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European Enlightenment and Turkish Witch-Hunters

Reader comment on item: Turkey: An Ally No More
in response to reader comment: European Enlightenment - 'Christianity's Civilization Missions' - Part I - 'Kill them all ! God will know His own.'

Submitted by Ianus (Poland), Jan 27, 2010 at 17:17

Turk wrote :

I refer your inability to see most rationally visible things to your Islam which you have, characteristically enough, not deigned to address even once in your reply, albeit it does stand at the core of all our discussion and ALL the problems jihadist Turkey has been creating. The difference between Christianity and Islam is roughly speaking reducible to the difference between the respective founders of both religions. On the one hand you have a noble learned man who hasn't harmed a single human being in his life and on the other you can see a primitive greedy Beduin gangster with a pack of blood-thirsty cut-throats and criminals building their new 'faith' on the mountains of cut off heads and corspes and ordering their followers to do exactly the same! You have on the one hand a man of peace, on the other an evil terrorist and murderer.The first man is called Jesus, the other Muhammed

Did you remember the reply of Arnaud-Armaury, the Abbot of Citeaux in the 1200's as when he was asked how to identify the heretics prior to slaughtering all 20,000 residents of the town ?

"Kill them all. God will know His own" (Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoset )<

Were it not for the missing "c" in "agnosCet", I'd call it excellent Latin, Turk ! Anyway, you should know without my prompt that what the abbot said has nothing to do with what the founder of the abbot's religion did and said while what Mohammed said and did is valid until now and I wonder which Turkish imam has abrogated e.g. jihad or "Whoever leaves Islam , kill him'? I'll gladly read a Turkish fatwa issued by the Diyanet to the effect.

> "Therefore, I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews, I am doing the Lord's work." Adolf Hitler. <

If you suggest Hitler was the founder of Christianity, then my congratulations. We are speaking here about Jesus vs. Muhammed, if you have missed the point. Your favourite trick of evading the point and whitewashing Islam by false analogies, anachronistic comparisons and angry far-fetched counter-accusations doesn't work here. So revert to the original statement you should reconsider : "The difference between Christianity and Islam is roughly speaking reducible to the difference between the respective founders of both religions. On the one hand you have a noble learned man who hasn't harmed a single human being in his life and on the other you can see a primitive greedy Beduin gangster with a pack of blood-thirsty cut-throats and criminals building their new 'faith' on the mountains of cut off heads and corspes and ordering their followers to do exactly the same".

What mistake can you see in this statement ?

> You should also remember his words after the assasination attemptin Munich in November, 1939. His response: "Now I am completely content. The fact that I left the Burgerbraukeller earlier than usual is a corroboration of Providence's intention to let me reach my goal."<

Hitler is irrelevant speaking of Jesus.Just like I could do without Osama or Ghazi Kemal while speaking of Mohammed's evil-doings. So let me ask you directly "Do you admit that Mohammed , the founder of Islam, was a criminal, rapist, gangster and perverted mass murderer?" I expect the "yes" or "no" answer without referring to abbots, Hitlers,Stalins,Christian-based NKVD, bishops, popes etc.etc.

> The Pope also sent his special personal congratulations! Later the Pope was to publicly describe Hitler's opposition to Russia as a "high-minded gallantry in defense of the foundation of Christian culture." Several German bishops openly supported Hitler's invasion of Russia, calling it a "European crusade."<

So now instead of concentrating on Byzantine and Turkish history we switch to Hiter and Stalin ...when will you suggest the American flight to the moon to see the evidence of the correctness of Muhammad's miracle of splitting the moon?

> Your reply fails to explain how the peacefull religion of the circumsized Carpenter turned out to be an excuse of dominion, exploitation, brutality, frequently supported by the Church.<

Evidently, it was not the peaceful religion of the circumcised carpenter of Bethleem, if you can compare two things while the Turkish bestiliaties were exactly what the Beduin murderer with epileptic fits had been doing and teaching in his lifetime. Do we disagree on that point? A yes or no answer , PLEASE!

> How do you associate inquisitions, mass murders and all other atrocities done in name of someone who never harmed anyone all though his life ?

I don't associate it with his name. How about you ? Jesus didn't kill, rape or burnt alive anybody. He can be blamed for his own short-comings only.

Now the point you raise is quite different and has nothing to with religion. Our civilization was born later , after the Middle Ages. Yours has stuck in the dirtiest Middle Ages. Our civilization produced rationalism, Voltaire. Yours is an obscurantist parody of the world and I'd love to see a Moslem Voltaire a lot. I see clearly that you are the last to be a candidate for the role. You tell me about what happened in the Middle Ages and I tell you that we in Europe exposed all of it and thanks to us you can read about it. We realize our crimes in the past. You never admit yours. You in the Moslem Orient keep them hidden and kill those that dare expose your holy murderers be they called Muhammed be Ghazi Kemal Mustafa! That's the essential unbridgeable gulf between our civilizations. You Moslems are primitive, nasty, malicious parasites of our civilization that tell us how your Moslem parasitism is superior to us because you terrorize and slaughter those that call a spade a spade! We have freedom of speech and this is ENLIGHTENMENT. You have had none in ALL your history and as long your minds are in the prison of Islam you will have effectively none. What is worse, you are doing your best to impose your vicious lies and savage ways and mental slavery upon us and force us to accept this intellectual enslavement you adore so much and keeps your so happy and morally elated! Yes, I detest and abhore Turks and this is because I know that all they stand for means for us here exactly what Turkishness meant for Eastern Christianity - slavery, destruction and damnation.

>Did I 'deign' enough ? Do you want to further discuss it ? Go ahead, be my guest..<

First, I need your YES or NO answers to the above questions.

