 15:27120389
Bush [251 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 22, 2008 21:35120389
President Bush [86 words]CherFeb 24, 2008 01:28120389
Halal foods and shariah law [295 words]AhmadFeb 16, 2008 07:01120327
Ahmed- Why are you hiding under a Muslim name? [8 words]Ibne MasudFeb 18, 2008 10:39120327
Our dear Ibne Masud and who is really a munafiq [105 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 19, 2008 10:10120327
dhimmi more and more [25 words]ibnemasudFeb 21, 2008 10:43120327
More gem time from no other than Ibne Masud [91 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 22, 2008 18:35120327
Old Friends Meet Again [48 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 23, 2008 15:36120327
Our dear Seamus and Stewie [27 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 24, 2008 07:03120327
DHIMMI DHIMMI DHIMMI Never More Quoth The Raven [88 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 25, 2008 18:48120327
Britain's Encounter With Islamic Law [73 words]Dannel R. BallesterosFeb 15, 2008 23:25120314
An uneasy feeling [94 words]Steve MerkelFeb 15, 2008 20:57120306
You are losing by default. [301 words]Larry B.Feb 15, 2008 12:52120269
Tyranny of tolerance [351 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 18, 2008 09:08120269
Muslim appeasement is a global phenomenon [482 words]Amitabh TripathiFeb 15, 2008 12:04120265
Muslim appeasement is a global phenomenon [447 words]RFFeb 16, 2008 09:40120265
You have addressed only one part of problemYou have addressed only one part of problem [129 words]Amitabh TripathiFeb 18, 2008 06:54120265
Amitabh Tripathi, petrol is not an issue [212 words]InfidelFeb 22, 2008 00:27120265
Reply to infidel [157 words]Amitabh TripathiFeb 23, 2008 03:07120265
Britain's encouter with Islamic Law [89 words]S.C.PandaFeb 15, 2008 04:13120250
Bring back Tony Blair!! [14 words]derbyFeb 14, 2008 19:11120227
Disastrous duo! [26 words]Nick4693Feb 14, 2008 23:08120227
Not Tony Blair - BNP [46 words]NevilleFeb 15, 2008 10:46120227
Britain needs a Cromwell, not a Blair. [150 words]IanusFeb 15, 2008 13:32120227
How will you know who lopped off your head? [212 words]Jeff CooperFeb 14, 2008 12:07120211
How will you know who lopped off your head? [163 words]IanusFeb 15, 2008 13:54120211
How the Brits have been duped ! [80 words]Steven SehgalFeb 14, 2008 05:38120198
our way of life [97 words]joe roseFeb 14, 2008 05:02120194
1our way of life [255 words]IanusFeb 15, 2008 14:21120194
joe rose and Abrahamic religions [83 words]InfidelFeb 22, 2008 00:00120194
1Ianus and our way of life [297 words]InfidelFeb 22, 2008 02:06120194
2Hellenic polytheism against Oriental monotheism [1513 words]IanusFeb 23, 2008 06:42120194
Great Post - Ianus!!! [48 words]JaladhiFeb 23, 2008 21:49120194
What You Don't Know About The Hebrew Scriptures [203 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 24, 2008 20:48120194
Thanks ! [49 words]IanusFeb 25, 2008 14:43120194
1Ianus: Hellenism is not only reflected in modern Judeo-Christian ideology, it was preserved by it. [768 words]Doc TaterMar 6, 2008 15:51120194
2Monotheism's structural intolerance [2165 words]IanusMar 12, 2008 15:09120194
Ianus: One of your best posts [152 words]PlatoMar 13, 2008 22:30120194
Ianus' comment should be studied by many of us, and respected. [746 words]Doc TaterMar 14, 2008 19:09120194
Submitting to Fear [265 words]RajahFeb 14, 2008 04:48120191
I'd rather have a fundamentalist Christian America than a fundamentalist Muslim one [469 words]DrRJPFeb 13, 2008 19:02120160
