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Letter from Terrorist to Terrorist

Reader comment on item: What is Jihad?
in response to reader comment: Wake up!!

Submitted by truthseekers (United States), Nov 19, 2008 at 11:06

I thought it would be interesting for you to be able to read this letter in full written by a leader of those Islamic radicals that wish to unite the world under Islam and kill all Jews first and Christians later. It is interesting to note that our so called fearless leaders claim this is not a war against Islam, yet, it appears to be clearly a war against Christianity and freedom. I hope you enjoy this since we never seem to get things like this in our so-called free press.

Letter from al-Zawahiri to al-Zarqawi

February 2004 Coalition Provisional Authority English translation of terrorist Musab al Zarqawi letter obtained by United States Government in Iraq

[Begin text]

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate,
From ……………to the proudest of persons and leaders in the age of the servants,
……To the men on the mountain tops, to the hawks of glory, to the lions
of [the] Shara [Mountains], to the two honorable brothers……………..,
Peace and the mercy and blessings of God be upon you.

Even if our bodies are far apart, the distance between our hearts is close.

Our solace is in the saying of the Imam Malik. I hope that both of us are well. I ask God the Most High, the Generous, [to have] this letter reach you clothed in the garments of health and savoring the winds of victory and triumph …. Amen.

I send you an account that is appropriate to [your] position and that removes the veil and lifts the curtain from the good and bad [that are] hidden in the arena of Iraq.

As you know, God favored the [Islamic] nation with jihad on His behalf in the land of Mesopotamia. It is known to you that the arena here is not like the rest. It has positive elements not found in others, and it also has negative elements not found in others. Among the greatest positive elements of this arena is that it is jihad in the Arab heartland. It is a stone's throw from the lands of the two Holy Precincts and the al-Aqsa [Mosque]. We know from God's religion that the true, decisive battle between infidelity and Islam is in this land, i.e., in [Greater] Syria and its surroundings. Therefore, we must spare no effort and strive urgently to establish a foothold in this land. Perhaps God may cause something to happen thereafter. The current situation, o courageous shaykhs, makes it necessary for us to examine this matter deeply, starting from our true Law and the reality in which we live….

Here is the current situation as I, with my limited vision, see it. I ask God to forgive my prattle and lapses. I say, having sought help from God, that the Americans, as you know well, entered Iraq on a contractual basis and to create the State of Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates and that this Zionized American Administration believes that accelerating the creation of the State of [Greater] Israel will accelerate the emergence of the Messiah. It came to Iraq with all its people, pride, and haughtiness toward God and his Prophet. It thought that the matter would be somewhat easy. Even if there were to be difficulties, it would be easy. But it collided with a completely different reality. The operations of the brother mujahidin began from the first moment, which mixed things up somewhat. Then, the pace of operations quickened. This was in the Sunni Triangle, if this is the right name for it. This forced the Americans to conclude a deal with the Shi`a, the most evil of mankind. The deal was concluded on [the basis that] the Shi`a would get two-thirds of the booty for having stood in the ranks of the Crusaders against the mujahidin.

First: The Makeup [of Iraq]

In general, Iraq is a political mosaic, an ethnic mixture, and scattered confessional and sectarian disparities that only a strong central authority and a overpowering ruler have been able to lead, beginning with Ziyad Ibn Abihi (tr. note: 7th century A.D.) and ending with Saddam. The future faces difficult choices. It is a land of great hardships and difficulties for everyone, whether he is serious or not…..

As for the details:

1. The Kurds

In their two Barazani and Talabani halves, these have given the bargain of their hands and the fruit of their hearts to the Americans. They have opened their land to the Jews and become their rear base and a Trojan horse for their plans. They (the Jews) infiltrate through their lands, drape themselves in their banners, and take them as a bridge over which to cross for financial control and economic hegemony, as well as for the espionage base for which they have built a large structure the length and breadth of that land. In general, Islam's voice has died out among them -- the Kurds -- and the glimmer of religion has weakened in their homes. The Iraqi Da`wa has intoxicated them, and the good people among them, few as they are, are oppressed and fear that birds will carry them away.

3 [sic]. The Shi`a

[They are] the insurmountable obstacle, the lurking snake, the crafty and malicious scorpion, the spying enemy, and the penetrating venom. We here are entering a battle on two levels. One, evident and open, is with an attacking enemy and patent infidelity. [Another is] a difficult, fierce battle with a crafty enemy who wears the garb of a friend, manifests agreement, and calls for comradeship, but harbors ill will and twists up peaks and crests (?). Theirs is the legacy of the Batini bands that traversed the history of Islam and left scars on its face that time cannot erase. The unhurried observer and inquiring onlooker will realize that Shi`ism is the looming danger and the true challenge. "They are the enemy. Beware of them. Fight them. By God, they lie." History's message is validated by the testimony of the current situation, which informs most clearly that Shi`ism is a religion that has nothing in common with Islam except in the way that Jews have something in common with Christians under the banner of the People of the Book. From patent polytheism, worshipping at graves, and circumambulating shrines, to calling the Companions [of the Prophet] infidels and insulting the mothers of the believers and the elite of this [Islamic] nation, [they] arrive at distorting the Qur'an as a product of logic to defame those who know it well, in addition to speaking of the infallibility of the [Islamic] nation, the centrality of believing in them, affirming that revelation came down to them, and other forms of infidelity and manifestations of atheism with which their authorized books and original sources -- which they continue to print, distribute, and publish -- overflow. The dreamers who think that a Shi`i can forget [his] historical legacy and [his] old black hatred of the Nawasib [those who hate the Prophet's lineage], as they fancifully call them, are like someone who calls on the Christians to renounce the idea of the crucifixion of the Messiah. Would a sensible person do this? These are a people who added to their infidelity and augmented their atheism with political cunning and a feverish effort to seize upon the crisis of governance and the balance of power in the state, whose features they are trying to draw and whose new lines they are trying to establish through their political banners and organizations in cooperation with their hidden allies the Americans.