>What disturbs me is to see people like you , proving that suburbs of Lodz are even better breeding grounds than Wisconsin Farms when it comes to raising 'able' McCarthyists trying to make an internet career based on mediveal stupidty.<

My comment on that is contained above. By the way, we had some Turks in the suburbs of Lodz. One came here with a Polish girl. It's a sad story. He came and kidnapped the child he made to her. She never heard of it again. It is growing perhaps near Erzerum dreaming of a career of a Turkish shahid in Chechnia. The others looked like those Turks in Germany that demolish hospitals to express their "grief" and curse older Germans als "nazis" threat to beat when those ask them to respect the local ways.

This is what I refer to…

How the Byzantines under peaceful cricumstances tended to win hearts and minds of their savage foes is visible by their success in bringing Christianity and literature to the South Slavs and to the Russians.We Slavs owe teh Bzyantines our first written works, the first testomonie sof our language, the first steps in the civilized life. The case of winning the Russians with humanity is well-documented by another medieval source your Islamically motivated ignorance must surely reject a priori.

> While my questions are still pending and floating above your head , you keep on strolling around with your previous emotional arguments consisting of 'how beautifull these Byzantines were' avoiding the answers you were supposed to write down, but popping out with above new and strange Slavo/Byzantian love affair of yours.<

Still dreaming of restoring the glory of Islam on the Balkans, what ? These Byzantines you Moslem barbarians exterminated are alive in Slavs, in their rites, ceremonies, festivities, in the Eastern Church. Their memory is alive. The Byzantines helped them survive the horrors of 400-year-old Turkish bestialities. And in 1912 they took revenge. And they will never forget neither what Nestor described nor what the Turkish yoke meant to them. We others who escaped the Turkish tyranny do remember it as well. And be sure not just in the suburbs of Lodz but in plenty of other places people realize that today's Turks by being Moslems are doing their best to drag us into their dirty past as the Osmans.

> By the way, the Russians that 'were won to humanity' are still telling that 'Stalin's murders were entirely rational' in their new text books.

( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1051871/Stalins-mass-murders-entirely-rational-says-new-Russian-textbook-praising-tyrant.html )

You know everything about Stalin too ? My congratultions. Do you know what Stalin was planning to do with your perfidious Ataturkistan too? Do you know what the Panturkists were planning to do with Russia in case Hitler crossed the Volga? What do turkih textbooks tell you about Hitler's admiration for Kemal, about Hiter-Turkish friendship and cooperation?

> And you are writing an ode to them here forgetting also the 150.000 Poles that were exterminated by NKVD operations - It really makes me wonder if ignominy is a Polish national inheritance after reading what you have written above..<

The NKVD was also a Christian Orthodox organization ? What a revalation...similar to that of Turks being the creators of all civilziation ...your favourite topic, isn't it ?

The Church of Hagia Sophia mentioned in this account is one of these innumerable churches which you Moslems have desecrated and stolen not being able to construct anything similar to the cathedral of Justinian.

> Haga Sophia is still standing thanks to constant maintanance although it has seen two big earth quakes till then , moreover she is not surrounded by the ugly concrete buildings like Pantheon of Athens . <

How generous and noble of you! One might presume that if the bloody Christians had retained or recaptured it, it would be a ruin now. Well, one could expect everything of that apostle called Stalin or Catholic renegade Constantine XI , couldn't one?

> Wish you could come and see it one day , but we both know that most probably you will never be able to during your lifetime. Sad..<

I warn anybody who has said anything critical on YouTube or elsewhere in the internet to travel to Turkey. Turkish Witch-Hunters are lurking on the borders ready to arrest any critic of Turkishness revealed by the US to them as is evident from the Hurriyet news that needs no comments on what Turks really think of freedom of speech worldwide!


"Ankara public prosecutor Kursat Kayral has requested the identities of YouTube users, who insult Ataturk, Turkey and the country's flag from the United States Justice Ministry in order to launch an investigation into these users.

Those YouTube users determined to be living outside Turkey will be detained upon entering the country, pending the outcome of an inquest."

> So keep on looking at its videos and photos.<

I hardly need any of your advices on anything, Turk.

> For building something similar, have a look at Taj Mahal , which is definitely more meaningful in terms of aim of construction.<

I see- the greatest achievemnt of Turkish architecture ever.

The The oldest Russian Chronicle written by Nestor tells the following story udne rthe year 987 (6495):

" Vladimir summoned together his vassals and the city elders, and said to them: "Behold, the [Volga] Bolgars came before me urging me to accept their religion . Then came the Germans and praised their own faith [Catholicism]; and after them came the Jews [most likely rabbis from the receding Khazar khaganate... Finally the [Eastern Orthodox] Greeks appeared, criticizing all other faiths but commending their own, and they spoke at length, telling the history of the whole world from its beginning. …

>And ? What is the relation of Kiev Chronicle by Monk Nestor telling 'How sweet Greeks were speaking' here ? What exactly ? <

Unlike other nations as the Turks the Russians were given a free choice between four religions and they chose the most beautiful. Can't you see the point ... ?

I know that the above passage is entirely lost on your Islamism but I will never forget it until my last day although I am no Christian myself. It struck me the first time I read it and keeps amazing me even now after so many years.

>Sorry Janus. 'I am no Christian either' ,

You're worse. You're a Moslem ...

>but its does not struck me, it does not amaze me as well.<

By Allah, if it did, it would be a blasphemy and we know how Allah reacts to blasphemy, don't we?

> Most probably its due to the fact that Kiev Chronicles are mostly taken from verbal sagas and Byzantine chronicles. <

You quote obscure abbots sugegsting they are more important than Christ and now without ever hearing of Nestor (you know him as little as you knew the letter of Alexius Comnenus before I quoted it) you tell me some story which is false because it doesn't extol Islam. ;)

There are many passages where Nestor tells his personal views and he never fails to criticise what he finds wrong in Rus and extol what is right. Mark that there was no coercion in accepting Orthodoxy by Vladimir. He heard the Jews , the Moslems, the Catholics, sent envoys, asked questions. He chose the most beautiful thing which you Moslems desecrated, humiliated, raped, destroyed and all of which you now keep denying.