CO-EXISTENCE [218 words]brohiFeb 15, 2008 06:36120160
CO-EXISTENCE does not exist in Saudi Arabia, the Gaza strip, West Bank, Kenya, the Sudan, and in parts of India and Pakistan [447 words]DrRJPFeb 16, 2008 21:54120160
Which fundamentalists? [195 words]Peter HerzFeb 17, 2008 13:34120160
Brohi is talking of Co-Existence without even seeing his own country first [211 words]Sara (Spain)Feb 21, 2008 03:27120160
brohi, let me help you find a state [113 words]InfidelFeb 22, 2008 03:25120160
Co-Existence [85 words]brohiFeb 25, 2008 03:06120160
Co-Existence [146 words]brohiFeb 25, 2008 03:15120160
Co-existence answer to Dr. RJP [296 words]brohiFeb 25, 2008 03:28120160
hundreds of communities living peacfully in Pakistan [100 words]susanMar 2, 2008 17:12120160
read the plague of jews in pakistan [281 words]susanMar 2, 2008 17:22120160
brohi! [41 words]spaMar 10, 2008 04:50120160
Co-Existence [264 words]brohiMar 11, 2008 01:40120160
muslim rulers [358 words]niaz brohiMar 11, 2008 19:15120160
the only real apartheid is sanctioned by the koran [419 words]susanMar 12, 2008 05:34120160
Co-Existence- Why there is no terrorism Latin America !! [728 words]brohiMar 13, 2008 04:52120160
comedy [1100 words]susanMar 24, 2008 14:20120160
SUSAN....you proved it [137 words]brohiMar 26, 2008 01:44120160
keep your tyrant, it's what you deserve [237 words]susanMar 27, 2008 04:02120160
Christianity or Humanity!!!!!????? Choice is yours for Co-existence [786 words]brohiMar 28, 2008 03:59120160
Brohi: How about lies that praise Allah? [71 words]PlatoMar 28, 2008 22:18120160
muslim fantasy world [463 words]susanApr 2, 2008 13:40120160
Hi Susan [12 words]dhimmi no moreApr 11, 2008 18:47120160
tolerance in Muslim Countries for minorities [74 words]AliNov 16, 2008 15:25120160
sick of all the anti Islamic campaigns [254 words]sajjad aliApr 29, 2009 03:50120160
swine flu [227 words]sajjad aliApr 30, 2009 03:07120160
I RESPECT JEWISH FAMILIES OF SOUTH [237 words]A.B.M. Shamsud DoulahDec 16, 2010 02:32120160
Behind the 'Arab Muslim Worlds of Apartheid' slander campaign [499 words]J. SalniasJun 5, 2011 22:02120160
Blurting out the truth [211 words]Ann FarmerFeb 13, 2008 17:57120149
1Let's face Islam head on! [356 words]Nick4693Feb 15, 2008 20:45120149
Razing of the Mosques [459 words]Ann FarmerFeb 18, 2008 18:00120149
What is a "moderate" Muslim??? [243 words]JaladhiFeb 20, 2008 15:38120149
Growing moderate Muslims [364 words]Ann FarmerFeb 22, 2008 17:55120149
What is a moderate Muslim!!! [379 words]JaladhiFeb 25, 2008 20:19120149
Ann Farmer, some info about Islam [544 words]InfidelFeb 27, 2008 21:23120149
no moderate muslim is a muslim [318 words]SAJJAD AliApr 30, 2009 03:39120149
Rebuild the Parliament! [160 words]Man of the WestFeb 13, 2008 17:16120136
The source of Law indicates the GOD of the culture; Britain's GOD may be shifting from Christ to Allah...do you care ? [554 words]David AlanFeb 13, 2008 15:28120127
Men of the west:Why Bother? [81 words]Eric BludacksFeb 13, 2008 22:32120127
1A Biblical Conclusion to the Western Culture that Lost its Christian Roots [384 words]M.ToveyFeb 14, 2008 12:13120127
Give Me a Home Where Islamics Roam and I'll Show You a Violent House [471 words]Arlinda DeAngelisFeb 14, 2008 20:49120127
A few good men. [44 words]Charles NickalopoulosFeb 14, 2008 23:33120127
Spreading Christianity [110 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 15, 2008 04:34120127
Well said Allen. [207 words]Larry B.Feb 15, 2008 13:13120127
To clear up the confusion.....sorry if I was obtuse....not totally against war...for "Just War" [783 words]David AlanFeb 16, 2008 15:14120127
