Replies to prophetofdoom articleReader comment on item: Islam in American Textbooks Submitted by Shaji (United Arab Emirates), Mar 19, 2009 at 02:27 The entire allegation made by the prophetofdoom website is baseless and almost all quoted out of context. Please read the answers, I hope misconceptions will be removed, INSHA ALLAH. Allegation 1 - Ishaq:597 "The people made the pilgrimage that year in the way the pagan Arabs used to do it." Reply – There is no context explained here and simply cut and paste done. Islam has transformed the ignorant society slowly in order the people to learn the truth first and then to follow in their actions. It is very clear in Hadith from Sahih Muslim Book 043, Number 7179, Ibn Abbas reported: During the pre-Islamic days women circumambulated the Ka'ba nakedly, and said: Who would provide cloth to cover the one who is circumambulating the Ka'ba so that she would cover her private parts? And then she would say: Today will be exposed the whole or the part and what is exposed I shall not make it lawful. It was in this connection that the verse was revealed: "Adorn yourself at every place of worship" (Qur'aan 7:31). So it was Islam which stopped the ugly custom of pagan Arabs. Allegation 2 - Quran 2.106 When we cancel a Verse or throw it into oblivion, We replace it with a better one. Or Whatever Revelation We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We substitute something better. Reply – This is about abrogation in Qur'an. This issue is not reflective of an indecisiveness of God; rather, it is a matter of mercy to mankind. As mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet's wife Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her), had God started out with the command to not drink, not kill, not commit adultery, not steal, not lie, not eat pork, pray five times, fast the month of Ramadan, perform pilgrimage, etc. then not too many people would have accepted His command and most of them would have been destined for the fire. However, out of His mercy He presented them with these regulations gradually. The goal of Islam is to generate a nation of men and women who discipline themselves continuously throughout the day and year to worship God, improve themselves, improve their communities, and have faith in God to assist them in their efforts. Allegation 3 - Quran 2.193 And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief) and religion is only for Allah. But if they cease/desist, let there be no hostility except against infidel disbelievers. Reply – This misconception arise due to misinterpretation of Qur'an. One must understand Qur'an with the help of supporting Hadith, the explanation from the Prophet (peace be upon him). Similarly, this verse is better explained in Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab At Tafsir, for Chapters Al Baqarah and Al-Anfal. Abdullah ibn Umar explains "the command of the Quran to fight for the fitna is not what you hold to be Fitna. Fitna meant religious persecution and we have already fought and put an end to this fitna. Therefore now after the removal of this obstacle we have to engage ourselves in peaceful Dawah (propagation) work rather than initiating hostilities and creating new fitna once again, which is akin to creating new obstacles for peaceful Islamic propagation. In actual fact, the mission of all the Prophets right from Adam to Christ was one and the same-of establishing the ideology of monotheism in the world, making man to worship one God alone. As we know there came a large number of Prophets in ancient time but the message of monotheism remained at the initial stage, it could not culminate into the stage of revolution. The reason being that in ancient time, system of monarchy was established throughout the world. Those kings, in order to secure their political interest, adopted the course called religious persecution. They suppressed all religious movements, which was different from the state religion. They considered religion as a matter of affirming one's loyalty to the state. If a person adhered to a religion other than the State religion, he was regarded as a rebel. This actually means religious persecution done by the vested interests and it does not proclaim to kill the disbelievers. Qur'aan 2:256 clearly stated that "There is no compulsion in religion". So "Fitna" there means exploitation in the name of religion and not a rebellion against other religions. . Allegation 4 - Quran 4:90 If they turn back from Islam, becoming renegades, seize them and kill them wherever you find them.Reply – As usual this allegation also out of context. This sentence actually present in 4:89 and not in 4:90. The critic is not even ready to quote the full sentence. This is the verdict about hypocritical confessors of faith who belong to a belligerent, non-Muslim nation and actually participate in acts of hostility against the Islamic state. Now read the Federal Crimes Carrying the Death Penalty in USA under Sec. 2381 for such crime - Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. Then what's wrong in the above statement from Holy Qur'an….??. So, such allegations are nothing but to mislead people and to malign Islam. Allegation 5 - Bukhari:V4B52N260 If a Muslim discards his faith, kill him. Reply – Islamic scholars explained well about Apostasy and the consequences in the society if such practice happens. Before that, please read what Bible has to say about this. In Deuteronomy 13:6-9 – "If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, "Let us go and worship other gods" (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people." When Islam says the same, it is projected as heinous crime……!!. Now see the context of rule for Apostasy in Islam. While Islam was weak and still growing among Jews, Christians and Pagans, Muslims did not have the full and complete religion that they needed. Some Jews and Christians wanted to take advantage of such situation to destroy Islam. They had a plan to adopt Islam first and then desert it, thus creating the impression that Islam was not a religion worth adopting. See the Verse 3:72 from Qur'aan - "A section of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) say: Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers (Muslims), but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam)." To protect Islam from such deliberate evil attempts done by a group of the people of the book (Jews and Christians) that time, Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) ordered the death of those who enter Islam and leave it. This temporary law that was put had stopped the hypocrites from the People of the Book who carried so much hatred toward Islam to enter Islam and desert it afterwards. So one must understand this context when know about Apostasy. If a Westerner today for instance embraces Islam for a while and then changes his position due to the overwhelming false anti-Islamic media, then certainly killing that person would be a grave sin and a big mistake. There are reasons why an apostate may be excused out of ignorance, misunderstanding, being forced, and making mistakes. Many of those Muslims (who become apostates) live in societies where ignorance prevails and knowledge is scarce. Allegation 6 - Tabari IX:75 "He who holds fast to his religion, Judaism or Christianity, is not to be tempted from it." Reply - "Jizya" is derived from the root "Jaza" or "compensate". Islam was not the first religion to pre-ordain the Jizya and Muslims were not the first nation to levy the Jizya unto the peoples subdued by them. Victorious nations throughout history have persisted in levying the Jizya on their conquered subjects. In Bible, Matthew 17:24-25 says - "What do you think Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes – from their own sons or from others?" "From others" Peter answered. "Then the sons are exempt" Jesus said to him." When the Prophets (peace be upon them), conquered certain kingdoms with the will and victory of Allah, they levied the jizya upon the conquered peoples. They had in fact also enslaved the conquered peoples as was done by Joshua on the people of Canaan when he conquered them: "They did not dislodge the Canaanites dwelling on Gezer ; to this day the Canaanites live among the people of Ephraim but are required to pay Jizya." (Joshua 16:10). Islam did not halt the societal norms and human practices which precedes its advent. Rather, Islam sets a higher standard above the misgivings of others. Holy Qur'aan 60:8 says - "Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves those who are just." The Prophet (peace be upon him) also says warning against being unjust to the People of Dhimma or impairing their rights: "The one who wrongs a covenanter or impairs his right or overworks him or forcibly takes something from him, I will be his prosecutor on the Day of Judgment" Narrated by Abu Dawood (3052) in (170/3). Thomas Arnold in his The Preaching of Islam said: "The purpose of levying this tax on Christians – as reiterated by some researchers – was not a form of punishment for not accepting Islam. They rather used to pay it with the remaining dhimmis namely non-Muslims subjects of the Islamic state whose beliefs prevent them from joining the military service in return for the protection secured to them by Muslims' swords." Allegation 7 - Tabari IX:86 "Give the people the good news of [virgins and gluttony in] Paradise and the way to attain it [by killing Christians and Jews]. Warn them of the Hell-Fire and the way to earn it [by being peaceful]. Teach them the rites of the [pagan] pilgrimage, its practices, its obligations [that I usurped from Qusayy] and what Allah has commanded about the hajj and umrah…. He orders you to offer prayer at the appropriate times with proper bowing and humility…. He orders you to give one fifth of Allah's booty and pay the zakat tax. It is enjoined on the faithful from their land and property…. And don't seduce the Jews or Christians for incumbent on them is to pay the jizyah protection tax." Reply – See how the person misguiding the readers - by mentioning "way to attain" by referring to "killing of Christians and Jews". Thank God, he put his comments in brackets. I request the people to know that in brackets he puts own interpretation and not actually what it meant. Regarding evil practices of Hajj by pagans and about jizya I already explained above. With regard to Paradise, it is the abode of reward on the Day of Resurrection for those who believed and did righteous deeds. In it there are delights people could desire. In it there is what no eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has it ever entered the mind of man. Those who enter it will enjoy real pleasures in both a physical and a spiritual sense, and they will live there forever. It will never cease to exist and they will never leave, and their joy will never come to an end, and they will have nothing to disturb their joy. Allah says in Holy Qur'aan 13:35: "The description of the Paradise which the Muttaqoon (the pious) have been promised: Underneath it rivers flow, its provision is eternal and so is its shade; this is the end (final destination) of the Muttaqoon (the pious), and the end (final destination) of the disbelievers is Fire. Allegation 8 - Tabari IX:83 "The Messenger commanded me, and I sent riders announcing, 'Arabs, embrace Islam and you will be safe.' They surrendered and did not fight. I stayed, ordering them to fulfill the requirements of Islam." Reply – The context once again not explained by the critic. It is very well known from Holy Qur'aan 60:8 - "Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves those who are just.", So what's the purpose of forcing to embrace Islam and being safer……..!!!. Also Qur'aan says in 2:256, "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things". Altogether it could be clearly said that it was a formal announcement and not something which is "forcibly done". Allegation 9 - Qur'an 59.4 That is because they resisted Allah and His Messenger. If any one resists Allah, verily Allah is severe in Punishment, stern in reprisal. Reply - This verse is about Bani an-Nadir, a major tribe which was as strong in numbers as the Muslims in Madina. There was Islamic State came into existence after the Prophet's (peace be upon him) arrival in Madina. He concluded a treaty between the Muslims and the Jews on definite conditions, in which it was pledged that no party would encroach on the rights of the other, and both would unite in a joint defense against the external enemies. But Jews began to show hostility towards the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Islam and the Muslims, and their hostility and perverseness went on increasing day by day. Many actions were done against Prophet (peace be upon him) and his government against the treaty. In brief, Prophet (peace be upon him) at once sent to them the ultimatum that the treachery they had meditated against him had come to his knowledge; therefore, they were to leave Madinah within ten days; if anyone of them was found staying behind in their quarters, he would be put to the sword. Meanwhile Abdullah bin Ubayy sent them the message that he would help them with two thousand men and that the Bani Quraizah and Bani Ghatafan also would come to their aid; therefore, they should stand firm and should not go. On this false assurance they responded to the Prophet's (peace be upon him) ultimatum saying that they would not leave Madinah and he could do whatever was in his power. Consequently, the Prophet (peace be upon him) laid siege to them, and after a few days of the siege they agreed to leave Madinah on the condition that they could retain all their property which they could carry on thee camels, except the armor. Allah says that this happened not because of any power possessed by the Muslims but because the Jews had tried to resist and fight Allah and His Messenger, and those who dare to resist the power of Allah, always meet with the same fate. This verse reiterates the importance of treaty and its fulfillment. Allegation 10 - Qur'an 61.7 Who does greater wrong than one who invents falsehood against Allah, even as he is being summoned to Islam? And Allah guides not the disbelievers. Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete His Light, even though the Unbelievers detest (it). It is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth (Islam), that he may make it conquer all religion, even though the disbelievers hate (it). Reply - It is a proclamation made and also a challenge: "The Jews and the Christians, and the hypocrites, who are conspiring with them, may try however hard they may to extinguish this Light of Allah, it will shine forth and spread in the world in all its fullness, and the Religion brought by the true Messenger of Allah shall prevail over every other religion however hateful it may be to the pagans and polytheists. What's wrong with these verses…??. Islam affirms it stands towards truth and warn it would prevail over all other religion or man-made laws. Islam's stand towards Jews, Christians and pagan Arabs clearly stated in Qur'aan 2:79, 5:13-14 and 29:17. Firstly, Qur'aan 2:79 says, "Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say:" This is from ALLAH," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby". Secondly, Qur'aan 5:13 says, But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few - ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for ALLAH loveth those who are kind". Thirdly, Qur'aan 5:14 says, "From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of judgment. And soon will ALLAH show them what it is they have done". Fourthly, Qur'aan 29:17 says - "For ye do worship idols besides Allah, and ye invent falsehood. The things that ye worship besides Allah have no power to give you sustenance: then seek ye sustenance from Allah, serve Him, and be grateful to Him: to Him will be your return". The verse 61:7-8 can be easily understood if one knows Quran's' stand towards people of that time, which are Jews, Christians and pagan Arabs. Allegation 11 - Bukhari:V9B89N256 Allah's Apostle said, 'You should listen to and obey your ruler even if he is a black African slave whose head looks like a raisin.' Reply – One statement from Qur'aan is sufficient that Islam is against racism and Prophet's (peace be upon him) stand to it. Holy Qur'aan 49:13 says - "O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At‑Taqwa (the pious). Verily, Allah is All‑Knowing, All‑Aware" Allah created Adam and Hawwa' [Eve], and made their offspring into peoples, tribes, races and colours. All people come from Adam and Hawwa', and no colour or race is superior to another. Rather all of them are equal before Allah with regard to their origins, and the one who fears his Lord the most is the best and most honorable before Allah. Prophet (peace be upon him) himself taught in his last sermon, Hajjatul-Wida (The Farewell Pilgrimage), "………."All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.…..". Also, It doesn't say that "blacks have raisin heads". It gives a CONDITION that "even if the head looks like a raisin" the Ruler must be obeyed. Please understand the message given in the Hadith, instead of questioning little phrases that if taken out of context can make the Hadith look completely different. The idea given in this Hadith is that even if a person dislikes something so much (and thus the example of someone's head looking like a raisin is given), one should still obey the Ruler. Allegation 12 - Bukhari:V9B87N127 The Prophet said, 'I have been given eloquent speech and have been awarded victory by terror so the treasures of the earth are mine. Reply – Continuing with comment out of context and not used what actually it was meant. If Police is terror to the crimes and theft, it doesn't mean Policeman is a terrorist. Mr. Critic must quote the incident where Prophet (peace be upon him) became a terror to innocent people. Contrary to that, there are several incidents to quote. Before I do that, see what Qur'aan says about Prophet in 21:107 – "We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures." Again read Qur'aan 3:159 – "It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about thee: so pass over (Their faults), and ask for ((Allah)'s) forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then, when thou hast Taken a decision put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)". Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) servant once noted his forgiving disposition, said, "I served the Prophet, for ten years, and he never said 'uf' (a word indicating impatience or discontent) to me and never blamed me by saying, 'Why did you do so or why didn't you do so?" (Al-Bukhari and Muslim). Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) archenemies hated his Message and hurled malicious insults at him, to which he responded with forbearance. Years later when he, returned as victor to Makkah, his city of birth which he was forced to leave, he asked its awed citizens, "What do you think I'm going to do to you." They said, "You are a noble brother, son of a noble brother; we expect only good from you." The Prophet responded with a general amnesty. I hope the above proofs sufficient to clear the misunderstanding of distorted comment. Allegation 13 - Quran:8:7 Allah wished to confirm the truth by His words: Wipe the infidels out to the last. Reply – See the actual meaning of the above verse – Qur'aan 8:7 states – "Behold! Allah promised you one of the two (enemy) parties, that it should be yours: Ye wished that the one unarmed should be yours, but Allah willed to justify the Truth according to His words and to cut off the roots of the Unbelievers;" The context is situation just before Battle of Badr, where the Quraysh march towards Madina and meant that only one of the two would survive in Arabia - either Islam or the entrenched system of Jahiliyah (Ignorance). It was do or die situation for Muslims then, the very essential resistance for their existence required, if not taken up the challenge. But since the Muslims took the initiative and dealt a severe blow to the military strength of the Quraysh it became possible for Islam to consolidate itself and subsequently the forces of Ignorance suffered a succession of humiliating reverses. Again where is wrong here….??. As per Self defense law - If you feel an eminent fear, that the person was going to kill you, or could kill you, then you are justified, in using that amount of force, necessary to deal with that situation, which may include death, to protect yourself. Allegation 14 - Quran:8:39 So, fight them till all opposition ends and the only religion is Islam. Reply – See the actual translation of this verse by Abdulla Yusuf Ali – "And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do." Transliteration – "Waqatiloohum hatta la takoona fitnatun wayakoona alddeenu kulluhu lillahi faini intahaw fainna Allaha bima yaAAmaloona baseerun" One must understand Qur'aan with the help of supporting Hadith, the explanation from the Prophet. As it was said in reply earlier (for Allegation No. 3) this verse is better explained in Sahih Al-Bukhari Kitab At Tafsir, for Chapters Al Baqarah and Al-Anfal. Abdullah ibn Umar explains "the command of the Quran to fight for the fitna is not what you hold to be Fitna. Fitna meant religious persecution and we have already fought and put an end to this fitna. Therefore, after the removal of this obstacle (fitna) Muslims must engage themselves in peaceful Dawah (propagation) work. This verse also must be explained in connection with verse 2:193 which says – "And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah. But if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression". The above verse clearly says "there must not be no hostility except to those who practice oppression". Islam is against all sorts of tumult and oppression from unscrupulous priests and their henchmen and it's not a religion based on priesthood. The authentic sources for Islam are Qur'aan and Sunnah and not priests interpolations and misinterpretations.Allegation 15 - Bukhari:V5B59N702 Allah did not admonish anyone who had not participated in the Ghazwa [raid] of Badr, for in fact, Allah's Apostle had only gone out in search of the Quraysh caravan so that he could rob it. But Allah arranged for the Muslims and their enemy to meet by surprise. I was at the Aqabah pledge with Allah's Apostle when we gave our lives in submission, but the Badr battle is more popular amongst the people. I was never stronger or wealthier than I was when I followed the Prophet on a Ghazwa. Reply – The context is The Battle of Badr which happened in 624 CE in the Hejaz of western Arabia (present-day Saudi Arabia), was a key battle in the early days of Islam and a turning point in Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) struggle with the Makkan Quraish. The battle has been passed down in Islamic history as a decisive victory attributable to divine intervention or the genius of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Prior to the battle, the Muslims and Makkans had been engaging in several smaller skirmishes. Badr, however was the first large-scale engagement between the two forces. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was leading a raiding party against a caravan when he was surprised by a much larger Quraishi army. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions were driven out of Makka after being severely tortured and it affected their very own existence. They lost all their possessions and pagan Makkans seized it. Muslims needed to gain back what they lost. In brief, the caravan from Quraish was carrying resources to Makka and the pagans use portion of their wealth to exterminate Muslims. These are two reasons why the Prophet wanted the caravan raided. For the early Muslims the battle was extremely significant because it was the first sign that they might eventually overcome their persecutors in Makka. The Makkans obviously took a different view, seeing the Muslim raids as banditry at best, as well as a potential threat to their livelihood and prestige. Makka at this time was one of the richest and most powerful pagan cities in Arabia, fielding an army three times larger than that of the Muslims. Point to be noted here, Muslims raids were for their sustenance as their right to live had been denied in Makka. They were forced to flee just because they believe in One God. The war was inevitable for Muslims if they want to regain their wealth from Makkans. Unfortunately, even that was branded as "plundering and looting" by vested interests. Allegation 16 - Peaceful Muslims are hypocrites - Good Muslims fight - The Qur'an issued its first order to fight Jihad in the 190th verse of the 2nd surah. The translators of the Noble Qur'an wanted to make certain Muslims understood what "Fighting in the Way of Allah" meant. So they provided this definition which is derived entirely from the Qur'an and Sunnah: "Jihad is holy fighting in Allah's Cause with full force of numbers and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah's Word is made superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position; their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who tries to escape from this duty, or does not fulfill this duty, dies with one of the qualities of a hypocrite." Reply – Let us take the alleged verse 2:190 – "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors". Before seeing what translators done, what's the problem with the verse itself…..??. During the first thirteen years of his prophetic mission, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his followers were subjected to the most brutal persecution by the Quraish tribe of Makkah. They were even forced to live in a valley adjacent to Makkah, subject to a very severe form of boycott. Subsequently they were driven out of their homes, all their property confiscated, and many of them were tortured and killed; and they would all have been massacred if they had not escaped to Madinah. A small Islamic state had been established in Madina they were commanded for the first time to fight against those who had resorted to armed hostility towards their movement of reform. The believers are told that material interests should not be the motivation for their fighting, that they should not take up arms against those who were not in opposition to the true faith, that they should not resort to unscrupulous methods or to the indiscriminate killing and pillage which characterized the wars of the pre-Islamic era, the Age of Ignorance. The excesses alluded to in this verse are acts such as taking up arms against women and children, the old and the injured, mutilation of the dead bodies of the enemy, uncalled-for devastation through the destruction of fields and livestock, and other similar acts of injustice and brutality. In the Hadith all these acts have been prohibited. The real intent of the verse is to stress that force should be used only when its use is unavoidable, and only to the extent that is absolutely necessary. Bloodshed is bad, but when one group of people imposes its ideology and forcibly prevents others from accepting the truth, then it becomes guilty of an even more serious crime. In such circumstances, it is perfectly legitimate to remove that oppressive group by the force of arms. Allegation 17 - Qur'an 4.95 "Not equal are believers who sit home and receive no hurt and those who fight in Allah's Cause with their wealth and lives. Allah has granted a grade higher to those who fight with their possessions and bodies to those who sit home. Those who fight He has distinguished with a special reward." Reply – Well, just read what Bible speaks in Ephesians 6:10-13 - Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Again Bible quotes, Mathew 10:34-36, "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be the members of his household". And in Luke 22:35-38, "But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one." Then, what's wrong with the statement from Qur'aan 4:95?. Bible clearly instruct (from above) "to put armor of God" and confirm "you have done everything" on "the day of evil comes". When Islam says the same it is projected as "inhuman" act. ALLAH encouraged His believing servants to guard justice, support the oppressed, defend themselves and to strive in His cause. Muslims were guided to strive hard to save the oppressed believers Muslims in Makkah: men, women and children who were restless, because of having to remain there after the Prophet (peace be upon him) and some companions emigrated to Madinah. Qur'aan says in 4:74 – "What is preventing you from fighting in the way of Allah for those men, women and children who are oppressed and say, Our Lord, take us out of this town whose inhabitants are wrong doers! Send us a protector! Send us a helper from your side!" Islam is a religion of justice; perhaps this is how the current conflict in the world should be considered, on the basis of justice. If the injustice in areas of world addressed, the problem will be resolved. Long lasting peace and reconciliation can only be achieved through just settlement of conflicts, from their roots. War will not solve any problem by itself. It is sometimes necessary only to set the terms for any subsequent discussions. Every Muslim under Islamic government is a soldier and obliged to protect the country in need. Islam encouraged its followers to fight against enemies and their oppression. A Muslim must not desert from this religious duty and he should fight alongside with the army led by Islamic government. In Islam, a man can be killed only when the law demands it, and it is obvious that only a court of law can decide whether the execution is being carried out with justice