Anyway, it's not enough to make a claim of falsehood of anything.It's up to the contender to prove what he claims. "Kiev Chronicles are mostly taken from verbal sagas and Byzantine chronicles." does it prove they were falsified ? Nestor used many original written archives which were destroyed during the Mongol invasions and later plunderings of the Crimean Tatars. I see he falsified the story to "denigrate Islam" - this ultimate happiness of all psychopaths, gangsters and irrational misfits.

> The other reason why it does not move me is ; I am not living in the past like you do.<

What a cunning and original way to conceal one's ignorance of history by saying : " I am not living in the past like you". By way of exception, thanks for a lesson in double talk.

Aren't you suggesting that because you don't know your own history your ignorance of the subject should be an enouragement for us to imitate you? If so, thanks a lot but I decline the offer to share your ignorance.

>No I am not suggesting that. I am just suggesting you to be a bit more carefull when you are replying, because you have the habit of speaking about the things you dont know and subsequently making a clown out of yourself.<

Speaking of clowns, I am impatiently waiting for the YES -NO answers to the following question

1/ Do you admit that Mohammed , the founder of Islam, was a criminal, rapist, gangster and perverted mass murderer?

2/ Do you admit Turkish crimes and genocides commited against gavurlar ?

3/ Do you disagree that the Turkish bestiliaties I was referring to were in full accordance with what the Beduin with epileptic fits had been himself doing and teaching in his lifetime ?

4 Have you ever heard of any imam admitting the wrong-doings documented in the Islamic sources committed by Mohammed and invalidating jihad and subsequently cancelling the relevant passages in the Noble Quran ?

5/Have you ever heard of any ruling by an Islamic court of justice in a case where a Moslem and agavur were two contending parties that the Islamic court of justice issued the verdict in favour of the gavour and against the Moslem?

I assure you that answering the four questions has a direct bearing upon the subject-matter covered here including that of who is a clown here and who isn't.