Righteous anger? [254 words]Larry B.Feb 17, 2008 13:10120127
Response to David Allen [160 words]Arlinda DeAngelisFeb 17, 2008 15:25120127
It's Okay Not To Be Afraid [154 words]Arlinda DeAngelisFeb 18, 2008 20:29120127
Mitch van Biljon, threats do not stop genocide [100 words]InfidelFeb 24, 2008 22:52120127
Peaceful co-existence [164 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 26, 2008 11:52120127
Missed Point [51 words]Mitch van BiljonDec 19, 2008 17:15120127
The nuclear option [114 words]David W. LincolnFeb 13, 2008 11:13120102
Why Is It? [160 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 13, 2008 18:49120102
Form and substance [145 words]David W. LincolnFeb 14, 2008 22:26120102
Won't Islamic Britain be a second Islamic nuclear power? [56 words]IanusFeb 15, 2008 14:36120102
In Reply To David B. Lincoln [116 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 15, 2008 20:50120102
Strength and arsenals [88 words]David W. LincolnFeb 15, 2008 22:46120102
In response to Seamus [123 words]David W. LincolnFeb 16, 2008 21:10120102
In Answer To David B Lincoln-- You're all off on the wrong point [169 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 16, 2008 23:46120102
Excuse me?! [176 words]David W. LincolnFeb 18, 2008 18:29120102
Of What Matter Is It? [191 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 19, 2008 19:12120102
Who cast the first stone? [98 words]David W. LincolnFeb 19, 2008 20:56120102
I take my leave [121 words]David W. LincolnFeb 20, 2008 04:31120102
In Defence Of Myself?? [183 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 21, 2008 07:07120102
David, every village has one, in the happiest villages everyone else just smiles and carries on. [55 words]bosFeb 28, 2008 08:07120102
thanks Bos [266 words]David W. LincolnFeb 28, 2008 23:09120102
Britain & Islamicism/sharia [151 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
john heffronFeb 13, 2008 11:06120101
Britain's Encounter with Islamic Law [43 words]kim segarFeb 13, 2008 10:29120098
1Great no more [284 words]Rebecca MouldsFeb 13, 2008 10:12120095
We've had enough of this ...! [110 words]DonFeb 16, 2008 09:50120095
Britain copies defective policy from Canada [107 words]SadhasivFeb 13, 2008 09:47120093
Islamic Values and the USA [192 words]dennis middlebrooksFeb 13, 2008 09:14120091
wrong direction [141 words]Rebecca MouldsFeb 14, 2008 10:28120091
Fascism [111 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 15, 2008 04:12120091
1Separation of Church and State [546 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 15, 2008 04:27120091
Freethinking Heritage [268 words]dennis middlebrooksFeb 15, 2008 09:25120091
misunderstanding [19 words]Rebecca MouldsFeb 15, 2008 22:31120091
Founding Fathers [183 words]dennis middlebrooksFeb 15, 2008 22:59120091
clarification [309 words]Rebecca MouldsFeb 15, 2008 23:16120091
ten commandments ? [628 words]trans-parereFeb 16, 2008 09:53120091
Founding Fathers Christian Men [1065 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 17, 2008 01:25120091
Britain's encounter with Islamic law [220 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 17, 2008 01:41120091
More Enlightenment. please! [206 words]dennis middlebrooksFeb 17, 2008 11:40120091
free from religion would be nice [271 words]trans-parereFeb 18, 2008 00:36120091
Quotes Beside the Point [397 words]dennis middlebrooksFeb 18, 2008 12:07120091
Religion and it's impact [452 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 18, 2008 16:31120091
