"A Muslim could not commit genocide" - Imam Erdogan + every TurkReader comment on item: Turkey: An Ally No More Submitted by Ianus (Poland), Jan 25, 2010 at 19:37 Turk from Turkey wrote : > I apologize you enlightened one, I failed to see how Byzantium enlarged and prospered with love, compassion and absolute humanitarian values.< I refer your inability to see most rationally visible things to your Islam which you have, characteristically enough, not deigned to address even once in your reply, albeit it does stand at the core of all our discussion and ALL the problems jihadist Turkey has been creating. The difference between Christianity and Islam is roughly speaking reducible to the difference between the respective founders of both religions. On the one hand you have a noble learned man who hasn't harmed a single human being in his life and on the other you can see a primitive greedy Beduin gangster with a pack of blood-thirsty cut-throats and criminals building their new 'faith' on the mountains of cut off heads and corspes and ordering their followers to do exactly the same! You have on the one hand a man of peace, on the other an evil terrorist and murderer.The first man is called Jesus, the other Muhammed. How the Byzantines under peaceful cricumstances tended to win hearts and minds of their savage foes is visible by their success in bringing Christianity and literature to the South Slavs and to the Russians.We Slavs owe teh Bzyantines our first written works, the first testomonie sof our language, the first steps in the civilized life. The case of winning the Russians with humanity is well-documented by another medieval source your Islamically motivated ignorance must surely reject a priori. The Church of Hagia Sophia mentioned in this account is one of these innumerable churches which you Moslem vampires have desecrated and stolen not being able to construct anything similar to the cathedral of Justinian. The The oldest Russian Chronicle written by Nestor tells the following story udne rthe year 987 (6495): " Vladimir summoned together his vassals and the city elders, and said to them: "Behold, the [Volga] Bolgars came before me urging me to accept their religion . Then came the Germans and praised their own faith [Catholicism]; and after them came the Jews [most likely rabbis from the receding Khazar khaganate. Finally the [Eastern Orthodox] Greeks appeared, criticizing all other faiths but commending their own, and they spoke at length, telling the history of the whole world from its beginning. Their words were artful, and it was wondrous to listen and pleasant to hear them. They preach the existence of another world. 'Whoever adopts our religion and then dies shall arise and live forever. But whosoever embraces another faith, shall be consumed with fire in the next world.' What is your opinion on this subject, and what do you answer?" The vassals and the elders replied: "You know, O Prince, that no man condemns his own possessions, but praises them instead. If you desire to make certain, you have servants at your disposal. Send them to inquire about the ritual of each and how he worships God." Their counsel pleased the prince and all the people, so that they chose good and wise men to the number of ten, and directed them to go first among the Bolgars and inspect their faith. The emissaries went their way, and when they arrived at their destination they beheld the disgraceful actions of the Bolgars and their worship in the mosque; then they returned to their own country. Vladimir then instructed them to go likewise among the Germans, and examine their faith, and finally to visit the Greeks. They thus went into Germany, and after viewing the German ceremonial, they proceeded to Constantinople where they appeared before the emperor. He inquired on what mission they had come, and they reported to him all that had occurred. When the emperor heard their words, he rejoiced, and did them great honor on that very day. On the morrow, the [Byzantine] emperor sent a message to the patriarch to inform him that a Russian delegation had arrived to examine the Greek faith, and directed him to prepare the church of Hagia Sophia the clergy, and to array himself in his sacerdotal robes, so that the Russians might behold the glory of the God of the Greeks. When the patriarch received these commands, he bade the clergy assemble, and they performed the customary rites. They burned incense, and the choirs sang hymns. The emperor accompanied the Russians to the church, and placed them in a wide space, calling their attention to the beauty of the edifice, the chanting, and the offices of the archpriest and the ministry of the deacons, while he explained to them the worship of his God. The Russians were astonished, and in their wonder praised the Greek ceremonial. Then the Emperors Basil and Constantine invited the envoys to their presence, and said, "Go hence to your native country," and thus dismissed them with valuable presents and great honor. Thus they returned to their own country, and the prince called together his vassals and the elders. Vladimir then announced the return of the envoys who had been sent out, and suggested that their report be heard. He thus commanded them to speak out before his vassals. The envoys reported: "When we journeyed among the Bulgars, we beheld how they worship in their temple, called a mosque, while they stand ungirt. The Bulgarian bows, sits down, looks hither and thither like one possessed, and there is no happiness among them, but instead only sorrow and a