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Reader comment on item: Islam in American Textbooks
in response to reader comment: sorry, it's still fiction

Submitted by Shaji (United Arab Emirates), May 28, 2009 at 06:15

"I am sure you haven't made any attempt to approach Islam with a clear and unprejudiced mind."
In reply, you wrote - Well then another one of your certainties is truly is misplaced. I have studied Islam - along with many other religions.
It must be difficult for you to accept that a person can study Islam and not find it a panacea for all mankind's ills. But there you have it - people do just that and reach the same conclusion - not because of any perversity of mind but they use their God-given intelligence to discern the truth. They separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak.

I understand why you might doggedly adhere to your worldview as you most probably have been brought up in an Islamic monoculture where the Muslim way of life and beliefs hold sway. You're part of the status quo.

Nice to know you made attempt to study about Islam and other religions. I find difficult to accept your comprehension but certainly no problem to pursue. It depends how the person conceive principle of faith. I can only remind you a verse from Qur'an 30:8 – "Do they not reflect in their own minds? Not but for just ends and for a term appointed, did Allah create the heavens and the earth, and all between them: yet are there truly many among men who deny the meeting with their Lord (at the Resurrection)!"

I am not entirely brought up in Islamic monoculture. I had my schooling in a Christian convent. I too a student of comparative religion especially the three major religions of world. As far as I understood I do discussion here and Islam is my choice and not just a chance. I would like to know what you found not acceptable in Islam and other religions better than it. Once again, it's only due to curiosity about your understanding and if you don't wish to write, you may ignore.

"Actually I don't have to rationalize my belief to remain Muslim and to convey the message of Islam. "
In reply, you wrote - Of course you do. But you're so steeped in your cultural millieu that you no longer have to rationalize the absurd. Your superstitions have become real for you - it's now 'reality'. You have your won perfectly good reasons for stepping into the toilet with your left foot and exiting with your right , shaving your pubic hair etc etc

Not certainly all. For example, Allah asks to believe in Unseen God (Qur'an 2:3). I believe it readily because I don't have to know each and every whereabouts except what God mentioned in Qur'an (Chapter 112). The culture I belong is not a problem for me, what I am concerned is how that culture is shaped to follow Qur'an and Hadith. It's not a superstition. It gives a perfect moral code of Conduct which itself claims that it is from God. By the way, some is beyond our imagination and knowledge, like hereafter life - heaven and hell, which we have to believe as it is, once we find rest of the Qur'an is truth.

Stepping in to toilet with left foot and coming out with right foot, also shaving pubic hair every 40 days is part of following Sunnah of Prophet (peace be upon him). These entire one has to do only when he himself realize Islam is the true religion believing in One and Only God, pray only to Him and follow the path of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). But the question is, whether one is convinced with religion of Islam and ready to follow God's Commandments or not….??. Most people whether they are believer or not, use right hand to eat food and use left hand for cleaning purpose in toilet. If people not concerned about the logic behind that, Muslims follow such simple deeds from Prophet as he is the messenger of God.

"................It is already clarified by Qur'an and Sunnah through Prophet (peace be upon him). I am only trying to remove the misconceptions about this religion. It is the most misunderstood religion today. ."

In reply, you wrote - As Christ said - 'ye shall know them by their fruits'. i.e. what actually matters is not what people believe but what they do and how they are in their own being. Islam is not misunderstood by non-Muslims - although the idealised version of it you believe in may not be appreciated. Having said that It is good that you live your life by ideals - as long as those ideals don't infringe on other people. However - those ideals are universal and certainly not unique to Islam.

It matters what people believe. Islam says making partners for God is biggest sin (Qur'an 4:48). Though other religions have certain remarks of it, there are comments contrary to that also and its followers are not keen to be strictly monotheistic. So belief is a matter.

No Sir, there are deliberate attempts of maligning Islam on corporate levels. Media and vested interests of globalization are playing major role in attacking Islam. Media is their weapon in this century to attack Islam. The reason, Islam is against all exploitations of today's world of business and marketing. Islam is against alcohol, prostitution, lottery, exposing nudity, marketing with no ethics and all other exploitations widely chosen by the media. They took up the "great freedom struggle" in order to save Muslims from "Islamic oppression". This is a great deception tactic and they do all efforts to misunderstand the public about Islam.

Certainly ideals put forward by Islam are unique. Take for example, according to the Gospel of John, the first miracle of Christ had been that he had produced wine at a marriage function in Cana (John 2:1-11) and people had drunk too much from it. The same Bible in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 says – "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.". Also see Proverbs 20:1 - "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging; and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Again see Ephesians 5;18 - "And be not drunk with wine."

So how prohibition of drinking is unique here….??. The same bible is giving the permission and prohibition.

It is mentioned in Yajurveda 40:9 - "Andhatma pravishanti ye assambhuti mupaste" - "They enter darkness, those who worship natural things." - E.g. worship of natural elements air, water, fire, etc.

Again, Yajurveda 32:3 says - "Na tasya pratima asti" - "There is no image of Him".

But, hardly you find Hindus (as believers) now without worshipping natural elements and making image for God.

Whereas Islam strictly resist such innovations and instruct followers to abide with its principles.

"...It has been maliciously presented in order to keep public away from true principles and in fact, it is the religion taught by all the Prophets (peace be upon them all), that is towards ONE GOD and worship HIM ALONE"
In reply, you wrote - There you go, stating opinions for facts. Bad move. I know it is certainly not the religion taught by all the prophets. All the prophets and spiritual masters mission was to awaken human beings to their true inner potential - the Kingdom of Heaven within, higher spiritual consciousness or whatever you want to call it. Masters and prophets through the ages were connected with this universal consciousness. call it Original Nature, Buddha nature, the real Self or any of the many and varied terms from so many traditions - it all points to the same thing. If you don't recognise or experience the divine within - your belief and worship of an external deity, following rites and rituals is a waste of time. The truth is within each person. It is not 'Islam' - it is beyond words and myth and rites and rituals and beliefs and limitations - and verbal descriptions don't really do it justice. It is the true nature of consciousness itself.

No, it's not my opinion. Read following verses in Qur'an.

Qur'an 2:213 – "Mankind was one single nation, and Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; and with them He sent the Book in truth, to judge between people in matters wherein they differed…"

Qur'an 21:25 – "Not an apostle did We send before thee without this inspiration sent by Us to him: that there is no god but I; therefore worship and serve Me".

Qur'an 10:47 - To every people (was sent) an apostle: when their apostle comes (before them), the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged.

I hope it is clear from above verses that all the prophets taught the same message (as per Qur'an).

Then you said, all prophets and spiritual masters mission was to awaken human beings to their true inner potential. What is that inner potential….??. Then you said, "Masters and prophets through the ages were connected with this universal consciousness". Once again, what is that universal consciousness…??. Is that God…??. Finally you end with, "It is the true nature of consciousness itself." So, do you say God is within one's self……??. Also, do you say, the Creator and creation are same….??. I will reply you as per your response.

If my understanding is correct, you speak about Advaita philosophy, isn't it?.

"The problem you face, and all other critics of Islam do, is to interpret Qur'an and authentic Sunnah according to their own wish."
In reply, you wrote - I do not face a problem at all for having looked at the past and continuing effect of Islam on societies - why are you suggesting it is a problem? I do not have a 'wish' to interpret it one way or another. I interpret it as I do. But then again, I am not myopically focussing on it , hoping for it bring some great revelation to me. I have better things to do.

I suggest it's a problem, because people misinterpret Qur'an for both personal and corporate benefits especially Christian apologists and some influential western political and business interests. Now the world order is deciding by them, others simply follow their suit. There are rules regarding Qur'an interpretation. There is a science of Interpretation of the Holy Qur'an, known as Usul-e-Tafseer.

The knowledge of Tafseer was given to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and it was described through him in Qur'an 16:44 - "And We have also sent down unto you (Muhammad, peace be upon him) the reminder and the advice (the Qur'an), that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought."

This verse tells us - The correct interpretation of the Qur'an is actually what described by the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself.

This means that the meaning of a particular verse cannot be circumscribed by one's own thoughts; it should be in the light of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) sayings.

