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CURMALLY: On who maligns other people's religions and the hate taught in Pakistani schools

Reader comment on item: Dueling Fatwas
in response to reader comment: Dueling Fatwas -reply to Plato

Submitted by Plato (India), Oct 17, 2010 at 11:16

Greetings, Curmally, you wrote to me:

>>I have read the Gita as I have read Upanishads translated by India's ex President Mr. S. Radhakhrishnan, who was a great and devout man. They are great works.<<

They are indeed great works of the human mind. The Krishna of the Gita is, I believe, a metaphor for the unity of the universe (monism – Every object in the world is my body; and every movement in the universe is a movement of my body) unlike the Koran where the unity of Allah is all-important (monotheism).

This is what gives Hinduism its all-inclusive nature. You must have read in the Gita says that he (Krishan, God) is present in all and all are in Him. Here is one quote from the Gita: 9.20-24 "I make no distinction between one religion and another. People may worship me in any form they wish. The form of worship does not matter to me; my only concern is the quality of love which is expressed in worship. I accept every kind of worship, because I am supreme."

Now that is a statement worthy of a supreme being. Compare that with the Islamic monotheistic God who rants and raves at anyone daring to associate anyone or anything with him (with the lone exception of His beloved prophet, of course).

>>The Gita and the the lesson it teaches is a very worthwhile and it is a great book and I read them as a much younger man.<<

Undoubtedly most of its teachings are worth pondering over (except its flirting with the caste system once in awhile).

>>I am looking for a worthwhile translation of the Gita in English. Could you recommend one?<<

I once had a translation of Lokmanya Balgandhar Tilak's translation and comments. It is a good one and shows that the Gita emphasies doing one's duty without expecting any reward either in this life or elsewhere in sharp contrast to the Koran where sensual rewards are on offer for generally behaving like slaves towards a master and obeying His every command however unethical and immoral.

>>You have quoted Yusufali's translation and the example you gave was "You are the best of people" Have you tried read a modern translation of the Quran e Karim like Irving's, Mohammad Asad or Professor Ahmed Ali's translation? Not being fluent in Arabic, when I read the Quran e Karim, I read 3 or 4 translations to understand the real meaning. Did you do that or are you proficient in the Quran e Karim in Arabic?<<

I have read at least three translations including Muhsin Khan and Hilali. I know no Arabic but I am happy to accept Allah's claim that the Koran is a clear book easy to understand which tells me that scholars who know Arabic and English will do a good enough job of translation. If one has to read several translations to understand it, it means the Koran must contain lot of gibberish.

>> If you seek the truth and you are studying something in a foreign language it is best to do so by reading more than one translation.<<

The truth is in the Koran which says: 54:40 YUSUFALI: And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?

You don't need context to understand this crystal clear verse. Why do Muslims keep complaining that the Koran is a badly misunderstood book? Will they ever receive admonition from Allah for ignoring this holy verse?

>>here is Professor Ahmed Ali's Translation of 3:110."Of all the communities raised among men you are the best, enjoining the good, forbidding the wrong and believing in God." The Quran e Karim after saying you are best of people then defines what makes a Muslim the best of people.<<

By corollary the Koran is saying the pagans and Christians and jews do not enjoin what is good i.e. all are sinners and do not forbid wrongs and do not believe in this one God. Now look at what makes a Muslim the best of people. Enjoying what they take in war, including women and children is good: 008.069 YUSUFALI: But (now) enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and good: but fear Allah: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

As to what is forbidden, Allah does not forbid taking slaves and keeping concubines. They can be enjoyed by all Muslims. And you are really the best of people if you believe in only this One god.

Now let us refer to the next reference you gave which is 9:28. I am still quoting from Ahmed Ali."O believers, the idolaters are unclean.o they should not approach the Holy Mosque after this year. In case you fear indigence(*from stoppage of business with them) then God will enrich you from his bounty, if he will, for God is all knowing and all-wise. AS you may know, Musims perform the wudhu before we pray. The wudhu is a cleaning of your arms, feet face and neck which could be normally exposed to dirt. You perform your wudhu five times a day. Now a non Mujslim is not aware of this and therefore will enter the place of prayer unclean.<<

What is this bounty that Allah was going to give them if not the loot obtained from raids on caravans and neighbouring tribes?