dreadful stench. Their religion is not good. Then we went among the Germans, and saw them performing many ceremonies in their temples; but we beheld no glory there. Then we went on to Greece, and the Greeks led us to the edifices where they worship their God, and we knew not whether we were in heaven or on earth. For on earth there is no such splendor or such beauty, and we are at a loss how to describe it. We know only that God dwells there among men, and their service is fairer than the ceremonies of other nations. For we cannot forget that beauty. Every man, after tasting something sweet, is afterward unwilling to accept that which is bitter, and therefore we cannot dwell longer here." Then the vassals spoke and said, "If the Greek faith were evil, it would not have been adopted by your grandmother Olga , who was wiser than all other men." Vladimir then inquired where they should all accept baptism, and they replied that the decision rested with him." This is exactly what the barbarians who had before looted and devasted the empire felt in front of the latter's higher spiritual refinement : "... we went on to Greece, and the Greeks led us to the edifices where they worship their God, and we knew not whether we were in heaven or on earth. For on earth there is no such splendor or such beauty, and we are at a loss how to describe it." I know that the above passage is entirely lost on your Islamism but I will never forget it until my last day although I am no Christian myself. It struck me the first time I read it and keeps amazing me even now after so many years. While the Rus were charmed and overwhelmed by the superior Byzantine spirit, the Turkish savagery continued to rape monks and priest, circumcise and murder youth in churches, blaspheme and desecrate everything upon which Bzyantium's greatness and spirit was built. Islam was at work and what teh so called 'religion of peace' produces we kafirs do know all too well. I can't see a sharper contrast between Islam's savegry and Christianity's civilizing mission than in the account of Nestor. Your pseudo-historical whitewashing absed on false analogies and ignorance will not change anything in all Islamic savagery. Victorious Turkish jihad has always meant civilizational decay and regress. It is responsible for repeated Turkish genocides and and their obstinate denial. The old Islamic monster is hidden under the Kemalist hijab. >Instead of trying to create theatrical images of 'stolen cows' and 'kidnapped Greek boys' under fake emotional outbursts with the mindset of a B class action movie producer < Aren't you suggesting that because you don't know your own history your ignorance of the subject should be an enouragement for us to imitate you? If so, thanks a lot but I decline the offer to share your ignorance. I can add that the Turkish jihadist atrocities were not restricted to Byzantium. They were universal. The Turks did the same things as Alexius Comnenus describes EVERYWHERE – in Serbia, Hungary, in Poland , in Georgia ... from the very first to the very last day of their terrorist Moslem rule. By the way, the "theatrical images of 'stolen cows' and 'kidnapped Greek boys' " had a precise name - "devshrime" ('collection of fruits';) and the "kidnapped Greek boys" were called "janissaries" and these boys were made into Moslem zombies by the Bektashi dervishes, if your historical memory doesn't reach that far back into the past of the Turkish barbarity. There are memoirs of a Polish janissary who had the bad luck of being kidnapped from his family where he describes how such "threatrical images' looked like in grim Moslem reality. They are still wort reading even today, although they won't be ever translated into Ataturkish. These bestialities are well-remembered among those that lost their beloved children to feed the Turkish monster with. Who knows perhaps even you, who are blaspheming kafirs, are a scion of such a traumatized Polish boy kidnapped in Podolia or Wolhynia? Your face doesn't look very Kahsakh or Turkmen, does it ? >why dont you ,'humanistic missionaries of God spreading Buddhist morals of compassion and love can not say a single word about the many you have forced to convert , raped , killed and slaved ? < Again your favourite argument of accusing the victim of your own heinous crimes? I know it ad nauseam. The Armenian genocide e.g. You exterminate in cold blood 1 500 000 people accusing them exactly of what you were doing. You indiscriminately slaughter 1000 000 Greeks under the eyes of the whole world ... and accuse the still warm corpses of having committed a genocide aginst the brave virtuous Turkish murderers and gangsters for Allah's glory! You exterminate the Kurds and tell the same silly story.You invade Cyprus and rape, expell and exterminate whomever you can ... and the same nauseating fairy tale of "self-defence" and preventing an anti-Turkish genocide is told to the stunned public! ... Even here you deny the most obvious crimes and blame everyone else expect this old Asiatic Turkish beast so notorious for its genocide crimes or deflect from the subject by telling of other crimes that don't belong here. You NEVER admit the Turkish crimes as dislclosed by history. NEVER! Recently Erdogan put this standard Turkish lie repeated by you here more honestly and openly than you : "a Muslim couldn't do such things. A Muslim could not commit genocide" He just said what every Turk thinks. A kafir is always to blame for a Moslem crime. So no more double talk here !
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