These [have been] a sect of treachery and betrayal throughout history and throughout the ages. It is a creed that aims to combat the Sunnis. When the repulsive Ba`thi regime fell, the slogan of the Shi`a was "Revenge, revenge, from Tikrit to al-Anbar." This shows the extent of their hidden rancor toward the Sunnis. However, their religious and political `ulama' have been able to control the affairs of their sect, so as not to have the battle between them and the Sunnis become an open sectarian war, because they know that they will not succeed in this way. They know that, if a sectarian war was to take place, many in the [Islamic] nation would rise to defend the Sunnis in Iraq. Since their religion is one of dissimulation, they maliciously and cunningly proceeded another way. They began by taking control of the institutions of the state and their security, military, and economic branches. As you, may God preserve you, know, the basic components of any country are security and the economy. They are deeply embedded inside these institutions and branches. I give an example that brings the matter home: the Badr Brigade, which is the military wing of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution, has shed its Shi`a garb and put on the garb of the police and army in its place. They have placed cadres in these institutions, and, in the name of preserving the homeland and the citizen, have begun to settle their scores with the Sunnis. The American army has begun to disappear from some cities, and its presence is rare. An Iraqi army has begun to take its place, and this is the real problem that we face, since our combat against the Americans is something easy. The enemy is apparent, his back is exposed, and he does not know the land or the current situation of the mujahidin because his intelligence information is weak. We know for certain that these Crusader forces will disappear tomorrow or the day after. He who looks at the current situation [will] see the enemy's haste to constitute the army and the police, which have begun to carry out the missions assigned to them. This enemy, made up of the Shi`a filled out with Sunni agents, is the real danger that we face, for it is [made up of] our fellow countrymen, who know us inside and out. They are more cunning than their Crusader masters, and they have begun, as I have said, to try to take control of the security situation in Iraq. They have liquidated many Sunnis and many of their Ba`th Party enemies and others beholden to the Sunnis in an organized, studied way. They began by killing many mujahid brothers, passing to the liquidation of scientists, thinkers, doctors, engineers, and others. I believe, and God knows best, that the worst will not come to pass until most of the American army is in the rear lines and the secret Shi`i army and its military brigades are fighting as its proxy. They are infiltrating like snakes to reign over the army and police apparatus, which is the strike force and iron fist in our Third World, and to take complete control over the economy like their tutors the Jews. As the days pass, their hopes are growing that they will establish a Shi`i state stretching from Iran through Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon and ending in the Cardboard Kingdom of the Gulf. The Badr Brigade entered carrying the slogan of revenge against Tikrit and al-Anbar, but it shed its garb and then put on the emblem[s] of the army and police to oppress the Sunnis and kill the people of Islam in the name of law and order, all under cover of smooth talk. The noxiousness of falsehood rides the horse of dissimulation. Their Ghunusi religion (one based on special personal enlightenment) veils itself with lies and covers itself with hypocrisy, exploiting the naivete and good-heartedness of many Sunnis. We do not know when our [Islamic] nation will begin to learn from historical experience and build on the testimony of the empty eras. The Shi`i Safavid state was an insurmountable obstacle in the path of Islam. Indeed it was a dagger that stabbed Islam and its people in the back. One of the Orientalists spoke truth when he said that had the Safavid state not existed we in Europe would today be reading the Qur'an just as the Algerian Berber does. Yes, the hosts of the Ottoman state stopped at the gates of Vienna, and those fortifications almost collapsed before them [to permit] Islam to spread under the auspices of the sword of glory and jihad all across Europe. But these armies were forced to return and withdraw to the rear because the army of the Safavid state had occupied Baghdad, demolished its mosques, killed its people, and captured its women and wealth. The armies returned to defend the sanctuaries and people of Islam. Fierce fighting raged for about two centuries and did not end until the strength and reach of the Islamic state had waned and the [Islamic] nation had been put to sleep, then to wake up to the drums of the invading Westerner.

The Qur'an has told us that the machinations of the hypocrites, the deceit of the fifth column, and the cunning of those of our fellow countrymen whose tongues speak honeyed words but whose hearts are those of devils in the bodies of men – these are where the disease lies, these are the secret of our distress, these are the rat of the dike. "They are the enemy. Beware of them." Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya spoke with truth and honesty when he said – after he mentioned their (Shi`a) thinking toward the people of Islam – "For this reason, with their malice and cunning, they help the infidels against the Muslim mass[es], and they are one of the greatest reasons for the eruption of Genghis Khan, the king of the infidels, into the lands of Islam, for the arrival of Hulagu in the country of Iraq, for the taking of Aleppo and the pillage of al-Salihiyya, and for other things. For this reason, they pillaged the troops of the Muslims when they passed among them going to Egypt the first time. And for this reason, they commit highway robbery against the Muslims. And for this reason, help for the Tartars and Franks appeared from among them against the Muslims. Deep sadness over the victory of Islam appeared, since they were friends with the Jews, Franks, and polytheists against the Muslims. These are among the customs of the hypocrites…. Their hearts are full of vinegar and ire like no others with regard to Muslims old and young, godly and ungodly.

Their greatest [act of] worship is to curse the Muslim friends of God from first to last. These are the people most anxious to divide the Muslims. Among their greatest principles are leveling charges of infidelity and damning and cursing the elite of those who have ruled matters, like the orthodox caliphs and the `ulama' of the Muslims, because of their belief that anyone who does not believe in the infallible imam, who is not present, does not believe in God and his Prophet, may God bless him and grant him salvation….

The Shi`a love the Tartars and their state because through it they achieved a glory that they did not achieve through the Muslims' state.…. They were among the greatest helpers [of the Tartars] as they seized the countries of Islam, killing Muslims and capturing their women. The story of Ibn al-`Alqami and his like with the Caliph and their case in Aleppo is famous. All the people know it. If the Muslims defeat the Christians and polytheists, this causes distress among the Shi`a. And if the polytheists and Christians beat the Muslims, this occasions a holiday and joy among the Shi`a." – al-Fatawa, part 28, pages 478 to 527

Praise be to God, it is as if veils had been lifted from the hidden for him (Ibn Taymiyya) and he looked at what was before him and then spoke clearly on the basis of observation and information. Our imams have traced a clear path and lifted the veil from these people. Imam al-Bukhari says, not in the house have I prayed behind a Shi`i or behind Jews or Christians. They are not to be greeted. They are not to be congratulated on holidays. They are not to be taken in marriage. They cannot bear witness. The animals they slaughter are not to be eaten. – Khalq Af`al al-‘Ibad, page 125

Imam Ahmad says – he was asked about who had cursed Abu Bakr, `Umar, and `A'isha, may God be pleased with them – "I do not see him within Islam." Imam Malik says, "He who curses the Companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him salvation, has no share or part in Islam." – Kitab al-Sunna of al-Khallal, number 779

Al-Faryabi says, "I do not see the Shi`a except as atheists." -- al-Lalika'i, part 8, page 1545

And when Ibn Hazm brought evidence and proofs against the Jews and Christians for distorting the Torah and the Gospel, they found no retort except to say that the Shi`a among them spoke of distortions to the Qur'an. He said, God's mercy! When they speak of the claim of the Shi`a that substitution has occurred, the Shi`a are not Muslims. They are a sect that follows the path of the Jews and Christians in lying and infidelity." – al-Fasl, part 2, page 78

Ibn Taymiyya said, "With this, it becomes clear that they are more evil than the sectarians and more deserving of being fought than the Kharijis. This is the reason for the general opinion that circulates that the Shi`a are people of heresy. The populace spreads around that Shi`i is the opposite of Sunni because they show resistance to the sunna of the Prophet of God, may God bless him and grant him salvation, and to the Laws of Islam." – from Sa'ir Ahl al-Ahwa', part 28, page 482

And he said, "If the sunna and ijma` are in agreement that -- if [the spirit of] the Muslim attacker could [only] come out by killing, then he should be killed, even if the property that he took was [but] a fraction of a dinar --how could it be with regard to fighting those who deviate from the Laws of Islam and fight God and His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him salvation? – part 4, page 251

And with all this, let the people of Islam know that we are not the first to have begun going down this road. We are not the first to have brandished the sword. These people (the Shi`a) are continuing to kill those who call for Islam and the mujahidin of the community, stabbing them in the back under cover of the silence and complicity of the whole world, and, regretfully, even of the symbolic figures beholden to the Sunnis.

Moreover, they are a bone in the throats of the mujahidin and a dagger in [the backs of] their leading personalities. People without exception know that most of the mujahidin who have fallen in war have done so at the hands of these people. The wounds are still spreading, and they are working the daggers of hatred and cunning in them assiduously, Night or day, they do not let up.

2 [sic]. As regards the Sunnis

They are more wretched than orphans at the tables of the depraved. They have lost the[ir] leader and wandered in the desert of artlessness and negligence divided and fragmented, having lost the unifying head who gathered the scattered [pieces] and prevented the egg from shattering. They also are [various] kinds.

1. The Masses

These masses are the silent majority, absent even though present. "The hooligans following everyone and his brother hungered. They did not seek enlightenment from the light of science and did not take refuge in a safe corner." These, even if in general they hate the Americans, wish them to vanish and to have their black cloud dissolve. But, despite that, they look forward to a sunny tomorrow, a prosperous future, a carefree life, comfort, and favor. They look ahead to that day and are thus easy prey for cunning information [media] and political enticement whose hiss rings out…. In any event, they are people of Iraq.