How is this translation you have quoted different from the one I quoted:

009.028 YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. And if ye fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of His bounty, for Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.

There is nothing in the ayat about the superficial cleanliness you achieve with wudhu. You have added that to make me think that that is the reason for the prohibition of kaffirs from a large stretch of land around your two holy of holies. Perhaps Allah is afraid that the wind might carry the dirt hanging around the infidel to His home in the Kaaba. Some other defender of Islam on this blog had the bright idea that Allah is not talking of superficial physical cleanliness but of spiritual dirt that kaffirs carry. That makes more sense as there is no way a kaffir can get rid of spiritual dirt except by accepting Allah as his overlord.

Your claim is that the translater (the ones I quote) has got the meaning wrong. So let me quote for you from an ancient and revered commentator. Ibn Kathir' exegesis on this verse given in Vol 2 Dar al kotob al almiya, Beirut edition (you can of course say that this translator has got his meaning wrong also) page 733: "Allah Almighty has ordered the faithful believers to expel the pagans who are a source of abomination, from the sacred mosque, and not let them approach it as of the date ……This holy (?) verse signifies the fact that the non-Muslim is, by all means, an impure (in faith) unlike a Muslim who is always pure, according to a correct Hadith in which the Messenger of Allah "PBUH" says: "A Muslim never gets impure." But this does not mean that the body or food of the non-Muslim is impure, since Allah Almighty makes lawful for Muslims his food."

This is from an Arab closer to the time and place of the Prophet. He says nothing about wuduh. In fact he also says the uncleanness is that of faith. The prophet also said a Muslim never gets impure which means the wuduh is just a empty ritual before prayers.

You seem to think that washing dirt off one's hands, face and feet makes you clean. What of the dirt that has been oozing out of your body including the nether regions all the time. And what of the dirt inside your body like the urine sloshing around in your bladder and the brown stuff creeping down the intestines. The all-seeing Allah has no problem with people entering His holy mosques with all that still inside them? He sure can see and smell them.

>> Do you understand the meaning of the ayat now that you have read it in its complete form.?<<

I quoted exactly the same one in complete form. It was from a different translator. You have not shown me that the two are different in any way. But if by complete you mean that I should include the words you have attached to Allah's about wudu then I agree the ayat is not in complete form. If this is how you are going to present this ayat then one of those ignorant Mullahs you mention will bring down a fatal fatwa on head.

>>You have quoted a part of the whole and a part that suited your purpose.By doing this you destroyed the meaning of the Ayat . To do that is very bad manners because it is selective and shows your intent.<<

What do you mean by saying I have quoted part of the whole? I would naturally quote the parts that I think should be brought to your notice. If you mean I have quoted part of the whole Koran you are right. You don't expect me to quote all the 114 surahs do you? If you mean I have quoted only part of the ayat you would be wrong because what you have re-quoted is exactly what I have quoted (and from one of the most respected translator at that).

As is usual with most Muslims when confronted with an indigestible verse you also say that one should consider the totality of the Koran. Or that the translator is no good and you trot out the names of your own personal favourites. And how do you know your favourite translators have got it right. For the record I have also read Asad, Muhsin Khan & Hilali, and Moulvi Mohammed Ali (the Ahmedia). I also have had a look at Rashad Khalifa's translation on the Internet.

Out all of them Asad is the most tendentious, unsuccessfully indulging in linguistic contortions to make the Koran less threatening.

