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CURMALLY: The Hanafi law you follow demands death or subjugation of all infidels. You sinned in dining with your Hindu teacher.

Reader comment on item: Dueling Fatwas
in response to reader comment: Duelling fatwas -Rep;ly to PLATO

Submitted by Plato (India), Oct 26, 2010 at 23:42

Curmally, you wrote to me:

>>I would like you to read your mail addressed to me prior to the last one you just sent. You will find a lot of answers to the questions you have asked me or denied having said such things. That is bad manners.<<

There are likely to be duplications. I make an effort to avoid them. Since you have told me it is bad manners I would have thought it would be the polite thing to do if you had given an example or two of what you charge me with. In their absence I will have to conclude that you are not being entirely honest with this charge.

>>If Bibi Ayesha (peace be upon her) said such a thing that a goat ate the segment of the Quran e Karim that prescribed stoning, then know the Quran e Karim as it was revealed to the Prophet (peace be upon him) was being written down in the Prophet's (peace be upon him).<<

Let me quote from the Koran:

002.106 YUSUFALI: None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?

This verse tells you that the Koran is not a book preserved since time began as Muslims claim. Allah kept on substituting and amending the Koran whenever He felt He had made an error with a previous verse (why else would he want to substitute or abrogate them??). Having a goat eat some verses could have Allah's stratagem to get rid of some unwanted verses from the Book preserved for all time to come.

This verse is a very convenient one Mohammed as he could change verses to suit his convenience, which he did often enough. For instance the ban on alcohol.

We all know that the Koran was written down on bits and pieces of bone, wood, palm leaf etc.

>>It was under the Third Righteous Caliph Usman Ghani (peace be upon him) that the final compilation of the Quran e Karim was done and 3 handwritten copies of this uniform Quran e Karim which was agreed upon as complete and final by the associates and friends of the Prophet (peace be upon him).<<

The handwritten copies did not have the dots and dashes which today's Korans have. They were put in later which means what we have today is not what was agreed upon by the associates and friends of the prophet. If you know your Islamic history Ibn Massoud the one with the best knowledge of the Koran according to the Prophet himself disputed Othman's Koran.

>>This was done because many of the group who were close to the Prophet (peace be upon him) were dying. So a complete Quran e Karim was available for all times.<<

How can the death of a few affect the Koran which Allah claims is protected by His own hands for all time to come.

>>As for hadiths, there are catagories of hadiths. If you read a hadith the chain of the people who are supposed to have said it , is attached and whether the hadith is a strong one or a weak one is mentioned.<<

Why are the weak ones not excised from the hadith? What is the point in keeping them and cluttering up the hadith with suspicious one? But Muslims have made good of such weak ones. I think the one about the Jewish lady tormenting the prophet and enquiring about her health when she failed to show up one day is one such (you could correct me on this if I am wrong)

>>About Hinduism-Islam syncreticism, this was and shall always be a no no. <<

Islam says "no no" to everything it considers unIslamic (actually unArab). Because Islam is an exclusivist cult considering everything and everyone not connected with Islam as outside its pale.

>>And the Partition of British India is proof of this. We are separate people having separate beliefs and we like it that way.<<

Partition is proof of the separatist tendencies among all Muslim minorities. Which country with a sizeable Muslim population does not have a separatist movement. You have also now admitted that Muslims are a separate people (however close the others are to them in culture and race Islam sunders your links with your brothers, sisters and ancestors as demanded by the Koran). The Koran says: 9:23 "O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers" (Also 3:28, 3:118 etc)

The wonder is that despite such beliefs Muslims rush to get visas to infidel countries.

>>You have your country and you can live and do as you wish in it.<<

We do not do as we wish. Not only out constitution, but also our nature forbid many things which some of us may want to do. For instance the Muslim population of India is nearly the same as that of Pakistan (so what was the big deal in creating Pakistan) and we do not persecute the minorities like you do in Pakistan which has seen a drastic reduction in their numbers whereas in India the Muslim population is growing faster than the Hindus.