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (340) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
Turkey has not been a western ally for years [148 words]stranchanDec 27, 2012 22:02202005
Turkey has to be an ally with someone? [45 words]Safa BalOct 16, 2011 06:00190075
who needs the ignorant Turks? [41 words]beelzebubMay 1, 2015 14:44190075
An error ? [140 words]Wm, TomlinsonMar 15, 2011 01:14183425
1turkey an ally no more [98 words]HASSANAug 17, 2010 12:01176832
Time to look for other friends [52 words]GeorgyApr 19, 2010 21:25171465
I am from Germany [74 words]PoppJan 18, 2010 09:21167480
Syria and Turkey: Walking Arm in Arm Down the Same Road? [31 words]debkaDec 6, 2009 06:48165417
Goodbye Medieval Turkey [283 words]Muslimk***Dec 9, 2009 14:10165417
Right to criticize [67 words]Kivanch KJan 15, 2010 10:50165417
Modern Turkey??? [471 words]Turkish StyleNov 25, 2009 10:00165020
5Welcome to Turkey Erdogan Style [1161 words]Solomon TaraganoNov 28, 2009 18:24165020
The quality of a comment [1512 words]Turkish StyleDec 7, 2009 14:00165020
Welcome to Turkey Erdogan Style [826 words]Solomon TaraganoDec 8, 2009 20:11165020
Misunderstood [626 words]Turkish StyleDec 10, 2009 07:15165020
1Misunderstood [8990 words]Solomon TaragnoDec 11, 2009 09:51165020
Misunderstood [26 words]Solomon TaraganoDec 11, 2009 10:02165020
1Excellent comment [55 words]IanusDec 19, 2009 17:36165020
Solomon [62 words]havasDec 20, 2009 15:46165020
If Turkey is such a great place then why do Muslim Turks emigrate to the west? [247 words]dhimmi no moreDec 22, 2009 08:08165020
Traitors [69 words]Kivanch KJan 15, 2010 10:57165020
A False & Fabricated picture of Turkish Economy is NOT the True picture of Turkey . [223 words]Mohammad, CPAJan 20, 2010 00:36165020
To Mr. Taragano [65 words]Peter HerzMar 6, 2010 21:20165020
Solomon Taragano [20 words]Evren, UKMar 10, 2010 17:35165020
Good comments [121 words]stranchanNov 14, 2012 22:49165020
Criminals who kill in the name of Allah? [127 words]StasFeb 28, 2013 06:17165020
It seems that Erdogan has gone far too far in his ambitions in becoming the l.eader of the Muslim world! [249 words]Isaac HaskiyaNov 22, 2009 13:20164893
islamic republic of turkey [181 words]muslimk***Nov 23, 2009 14:24164893
1Secularism - a Turkish fairy tale [634 words]IanusNov 25, 2009 13:34164893
WHY??? [67 words]Hakan Cem CetinNov 20, 2009 07:39164793
Your governments' role. [37 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Mustafa KemalNov 18, 2009 07:47164713
1An objection of an acamician of the University of Chanakale 18 March in Western Turkey, to Mr. Pipes opinions [345 words]Mehmet Bulent UludagNov 13, 2009 17:10164543
hayir [76 words]General Mirza Iskandar KhanNov 16, 2009 19:53164543
A reply to Mr. Mirza Iskender Khan [54 words]Mehmet Bulent UludagNov 17, 2009 18:49164543
Mehmet Bulent Uludag [61 words]Mustafa KemalNov 18, 2009 08:06164543
artificial state of pakistan [150 words]muslimk***Nov 18, 2009 15:52164543
cevap [450 words]General Mirza Iskandar KhanNov 18, 2009 22:28164543
listen up carefully [640 words]General Mirza Iskandar KhanNov 18, 2009 22:49164543
reply to mr.khan [423 words]muslimk***Nov 22, 2009 09:01164543
PAKISTAN ZINDABAD [43 words]General Mirza Iskandar KhanNov 22, 2009 21:59164543
reply to m.d.khan-part 2 [365 words]muslimk***Nov 26, 2009 14:26164543
Europe will not become the stuffing of the Turkey [90 words]pavelNov 7, 2009 17:29164164
yet another case of Western trained Muslim professionals 'reverting' [55 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 7, 2009 02:52164137
I knew that muslims would play the victim card again [150 words]Canadian who is not PCNov 7, 2009 21:32164137
Turkey,Frankly Unexpected [159 words]Jay1Nov 3, 2009 00:42163984
islamic turkey [258 words]havasNov 3, 2009 11:53163984
different opinion on turkey's role in the iraq war, oriental mentality, Israel and NATO [340 words]mythNov 5, 2009 07:24163984
to Havas: the need for "real" politics, iran going nuclear and israel [172 words]mythNov 5, 2009 07:53163984
nato, israel, [247 words]havasNov 7, 2009 03:39163984
1Sharia and child abuse in Turkey [743 words]IanusNov 8, 2009 14:00163984
contradictions [351 words]havasNov 9, 2009 07:54163984
1Turkey the great nation and country [126 words]ikram ijaziNov 10, 2009 11:08163984
'Prophet" Muhammed jailed by Turkish court for child abuse [756 words]IanusNov 10, 2009 15:20163984
illogical [267 words]havasNov 11, 2009 11:24163984
pakistan [191 words]havasNov 11, 2009 11:41163984
Turkish "love" - one honour killing a day and 19 mln Turks in favor of it [812 words]IanusNov 12, 2009 17:33163984
racizm [203 words]havasNov 13, 2009 12:50163984
2Ataturk's private problem [2105 words]IanusNov 13, 2009 17:02163984
"A new wife costs 40 cents in Turkey, so what use it is to spend $ 16 on treating the old wife in hospital?" [372 words]IanusNov 13, 2009 18:01163984
Dogs more valuable in Turkey than Jews and Armenians [1757 words]IanusNov 14, 2009 14:47163984
you are not an expert as you think [732 words]havasNov 14, 2009 14:53163984
dogs and plants are not less valuable than armenians and turks. [458 words]havasNov 15, 2009 14:10163984
Thanks for your expertise but I'd rather prefer Imam Erdogan's judgment "It is not possible for a person who says 'I am a Muslim' to go on and say 'I am secular too.'... Because Allah, the creator of the Muslim, has absolute power and rule!" [2715 words]IanusNov 15, 2009 14:15163984
poles and jews [207 words]havasNov 16, 2009 14:05163984
2"illogical", from Havas, Ataturk and back to Erdogan - the Logic of Genocide Denial [120 words]Young MCNov 17, 2009 13:17163984
"Multiculturalism" in Turkey [1732 words]IanusNov 17, 2009 17:31163984
"Deep issues" ... Poles suspected of having perpetrated the Armenian genocide! [718 words]IanusNov 18, 2009 13:48163984
ı hope god forgives you [186 words]havasNov 19, 2009 14:39163984
Allah explains: "It is only by sword and fire that the world is progressing ". [1053 words]IanusNov 24, 2009 09:34163984
shame on you [114 words]havasNov 26, 2009 14:56163984
1All glory belongs to "Islam - that decaying corpse of an immoral Arab Beduin". [469 words]IanusNov 29, 2009 04:37163984