>>In my first reply I had asked you to lay things aside because of our common history we shared till 1947and the hatred that exists between our countries and religion. We barely tolerate each other.<<

What things do you expect us to lay aside? You saw the rousing welcome we gave to your CWG sports men. The hatred it seems is one-sided. The religion of the Hindus does not call for any hatred of another religion or people. You must have already read the quote from the Hindus' holy book I have given at the beginning. But what do your madrassas and schools teach? Let me quote just a few paras from a report prepared by your own educationists on what you teach your children. It is a long report and you must read it as you love reading. Here is the link:


And here are some excerpts

Madrassas in Pakistan have recently been a focus of world attention for creating this kind of exclusionary and sectarian worldview. The religious education mixed with militancy is supposed to be the deadly mix, giving rise to the narrow vision that breeds hate and irrationality and results in the international jehad. This however is not entirely true. Madrassas are not the only institutions breeding hate, intolerance, a distorted worldview, etc. The educational material in the government run schools do much more than madrassas. The textbooks tell lies, create hatred,inculcates militancy, and much more. In May 2002, a group of academics were gathered by SDPI to examine the curricula and textbooks that are presently being used in public schools. The group investigated curriculum documents and textbooks in the disciplines of Social Studies/ Pakistan studies, Urdu English and Civics from class I to Class XII. It is in these four disciplines that students are exposed to the issues of religious and national identity, tolerance and social relationships that shape their worldview. Classes I to XII were chosen because the curricula and textbooks are all prepared for them by the same institutions, namely the Curriculum Wing of the Government of Pakistan, and the Provincial Textbook Boards. These institutions are primarily responsible for the character

and content of the educational material that determines what happens in classrooms across the country.

Hate Material

Associated with the insistence on the Ideology of Pakistan has been an essential component of hate against India and the Hindus.

For the upholders of the Ideology of Pakistan, the existence of Pakistan is defined only in relation to Hindus, and hence the Hindus have to be painted as negatively as possible. That the pathological hate against Hindus is only because of adopting the so-called Ideology of Pakistan is borne out by the fact that the pre-Ideology (before the 1970s) textbooks of Pakistan did not contain this hatred. Although a lot of animosity towards Hindus might well have been expected in the newborn Pakistan because of the bloody riots of the partition, the early textbooks in Pakistan, many written after the partition, were free of the pathological hate that we see in textbooks today.


Curriculum documents state the following as the specific learning objectives:

[The child should be able to] understand the Hindu and Muslim differences and

the resultant need for Pakistan98

Develop understanding of the Hindu Muslim Differences and need for Pakistan99

98 Curriculum Document, Primary Education, Classes K-V, Integrated and Subject Based, National Bureau of

Curriculum and Textbooks, Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, 1995, p 151

99 National Curriculum, Social Studies for Classes I-V, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Education

(Curriculum Wing) Islamabad, March 2002, p 35


Hindu-Muslim Differences in Culture, .. India's evil designs against Pakistan (the

three wars with India)100 Identify the events in relation to Hindu-Muslim differences, which laid the foundations for Pakistan101

The textbooks then respond in the following way to the above curriculum instructions:

Hindu has always been an enemy of Islam.102

The religion of the Hindus did not teach them good things -- Hindus did not

respect women...

Now Mr. Curmally show me anything even remotely comparable in India, the land of najees, to this education of hate that young minds undergo in Pakistan, the land of the pure.

>>I was born in IndiaI know what I am saying. I will not quote from your scriptures to put you on the defensive because that is not my aim.<<

The compilers of the report on Pakistani hate education also know what they are saying.

Don't quote from Hindu scripture but I challenge you to quote something from Allah which sounds even remotely like this verse, from the Gita which is in your library: 6.40-47 "Yet even those who fail to control their minds, will be saved – so long as they serve others. No one who does good works, will ever come to a bad end."

Instead of such large heartedness you will find verses like those below in the Koran:

009.053 YUSUFALI: Say: "Spend (for the cause) willingly or unwillingly: not from you will it be accepted: for ye are indeed a people rebellious and wicked." [REFERENCE TO HYPOCRITES]

009.054 YUSUFALI: The only reasons why their contributions are not accepted are: that they reject Allah and His Messenger; that they come to prayer without earnestness; and that they offer contributions unwillingly.

024.039 YUSUFALI: But the Unbelievers,- their deeds are like a mirage in sandy deserts, which the man parched with thirst mistakes for water; until when he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing: But he finds Allah (ever) with him, and Allah will pay him his account: and Allah is swift in taking account.