>>We are happy with this arrangement.<<

I can see why you are happy. You have managed to decimate the non-believing population of your country whereas the believing population of India has increased.

>>The fact of the matter is, the Transfer of Assets that belonged to Pakistan has not taken place to date.<<

I said the major part was transferred on Gandhi's insistence. Show me it was not.

>>It really does not matter what Mohtandas Karamchand Gandhi did or what Pandit Jawarharlal Nehru did. Both have since passed on. a few decades ago, Why haven't the assets been transferred?<<

Why have you been flooding us with dud money? It is much, much more than what is due to you. Why do you keep sending terrorists into the country. Your connection to terror in India is known to all. These acts have cost us much more than the measly amount you mention. For instance can you calculate the cost to us of the Mumbai carnage? Have we demanded compensation from you despite it being an open and shut case?

>>Read you history and you will see that Jinnah was disillusioned because of the Motilal Nehru Report and this disillusionment ultimately led to the Partition of India.<<

What ultimately led to the partitioning /division of Pakistan in two nations? Whose two-nation theory led to it? You and I know Bengalis were disillusioned with the autocratic Punjabi rule imposed on them.

>>JInnah had asked M.K. Gandhi not to bring religion into politics when he joined the Khilafat Movement and became a leading luminary in it.. It was things like this that divided India by bringing in religion into politics and forcing the Muslims who were the largest minority in India to seek other options to united India. So don't talk of syncretic religions. Akbar made his mistake for political reasons and leave it at that.<<

Some confused thinking here. On the one hand you claim you are happy with the outcome of partition but on the other you lament the fact that Gandhi brought religion into the politics of the time and caused it. What has Akbar and syncretic religion got to do with what you say?

>>Understand, that what Saudi Arabia does, does not apply to us because we follow different schools of law. Islam has 5 schools of law as you may have noted. They follow the Hambali whilst we follow the Hanafi school.<<

The great religion taught by Allah Himself splits His followers into following different schools of law. If the Sharia itself has five different interpretations then it cannot claim to have any divine origin. The Saudis are the closest to the time and geography of your prophet so what they do will have much more substance than any other nation, especially those that do not speak Arabic or have their culture.

You have been stressing the fact that Pakistanis have adopted Hanafi laws. Do you know what Hanafi law has to say about kaffirs? Here is a short excerpt from an Egyptian newspaper on some interesting aspects of Hanafi law:

"What kind of way of thinking are we teaching our next generation, that it has the right to attack other countries in order to convert them to Islam or to [make them] pay jizya, and that if they don't - we will annihilate them down to the very last one? [That it has the right] to pillage countries and return with the loot, and [that] if it cannot transport the booty - [that it can] burn it? Can anybody imagine a member of another religion, paying jizya, in a state of subjection, to a people he does not recognize, merely because it is able to attack, to kill and to slaughter?...(2)"

'One Must Degrade Dhimmis [Non-Muslims Living in Muslims Countries]' [Degrading dhimmis is a requirement of Allah in 9:29- Plato]

"And what about after the conquest, the emigration and the taking up of residence in the conquered land alongside its non-Muslim residents, who pay the jizya? [On this matter] there are guidelines [in 'Al-Rawdh Al-Murabba Sharh Zad Al-Mustaqna' by Mansur Ibn Yunes Al-Buhuti] [through which] one can see what the position of an Al-Azhar graduate [will be] towards his [non-Muslim] brother in the [Arab] homeland: '... The [hair] on their foreheads must be cut... They are permitted to ride [mounts] other than horses, such as donkeys, without a saddle... [One] must not rise in their honor or precede them in greetings... [One] must not offer them condolences, visit them in sickness or participate in their celebrations. They are forbidden to establish new churches or to rebuild those that were destroyed... They are forbidden to build a structure higher than those belonging to Muslims... They must be forbidden to raise their voice in mourning the dead.' If a dhimmi(3) invites a Muslim to a wedding celebration, he must not go, 'because one must degrade dhimmis...'" [Curmally, you once told us you ran errands for your Hindu teacher, visited him, ate with him. So are you a follower of Hanafi law or not?? If your friendly local mosque imam hears of it you will have a fatwa allowing your blood- Plato]