So, to understand a verse, we should first take into account all the verses related to that matter from Qur'an itself. Then, we must search the Prophet's (peace be upon him) traditions/sayings/actions (Hadith). Then, the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them all) were the experts and their sayings must be taken into account. Rest few points are also to be considered as it is not relevant to mention here. Those who do not follow these essentials, actually misleading the public in conveying the truth of Islam.

It's a revelation from God and Qur'an says in 17:9 – "Verily this Qur'an doth guide to that which is most right (or stable), and giveth the Glad Tidings to the Believers who work deeds of righteousness, that they shall have a magnificent reward";

No problem, for you to do better things. When it comes to criticize other faiths especially Islam, it is recommended to follow the rules when interpreting Qur'an.

"...As usual like those critics, this is evident from you also."
In reply, you wrote - If I had agreed with Islam and its followers - you would say I was wise but I would say I was a sheep. What you're basically saying is I have arrived at my own conclusions about Islam through my own reasoning and observations - rather than blindly accepting positive (or negative) opinions of other people. I agree.

You are free to reach your own conclusions but I advise you to go through Qur'an again. You may discuss unacceptable points you find in it, if you are a critic. It is up to you to believe or discard. I only invite your attention once again towards it. Qur'an 18:29 says - "Then whosoever wills, let him believe, and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve……."

Qur'an has the answer about the final result. It says in 17:81 - And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."

I am being a Muslim, intend only to remind you. Rest nothing is with me.

"One must understand Islam from Qur'an and Sunnah. "

In reply, you wrote - One mustn't do anything. The Quran and Sunnah have made Islam what it is today - a confused religion practised in a large part by large numbers backward peasants intent on recreating their 7th centruy Arabian myth by whatever means it takes. including blowing up buildings, trains, planes and automobiles to force the hand of 'infidels'. These people have no real insight or appreciation of the worth of their own lives and indeed some will even die in order to kill other human beings in , so hypnotised have they become in their belief in their myth.

If one mustn't do anything, why critics are working against Islam….??. Your criticisms are result of their activity. Yes, Qur'an and Sunnah have made Islam what is today and Islam is still perfect. Islam is very well able to answer to those who want to attack it.

It's a religion of peace and practiced not only by peasants but also the richest among people and the royals. According to west, when Islam started blowing up buildings and started using "terrorism" in Islam….??. It is after the cold war. The profiling of Muslims as congenital 'terrorists' has been such a cleverly done psychological operation that although proven several times as plain lie, the Muslim terrorist image has been made the basis of American and western foreign policy. Before cold war, Islam did not have terrorist image though America wanted to protect the interest of Israel. Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussain once dears of America, suddenly branded as terrorists. When IRA violence was at its height in Northern Ireland and Britain in the 1970s and 1980s, no one spoke of Christian terrorists. The ETA bombing campaign in northern Spain is not labeled Catholic. When Prabhakaran killed people for more than 25 years, no one called him as Hindu terrorist. If some Muslim does any mischief somewhere, he is branded as terrorist and that too, a proof for Islam promoting violence…..!!!!. Those who crave for political heights without sense of ethics also forget the death toll of World wars and they also criticize Islam being terror…..!!!!. How long these deceptions continue…..??.

Let us see how the labeling is done and who assign the label. Before India achieved independence from British rule, some freedom fighters of India who did not subscribe to non-violence were labeled as terrorists by the British government. The same individuals have been lauded by Indians for the same activities and hailed as patriots'. Thus two different labels have been given to the same people for the same set of actions. One is calling him a terrorist while the other is calling him a patriot. Those who believed that Britain had a right to rule over India called these people terrorists, while those who were of the view that Britain had no right to rule India called them patriots and freedom fighters. Don't you feel important that before a person is judged, he is given a fair hearing…..??. Both sides of the argument should be heard, the situation should be analyzed, and the reason and the intention of the person should be taken into account, and then the person can be judged accordingly.

Islam did not hypnotize anyone and it's not a mistake of Qur'an if anybody understood it wrongly. Campaign against Islam is widespread because it stand firm against all exploitation.

"The best teacher and interpreter of both was Prophet (peace be upon him) himself. "
In reply, you wrote - You are adept at making value judgements not based on fact and which can never be proved empirically.

You haven't mentioned the fact still and with what proof you intend to prove…..??. My adaptation is nothing but Qur'an and Sunnah and judgments also based on that. I don't have to make it empirical, it's already defined and the query remains whether the critic ready to ponder over truth of Islam or not…..??.

"His followers learnt Islam from him and spread to the whole world."

In reply, you wrote - Islam was not spread to the whole world. For a long time it remained in a very localised region - the Middle east. It was spread through North Africa by what we would call today terrorism and the reason it took off in the East Indies was because the natives there at that time were a collection of primitive tribes (some headhunters) met arab traders and saw that they were fair in their dealings - they used weights and measures and the abacus. So it was a form of assimilation by interaction with a superior culture.

You take any religion, it remain localized to the nation it originated. Then it starts spreading by its followers. You did not explain its spread through North Africa by terrorism. Which war or attack happened there to have Muslim population of over 40% in Africa…??. Islam is spread there mainly through trade and migration. You are right; Islam took off in the East Indies "was a form of assimilation by interaction with a superior culture". But what culture, I don't think it is due to superior culture of Arabs but because of Islam, which made them culture from cultureless.

" We living in many centuries later, must understand Islam how those righteous predecessors (called Salaf, pious followers till 3rd generation, as certified by Prophet) understood and followed it."
In reply, you wrote - Again - we 'must' do nothing. You 'must' do nothing as well - though you will follow the dictates of your beliefs.

Nobody is sitting idle here. Propagation of faith in what they believe is everybody's right. Only thing it should be done through lawful means.

" Without knowing the background of instructions of Prophet (peace be upon him) and how it is practiced by these predecessors, present-day critics do grave mistake with their own "misinterpretations" to attain their wicked benefits. "

In reply, you wrote - What 'wicked benefits' do people who make objective calls on 'the background of instructions of Prophet' ? There is no mistake at all. The real mistake is to blindly accept it.

Wicked benefits are many. It has political, social and religious objectives. In brief, politically for "oil" and wealth of Arabs, socially it is to prove dominance of west over others (as per "Clash of Civilizations") and religiously to suppress Islam as it is against all exploitations.

Islam is not asking people to blindly accept it. If it is to accept blind, why Qur'an asks to preach and argue with people in most beautiful manner (16:125)……??. If Islam has nothing to defend and only blind belief, how it becomes the fastest growing religion in the world, even today….??.

You wrote mistake in blind belief. Which belief you have, that is acceptable without being blind….??.

"Their intention and purpose is to malign and nothing else."
In reply, you wrote - I probably believed in Santa Claus until I was 4 or so. Most adults don't believe in Santa Claus now and most don't malign Santa Claus and are quite happy for kids down the street to believe - and maybe even their own children. But if the kids down the street started taking over my house and threatened its occupants with harm because they don't believe in Santa Claus - then of course there's going to be a reaction.
From the childrens point of view - it would be seen as malicious wouldn't it?

No child will cause harm for occupants of your house if you don't believe in Santa Claus. You yourself know that is not going to happen, so as Islam. Qur'an says in 2:256, "Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things".

Further in Qur'an 18:29 says - "Then whosoever wills, let him believe, and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve……."

But Allah also says in Qur'an 3:19 – "The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will):……"

If you have made a serious study about Islam with a clear and open mind and find not acceptable, it is up to you….

I can only reply you quoting another verse from Qur'an 88:21-22 – "Therefore do remind, for you are only a reminder. You are not a watcher over them;"

" Regarding "camel's urine", I already clarified, it was proposed by prophet to certain people that time for some illness and those people got cured through that......."

In reply, you wrote - Well, you can continue drinking it . There may be commercial possibilities there for you - perhaps carbonate it and sell it in soda cans.

How you suddenly jumped to convey Muslims still drinking camel's urine (and you referred to me)……??. While you answer, you completely ignored my words, "to certain people that time for some illness and those people got cured through that". Now I will tell you people as their belief still drinking cow's urine. In Ayurveda it is said - gavyam pavitram ca rasayanam ca pathyam ca hrdyam balam buddhi syata (Cow urine panchgavya is great elixir, proper diet, pleasing to heart, giver of mental and physical strength, enhances longevity). Cow's urine is one excertment of the Pancha Gau Amrit (Five Cow Nectar). It plays major part in Hinduism practice used in Yajur Veda for Ark as medicine.