>>I wrote initially a comment on Duellng Fatwas and I said that any Mullah or every Mullah is not qualified to read a fatwa and it has turned to be a defense of Islam. Islam, my religion is there and will be there after I am gone to defend it is my duty.<<

A fatwa is only an opinion and every Mulla is entitled to give his opinion. Every one is entitled to defend her/his religion but when her/his religion calls on its followers to fight and subjugate followers of other religions then it is the duty of all right thinking people to point out this defect and in their religion.

>>I have desisted from maligning anyone's religion because all religions are good and you should respect it and its followers.<<

Now that is a good thought but you will not find such thoughts in the Koran. Just read the verses quoted above for illustration.

>>To put down some one or someone's belief is really not on and bad manners. <<

Is it bad or good manners to call another man's god a lowly human. Is it right to mock the belief of pagans that consider their idols to be sacred? You know who I am referring to.

>>It goes against the the teachings of my religion (You can refer to Surah Al-Kafirun or he Disbelievers for proof. It is the 109th Surah and is barely six or seven lines long) and the right to belief as is enshrined in the Declaration of Human Rights.<<

The one Surah so beloved of our "moderate" Muslims to mislead gullible kaffirs. The last ayat is especially interesting: "To you be your religion, and to me my religion."

Why then did Allah tell Muhammad to seek converts to Islam from among the pagans who had their religion and the Jews and Christians, who also had their religion? This Surah is used as a convenient form of taqia to fool unsuspecting infidels. Mr. Curmally you are also indulging in taqia by quoting this verse which you very well know was revealed in Mecca and generally later ayas supercede, if not abrogate, the earlier ones. For instance 9:29 and 9:33 make a complete mockery of this sugar-coated verse with their call to fight unbelievers until they believe and saying Islam is the only acceptable religion to Allah and His apostle.

>>Go in peace, you have great works to inspire you to be a better human being and lead a fuller life. For sure you will not be greater by comparing or misquoting but because you have the courage to believe in what you consider to be the truth. This is what I wish for you.<<

Thanks for that lovely thought, only you went and spoiled it by accusing me of misquoting the Koran, which I have shown is not the truth.

Why do you say "go in peace"? We are only conducting a verbal duel here. Are you letting me off without the violence you threatened Grand Infidel with? It is interesting that you greet each other with "salam aleikum" meaning peace be upon you. I have always wondered why. Is it because of the constant violence Islamic societies suffer from and hence you try to reassure the other party that you come in peace?