'This is What is Taught at Al-Azhar ... and there are Other Things that Arouse Disgust'

"What else do these extremist curricula contain...? In 'Al-Rawdh Al-Murabba' ... we find the following legal issue concerning relations between the dhimmi and the Muslim: If someone of the People of the Book,(4) the dhimmi, avoids paying the jizya - his life and his property are permissible. If [the dhimmi] kills a Muslim, he must be killed, but if a Muslim kills him - the Muslim is not to be killed, but must pay blood money, and the blood money for [the killing of] a dhimmi is half the blood money for [the killing of] a Muslim. The height of justice.

"However, in addition to all this darkness and ugly tyranny, there are anecdotes. Thus, in a chapter of 'Al-Rawdh Al-Murabba' dealing with endowments, you find that it is permitted to endow [property] for the benefit of an infidel who is not an enemy or of an apostate. Why is this? [You will] enjoy this [explanation]: because it 'will not be forever, since they both will be executed shortly.

"And we wonder where terror comes from……


(1) Roz Al-Youssef ( Egypt), July 10, 2004.

(2) The concept of the jizya to be paid in a state of subjection appears in Koran 9:29: "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, of those who are the People of the Book, until they pay the jizya in a state of subjection."

(3) A non-Muslim under Islamic rule whose life and property are protected, while living in an inferior status.

(4) A Jew or a Christian, who may be offered the choice of living under Muslim rule as dhimmis while retaining their religion. Arabia), September 26, 2004. MRI's database.

>> is the practice of Hinduism in the Northern part of India same as that which is practiced in the Southern part of Peninsula India? No there is a difference. So you should be looking at that.<<

My dear Curmally yours is a religion that requires purity, whatever that is. I have told you before Hindu worship is quite eclectic. Even in the same house the husband, wife and children all can different deities. Also people from the South could worship the same gods and follow the same rituals as the people of the North, East or West.

>>The Ahmedis or Mirzais, claim that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadian was revealed certain verses in additions to the Quran e Karim. We the majority do not accept this Proposition that is why the Qadianis or Mirzais are not considered to be non-Muslims as the prophet (peace be upon him) was the seal of all prophets and none would be coming after him.<<

Why could not Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadian (may Allah give him paradise) have received a few measely verses? After all Allah tells you that He is the Great Deceiver. Maybe He deceived Muslims into thinking that Mohammed was the last prophet. There is only one verse in the Koran which calls him the seal of prophets (the interpretation of seal is also disputed)

>>The Mirzais are citizens of Pakistan they can do as they wish and believe as they wish.<<

Not they CANNOT do as they wish. Can they stand for president or prime minister of Pakistan? Can they do dawa to spread their belief as they can in India and everywhere else in the non-Muslim world?

>>Saudi Arabia denies them entry, and that is their prerogative.<<

France bans burqas in public. It is their prerogative. Switzerland bans minarets. That is their prerogative. Danish newspapers print cartoons of the prophet of Islam that is their prerogative under their constitution. The Netherlands screens Fitna, that is their prerogative under their constitution. What do you have to say on these prerogatives. Do only Muslims have prerogatives????

>>Pakistan never claimed to be a secular state we are the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. So none but a Muslim could be a PM or a President.<<

You prevent your own natural born citizens from the highest offices in the land based on their religion. What is your problem if we give lesser rights (which we actually don't, the courts here would throw out any such legislation) to Kashmiris.

>>What is your excuse? India claims to be secular doesn't it?<<

No excuse, because we don't need one. Our democratic process has not thrown up a Muslim prime minister yet. It has come up with a prime minister from an even smaller minority, and that too form a religion which was up in arms against the country one two decades ago. It has had innumerable presidents, chief ministers, top level bureaucrats, defence services officers and people in key positions who are Muslims and Christians.