Vyasa said: Cows are sacred. They are embodiments of merit. They are high and most efficacious cleansers of all. One should for three days drink the hot urine of the cow. For the next three days one should drink the hot milk of the cow. Having thus drunk for three days hot milk, one should next drink hot ghee for three days. Having in this way drunk hot ghee for three days, one should subsist for the next three days on air only.

Vasishtha said: By bathing in water mixed with cow-dung, people shall become sanctified. The deities and men, shall use cow-dung for the purpose of purifying all creatures mobile and immobile. One can sit on dried cow dung. One should never eat the flesh of cows.

Yes, commercial possibilities there for Cows urine – read http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/food_and_drink/article5707554.ece

Yes, the promoters suggest it can be used as soft drink also (read the above link).

I haven't heard any such attempt somebody has done with Camel urine.

Prophet (peace be upon him) never said one has to take drink camel's urine during thirst. Those who deliberately want to misinterpret they continue their usual scheme of tarnishing the Prophet (peace be upon him).

"....Also remember, science and understandings of today may change tomorrow and who knows new discoveries will not be made on what you find "unacceptable" today."
In reply, you wrote - Science is just a record of observations and making hypothesis on those opbservations. The underlying principles in the narural world remain constant. Water will continue to quench people's thirst in 5,000 years time.

I agree…..

"Regarding Prophet's (peace be upon him) marriage with Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her), "
In reply, you wrote - Mohammed must have been pleased with her - so that's the same thing.

Of course, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) definitely pleased with her, so as she to him.

"I tried to clarify with culture in Semitic traditions, wisdom behind that marriage and with age factor in small detail"
In reply, you wrote - semitic traditions have reduced its adherents to the squalor most of them currently live in - there is nothing wise about it.

Abrahamic religion comprises more than half of the total world population. They continue to grow. Not just those, in view of early marriage, see what Hindu beliefs have to say.

In Manu-smriti, we read: Gautama (18-21).— A girl should be given in marriage before puberty.

Vashistha (17.70).— Out of fear of the appearance of the menses, let the father marry his daughter while she still runs about naked. For if she stays in the home after the age of puberty, sin falls on the father.

The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics says: [It was considered] sinful on the part of the [Hindu] father to allow his daughter to attain puberty without being married and the girl herself fell to the condition of a Sudra [i.e. low caste], marriage with whom involved degradation on the part of the husband…the Smrti of Manu fixes the age of husband and wife at 30 and 12 or 24 and 8 respectively; the later work of Brhaspati and the didactic portion of the Mahabharata give the wife's age in these cases as 10 and 7 respectively, while yet later texts give 4 to 6 as the lower and 8 as the upper limit. There is abundant evidence that these dates were not merely theoretical.

(Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, p.450, http://books.google.com/books?id=INJI4FGeLpYC&pg=PA523&lpg=PA523&dq =manu+ix+a+girl+should+be+given+in+marriage+before+puberty&source=web &ots=7WP3uyXj9V&sig=HN-O7gG0ya_0QTuwCvEUjGPQG_Y#PPA522,M1)

Let us see what science has to say. LiveScience.com says:

There is a range, and this has been part of the problem of establishing the "normal" age of puberty. Girls might enter full-blown puberty anytime between ages 9 and 15.

(LiveScience.com, http://www.livescience.com/health/070904_bad_puberty.html)

So, girls will go through "full-blown puberty" at various ages, anywhere from between nine and fifteen years of age. HealthTouch.com says:

Puberty usually starts between ages 8 to 13 in girls (HealthTouch.com, http://www.healthtouch.com/bin/EContent_HT/cnoteShowLfts.asp?fname=07103


Even if we look simply at menarche, we can see that the age varies greatly. A medical journal on Cambridge.org says:

The variable age at menarche was normally distributed with an age range of 7–24


(Cambridge.org, journals.cambridge.org/production/action/cjoGetFulltext?fulltextid=10260

HerWord.com says:

Don't be surprised if your nine-year-old daughter will have her menarche that early.

(HerWord.com, http://www.herword.com/healthdesk/others/changes10.28.03.html)

"....It seems you are not convinced and you don't want to ponder over the traditions. "

In reply, you wrote - Yes, I certainly am not convinced and despite your best efforts will never be convinced that a nine year old girl should be having sexual relations with a 53 year old man.

If the facts cannot convince you, let you live with your thoughts…..

"You are more inclined with Freudian thoughts."
In reply, you wrote - Another assumption but if Freud said child sex wasn't a good thing then you are right. I am inclined to the view that sex with a child is based not on the needs of the child. I suppose pedophiles think their victims 'need' it - but it is purely their own lust , lack of self control and the thoughts of their evil minds that let this occur. There is no justification for it and certainly no tolerance for it in the minds of reasonable people - no matter how much you'd like it to be otherwise. It is sick behaviour.

You decide a thing, good or bad based on what you feel and not on facts. Then I have nothing to say.

If you allege Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) was the victim, she narrated about 2210 Hadiths and out of which 316 Hadiths are mentioned in both Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. Can you point out a single Hadith from her, alleging she was a of pedophile?. Not just that, all what was said in scriptures (both Semitic and non-Semitic) and the people followed it and those who made scientific observations (which I quoted) all happens to be, in your words, either pedophile or supporting pedophiles. Once again in your words, all those have "sick behavior".

"See an article entitled Puberty in Girls (http://www.public.health.wa.gov.au/hp2107.htm) by your own country (Australian government Public Health organization), says:
The first sign of puberty is usually a surge of growth: you become taller; your breasts develop; hair begins to grow in the pubic area and under the arms. This may start from 10 years to 14 years - even earlier for some and later for others.This completely refutes your argument that there is no maturity difference among different people."

In reply, you wrote - Not at all. The point I was making was not that different individuals do not physically mature at different rates - it is ridiculous to think that that was the assertion I was making. The point I made was that racial groups do not mature at an earlier rate than others. Precocious puberty occurs in all racial groups for individuals but Arabs as a group do not mature earlier than Chinese for example - or South Americans. Yet child sex is considered completely wrong in those cultures by right thinking people and this is reflected in their laws. And my assertion that a 9 year old girl is not ready physically or emotionally or mentally for sexual relations with a middle aged man for still stands, let alone having a child at that age.

Before coming to maturity difference in Arabia, China or South America, do you agree Australian Government public health organization's comment that puberty starts from 10-14 years…??.

Now I take your comment, "Precocious puberty occurs in all racial groups for individuals but Arabs as a group do not mature earlier than Chinese for example - or South Americans."

Read first what The book Women and Health Psychology says:

Many factors have been reported to affect age at menarche and/or the regularity of menstruation—[such as] climate, altitude, race, height, weight, hereditary, stress/psychological factors, light, and nutrition.

(Women and Health Psychology, http://books.google.com/books?id=pK9RGVrvQAEC&pg=PA74&lpg=PA74&dq =menarche+climate&source=web&ots=ILfZwgFzEO&sig=8ZZxn7Dvhzm2HH3


This phenomenon is not limited to menarche, but also applies to the whole of puberty. In the book Women: An Historical, Gynecological, and Anthropological Compendium, we read: The average temperature of the country or province is considered the chief factor here, not only with regard to menstruation but as regards the whole of sexual development at puberty.

(Herman H. Ploss, Max Bartels and Paul Bartels; Woman: An Historical, Gynecological, and Anthropological Compendium, Volume I, Lord & Bransby, 1988, p.563; http://www.biblioz.com/lp25762280577_207.html)

Therefore, it is not at all implausible that the average age was much younger in Arabia one thousand years ago. There is absolutely no way that anyone can disprove the idea that puberty began much earlier back then, since it is known that the average age fluctuates from one time to the other. In fact, the historical evidence supports our claim that the average age of puberty was much younger during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

The historical literature does indeed suggest that the average age of puberty was much younger in Eastern countries. The Cambridge World History of Food says:

Albrecht von Haller (1775), for example, claimed that girls in the southerly regions of Asia, where the climate was warm, were marriageable in their eighth year and gave birth in their ninth or tenth year; conversely, women in Arctic regions did not menstruate until age 23 or 24. This view was shared by other eighteenth-century writers, most notably J.F. Freind (1738), Herman Boerhaave (1744), and Montesquieu (1751).