2. The Shaykhs and `Ulama'

These are mostly Sufis doomed to perdition. Their part of religion is an anniversary in which they sing and dance to the chanting of a camel driver, with a fatty banquet at the end. In truth, these are narcotic opiate[s] and deceitful guides for an [Islamic] nation that is feeling its way on a pitch-black night. As for the spirit of jihad and the jurisprudence of martyrdom and disavowal of the infidel, they are innocent of all of that, just as the wolf was innocent of the blood of Joseph, may peace be upon him. With all the horrors and bad circumstances, not one of them ever speaks about jihad or calls for sacrifice or self-sacrifice. For these, three is too much, not to say four. They are not suited to this.

3. The [Muslim] Brothers

As you have observed, they make a profession of trading in the blood of martyrs and build their counterfeit glory on the skulls of the faithful. They have debased the horse, put aside arms, said "no jihad" … and lied.

Their whole effort is to extend political control and seize the posts of Sunni representation in the government cake whose creation has been decided, while taking care in secret to get control of the mujahidin groups through financial support for two purposes. The first is for propaganda and media work abroad to attract money and sympathy, exactly as they did during the events in Syria, and the second is to control the situation and dissolve these groups when the party ends and the gifts are distributed. They are now intent on creating a Sunni shura body to speak in the name of the Sunnis. It is their habit to grab the stick in the middle and change as the political climate changes. Their religion is mercurial. They have no firm principles, and they do not start from enduring legal bases. God is the one from whom we have sought help.

D (sic). The Mujahidin

These are the quintessence of the Sunnis and the good sap of this country. In general, they belong to the Sunni doctrine and naturally to the Salafi creed. The Salafis splintered only as the bend curved, and the people of the [distant] regions fell behind the caravan. In general, these mujahidin distinguish themselves by the following:

1. Most of them have little expertise or experience, especially in organized collective work. Doubtlessly, they are the result of a repressive regime that militarized the country, spread dismay, propagated fear and dread, and destroyed confidence among the people. For this reason, most of the groups are working in isolation, with no political horizon, farsightedness, or preparation to inherit the land. Yes, the idea has begun to ripen, and a light whisper has arisen to become noisy talk about the need to band together and unite under one banner. But matters are still in their initial stages. With God's praise, we are trying to ripen them quickly.

2. Jihad here unfortunately [takes the form of] mines planted, rockets launched, and mortars shelling from afar. The Iraqi brothers still prefer safety and returning to the arms of their wives, where nothing frightens them. Sometimes the groups have boasted among themselves that not one of them has been killed or captured. We have told them in our many sessions with them that safety and victory are incompatible, that the tree of triumph and empowerment cannot grow tall and lofty without blood and defiance of death, that the [Islamic] nation cannot live without the aroma of martyrdom and the perfume of fragrant blood spilled on behalf of God, and that people cannot awaken from their stupor unless talk of martyrdom and martyrs fills their days and nights. The matter needs more patience and conviction. [Our] hope in God is great.

E. (sic) The Immigrant Mujahidin

Their numbers continue to be negligible as compared to the enormity of the expected battle. We know that the convoys of good are many, that the march of jihad continues, and that only confusion over the banner and a muffled reality keep many of them from [answering] the call to battle. What prevents us from [calling] a general alert is that the country has no mountains in which we can take refuge and no forests in whose thickets we can hide. Our backs are exposed and our movements compromised. Eyes are everywhere. The enemy is before us and the sea is behind us. Many an Iraqi will honor you as a guest and give you shelter as a peaceable brother. As for making his house into a base for launching [operations] and a place of movement and battle, this is rarer than red sulphur. For this reason, we have worn ourselves out on many occasions sheltering and protecting the brothers. This makes training the green newcomers like wearing bonds and shackles, even though, praise be to God and with relentless effort and insistent searching, we have taken possession of growing numbers of locations, praise be to God, to be base sites for brothers who are kindling [the fire of] war and drawing the people of the country into the furnace of battle so that a real war will break out, God willing.

Second: The Current Situation and the Future

There is no doubt that the Americans' losses are very heavy because they are deployed across a wide area and among the people and because it is easy to procure weapons, all of which makes them easy and mouth-watering targets for the believers. But America did not come to leave, and it will not leave no matter how numerous its wounds become and how much of its blood is spilled. It is looking to the near future, when it hopes to disappear into its bases secure and at ease and put the battlefields of Iraq into the hands of the foundling government with an army and police that will bring the behavior of Saddam and his myrmidons back to the people. There is no doubt that the space in which we can move has begun to shrink and that the grip around the throats of the mujahidin has begun to tighten. With the deployment of soldiers and police, the future has become frightening.

Third: So Where are We?

Despite the paucity of supporters, the desertion of friends, and the toughness of the times,. God the Exalted has honored us with good harm to the enemy. Praise be to God, in terms of surveillance, preparation, and planning, we have been the keys to all of the martyrdom operations that have taken place except those in the north. Praise be to God, I have completed 25 [operations] up to now, including among the Shi`a and their symbolic figures, the Americans and their soldiers, the police and soldiers, and the coalition forces. God willing, more are to come. What has prevented us from going public is that we have been waiting until we have weight on the ground and finish preparing integrated structures capable of bearing the consequences of going public so that we appear in strength and do not suffer a reversal. We seek refuge in God. Praise be to God, we have made good strides and completed important stages. As the decisive moment approaches, we feel that [our] body has begun to spread in the security vacuum, gaining locations on the ground that will be the nucleus from which to launch and move out in a serious way, God willing.

Fourth: The Work Plan

After study and examination, we can narrow our enemy down to four groups.

1. The Americans

These, as you know, are the most cowardly of God's creatures. They are an easy quarry, praise be to God. We ask God to enable us to kill and capture them to sow panic among those behind them and to trade them for our detained shaykhs and brothers.

2. The Kurds

These are a lump [in the throat] and a thorn whose time to be clipped has yet to come. They are last on the list, even though we are making efforts to harm some of their symbolic figures, God willing.

3. Soldiers, Police, and Agents

These are the eyes, ears, and hands of the occupier, through which he sees, hears, and delivers violent blows. God willing, we are determined to target them strongly in the coming period before the situation is consolidated and they control arrest[s].

4. The Shi`a

These in our opinion are the key to change. I mean that targeting and hitting them in [their] religious, political, and military depth will provoke them to show the Sunnis their rabies … and bare the teeth of the hidden rancor working in their breasts. If we succeed in dragging them into the arena of sectarian war, it will become possible to awaken the inattentive Sunnis as they feel imminent danger and annihilating death at the hands of these Sabeans. Despite their weakness and fragmentation, the Sunnis are the sharpest blades, the most determined, and the most loyal when they meet those Batinis (Shi`a), who are a people of treachery and cowardice. They are arrogant only with the weak and can attack only the broken-winged. Most of the Sunnis are aware of the danger of these people, watch their sides, and fear the consequences of empowering them. Were it not for the enfeebled Sufi shaykhs and [Muslim] Brothers, people would have told a different tale.

This matter, with the anticipated awaking of the slumberer and rousing of the sleeper, also includes neutralizing these [Shi`a] people and pulling out their teeth before the inevitable battle, along with the anticipated incitement of the wrath of the people against the Americans, who brought destruction and were the reason for this miasma. The people must beware of licking the honeycomb and enjoying some of the pleasures from which they were previously deprived, lest they surrender to meekness, stay on the[ir] land, prefer safety,, and turn away from the rattle of swords and the neighing of horses.

5. The Work Mechanism

Our current situation, as I have previously told you, obliges us to deal with the matter with courage and clarity and to move quickly to do so because we consider that [unless we do so] there will be no result in which religion will appear. The solution that we see, and God the Exalted knows better, is for us to drag the Shi`a into the battle because this is the only way to prolong the fighting between us and the infidels. We say that we must drag them into battle for several reasons, which are:

1 – They, i.e., the Shi`a, have declared a secret war against the people of Islam. They are the proximate, dangerous enemy of the Sunnis, even if the Americans are also an archenemy. The danger from the Shi`a, however, is greater and their damage is worse and more destructive to the [Islamic] nation than the Americans, on whom you find a quasi-consensus about killing them as an assailing enemy.

