Our dear Shaji and his foray in Arabic a language that he cannot read or write! Go figure and the word Jihad means holy war and as if we ddi not know alreadyReader comment on item: Islam in American Textbooks Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), May 31, 2009 at 11:15 Our dear Shaji tells us that he does read speak or write Arabic but that does not seem to stop him from pontificating about Arabic >The Arabic word "jihad" means struggling or striving and applies to any effort exerted by anyone.You said - No it does not. It means holy war and for this see Malik's "Kitab al-Jihad" and see Qamoos Lisan al-3Arab Then our dear Shaji wrote: >Jihad includes war also but against an unjust regime. Bogus if so then why did the Arabs, let us say, invade Egypt or Spain? what did the Egyptians of 642CE or the Spaniards do to Allah and his rasul? and what did your Hindu ancestors do to your Allah and his rasul to deserve the atrocities inflicted on them by islam and Muslims? your Allah did not even know that Hiduism even existed. Shame >But essentially it means Muslims to "struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society. Really? then where would i find it in Lisan al-3arab or in Malik's "Kitab al-jihad"?shame on youfor making things up as you go >Jihad with sword is not applicable in a peaceful society or the society which allows religious freedom. really? where does it say in the Qur'an ina al-jihad laysa masmoohan fi al-bilad al-lati ta3tii al-hurya al-deenya li kul al-nas? Your claim is bogus. Oh the Arabic? well may be you can ask one of your Arab masters > By quoting Malik's Kitab-al-Jihad and Qamoos Lisan al Arab, you didn't mention what exactly was said in it. Hello: do you really know what is lisan al-3arab and can you read malik's "kitab al-jihad" in Arabic? oh translations? well they can be wrong and tendentious as you shall see mr demagogue Snip tablighee bogus gobbledygook >In conclusion, jihad in Islam is striving in the way of ALLAH by pen, tongue, hand, media and, if inevitable, with arms. However, jihad in Islam does not include striving for individual or national power, dominance, glory, wealth, prestige or pride. No jihad means holy war as you shall see below Then I wrote: Really? then where is your evidence? The following will be accepted as evidence: Qamoos Lisan al-3Arab and indicate the Juz' wa al-safha And as I excepted our dear Shaji had no clue about that I'm talking about then I wrote: The following will not be accepted as evidence: 1. My Mullah told me so 2. Tendentious Pakistani web sites 3. I Shaji say so 4. wikipedia >My evidences – >The root of the word "jihad" is "juhd" which means "effort." Bogus the root of the word Jihad is JHD and not HUHD mr ignorant there are only three letters in an Arabic language jizr >I am not taking support of Mullah, Pakistani websites, or my own interpretation, or wikipedia. Read Jihad's description from http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/engagement/resources/texts/muslim/reference/glossary/term.JIHAD.html As I suspected you did not understand what I wrote and let me repeat it one more time your reference must be from Qamoos wa ma3jam Lisan al-3rab only. So is this web site Lisan al-3arab mr demagogue? >Do you want proof from Qur'an?. Read 25:52 - "O Prophet, do not yield to the disbelievers, but wage a Jihad against them with this Qur'aan". Well let us see what Q25:52 says in Arabic: fala tuti3i al-kaafirina wa jahiduhum biha jihadan kabiran Or and here is tarjamat al-lafz/kilma 1. fala means and not 2. tuti3i means do not obey 3. al-kafireena or the unbelievers 4. jahiduhum biha means fight (holy war) with it (see lisan al-3arab) 5. jihadan (i3rab) or holy war (see Lisan al-3arab) 6. kabiran or big and trajamt al-ma3na is: and do not obey the unbelievers and fight a big holy war against them So I have a few questions for you; 1. Where would i find your bogus: ya nabi or O prophet/? You will not find it in the aya and do you know what this means? It means that you have no clue about what the Qur'an really says and do you think that I should tell al-wahabituun that maskeen min el-hindis editing Allah's little book? 2. Then you wrote: do not yeild. Bogus the word tuti3i means to obey and the word yeild means salama or adh3ana see what happens when you quote poor translations? 3. And where would i find "with this Qur'an" or bihadha al-Qur'an in the aya? Shame on you for posting a poor and tendendious translation 4. And do you know what we call someone who does not provide us with a source? we call him a plagiarist so are you a palgiarist our dear Shaji al-tablighee? 