(The Cambridge World History of Food, p.1455, http://books.google.com/books?id=tAnsCn0A3rcC&pg=PA1455&lpg=PA1455&



It is generally accepted that historically girls in Eastern civilizations reached puberty before their European counterparts, which was one of the reasons that marriage oftentimes took place a few years earlier in the Orient. The Southern Medical and Surgical Journal says:

It is allowable to infer that early marriage in oriental countries (which has generally, but without any proof, been ascribed to precocious puberty) ....

(The Southern Medical and Surgical Journal, p.41, http://books.google.com/books?id=QpwCAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA41&lpg=PA41&

dq=russia+puberty+marriage&source=web&ots=8yfAFiQxuK&sig=6Z4em89heF tlZG_Zyjf_ar5GE8s)

Age of Sexual Maturity in Ancient Arabia: Imam al-Shafi'i said in Siyar A'lam al-Nubala' (Vol.10, p.91):

During my stay in Yemen, I have come across girls at the age of nine whom menstruated…

Imam al-Bayhaqi also narrated the words of Imam Shafi'i in Sunan al-Bayhaqi al-Kubra (Vol.1, p.319):

I have seen in the city of Sana'a a grandmother while she was twenty-one. She menstruated at the age of nine and gave birth at the age of ten.

Ibn al-Jawzi narrated similar stories from Ibn U'qail and U'bad al-Mahlby in his Tahqeeq fi Ahadith al-Khilaf (Vol.2, p.267). So the fact is that girls were sexually active at the age of nine, and they were turning into grandmothers before most people alive today would have their own children! Therefore, because this was the cultural norm back then, no blame can be put on Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is unacceptable to judge an ancient figure based on today's standards; we must judge him based on what was the norm back then.

Now see, Age of Marriage Under Islamic Law:

Islamic Law (Shari'ah) allows for a marriage contract (nikah) to be drafted years before the marriage itself is actually enacted. In other words, the marriage contract is drawn up, but the contract is not executed until a later date. So even though the marriage contract can be drafted, the girl will not be "handed over" to the husband until many years afterwards. In other words, a father can marry his immature daughter off to a man before she comes of age, but the husband may not consummate the marriage until after she attains maturity.

Under Islamic Law, there are certain shuroot an-nifaadh (conditions required for the execution of the contract): for consummation of marriage, one of these conditions is that both parties are mature enough for marriage. If this condition is not met, then the marriage contract remains mauqoof (suspended) and has no actual practical effect, i.e. the consummation of marriage is delayed until the girl becomes mature enough for that. In the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her), the marriage contract was signed when she was immature, but only took effect until after she attained maturity. This is why Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) remained in her father's house for three years after the marriage contract was drafted.

The fact that it is permissible to marry a young girl does not mean that it is permissible to have intercourse with her; rather that should not be done until she is able for it. For this reason, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah) delayed the consummation of his marriage to 'Aa'ishah…Al-Dawoodi said: 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) had reached physical maturity (at the time when her marriage was consummated). [Sharh Muslim, 9/206] (source: http://www.islamqa.com/index.php?ref=22442&ln=eng)

"And as you acknowledge the relevancy of the source of the quote (Australian government Public Health organization) you can bet your last dinar that the Australian Government proscribes child sex in all cases.
An article Physical Changes in Girls During Puberty (http://www.chmc.org/aboutchi/infoline/girls.htm) has this to say:
"During puberty, a girl's body changes, inside and out, into the body of a woman. The changes don't come all at once, and they don't happen at the same time for everybody. Most girls start showing physical changes around age 11, but everyone has her own internal schedule for development. It's normal for changes to start as early as 8 or 9 years of age, or not until 13 or 14. Even if nothing looks or feels different yet, the changes may have already begun inside your body."

In reply, you wrote - You seem to be a little obsessed with this. We learn this in sex education in late primary school. It really doesn't need to be repeated.

This is the problem. You completely rely on what you studied recently and never look back the facts of yesterday. If your primary school curriculum ignores the above facts in educating you, the problem is not with Prophet (peace be upon him) or the texts which do not support your claim.

I told you, my obsession is to protect and convey Qur'an and authentic Sunnah, which I believe is the truth. My intention is to convey you the message. When I say this, when you single out certain issues, I have to be obsessed to clarify that. Again it is your choice, whether to accept or not. Even after conveying, defending and convincing the truth, some people "obsessed" in maligning the Prophet (peace be upon him) ignoring the evidences around them.

"Many will readily agree with the information above, but still might harbour reservations about whether a marriage to an older man could be happy for such a young girl. "

In reply, you wrote - Yes, I think they just might. Strange , isn't t?

Let them be…..but strange with some others hesitancy…..

"The marriage of Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) and the Prophet (peace be upon him) was a mutually happy and loving one as in expressed in numerous Hadith and biography books. That happy marriages occur between people with a fairly large difference in ages is known among psychologists (from Theodor H. Vandevelde, Ideal Marriage: Its Physiology and Technique, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1980, p. 243.):
When the differences (in ages) is great, e.g. exceeds fifteen to twenty years, the results may be happier. "

In reply, you wrote - People with deviant sexualty have a plethora of excuses to justify their behaviour.

Deviant is who…..one who hides or not ready to accept the facts….??.

"The marriage of an elderly (senescent) not, of course, an old (senile) man to a quite young girl, is often very successful and harmonious. The bride is immediately introduced and accustomed to moderate sexual intercourse."
In reply, you wrote - I'm sure Mr. Theodor H. Vandevelde's opinions are taken on board by rock spiders everywhere and even used by defence lawyers at their trials.

Used wherever it is necessary…..

"This topic can be explained in further detail. I will do it as per your response."
In reply, you wrote - I won't ask.

To me, or to here in this forum or elsewhere…??. I am glad if you said it with clear mind.

"Regarding Comforter, followers of many religions have their own way of proving their belief. But let us analyze the scriptures to get the truth. If others are able to explain with the base of scriptures, we must evaluate how true is their arguments. I explained in detail about Muslim argument about the "comforter" in my reply to Mr. Lactantius Jr., http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/152892. Hope you will read it.

In reply, you wrote - Actually, rather than concentrating on trying to propogate yet another myth - that Mohammed was the 'Comforter' - I think it would be better if you read the interpretation of the many Biblical references to the 'False Prophet'.

It is not myth; debate is still there on this topic. Let me take your advice, to look upon bible references of False prophet.

This is what Bible says, Matthew 24:10-11 – "And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many". Then, in 23-26 – "Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not".

Above is the quoting from Bible about false prophet. Now see the verse 5 from the same book which is the starting of this prophecy "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many" –

Did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) ever say he is Christ…..??. The beginning part of that prophecy itself is not matching, then how one can allege Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is false prophet….??. Also, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) brought the Arabs united and not hate one another. Many Christians that time believed in him, even Jews. Were they betrayed or hated one another….??. Definitely, No…..

"Mr. GIK, keep in mind, social practices and its acceptability is different among people even in the same country itself. Then how you compare such differences between nations…??. Right and wrong among such practices depends on religion, traditions and many other factors. That's why Islam speaks about God in providing guidance to mankind, wherever you are, irrespective of your cast, color, race, tribe or nation, you must follow God's divine guidance. This is what Qur'an says in 49:13 – "O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)".

In reply, you wrote - So, seeing that all cultures are different and that ' Right and wrong among such practices depends on religion, traditions and many other factors' - to make it clear to humanity the 'divine guidance' from the external 'Allah' is that child sex is OK?

If marriage at puberty is not OK, all the references I had given, including the beliefs from major world religion must be not OK and only you and circle around you are only….OK…..??.

"Whether Islam is supreme or not, Qur'an has the answer. It says in 9:33 – "It is He Who hath sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it)."

In reply, you wrote - That's like saying to see if 'National Socialism' is supreme - read Mein Kampf. It's hardly objective or an unbiased opinion is it? In fact it is completely subjective for those who believe it. And those who don't because of what they objectively see with their own eyes and appreciate with their minds - are categorised as 'foolish unbelievers' by the deluded.