2 – They have befriended and supported the Americans and stood in their ranks against the mujahidin. They have spared and are still sparing no effort to put an end to the jihad and the mujahidin.

3 – Our fighting against the Shi`a is the way to drag the [Islamic] nation into the battle. We speak here in some detail. We have said before that the Shi`a have put on the uniforms of the Iraqi army, police, and security [forces] and have raised the banner of preserving the homeland and the citizen. Under this banner, they have begun to liquidate the Sunnis under the pretext that they are saboteurs, remnants of the Ba`th, and terrorists spreading evil in the land. With strong media guidance from the Governing Council and the Americans, they have been able to come between the Sunni masses and the mujahidin. I give an example that brings the matter close to home in the area called the Sunni Triangle -- if this is the right name for it. The army and police have begun to deploy in those areas and are growing stronger day by day. They have put chiefs [drawn] from among Sunni agents and the people of the land in charge. In other words, this army and police may be linked to the inhabitants of this area by kinship, blood, and honor. In truth, this area is the base from which we set out and to which we return. When the Americans disappear from these areas – and they have begun to do so – and these agents, who are linked by destiny to the people of the land, take their place, what will our situation be?

If we fight them {and we must fight them}, we will confront one of two things. Either:

1 – We fight them, and this is difficult because of the gap that will emerge between us and the people of the land. How can we fight their cousins and their sons and under what pretext after the Americans, who hold the reins of power from their rear bases, pull back? The real sons of this land will decide the matter through experience. Democracy is coming, and there will be no excuse thereafter.

2 – We pack our bags and search for another land, as is the sad, recurrent story in the arenas of jihad, because our enemy is growing stronger and his intelligence data are increasing day by day. By the Lord of the Ka`ba, [this] is suffocation and then wearing down the roads. People follow the religion of their kings. Their hearts are with you and their swords are with Bani Umayya (the Umayyads), i.e., with power, victory, and security. God have mercy.

I come back and again say that the only solution is for us to strike the religious, military, and other cadres among the Shi`a with blow after blow until they bend to the Sunnis. Someone may say that, in this matter, we are being hasty and rash and leading the [Islamic] nation into a battle for which it is not ready, [a battle] that will be revolting and in which blood will be spilled. This is exactly what we want, since right and wrong no longer have any place in our current situation. The Shi`a have destroyed all those balances. God's religion is more precious that lives and souls. When the overwhelming majority stands in the ranks of truth, there has to be sacrifice for this religion. Let blood be spilled, and we will soothe and speed those who are good to their paradise. [As for} those who, unlike them, are evil, we will be delivered from them, since, by God, God's religion is more precious than anything and has priority over lives, wealth, and children. The best proof [of this] is the story of the Companions of the Ditch, whom God praised. [Imam] al-Nawawi said that this story contained proof that, if the city and the desert fought each other until all without exception perished unless they professed belief in the oneness of God, this would be good. Persons live, blood is saved, and honor is preserved only by sacrifice on behalf of this religion. By God, o brothers, with the Shi`a, we have rounds, attacks, and dark nights that we cannot postpone under any circumstances. Their danger is imminent, and what we and you feared is most certainly a reality. Know that those [Shi`a] are the most cowardly of God's creatures and that killing their leaders will only increase their weakness and cowardice, since with the death of one of their leaders the sect dies with him. It is not like when a Sunni leader dies. If one dies or is killed, a sayyid arises. In their fighting, they bring out courage and hearten the weak among the Sunnis. If you knew the fear [that exists] among the Sunnis and their masses, your eyes would cry over them in sadness. How many mosques have been converted into Husayniyyas (Shi`i mosques), how many houses have they demolished on the heads of their occupants, how many brothers have they killed and mutilated, and how many sisters have had their honor defiled at the hands of these depraved infidels? If we are able to strike them with one painful blow after another until they enter the battle, we will be able to [re]shuffle the cards. Then, no value or influence will remain to the Governing Council or even to the Americans, who will enter a second battle with the Shi`a. This is what we want, and, whether they like it or not, many Sunni areas will stand with the mujahidin. Then, the mujahidin will have assured themselves land from which to set forth in striking the Shi`a in their heartland, along with a clear media orientation and the creation of strategic depth and reach among the brothers outside [Iraq] and the mujahidin within.

1 -- We are striving urgently and racing against time to create companies of mujahidin that will repair to secure places and strive to reconnoiter the country, hunting the enemy – Americans, police, and soldiers -- on the roads and lanes. We are continuing to train and multiply them. As for the Shi`a, we will hurt them, God willing, through martyrdom operations and car bombs.

2. – We have been striving for some time to observe the arena and sift the those who work in it in search of those who are sincere and on the right path, so that we can cooperate with them for the good and coordinate some actions with them, so as to achieve solidarity and unity after testing and trying them. We hope that we have made good progress. Perhaps we will decide to go public soon, even if in a gradual way, so that we can come out into the open. We have been hiding for a long time. We are seriously preparing media material that will reveal the facts, call forth firm intentions, arouse determination, and be[come] an arena of jihad in which the pen and the sword complement each other.

3 – This will be accompanied by an effort that we hope will intensify to expose crippling doubts and explain the rules of shari`a through tapes, printed materials, study, and courses of learning [meant] to expand awareness, anchor the doctrine of the unity of God, prepare the infrastructure, and meet [our] obligation.

5 (sic) – TheTiming for Implementation

It is our hope to accelerate the pace of work and that companies and battalions with expertise, experience, and endurance will be formed to await the zero hour when we will begin to appear in the open, gain control the land at night, and extend it into daylight, the One and Conquering God willing. We hope that this matter, I mean the zero hour, will [come] four months or so before the promised government is formed. As you can see, we are racing against time. If we are able, as we hope, to turn the tables on them and thwart their plan, this will be good. If the other [scenario] [happens] – and we seek refuge in God – and the government extends its control over the country, we will have to pack our bags and break camp for another land in which we can resume carrying the banner or in which God will choose us as martyrs for his sake.

6. What About You?

You, gracious brothers, are the leaders, guides, and symbolic figures of jihad and battle. We do not see ourselves as fit to challenge you, and we have never striven to achieve glory for ourselves. All that we hope is that we will be the spearhead, the enabling vanguard, and the bridge on which the [Islamic] nation crosses over to the victory that is promised and the tomorrow to which we aspire. This is our vision, and we have explained it. This is our path, and we have made it clear. If you agree with us on it, if you adopt it as a program and road, and if you are convinced of the idea of fighting the sects of apostasy, we will be your readied soldiers, working under your banner, complying with your orders, and indeed swearing fealty to you publicly and in the news media, vexing the infidels and gladdening those who preach the oneness of God. On that day, the believers will rejoice in God's victory. If things appear otherwise to you, we are brothers, and the disagreement will not spoil [our] friendship. [This is} a cause [in which] we are cooperating for the good and supporting jihad. Awaiting your response, may God preserve you as keys to good and reserves for Islam and its people. Amen, amen.

Peace and the mercy and blessings of God be upon you.

[End text]

Now here is what the United State State department commented about this letter which I also found very interesting.
Letter from al-Zawahiri to al-Zarqawi
October 11, 2005

ODNI News Release No. 2-05

Today the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a letter between two senior al Qa'ida leaders, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, that was obtained during counterterrorism operations in Iraq. This lengthy document provides a comprehensive view of al Qa'ida's strategy in Iraq and globally.

The letter from al-Zawahiri to al-Zarqawi is dated July 9, 2005. The contents were released only after assurances that no ongoing intelligence or military operations would be affected by making this document public.

The document has not been edited in any way and is released in its entirety in both the Arabic and English translated forms. The United States Government has the highest confidence in the letter's authenticity.