5. And here is your bonus for today: the word ALKFRYN was edited by the ulama by adding a sukun above the lam and an alif after the kaf (what a scandal as Allah cannot even spell his Arabic words) and a kasra under the feh and a kasra under the reh and s sukun above the yeh and a fatha above the nuun and so mcuh for the unedited Qur'an Shame on you > Qur'an is not a sword but it itself asking to do Jihad with that. Where do you find the word Qur'an in the above aya mr ignorant? now do you see what happens when you do not know any Arabic and have to depend on bogus translations? > That is nothing but conveying the message of Qur'an. Now if you are really a man then you must admit that you had no clue that in thsi aya there is no mention of the Qur'an >Again, The Qur'an uses the verb of "jihad" The word jihad is not a verb mr ignorant yujahid or (he) fights a holy war is the verb and stick to urdu >in its generic meaning of "exerting the best efforts against something" in the following verse: 29:8 says - And We have enjoined on man goodness to parents, but if they jahadaka (do jihad against you) to make you associate [a god] with Me, of which you have no knowledge [being a god], do not obey them. To Me is your return [O people!], so I shall inform you of your past deeds. Do us a favor : You need to stcik to urdu >So this Jihad is to oneself not to obey those enjoin partners for God. gobbeldygook >Again, When one person or group transgresses their limits and violates the rights of others, Muslims have the right and the duty to "check" them and bring them back into line. There are several verses of the Qur'an that describe jihad in this manner. One example: 2:251 says - "And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief; but Allah is full of Bounty to all the worlds" More gobbeldygook >Islam never tolerates unprovoked aggression from its own side; Muslims are commanded in the Qur'an not to begin hostilities, embark on any act of aggression, violate the rights of others, or harm the innocent. Even hurting or destroying animals or trees is forbidden. War is waged only to defend the religious community against oppression and persecution, because the Qur'an says that "persecution is worse than slaughter" and "let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression" (2:190-193). So if non-Muslims are peaceful to Islam, there is no justified reason to declare war on them. I do not care what islam tolerates or not i'm only interseted in the meaning of the wor jihad so stop your little tablighee gobbledygook Snip quotes from a book that our dear shaji cannot read in Arabic >Note that the verse specifically commands the protection of all houses of worship. Finally, the Qur'an also says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion" (2:256). ReallY? well hello ayat la ikrah nusikhat bi ayat al-sayf and how come you did not know that? Oh the Arabic? you need to ask one of your masters the Arabs to tell you what it means! For the readers: the ulama tell us that Q2:256 was abrogated by ayat al-sayf or Q9:5 >Forcing someone at the point of a sword to choose death or Islam is an idea that is foreign to Islam really? then how about ayat al-sayf and how about ayat al-jizya? how come you did not know that? could it because you are and you must pardon me ignorant or a liar? so which one is it? > in spirit and in historical practice. There is absolutely no question of waging a "holy war" to "spread the faith" and compel people to embrace Islam; that would be an unholy war and the people's forced conversions would not be sincere. Gobbeldygook And i will be waiting for your answer with great anticiaption and here is your open book examination for today: Could you translate from transliterated Arabic to English the following words: 1. Jihad 2. Mujahid 2. Ijtihad 4. Mujtahid 5. Juhd 6. Majhood And no your Mullah will not be able to help you with the above and now you either and you must pardon me either put up or oh well you know the rest >Jihad – I already explained above. No you did not and the word jihad, in Lisan al-3arab, holy war and you get an F so far >Mujahid – One who does Jihad Or holy warrior >Ijtihad – explained in http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/engagement/resources/texts/muslim/reference/glossary/term.IJTIHAD.html I did ask you to provide me with your reference from Lisan al-3arab so you have no idea what is really lsian al-3arab right ?so why not ask one of your Arab masters to tell you? shame on you >That is, Exerting the sum total of one's ability attempting to uncover Allah's rulings on issues from their sources (Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijma', etc.). Sometimes divided into complete ijtihad (the ability of one to independently arrive at Allah's rulings in all areas of fiqh) and partial ijtihad (the ability of one to do so only in certain areas of fiqh in which they have exerted such efforts). This is one half of the meanning of the word as it means striving to improve >Mujtahid - Person who does Ijtihad. Really? a mujtahid is he who strives to improve >Juhd – essentially means effort (I already mentioned above). Bogus it means strain as in physical strain Majhood – one who makes Juhd. ROTFL mr ignorant majhood means he who is physically strained See? this is the genius of the semetic grammar and that it is beyond poorly eduacted people like you so a mujahid becomes a mujtahid or majhood and only allahu a3lqm and a jihad beomces a juhd or ijtihad and only allahu a3lam So repeat after me a mujahid is a holy warrior and hijad is holy war and a mujtahid is he who strives to improve and ijtihad means striving to improve and juhd means physical strain and majhood means he who is physically strained ... Oh Lisan al-3Arab? It is the Arabic language dictionary of Ibn Manzur and it is the arabic langauge dictionary par excellence and you will not be able to read it as you do not know any Arab and the Qur'an ain't no Qamoos aw ma3jam see what happens when you pontificate about a lnagauge that you cannot read speak or write?
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