With Regards



Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (188) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
point being? [78 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
TajNov 1, 2010 14:35179819
1peace train,really? [25 words]gemNov 14, 2010 02:35179819
get on the train... [107 words]TajNov 18, 2010 14:30179819
5Oh Islamophobia? Really? [67 words]dhimmi no moreNov 20, 2010 07:43179819
The big question [25 words]DelcambreOct 20, 2010 10:05179480
Interesting, well written article. Great cartoons. [2 words]Lynne TorgersonOct 16, 2010 21:07179324
3Ban Tribal Fatwas from civilized world [57 words]Muslimk***Oct 16, 2010 04:03179297
1Your Suggestion Permits Islamic Terrorism To Kill Without Notice [38 words]Tom DundeeNov 12, 2010 10:32179297
5bad news as usual [417 words]vladutzOct 14, 2010 17:34179260
1to Vladutz [56 words]PJMOct 15, 2010 16:06179260
Thank you [16 words]GetRealOct 18, 2010 10:17179260
3American Civil Liberties Union brand of logic [488 words]Jules PostenOct 9, 2010 19:38179124
3Just another infidel [796 words]MikalOct 9, 2010 08:54179112
Since when ... [266 words]William EastOct 23, 2010 14:37179112
respond [21 words]abdussalamOct 30, 2010 16:28179112
response [91 words]GetRealNov 4, 2010 07:34179112
1Thank You [36 words]Tom DundeeNov 12, 2010 10:37179112
3Send the Cartoons to Me. [13 words]Tom DundeeOct 8, 2010 10:40179084
1Dueling Fatwas [65 words]jacob gangOct 7, 2010 01:08179050
3Gonadal Insufficiency [79 words]TopnifeOct 6, 2010 22:58179045
2Perfect Analysis of the Situation [26 words]Truth SayerOct 6, 2010 19:37179038
1Insurance? [50 words]Wayne WagnerOct 6, 2010 15:23179034
5Islam at war [71 words]Joe Six-PackOct 6, 2010 11:19179032
1Norris picture [17 words]daniel kennedyOct 6, 2010 08:39179031
Out of (self) control [162 words]John BOct 6, 2010 04:00179025
1Fatwha [57 words]Jacob GangOct 6, 2010 00:04179021
3Where is the moral clarity over useful idiocy [265 words]NuritGOct 5, 2010 23:04179019
2Islamic army is marching...will the west fight back [284 words]James ThomasOct 12, 2010 16:37179019
2wrong idea [190 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 13, 2010 04:57179019
Many of Us Will Fight Back [78 words]Tom DundeeNov 12, 2010 10:43179019
1U.S. Government and Rushdie Rules [17 words]aspaciaOct 5, 2010 20:37179015
1better than a fatwa [40 words]mythOct 5, 2010 19:04179013
70A Proclamation Against Death Fatwas from Islam [625 words]Ron ThompsonOct 5, 2010 18:34179011
1Petition to the free world [29 words]steven LOct 5, 2010 22:52179011
some disagreement on some of the five observations [159 words]mythOct 5, 2010 18:25179010
1How [125 words]Trevoir BorgnessOct 5, 2010 18:02179009
1Libs Are The Only American Cowards [35 words]Tom DundeeOct 8, 2010 10:44179009
Where is the outrage? [120 words]batya daganOct 5, 2010 17:19179007
Dueling Fatwas [98 words]steven LOct 5, 2010 15:59179004
Where's the outrage? [64 words]S ISACOct 5, 2010 15:22179001
1I have a suggestion for your "outrage" ... [200 words]kmanOct 5, 2010 23:05179001
The Only safe place [129 words]yuval Brandstetter MDOct 11, 2010 16:44179001
Cost of Freedom [75 words]S ISACOct 5, 2010 14:51178999
Superfriends! [17 words]BrentOct 5, 2010 14:45178998
Are you sure? [12 words]Abu NudnikOct 5, 2010 13:43178993
The U.S. has gone farther than Israel [89 words]AlanOct 5, 2010 13:23178992
Molly Norris [210 words]UgriOct 5, 2010 12:11178989
Awlaki "inexplicably released"/ [16 words]Martin E. WeinsteinOct 5, 2010 11:35178987
Long Life [29 words]Jan KotOct 5, 2010 11:18178985
1Dueling Fatwas [130 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 5, 2010 10:02178984
2At the moment I hate ISLAM [27 words]aspaciaOct 5, 2010 20:39178984
6Pathetic attempt to label Islam only a "religion" ... [45 words]kmanOct 5, 2010 22:47178984
9a wide range of targets... [125 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 6, 2010 02:51178984
the Grand Infidel is correct again [17 words]Truth SayerOct 6, 2010 19:42178984
2Not as tolerant as we used to be??? [342 words]CanadianChrisOct 6, 2010 20:17178984
1Dueling Fatwas -Reply to aspacia [53 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 6, 2010 23:34178984
Dueling Fatwas- Reply to the Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan [230 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 6, 2010 23:54178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to kman [297 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 7, 2010 00:23178984
2Hypocrite [48 words]aspaciaOct 7, 2010 19:58178984
1Lying is condoned in Islam [11 words]aspaciaOct 7, 2010 20:13178984
5I don't need any books from the Saudi funded school University of Berkely, "Fazal" ... [321 words]kmanOct 7, 2010 20:22178984