Christian Nation [1180 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 18, 2008 17:23120091
fascism is the enemy of all mankind [467 words]trans-parereFeb 18, 2008 18:45120091
Knowledge is Power [459 words]Dennis MiddlebrooksFeb 20, 2008 10:12120091
Dennis, Dennis, Dennis [273 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 20, 2008 19:44120091
Four Million In Chains??? Dennis!!! [128 words]CherFeb 22, 2008 03:43120091
Down to Basics [260 words]dennis middlebrooksFeb 22, 2008 09:45120091
Free market Capitalism [143 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 23, 2008 11:49120091
Say what? [209 words]dennis middlebrooksFeb 23, 2008 12:10120091
In Reply To Transparere [174 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 23, 2008 15:14120091
spiritual intimacy [173 words]trans-parereFeb 23, 2008 21:51120091
Slaves! Maybe My Ancestors Were More Humble (Response to Dennis) [85 words]CherFeb 24, 2008 02:27120091
Free Market Capitalism [239 words]dennis middlebrooksFeb 24, 2008 09:25120091
Christian dominance [29 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 24, 2008 11:53120091
trans-parere, and his new history [167 words]InfidelFeb 24, 2008 15:03120091
Again To Transparere [160 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 24, 2008 19:41120091
LIES? [60 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 25, 2008 22:44120091
We continue to become more knowledgable ...it hasn't as yet made us smarter. [401 words]trans-parereFeb 25, 2008 22:47120091
Servants and slaves [47 words]Dennis MiddlebrooksFeb 25, 2008 22:47120091
Free agency [481 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 26, 2008 11:39120091
Dennis, Good Grief [56 words]CherFeb 26, 2008 17:15120091
Supposed Christians [108 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 26, 2008 17:26120091
So, You See My Point Do You? Reply To Mitch vanBiljon [303 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 27, 2008 07:34120091
Free Market Mantra? [146 words]Dennis MiddlebrooksFeb 27, 2008 09:53120091
The Spark [50 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 28, 2008 09:03120091
Free markets [508 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 28, 2008 09:50120091
agree totally [458 words]Bruce BarronApr 18, 2009 11:31120091
Britain's Encounter with Islamic Law [203 words]Terry WhittingtonFeb 13, 2008 07:50120085
UK Church Dhimmitude [267 words]Ari - JakartaFeb 13, 2008 05:37120082
Precedent for Western support for polygamy [56 words]Yosef BFeb 13, 2008 05:30120081
Catholic Rebels [196 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 13, 2008 18:10120081
More erroneous comments? [145 words]Yossef BFeb 13, 2008 18:49120081
Neither Utah or the Federal Government Recognize Polygamy [27 words]Guy MacherFeb 13, 2008 19:34120081
homework [50 words]bosFeb 14, 2008 11:32120081
Polygamy [71 words]Romesh ChanderFeb 14, 2008 16:37120081
Polygamy [36 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 15, 2008 04:06120081
Anglican Church and the Catholics [31 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 15, 2008 04:46120081
Catholic Rebels [20 words]Ray WhiteJul 23, 2011 08:31120081
The Blair-Brown Legacy. [285 words]maura collinsFeb 13, 2008 05:07120080
Couldn't agree more! [439 words]Nick4693Feb 13, 2008 19:29120080
excellent [178 words]yuval Brandstetter MDFeb 13, 2008 04:22120078
The Lord Bevin case [73 words]another infidelFeb 14, 2008 02:29120078
Please don't judge us all !!! [161 words]MariaFeb 22, 2008 12:41120078