nonsense [50 words]havasDec 1, 2009 02:09163984
Whose nonsense and lies , ? [318 words]IanusDec 2, 2009 05:16163984
tell cia to change the information [38 words]havasDec 3, 2009 13:30163984
corroborate your 'source' with a Quranic quote! [702 words]IanusDec 5, 2009 07:33163984
Like the facts of your article [65 words]Michael SosikianDec 7, 2009 13:42163984
armenian president sosikian, [83 words]havasDec 8, 2009 12:20163984
Thanks! I feel honored. [169 words]IanusDec 9, 2009 16:31163984
Response to Havas [227 words]Michael SosikianDec 10, 2009 05:20163984
response to western armenian presidant. [68 words]havasDec 10, 2009 14:08163984
15 years for a Turk to learn . [406 words]IanusDec 10, 2009 14:29163984
What's wrong with Turks! [178 words]savash KarabulutDec 26, 2009 07:08163984
1Barbarians demand "humantarian approach" to them! [855 words]IanusDec 29, 2009 07:09163984
Ianus , the enlightened one. [623 words]TurkJan 22, 2010 06:57163984
3European Enlightenement against Turkish Obscurantism [3779 words]IanusJan 23, 2010 10:36163984
Hypocrisy and Watchdogs of Broken doors - I [3565 words]TurkJan 24, 2010 12:43163984
Hypocrisy and Watchdogs of Broken doors - II [839 words]TurkJan 24, 2010 14:59163984
Turks barbarians..??!! [138 words]savashJan 25, 2010 11:15163984
1"A Muslim could not commit genocide" - Imam Erdogan + every Turk [1870 words]IanusJan 25, 2010 19:37163984
1Turkish jihads 1 [2401 words]IanusJan 26, 2010 07:45163984
Tacitus on Turkishness [394 words]IanusJan 26, 2010 09:05163984
1"I wanted to kill a Christian that day and was visiting churches for this reason."‏ ... A young Turkish face on the old monster [1077 words]IanusJan 26, 2010 17:53163984
European Enlightenment - 'Christianity's Civilization Missions' - Part I - 'Kill them all ! God will know His own.' [1071 words]TurkJan 27, 2010 08:57163984
1The Turkish drug empire against drugs [904 words]IanusJan 27, 2010 08:58163984
European Enlightenment – 'Christianity's Civilization Missions'- Part II - 'Holly Enlightenment of Srebrenica' [445 words]TurkJan 27, 2010 10:11163984
1European Enlightenment and Turkish Witch-Hunters [2758 words]IanusJan 27, 2010 17:17163984
1Turkish legal fictions or 26 000 denigrators of Turkishness unmaksed ! And Turks, "Do not buy from here, since this shop is owned by a Jew"! [1343 words]IanusJan 28, 2010 06:04163984
2Never say "I don't like Ataturk" ... or else you'll be imprisoned for four and a half years ! [619 words]IanusJan 28, 2010 13:55163984
2Barbarity and civilization and the past [580 words]IanusJan 28, 2010 15:08163984
Our dear Turk and Turkish delusions [623 words]dhimmi no moreJan 30, 2010 18:47163984
Hi Ianus [27 words]dhimmi no moreJan 30, 2010 18:52163984
Thanks [51 words]IanusJan 31, 2010 10:42163984
Hypocrisy and Watchdogs of Broken doors – IV – Repent And Repat , a.k.a. 'The Motto' [2433 words]TurkJan 31, 2010 14:14163984
A few words on ignorance [420 words]TurkJan 31, 2010 15:17163984
Last phase of 'Enlightenment' - The story of a Pregnant woman ,'civilized' 17 times during 8 minutes in a Court Room [1007 words]TurkJan 31, 2010 17:00163984
1Tacitus on Western 'Enlightenment' [851 words]TurkJan 31, 2010 18:06163984
4Turkish haters of the West against "temples, courts of justice, and dwelling-houses" and Turkey as a "flourishing democracy" [2586 words]IanusFeb 1, 2010 16:56163984
Our dear Turk and speaking of ignorance and self hate [735 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 1, 2010 18:26163984
Cherry picking time and Turkish delusions and the carpenter and the Arabian warlord and caravan raider [339 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 2, 2010 08:33163984
Our dear Turk and more cherry or is it dates picking time Reading books with pictures [180 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 3, 2010 13:28163984
More date picking time and justice Turkish style and for the readers read and enjoy [121 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 3, 2010 13:34163984
Our dear Turk and ignorance is really bliss and oh more cherry picking [468 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 4, 2010 19:19163984
More ignorance from our dear Turk and this time his ancestors the Syrians that were massacred by the Turks [436 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 6, 2010 08:34163984
More ignorance from our dear Turk and this time the language of his ancestors the Syrians in the Qur'an [175 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 7, 2010 07:35163984
1War speaking about peace [243 words]IanusMar 7, 2010 12:43163984
Turkish view on Roman civilization [44 words]Inez Deborah Emilia AltarOct 27, 2014 08:09163984
Most of this is propaganda [24 words]PattyOct 11, 2018 23:58163984
Friend no more [103 words]Rebecca MouldsNov 2, 2009 08:40163962
Written in 1924, even more true today [137 words]Paul ServierNov 2, 2009 07:44163960
Pakistani Threat to US, India and Israel [46 words]JohnyNov 1, 2009 15:01163933
Turkey an ally no more [240 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyNov 6, 2009 23:09163933
Fazal Curmally: Pakistan has always welcomed with both hands the dollars crapped into them [740 words]PlatoNov 7, 2009 23:23163933
Turkey an Ally no more. [50 words]fazal habib CurmallyNov 9, 2009 22:45163933
Why did you bring up Clinton, the USA, Jews and Palestine when the article is about Turkey? [290 words]PlatoNov 11, 2009 20:57163933
Turkey is not against West or Israel, it is just not its puppet anymore [550 words]Ahmet SekerNov 1, 2009 13:25163927
salaam my brother [246 words]DawudNov 4, 2009 09:45163927
Your words say it all [16 words]GaryNov 4, 2009 13:25163927
Dawud you're in the wrong place! [203 words]BANov 4, 2009 19:39163927
why bother? [64 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanNov 4, 2009 20:21163927
Returning to Islam instead of "converting" ! And Arabic words, please, David, translate these Arabic words ! [282 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 7, 2009 05:04163927
response to your responses [468 words]DawudNov 7, 2009 09:32163927