"Islam" is a NOT just a religion ... [18 words]kmanOct 7, 2010 20:30178984
1Here is a "custom" of your "religion" out of the Hadith Book 008, number 3371: ... [269 words]kmanOct 7, 2010 20:47178984
Dueling Fatwas [1786 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 01:50178984
4no religion is higher than truth [193 words]the Grand Infide of KaffiristanOct 8, 2010 03:45178984
12quaint customs [1091 words]the Grand Infide of KaffiristanOct 8, 2010 06:05178984
7The word Jihad means holy war and get over it [202 words]dhimmi no moreOct 8, 2010 07:01178984
Historical Error. [44 words]aspaciaOct 8, 2010 18:07178984
Duyeling Fatwas [330 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 22:38178984
Dueling Fatwas -Reply to aspacia [176 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 22:51178984
Dueling Fatwas-Reply to kman. [300 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 23:13178984
Dueling Fatwas-Reply to kman. one more time. [136 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 23:25178984
Dueling Fatwas- Reply to the Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan [275 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 23:44178984
Dueling Fatwas- Reply to the Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan [142 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 23:56178984
Dueling Fatwas-Dhimmi no more. [13 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 23:59178984
Dueling Fatwas-Reply to kman.Umpteenth. [40 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 9, 2010 00:04178984
1Just look how kind and peaceful muslims really are [97 words]James ThomasOct 9, 2010 07:12178984
3Do not blame us kuffar you can only blame your islamic sources [227 words]dhimmi no moreOct 9, 2010 17:17178984
4Genital mutilation and Islam [611 words]dhimmi no moreOct 10, 2010 08:41178984
2You, "Fazal", are the one who claimed Islam was only a peaceful religion ... [26 words]kmanOct 10, 2010 19:05178984
1I have much more than "read a few books" ... [457 words]kmanOct 10, 2010 19:28178984
FGMFGM [104 words]btillyOct 10, 2010 21:57178984
Dueling Fatwas [80 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 11, 2010 00:12178984
Dueling Fatwas -Reply to aspacia [11 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 11, 2010 00:18178984
Dueling Fatwas reply to Kman's last reply [191 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 11, 2010 00:54178984
2paradise lost [1116 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 11, 2010 04:43178984
4the comedian [286 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 11, 2010 05:03178984
2The word Jihad means holy war [60 words]dhimmi no moreOct 11, 2010 06:43178984
3Our dear Fazal and the islamic sources: the message and the messenger [147 words]dhimmi no moreOct 11, 2010 07:03178984
1Fazel [241 words]aspaciaOct 11, 2010 07:16178984
Fazel [24 words]aspaciaOct 11, 2010 07:18178984
7Let us have a deal [285 words]dhimmi no moreOct 11, 2010 08:11178984
1Sure, "Pazal", I'll relax while "taqiyya" covers up the true nature of violent jihad. I haven't made the least bit of "fun" of your virulent religion ... [529 words]kmanOct 11, 2010 16:43178984
1You flatter yourself "Fazal" why still evading the issues. [303 words]kmanOct 11, 2010 20:25178984
Dueling fatwas -reply to kman [494 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 11, 2010 23:52178984
Dueling Fatwas- The Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan [140 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 12, 2010 00:09178984
Dueling Fatwas- The Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan [453 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 12, 2010 01:02178984
Dueling fatwas -reply to Aspacia [65 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 12, 2010 01:09178984
Dueling fatwas -reply to Aspacia [628 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 12, 2010 01:51178984
6Curmally: Islam is a problem and everyone but Muslims knows it [1237 words]PlatoOct 12, 2010 14:03178984
islamic paradise [63 words]btillyOct 12, 2010 18:32178984
Fazai Habib Curmally [1137 words]aspaciaOct 12, 2010 20:16178984
You proved me correct [6 words]aspaciaOct 12, 2010 20:21178984
3Curmally: Do you judge the morals of your prophet by seventh century standards? [339 words]PlatoOct 12, 2010 23:36178984
So, "Fazal", still playing obtuse. I know you don't need proof for yourself, but hope to play to the audience ... [1105 words]kmanOct 12, 2010 23:59178984
Dueling fatwas -reply to kman [300 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 13, 2010 03:52178984
Dueling fatwas -reply to Plato [306 words]Fazal Habib CurmqllyOct 13, 2010 04:15178984