Replying to Bevin, reminding Al-Hesseini and Ahmad Shukeiri Nazi activities [693 words]RaquelAug 22, 2022 16:50120078
UK sharia law in action [60 words]Alan KirkhamFeb 13, 2008 04:14120077
BRITISH SHARIA [45 words]DAVID R. GROESBECKFeb 13, 2008 03:48120075
May I extrapolate a little bit? [139 words]YnnatchkahFeb 13, 2008 03:40120074
Re: Islamic Bomb - is it too late? [136 words]Roger QuartonFeb 13, 2008 02:20120070
Goodbye Europe, hello Eurabia [74 words]LindaFeb 13, 2008 01:25120068
when people and institutions mimic polititians, values and principle are first to go [322 words]trans-parereFeb 13, 2008 00:17120059
Sharia Law & the Rights of Man [161 words]David GoshenFeb 13, 2008 00:13120058
Call to prayer [111 words]Jonathan UsherFeb 12, 2008 22:09120049
Maybe there's a way out from under the UK's abject cowardice [93 words]Carl SesarFeb 12, 2008 21:21120043
Canterbury Tales of Abdication to Sharia Law: talking points to convince the nation [52 words]Jo Ellen Davey CohenFeb 12, 2008 19:53120032
As Britain Goes,,,, [72 words]Joe PriceFeb 12, 2008 19:38120031
Turning the other cheek(s) [41 words]Ralph C Whaley MDFeb 12, 2008 19:33120030
Dangerous ignorance! [292 words]Nick4693Feb 12, 2008 19:21120028
Might work if everyone is allowed [79 words]Mike ShapiroFeb 12, 2008 19:20120027
britain and Islam [53 words]steven LFeb 12, 2008 19:02120024
Front door too! [56 words]mr.whateverFeb 12, 2008 20:18120024
Let's Fight Back [335 words]Alan RoebuckFeb 12, 2008 18:58120023
Islam? No thanks. [54 words]MarciFeb 12, 2008 18:30120021
fighting Islam [121 words]f.shaFeb 13, 2008 01:25120021
CO-EXISTENCE [69 words]brohiFeb 13, 2008 02:37120021
Make Nice [121 words]BlackspeareFeb 13, 2008 12:57120021
Islam-NO? [92 words]AhmadFeb 13, 2008 16:15120021
Ahmed lying about the goodness of Islam [17 words]Ari - JakartaFeb 13, 2008 22:37120021
Blackspeare, Now make nice, [41 words]InfidelFeb 14, 2008 13:44120021
Yes, Indeed [45 words]BlackspeareFeb 15, 2008 12:45120021
Laugh [12 words]AhmadFeb 15, 2008 18:10120021
13Need I write more of these violent and full of hatred verses [1739 words]Ari - IndonesiaFeb 15, 2008 20:04120021
Sure Ahmed [138 words]DonFeb 16, 2008 10:00120021
DON [31 words]AhmadFeb 17, 2008 08:22120021
Ahamad: Get off your Islamic high horse [740 words]PlatoFeb 18, 2008 07:04120021
Further evidence ... [35 words]DrewFeb 12, 2008 18:13120018
The tyranny of a pc world [413 words]rickFeb 12, 2008 18:10120017
RE: Britain's Encounter with Islamic Law. [70 words]W.J. WinemillerFeb 12, 2008 18:02120015
God save the Queen [17 words]xpatriotFeb 12, 2008 17:59120014
Isn't Prince Charles a Moslem ? [173 words]IanusFeb 13, 2008 15:23120014
Isn't Prince Charles a Muslim? [143 words]xpatriotFeb 14, 2008 15:11120014
2Hussein Charles, Emir of Wales [671 words]IanusFeb 15, 2008 07:46120014
Prince Charles and Islam [124 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 16, 2008 09:35120014
Sufi Muslim violence, and the Prince of Wales [1114 words]Doc TaterMar 17, 2008 17:22120014
What would you do? [416 words]johnNov 6, 2014 04:26120014
The takeove of the West has begun [422 words]Rachel GarberFeb 12, 2008 17:46120012
Re: from the Right...? [60 words]RogerFeb 13, 2008 02:59120012
They portray from the Left but ARE from the Right [319 words]Rachel GarberFeb 18, 2008 12:17120012
Change is inevitable [164 words]MizwarFeb 12, 2008 17:46120011
Mizwar: The pirates were just following Muhammad, their captain. [58 words]PlatoFeb 13, 2008 05:50120011
Change is inevitable and yet Ignorance is bliss [112 words]IanusFeb 13, 2008 15:00120011
sharia law [64 words]AhmadFeb 13, 2008 16:32120011
