islam -"this decaying corpse of an immoral Arab Beduin"- is beautifulReader comment on item: Turkey: An Ally No More Submitted by Ianus (Poland), Nov 7, 2009 at 14:29 havas > well, ı only can hope that not the majority of christians and jews think the way you do.< Well, let me remind you that Hitler didn't think this way. He was a warm friend and admirer of Islam. He found it tragic that Karl Martel had crushed Allah's warriors at Poitiers. > if this kind of paronoia and deep hostilities grow up, all the world can go into danger. < Yes, resisting jihadism and its Moslem Fifth Column in Europe and elsewhere is dangerous. Freedom to speak and think costs a lot and it's better to pay this price than lose it and succumb to never-ending Islamic terror and genocides. >there are maniac terrorists who name their criminal acts as done for islam. < They are no maniacs. They are faithful, common Moslems who just do what is written in the Quran by Allah and what was done by super-Moslem Mohammed and the holy Islamic gangsters that followed him. He was a mass murderer, robber and terrorist par excellence and it is the duty of every Moslem to follow in his path irrespective of what Moslem sect he belongs to. Misleading unsuspecting people about the real goal of Islam belongs also here. Had the the poor Jews in Yatrib known what a diabolical monster they were liberating by inviting Mohammed, they would have never committed that suicidal folly and spared humanity from its dire consequences! > but you see a criminal is a criminal.criminal cant have a religon. < On the contrary. Moslem criminals are highly politicised and religious. Take e.g. the Chechen jihadists who stormed a maternity ward or a primary school in Beslan. They were just the best Moslems I can imagine. Pious, believing, fighting in Allah's path shahids... Since 9/11 2001 some 14000 acts of Islamic terror have been committed by people like them ... or like you. Who knows what further evolution you'll undergo? Maybe somewhere in teh mountains of Chechnia where so many of your countrymen have last seen a mosque ? Allah is great, isn't he? > in ıraq they kill each other.is that done for islam? Sure, it is! Everything in dar al-Islam is done for Islam. It has always been so. You just declare the "wrong" sect to be kafiri and there you go - killing, bombing, raping, torturing, kidnapping for Allah... Your "right" can't win with other means. Or can you imagine that Mohammed would have prevailed if he hadn't assassinated, beheaded, raped, terrorized people around him? Islam is 'beautiful', isn't it , you Turkish jihadist in a pacifist's clothing ! >hamas and el fetih cant get together even under the brutal israeli terror.So?< ... So they produce fatwas against each other and here we go - killing and terrorizing each other for Allah's and ummah's sake under the eyes of the entire world! For a Moslem, Jews are bad but a Moslem who betrays Allah is much worse. Islam is violence. Who falls victim to it, depends on the given circumstances. But Islamic violence doesn't depend on casual circumstances. It's inbuild in Islam just like barking or howling in a dog's nature. > ı go to mosques on fridays since ı am 12 years old . ı really have not heard any words pushing me to terror or anything bad ,against humanity. ı see nothing bad about islam. How could you? ... Our good Moslem boy has never heard that Allah made Jews pigs and apes and that those who don't believe in Allah are "the worst beasts in Allah's sight" and that Allah tells us to kill the worst beasts in his sight wherever we find them and that whoever apostasizes from his Islam must be killed and that Mohammed killed masses of people standing in his way to prophethood and power ... But wait! All of that isn't really so bad or doesn't push anyone to terror , does it ? .... We know that "Islam is beautiful" after all, don't we? ... Anyway, a friend of mine told me about the Turks in Germany on 9/11 2001 he had been working with in a factory. They were enthusiastic about the news from America and danced as they spread the news. > islam is a great religonand it is my culture. Your semi-god Ataturk said instead "Islam - this decaying corpse of an immoral Arab beduin -is poisoning all of us." Now speaking of a great religion and of a "great" culture, why did your saint Ataturk dissent with you so radically ? ...If he were resurrected in today's Turkey, the Turks would have stoned him for repeating this saying in public. >the more you people insult my culture more ı get attached to it.< Your prophet Ataturk has insulted your culture most radically. Yet instead of rejecting him you are attached to him like a masochist slave to his cruel tyrant. And like true slaves you never bother about absurdities and contradictions. One shouldn't overestimate Turkey's intellectual qualities. > ı also dont believe that ataturk was an atheist. < Do you believe that he did abolish the caliphate, did expel the caliph, the dervishes, did close down mosques and jail imams and purge Islam from schools ? A Moslem did all of that , didn't he? > because he was the leader of muslims fighting against christian armenians and greeks in anatolia. it was a war of religons. and we won. < Yes, but it was between 1919-1922. Then the holy warrior of Islam -Ghazi- changed his mind and manners radically and jailed all those that had the cheek to mention his jihadist past to him. True to his perfidy and treason, he started a war on his former ally - Islam. > and armenians couldnt forget the great loss. thats why they invented armenian genocide lie.< No ! Moslems commit genocides and crimes and they NEVER admit their crimes. That's why the Turks had to deny the facts and reality as all Moslems do. There is nothing new about the heinous Turkish crimes nor about the denial of them. Were the Bulgarian horrors of 1875/1876 that triggered out the Russo-Turkish war also a " lie" to denigrate the traditionally immpecable Turkish virtue and excellency ? The bones of the massacred Christians in Batak are still on exposition to any visitor. In Anatolia which you Turks occupy you had enough time to make almsot all archaeological traces disappear, you criminal Turkish jihadists ! But documents and reports on your misdeeds are everywhere freely available and insolently denying them only does aggravate your guilt. > thats why they rejected us from eu.< Some 4 mln Turks are ruining Germany and don't integrate. 75 mln more Turks would be a death sentence for Europe. > ı have a small question ,did the jews in germany tried to have an independent country in germany and burnt the neighbouring villages and killed them?< Let me answer this question by asking you why not a single mention of "Armenian revolts" can be found in the daily reports going from the Eastern Anatolian Front to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of Central Powers in Germany in 1914-1918 while there are repeated reports of Turkish/Moslem uprisings behind the Russian lines ? Somehow, the Russians had not the idea to exterminate every Moslem they came across as was the Turkish idea of jihad à outrance. >ı think we all need more humanity and love and respect towards each other. I think that we all -like ancient Zoroastrians- need respect first and foremost for truth and nothing but truth. When I meet a person who tries to impudently lie, deceive and fool me, I definetly lose any respect for the person and the religion and culture that produce such species of people. The person in question I'd like to leave unnamed for the time being. >especially yoıu need that.< I have told you what I do badly need. Besides, what I need is the long overdue answer to my question : " How can Turkish Moslems like you reconcile Islam with Ataturk's saying: "Islam -this decayiing corpse of an immoral Arab Beduin -is poisoning all of us" ? I know I am waiting in vain for the answer and my need will never be satisfied. Moslems are to deeply irrational, ignorant and cowardly to see and face any contradiction where there is plenty thereof.
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