or without justification. In case of war or insurrection a just and righteous government alone, which follows the Shari'ah or the Islamic Law, can decide whether a war is just or unjust, whether taking of a life is justified or not; and whether a person is a rebel or not and who can be sentenced to death as a punishment. How a Muslim can desert away from his obligation when the Islamic government demands it?. See how modern society considers desertion from war. Under US Military rule, TITLE 10, Subtitle A, PART II, CHAPTER 47, SUBCHAPTER X, § 885 Art. 85. - Desertion – c) states Any person found guilty of desertion or attempt to desert shall be punished, if the offense is committed in time of war, by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct, but if the desertion or attempt to desert occurs at any other time, by such punishment, other than death, as a court-martial may direct. Then what's wrong by an Islamic government urge its followers to fight in the cause of ALLAH?. Allegation 18 - Ishaq:394 Allah said, 'I let them get the better of you to test you. So fear Me and obey Me. If you had believed in what My Prophet brought from Me you would not have received a shock from the Meccan army. But We cause days like this so that Allah may know those who believe and may choose martyrs from among you. Allah must distinguish between believers and hypocrites so that He can honor the faithful with martyrdom Reply – yes, fear must be to ALLAH alone. The context is again battle of Badr and there were some events, which intensified fear; all of which prompted the Makkans to gather a powerful army and march towards Madinah. At this time, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his followers could have fled to some other city to escape the Makkan army; for the Muslims were only one-third of the large army that were marching towards them. Also, they were ill equipped for war. But at this time, God's command came to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to stand his ground and fight. It was in this context permission to fight was given. This battle took place at Badr, where the Muslims who were only 313 persons and who had very little war equipment - by the standards of those days - defeated a well-equipped army of a thousand fighters from Makkah. This was a war between the forces of truth and falsehood; and finally truth won. After this battle, the Makkans did not remain idle; their pride was wounded, and they waged many more battles with the Muslims. ALLAH has chosen way for believers to prove their faith to become martyr in order to repel the aggression of those who attack the Muslims, removing tribulation, protecting the Islamic state from the evil doings of the enemies, exposing the hypocrites and purifying the believers of their sins and ridding them thereof. Allegation 19 - Qur'an 3.141 This is so that Allah may test the faithful and destroy the unbelieving infidels. Another translation proclaims: Allah's object is to purge those that are true in Faith and blight the disbelievers. A good Muslim kills; a bad Muslim is blighted for being peaceful. Did you think that you would enter Paradise while Allah does not know those of you who really fights hard (in His Cause) and remains steadfast? You wished for death before you met it (in the field of battle). Now [that] you have seen it with your own eyes, (you flinch!) I already explained under previous reply that one of the objectives was to expose the hypocrites from true believers. Situation and circumstances already mentioned above. That's why context of the verse become important as the "prophetofdoom" article clearly lacking it. Allegation 20 - Quran 4.95 Not equal are those believers who sit at home and receive no injurious hurt, and those who strive hard [Jihad], fighting in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and lives. Allah has granted a rank higher to those who strive hard [Jihad], fighting with their wealth and bodies to those who sit (at home). Unto each has Allah promised good, but He prefers those [Jihadists] who strive hard and fight above those [pacifists] who sit home. He has distinguished his fighters with a huge reward. Reply – see the explanation of Allegation 17. Criticizing without sense makes the author of prophetfdoom article to repeat the same blunder again…..Let the readers think about his mindset. Allegation 21 - Qur'an 3.167 And that He might know the Hypocrites, unto whom it was said: 'Come, fight in Allah's Cause, or (at least) drive (the foe from your city).' They said: 'Had we known how to fight, we should certainly have followed you.' They were that day nearer to Unbelief than to Faith, saying with their lips what was not in their hearts but Allah hath full knowledge of all they conceal. Reply – The context here is Battle of Uhud. The pagans among Quraish were very upset at their defeat in the battle of Badr and wanted to avenge their dead. They gathered a large force to attack the Muslims. Their forces in thousands with well-equipped soldiers under the command of Abu Sufyan went ahead to attack the Muslims in Medina. This army occupied a vantage position near the hills of Uhud at a short distance from Medina. The Prophet (peace be upon him) marched out with a thousand men. On the way, Abdullah Ibn Ubayy with three hundred of his followers deserted and the Prophet was left with only seven hundred men. Several Muslims attempted to persuade him not to do so. Ibn Ubayy replied that he was sure that there would be no fighting that day, and he assured them that had he expected fighting to take place, he would have gone along with them. So Qur'an here again exposing the hypocrites…..Desertion from war and its consequences already explained earlier. Qur'an here also revealing the truth and strengthen the faith of believers. Allegation 22 - Ishaq:327 Allah said, A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion. Reply – Context here is the same for the reply I mentioned in the Allegation No. 9. Imam Malik is claimed to have accused the primary narrator of the story of the Banu Qurayza, Ibn Ishaq, as being an outright liar who would base some of his accounts on what he heard from Jews. It must be remembered that historians and authors of the Prophet's biography did not apply the strict rules of the "traditionists". They did not always provide a chain of authorities, each of whom had to be verified as trustworthy and as certain or likely to have transmitted his report directly from his informant, and so on. The attitude towards biographical details and towards the early events of Islam was far less meticulous than their attitude to the Prophet's traditions, or indeed to any material relevant to jurisprudence. Indeed Ibn Ishaq's account of the siege of Medina and the fall of the Banu Qurayza is pieced together by him from information given by a variety of persons he names, including Muslim descendants of the Jews of Qurayza. Qur'aan says in 33:28 and 29 regarding the above incident – "O Prophet! Say to thy Consorts: "If it be that ye desire the life of this World, and its glitter,- then come! I will provide for your enjoyment and set you free in a handsome manner. But if ye seek Allah and His Messenger, and the Home of the Hereafter, verily Allah has prepared for the well-doers amongst you a great reward". But the alleged sentence says Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) craved the desires of this world. From the above verse from Qur'aan it is clear how Ibn Ishaq's interpretation is different from Qur'aan….!!. How such comments are authentically valid in Islam if it is against Qur'aan …?? Prophet (peace be upon him) neither himself craved for enjoyments in this world nor he encouraged his followers for that. He urged his followers to live kindly and humbly, releasing slaves whenever they could and giving in charity, especially to very poor people, and the orphans, without waiting for any reward. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself was never greedy. He ate very little and only simple foods. He preferred never to fill his stomach. Sometimes, for days on end, he would eat nothing but raw food. He slept on a very simple mattress on the floor and had almost nothing in the way of home comforts or decorations. One day, Hafsah, his wife, tried to make him more comfortable at night by folding his reed mat double - without telling him - to make it softer for him. That night he slept peacefully, but he overslept and missed the pre-dawn prayers. He was so distressed and never slept like that again. Allegation 23 - It seems Allah can be fooled Reply – The verse revealed in the context of captives of war. It is true that followers of Islam had endured the severest persecutions at the hands of the Quraish of Makkah. Later Muslims won over the same Quraish with the help of ALLAH. Note the same sentence; it also says ALLAH gave Prophet (peace be upon him) mastery over their treachery. They deceived ALLAH means they betrayed the trust of faith towards ALLAH by making partners for HIM and torturing the ones who submit their will to ALLAH. Allegation 24 - It seems good muslims fight Reply – Similar message is given in Qur'aan 8:65 which says – "O Messenger. rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers: for these are a people without understanding". What is the problem in elevating the moral and courage of soldiers by such comments….??. These all part of today's military training. How come Qur'aan is wrong when making such statements?. It refers to Muslims had not as yet been thoroughly trained and had reached the desire level of maturity in their understanding, they are asked not to feel uneasy at least of challenging an enemy which is twice as strong. It should be borne in mind that when most of the Muslims, being recent converts to Islam, had undergone little training. As they gained maturity under the Prophet's guidance, the desired ratio of one to ten between the Muslims and the unbelievers was established. Allegation 25 - Ishaq:364 Muslims, take not Jews and Christians as friends. Whoever protects them becomes one of them, they become diseased, and will earn a similar fate. Reply – Qur'aan says in 5:51 – "O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust". Holy Qur'aan 60:8 also says - "Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves those who are just." Readers also please see what Qur'aan says in 2:120 - Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with thee unless thou follow their form of religion. Say: "The Guidance of Allah,-that is the (only) Guidance." Wert thou to follow their desires after the knowledge which hath reached thee, then wouldst thou find neither Protector nor helper against Allah. If one read the 3 above verses together then only he must get what actually Qur'aan meant by the alleged comment. A complete understanding can only be achieved by understanding the whole issue as presented over all the verses and chapters and not by looking at only part of the Qur'aan. God specifically warns us against doing just that, upholding part of the Qur'aan while disregarding the rest. .. Then is it only a part of the Book that ye believe in, and do you reject the rest? but what is the reward for those among you who behave like this but disgrace in this life? - and on the Day of Judgment they shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty. For God is not unmindful of what ye do. (Quran 2:85) Verse 60:8 discourages from befriending those who fight Muslims because of their religion. During the time of the Prophet when the Jews and Christians were in open conflict with the Muslims, there were some Muslims who were more concerned about maintaining there alliances with the Jews and Christians at the expense of the Muslim community. Verse 5:52 says – "And yet you can not see how those in whose hearts there is disease vie with one another for their good will (the hostile Jews and Christians), saying [to themselves], "We do fear lest a change of fortune bring us disaster." But God may well bring about good fortune [for the believers] or any [other] event of His own devising, whereupon those [waverers] will be smitten with remorse for the thoughts which they had secretly harboured within themselves." The verse 5:52 is referring to such situations where Muslims with doubts in their hearts will ally themselves with the enemy. When it reaches 5:57 of the Qur'aan it makes clear again, who are not to be taken as friends; O you who believe! take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport,- whether among those who received the Scripture before you, or among those who reject Faith; but remain conscious of God, if you are (truly) believers. God teaches us throughout the Qur'aan that there are righteous Jews and Christians (in verses 7:159, 5:46, 2:62, 3:113-114, 3:119). As such there is no prohibition for Muslims to be friends with Jews, Christians or people of any other faith who are of good character. What was the intention of most Christians and Jews that time is clearly mentioned in verse 2:120, that is, Muslims must leave Islam and follow their religion". So friends are only prohibited to make from Jews and Christians if they intend to delude Muslims from the truth of Islam. Rests are attempts to misunderstand to keep public stay away from Islam. Allegation 26 - Murder ordered Tabari VIII:35/Ishaq:464 The Jews were made to come down, and Allah's Messenger imprisoned them. Then the Prophet went out into the marketplace of Medina (it is still its marketplace today), and he had trenches dug in it. He sent for the Jewish men and had them beheaded in those trenches. They were brought out to him in batches. They numbered 800 to 900 boys and men As they were being taken in small groups to the Prophet, they said to one another, 'What do you think will be done to us.' Someone said, 'Do you not understand. On each occasion do you not see that the summoner never stops? He does not discharge anyone. And that those who are taken away do not come back. By God, it is death!' The affair continued until the Messenger of Allah had finished with them all. Reply – Please see my reply to Allegation No. 9. All the context and why it is done mentioned there. Also please remember many part of Ishaq's commentary also based on narrations of Jews who later converted to Islam. This incident already explained several times in my replies. The same issue repeated again and again and intention is to make heap of mountain in defaming the peaceful religion, Islam. Allegation 27 - Tabari:VII:94 The Prophet said, Who will rid me of Ashraf. Muhammad bin Maslamah, said, I will rid you of him, Messenger of Allah. I will kill him. Do it then. he said, if you can. Ishaq:365 Who will rid me of Ashraf. Maslama said, I will deal with him for you. O Apostle, I will kill him. Muhammad said, Do so if you can. Reply – Both alleged comments indicate the same incident. Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf was the most resentful Jew at Islam and the Muslims, the keenest on inflicting harm on the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the most zealous advocate of waging war against him. He belonged to Tai' tribe but his mother to Banu Nadir. He was a wealthy man known for his handsomeness, and a poet living in luxury in his fort south east of Madinah at the rear of Banu Nadir's habitations. On hearing the news of Badr where Muslims were gaining momentum, he got terribly exasperated and swore that he would prefer death to life if the news was true. When this was confirmed he wrote poems satirizing Prophet (peace be upon him), eulogizing Quraish and enticing them against the Prophet (peace be upon him). He then rode to Makkah where he started to trigger the fire of war, and kindle rancour against the Muslims in Madinah. When Abu Sufyan (leader of pagan Makkans that time) asked him which religion he was more inclined to, the religion of the Makkans or that of Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions, he replied that the pagans were better guided. With respect to this situation, ALLAH revealed His Words in Qur'aan 4:51 - "Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Scripture? They believe in Jibt and Taghut, and say to the disbelievers that they are better guided as regards the way than the believers (Muslims)." He then returned to Madinah to start a fresh campaign of slanderous propaganda that took the form of obscene songs and amatory sonnets with a view to defaming the Muslim women. At this stage, the situation became unbearable and could no longer be put up with. The Prophet (peace be upon him) gathered his men and said: "Who will kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf? He had maligned ALLAH, and His Messenger." Thereupon, Muhammad bin Maslamah, 'Abbad bin Bishr, Al-Harith bin Aws, Abu 'Abs bin Hibr and Salkan bin Salamah, Ka'b's foster brother, volunteered to do the job. It is well clear that Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered to kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf is to stop his malicious acts which were detrimental to prevail peace in the society. Allegation 28 - Torture Reply – Here no where Qur'aan or Prophet (peace be upon him) involvement comes. The point of focus is Zayd bin Harith and even he did not order to kill the lady the way mentioned. This incident was reported to have happened when some of Zayd bin Harith's companions were killed by Banu Fazarah tribe and Zayd was carried away wounded from among the slain. Umm Qirfa made attempts to kill Prophet (peace be upon him); the thirty horsemen she had gathered and sustained to implement her evil scheme were all killed. Also Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) asked Salama for Umm's daughter to surrender her as ransom to the people of Makkah for a number of Muslims who had been kept as prisoners (Sahih Muslim Book 19, Number 4345). When read these incidents, one must keep in mind the trend of Arabia that time. Wars and slavery were integral part of Pre-Islamic Arab society. Islam had adopted a progressive and a gradual scheme, fourteen hundred years ago, to do away with the inhuman institution of slavery. To mention all those are not relevant here. It was the custom of the Arab tribal warriors to bring their women and children onto the battlefield to provide material support to the warriors – to replenish supply lines, rally the troops, and in many cases fight along side. One example was the battle of Hunain. The tribal leader commanded all women and children as well all of their personal belongings to accompany them on the battlefield to fight against Islam. Therefore they fall in the category of enemy combatants. Umm was one of the famous female warriors and tried to assassinate Prophet (peace be upon him). She deserved death but the way it was carried out not by the order of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Also this incident is not reported in Qur'an or in Hadith with authentic chain of narration. But see what actually advised by the Prophet (peace be upon him) to the Muslim army: "Go out in the name of ALLAH and by the help of ALLAH, following the way of the Messenger of ALLAH. Do not kill any old man, infant, child or woman… spread goodness and do good, for ALLAH loves those who do good." (Narrated by Abu Dawood). If incidents are reported against Prophet's (peace be upon him) instruction, either the incident reported not correct or it happened without Prophet's (peace be upon him) knowledge. Allegation 28 - Telling lies Reply – The context is already explained in my replies to Allegation No. 9, 26 and 27. The actual conversation was this: Muhammad bin Maslamah said: "O Messenger of ALLAH, do you wish that I should kill him (Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf)?" He said: "Yes." He said: "Permit me to talk (to him in the way I deem fit)." He said: "Talk (as you like)." So, Muhammad bin Maslamah came to Ka'b and talked to him. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) here never encouraged his followers to tell lie. The context here is Prophet (peace be upon him) sending his envoy to speak with a slander propagandist to stop his wicked acts. Allegation 29 - Tabari VII:97/Ishaq:369 The next morning, the Jews were in a state of fear on account of our attack upon the enemy of Allah. After the assassination, the Prophet declared, Kill every Jew Reply – Again the context is the same. When the Jews learned about the death of their tyrant, Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf, they were scared and in the grip of inexpressible panic. The treacherous Bani Qurayzah, conscious of their guilt, had already taken to their towers of refuge. After a siege of nearly a month they had to surrender unconditionally. They only begged that they might be judged by a member of the Arab tribe of which they were adherents. The Prophet granted their request. But the judge, upon whose favor they had counted, condemned their fighting men to death, their women and children to slavery. So Prophet (peace be upon him) only implemented the verdict ordered by the Judge appointed by their adherents. Cause of this incident already explained earlier. Allegation 30 - No forgiveness Reply – The verse indicates that the prayer of forgiveness can be beneficial only for those who are guided aright. If the person himself turned away from guidance and adopted a way of transgression, forgiveness is granted even if ALLAH's Messenger (peace be upon him) prays for him. Also, it is not ALLAH's way to bless with guidance those who do not seek His guidance. If a person himself turns away from Allah's guidance, rather shakes his head with arrogance and rejects the invitation when he is called towards guidance, ALLAH has no need that He should go after him with His guidance and implores him to come to the right path. But see what ALLAH says in Qur'aan 39:53: "Say: 'O 'Ibaadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of ALLAH, verily, ALLAH forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful'". He has promised the one who repents to Him that He will forgive him his sins. So the person who transgressed or committed sin must himself decide whether to ask for forgiveness or not, and not any one asks instead of him……??. Allegation 30 - Buy your forgiveness Reply - This verse enjoins every believer to try to attain piety and consciousness of God as far as he can. He should carry out His Commands and avoid His disobedience as best as he possibly can. It encourages to give charity and not to be a miser. The term "beautiful loan" refers to spending in ALLAH's cause specifically or spending in charity generally. It is not referring to giving other people interest or interest-free loans. Ibn Kathir, in his commentary on the Qur'aan, explains the meaning of a "beautiful loan" - "Whatever you spend, then ALLAH will replace it, and on Him will be the reward of whatever you give away in charity. ALLAH considered giving charity as if it is a loan to Him." Ultimately who is receiving the charity here….??. It is none but needy and poor. Then where is ALLAH buying forgiveness here….??. It is encouraging people to donate for the poor and purify themselves. Allegation 31 - No Choice in islam No freedom to debate Reply – The verse 4:140 stressing a person after becoming Muslim and still enjoys the company of those who indulge in blasphemy against God, and who are composed in their scoffing at God and His Messenger, is no different from the unbelievers mentioned here. This should read in context with verse 6:68 which explain those who are engaged in blasphemy against Our (ALLAH's) signs, turn away from them until they begin to talk of other things. Why that company is discouraged, it is mentioned in verse 5:48, "To thee We sent the scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: so judge between them by what Allah hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging from the Truth that hath come to thee. Qur'aan clearly says scriptures of book diverged from truth and not to follow their vain desires. This is applicable when the people of book (Jews and Christians) persuade to follow their vain desires. Regarding choice, see what Qur'aan says in 2:256 - "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things". Whether to debate or not, see what Qur'aan says in 16:125 – "Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance." Hope you got why I sit with you and it depends on my convenience. Now readers decide how deceiving the allegations are…. Next is Qur'aan 33:36 – This verse were sent down in connection with Prophet's (peace be upon him) marriage with Zainab (may ALLAH be please with her). She was of noble birth and descent and a close relative of the Prophet. She was very pious, fasted a great deal, kept long vigils, and gave generously to the poor. When the Prophet asked Zainab (may ALLAH be please with her) to be married to Zaid (his adopted African son) (may ALLAH be please with him), her family and Zainab (may ALLAH be please with her) herself were at first unwilling, for they had hoped to marry their daughter to the Prophet. Naturally, when they realized that he wanted Zainab (may ALLAH be please with her) to marry Zaid (may ALLAH be please with him), they consented out of deference to their love for the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his authority. The two were married. Zaid (may ALLAH be please with him) had been captured as a child during a tribal war and sold as a slave. His master, Khadijah (may ALLAH be please with her), presented him to Prophet (peace be upon him) when they were married. He immediately freed Zaid (may ALLAH be please with him) and shortly afterwards adopted him as his son. Through this marriage, the Prophet (peace be upon him) wanted to establish and fortify equality, to make this ideal a reality by ending the ancient Arab prejudice against a slave or even a freedman marrying a free-born woman. The Prophet (peace be upon him) therefore was starting this hard task with his own relatives. The marriage was unhappy. The noble-born Zainab (may ALLAH be please with her) was a good Muslim of a most pious and exceptional quality. The ex-slave Zaid (may ALLAH be please with him) was among the first to embrace Islam, and also was a good Muslim. Both loved and obeyed the Prophet (peace be upon him) but they were mutually incompatible. Zaid (may ALLAH be please with him) sought permission to end this marriage several times, but always was told to be patient and remain married to Zainab (may ALLAH be please with her). Once when the Prophet (peace be upon him) was talking with someone, Gabriel (peace be upon him) revealed to him that he should marry Zainab (may ALLAH be please with her). This new marriage was announced as a bond already contracted as related in the verse: "We have married her to you" (33:37). This command was one of the severest trials for the Prophet (peace be upon him) up to that time. Yet he had to marry Zainab (may ALLAH be please with her), and thereby violate a tribal taboo, because God had commanded it. Aishah (may ALLAH be please with her) later said: "Had the Messenger of God been inclined to suppress anything of what was revealed to him, he would surely have suppressed this verse." Zainab (may ALLAH be please with her) proved herself a most worthy wife. She was always aware of her responsibilities as well as the courtesies expected of her, and fulfilled them to universal admiration. Before Islam, an adopted son was regarded as a natural son, and his wife was therefore regarded as a natural son's wife. According to the Qur'an, those "who have been wives of your sons proceeding from your loins" (Qur'aan 4:23) fall within the prohibited marriages. But this prohibition does not include adopted sons, with whom there is no real consanguinity. This deep-rooted pagan taboo was ended by God's command that the Prophet (peace be upon him) marry Zainab (may ALLAH be please with her). Allegation 32 - Sexuality immoraity Reply – I don't understand how this becomes pedophilia…??. See what Apostle said, "if she grows up" , I will marry her. Then where is sexual immorality here….??. Allegation 33 - Tabari IX:128 "Aisha, when he married her was very young and not yet ready for consummation." Reply – All these related to Prophet's (peace be upon him) marriage to Aishah (may ALLAH be pleased with her). Historically, the age at which a girl was considered ready to be married has been puberty. This was the case in Biblical times, and is still used to determine the age of marriage in what the culturally arrogant West calls "primitive societies" throughout the world. The age of Aishah (may ALLAH be pleased with her) show, her betrothal took place at least three years before the consummation of the marriage. The reason for this was that they were waiting for her to come of age (i.e. to have her first menstrual period). Puberty as a biological sign shows that a woman is capable of bearing children. Part of the wisdom behind the Prophet's (peace be upon him) marriage to Aishah (may ALLAH be pleased with her) just after she reached puberty is to firmly establish this as a point of Islamic Law, even though it was already cultural norm in all Semitic societies (including the one Jesus, peace be upon him, grew up in). Islamic jurists say that the earliest time a marriage can be consummated is on the onset sexual maturity, meaning puberty. Since this was the norm of all Semitic cultures and it still is the norm of many cultures today: it is certainly not something that Islam invented. However, widespread opposition to such a Divinely revealed and accepted historical norm is certainly something that is relatively new. None of the Muslim sources report that anyone from the society at that time criticized this marriage due to Aishah's (may ALLAH be pleased with her) young