Our dear Shaji and Abul Qasim's name is mentioned in the corrupted Bible go figureReader comment on item: Islam in American Textbooks Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), May 31, 2009 at 08:43 Our dear Shaji who really needs to get a life and stop being a victim of the Arabs and their imperialism and this time we talk about Abul Qasim aka Muhammad's name mentioned in the corrupted Bible go figure and I wrote: I wrote: Oh is this the proof that Muhammad's name was mentioned in the Bible? right? Oh I have been waiting for this one with great anticipation Then our dear Shaji is quoting the "corrupted" (sic) Bible to prove his point. Go figure >In the Bible we can find the following four passages wherein Jesus (peace be upon him) predicts a great event: Snip corrupted (sic) verses from the Bible But wait our dear Shaji al-tablighee: ina al-ijiil wa al-tawra wa al-zabur kutubun muharafa right? Oh the Arabic? no I do not translate arabic for wannabe arabs like you. So why do you quote a kitab muharraf to prove a point? You tell us ya ayuha al-falyasoof al-kabeer! >First of all, you should understand what Quran's stand towards previous scriptures. First of all you should not quote a corrupted book mr ignorant because you know the old saying: garbage in is garbage out. And there is no half prgenancy so it is either the Bible is corrupted which your Allah says or it is not so which one is it?so do you disagree with your Allah and do you think that Ishould tell your Arab masters tha a maseen min el-hind disagrees with Allah? >In 2:79, Qur'aan says, "Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, Hello: the Qur'an was also written down as far as we know by human beings grammatical mistakes (eg: ina dadhan la sahiran and what a scandal that Allah does not know basic Arabic grammar) and all and oh yeah and interpolation (tahreef mr demagogue) as in the case of surat al-nijm aya 32 and editing as in the case of adding the fatha and damma and kassra and sukun and shadda and the long vowels alif and yeh and let us not forget the confusion of the alif maksura and the nuqat and all this was added by human beings and not by Allah So you tell us did Abul Qasim hear it as maaliki or is it maliki in surat al-fatiha and it could not have been both The Qur'an is the most corrupted and edited book. How come you did not know that? >and then say:"This is from Allah," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby". So Muslims believe Allah's words are still there in present Bible but also human's words as interpolation. Really? If the aya would have said qul ina al-injiil wa al-tawrah wa al-zubur kutubun muharafa fi ajza' wa laysat muharafa fi ajza'in ukhura you would be correct but you know what we are told in kutub al-turath that Muhammad was given a copy of the Bible and he kissed it and said that it is indeed the words of Allah which means that the Bible is not corrupted right? Oh the Arabic? well you know that I do not translate Arabic for wannabe Arabs like you so your claim so far is bogus >Therefore, Muslims can very well quote from Bible Bogus because how can you be sure that what you are quoting is not corrupted mr demagogue? >wherever it confirms with Qur'an and disagree with what not in accordance with Qur'an. Really? then why did the Jews and Christians did not delete the part of the Bible where you are supposed to find the name of Muhammad? You tell us ya ayuha al-falyasoof al-kabeer? > Also, the sentence you mentioned ": ina al-ijiil wa al-tawra wa al-zabur kutubun muharafa" is not there in Qur'an. Oh you fell in the trap: 1. Did I say that this is in the Qur'an? But again Aristotle and his logic is beyond the muslim mind 2. How dare you answer a question when you really do not understand such question?could it be because you do not know any Arabic? 3. Why did you not take it to one of your Arab masters to tell you what it says? Shame on you >Qur'an 5:13 says - But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few - ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for ALLAH loveth those who are kind". So the Bible is corrupted but where would I find in the above aya and let me repeat it one more time: qul ina al-injiil wa al-tawrah wa al-zubur kutubun muharaffa fi azja' wa laysat muharaffa fi azja'in ukhra? so where would I find it? Snip more drivel >So, Quran's stands towards Jews and Christians are different as mentioned in 5:13 and 14. And what does this have to do with tahreef al-injiil wa al-tawrah wa al-zubur ? >Again I remind you, I am not an Arab. You can write to me in plain English rather than using Arabic transliteration. Sorry mr demagogue but Islam is the religion of the Arabs and to read the Qur'an and to quote you must know your Arabic so get used to it So our dear Shaji seems to disagree with his Allah as our dear Shaji is using the Bible to prove a point which means that he disagrees with his Allah that the Bible is corrupted. So do you disagree with your Allah that the Bible was not corrupted our dear Shaji? Oh there will be no more 72 virgins or boys of heaven for our dear Shaji See what happens when your command of basic logic is flawed? >The corruption what Qur'an meant is already explained above. Really? where? For the readers our dear Shaji is trying to explain what a book that he cannot read in its primary language really says. Go figure and what he is telling us is that we have to understand that there is really half pregnancy. So it is either the Bible is corrupted or not and why did those pesky Jews and Chrisrians not delete the name of Muhammad