Al-Zawahiri's letter offers a strategic vision for al Qa'ida's direction for Iraq and beyond, and portrays
al Qa'ida's senior leadership's isolation and dependence.

Among the letter's highlights are discussions indicating:

* The centrality of the war in Iraq for the global jihad.

* From al Qa'ida's point of view, the war does not end with an American departure.

* An acknowledgment of the appeal of democracy to the Iraqis.

* The strategic vision of inevitable conflict, with a tacit recognition of current political dynamics in Iraq; with a call by al-Zawahiri for political action equal to military action.

* The need to maintain popular support at least until jihadist rule has been established.

* Admission that more than half the struggle is taking place "in the battlefield of the media."


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (1068) on this item

Title Commenter Date Thread
2Are Muslims becoming party-poopers? [302 words]PrashantMar 24, 2021 03:08264962
1Once Again - Perceptions are Misleading - Where is the Love in Jihad? [341 words]M ToveyMar 24, 2021 14:30264962
Very thoughtful comment, Prashant [226 words]A very concerned readerMar 24, 2021 15:20264962
1M Tovey, Where is the Love in Jihad [337 words]A very concerned readerMar 28, 2021 18:47264962
Where Pride Preempts Love [275 words]M ToveyMar 29, 2021 15:05264962
8Leaving Islam [667 words]A very concerned readerMar 30, 2021 15:49264962
1Giving Up Self to Find Truth - Not All Paths Start the Same [421 words]M ToveyApr 1, 2021 19:02264962
1Beautiful link and how much softness is amiss in Islam [332 words]PrasthantApr 1, 2021 20:03264962
1What you do with your knowledge and talents is what you are, beyond religious beliefs [448 words]A very concerned readerApr 4, 2021 16:52264962
1HATE CRIME: Muslim-fanatic, Ahmad Aliwi al-Issa targets "infidels" claiming being a "victim" [493 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
FatimahMar 23, 2021 18:50264947
4al-Tabari's definition of "What is really al-Jihad?" In his own words [194 words]dhimmi no moreMay 6, 2018 08:17242890
1The word Jihadi is the anglicized Arabic word Mujahid or مجاهد which means he who fights jihad or holy war [242 words]dhimmi no moreJun 11, 2018 07:22242890
1A Fairfieldd University Prof claims that the "Qur'an never uses the specific word jihad to mean aggression or armed combat" [307 words]dhimmi no moreJul 29, 2018 11:11242890
2#لماذا_كفرت_بالقرآن Or Why I don't believe the Qur'an! I urge readers to check this Hashtag [170 words]dhimmi no moreJul 31, 2018 06:15242890
I love anti-Jihadist President Donald Trump ! [35 words]LudvikusDec 18, 2017 14:42241605
1What is Jihad? [89 words]Jihad IslamJun 13, 2015 23:30223808
jihad [9 words]jamesJan 18, 2015 15:43220456
1Jihad according to the Quebec Board of the French Language [568 words]François GravelOct 28, 2014 04:06219000
1The word al-Jihad means holy war! That is what it means [422 words]dhimmi no moreDec 20, 2014 14:58219000
Just a question [13 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AdilSep 9, 2014 12:41217698
Jihad [12 words]AdilSep 9, 2014 12:34217697
3Ayat al-Sayf [117 words]dhimmi no moreSep 21, 2014 12:56217697
1al-Jihad fi sabeel Allah revisited [53 words]dhimmi no moreDec 27, 2014 08:42217697
1The four stages of al-jihad fi sabeel Allah! This is what the Islamic sources tell us in Arabic! [659 words]dhimmi no moreMar 24, 2013 10:10204665
1What is really al-Jihad and my source this time no other than Sheikh al-Azhar [169 words]dhimmi no moreMar 23, 2013 10:26204624
4What is really al-jihad from an honest Muslim for a change [707 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 17, 2013 13:40203588
What he said. [276 words]What's going on.Jan 24, 2013 11:29202770
2The ridiculous Myjihad campaign [118 words]dhimmi no moreJan 19, 2013 08:13202671
2The LA Times and the word Jihad [157 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
dhimmi no moreNov 21, 2012 17:30200843
1Jihad an Arabic Word for struggle i-e Voilent [312 words]ifrahimJan 30, 2013 17:35200843
1Jihad means holy war [57 words]dhimmi no moreJan 31, 2013 07:29200843
jihad is not what you mentioned in your article [56 words]safwanAug 2, 2012 12:51197636
5Our dear Safwan needs to stick to Urdu [292 words]dhimmi no moreAug 3, 2012 10:05197636
2If this is the definition of Jihad, it is evil [266 words]PrashantAug 4, 2012 00:04197636
Defence is holy but attack is fierce. [85 words]Amit shawMar 20, 2014 08:10197636
Contagious [72 words]StasJun 23, 2012 00:34196544
Jihad is always justified [73 words]StasJun 10, 2012 15:15196213
Jihad is always against non-Muslims [122 words]sergeyMay 19, 2012 01:03195687
5Jihad is always holy war [144 words]stranchanMay 17, 2012 16:34195666
What is the true meaning of jihad in Quran's point of view? [814 words]zumaMay 14, 2012 11:46195602
1Zuma's opinion is sad and morally reprehensible [64 words]PrashantMay 15, 2012 01:58195602
The word, kill, in Quran is not literally interpreted as physical killing [218 words]ZUMAMay 18, 2012 01:24195602
3What is really al-jihad as defined by no other than al-Tabari and the disaster of the missing Ta marbouta! [287 words]dhimmi no moreOct 6, 2012 11:48195602
Its Meaning Has Been Reinterpreted To Meet Personal Taste [387 words]Tim UphamApr 21, 2012 20:30195219
1Mis-interpretation of the word, fight, in Quran by muslim extremists [410 words]zumaMay 12, 2012 07:04195219
2Sigh [92 words]anonymusFeb 4, 2012 16:19193058
1nice things [9 words]razaiNov 19, 2011 05:58191012
6That's not what it means. [32 words]jazNov 12, 2011 18:37190888
2And the U.N security council focuses on Israel.... [28 words]ronenOct 19, 2011 16:16190173
1jihad is hard working not as you say [17 words]muslm and proudSep 30, 2011 11:51189747
Jihad, Holy War and Quest for Lebensraum [76 words]CheesepieSep 14, 2011 03:47189325
Is Islam a "Venomous Religion"? [19 words]Cheese PieSep 5, 2011 04:00189116
5jihad [52 words]ahsanAug 2, 2011 03:35187930
6The word jihad as per 3Umdat al-salik means holy war [107 words]dhimmi no moreJun 17, 2011 08:17186405
3Bogus? [351 words]AEBSep 11, 2011 21:19186405
15Another victim Arabian imperialism and of Islam [1090 words]dhimmi no moreSep 16, 2011 08:15186405
1Bogus Revisted [2267 words]AEBFeb 2, 2012 12:14186405
4And speaking of the bogus and victims of Arabian imperialism [4123 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 4, 2012 09:11186405
4Cherry picking time and islamic delusions [360 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 5, 2012 09:52186405
4Bogus and atrocious Arabic by a wannabe Arab [166 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 5, 2012 15:06186405