age. On the contrary, the marriage of Aishah (may ALLAH be pleased with her) to the Prophet (peace be upon him) was encouraged by her father, Abu Bakr (may ALLAH be pleased with him), and was welcomed by the community at large. It is reported that women who wanted to help the Prophet (peace be upon him), such as Khawlah bint al-Hakim, encouraged him to marry the young Aishah (may ALLAH be pleased with her). Due to the Semitic culture in which they lived, they certainly saw nothing wrong with such a marriage. Social traditions of the time and place, regardless of religion, considered Arab females as women as soon as their menstrual cycles began. The custom was to give daughters in marriage at that age. This was practiced by all dwellers in Arabia before Islam: pagans, disbelievers, Jews, and others. It's a fact that female menstruation in hot climates starts much earlier than in cold climates, so females in Arabia matured as early as 8 or 9; they also aged earlier than other women. It's a neglected fact that before she was married to Prophet (peace be upon him), Aishah (may ALLAH be pleased with her) had been engaged to an infidel, Jubair ibn Musab. Her fiance broke the engagement on the basis of religious difference. So her father, Abu Bakr (may ALLAH be pleased with him), agreed to give her hand in marriage to the Prophet (peace be upon him). There is great Wisdom in Selecting Aishah (may ALLAH be pleased with her) in Particular as a Young Wife. Aishah (may ALLAH be pleased with her) came from a house famous for learning and memorizing great quantities of knowledge; her father was a live encyclopedia of Arab tribal pedigrees and poetry. She inherited his ability, and in her young, intelligent, receptive mind, she preserved a precious portion of Islam she learned during seven years of marriage, for 47 years after the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and she taught thousands of men worldwide their religion as she had learned it firsthand from the Prophet (peace be upon him). To our present day, she is considered among the most prominent Islamic scholars, and she holds extremely high esteem in the hearts of all Muslims as such and as "the beloved of the Prophet (peace be upon him)," who often mentioned her as the human he loved the most on the face of this earth. With her, he built a model Muslim home for Muslims to strive to imitate forever. Now read what Bible have to say about treating children, Numbers 31:17-18 quotes - Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves". Ezekiel 9:5-7 says - As I listened, he said to the others, "Follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion. Slaughter old men, young men and maidens, women and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary." So they began with the elders who were in front of the temple. Contradiction is, The same people are putting blame on Prophet (peace be upon him) and against Islam. Whereas Prophet's (peace be upon him) marriage with Aishah (may ALLAH be pleased with her) had a definite purpose as per revelation and the outcome of that already explained above. Allegation 34 - Muslim:C35B1N142 "'O womenfolk, you should ask for forgiveness for I saw you in bulk amongst the dwellers of Hell.' A wise lady said: Why is it, Allah's Apostle, that women comprise the bulk of the inhabitants of Hell? The Prophet observed: 'You curse too much and are ungrateful to your spouses. You lack common sense, fail in religion and rob the wisdom of the wise.' Upon this the woman remarked: What is wrong with our common sense? The Prophet replied, 'Your lack of common sense can be determined from the fact that the evidence of two women is equal to one man. That is a proof.'" Bukhari:V3B48N826 "The Prophet said, 'Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man.' The women said, 'Yes.' He said, 'This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind.'" Reply – Let me quote full sentence of the Hadith, It is from Muslim, Chapter 35: Book 1, Number 0142: It is narrated on the authority of 'Abdullah b. Umar that the Messenger of Allah observed: O womenfolk, you should give charity and ask much forgiveness for I saw you in bulk amongst the dwellers of Hell. A wise lady among them said: Why is it, Messenger of Allah, that our folk is in bulk in Hell? Upon this the Holy Prophet observed: You curse too much and are ungrateful to your spouses. I have seen none lacking in common sense and failing in religion but (at the same time) robbing the wisdom of the wise, besides you. Upon this the woman remarked: What is wrong with our common sense and with religion? He (the Holy Prophet) observed: Your lack of common sense (can be well judged from the fact) that the evidence of two women is equal to one man, that is a proof of the lack of common sense, and you spend some nights (and days) in which you do not offer prayer and in the month of Ramadan (during the days) you do not observe fast, that is a failing in religion. This Hadith has been narrated on the authority of Abu Tahir with this chain of transmitters. Please note how the person quote sentences of his choice from the full passage…..!!!. Remember many women shared in the transmission and preservation of the Prophet's legacy. After all, if it weren't for the Prophet's wives (may ALLAH be well pleased with them all), countless facets of the Prophet's life might have been lost to future generations. Who can ignore the phenomenal contributions of women like Aisha, Hafsa, and Umm Salama, may ALLAH be pleased with them all). See what Qur'aan says in 4:57- "But those who attain to faith and do righteous deeds We shall bring into gardens through which running waters flow, therein to abide beyond the count of time; there shall they have spouses pure: and [thus] We shall bring them unto happiness abounding." Now see Hadith from Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 2, narrated Abu Huraira: A man came to ALLAH's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who is more entitled to be treated with the best companionship by me?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man said. "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man further said, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your mother." The man asked for the fourth time, "Who is next?" The Prophet said, "Your father. " See how much importance is given for women as mother in Islam…. Again see Hadith from Muslim, Book 40, Number 6793 - Abu Huraira reported that Abu'l Qasim (the Holy Prophet) (peace be upon him) said: The (members) of the first group to get into Paradise would have their faces as bright as full moon during the night, and the next to this group would have their faces as bright as the shining stars in the sky, and every person would have two wives and the marrow of their shanks would glimmer beneath the flesh and there would be none without a wife in Paradise. Islamic scholars frequently explain that alleged Hadiths of like these is applied to both sexes. However, this Hadith is addressing situations where women are in the wrong. We have to be honest. A lot of women do take their husbands for granted. We should be grateful that the Prophet (peace be upon him) warned us of the consequences of such unbecoming behavior. Also, this Hadith is not saying that any woman who complains is going to Hell. It addresses a very specific behavior. Women certainly have the right to voice their grievances. There is a full chapter of the Qur'an called Al-Mujadilah (84th chapter). It is devoted to the story of a woman who came to the Prophet (peace be upon him), and complained about her husband. The Prophet did not tell this woman that she was going to Hell. Instead, he listened to her, and Allah Most High revealed verses directly addressing this woman's situation and condemning the husband for his unacceptable behavior. "Common sense" refers to beliefs or propositions that most people would consider prudent and of sound judgment, without reliance on esoteric knowledge or study or research, but based upon what they see as knowledge held by people "in common". So let us see what is not "in common" between males and females. Before that, not one single letter in the Qur'aan stressing equality between men and women, rather it enjoins justice. Not all rules for men and women are same to be followed in Islam. The Qur'aan commands women to wear clothes that are different from those worn by men, because of the differences in the ways each sex is tempted by the other. The temptation posed by men is less than the temptation posed by women, so the clothes that women should wear are different than the clothes that men wear. It makes no sense to tell women to expose the parts of the body that men are allowed to expose, because of the differences in the temptation posed by a woman's body and a man's body. Qur'aan says (4:34) - 'Men are the protectors and maintainers of women' meaning that the man is in charge of the woman, i.e., he is the leader and head of the household, the one who disciplines her if she goes astray. There may be some women, who are wiser than some men, but this is not the usual rule and such women are not in the majority. Rulings are based on what is general and most common. The fact that women are lacking in reason does not mean that they are lower than men, rather their reason is often overtaken by their emotions, and this happens to women more often than it happens to men. No one would deny this except one who is arrogant. The male is different from the female in many ways, in his strength, in his body, in his toughness and roughness, whereas women are soft and gentle. And men are different in intellectual terms, for men are known for their strength of understanding and their memory as compared to women. Women are weaker than men in memory and forget more than men do. There are some women who are more intelligent and have better memories than some men, but this does not cancel out the general rule. Most cases are as it is described above. With regard to emotions, men speak of them when they get angry or when they are happy, but women are affected by the slightest emotional effects, so their tears flow at the slightest emotional provocation. Similarly, Islam does not drag women to certain activities and spheres. For example, the Qur'aan urges men to testify on legal documents so that women are relieved of appearing in courts and wasting their precious time on affairs which others can handle. The relief women have been given in religious affairs is that they are not required to pray or fast during their monthly periods. It is regarding financial transactions, the witness of two women considered equal to one man (Qur'aan 2:282) due to more chances of instability in their minds resulting from emotions and weakness. It is no way degrading women but only uplifting her status by considering their biological set up. Many modern scientists concluded agreeing this; it's not requiring to be discussed here. Allegation 35 - Tabari IX:113 "You have a right over your wives and they have a right over you. You have the right that they should not cause anyone of whom you dislike to tread your beds; and that they should not commit any open indecency. If they do, then Allah permits you to shut them in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain from (evil), they have the right to food and clothing. Treat women well for they are like domestic animals with you and they do not possess anything themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Qur'an." Reply – Qur'an never called "women" as domestic animals. The most close verse in Qur'an w.r.t above passage is 4:34, which states – "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all)". Qur'an is the authoritative reference and not Tabari. With regard to beating, Islam drew attention to the prohibition of hitting or beating in a severe manner through Prophetic (peace be upon him) Hadiths. Al-Tirmidhi, (No. 3895) mentioned - Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "The best of you is the one who is best towards his wife, and I am the best of you towards my wives." It was narrated from 'Ubaadah ibn al-Saamit that the Messenger of ALLAH (peace be upon him) ruled, "There should be no harming nor reciprocating harm." (Ibn Maajah,, 2340). Allegation 34 - Ishaq:584 "Tell the men with you who have wives: never trust a woman." Reply – It's not mentioned on what circumstance this comment is issued. A comparison seems required here in brief to estimate the status of women in Islam and in the societies of past. During the Roman civilization, for example, a woman was regarded as a slave. The Greeks considered her a commodity to be bought and sold. Early Christianity regarded her as temptress responsible for the fall of Adam. In India, among Hindus, a wife's life ended with the death of her husband. In the past, the widow had to jump into the flames of her husband's funeral pyre. In the pre-Islamic Arab, a woman was regarded as a cause of grief and unhappiness, and baby girls were sometimes buried alive soon after birth. In France in 587 CE, a meeting was held to study the status of women and to determine whether a woman could truly be considered a human being or not. Henry the 8th in England forbade the reading of the Bible by women, and throughout the middle ages, the Catholic Church treated women as second class citizen. In the universities of Cambridge and Oxford, male and female students were not given the same rights until 1964. Before 1850, women were not counted as citizens in England, and English woman had not personal rights until 1882. Whereas see the rights of women in Islam. a) Islam has given her the right to own property. She is the owner of her earnings. No one (father, husband, brother or any other close or distant kin) has any right over her property. She can dispose of her earnings and property as she wishes, within the parameters of halal (lawful) and haram (prohibited). b) Islam has given her the right to inheritance. She is entitled to inherit from her dead father, husband or childless brother. (Qur'an 4:7,32,176). c) She has a right to choose her husband. No one can impose a decision on her against her will. Any marital contract without her consent is simply null and void as far as Islamic law is concerned. A woman complained to the holy Prophet (peace be upon him) against her father who had given her in marriage without her consent. The Prophet (peace be upon him) gave her the authority either to retain or break the marriage. But the woman said, "I accept the match, but I just came to complain to you so that women would know that their fathers have no rights to force husbands on them." (Bukhari). She has the right to divorce her husband if their marriage becomes impossible to sustain. d) If any man falsely questions a woman's chastity that man is declared unfit to give evidence (Qur'an 24:4). This shows that a woman's honor is safeguarded from false accusations. e) The Qur'an asks the Muslims to treat woman kindly (Qur'an 4:19). It makes Muslim husbands responsible for their wives' maintenance. The woman, in return, are expected to remain obedient (in right and proper matters) and chaste (Qur'an 4:34). f) A woman has the right to develop her talents and to work within the limit of Islam. Aishah (may ALLAH be pleased with her), the Prophet's (peace be upon him) wife was a judge (Mufti) at various times, a political activist and, after the demise of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the interpreter of his teachings. See what Qur'an says in 9:71 and 72 – "The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practise regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise. Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss is the good pleasure of Allah. that is the supreme felicity". Allegation 35 - Marriage or DEATH, Reply – Regarding the above incident there is no authoritative report. There is no acceptable chain in the narration of this report. Readers please don't believe such fake reports unless it is confirmed from reliable Islamic texts, which are Holy Qur'an and Sahih Hadiths. One should understand certain facts when talk about Prophet's (peace be upon him) marriages. The most sexually active phase in anyone's life is before he reaches the age of fifty. We must remember that in this phase, the Prophet (peace be upon him) had only one wife, Khadijah (May ALLAH be pleased with her), who was fifteen years older than him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) married her when he was twenty-five and she was forty years. She had been married twice before and had many children. She died at the age of sixty-five. The Prophet (peace be upon him) didn't marry any other woman until his wife Khadija (May ALLAH be pleased with her) died. Then, when she died, he married another old lady Saudah (May ALLAH be pleased with her), who remained his only wife for the next four years. Now, no sensible and honest person can imagine that when he became over fifty-three he was suddenly filled with lust and needed to have more and more wives. He had dedicated himself to the task of building a nation, that he married a number of women belonging to different Arab clans, most of them were widows. The task entrusted to the Holy Prophet was that he should mould and chisel by aII around education and training an uncouth, uncultured nation which was not uncivilized only from the Islamic point of view but from a general viewpoint as well, into a highly civilized, refined and virtuous nation. For this purpose it was unbiased mind, will certainly realize why it was necessary to grant him freedom in respect of the wives and what "hindrance" was there for him in the restriction to four wives. By marrying widows he was setting a precedent to reverse the taboo of widow marriage. the principles of social life and civilization which he had been appointed to teach forbade free mixing of the sexes together, and it was not possible for him to impart direct training to the womenfolk himself without violating this rule. Therefore, for imparting education to the women the only alternative left for him was that he should marry several women of different ages and mental capabilities and should prepare them by education and training to become his helpers, and then employ them to give religious instructions to the young, middle-aged and old women of the city and desert and teach them the new principles of morality and civilization. Most of his wives were either divorcees or widows. This was at a time when the men in the society used to abandon widows and divorcees. Some of the Prophet's wives were even older than him. Secondly, he was paying back his due to some of the companions who had perished in battles leaving behind widows with children, just as he was also seeking to unify the Arab tribes. Such a function of marriage is inconceivable for us today. A Muslim man can draw very good lessons from the life of Prophet (peace be upon him) and in the way he treated his wives." At the Prophet's (peace be upon him) time and environment it was a normal thing for a man to marry an unlimited number of wives plus taking an unlimited number of women slaves. Then, when Islam was revealed, it restricted the number to only four wives plus encouraging people to free slaves. The rest of his wives whom he married after her death came at a time when he was nearly 50. He spent most of his nights praying, and most of the daytime in the mosque teaching his followers, planning and running their affairs, and receiving and sending envoys from and to all tribes of the Arab Peninsula, as well as kings of the known world. In brief, he married all his wives either in view of the educational requirements, or for the reformation of society, or for political and social objectives. I strongly advise readers to spare some time to do some study of Islam and not to rely on second-hand, mostly ill-intended writings and hearsay. Allegation 36 - Qur'an 33.50 O Prophet! We have made lawful to you all the wives to whom you have paid dowers [with stolen property]; and those whom your hands possess out of the prisoners of war spoils whom Allah has assigned to you; and daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of your maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated with you; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes her; this is a privilege for you only, and not for the rest of the Believers; We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom they possess; in order that there should be no difficulty for you and that you should be free from blame. Reply – ALLAH is replying to those raise objections to Prophet's (peace be upon him) marriage through this verse. Also dower is not which is paid for stolen property. This is misinterpretation. It is actually the bridal dues paid when acquiring brides due to various unavoidable circumstances. Prophet (peace be upon him) did not have any wife who had offend herself to him. He did not keep any wife without paying her the dower although she offered herself to him. This verse also shows that certain commandments are specifically meant for the Prophet (peace be upon him) to follow and are not applicable to the other Muslims. Qur'an and Sunnah (holy actions and approval) reveal several such commandments. For example, the Tahajjud (night prayer in short) prayer was obligatory for the Holy Prophet but is voluntary for the rest of Muslims. It is unlawful for him and his family to receive charities though it is not so for others. The inheritance left by him cannot be divided; as for the inheritance left by others relevant commandments have been given in Qur'an Chapter 4. Keeping of more than four wives was made lawful for him. He was permitted to marry a woman who gave herself to him without any dower, and after his death his wives were forbidden for the other Muslims as his wives must be treated as Mothers of believers. None of these privileges could be enjoyed by any other Muslim. Another special thing that the commentators have mentioned in this regard is that it was forbidden for the Holy Prophet to marry a woman from among the people of the Book though it is lawful for the Muslims to do so. Allegation 37 - Qur'an 33.51 You may put off whom you please, and you may take to you whomever you desire. You may defer any of them you please, and you may have whomever you desire; there is no blame on you if you invite one who you had set aside. It is no sin. They should all be pleased with whatever you give them. Allah knows what is in your heart. Reply – One must realize Prophet (peace be upon him) was perfect in all walks of life and a perfect model for human kind to follow. He was an orphan, a shepherd, a son, a nephew, as father, as grandfather, as husband, as a citizen, as a neighbour, as a humanitarian and lover to children and orphans, as supporter and free worker for poor widows and needy persons, as tolerant teacher never offending susceptibilities or beliefs of others, as conqueror, as forgiver of those who persecuted him after they came under his power by his example of forgiving the people of Makkah who had ruthlessly persecuted him, as master of those who came to him as slaves by freeing them at once, as a ruler and a teacher of good treatment which should be meted to those who differ from you in religion when they come under your protection by his own example, as the first giver in the world to women a right of full possession of property and inheritance from parents, sons, brothers and sisters and other relations; and in many other respects a model to follow. The above verse was meant to relieve the Prophet (peace be upon him) of the domestic worries and anxieties so that he could carry out his duties with full peace of mind. So believing ladies would trouble him in any way, or would create complications for him by their mutual rivalries and domestic squabbles. It was a unique honor for his wives that they were privileged to be the life-partners of the greatest of all men like the Prophet (peace be upon him), and by virtue of this they got the opportunity to become his Companions and helpers in the great task of reform and invitation that was to become the means of true success for mankind till the end of time. Just as the Prophet was offering every kind of sacrifice for the sake of this objective and the Companions also were following his example according to their capabilities, so it was the duty of his wives also to display selflessness in every way. Therefore, all the wives accepted ALLAH's decision with regard to themselves happily and willingly. Also Prophet (peace be upon him) fulfilled turn with each of his wives throughout his life and wives had no complaint of that kind. Allegation 38 - It seems that Muhammad did not listen to his own words Reply – If a woman is enslaved according to Islam, it is permissible for her master to have sex with her. This is not prostitution, which Islam has forbidden as a precaution against mixing lineages and other reasons for which it is forbidden. There is no comparison between the two, because if a slave woman becomes pregnant, the child belongs to the master and she becomes free when he dies, because she has become the mother of the master's child (umm walad), and is subject to the same rulings as a wife. Such prisoners were enormous due to frequent conflicts each other during ancient days. If Islam did not follow this rule that time, widespread prostitution and anarchy could have been the result. A serious mistake happening here is the problems of that society are being compared with present modern society. One must not forget the context while making such accusations. Actually within one generation if a child is born from the prisoner, slavery turns to freedom and the women thereby protected. It is rubbish to claim sex with family members as incest. Actually the claim must be restricted to immediate family members. Marriages between other family members are still widely conducted even in these days and no one raise any objection towards it. Sex with youngsters already covered in reply to Allegation no. 32 and 33. How Polygamy becomes wrong …..??. Numerous circumstances polygamy becomes essential like wars, accidents where men die more than women, etc…. Islam discourages Serial polygamy, that is, marriage, divorce, marriage, and divorce and so on… any number of times. It forbids a married man to keep one or more mistresses. It also not allows an unmarried man having number of mistresses. When the West talks about polygamy in Islam, they refer to it as something weird and should not be valid in the human's nature. However, polygamy was known from the very first day of existence of mankind on Earth. Neither, Jewish nor Christians forbid polygamy. On the contrary, the prophets of the Jews and Christians were known as polygamous. For example, King Sulayman (Solomon) is said to have had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. Dawud (David) had ninety-nine and Ya'qub (Jacob) had four. Offering fellow militant's sex with captives is wrong interpretation. In order to legalize the status of women and to set them free from their next generation, it was allowed. Why it is done….already explained above. Allegation 39 - Qur'an 33.21 You have in (Muhammad) the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for any one to follow. Reply – It is absolutely right. The context of this verse is Battle of Trench. It was addressing to people who had been motivated by considerations of selfish interests and personal safety during this battle. If the leader of a group is he a seeker of personal security, is lazy and indolent, gives preference to personal interests to everything else, and is ever ready to flee danger, it would be reasonable to expect manifestation of such weakness from his followers. But here the case was different. The Holy Prophet endured along with others every toil and labor that he asked others to endure, and endured better than others; there was no trouble which others might have experienced and he himself did not. He was among those who dug the trench, and endured hunger and other afflictions just as the common Muslims did. He did not leave the battlefront even for a moment during the siege nor retreated an inch. He did not make any special arrangement for his own and his family's protection, which did not exist for others. He was always in the forefront to offer maximum sacrifices for the great objectives for which he was constantly asking others to make sacrifices. Therefore, whoever made a claim of being his follower should have followed the practical example set by the leader. Allegation 40 - More killing - Tabari:VIII:29 Muhammad pitched a round tent over Sa'd [the wounded anti-Semite] in the mosque. He laid down his sword, having just returned from the Trench. Then Gabriel came to him and said: 'Have you abandoned the fight? By Allah, the angels have not yet put down their weapons! Go out and fight the Jews.' So he called for his breastplate and put it back on. Then he went out and the Muslims followed him. Reply – Please see reply to Allegation No. 9 and 26. It's already replied. Same incident is repeated several times in order to enormize. Allegation 40 - Qur'an 5.33 The punishment for those who oppose Allah and His Prophet, making mischief in the land, is to kill them or crucify them. Or to have a hand on one side and a foot on the other cut off. Or to banish them from the land. Such is their disgrace in this world and in the hereafter, their doom will be dreadful.... The unbeliever.' [Jews and Christians] punishment will surely be painful. They will not be able to escape the Fire. Reply – Under Islamic government where Muslims are in majority, was a ruler it was Prophet's (peace be upon him) responsibility to establish law and order. The expression 'to