Muslims are Buddhists? [251 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 7, 2009 20:03163927
your grandfather is rolling in his grave [765 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 7, 2009 21:45163927
Hypocrisy Muslim-style [49 words]lisaNov 10, 2009 18:29163927
medieval religion in modern world [68 words]muslimk***Nov 12, 2009 14:10163927
Follower of Peaceful Relgion going to spread PEACE through destruction! [70 words]Eastern_WindNov 13, 2009 13:51163927
our dear Dawud [492 words]dhimmi no moreNov 19, 2009 08:18163927
a kafir trying to correct my arabic lol!!! [387 words]DawudNov 20, 2009 09:25163927
silence is golden [69 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 21, 2009 05:17163927
oops! [45 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 21, 2009 23:36163927
Our dear Dawud is no more than a victim of Arabian imperialism [800 words]dhimmi no moreNov 22, 2009 09:03163927
Kafir [375 words]dawudNov 23, 2009 08:55163927
be a good little dhimmi [13 words]DawudNov 23, 2009 09:19163927
Cherry picking time and our dear Dawud Tabi3 deen al-irab [278 words]dhimmi no moreNov 23, 2009 19:18163927
questions, questions [1520 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 24, 2009 01:52163927
Dhimmi [181 words]DawudNov 25, 2009 09:21163927
Shariah [40 words]DawudNov 25, 2009 09:34163927
I must be in good company and mistakes in the Qur'an is spelling and in grammar! What a scandal [411 words]dhimmi no moreNov 26, 2009 08:46163927
Cherry picking time and our dear Dawud [570 words]dhimmi no moreNov 26, 2009 13:12163927
Homes made of glass and dawud [122 words]dhimmi no moreNov 26, 2009 16:01163927
Turkey: An ally no more [48 words]REXNov 1, 2009 13:23163926
I'm not the least surprised : more and more people agree with Daniel Pipes [154 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreOct 31, 2009 05:38163862
turkey [181 words]havasNov 1, 2009 16:26163862
You can understand Daniel Pipes : Turkey finds itself facing a novel problem - that of radical Islam ! [168 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 2, 2009 02:09163862
scholar? [99 words]DawudNov 4, 2009 10:07163862
language [319 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanNov 4, 2009 20:36163862
How can a kafir (non-Muslim) be an "islamic law scholar " ! [203 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 5, 2009 06:00163862
Kafir Scholar [586 words]DawudNov 11, 2009 12:30163862
Women Scholars [226 words]DawudNov 11, 2009 12:42163862
in your imaginings [175 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanNov 11, 2009 20:56163862
The Grand Infidel of kafiristan is brilliant with Dawud (David) ! [88 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 12, 2009 03:40163862
2To you be your religion, and to me my religion (Sûrah 109-Al-kâfirûn) (the Infidels) [186 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 12, 2009 08:32163862
best term so far [117 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 13, 2009 23:19163862
Isn't the term "Islam" good enough ? [143 words]IanusNov 15, 2009 15:14163862
what's our problem? [189 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanNov 15, 2009 23:01163862
'Kafir' Scholarship Not Necessary if One Holds to the Truth in the Hebrew Holy Bible [611 words]M. ToveyNov 18, 2009 17:47163862
hiw [204 words]dawudNov 20, 2009 09:33163862
Islamic self hate [641 words]dhimmi no moreNov 21, 2009 08:27163862
More delusions from our dear Dawud [1047 words]dhimmi no moreNov 22, 2009 15:02163862
may allah guide you [158 words]DawudNov 23, 2009 09:44163862
Turkey as a Piece of the Prophetic Enigma [562 words]M. ToveyNov 23, 2009 12:36163862
Our dear Dawud and islamic self hate [555 words]dhimmi no moreNov 23, 2009 18:47163862
spare us [518 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanNov 23, 2009 21:33163862
Look at this [232 words]DawudNov 25, 2009 09:28163862
No clue [89 words]DawudNov 25, 2009 09:48163862
Hi there [351 words]DawudNov 25, 2009 10:01163862
overseas trip? [291 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 26, 2009 03:39163862
timetable? [836 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 26, 2009 04:29163862
The brotherhood of Islam what a sham [250 words]dhimmi no moreNov 26, 2009 09:00163862
look at what? Ignorance? [874 words]dhimmi no moreNov 26, 2009 15:42163862
There is No Unity if There is No True Belief in Jesus Christ [272 words]M. ToveyDec 2, 2009 12:54163862
My Comment on Out of Context use of لكم دينكم ولي دين to justify even Kufr/ infidelity of Homosexuality [322 words]Bashir KashmiriJun 4, 2011 04:20163862
Why Turkey is turning away from the West [168 words]sol ganorOct 30, 2009 14:05163831
Tragi-comic outcomes [126 words]IanusOct 30, 2009 18:14163831
Ezekiel 38 [24 words]UgriOct 31, 2009 14:25163831
Goodbye turkey, goodbye! [67 words]Doug CorriganOct 30, 2009 09:18163820
Take not the Jews and Christians for allies ! (The Koran) [107 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreOct 29, 2009 21:44163791
Holy Koran (5:51) : very bad translation for arabic word "Awliya" ! [94 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreOct 31, 2009 05:10163791
Turkey- An ally no More- Take not the Jews and Christians for friends-response to Anne Marie Delcambre [106 words]Anne- USAOct 31, 2009 08:03163791
wrong interpretation [124 words]havasNov 1, 2009 16:37163791
Ne Mutlu Türkum Diyene ! (Mustafa Kemal) [242 words]Anne-Marie DelcambreNov 2, 2009 03:35163791
Havas: Jesus is also muslims prophet [98 words]klewNov 2, 2009 18:50163791
No such thing as Jesus was a Muslim prophet!!! [152 words]JaladhiNov 3, 2009 16:55163791
Proper Revelation - Not Interpretation - Necessary to Recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of the Eternal - The Holy One of Israel [344 words]M. ToveyNov 4, 2009 16:09163791
The accusation that Jesus was a Muslim prophet [28 words]Ha! you Muslims are FUNNY!Nov 5, 2009 07:49163791
"Jews and Christians as allies" [218 words]AwliyaNov 13, 2009 05:27163791
magnanimity of expedience [444 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 14, 2009 07:25163791