>>Did Dr Henry Kissinger ever stand up for the Presidency of the USA or was he the head of a political party that you have given him as an example?<<

This was to explain to you that there are countries where citizens, based on whether they were born in the country or not decides whether they can hold the top post. Kissinger could not become president even if he wanted to like the minorities in Islamic Pakistan or any Islamic country.

>>Has a Non Christian become the President of the USA?<<

What is the percentage of non-Christians in the USA. Their constitution does not bar any one as long as he is natural born from the presidency. In Pakistan your Islamic constitution specifically bars all infidels from normal rights due to citizens of a country. Islam only recognizes 'citizenship' of religion.

>>I have read what the BJP had to say about Mrs Sonia Gandhi's candidacy as the PM of India.<<

Many parties have many things to say about Sonia. Has that prevented her from becoming the most powerful person, bar none, in the country??

>>As for CAIR, it is the premier Muslim site in the USA and in this connection Dr. Pipe's point of view is as good as mine. He is free to like or dislike it as I am free to dislike many sites on the internet.<<

If you cannot refute the duplicity of CAIR exposed on Danielpipes don't carp about his point of view.

>>I would like very much to end this discussion which is on fatwas but we have not said a word about the subject. So no more and this is Final.<<

With Regards



Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (188) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
point being? [78 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
TajNov 1, 2010 14:35179819
1peace train,really? [25 words]gemNov 14, 2010 02:35179819
get on the train... [107 words]TajNov 18, 2010 14:30179819
5Oh Islamophobia? Really? [67 words]dhimmi no moreNov 20, 2010 07:43179819
The big question [25 words]DelcambreOct 20, 2010 10:05179480
Interesting, well written article. Great cartoons. [2 words]Lynne TorgersonOct 16, 2010 21:07179324
3Ban Tribal Fatwas from civilized world [57 words]Muslimk***Oct 16, 2010 04:03179297
1Your Suggestion Permits Islamic Terrorism To Kill Without Notice [38 words]Tom DundeeNov 12, 2010 10:32179297
5bad news as usual [417 words]vladutzOct 14, 2010 17:34179260
1to Vladutz [56 words]PJMOct 15, 2010 16:06179260
Thank you [16 words]GetRealOct 18, 2010 10:17179260
3American Civil Liberties Union brand of logic [488 words]Jules PostenOct 9, 2010 19:38179124
3Just another infidel [796 words]MikalOct 9, 2010 08:54179112
Since when ... [266 words]William EastOct 23, 2010 14:37179112
respond [21 words]abdussalamOct 30, 2010 16:28179112
response [91 words]GetRealNov 4, 2010 07:34179112
1Thank You [36 words]Tom DundeeNov 12, 2010 10:37179112
3Send the Cartoons to Me. [13 words]Tom DundeeOct 8, 2010 10:40179084
1Dueling Fatwas [65 words]jacob gangOct 7, 2010 01:08179050
3Gonadal Insufficiency [79 words]TopnifeOct 6, 2010 22:58179045
2Perfect Analysis of the Situation [26 words]Truth SayerOct 6, 2010 19:37179038
1Insurance? [50 words]Wayne WagnerOct 6, 2010 15:23179034
5Islam at war [71 words]Joe Six-PackOct 6, 2010 11:19179032
1Norris picture [17 words]daniel kennedyOct 6, 2010 08:39179031
Out of (self) control [162 words]John BOct 6, 2010 04:00179025
1Fatwha [57 words]Jacob GangOct 6, 2010 00:04179021
3Where is the moral clarity over useful idiocy [265 words]NuritGOct 5, 2010 23:04179019
2Islamic army is marching...will the west fight back [284 words]James ThomasOct 12, 2010 16:37179019
2wrong idea [190 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 13, 2010 04:57179019
Many of Us Will Fight Back [78 words]Tom DundeeNov 12, 2010 10:43179019
1U.S. Government and Rushdie Rules [17 words]aspaciaOct 5, 2010 20:37179015
1better than a fatwa [40 words]mythOct 5, 2010 19:04179013
70A Proclamation Against Death Fatwas from Islam [625 words]Ron ThompsonOct 5, 2010 18:34179011
1Petition to the free world [29 words]steven LOct 5, 2010 22:52179011