I don't think Mein Kempf is involved as debatable topic as strong as world religions. Qur'an is not instructing you to believe in it, by force. In fact, it says in 2:256 – "No compulsion in religion". It is Quran's method to challenge because it proclaims it's the revelation from Creator. That's why Muslims, as part of their Daawa sit with others to convince them. Prophet Muhammad was a warner too. Qur'an 18:29 says - Say, "The truth is from your Lord": Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it): for the wrong-doers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames), like the walls and roof of a tent, will hem them in: if they implore relief they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces, how dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on!

Whether you agree or not, this is a warning from Qur'an. If the Mein Kempf has the similar challenges and you find that acceptable, you may go with it.

"...My friend, I would request you to go through Qur'an. You will find hereafter life is a reality. "
In reply, you wrote - All religions say the soul goes on after physical death - so what's new? Not all religions mention 72 virgins, everlasting wine, green cushions etc etc

New is, about the life in hereafter. That is, the permanent residence in heaven or hell. Qur'an speaks about success in hereafter life require strictly to be monotheistic. Qur'an 40:60 says – "And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer): but those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell - in humiliation!".

Do you consider one has to worship One and Only God to achieve heaven in hereafter….??. Before that, do you believe in heaven or hell…..??.

I will quote you verse from Atharva Veda and see whether this Veda speaks about hereafter life.

"Bereft of physical bodies, pure, cleansed with the wind, brilliant, they go to a brilliant world. The fire does not cause burning in their male organ. In the world of happiness they get plenty of women.

(Atharva Veda 4:34:2)

"Having pools of clarified butter, stocks of sweet honey, and having exhilarating drinks for water, full of milk and curds, may all these streams flow to us in the world of happiness swelling sweetly. May our lakes full of lotuses be situated near us."

(Atharva Veda 4:34:6)

Now see what Jewish Talmud have to say - "Garden on Eden has two gates of ruby, by which stand SIXTY varieties of pure servants. The luster of the face of each of them glistens like the splendor of the firmament. When a righteous man arrives, they remove his clothes in which he had been buried.." (Yalkut Shimoni, Bereshit 20)

Christians believe that we will be like "spirits" or "Angels" in Heaven without physical bodies. They believe that once a "Christian" dies, then he/she will go and live with GOD Almighty as a spirit in Heaven:

Matthew 22:29-30 - Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.
At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

Obviously this contradicts the very teachings of their very own Bible about Adam and Eve having physical bodies in Heaven and that they had sex (they were a husband and wife).

"It is duty of every Muslim to convey the truth. "
Qur'aan says in 16:125 – "Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance."

In reply, you wrote - You automatically make the mistake of assuming that anyone who does not follow Islam is not on the 'true path'. That is an extremely conceited attitude to have. Are you more enlightened than all Buddhist monks or all yogis or all Christian or Jewish mystics for example? If you are not - then they know something that you do not - and you have something to learn or more to the point - unlearn.

Obviously, I am a Muslim because I realize that Islam is 100% right. I don't insult other beliefs but I do discussion with them to convey the truth of Islam and they can either believe or disbelieve, it is up to them. Islam does not force anybody to believe in it and it's not insulting anyone. It has always responded to criticisms against it and others have the freedom to choose or discard according to how they convinced. Islam definitely says other faiths are wrong, not to insult them but to save them in the life hereafter and due course it has to explain the deviation in other faiths. Others misinterpret it as "compulsion".

My enlightenment is Islam and Qur'an is the only scripture (I know) which claims revealed from God. The Holy Qur'an repeatedly makes clear that it is Divine.

Qur'an 32:2 - "(This is) the revelation of the Book in which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the Worlds."

Qur'an 26:192 - "Verily this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds"

Qur'an 36:5 - "(It is a Revelation) sent down by (Him), the Exalted in Might, Most Merciful"

If you say, one has to learn from Buddhist monks and yogis, Christian or Jewish mystics which I do not know and then only to reach truth, Qur'an answers for this comment in 3:136 - "Say : We believe in Allah and what is revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and what was entrusted to Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord."

So, God has sent Prophets to every nation and we do not know their names and activities except a few. Essentially they all invited their people to worship One and Only God. Afterwards, people among them followed their vain desires and made alterations in belief. Read what Qur'an has to say about this in 5:48 – "To thee We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety: so judge between them by what Allah hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging from the Truth that hath come to thee. To each among you have we prescribed a law and an open way. If Allah had so willed, He would have made you a single people, but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allah. it is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dispute;"

"If Allah wishes, you will reach the truth."
In reply, you wrote - The 'truth' is an inner experience - and one you are unaware of.

Yes, truth is inner experience and that is nothing but God consciousness. But how to achieve that consciousness…??. Major religions existing today have different views about this consciousness. All religions basically exhort mankind to be righteous and eschew evil. But Islam goes beyond that. It guides us towards practical ways of achieving righteousness and eliminating evil from our individual and collective lives unless people don't misinterpret according to their personal benefits. So Islam just not theoretically speaks and lie in the texts but shows practical ways to achieve righteousness.

"...May Allah helps to understand and follow the truth (Amen)."
In reply, you wrote - Allah' has - and that's why I am not and never will be a Muslim.

Thanks to agree Allah has. Rest is your willingness and I don't know whether Allah enlightens you with "Hidaya" (guidance) or not.

Therefore I repeat, may Allah helps us to understand and follow the truth (Ameen).