7More cherry picking or is it dates [554 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 5, 2012 15:28186405
بوغوس [177 words]AEBFeb 10, 2012 13:36186405
4الاستعمار العربي [478 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 12, 2012 08:58186405
1Jihad: Offensive [49 words]Jean Louise Dell'AquilaJun 3, 2011 20:57185956
1Jihad is unity [572 words]Jami'ahMay 8, 2011 18:35185026
1everyone please do your own real research ? [100 words]chrismarshall1May 7, 2011 21:33185004
3sent these definitions to obama [58 words]crNov 9, 2010 10:19180039
not means [13 words]naveenSep 27, 2010 01:33178727
6Oh really? [133 words]SarahAug 23, 2010 21:45177170
2But who will define 'transgress' [228 words]RajeevAug 25, 2010 01:31177170
1Rajeev.. [245 words]SarahAug 26, 2010 08:17177170
Jihad [9 words]Nadia JanoAug 17, 2010 11:54176831
63Void of JIHAD is, Void of "MEANINGFUL EXISTENCE"! [85 words]Md. Shafiq M.Jul 18, 2010 00:07175710
3Our dear MD and the word Jihad [120 words]dhimmi no moreJul 19, 2010 06:59175710
Question [26 words]AlunassAug 12, 2010 10:27175710
secular laws versus islamic and religious laws. [305 words]rodney allsworthJun 3, 2010 19:50173806
1ONE GOD [19 words]jerome henenJun 3, 2010 19:00173799
7the fall of islam is near. [591 words]infidelMay 21, 2010 06:31173192
7You have been misled [361 words]Proud MuslimJun 15, 2010 02:17173192
1The real evil [55 words]SidJul 13, 2010 23:11173192
2HA! [267 words]SarahAug 23, 2010 22:04173192
2Islamists always blame the West [155 words]SimonMar 24, 2011 10:14173192
3... Jihad means struggle, and is defensive not offensive. [95 words]David ManahanMay 20, 2010 15:55173147
3The word jihad and our dear david needs to stick to Urdu [271 words]dhimmi no moreMay 22, 2010 17:01173147
jihad is a defensive religion [480 words]jerome henenJun 5, 2010 22:14173147
1Everyone fighting without knowledge ... [121 words]SaqibJul 9, 2010 11:31173147
3Our dear Saqib is another victim of Arabian imperialism [569 words]dhimmi no moreJul 9, 2010 18:45173147
I would like to point out.. [274 words]SarahAug 23, 2010 22:18173147
2Jihad and our dear Sarah [615 words]dhimmi no moreAug 24, 2010 20:03173147
1If you insist.. [355 words]SarahAug 26, 2010 08:02173147
7If I insist? But islam is really the religion of the arabs only and you ain't an Arab [1034 words]dhimmi no moreAug 28, 2010 09:08173147
the truth [16 words]carlosSep 29, 2012 08:55173147
3The term of Jihad and Kafir are required to be deleted from Koran. [115 words]mahendra Tamhane.May 10, 2010 13:16172508
60JIHAD is WORSHIP. [71 words]MdShafiqMMay 3, 2010 05:25172031
ISLAM Best religon EVER in the entire world [11 words]FasalMar 21, 2011 10:23172031
60EVERY ACTION is "JIHAD", as even BREATHING IN AND OUT [64 words]MdShafiqMApr 25, 2010 08:07171689
2More Islamic drivel from our dear msm al- tablighee [304 words]dhimmi no moreMay 15, 2011 13:58171689
60JIHAD is PRAYERS. [12 words]MdShafiqMApr 22, 2010 02:02171560
3What is really al-jihad and our dear Msm's ridiculous claims [150 words]dhimmi no moreMay 6, 2011 13:34171560
61JIHAD, only known human way for Victory in the World & Hereafter! [279 words]MdShafiqMApr 21, 2010 08:05171532
1Jihad [82 words]yangoolMay 10, 2010 18:24171532
59Jesus (p.b.u.h.) was neither killed nor crucified. [126 words]MdShafiqMNov 18, 2010 10:42171532
9But the Qur'an says that Jesus is really Allah! Would you like to know more our dear msm? gnosis and neoplatonism in the Qur'an [471 words]dhimmi no moreMay 5, 2011 07:16171532
1More Islamic drivel from our dear msm al- tablighee [401 words]dhimmi no moreMay 7, 2011 06:46171532
The one that was believed to be HOLY and the only Prophet of God... but then died like every other man. [56 words]Rev David W HeathcoteDec 4, 2012 14:39171532
2..Jihad is the word yelled by a muslim as he murders a non-muslim. . . maybe that will help us figure out what Jihad means..... .Apr. ..2010 [87 words]Phil GreendApr 18, 2010 18:26171434
54JIHAD = LIVE & LET-LIVE. [153 words]MdShafiqMApr 28, 2011 01:19171434
3Islamic drivel by no other than our dear MsM [594 words]dhimmi no moreMay 3, 2011 17:10171434
Gaddafi does his Do It Yourself jihad [93 words]VijayMar 1, 2010 17:32169536
Terrorist is not islam [60 words]abdulazizJan 27, 2010 10:48167992
1Coexistence is the Key Word [355 words]Isang Diwa ng MundoFeb 1, 2010 11:40167992
Another Misinformed Muslim [44 words]Truth TellerMar 20, 2010 11:07167992
1to Mr. Pipes (with hope) [156 words]PROUD MUSLIMJan 19, 2010 18:39167585
2teaching our dear Proud muslim Arabic [693 words]dhimmi no moreJan 21, 2010 18:50167585
killing? [21 words]alexMay 12, 2010 14:58167585
Jihad; really? [36 words]logicalMay 24, 2010 08:21167585
1stockholm syndrome [138 words]car313Jun 10, 2010 18:16167585
What is the UN doing about these jihadists? [124 words]Isang Diwa ng MundoJan 9, 2010 18:25167106
Go dude [9 words]Godfrey deBouillonAug 8, 2010 10:30167106
1Have you ever looked at the Qur'an [129 words]SidraDec 28, 2009 22:53166438
Violence found plainly in Quran. [882 words]Gorrila_77Jan 12, 2010 00:58166438
Where is the outrage? [155 words]BaronJan 12, 2010 06:57166438
Threat Of Radical Islamic Expansion [310 words]Bob JackOct 27, 2009 17:18163613
what is jihad [67 words]jeromeAug 11, 2010 23:25163613
misconcept about jihad [53 words]A DAUGHTER OF ISLAMOct 22, 2009 09:39163369
1daughter of Islam [99 words]MaddieOct 24, 2009 17:26163369
1Our dear bint al-Islam and the word jihad [98 words]dhimmi no moreOct 25, 2009 16:41163369
Jihad, jihad, jihad, jihad, jihad, jihad... jihad! [131 words]Alex AnderssonNov 1, 2009 05:29163369
Jihad vs Constitutional law [199 words]GunslingerA10Nov 14, 2009 12:58163369
2Another victim of Islam and Arabinan imperialism [690 words]dhimmi no moreNov 15, 2009 09:33163369
Jihad the means to peace [367 words]GunslingerA10Nov 16, 2009 09:56163369
More Islamic ignorance [545 words]dhimmi no moreNov 16, 2009 20:18163369
your requested explanation [151 words]FarhanDec 21, 2009 03:05163369
where are you [14 words]susanJan 1, 2010 22:23163369
1Dhimmi has a point, Islam is a molotov cocktail [455 words]DhimmiJan 13, 2010 19:20163369
1pitiable daughter of islam [44 words]car313Jun 10, 2010 18:20163369
the holy war [42 words]calie boabySep 8, 2009 17:12161270
2ridiculous [71 words]BrittanySep 3, 2009 06:10161013
1Another wannabe Arab who needs to stick to Urdu but he also agrees that Jihad means holy war! [564 words]dhimmi no moreSep 4, 2009 07:17161013
Misunderstanding about jihad [19 words]usmanOct 22, 2009 09:09161013
1speechless [278 words]BrittanyOct 23, 2009 23:57161013