some disagreement on some of the five observations [159 words]mythOct 5, 2010 18:25179010
1How [125 words]Trevoir BorgnessOct 5, 2010 18:02179009
1Libs Are The Only American Cowards [35 words]Tom DundeeOct 8, 2010 10:44179009
Where is the outrage? [120 words]batya daganOct 5, 2010 17:19179007
Dueling Fatwas [98 words]steven LOct 5, 2010 15:59179004
Where's the outrage? [64 words]S ISACOct 5, 2010 15:22179001
1I have a suggestion for your "outrage" ... [200 words]kmanOct 5, 2010 23:05179001
The Only safe place [129 words]yuval Brandstetter MDOct 11, 2010 16:44179001
Cost of Freedom [75 words]S ISACOct 5, 2010 14:51178999
Superfriends! [17 words]BrentOct 5, 2010 14:45178998
Are you sure? [12 words]Abu NudnikOct 5, 2010 13:43178993
The U.S. has gone farther than Israel [89 words]AlanOct 5, 2010 13:23178992
Molly Norris [210 words]UgriOct 5, 2010 12:11178989
Awlaki "inexplicably released"/ [16 words]Martin E. WeinsteinOct 5, 2010 11:35178987
Long Life [29 words]Jan KotOct 5, 2010 11:18178985
1Dueling Fatwas [130 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 5, 2010 10:02178984
2At the moment I hate ISLAM [27 words]aspaciaOct 5, 2010 20:39178984
6Pathetic attempt to label Islam only a "religion" ... [45 words]kmanOct 5, 2010 22:47178984
9a wide range of targets... [125 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 6, 2010 02:51178984
the Grand Infidel is correct again [17 words]Truth SayerOct 6, 2010 19:42178984
2Not as tolerant as we used to be??? [342 words]CanadianChrisOct 6, 2010 20:17178984
1Dueling Fatwas -Reply to aspacia [53 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 6, 2010 23:34178984
Dueling Fatwas- Reply to the Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan [230 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 6, 2010 23:54178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to kman [297 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 7, 2010 00:23178984
2Hypocrite [48 words]aspaciaOct 7, 2010 19:58178984
1Lying is condoned in Islam [11 words]aspaciaOct 7, 2010 20:13178984
5I don't need any books from the Saudi funded school University of Berkely, "Fazal" ... [321 words]kmanOct 7, 2010 20:22178984
"Islam" is a NOT just a religion ... [18 words]kmanOct 7, 2010 20:30178984
1Here is a "custom" of your "religion" out of the Hadith Book 008, number 3371: ... [269 words]kmanOct 7, 2010 20:47178984
Dueling Fatwas [1786 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 01:50178984
4no religion is higher than truth [193 words]the Grand Infide of KaffiristanOct 8, 2010 03:45178984
12quaint customs [1091 words]the Grand Infide of KaffiristanOct 8, 2010 06:05178984
7The word Jihad means holy war and get over it [202 words]dhimmi no moreOct 8, 2010 07:01178984
Historical Error. [44 words]aspaciaOct 8, 2010 18:07178984
Duyeling Fatwas [330 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 22:38178984
Dueling Fatwas -Reply to aspacia [176 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 22:51178984
Dueling Fatwas-Reply to kman. [300 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 23:13178984
Dueling Fatwas-Reply to kman. one more time. [136 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 23:25178984
Dueling Fatwas- Reply to the Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan [275 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 23:44178984
Dueling Fatwas- Reply to the Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan [142 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 23:56178984
Dueling Fatwas-Dhimmi no more. [13 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 8, 2010 23:59178984
Dueling Fatwas-Reply to kman.Umpteenth. [40 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 9, 2010 00:04178984
1Just look how kind and peaceful muslims really are [97 words]James ThomasOct 9, 2010 07:12178984
3Do not blame us kuffar you can only blame your islamic sources [227 words]dhimmi no moreOct 9, 2010 17:17178984
4Genital mutilation and Islam [611 words]dhimmi no moreOct 10, 2010 08:41178984