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (278) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Daniel Pipes [25 words]aniaNov 30, 2011 04:29191323
1Islam in Texbooks is deception of true Jihad. [309 words]DeborahMay 1, 2009 10:46154784
Our dear Deborah another tablighee and the Arabic word jihad [235 words]dhimmi no moreJun 3, 2009 20:01154784
Excuse me sir, anyone can study the Koran, or go to classes, and not be Islamic. resonse to Dhimmi. [307 words]DeborahJun 4, 2009 16:45154784
The word jihad means holy war [1167 words]dhimmi no moreJun 7, 2009 08:29154784
1Gem time from our dear Deborah and if we infidels and evil as he wrote then only Allah can be blamed [153 words]dhimmi no moreJun 7, 2009 08:38154784
The Koran is translated in English! [236 words]DeborahJun 7, 2009 20:12154784
Our dear Deborah and the word jihad and the saga contiunes [780 words]dhimmi no moreJun 9, 2009 07:23154784
Abandoning Islam-response to Dhimmi [71 words]DeborahJun 9, 2009 20:04154784
1The Second Coming Of Who? [178 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 5, 2009 20:43154784
The Second Coming of Who? The Alpha and the Omega, Response to Seamus [514 words]DeborahOct 7, 2009 09:46154784
To Deborah [141 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 18:39154784
The Second Coming of Who? I understand and accept your views. response to Seamus [167 words]DeborahOct 11, 2009 17:42154784
If you truly love G-D [263 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 14, 2009 02:19154784
1If you Truly Love God. I love him enough to believe his teachings and follow his commands. [445 words]DeborahOct 14, 2009 19:50154784
Deborah, It is YOU who is in for the rude awakening [130 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 19, 2009 10:39154784
I am calm in my knowledge and certainty. response to Seamus MacNemi [314 words]DeborahOct 20, 2009 10:53154784
To Deborah [484 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 21, 2009 22:27154784
THREAT TO NORTH AMERICA [262 words]mariaha-13Apr 9, 2009 14:31153648
Text book doctoring. More Indian experience. [180 words]B.N.GururajMar 28, 2009 23:03152918
Hindus' compliance in their own destruction [130 words]JaladhiApr 4, 2009 17:29152918
Yes! Hindus are a party to whitewashing of History [407 words]B.N.GururajApr 4, 2009 23:57152918
11"Rewriting Indian History - by Francois Gautier" - A Review [1748 words]TruthAloneTriumphsApr 10, 2009 11:13152918
West following same fateful steps of India of yore [198 words]B.N.GururajApr 11, 2009 07:12152918
Be Fair [278 words]AhamedApr 21, 2009 16:21152918
Satan??? oh my!! [291 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiSep 24, 2009 00:33152918
To Ahamed [103 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 5, 2009 22:02152918
Wonderful observations [23 words]Dr.N. V. KamathAug 22, 2017 14:26152918
The best commentary on Islam and Quran [38 words]MirzaMar 24, 2009 13:32152697
To Job Haddaway : Aya 4.89 [122 words]MohammedMar 24, 2009 12:08152691
not surprising [328 words]the Grand Infide of KaffiristanMar 26, 2009 06:56152691
Information [59 words]RoulalaMar 18, 2009 17:26152459
Statistical Errors & Historical Blunders [259 words]raja believerMar 15, 2009 15:43152329
The need to be informed about Islam. [60 words]batya daganMar 14, 2009 19:48152303
Future Jehad Factories of the US [169 words]raja believerMar 14, 2009 16:05152283
A proposal for a solution [83 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiSep 24, 2009 00:46152283
1White-washing of history can be a costly blunder! [747 words]B.N.GururajMar 14, 2009 00:02152244
Is there a book about violent history of islam ?? [32 words]SamMar 16, 2009 12:45152244
"Prophet of Doom" [88 words]Lactantius JrMar 17, 2009 03:48152244
why there is so much violence [61 words]SamMar 17, 2009 19:08152244
shaking the sheik - a classic [53 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanMar 18, 2009 07:09152244
Books on India's tragic past [129 words]B.N.GururajMar 18, 2009 10:49152244
"Whitewashed tombs" [617 words]Lactantius JrMar 18, 2009 19:55152244
Replies to prophetofdoom article [23712 words]ShajiMar 19, 2009 02:27152244
To Sam [100 words]M.A.Mar 19, 2009 18:01152244
famous Islamic preachers [588 words]the Grand Infide of KaffiristanMar 19, 2009 22:44152244
"Shaking the Sheikh, but for how much longer" [69 words]Lactantius Jr."Mar 21, 2009 10:21152244
To Grand Infidel: Islam is very popular in the west [111 words]MohammedMar 23, 2009 16:34152244
"Prophet of Doom continued" [7651 words]Lactantius JrMar 23, 2009 19:57152244
welcoming terrorists with open arms is a good move? [1214 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanMar 25, 2009 21:21152244
furthermore [154 words]the Grand Infide of KaffiristanMar 25, 2009 21:54152244
To Lactantius [14029 words]ShajiMar 28, 2009 13:11152244
fiction - no matter how plausible, is still fiction. [694 words]the Grand Infide of KaffiristanMar 30, 2009 19:55152244
Dates picking time and Islam was indeed spread by the sword [803 words]dhimmi no moreMar 31, 2009 18:47152244
To Shaji, more about the prophet of doom and the alternative provided by Jesus Christ "The Prince of Peace" [5038 words]Lactantius JrApr 1, 2009 17:03152244
It's is absolutely reality, not fiction [1135 words]ShajiApr 2, 2009 03:58152244
Islam, a peaceful religion [1854 words]ShajiApr 2, 2009 06:43152244
Who are you kidding Shaji? [149 words]JaladhiApr 2, 2009 15:40152244
Dates picking time and our dear sahji part deux and Islam was really spread by the sword [583 words]dhimmi no moreApr 2, 2009 17:41152244
sorry, it's still fiction [2711 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanApr 2, 2009 21:15152244
And the saga continues: islam was really spread by the sword and this what the Qur'an really says [1108 words]dhimmi no moreApr 3, 2009 07:39152244
poor Muslim logic and this time our dear Shaji believes that the Bible is not corrupted! [1053 words]dhimmi no moreApr 4, 2009 07:56152244
Dates picking time and our dear sahji part trois [421 words]dhimmi no moreApr 4, 2009 08:11152244
Islamic pagansim [241 words]dhimmi no moreApr 4, 2009 08:21152244
Revisiting babbling 3A'isha [274 words]dhimmi no moreApr 5, 2009 17:29152244
Our dear Shaji and the word Jihad and teaching one tablighee at a time [330 words]dhimmi no moreApr 5, 2009 17:43152244
DNM's question not answered!!! So what's new, this is the normal pattern with followers of islam!!! [68 words]JaladhiApr 10, 2009 16:17152244
Shaji and other sordid matters [66 words]dhimmi no moreApr 11, 2009 08:16152244
dhimmi: Shaji is probably a Malabari not an Urdu speaker [60 words]PlatoApr 12, 2009 12:06152244
dhimmi: hlep in translation [149 words]PlatoApr 12, 2009 12:16152244
Yes there are plenty ! [35 words]S BApr 13, 2009 13:47152244
Shaji: However much you may twist and turn you cannot escape the truth that Islam is false [3546 words]PlatoApr 14, 2009 03:54152244
an impossible task [127 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanApr 14, 2009 07:15152244
1Father Zakaria Botros and reading the Qur'an and Allah and Muslims and the angels pray to Muhammad [594 words]dhimmi no moreApr 14, 2009 08:06152244
Q33:56 [191 words]dhimmi no moreApr 15, 2009 07:55152244
dhimmi no more: thanks [23 words]PlatoApr 15, 2009 18:48152244
dhimmi no more: thanks again [15 words]PlatoApr 15, 2009 18:59152244
1Syriac in the Qur'an and even the word sura is not an Arabic word [711 words]dhimmi no moreApr 18, 2009 11:05152244
Reading the Qur'an and Muhammad [846 words]dhimmi no moreApr 19, 2009 09:24152244
dhimmi no more: What an idea! Detaching Muhammad from the Koran! [28 words]PlatoApr 19, 2009 21:21152244
2Read Qur'an first and don't rely on Christian aplogists, they are deceiving you. [7681 words]ShajiApr 26, 2009 03:23152244
To Shaji (peace be upon him) [2357 words]Lactantius JrApr 27, 2009 13:22152244
Our dear Shaji is back this time he agrees that islam was indeed spread by the sword and as If we did not know that [552 words]dhimmi no moreApr 28, 2009 08:01152244
Our dear Shaji seems to disagree with his Allah! Astaghfirullah al-3azeem [274 words]dhimmi no moreApr 28, 2009 20:28152244
Our dear Shaji and teaching one tablighee at a time that the Qur'an says that Jesus is really God and Islam is the religion of the Arabs only [525 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2009 06:54152244
Islamic polytheism and our dear sahji [291 words]dhimmi no moreApr 29, 2009 07:14152244
Combined reply for all your refutations [18384 words]ShajiMay 28, 2009 06:12152244
Sorry, it's not a fiction [8540 words]ShajiMay 28, 2009 06:15152244
Not Kidding [556 words]ShajiMay 28, 2009 06:17152244
Follow both Prophet Muhammad along with Jesus (peace be upon them both) and believe in complete submission to One and Only God [2699 words]ShajiMay 28, 2009 06:20152244
It's not twist and turn; but clear-cut truth [17527 words]ShajiMay 28, 2009 06:24152244