2Our dear brittany the speechless and the word jihad [524 words]dhimmi no moreOct 25, 2009 09:04161013
Our dear brittany the speechless and the word jihad part deux [144 words]dhimmi no moreOct 25, 2009 15:56161013
Yeah, I am speechless too! [71 words]klewOct 25, 2009 19:25161013
Your sugur level is Low! [71 words]Eastern_WindOct 28, 2009 14:00161013
Our dear EW and his 15 minutes of fame [188 words]dhimmi no moreOct 29, 2009 18:26161013
God have Mercy [115 words]GunslingerA10Nov 18, 2009 06:25161013
This is for "usman (Pakistan)" [45 words]nehaAug 14, 2010 00:15161013
47Misinterpretation of JIHAD is 'just' Self-Destruction! [131 words]MdShafiqMMar 29, 2011 06:55161013
1DON'T judge Islam by watching the muslims GO TO THE ORIGIN [168 words]salam from SyriaAug 23, 2009 08:55160548
laskar jihad? [26 words]melatiAug 18, 2009 01:05160342
NEVER [10 words]BARY SOETOROSep 15, 2009 00:47160342
1Wrong translation [13 words]LauraAug 17, 2009 11:06160320
39Islam of Intellects not fools [316 words]MdShafiqMAug 17, 2009 02:11160298
ISLAMIC POWER JIHAD [19 words]AMJADJul 5, 2009 10:58158501
Read the Qur'an people. [31 words]CorradoJun 2, 2009 19:46156590
Misunderstanding or misinterpretation of jihad [100 words]peterSep 10, 2009 11:03156590
JIHAD [218 words]idya sarahMay 30, 2009 23:38156418
43In the stride & well-guided teachings of the Noble, Mighty, Holy PROPHETS: [172 words]MshafiqMMay 28, 2009 02:47156288
41Misinterpretations never benefit : [152 words]MsMMay 23, 2009 02:39156030
40Evil fictitious concepts must be chanellized into correct root thinking & implementation: [425 words]MsMMay 21, 2009 03:36155886
Lets not fight [360 words]KamranMay 20, 2009 17:04155867
Great job!!!! [8 words]BobMay 19, 2009 17:18155794
A war you might not know about... [368 words]GSMG ServicesMay 4, 2009 14:40154922
1is this a joke? [165 words]missyApr 26, 2009 23:22154508
ORIGIONAL MEANING OF JIHAD [103 words]fahadApr 26, 2009 13:56154491
Wonderful indeed [64 words]RezaApr 12, 2009 02:06153760
3The combined faith - the mosaic of all religions of the world [92 words]CombinedReligionJun 22, 2009 09:18153760
UNITY AND PEACE [66 words]Love IsAllJun 22, 2012 07:22153760
I disagree [139 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AdamApr 6, 2009 16:35153426
3% of hadiths talk of Jihad as inner struggle...97% of hadiths about Jihad as war [53 words]TruthAloneMay 8, 2009 05:58153426
peace to all ! [510 words]The RepublicMay 13, 2009 18:24153426
The YouTube Vid in Your Comment in Pure Propoganda to Spread Hatred [432 words]TruthAloneMay 14, 2009 01:15153426
refutation [482 words]The RepublicMay 26, 2009 11:37153426
1There is nothing about loving your neighbor in the Koran [135 words]TruthAloneJun 4, 2009 06:19153426
9Learn something from Islam. Islam is the best... [866 words]Mohammed Rizwan MemonNov 27, 2009 12:33153426
1Islam is spread by the force of sword, ALWAYS!!! EVERYWHERE!!! [52 words]IndianJul 29, 2010 07:23153426
1truth which history says islam was spreaded by sword in india [67 words]SANNYNov 11, 2011 10:57153426
Fantastic explanation [105 words]JMMar 24, 2009 17:17152707
Jihad [46 words]Naheem MalikMar 20, 2009 10:15152528
Is Jihad Fardh [677 words]Ismail Al-FaseehMar 22, 2009 08:55152528
Jihad [78 words]AnonymousFeb 27, 2009 19:43151306
Jihad [189 words]AnonymusFeb 15, 2009 07:49150489
Jihad - the 'foundation' upon which the 'pillars' of Islam are built ... [99 words]OliverFeb 17, 2009 18:05150489
wake up every one...please dont spread wrong information [49 words]RizalFeb 12, 2009 00:50150290
1Religion [169 words]Bill MurrayApr 30, 2009 07:04150290
article [14 words]Rebecc WilleJan 26, 2009 21:17149172
refer to the Holy Quran,Hadith and sunnah for the absolute meaning of jihad [10 words]KhalifahJan 19, 2009 15:02148433
Non-Muslim usage of the word "jihad" [109 words]AngelaJan 12, 2009 06:19147821
well said and here's something more.. [694 words]blunt instrumentJan 1, 2009 01:12146511
Clear the idea!! please read [125 words]RadwaJan 7, 2009 18:16146511
Try to understand for yourown Good [142 words]Imthias Ali PPMar 2, 2009 20:39146511
jihad is not always fighting [69 words]mayaDec 15, 2008 12:24145161
good Muslims would obey the directions of the Koran [22 words]Fred InglisDec 16, 2008 05:50145161
No, don't see it partially [96 words]ReginaldDec 26, 2008 11:03145161
Sura [25 words]AliDec 28, 2008 03:43145161
Our dear Ali and ayat al-sayf [184 words]dhmmi no moreJan 6, 2009 07:44145161
Stop this Jihad [131 words]RupaliDec 5, 2008 12:42144444
Muslims [245 words]Fred InglisNov 27, 2008 16:13143962
1jihad is not always fighting [116 words]mayaDec 15, 2008 10:36143962
1The word jihad and the mullahs [623 words]dhimmi no moreJan 6, 2009 08:18143962
jihad [192 words]anjiNov 27, 2008 13:22143957
1Jihad is licence to kill and murder!!! [154 words]JaladhiNov 28, 2008 19:00143957
GOD & JEHAD [85 words]raja believerDec 9, 2008 02:09143957
raja - jihad is "holy war" against non-Muslims!!! [430 words]JaladhiSep 9, 2009 16:27143957
Thanks [12 words]JoshNov 22, 2008 22:52143598
Jihad [12 words]ThahirNov 21, 2008 02:19143422
JEHAD ON GOD [21 words]raja believerDec 9, 2008 07:11143422
Jihad means "struggle" not "holy war" [151 words]muslim americanOct 28, 2008 04:41141200
Jihad?????? [16 words]DamienOct 14, 2008 14:34140164
Jihad Controversy [76 words]Breonna KilgoreOct 6, 2008 12:47139633
true jihad [105 words]noor alsawadiSep 12, 2008 14:36138350
3The topic is JIHAD ... Please help our understanding ... [268 words]OliverSep 22, 2008 15:53138350
thank you [305 words]noor alsawadiSep 22, 2008 17:40138350
NO ... Thank You ... [339 words]OliverSep 25, 2008 13:52138350
thanks again [497 words]noor alsawadiOct 1, 2008 13:19138350
May the Peace that passes understanding be revealed to you … Amen [302 words]OliverOct 2, 2008 14:29138350
May you see the light [442 words]AliDec 28, 2008 04:14138350
I AM 'THE LIGHT' ... [450 words]OliverDec 29, 2008 16:38138350
Think about these things without taking the perspective of the media [653 words]AliDec 30, 2008 18:01138350
Hey [22 words]AliJan 7, 2009 12:34138350
Sorry for the delay ... [739 words]OliverJan 20, 2009 21:18138350
Radical Islam will hurt us all [298 words]Randy (United States)Sep 6, 2009 02:38138350
Re: Radical Islam will hurt us all [312 words]AliSep 8, 2009 20:53138350
taqiyya [27 words]exmuslimDec 3, 2009 00:53138350
Quranic Verses [349 words]samApr 7, 2010 03:29138350
What an eye opening article!!! [22 words]Lee ConoverSep 7, 2008 11:51138081
Study first then judge [100 words]nourAug 26, 2008 16:52137411
neutral viewpoint ... [341 words]OliverAug 30, 2008 12:42137411