2phantom [1326 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 13, 2010 04:42178984
2But islam is really the religion of the Arabs only [193 words]dhimmi no moreOct 13, 2010 07:29178984
3Om Habiba and Muhammad and female genital mutilation [72 words]dhimmi no moreOct 13, 2010 07:36178984
3FGM is in the hadith! It seems that Muhammad recommended it and performed it! [117 words]dhimmi no moreOct 13, 2010 07:45178984
2I'm sorry for you, "Fazal", that you cannot read critically or objectively ... [276 words]kmanOct 13, 2010 21:06178984
CURMALLY: Murdering critics of the Prophet is sunnah [812 words]PlatoOct 13, 2010 22:04178984
Dueling fatwas -Final Reply to kman. [464 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 13, 2010 23:14178984
Dueling fatwas -Final Reply to Aspacia [14 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 13, 2010 23:18178984
Dueling fatwas -Final Reply to the Grand infidel of kaffiristan [140 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 13, 2010 23:41178984
3The miners in Chile and the victims of the floods and the bombing of the Shi3a and Sufi mosques in Pakistan! [129 words]dhimmi no moreOct 14, 2010 07:30178984
Dueling Fatwas -reply to Plato [663 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 14, 2010 23:21178984
Dueling Fatwas -reply to kman [260 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 14, 2010 23:47178984
Curmally: Mocking beliefs of others is a Muslim speciality [1077 words]PlatoOct 14, 2010 23:50178984
2...believing an illusion to be truth will not help you in the long run. Wake up and smell reality. [795 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 15, 2010 02:45178984
4Our dear Fazal ...Prof Schoeberlein! For the readers read and laugh [312 words]dhimmi no moreOct 15, 2010 06:53178984
2Minorities in Pakistan are well treated! Really? [159 words]dhimmi no moreOct 15, 2010 07:00178984
2Islamic hypocrisy [115 words]dhimmi no moreOct 15, 2010 07:09178984
2Curmally: You claim not to be a thug. But then why do you follow one? [392 words]PlatoOct 15, 2010 08:25178984
1Curmally: The only freedom that has been taken away from Muslins is the freedom to keep slaves [1059 words]PlatoOct 15, 2010 11:10178984
"Fazal", I am quite familiar with CAIR ... [778 words]kmanOct 15, 2010 13:17178984
Sorry, accidentally hit "send" before finished ... [175 words]kmanOct 15, 2010 13:28178984
Dueling Fatwas -reply to kman Final Reply [83 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyfOct 16, 2010 00:26178984
Dueling Fatwas -reply to kman - Re your repy about CAIR [456 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 16, 2010 01:14178984
Dueling Fatwas -reply to The Grand Infidel of kaffiristan [162 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 16, 2010 01:26178984
Dueling Fatwas -Reply to Plato [518 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 16, 2010 02:14178984
You have gathered yourself well, "Fazal". I commend you, now. [853 words]kmanOct 16, 2010 03:19178984
3The Qur'an is a book written in Arabic and you need to read it in Arabic [517 words]dhimmi no moreOct 16, 2010 08:17178984
Victims of islamic imperialism [37 words]dhimmi no moreOct 16, 2010 08:24178984
2CURMALLY: Would an Insan al Kamil keep slaves, marry a six year old or torture and kill for money? [641 words]PlatoOct 16, 2010 12:24178984
1CURMALLY: Accepting Islam is committing cultural hara kiri. [722 words]PlatoOct 16, 2010 12:31178984
2CURMALLY: Islam has to earn respect not have it bludgeoned into us [688 words]PlatoOct 16, 2010 12:42178984
CURMALLY: Which Muslim has the freedom to worship as he wishes? Even a Mughal prince was decapitated for hobnobbing with Hinduism [1349 words]PlatoOct 16, 2010 12:57178984
1More fantasy from no other than Fazal [54 words]dhimmi no moreOct 16, 2010 15:58178984
Hmm, common ground "Fazal" ... [803 words]kmanOct 16, 2010 20:47178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Plato [1354 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 17, 2010 02:18178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Plato once more [351 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 17, 2010 03:00178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Grand kaffir [478 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 17, 2010 03:35178984
1More funny Arabic [280 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2010 07:08178984
1I smell a fatwa! [300 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2010 07:32178984
2ayat al-jizya revisited aka the mafia tax verse! [1134 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2010 08:34178984