2You, "Fazal", are the one who claimed Islam was only a peaceful religion ... [26 words]kmanOct 10, 2010 19:05178984
1I have much more than "read a few books" ... [457 words]kmanOct 10, 2010 19:28178984
FGMFGM [104 words]btillyOct 10, 2010 21:57178984
Dueling Fatwas [80 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 11, 2010 00:12178984
Dueling Fatwas -Reply to aspacia [11 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 11, 2010 00:18178984
Dueling Fatwas reply to Kman's last reply [191 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 11, 2010 00:54178984
2paradise lost [1116 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 11, 2010 04:43178984
4the comedian [286 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 11, 2010 05:03178984
2The word Jihad means holy war [60 words]dhimmi no moreOct 11, 2010 06:43178984
3Our dear Fazal and the islamic sources: the message and the messenger [147 words]dhimmi no moreOct 11, 2010 07:03178984
1Fazel [241 words]aspaciaOct 11, 2010 07:16178984
Fazel [24 words]aspaciaOct 11, 2010 07:18178984
7Let us have a deal [285 words]dhimmi no moreOct 11, 2010 08:11178984
1Sure, "Pazal", I'll relax while "taqiyya" covers up the true nature of violent jihad. I haven't made the least bit of "fun" of your virulent religion ... [529 words]kmanOct 11, 2010 16:43178984
1You flatter yourself "Fazal" why still evading the issues. [303 words]kmanOct 11, 2010 20:25178984
Dueling fatwas -reply to kman [494 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 11, 2010 23:52178984
Dueling Fatwas- The Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan [140 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 12, 2010 00:09178984
Dueling Fatwas- The Grand Infidel of Kaffiristan [453 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 12, 2010 01:02178984
Dueling fatwas -reply to Aspacia [65 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 12, 2010 01:09178984
Dueling fatwas -reply to Aspacia [628 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 12, 2010 01:51178984
6Curmally: Islam is a problem and everyone but Muslims knows it [1237 words]PlatoOct 12, 2010 14:03178984
islamic paradise [63 words]btillyOct 12, 2010 18:32178984
Fazai Habib Curmally [1137 words]aspaciaOct 12, 2010 20:16178984
You proved me correct [6 words]aspaciaOct 12, 2010 20:21178984
3Curmally: Do you judge the morals of your prophet by seventh century standards? [339 words]PlatoOct 12, 2010 23:36178984
So, "Fazal", still playing obtuse. I know you don't need proof for yourself, but hope to play to the audience ... [1105 words]kmanOct 12, 2010 23:59178984
Dueling fatwas -reply to kman [300 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 13, 2010 03:52178984
Dueling fatwas -reply to Plato [306 words]Fazal Habib CurmqllyOct 13, 2010 04:15178984
2phantom [1326 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 13, 2010 04:42178984
2But islam is really the religion of the Arabs only [193 words]dhimmi no moreOct 13, 2010 07:29178984
3Om Habiba and Muhammad and female genital mutilation [72 words]dhimmi no moreOct 13, 2010 07:36178984
3FGM is in the hadith! It seems that Muhammad recommended it and performed it! [117 words]dhimmi no moreOct 13, 2010 07:45178984
2I'm sorry for you, "Fazal", that you cannot read critically or objectively ... [276 words]kmanOct 13, 2010 21:06178984
CURMALLY: Murdering critics of the Prophet is sunnah [812 words]PlatoOct 13, 2010 22:04178984
Dueling fatwas -Final Reply to kman. [464 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 13, 2010 23:14178984
Dueling fatwas -Final Reply to Aspacia [14 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 13, 2010 23:18178984
Dueling fatwas -Final Reply to the Grand infidel of kaffiristan [140 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 13, 2010 23:41178984
3The miners in Chile and the victims of the floods and the bombing of the Shi3a and Sufi mosques in Pakistan! [129 words]dhimmi no moreOct 14, 2010 07:30178984