from the already corrupted Bible? > Try to understand that. Understand what? that you are a demagogue or that you are poorly educated?we know that >Yes, if I am steadfast in Islam and die as true Muslim, And yes I urge you to abandon islam and be free again but what does this have to do with Biblical corruption? oh you are having second thoughts about the bogus claim by the author of the Qur'an? >I will surely find place in heaven. I thought that you will have to go first through 3azab al-qabr first and you have no way of knowing if you will go to your Allah's little heaven and would it be 72 virgins or the boys our dear Shaji?I'm just curious Snip more gobbledygook >No basic logic is flawed here if you correct your understandings. I will leave this pathetic remark for the readers to judge you >The word "comforter" is translated from the word "Paraclete" ("Ho Parakletos" in Greek). Parakletos in Greek is interpreted as "an advocate", one who pleads the cause of another, one who councils or advises another from deep concern for the other's welfare (Beacon Bible commentary volume VII, p.168). ROTFL you do not know any Arabic and now you pretend to know Greek? Really? >I didn't interpret myself. You try to see translations available on the net and see lexicon. See Strong's G3875 – paraklētos. One doesn't have to study Arabic or Greek to know such things. Just look at the meaning in online dictionaries. Then you provide us with a dictionary or we will call you a plagiarist ....? Oh more quotes from corrupted books to prove a point. >See, Muslims use Bible to convince Christians as they follow Bible. Well mr ignorant you have nothing to say do you? So you tell us again: why do you quote a corrupted book to prove a point? you cannot period but again logic and islam do not mix >Christians claim they have the Injeel what Qur'an says and they disbelieve Qur'an. I really do not care what the Christians say or not say I only care about what the Qur'an says a book that you cannot read in Arabic but you still have the guts to come and debate what it says here but again Aristotle and his logic is beyond all tablighees like you >The corruption doesn't mean each and every single word in Injeel, is changed. really? so where would I find in the Qur'an this little gem? ina al-tahreef laysa ma3nahu ina kul aya wa kul lafz wa kilma fi al-injiil lafz aw kilma aw aya muharaffa? (oh the Arabic? you know by now that I do not translate arabic for wannabe arabs like you) and where would i find it in kutub al-turath al-islami? Your claim is bogus > It is once again problem in your understanding. understanding what? you have nothing to say right? >What is Islam's stand is already mentioned above. What Islam stands for? you do not know what islam stands for unless you can read the Arabic which you cannot which means that you have to depend on bogus translations right? So the summary here is our dear Shaji is telling us that based on the corrupted (sic) Bible then the Biblical parakeltes must be Muhammad and now i have the following questions to pose to our dear Shaji: 1. You agree with me that Muhammad's name was Qutham and his kunya was Abul Qasim right? So where would i find that in the Bible? You will not find it. >If a person has other names, Really? then how many names you have our dear Shaji? >does it mean the popular name become obsolete…??. Oh I see you have no answer > Is it needed to mention all the names in Bible to accept a belief…??. gobbledygook You still did not answer my question: so where would i find Muhammad's real name Qutham or his kunya Abul Qasim? you will not find it but wait may be we can find them in the uncorrupted copy of the Bible right? Do you think that your Allah have a copy in his little library? Do you have his e-mail address? may be we can do lunch and I can do the talking as the poor guy does not speak Urdu or English 2. Assuming that the word parakeletos refers to a Muhammad/Ahmad then how can you be sure that this is indeed Abul Qasim whose name is Qutham? you cannot >The whole world knows Prophet (peace be upon him) by the name "Muhammad". Muslim logic in action then if the infidles believe that his name is Muhammad then he must be the parakletos! What a fake but wait kutub al-turath al-islami tell us that his name was Qutham so may be we need to tell all the infidles that he should be called Qutham kunya abul Qasim deal?whihc means that you will not find his name in the Bible! >Qasim was the son of Prophet (peace be upon him) Subhanallah >who died early in his childhood. Really? I thought he had one son aka IBrahim. So what is the dish about this little qasim?you have no clue do you? >It's a name he had been called later, as father of Qasim (Abul Qasim). Subhanallah >How this name could be referred to his real name…??. His real name is Qutham mr ignorant so where would i find it in the half and half corrupted Bible? 3. How do you know that Muhammad the Arabian warlord ...heard about this little gem in the corrupted (sic) Bible and decided to change his name and in this case you are reversing cause for effect ya ayuha al-falyasoof al-kabeer! Do you get it? >Your usage as warlord, caravan raider and child molester all were explained in my original posting But he was an Arabian warlord and caravan raider and child molester! My sources? Sirat rsaul allah in ibn Hisham's redaction of Ibn Ishaq's sira and al-Waqidi's al-maghazi >against allegations made by Craig winn. If Mr Winn said so then he is correct >I don't want to repeat the whole issue. It's all deliberate attempts to malign the great leader, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). No you need to tell al-Waqidi and Ibn Ishaq that "they malign" Abul Qasim. I only tell you what kutub al-turath al-islami tell us books that you cannot read in Arabic >No, I did not get your usage, "ya ayuha al-falyasoof al-kabeer". It is better you give translation than transliteration. May be you need to go and ask one of your Arab masters to tell you what it says or are you shy to ask because your little mask about being a muslim 3alim will crumble? 