The problem with Awliya's stance [129 words]klewNov 15, 2009 03:15163791
Grand Infidel [275 words]AwliyaNov 16, 2009 08:28163791
The problem with klew's answer [186 words]AwliyaNov 16, 2009 08:59163791
still no answers from arliya [1305 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 17, 2009 06:07163791
Another victim of Arabian imperialism [1161 words]dhimmi no moreNov 17, 2009 10:38163791
1The Qur'an and variant tradtions [650 words]dhimmi no moreNov 17, 2009 14:06163791
Our dear Awliya and the word for today: clueless [516 words]dhimmi no moreNov 17, 2009 21:10163791
The problem with my answer, awliya?? When did I give an answer? [382 words]klewNov 18, 2009 03:30163791
Actually, no [74 words]klewNov 18, 2009 03:42163791
Our dear Awliya and al-nasikh wa al-mansukh and how come you did not know that?part trois [554 words]dhimmi no moreNov 18, 2009 08:13163791
Why say it then? [15 words]AZNov 29, 2009 08:57163791
Christians and Jews allies (if not they will be) [430 words]W. JuneDec 8, 2009 21:55163791
Turkey Came from the East and is Returning to the East [274 words]Salah AliOct 29, 2009 13:03163763
Ah...those wonderful idealists [141 words]pdmOct 29, 2009 12:33163757
Frienemies [173 words]LynnOct 29, 2009 11:08163750
1Time to "Remember the Armenians," Turkey's history of Genocide can now finally be revealed [234 words]HistorianOct 29, 2009 01:24163730
Let historians decide [93 words]AybikeNov 1, 2009 11:43163730
2Turkish victimization comedy [1301 words]IanusNov 2, 2009 14:23163730
The Armenian Genocide and those that deny it [409 words]dhimmi no moreNov 15, 2009 17:16163730
Muslim Brotherhood completes its takeover of Turkey [86 words]Secular TurkOct 29, 2009 00:00163729
2Le sultan est mort! Vive le sultan ! [611 words]IanusOct 31, 2009 17:00163729
too bad [20 words]DralliusOct 28, 2009 22:07163722
thrown to the dogs [23 words]Peter, ScotlandOct 28, 2009 18:06163708
Turkey ought to make up its mind! Are they with the Free Western world or Islam! [94 words]Ben ZalmanOct 29, 2009 13:05163708
Was Turkey Ever Really an Actual Ally? [466 words]M. ToveyOct 28, 2009 17:23163706
Turkey: An Ally No More [16 words]NirnieOct 28, 2009 16:57163704
Turkey's bid for EU membership? Dead [38 words]Cheryl MOct 28, 2009 16:23163700
myopic? [21 words]betsyOct 29, 2009 13:08163700
1Turan , not the EU [307 words]IanusOct 29, 2009 16:18163700
The true Turkish color has been revealed [50 words]RobertOct 28, 2009 15:28163690
what has rabid anti-russian and anti-communist politics led to? [134 words]G.VishvasOct 29, 2009 05:47163690
1Opening blind eyes [136 words]IanusOct 29, 2009 16:40163690
You must listen the other side also, [290 words]HavasOct 31, 2009 05:34163690
The new old world or Jews discussing "the so called holocaust" with Nazi historians [1599 words]IanusNov 1, 2009 13:35163690
too long to answer [259 words]havasNov 2, 2009 05:14163690
To Havas [101 words]AnneNov 2, 2009 05:57163690
1"Europeans believe that Moslems have come to Europe just to earn money. But Allah has a different plan." [953 words]IanusNov 3, 2009 15:40163690
there is no true friendship between countries,they are not humans. [204 words]havasNov 4, 2009 01:34163690
islam is beautiful [280 words]havasNov 6, 2009 14:05163690
Islam is what it is [181 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 7, 2009 02:04163690
1islam -"this decaying corpse of an immoral Arab Beduin"- is beautiful [1400 words]IanusNov 7, 2009 14:29163690
Does the Israeli government agree with you? [100 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
There is NO Santa ClausOct 28, 2009 14:19163688
Closed eyes [30 words]outspoken2Oct 28, 2009 12:18163684
Turkey and NATO [33 words]Al PilverOct 28, 2009 11:49163683
Turkish education [94 words]G.VishvasOct 28, 2009 10:55163682
Turkey sits between Islam and the west - The west can love it or lump it [70 words]Erol New ZealandOct 29, 2009 01:39163682
Turkey, ex-ally. [5 words]steven LOct 29, 2009 12:00163682
No justification for turkish ethno-fascism [250 words]G.VishvasOct 29, 2009 18:31163682
Turkish education [175 words]IanusOct 29, 2009 18:55163682
What do Turkish women think? [43 words]IanusOct 29, 2009 19:17163682
2Turkey - two madnesses instead of one [208 words]IanusOct 31, 2009 15:29163682
time has changed [62 words]JohnNov 26, 2009 12:30163682
Times change but I wouldn't be so sure the Turks do. [159 words]IanusNov 26, 2009 18:11163682
Turkey's true colors revealed!! [127 words]JaladhiOct 28, 2009 09:58163676
Jaladhi-you are so right! [149 words]portuguesOct 29, 2009 13:25163676
ı support Erdogan [84 words]havasOct 28, 2009 09:18163674
Turkey no more an ally. [11 words]Steven LOct 29, 2009 11:55163674
Turkey's new ideal is JIHAD NOT DEMOCRACY! Hear it from a Turk! [275 words]OsiaOct 29, 2009 16:37163674
open questions all around [173 words]mythOct 28, 2009 08:48163673
1The more important construct [371 words]IanusOct 31, 2009 15:14163673
answering questions from Ianus and turkish population in german society [307 words]mythNov 1, 2009 08:12163673
2"I understand that you are sensitive about the issue of assimilation. No one can demand that from you... Assimilation is a crime against humanity." Imam Erdogan speaking to Turks in Cologne [1178 words]IanusNov 3, 2009 10:24163673
40kms? [76 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanNov 4, 2009 20:55163673
to Ianus: some clarification on my position [127 words]mythNov 5, 2009 08:03163673
1Distances shrinking from 1500 km to 40 km or even less in twenty years' time [846 words]IanusNov 7, 2009 12:49163673
1Clarifications [519 words]IanusNov 7, 2009 15:27163673
soviet etc [732 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 7, 2009 22:42163673
Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me [2678 words]IanusNov 10, 2009 18:52163673
russia etc [1614 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanNov 10, 2009 21:31163673
The Gorbachovian, not Stalinist USRR !!! [2903 words]IanusNov 14, 2009 17:55163673
continuing a sub-plot - peppered examples of excess from another non-religious kind totalitarian system. [2761 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 14, 2009 22:02163673