1CURMALLY: On who maligns other people's religions and the hate taught in Pakistani schools [3189 words]PlatoOct 17, 2010 11:16178984
1The Armenian Genocide and those who deny it and shame on them [214 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2010 19:51178984
Cherry picking time and you need to stick to urdu our dear Fazal [268 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2010 20:02178984
back to fatwas [736 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 18, 2010 02:50178984
Islamic comedy big time [497 words]dhimmi no moreOct 18, 2010 07:54178984
CURMALLY: Thank you for your clear admission (confession?) that Islam is NOT a religion of peace, that it desecrates idols Part I. And about pulling legs Part II [2112 words]PlatoOct 18, 2010 10:02178984
1CURMALLY: Thank you for your clear admission (confession?) that Islam is NOT a religion of peace, that it desecrates idols Part I. And about pulling legs Part II [2437 words]PlatoOct 18, 2010 10:07178984
1CURMALLY: You seem to switch your identity between Pakistani and Muslim. [1136 words]PlatoOct 19, 2010 09:34178984
to fazal [109 words]pjmOct 19, 2010 10:00178984
to fazal [63 words]pjm6321Oct 19, 2010 10:04178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Grand Kaffir [243 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 19, 2010 22:27178984
CURMALLY: And about pulling legs Part II. Addendum [119 words]PlatoOct 20, 2010 00:06178984
Your interpretation sought on 4:34 [137 words]PlatoOct 20, 2010 00:13178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Grand kaffir -Final [167 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 20, 2010 00:34178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Plato-Final [76 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 20, 2010 00:40178984
3truth needs no defence 2 [628 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 20, 2010 05:39178984
More cherry picking [115 words]dhimmi no moreOct 20, 2010 18:32178984
ayat al-radrb or beating your wife verse and how disgusting [240 words]dhimmi no moreOct 20, 2010 18:49178984
Dueling fatwas [605 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 21, 2010 00:07178984
1once again.... [800 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 21, 2010 04:28178984
and again - once again.... [767 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 21, 2010 05:10178984
CURMALLY: In the motherland of Islam diya for a woman is half a man's. We reform our religions, Muslims refuse unless forced. [4258 words]PlatoOct 23, 2010 00:08178984
1Our dear Fazal and the hadith literature [110 words]dhimmi no moreOct 23, 2010 07:47178984
Q4:34 and beating women [128 words]dhimmi no moreOct 23, 2010 07:59178984
spending their time looking for legal loopholes in islamic law? [597 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 23, 2010 20:42178984
3More Islamic comedy and this time the Hebrew prophets Jesus included were really Arabs! [186 words]dhimmi no moreOct 24, 2010 08:16178984
Dhimmi no more - thanks! [55 words]PlatoOct 24, 2010 12:03178984
1Curmally: Correction [78 words]PlatoOct 24, 2010 21:27178984
Duelling fatwas -Rep;ly to PLATO [825 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 25, 2010 00:32178984
Duelling fatwas -Reply to the Grand Infidel of kaffiristan. [142 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyfOct 25, 2010 00:43178984
2The Quranic stoning verse oh the glorious ayat al-rajm? It was eaten by a hungry goat! This is what the islamic sources tell us [283 words]dhimmi no moreOct 25, 2010 18:18178984
More gems from Fazal [426 words]dhimmi no moreOct 25, 2010 18:34178984
1been to Lebanon? Good for you [694 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 26, 2010 05:57178984
2Brooklyn and the girl! Self hate and other sordid matters [423 words]dhimmi no moreOct 26, 2010 07:04178984
1CURMALLY: The Hanafi law you follow demands death or subjugation of all infidels. You sinned in dining with your Hindu teacher. [2842 words]PlatoOct 26, 2010 23:42178984
in response to [24 words]abdussalamOct 30, 2010 16:57178984
1the meaning is what is important - not ethnicity of the writer. [147 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 1, 2010 04:34178984
Another victim of Arabian and Hijazi imperialism [86 words]dhimmi no moreNov 1, 2010 07:19178984
1abdussalam: Can the language of Allah be understood only by Arabs? [125 words]PlatoNov 1, 2010 21:52178984
Dueling Fatwa - Response to Fazal Habib Crumally [49 words]Gus JacobsDec 26, 2010 16:21178984
Dueling Fatwa - Response to Fazal Habib Curmally [144 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyDec 30, 2010 10:08178984

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