Who is Jesus? why did He come? what was His mission? [5232 words]Lactantius JrMay 30, 2009 09:11152244
Our dear Shaji and Abul Qasim's name is mentioned in the corrupted Bible go figure [3170 words]dhimmi no moreMay 31, 2009 08:43152244
dates picking or is it cherry picking time and Abul Qasim in the corrupted Bible [420 words]dhimmi no moreMay 31, 2009 10:01152244
Our dear Shaji and his foray in Arabic a language that he cannot read or write! Go figure and the word Jihad means holy war and as if we ddi not know already [1890 words]dhimmi no moreMay 31, 2009 11:15152244
The age of babbling 3A'isha [215 words]dhimmi no moreMay 31, 2009 11:27152244
6Our dear shaji and Q33:56 allah and his angels pray to Muhammad and it is all in black and white and more dates picking [1304 words]dhimmi no moreMay 31, 2009 17:44152244
As is excepted our dear Shaji does not really know what the Qur'an syas in Arabic [597 words]dhimmi no moreMay 31, 2009 19:49152244
Our dear shaji and dates picking and Abul Qasim in the Bible and Islamic paganism [910 words]dhimmi no moreJun 1, 2009 06:57152244
Our dear Shaji al-tablighee and islam is really the religion of the Hijazi Arabs only! And this is what the Qur'an really says [1243 words]dhimmi no moreJun 4, 2009 08:06152244
13A'isha and the saga continues [215 words]dhimmi no moreJun 5, 2009 06:34152244
Islam was really spread by the sword as in the case of the pagans of Mecca [951 words]dhimmi no moreJun 5, 2009 07:27152244
1Q8:41 and Allah demands to get 1/5 of the loot collected from infidles and more about free will in Islam [1729 words]dhimmi no moreJun 6, 2009 08:26152244
Ah BUT Shaji, my folk already do these things like you say [65 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 5, 2009 22:39152244
Mohammed do not be so sure of your self and your Islam [102 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 5, 2009 22:57152244
What I do not understand [453 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 6, 2009 12:11152244
Speaking of swords [145 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 6, 2009 20:19152244
I'll tell you what Shaji [111 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 6, 2009 22:05152244
Dhimmi No More has the answer [46 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 7, 2009 00:56152244
On knowledge of Hebrew [54 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 7, 2009 01:23152244
dnm and Plato you guys are great. You certainly give my mind a work out but I love it. [166 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 7, 2009 01:53152244
On the trinity [69 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 7, 2009 02:01152244
Dhimmi you bust me up HA HA HA [13 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 7, 2009 07:00152244
The difference between my folk and the Christians [61 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 7, 2009 07:25152244
Men act upon what they believe to be true about the world and themselves [84 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 7, 2009 07:35152244
What Yeshua said and what he meant [89 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 7, 2009 07:48152244
"How Jesus Christ Fulfills the Old Testament" an analysis of Matthew 5:17-20 [230 words]Lactantius JrOct 12, 2009 16:01152244
"Islam and the sword" [100 words]Lactantius JrOct 12, 2009 17:36152244
My Dear Lactantius [141 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 14, 2009 10:29152244
"What did the Lord Jesus Christ do for us?" [539 words]Lactantius JrOct 15, 2009 15:52152244
Lactantius, If you want to quote something to me don't use your book [86 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 19, 2009 11:01152244
Paul the Apostate and his perversion of the word [219 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 19, 2009 11:27152244
quoting from "my" book [39 words]Lactantius JrOct 20, 2009 05:07152244
The Apostle Paul, the truth of his words, and the truth of the Word [169 words]Lactantius JrOct 20, 2009 05:25152244
I reject your documentation as a source. [169 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 21, 2009 22:49152244
The book of John is itself a distortion [44 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 21, 2009 22:54152244
good points! [10 words]samirDec 24, 2009 00:55152244
What good points? [35 words]dhimmi no moreDec 25, 2009 06:49152244
holy Qur'an Vs Injil [281 words]khumairohMay 18, 2010 19:57152244
A real victim of Arabian imperialism [30 words]dhimmi no moreMay 19, 2010 17:38152244
ALLAH PRAYING TO MOHAMMAD [57 words]ABDULJul 22, 2010 20:04152244
Islamic Polytheism in the Qur'an [190 words]dhimmi no moreJul 25, 2010 07:25152244
bleh [19 words]limanNov 2, 2012 06:47152244
an reply from mouslem [63 words]mouslemMar 4, 2016 19:14152244
Deaf ears [113 words]Rebecca MouldsMar 13, 2009 10:09152224
Re Fox News, Islam and Text books [1445 words]Tess McNamara Australian and Pro Israeli supporterMar 13, 2009 04:16152219
Muslim Faith Should Not Be Whitewashed in American Textbooks [308 words]RonnieMar 13, 2009 00:09152210
More Islamic Spin [132 words]S. GrabowskiMar 12, 2009 21:13152197
Daniel Pipes is correct! [78 words]Prof. JoeMar 12, 2009 21:05152196
DONATION. [30 words]SvetlanatchkahMar 12, 2009 19:19152185
fox news [27 words]dennis wojciakMar 12, 2009 19:09152183
Letter To FOX [215 words]SvetlanatchkahMar 12, 2009 14:26152170
Lies, Deceit, and Cover up- This is what people need to know about Islam [196 words]Anne- USAMar 12, 2009 13:58152167
The moron and the oxy [212 words]Tim Buck IIMar 12, 2009 10:24152161
An Appeal to Cultural Muslims [1751 words]Amil ImaniMar 12, 2009 09:00152157
top marks [15 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanMar 12, 2009 23:00152157
Great Articulation [5 words]raja believerMar 14, 2009 14:56152157
Thank you "the Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan " [3 words]Amil ImaniMar 15, 2009 09:52152157
Religion [421 words]ArlindaMar 12, 2009 06:49152150
Enablers and apologists [22 words]aspaciaMar 12, 2009 06:43152149
Is appeasement better than confrontation? [149 words]pdmMar 11, 2009 09:35152093
Inputs for Hussein Ibish - On Conquest of Americas by Spaniards [67 words]SinghaMar 10, 2009 23:35152067
fair and balanced debate? [10 words]ravin blackMar 10, 2009 22:25152062
Catch them Young - You give an Inch. Islamists take a mile [82 words]SinghaMar 10, 2009 12:50152033
Islam in American Textbooks [292 words]IfrahimMar 10, 2009 19:05152033
jihad [62 words]Joe Six-PackMar 10, 2009 21:36152033
Argument of Hussein Ibish is a Joke - In Islam Religion and Politics Remain Integrated. [88 words]SinghaMar 11, 2009 22:07152033
Exposing Islam [101 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 01:32152033
Jewish people claims in Mecca & Medina & Arabian peninsula [71 words]samMar 10, 2009 10:29152023
"Islamic hated of Jews" [868 words]Lactantius JrMar 10, 2009 20:01152023
Very good question [822 words]dhimmi no moreMar 10, 2009 20:10152023
Jewish people in current arabia ? [97 words]SamMar 11, 2009 18:21152023
Jews in Baghdad [65 words]AngelMar 12, 2009 11:57152023
Jews in the Hijaz and the biggest literary fraud in the history of mankind [352 words]dhimmi no moreMar 12, 2009 19:34152023
To Dhimmi No More and Sam [217 words]RonnieMar 13, 2009 00:33152023
To Sam, Lactantius and dhimmi, from a MUSLIM [1036 words]Ibn MasudMar 13, 2009 01:35152023
dhimmi: its important that you speak with solid evidence, and not your mind [41 words]Ibn MasudMar 13, 2009 01:52152023
A whole book concerning islamic Antisemitism [23 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDMar 13, 2009 16:41152023
dhimmi: your analysis is totally inaccurate. [62 words]David EhlemMar 13, 2009 18:01152023
Ibn Masud, and where is your solid evidence [102 words]InfidelMar 13, 2009 21:18152023
Jesus [6 words]leighMar 14, 2009 00:52152023
Ibn Masud- [29 words]leighMar 14, 2009 01:00152023
The biggest literary fraud in the history of mankind [466 words]dhimmi no moreMar 14, 2009 07:46152023
Our dear Ibn Masud and the muslim sources that he cannot read in Arabic [103 words]dhimmi no moreMar 14, 2009 07:53152023
Our dear Ibn Masud: On being clueless [251 words]dhimmi no moreMar 14, 2009 08:08152023
Our dera Ibn Masud and the bogus hadith [65 words]dhimmi no moreMar 14, 2009 08:52152023
our dear ibn masud and speaking of solid evidence [380 words]dhimmi no moreMar 14, 2009 12:25152023
Infidel: then you should be reading dhimmi's blog ... [80 words]Ibn MasudMar 14, 2009 17:18152023
leigh: It would be unfair for you to learn Islam from Kuffar's books [49 words]Ibn MasudMar 14, 2009 17:23152023
2Res Ipsa Loquitor [268 words]dhimmi no moreMar 14, 2009 17:24152023
dhimmi: Mocking and Insulting the greatest religion Islam, proves your inferiority complex about it. [242 words]Ibn MasudMar 14, 2009 18:20152023
their actions belie their words [209 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanMar 14, 2009 23:59152023
Our dear ibn masud is a lost tablighee revisited [272 words]dhimmi no moreMar 15, 2009 07:40152023