Dueling Fatwas -reply to Plato [663 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 14, 2010 23:21178984
Dueling Fatwas -reply to kman [260 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 14, 2010 23:47178984
Curmally: Mocking beliefs of others is a Muslim speciality [1077 words]PlatoOct 14, 2010 23:50178984
2...believing an illusion to be truth will not help you in the long run. Wake up and smell reality. [795 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 15, 2010 02:45178984
4Our dear Fazal ...Prof Schoeberlein! For the readers read and laugh [312 words]dhimmi no moreOct 15, 2010 06:53178984
2Minorities in Pakistan are well treated! Really? [159 words]dhimmi no moreOct 15, 2010 07:00178984
2Islamic hypocrisy [115 words]dhimmi no moreOct 15, 2010 07:09178984
2Curmally: You claim not to be a thug. But then why do you follow one? [392 words]PlatoOct 15, 2010 08:25178984
1Curmally: The only freedom that has been taken away from Muslins is the freedom to keep slaves [1059 words]PlatoOct 15, 2010 11:10178984
"Fazal", I am quite familiar with CAIR ... [778 words]kmanOct 15, 2010 13:17178984
Sorry, accidentally hit "send" before finished ... [175 words]kmanOct 15, 2010 13:28178984
Dueling Fatwas -reply to kman Final Reply [83 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyfOct 16, 2010 00:26178984
Dueling Fatwas -reply to kman - Re your repy about CAIR [456 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 16, 2010 01:14178984
Dueling Fatwas -reply to The Grand Infidel of kaffiristan [162 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 16, 2010 01:26178984
Dueling Fatwas -Reply to Plato [518 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 16, 2010 02:14178984
You have gathered yourself well, "Fazal". I commend you, now. [853 words]kmanOct 16, 2010 03:19178984
3The Qur'an is a book written in Arabic and you need to read it in Arabic [517 words]dhimmi no moreOct 16, 2010 08:17178984
Victims of islamic imperialism [37 words]dhimmi no moreOct 16, 2010 08:24178984
2CURMALLY: Would an Insan al Kamil keep slaves, marry a six year old or torture and kill for money? [641 words]PlatoOct 16, 2010 12:24178984
1CURMALLY: Accepting Islam is committing cultural hara kiri. [722 words]PlatoOct 16, 2010 12:31178984
2CURMALLY: Islam has to earn respect not have it bludgeoned into us [688 words]PlatoOct 16, 2010 12:42178984
CURMALLY: Which Muslim has the freedom to worship as he wishes? Even a Mughal prince was decapitated for hobnobbing with Hinduism [1349 words]PlatoOct 16, 2010 12:57178984
1More fantasy from no other than Fazal [54 words]dhimmi no moreOct 16, 2010 15:58178984
Hmm, common ground "Fazal" ... [803 words]kmanOct 16, 2010 20:47178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Plato [1354 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 17, 2010 02:18178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Plato once more [351 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 17, 2010 03:00178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Grand kaffir [478 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 17, 2010 03:35178984
1More funny Arabic [280 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2010 07:08178984
1I smell a fatwa! [300 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2010 07:32178984
2ayat al-jizya revisited aka the mafia tax verse! [1134 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2010 08:34178984
1CURMALLY: On who maligns other people's religions and the hate taught in Pakistani schools [3189 words]PlatoOct 17, 2010 11:16178984
1The Armenian Genocide and those who deny it and shame on them [214 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2010 19:51178984
Cherry picking time and you need to stick to urdu our dear Fazal [268 words]dhimmi no moreOct 17, 2010 20:02178984
back to fatwas [736 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 18, 2010 02:50178984
Islamic comedy big time [497 words]dhimmi no moreOct 18, 2010 07:54178984