4. The Bible is a corrupted book. Right? So how can you be sure that the parakeltos was no more than Biblical corruption? Let me help you: you cannot which is the final nail in the coffin of your little gobbledygook little fable >Muslims believe Bible contains God's verses but also humans. You still did not answer my question so how can you be sure that the parakeltos is not Biblical corruption? >Wherever it matches with Qur'an, Muslims are asked to believe. Muslims find evidence of parakletos So where would i find the word parakletos in the Qur'an? you will not find it >from Bible based on Qur'anic verse 61:6 which says – "And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the apostle of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of an Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad." But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "this is evident sorcery!" Mr ignorant where would i find the word parakletos in the Qur'an? After all the Qur'an has its share of Greek words (eg: injiil) ? So if Allah can use the word injiil (in Arabic the Bible is called al-kitab al-muqaddas) why not use the word parakletos? Let me guess: you have no clue >Qur'an is not gobbledygook fable. You took the words out of my mouth > Read it once with an open heart. If your intention is good, Allah will surely guide you towards truth. gobbeldygook oh the "read Qur'an" topos 5. Are you aware that in Syriac sources prior to the rise of islam Jesus was called MHMD and do you know what this means? It means that Jesus is the parakeltos too >You say Jesus is parakletos too. Then how do you know that the Quranic Muahmmad/ Ahmad is not Jesus? >Ok, then read the following verse from Bible. Snip reference from the Bible a corrupted (sic0 book >Read the bold and underlined sentence. That means, if Jesus go away, then only Comforter will come. Then how Jesus becomes the parakletos……??. So why do you believe a corrupted book? and how do you know that what you quote is not corrupted? oh I forgot if it is in the Qur'an and the Bible then it is not corrupted. Then cognratulations our dear Shaji but it seems that Jesus is indeed Muhammad and his is the prophet of islam and not Qutham. See? your poor eduaction comes back to bite you 6. Oh I DNM changed my name to Muhammad do you think that I'm really the comforter in the Bible? And Allah spoke to me too via an angel and I have a book for you and if you can believe Muhammad aka Ahmad aka Qutham aka Abul Qasim then you must believe me >If you change your name to Muhammad, you cannot become comforter. Oh wait I mean my name is Muhammad and my good friends call me DNM just like our dear Abul Qasim aka Qutham then I must be the comforter >This comforter has certain qualities. Read it once again from above verse (John 16:7-14). Where is your book….??. Quoting a corrupted book again >Also read Hadith from Tirmidhi saying, The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) affirmed: "The chain of Messengers and Prophets has come to an end. There shall be no Messenger nor Prophet after me." (Sunan Al Tirmidhi, Kitab: ur-Rouya Bab: Zahab-un- Nubuwwa, Hadith No.2198). So where would i find this in the Qur'an? and why should I believe the hadith after all the hadith is all fake and it has the likes of the funny "rida3at al-kabeer" hadith? and oh there is a hadith that has been corrupted by Muslims where it says: ina dhimmi no more khatim al-mursaleen wa laysa Muhammad khatim al-mursaleen There you go then i must be the parakeltos right? So you think that I'm the comforter our dear Shaji after allah also spoke to me via an angel and if you do not believe then you are a munafiq 7. And here is your bonus for today: why did Allah allow al-yahood wa al-nasarra to corrupt the Bible after all he says in the Qur'an that no one can change his word? could it be because there is no Allah? or could it be because Allah is not omniopent? So which one is it?See what happens when you post drivel? >Answer is there in Qur'an 2:79 - "Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say:" This is from ALLAH," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby". This is how Qur'an says about corruption and interpolation is what Christians done. You still did not answer my question: how come Allah allowed the Jews and Christians to corrupt his word? Shame on you >About Allah, it seems you have wrong concept. It is well described in Chapter 112 of Qur'an - Verses 1-4 – "Say: "He is ALLAH, the One and Only. ALLAH is Independent of all and all are dependent on Him. Neither has He an offspring nor is He the offspring of anyone. And none is equal with Him in rank." Mr ignorant what does this have to do with the fact that Allah allowed the jews and chrisrians to corrupt his books? Could it because there is no Allah? or could it be because he is not omnipotent? so which one is it And here is yuor bonus for today: what does the word al-ssamad mean? Oh stay tuned for more and you did aks for it And i urge you to abandon islam and be free again
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