1What is really al-jihad and what is really al-ijtihad?and should we call islam: istislam instead of Islam? [926 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
dhimmi no moreMar 15, 2009 09:32152023
K"NO"WING ISLAM [193 words]raja believerMar 15, 2009 13:54152023
Ibn Masud, Allah or GOD [122 words]InfidelMar 15, 2009 18:51152023
Ibn Masud is mocking and insulting the great religion of his ancestors the Hindus in favor of the arabs and Islam proves his inferiority compelx [586 words]dhimmi no moreMar 15, 2009 19:26152023
learn about Islam from a non Arab? really? this is like us studying urdu and urdu culture from your masters the Arabs [63 words]dhimmi no moreMar 15, 2009 19:32152023
studying the disturbed and deluded [167 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanMar 15, 2009 20:58152023
why are you mocking then [96 words]SamMar 16, 2009 00:27152023
muslim history unpallatable to Ibnmasud? [25 words]leighMar 16, 2009 01:09152023
The imperialism of the Arabs must be the ultimate imperialsim of all times [228 words]dhimmi no moreMar 16, 2009 07:36152023
Can Jewish people go to Mecca and Medina ? [75 words]samMar 16, 2009 13:08152023
Ibn Masud, Needs a course in Deductive Logic [102 words]raja believerMar 16, 2009 23:29152023
Prophet of Islam (PBUH) [98 words]MohammedMar 17, 2009 16:51152023
Our dear Mohammed and the other Muhammad [673 words]dhimmi no moreMar 17, 2009 18:59152023
Prophet of Islam [107 words]S.AliMar 17, 2009 22:49152023
Infidel: Before you argue about Islam, Go and Learn Quran carefully. [51 words]Ibn MasudMar 18, 2009 01:48152023
dhimmi: Your understanding of Quran is like Abu Jahaal, who ended up in Hell [59 words]Ibn MasudMar 18, 2009 01:54152023
dhimmi: Like you, we did not come here to make money. We were sent here for your benefit. [52 words]Ibn MasudMar 18, 2009 02:02152023
Lahol -bila- khuwat [157 words]raja believerMar 18, 2009 06:31152023
Correction [47 words]MohammedMar 18, 2009 12:26152023
my mistake [196 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanMar 18, 2009 17:53152023
Response to Dhimmi [142 words]MohammedMar 18, 2009 17:57152023
the case of the priapistic, promiscuous prophet [68 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanMar 18, 2009 18:04152023
To Dhimmi: Power of Islam [49 words]MohammedMar 18, 2009 18:16152023
Our dear Ibn Masud a victim of Arabian imperialism [255 words]dhimmi no moreMar 18, 2009 18:30152023
the odour of hypocrisy [212 words]the Grand Infide of KaffiristanMar 18, 2009 18:49152023
It seems that by his poor Muslim logic our dear Ibn masud worships idols and dollars. Read and enjoy [358 words]dhimmi no moreMar 18, 2009 18:52152023
Ibn Masud, Muslims and Jews [50 words]InfidelMar 18, 2009 19:45152023
Was Prophet of Islam superior to all prophets? [184 words]johnMar 18, 2009 23:41152023
It's all porky [133 words]raja believerMar 19, 2009 06:43152023
Our dear Ibn Masud is acting against his Allah's grand plans [394 words]dhimmi no moreMar 19, 2009 07:48152023
The Last or Lust Prophet [169 words]raja believerMar 19, 2009 07:51152023
What !!! [72 words]JaladhiMar 19, 2009 18:16152023
dhimmi: quit making a fool of yourself with your inferiority complex [102 words]Ibn MasudMar 20, 2009 00:24152023
As if [207 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanMar 20, 2009 02:00152023
Here we go again and how many muslims in the US! and the bogus claim that islam is the fastest growing religion in the US [118 words]dhimmi no moreMar 20, 2009 07:28152023
babbling 3Ai'sha revisited [198 words]dhimmi no moreMar 20, 2009 07:37152023
Don't compare Saints with Prophets [250 words]MansoorMar 20, 2009 09:42152023
To Raja:Prophet's revelations [34 words]SunnyMar 20, 2009 12:01152023
Know them by their fruits warned Yeshua [27 words]leighMar 21, 2009 02:14152023
Islamic delusions and we only tell you what your islamic sources tell us [684 words]dhimmi no moreMar 21, 2009 08:15152023
To Dhimmi: Ayesha's age [66 words]MohammedMar 21, 2009 14:07152023
Religion has to be spiritual without ceasing to be rational & ethical [253 words]raja believerMar 21, 2009 15:07152023
ToGrand Infidel: Power of Islam [88 words]MohammedMar 21, 2009 15:09152023
more wishful thinking [739 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanMar 21, 2009 22:41152023
the little green book said it was Ok ,officer. [147 words]the Grand Infide of KaffiristanMar 21, 2009 22:54152023
Add this to Quran [193 words]raja believerMar 22, 2009 00:52152023
our dear Ibn masud and Muslim logic. For the readers: read and enjoy [306 words]dhimmi no moreMar 22, 2009 08:11152023
The 3A'isha saga goes on and on [235 words]dhimmi no moreMar 22, 2009 08:25152023
Differing Times [17 words]wotthefiqhMar 22, 2009 10:54152023
Real Fastest Growing Religion Is Christainity, Not Islam [34 words]AnneMMar 22, 2009 17:46152023
great advice [143 words]the Grand Infide of KaffiristanMar 22, 2009 21:29152023
response to "Infidel" [105 words]Job HaddawayMar 22, 2009 22:44152023
Job Haddaway, read the Qur'an [86 words]InfidelMar 23, 2009 20:48152023
To Job, Mohammed ,Masud: Ref. to Quran [33 words]JohnMar 24, 2009 12:20152023
Your language is offemsive [165 words]DonMar 24, 2009 21:58152023
Interesting [54 words]DonMar 25, 2009 20:25152023
John: Why then people in the world are becoming Muslims in an alarming rate? [36 words]Earl DMar 26, 2009 17:53152023
EarlD's illusion about world becoming Muslim at an alarming rate!!! [77 words]JaladhiMar 29, 2009 18:12152023
How to look for guidance when a book abounds with 'faults' [86 words]B.N.GururajApr 12, 2009 09:20152023
No David I think dhimmi has a case [105 words]SimonApr 14, 2009 22:42152023
Search for Wisdom [105 words]AhamedApr 21, 2009 16:52152023
Jews in the Hijaz and the biggest literary fraud in the history of mankind revisited [224 words]dhimmi no moreApr 25, 2009 15:34152023
Abuna Zack..he is the man! [166 words]SimonApr 29, 2009 01:18152023
Jesus was a Jew and never denied it- response to Leigh- Islam in American Textbooks [72 words]Anne- USAJun 8, 2009 21:46152023
Toward an Anti Islam Jihad [216 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 6, 2009 00:02152023
We can be optimistic [2 words]DonOct 6, 2009 23:12152023
Thank you Dhimmi No More- News I've been waiting for [290 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 14:50152023
To Ibn Masud- these are the kinds of lies that my folk have been fighting [131 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemisOct 8, 2009 15:19152023
Ibn Masud [111 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 15:33152023
To David Ehlem [11 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 15:37152023
Books again??? Ibn Masud you amaze me with your blindness [113 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 15:56152023
Ibn Masud! [12 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 15:59152023
Perhaps we should be looking in the Shaat alArab [15 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 16:08152023
It is truely said amongst my own folk [77 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 17:12152023
On Islam and other obsessions [160 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 17:36152023
Another [87 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 17:50152023
Is sex all that Islam about? [60 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 18:08152023
Ibn Masud [51 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 18:12152023
Ironic isn't it? [25 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 18:47152023
Rumi was also NOT an Arab [15 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 19:17152023
Mansoor [27 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 19:27152023
Islam is the fastest growing religion??? [43 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 19:51152023
Yes, send him to the Georgia mountains HA HA HA [10 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 19:59152023
Amen Raja [5 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 20:10152023
Ahamed, the choice is yours [26 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 20:26152023
To Don [31 words]Seamus Dafydd Dives MacNemiOct 8, 2009 20:53152023
Ancient Books of History [45 words]beauty4ashesJan 16, 2010 10:32152023
Many authors [28 words]b soetoroJan 17, 2010 07:04152023
And so is the Qur'an [177 words]dhimmi no moreJan 23, 2010 12:56152023
Many authors [26 words]b soetoroJan 24, 2010 11:12152023
The Qur'an did not drop from the sky [90 words]dhimmi no moreJan 24, 2010 13:39152023
1Yeah, yeah ... before Abraham there was Ishmael, right? [71 words]Franco L'italianoSep 28, 2010 00:55152023
The islamic historical tradition and the Jews of Mecca and Medina [135 words]dhimmi no moreSep 29, 2010 08:01152023
saracens [134 words]abrahamApr 27, 2013 09:46152023
SARACENS AND MAVIA [137 words]tishMar 25, 2014 01:57152023

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