CURMALLY: Thank you for your clear admission (confession?) that Islam is NOT a religion of peace, that it desecrates idols Part I. And about pulling legs Part II [2112 words]PlatoOct 18, 2010 10:02178984
1CURMALLY: Thank you for your clear admission (confession?) that Islam is NOT a religion of peace, that it desecrates idols Part I. And about pulling legs Part II [2437 words]PlatoOct 18, 2010 10:07178984
1CURMALLY: You seem to switch your identity between Pakistani and Muslim. [1136 words]PlatoOct 19, 2010 09:34178984
to fazal [109 words]pjmOct 19, 2010 10:00178984
to fazal [63 words]pjm6321Oct 19, 2010 10:04178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Grand Kaffir [243 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 19, 2010 22:27178984
CURMALLY: And about pulling legs Part II. Addendum [119 words]PlatoOct 20, 2010 00:06178984
Your interpretation sought on 4:34 [137 words]PlatoOct 20, 2010 00:13178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Grand kaffir -Final [167 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 20, 2010 00:34178984
Dueling Fatwas- reply to Plato-Final [76 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 20, 2010 00:40178984
3truth needs no defence 2 [628 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 20, 2010 05:39178984
More cherry picking [115 words]dhimmi no moreOct 20, 2010 18:32178984
ayat al-radrb or beating your wife verse and how disgusting [240 words]dhimmi no moreOct 20, 2010 18:49178984
Dueling fatwas [605 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 21, 2010 00:07178984
1once again.... [800 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 21, 2010 04:28178984
and again - once again.... [767 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 21, 2010 05:10178984
CURMALLY: In the motherland of Islam diya for a woman is half a man's. We reform our religions, Muslims refuse unless forced. [4258 words]PlatoOct 23, 2010 00:08178984
1Our dear Fazal and the hadith literature [110 words]dhimmi no moreOct 23, 2010 07:47178984
Q4:34 and beating women [128 words]dhimmi no moreOct 23, 2010 07:59178984
spending their time looking for legal loopholes in islamic law? [597 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 23, 2010 20:42178984
3More Islamic comedy and this time the Hebrew prophets Jesus included were really Arabs! [186 words]dhimmi no moreOct 24, 2010 08:16178984
Dhimmi no more - thanks! [55 words]PlatoOct 24, 2010 12:03178984
1Curmally: Correction [78 words]PlatoOct 24, 2010 21:27178984
Duelling fatwas -Rep;ly to PLATO [825 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyOct 25, 2010 00:32178984
Duelling fatwas -Reply to the Grand Infidel of kaffiristan. [142 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyfOct 25, 2010 00:43178984
2The Quranic stoning verse oh the glorious ayat al-rajm? It was eaten by a hungry goat! This is what the islamic sources tell us [283 words]dhimmi no moreOct 25, 2010 18:18178984
More gems from Fazal [426 words]dhimmi no moreOct 25, 2010 18:34178984
1been to Lebanon? Good for you [694 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanOct 26, 2010 05:57178984
2Brooklyn and the girl! Self hate and other sordid matters [423 words]dhimmi no moreOct 26, 2010 07:04178984
1CURMALLY: The Hanafi law you follow demands death or subjugation of all infidels. You sinned in dining with your Hindu teacher. [2842 words]PlatoOct 26, 2010 23:42178984
in response to [24 words]abdussalamOct 30, 2010 16:57178984
1the meaning is what is important - not ethnicity of the writer. [147 words]the Grand Infidel of KaffiristanNov 1, 2010 04:34178984
Another victim of Arabian and Hijazi imperialism [86 words]dhimmi no moreNov 1, 2010 07:19178984
1abdussalam: Can the language of Allah be understood only by Arabs? [125 words]PlatoNov 1, 2010 21:52178984
Dueling Fatwa - Response to Fazal Habib Crumally [49 words]Gus JacobsDec 26, 2010 16:21178984
Dueling Fatwa - Response to Fazal Habib Curmally [144 words]Fazal Habib CurmallyDec 30, 2010 10:08178984

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