wage war against Allah and His Messenger' denotes war against the righteous order established by the Islamic state. No where in the verse says unbelievers (Jews and Christians) are only meant to this rule? This law is applicable even to Muslims if they rebellious to state for unlawful reasons. Once again clear case of deception shown in the comment to misguide the seekers of truth. Allegation 41 - Allah said in the same surah: Reply – Yes, Qur'an is definitely against Trinity. But this is not an insult to Christians. Qur'an is rectifying the belief of Christians who are deviated from original teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him). From the above verse, the Christian doctrine of the Trinity is repudiated. Jesus (peace be upon him) was merely a human being. He was one born from the womb of a woman, who had a known genealogy, who possessed a physical body, who was subject to all the limitations of a human being and who had all the attributes characteristic of human beings. He slept, ate, felt the discomfort of heat and cold and was so human that he was even put to the test by Satan. How could any reasonable person believe that such a being was either God or a partner or associate of God? But the Christians continue to insist on the divinity of the Messiah, whose life has been portrayed in their own Scriptures as that of a human. Allegation 42 - Qur'an 9.30 The Jews and the Christians are damned by Allah. How perverse are they! Reply – Here is the full verse 9:30 - The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! Qur'aan addressed to three main classes of people in Arabia present that time – Jews, Christians and Polytheists. Among these, Jews and Christians to whom ALLAH sent revelations through their Prophets. They not only perverted their Scriptures to suit their desires and vanities, but also blended with the Text of the Bible their own interpretations and presented before the people as if it were actually from God. According to these interpretations they were calling Jesus and Uzair, the sons of ALLAH. Jews consider Ezra who re-wrote the Old Testament and revived the Law which was lost by the death of Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) . That is why they used exaggerated language in his reverence which misled some of the Jewish sects to make him 'the son of God'. The Qur'an, however, does not assert that all the Jews were unanimous in declaring Ezra as 'the son of God'. What it intends to say is that the perversion in the articles of faith of the Jews concerning AIIah had degenerated to such an extent that there were some amongst them who considered Ezra as the son of God. Regarding Jesus (peace be upon him) I already covered briefly in my previous reply. This verse only clarifying how they are diverted from truth by making partners to God, which Allah never accept, and according to Islam, is the biggest sin. Allegation 43 – Tabari VIII:29 The Holy Prophet (peace be unto him) said, 'No one should pray the afternoon prayer until they are in the territory of the Qurayza because warfare against the Jews is incumbent upon Muslims.' Reply – If Prophet (peace be upon him) asked to delay the prayer, how it is problem for others…??. Regarding Qurayza already discussed earlier. I avoid unnecessary repetition. Allegation 44 - Tabari IX:25 "By Allah, I did not come to fight for nothing. I wanted a victory over Ta'if so that I might obtain a slave girl from them and make her pregnant." Reply – Readers must know the above quoting has no authenticity. War in Islam should not be waged for the sole purpose of shedding blood or seeking vengeance. Muslims should not harm captives or torture them with beatings, depriving them of food and water, leaving them out in the sun or the cold, burning them with fire, or putting covers over their mouths, ears and eyes and putting them in cages like animals. Rather they should treat them with kindness and mercy, feed them well and encourage them to enter Islam. Qur'an 76:8-9 says - "And they give food, in spite of their love for it (or for the love of Him), to the Miskeen (the poor), the orphan, and the captive, (Saying): 'We feed you seeking Allah's Countenance only. We wish for no reward, nor thanks from you'". There are number of incidents in authentic Hadiths to support this Qur'anic verse. The ruler of the Muslims should detain prisoners until he decides what is in the Muslims' best interests. He may ransom them for money, or exchange them for Muslim prisoners, or release them for nothing in return, or distribute them among the Muslims as slaves, or kill the men, but not the women and children, because the Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade killing the latter. The purpose behind detaining prisoners is so that the Muslims may be protected from their evil. The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to enjoin the Muslims to treat prisoners well, whereas the Romans and those who came before them the Assyrians and Pharaohs, all used to put out their prisoners' eyes with hot irons, and flay them alive, feeding their skins to dogs, such that the prisoners preferred death to life. Readers also must know more about Tabari and its authenticity in Islam. He is a historian and actually narrated events; some of these narrations are accurate, whereas others are not. The authenticity of each narration depends on the Isnad (chain of transmitters): if the narration was transmitted by reliable narrators, then it would be accepted as valid, but if it was transmitted by unreliable people, then the narration was to be disregarded. Imam at-Tabari clearly says in the introduction of his book that the narrations found in his book are only as good as the people who narrate them. Tabari says in a disclaimer in the introduction of his book: … "This book of mine may contain some information mentioned by me on the authority of certain men of the past, which the reader may disapprove of and the listener may find detestable, because he can find nothing sound and no real meaning in it. In such cases, he should know that it is not my fault that such information comes to him, but the fault of someone who transmitted it to me. I have merely reported it as it was reported to me". Imam at-Tabari's book was simply an attempt to place Hadiths into a chronological order so that they would read out like a historical narrative; therefore, Tabari like Ibn Ishaq, did a wonderful job of creating one of the first books which placed Hadiths in a chronological order. However, Imam at-Tabari only placed them in the right order, but he did not authenticate them, nor did he claim that. So I request readers to rely upon Qur'an and the authentic Hadith to know about Islam. Any writings done by anybody which are against the above 2 authentic references must be rejected and not a valid proof in Islam. Enemies of Islam widely quote such rejected quotations and spread wrong information in order to divert people from knowing the truth of Islam. Allegation 45 - Bukhari:V5B59N459 I entered the Mosque, saw Abu, sat beside him and asked about sex. Abu Said said, 'We went out with Allah's Apostle and we received female slaves from among the captives. We desired women and we loved to do coitus interruptus.' Reply - This Hadith was narrated by al-Bukhaari from Ibn Muhayreez who said: I saw Abu Sa'eed (may Allah be pleased with him) and I asked him. He said: We went out with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) on the campaign of Banu al-Mustaliq, and we captured some prisoners from among the Arabs. We desired women and the period of abstention was hard for us, and we wanted to engage in 'azl (coitus interruptus). We asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and he said, "There is no point in doing that, for there is no soul which Allah has decreed should exist until the Day of Resurrection but it will come into existence." Islam treated female slaves more kindly in their enslavement than other cultures did. Their honour was not considered to be permissible to anyone by way of prostitution, which was the fate of female prisoners of war in most cases. Allah has permitted intimacy with a slave woman if the man owns her. This is not regarded as adultery. It should be noted that prostitution never occurred to the companions of Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them). What they were asking about was the ruling on practicing coitus interruptus with the slave women whom they had acquired in the course of jihad. This was done by the Prophets. Ibrahim (peace be upon him) took Hajar as a concubine and she bore him Ismael (peace be upon him). When Islam was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), slavery was a worldwide common social phenomenon; it was much older than Islam. Slavery was deeply rooted in every society to the extent that it was impossible to imagine a civilized society without slaves. In spite of this social fact, Islam was the first religion to recognize slavery as a social illness that needed to be addressed. Since slavery was deeply rooted in the society, Islam did not abolish it at once. Rather, Islam followed the same methodology of gradual elimination in dealing with this social disease as it did with other social illnesses, for example: the prohibition of alcohol in three steps. It was a war custom in the past to take men and women as captives and then turn them into slaves. Islam did not initiate it; rather, it was something in practice long ago before the advent of Islam. And when Islam came, it tried to eradicate this practice, bit by bit. So it first restricted it to the reciprocal practice of war, in the sense that Muslims took war captives just as the enemies did with Muslims. But as it aimed at putting an end to such issue, Islam laid down rules which would eventually lead to eradicating the practice. So it allowed Muslims to have intercourse with slave women taken as captives of just and legitimate wars. In so doing, the woman would automatically become free if she got pregnant. What's more, her child would also become free. Not only that, Islam also ordered a Muslim to treat the slave woman in every respect as if she were his wife. She should be well fed, clothed and given due protection. In the family environment, she had the opportunity to learn about Islam and was free to accept it or reject it. She also had the opportunity to earn her freedom for she could be ransomed. In the light of the above-mentioned facts, and the nature of the question posed by people, it's clear that some people misunderstand the wisdom behind the permissibility of having female slaves and think that it is meant to unleash men's desires and give them more enjoyment. Never! It is, rather, means of freeing slaves; and this is clarified above in the fact that if a master got a female slave pregnant, then he could neither sell her nor give her away as a present. And if he died, she would not be considered part of his property. She'd receive her freedom and her baby would also be free. But, we have to stress that this case should not be confused with that of female servants or maids, for they are free and not slaves. Therefore, it is forbidden to engage in sexual relations with them except through an Islamic marriage. Slavery has been abolished by international conventions, and goes in line with aims and objectives of Islam, as it has called for centuries ago. The First World War in 1914 was a clear reflection of the evils involved in setting captive women free to roars about in a strange society with strange surroundings. During that war, German and English women prisoners on either side were set free to roam the streets with no-one to feed them. The result was obvious that they resorted to other unrefined and uncivilized methods of income on the streets. Thus, it is evident that the Islamic treatment of women prisoners of war was conducive towards better social relations and led to the refinement of their overall social lives. Allegation 46 – Tabari VIII:38 The Prophet selected for himself from among the Jewish women of the Qurayza, Rayhanah bt. Amr. She became his concubine. When he predeceased her, she was still in his possession. When the Messenger of Allah took her as a captive, she showed herself averse to Islam and insisted on Judaism. Reply – Regarding Qurayza tribe and dealings towards concubine already discussed. From the above comment nothing one could deduct that Prophet done something wrong against Rayhanah bt. Amr. She came as a war booty to Prophet (peace be upon him). Not much known in history about her. Some reports says she was married later to Prophet (peace be upon him). But some say she resisted to convert to Islam and remained as slave. Allegation 47 - Good muslims rape like their prophet Reply – Not even a single incident one can quote about Prophet (peace be upon him) that he committed heinous crime like rape. But there many attempt to malign him quoting unauthentic and untrue incidents. Such people have no moral principle and their intention is to only tarnish Prophet (peace be upon him) with their cheap tactics. The comment quoted is actually refers to verse from Qur'an 33:21 – "Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah." The context is already discussed under reply to Allegation No. 39. Allegation 48 - Qur'an 48.28 It is He Who has sent His Messenger with the Religion of Truth (Islam), that he may make it superior to every other religion, exalting it over them. Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. Those who are with him are severe with Infidel unbelievers. Reply – The context of this verse is the famous Hudaibiya treaty. The disbelievers had objected to the use of the words Rasul Allah (Messenger of Allah) with the name of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Their denial will not change the reality, but the Guidance and the true Faith which this Messenger has brought from Us (Allah), shall prevail over all religion, no matter how hard the deniers try to obstruct its progress. The disbelievers have no power to turn them (Prophet's companions) away from the great objective for the sake of which they have joined and followed the Holy Prophet even at the cost of their lives. This is not against anybody but only confirming the reliability of truth of Islam and proclaims its uncompromised rules set by God, which are above all man-made laws. Allegation 49 - Qur'an 8.59 The infidels should not think that they can bypass Islam. Surely they cannot get away." Reply – The actual translation of this verse is – "Let not the unbelievers think that they can get the better (of the godly): they will never frustrate (them)." From the verse itself it is clear that unbelievers have intention to destroy Islam and Muslims. So Muslims are asked to resist them and equip well to encounter them which is continued in the next verse. Allegation 50 - Bukhari:V4B52N203 I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'We are the last but will be the foremost to enter Paradise.' The Prophet added, 'He who obeys me, obeys Allah, and he who disobeys me, disobeys Allah. He who obeys the chief, obeys me, and he who disobeys the chief, disobeys me. The Imam is like a shelter for whose safety Muslims should fight and seek protection.' Reply – This is absolutely right. What's wrong with the statement?. All the prophets (peace be upon them all) came before Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also taught the same, that is "to follow them". A Muslims suppose to follow all of them and that is what mentioned in Qur'an 3:84 - Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)." Above is one of the very beautiful statements from Qur'an which clarify the very essence of most misconceptions. Allegation 51 - Breaking your promise Reply – The above comment from Tabari will be understood by knowing the treaty of Hudaibiya. When Arabia began to witness the large impressive sweep in favor of the Muslims, the true believers wanted to restore undisputed right to observe worship in the sacred sanctuary, Makkah. It was about the sixth year Hijri when the Prophet (peace be upon him) saw in a dream, while he was still in Madinah, that he had entered Makkah in security with his followers, and was performing the ceremonies of Umrah (lesser pilgrimage). As soon as he informed some of his Companions the contents of his dream, their hearts leapt up with joy since they found in it the actualization of their deep longing to take part in pilgrimage and its hallowed rites after an exile of six years. The Prophet (peace be upon him) had his clothes washed, mounted his camel and marched out towards Makkah at the head of fifteen hundred Muslims. As they approached Makkah, and in a place called Dhi Hulaifa, he ordered that the sacrificial animals be garlanded, and all believers donned the pilgrim's garb. He dispatched a reconnoiterer to hunt around for news of the enemy. In brief, the man came back to tell the Prophet (peace be upon him) that a large number of slaves, as well as a huge army, were gathered to oppose him, and that the road to Makkah was completely blocked. The Prophet (peace be upon him) consulted his Companions, who were of the opinion that they would fight none unless they were debarred from performing their pilgrimage. The enemies (Quraishites), on their part, held a meeting during which they considered the whole situation and decided to resist the Prophet's mission at all costs. Two hundred horsemen led by Khalid bin Al-Waleed were dispatched to take the Muslims by surprise. When the Muslims reached a spot called Thaniyat Al-Marar, the Prophet's (peace be upon him) camel stumbled and knelt down and was too stubborn to move. Prophet (peace be upon him) swore he would willingly accede to any plan they put forward that would glorify Allah's sanctities. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was not intended for war, he actually wanted to perform Umrah. Then there was many discussions happened between envoys from Quraishites and Prophet (peace be upon him). When Quraish saw the firm determination of the Muslims to shed the last drop of blood for the defence of their Faith, they came to their senses and realized that Prophet's (peace be upon him) followers could not be cowed down by their tactics. After some further interchange of messages they agreed to conclude a treaty of reconciliation and peace with the Muslims. The clauses of the said treaty go as follows:
When the peace treaty had been concluded, the Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered his Companions to slaughter their sacrificial animals, but they were too depressed to do that, yet they followed. A series of events confirmed the profound wisdom and splendid results of the peace treaty which Allah called "a manifest victory". Quraish in the light of the articles of the treaty, had indirectly relinquished its claim to religious leadership, and admitted that they were no longer interested in people other than Quraish, and washed their hands of any sort of intervention in the religious future of the Arabian Peninsula. The Muslims did not have in mind to seize people's property or kill them through bloody wars, nor did they ever think of pursuing any coercive approaches in their endeavors to propagate Islam, on the contrary, their sole target was to provide an atmosphere of freedom as regards ideology or religion: Qur'an 18:29 says - "Then whosoever wills, let him believe, and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve……." The Muslims, on the other hand, had the opportunity to spread Islam over areas not then explored. When there was armistice, war was abolished, and men met and consulted together, none talked about Islam intelligently without entering it; within the two years following the conclusion of the treaty double as many entered Islam as ever before. This is supported by the fact that the Prophet (peace be upon him) went out to Al-Hudaibiyah with only 1,400 men, but when he set out to liberate Makkah, two years later, he had 10,000 men with him. The article of the treaty pertaining to cessation of hostilities for ten years points directly to the utter failure of political haughtiness exercised by Quraish and its allies, and functions as evidence of the collapse and impotence of the war instigator. Quraish had been obliged to lose those advantages in return for one seemingly in its favour but does not actually bear any harm against the Muslims, i.e., the article that speaks of handing over believing men who seek refuge with the Muslims without their guardians' consent to Quraish. At first glance, it was a most distressing clause and was considered objectionable in the Muslim camp. However, in the course of events, it proved to be a great blessing. After the Prophet (peace be upon him) had reached Madinah, Abu Basir, who had escaped from Quraish, came to him as a Muslim; Quraish sent two men demanding his return, so the Prophet (peace be upon him) handed him over to them. On the way to Makkah, Abu Basir managed to kill one of them, and the other one fled to Madinah with Abu Basir in pursuit. When he reached the Prophet (peace be upon him), he said, "Your obligation is over and Allah has freed you from it. You duly handed me over to the men, and Allah has rescued me from them." The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Woe is his mother; he would have kindled a war if there had been others with him." When he heard that, he knew that he would be handed back to them, so he fled from Madinah and went as far as Saif Al-Bahr. The other Muslims who were oppressed in Makkah began to escape to Abu Basir. He was joined by Abu Jandal and others until a fair-sized colony was formed and soon sought revenge on Quraish and started to intercept their caravans. The pagans of Makkah finding they unable to control those exiled colonists, begged the Prophet (peace be upon him) to do away with the clause which governed the extradition. They implored him by Allah and by their ties of kinship to send for the group, saying that whoever joined the Muslims in Madinah would be safe from them. The Prophet (peace be upon him) sent for the group and they responded, as expected, positively. So the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself did not break his vow here. Instead he fulfilled that by sending Abu Basir back to Quraish as per the treaty. Due to the outcome of later incidents, Quraish was actually requested Prophet (peace be upon him) to break the clause of treaty. The other part of allegation is from Qur'an 66:1 revealed in the context of totally different incident. The other incident has been related in Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Nasai and several other books of Hadith from Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) herself. The Prophet (peace be upon him) usually pay a daily visit to aII his wives after the Asr Prayer. Once it so happened that he began to stay in the house of his wife Zainab (may Allah be pleased with her) longer than usual, for she had received sane honey from somewhere as a gift and the Prophet (peace be upon him) was very fond of sweet things; therefore, he would have a drink of honey at her house. Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) states that she felt envious of this and spoke to his other wives Hafsah, Saudah and Hadrat Safiyyah (may Allah be pleased with them all) about it and together they decided that whoever of them was visited by the Prophet (peace be upon him), she should say to him: 'Your mouth smells of Maghafir (Maghafir is a kind of flower, which gives out an offensive smell, and if the bee obtains honey from it, it is also tainted by the same odour). They all knew that the Holy Prophet was a man of very fine taste and he abhorred that he should emit any kind of unpleasant smell. There fore, this device was contrived to stop him from staying in the house of Zainab (may Allah be pleased with her) and it worked. When several of his wives told him that his mouth smelt of Maghafir, he made a promise not to use the honey any longer. Then this verse revealed. The object is not to ask the Prophet (peace be upon him) why he had done so, but to warn him that his act to make unlawful for himself what AIIah had made lawful is not approved by Allah. This by itself gives the meaning that nobody has the power to make unlawful what Allah has made lawful; so much so that the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself also did not possess any such power. Although the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not regard this as unlawful as a matter of faith nor legally but only forbade himself its use, yet since he was not an ordinary man but Allah's Messenger, and his forbidding himself something could have the effect that his followers too would have regarded it as forbidden, or at least reprehensible, or the people of his community might have thought that there was no harm in forbidding oneself something his AIIah had made lawful, Allah pointed it out to him and commanded him to refrain from such prohibition. So it's not a breaking of promise seen here but a fulfillment of Allah's command by the Prophet (peace be upon him) even it was against his own will. Allegation 52 - Drinking Urine Reply – Some research have done in Arab world on camels' urine and its report already posted in some sites. An estrogen product called Premarin is given to postmenopausal women. This is extracted from horse urine. The name stands for PREgnant MARe urIN. Premarin (generic) is a drug made up of conjugated estrogens obtained from the urine of pregnant mares, put out in many forms (pills, creams, injections, patches, vaginal rings) and is used to reduce the symptoms of menopause in women or women who have had a hysterectomy. It is also prescribed to nearly eliminate the risk of osteoporosis and reduce the chance of heart disease in women over fifty. Some people at the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him), had their bellies swollen and suffering from unknown illness. Prophet (peace be upon him) said to them, that they would find a cure in the milk and urine of a camel and so he sent them out to an area where camels were grazing. These men went to this area and drank the milk and urine. Sure enough, just like the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, they were cured and became fit and healthy. This Hadith from Bukhari actually referring to person if he requires consuming an impure and impermissible substance as a cure for an illness, and no other reasonable alternative is available, then it is permissible. Otherwise no where in history companions of Prophet (peace be upon him) practiced of drinking urine for their illnesses. Muslims follow Islam as per how the Prophet (peace be upon him) taught religion to his companions and how they transmitted to later generation. Allegation 53 - Bukhari:V7B71N673 Allah's Apostle said, 'If a fly falls in your drink, dip all of it into the cup and then throw it away, for in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other there is healing, an antidote or treatment for that disease.' Reply – Again explanation is available in many Islamic sites. Simple answer is this - the flies were given some of the cultured microbes for certain diseases. After some time the germs died and no trace was left of them while a germ-devouring substance formed in the flies - bacteriophages. If a saline solution were to be obtained from these flies it would contain bacteriophages able to suppress four kinds of disease-inducing germs and to benefit immunity against four other kinds. Allegation 54 - Blacks Reply – Full text of Qur'an 9:61 is here – "Among them are men who molest the Prophet and say, "He is (all) ear." Say, "He listens to what is best for you: he believes in Allah, has faith in the Believers, and is a Mercy to those of you who believe." But those who molest the Messenger will have a grievous penalty." This actually replying to a charge put forward by hypocrites that Prophet (peace be upon him) readily believes whatever he hears. Then Allah asks Prophet to answer that he attends only to that which is good and is for the welfare of the Community, also he is patient enough to hear from all. Punishment is definitely reserved for them who trouble Prophet (peace be upon him) and insult him. Now just see how Qur'an addresses to mankind in 4:1 – "O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you". And, Qur'an 49:13 – "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)". From the above 2 verses it is quite clear how mankind (black or white) is treated in Islam. With regard to Prophet (peace be upon him), he himself taught in his last sermon, Hajjatul-Wida (The Farewell Pilgrimage), "……….All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.…..". Regarding the comment from Ishaq, it's a metaphorical usage. Humble people have signs of peace on their faces. But the evil and wicked people have signs of anger, terror, and fear on their faces. This man (Nabtal) was an enemy to Prophet (peace be upon him). He was a big man, with signs of anger and terror on his face, who used to spread news between the hypocrites. There is even a narration of the Prophet (peace be upon him) where a Muslim man came him with a very untidy beard. He sent him back and told him to tidy his beard and not to come out looking like the satan. There is no racism in these at all, but are plain truthful facts. May ALLAH helps to understand and follow the truth, Islam - (Ameen). I express sincere gratitude for this reply to many Islamic sites, which are sincerely dedicated in conveying the real message of Islam. It's difficult to quote acknowledgements citing all. May Allah bless them all, and let all those who read this also get the taste of real Islam (Ameen).
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