Sharia law in UK [303 words]Janusz KowalikFeb 12, 2008 17:29120009
UK and Muslims [120 words]Donald W. BalesFeb 12, 2008 17:07120007
Political Correctness won't beget a Churchill!!! [538 words]JaladhiFeb 12, 2008 18:17120007
jaladhi- useful writing but to whom? [56 words]spaFeb 13, 2008 01:07120007
Grave-diggers of Europe run their unholy bussiness from Brussels - Recommendation 1162/1991 [497 words]IanusFeb 13, 2008 14:42120007
Sharia Law [201 words]Iftikhar AhmadFeb 12, 2008 17:05120006
Iftkhar Ahmed [112 words]Romesh ChanderFeb 12, 2008 17:57120006
so wrong [32 words]mr.whateverFeb 12, 2008 20:38120006
You are kidding, Iftikhar, aren't you??? Malaysia is Saudi arabia of East!!! [526 words]JaladhiFeb 12, 2008 22:22120006
ramesh [91 words]spaFeb 13, 2008 00:50120006
Equality under the law [117 words]Andrew ErvinFeb 13, 2008 13:41120006
Indonesia's reaction to Malaysian forcing Sharia to South East Asia [141 words]Ari - JakartaFeb 13, 2008 22:34120006
here's a good example of how sharia law should be implemented [115 words]susanMar 2, 2008 17:31120006
Jaladhi !!! [121 words]Anne DavidsonJun 14, 2009 10:09120006
Malaysia- Saudi Arabia of East!!! [164 words]JaladhiJun 15, 2009 20:54120006
The Crescent Sunset Over England (and Londonistan) [221 words]David SabghirFeb 12, 2008 16:55120005
The real loss of will is with regard to immigration [65 words]SullyFeb 16, 2008 01:04120005
Scripturally Disconnected Thinking in Anglican Theological Community - Sign of the Times [228 words]M. ToveyFeb 12, 2008 16:48120004
The real reason to fear [73 words]Guy MacherFeb 13, 2008 09:14120004
No optimistic choices [161 words]IanusFeb 14, 2008 05:32120004
Of Whom Shall We Fear; Whom Shall We Trust to Save Us. [236 words]M. ToveyFeb 14, 2008 18:22120004
No Compulsion to attend a Sharia Court [268 words]trans-parereFeb 15, 2008 07:38120004
Europe as a part of Islamdom [48 words]Romesh ChanderFeb 12, 2008 16:33120002
sharia [16 words]AhmadFeb 13, 2008 16:23120002
A modern Pharasee [283 words]JosephFeb 21, 2008 13:04120002
There are two men who could save us from the buffoon Archbishop [136 words]MariaFeb 23, 2008 08:24120002
Save us from Allah [366 words]Mitch van BiljonFeb 24, 2008 12:02120002
familiar face? [68 words]Edgar Malcolm ErvinFeb 12, 2008 16:23120001
Sharia law [20 words]Donald W. BalesFeb 12, 2008 19:11120001
There Once Was A Time And A Place [87 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 12, 2008 20:59120001
Re: Roman Catholic? [55 words]Roger (united states)Feb 13, 2008 03:11120001
Anglican not Catholic [12 words]Mark GFeb 13, 2008 12:36120001
Sympatheziers [36 words]AhmadFeb 13, 2008 16:27120001
lost intent [12 words]Edgar Malcolm ErvinFeb 13, 2008 18:53120001
poor attempt at humor [11 words]Edgar Malcolm ErvinFeb 13, 2008 18:57120001
al andalus [122 words]bosFeb 14, 2008 11:40120001
In Reply To Bos [57 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 15, 2008 00:46120001
The Archbishop of Canterbury is not the "Pope" of the Anglicans [29 words]SullyFeb 16, 2008 00:56120001
Like having a friend that is terminally ill [170 words]MikeFeb 16, 2008 12:59120001
Its not my history, it's spains [325 words]bosFeb 18, 2008 14:52120001
In Reply To Bos [422 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 18, 2008 19:25120001
touched by the hand of the one [21 words]bosFeb 20, 2008 15:44120001
Again In Reply To Bos [145 words]Seamus MacNemiFeb 22, 2008 09:42120001
Anglican Pope ? [29 words]ReedSep 8, 2009 14:22120001

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