Euphemisms from Estonia 1 [2809 words]IanusNov 19, 2009 15:13163673
one extreme to the other [3218 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 20, 2009 02:52163673
Euphemisms from Estonia 2 [2960 words]IanusNov 20, 2009 16:11163673
our pet side-topic [1991 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 21, 2009 05:05163673
6The forgotten referendum 17.03.1991 [522 words]IanusNov 21, 2009 18:26163673
they choose not to be aligned with Russia. [224 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 21, 2009 23:03163673
Who needs the turks? [183 words]James BurkeOct 28, 2009 08:17163671
No surprise [137 words]Joe Six-PackOct 28, 2009 08:00163670
Turkey drifts South and East [177 words]JonOct 28, 2009 07:53163667
Islamic dollars for Turkey's Islamic hearts and minds [866 words]IanusOct 30, 2009 17:33163667
Losing an Ally & Losing a Country. [203 words]TulayOct 28, 2009 07:12163661
1The fourth coup d'état [643 words]IanusOct 31, 2009 16:23163661
Secular Turkey [19 words]David GuyOct 28, 2009 04:33163652
1Turkey's secular hijab or "Kemalism is transient, Islam is permant". [523 words]IanusOct 29, 2009 07:01163652
Secular Turkey - only a myth!!! [38 words]JaladhiOct 29, 2009 09:11163652
atheism [29 words]Safa BalOct 16, 2011 06:05163652
omission [165 words]Yuval Brandstetter MDOct 28, 2009 03:28163645
1One difference [165 words]IanusOct 31, 2009 17:20163645
Tantamount [269 words]yuval Brandstetter MDNov 1, 2009 07:46163645
How to become an ally [198 words]Onur YAZANOct 28, 2009 02:59163642
comment on Onur YAZAN's comment - turkish attitude and frustration [287 words]mythOct 29, 2009 09:10163642
An ally in need is not necessarily an ally indeed. [1528 words]IanusOct 31, 2009 14:27163642
turkey [95 words]sse huOct 28, 2009 02:37163640
Turkey and EU [21 words]T.MOct 28, 2009 02:26163639
Your last sentence is intritguing [9 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Abu NudnikOct 28, 2009 01:24163637
Turkey: An Ally No More [22 words]Steven LOct 27, 2009 23:26163634
Next step [72 words]IanusOct 29, 2009 19:27163634
Turkey an ally noi more [151 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 27, 2009 23:16163632
this is just the beginning [22 words]ErdoganNov 5, 2009 23:09163632
Turkey an ally no more [56 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyNov 6, 2009 22:54163632
Interesting dissimulations, frauds and betrayals ahead [158 words]IanusNov 7, 2009 15:48163632
How does the West expect Turkey to be the bridge between the east and west if they don't have ties with both sides ? [165 words]Sydney AustraliaOct 27, 2009 22:34163630
Europes rejection [157 words]paul GertzOct 27, 2009 22:29163629
Strange Bedfellows [51 words]Gerald LafonOct 27, 2009 20:59163627
"Our relations with Turkey are strong and good. We have been working hard to improve the already excellent relations." [318 words]IanusOct 29, 2009 18:27163627
2The Turks are the most confused people on earth [309 words]dhimmi no moreOct 27, 2009 20:54163626
dhimmi= you are right. we say the same thing to turks: You are confused because.... [74 words]adnan khanNov 1, 2009 02:35163626
1"Ayrılık" -"Separation" - Turkey's new anti-Semitic "masterpiece" [320 words]IanusNov 1, 2009 14:50163626
such great success [85 words]the Grand Infidel of KafiristanNov 2, 2009 15:45163626
Come back to real Islam and you will become a failure! [232 words]IanusNov 2, 2009 18:15163626
The Turkish soaps [74 words]dhimmi no moreNov 10, 2009 11:05163626
Our dear Adanan and Pakistan [38 words]dhimmi no moreNov 10, 2009 13:35163626
Ayrilik [115 words]dhimmi no moreNov 10, 2009 13:53163626
We Turkish anti-Semites love the Jewish people so much. [1017 words]IanusNov 11, 2009 08:35163626
??? [151 words]MirzaNov 18, 2009 22:54163626
Our dear Mizra and Turkish self hate [385 words]dhimmi no moreNov 19, 2009 20:23163626
definitely a confused dhimmi [121 words]Mirza Iskandar KhanNov 23, 2009 18:07163626
Our dear Mizra of Arabian imnperialism and self hate [276 words]dhimmi no moreNov 24, 2009 18:20163626
Cherry picking time and our dear el-jeneral aka our dear Mizra and the greatest empire [200 words]dhimmi no moreNov 25, 2009 17:56163626
Brainless Dhimmi = FAIL [436 words]General Mirza Iskandar KhanNov 25, 2009 20:43163626
abandon hope all ye who ..... [21 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 26, 2009 04:55163626
Cherry picking time and al-baleed wa al-baghl [962 words]dhimmi no moreDec 2, 2009 21:04163626
Dates picking time and how many Muslims in the US! [205 words]dhimmi no moreDec 3, 2009 07:41163626
Our dear Mizra is saying that Armenian infants and children that were killed in the Armenian Genocide were killed because they were TRAITORS [114 words]dhimmi no moreDec 3, 2009 08:00163626
ıf were you , [98 words]Alper Can GündoğduMar 24, 2010 23:53163626
Untrue [113 words]anonApr 2, 2010 16:52163626
The Turkish machine at work [400 words]IanusApr 4, 2010 05:25163626
What is plan B? [203 words]Art K.Oct 27, 2009 20:51163625
European Union [41 words]Alan FoxOct 27, 2009 19:44163622
Nice Work, Obama [10 words]democratsarefascistsOct 27, 2009 19:23163621
Christmas [33 words]Doug CorriganOct 30, 2009 11:40163621
Dustbins of Turkish history [304 words]IanusOct 27, 2009 19:01163620
Poland 99.8% Catholic Monolculture ? God No ! [47 words]Sydney, AustraliaOct 29, 2009 01:28163620
Poland 99.8% ...Literacy Monolculture [418 words]IanusOct 29, 2009 17:28163620
Ianus [44 words]Evren, UKMar 10, 2010 17:41163620
Thanks Allah, I am no Turk! [270 words]IanusMar 12, 2010 15:37163620
Civilized divorce is probably the best option [190 words]BAOct 27, 2009 18:57163619
Keep blaming everyone but Israel... [26 words]AnthonyOct 27, 2009 17:43163614
Protect your citizens even if that causes a loss of "Friends" [81 words]BAOct 29, 2009 01:58163614
1Self-defence "a strategic mistake"? [409 words]IanusOct 29, 2009 06:33163614
Beg to differ Anthony [152 words]CanadianOct 29, 2009 23:40163614
With friends like these.............................. [68 words]FroikeOct 30, 2009 09:12163614

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