Response to Oliver [78 words]AnonymusFeb 15, 2009 07:54137411
Evidence ... [892 words]OliverFeb 17, 2009 11:41137411
Jihad? [1063 words]Mohammed AliAug 23, 2008 07:19137194
It is considered impolite to make statements without providing 'citations' ... [219 words]OliverAug 30, 2008 13:44137194
jihad was around before islam and christ [90 words]jihadDec 14, 2008 04:49137194
NPR and the word Jihad and Jamie Tarabay [145 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2008 07:12135466
A Clarification of Jihad [71 words]AmmarJun 21, 2008 00:46132839
1I repeat myself ... [264 words]OilverJun 29, 2008 20:23132839
A call to arms [617 words]Thomas PaineJul 14, 2008 15:12132839
1Our dear Ammar and on being a victim of Arabian imperialism [565 words]dhimmi no moreJul 21, 2008 06:59132839
It's rude to point [326 words]AmmarJul 24, 2008 03:14132839
Our dear Ammar and the word Jihad [751 words]dhimmi no moreJul 27, 2008 09:16132839
(authentic) hadith are golden to the muslims! [277 words]DawudAug 5, 2008 19:34132839
(authentic) hadith are golden to the muslims! [127 words]OliverAug 7, 2008 18:03132839
Ammar/Amar [50 words]klewOct 25, 2009 19:37132839
So many apologists... [94 words]awakeMay 29, 2008 10:41130455
Right On ... [11 words]OliverJun 29, 2008 20:33130455
Jihad Justified [459 words]iLYASMay 20, 2008 05:57129254
world world III [51 words]johnJun 5, 2008 14:36129254
Tolerance? [136 words]lafnJul 9, 2008 15:01129254
2 years in Iraq as a medic [337 words]DocOct 23, 2008 22:17129254
... Read what is jehad [653 words]tayagiMay 18, 2008 03:08128979
another honest muslim ... who knew? [137 words]OliverJun 29, 2008 21:39128979
Meaning of Jihad [206 words]BlueEyesFrJan 3, 2009 12:39128979
19THE TRUTH [215 words]muslimgirlMay 13, 2008 20:12128593
I like what you said ... [70 words]OliverJun 29, 2008 20:47128593
"God gave no options to change his rules!" -- muslimgirl [65 words]KristaJun 29, 2008 21:57128593
Never give in, Never Give In, Never Give in to Legalised Jihad [478 words]Reverend GabrielleJun 30, 2008 07:40128593
39MODERATION deserves "Severe-Consequences"! [61 words]MdShafiqMMar 29, 2011 06:42128593
34MASHAALLAH. [40 words]MdShafiqMApr 27, 2011 12:33128593
2Teaching Arabic to one tablighee at a time [180 words]dhimmi no moreMay 3, 2011 17:26128593
Current jihad is a reaction to wrong policies of powerful western countries [92 words]Manzoor HussainApr 17, 2008 18:53126025
Help me out here ... [524 words]OliverApr 24, 2008 13:17126025
Internal Jihad.....each muslim must purify themselves first and overcome the feeling of Jihad internally. [245 words]Dr Afroze Farrani. MD LLB.May 25, 2008 07:08126025
You are 'preaching to the choir' friend ... [242 words]OliverMay 27, 2008 16:17126025
Not Helping! [467 words]AkramMar 31, 2008 21:37124248
Why don't I believe you? [165 words]OliverApr 24, 2008 14:16124248
Right said Akram [5 words]premNov 7, 2008 09:43124248
How Uneducated Can People Be?! [732 words]ZKFeb 7, 2008 21:04119761
Read the Hadith and Sunnah [1497 words]RickFeb 25, 2008 01:05119761
the verse of the sword- do you even know the context [495 words]SAADMar 3, 2008 03:27119761
Understanding the present reality [288 words]Mr.NaturalMar 6, 2008 16:16119761
You prove my point [198 words]RickMar 22, 2008 15:46119761
Good Point Mark [938 words]saadMar 22, 2008 17:33119761
Can't argue with that [330 words]RickMar 24, 2008 01:08119761
Inspired [16 words]Waseem AhmedJun 14, 2008 18:44119761
"we should just take the warnings labels [off ] and weed out the idiots in life by letting nature take its course" -- ZK [135 words]KristaJun 15, 2008 18:27119761
I'm confused [64 words]curiousJun 17, 2008 10:00119761
to Curious [35 words]saadJun 17, 2008 18:16119761
who is doing the killing? [167 words]KarlNov 30, 2008 09:44119761
Jihad [75 words]samuel tsaiNov 9, 2007 19:28113528
Fighting Evil [223 words]Another ManNov 22, 2007 16:54113528
Islamic Perspective Of Jihad [177 words]Hammad AlQadriOct 24, 2007 15:54112259
To Jihadist Hammad Alqadri- Is he what? [220 words]YnnatchkahOct 30, 2007 02:41112259
Re:To Jihadist Hammad Alqadri- Is he what? [99 words]Hammad AlQadriOct 31, 2007 14:02112259
Religion and conflict [110 words]Bill MurrayNov 7, 2007 10:26112259
What? [247 words]RickFeb 25, 2008 01:20112259
what is jihad? [70 words]Atif malikApr 29, 2009 06:18112259
And now - who is right?? [1096 words]Dr med Michael G KochSep 21, 2007 06:16109348
you are wrong [334 words]akOct 9, 2007 04:53109348
Too Good! [35 words]AzMar 11, 2008 11:04109348
good [19 words]rajeshwarSep 1, 2007 17:09107468
2Please people....let's stop hating each other and LOVE! This message has been spread by all religions [165 words]MuslimAug 10, 2007 09:06105842
Which religion extols Peace [22 words]Guevara GAug 18, 2007 22:52105842
Jihad, and Islam's Policy towards Abrahamic Faiths. [323 words]A muslimDec 13, 2007 22:15105842
1no more hate [114 words]marieNov 9, 2012 02:29105842
Jihad-Noble Action, or Treacherous acts? [229 words]MuslimAug 10, 2007 08:39105839
article is not in corformity with the deen [139 words]MuhammedSep 29, 2007 06:43105839
Jihad [32 words]Greg CarlisleJul 27, 2007 14:44104990
People are hurting themselves by misunderstanding Jihad [60 words]MateenJul 17, 2007 11:49103858
word 'jihad' has been misused [90 words]LAMIA ZIAJul 17, 2007 04:39103838
1A journalist who does not do his/her home work is a poor journalist [241 words]dhimmi no moreOct 3, 2007 07:25103838
Jihad [74 words]Control of the Arab world by Western agenciesJul 10, 2007 22:32103392
Little gem from our dear Control [180 words]dhimmi no moreOct 4, 2007 07:23103392
Religious kooks [130 words]johnJul 8, 2007 06:37103230
jihad [93 words]jackJun 5, 2007 15:3996119
So how did it spread? [153 words]rickFeb 27, 2008 03:5196119
About Jihad [106 words]HassanApr 5, 2007 16:0988675
May God give you the Peace that passeth understanding that only the Lord Jesus can give [312 words]ForrestMay 3, 2007 01:5188675
Seek the Truth [494 words]Another ManMay 30, 2007 01:3988675
beautiful [5 words]jojoSep 12, 2007 08:5588675
About our dear Hassan and the word Jihad [246 words]dhimmi no moreOct 3, 2007 07:0988675
1Jihad is not a struggle within [906 words]ForrestMar 18, 2007 15:0286762
Correction to Forrest. [379 words]An AussieMay 2, 2007 01:0586762
To forrest on Jihad [279 words]MojMay 8, 2007 22:0586762
reply [58 words]ForrestMay 12, 2007 12:5586762
The surah you quote are correct but not the intention of your heart to get the understanding [66 words]GandhungJun 12, 2007 03:0186762
a simple way [124 words]gandhungJun 12, 2007 04:4186762
Gandhung response [58 words]ForrestJun 12, 2007 16:2686762
to Forrest [236 words]GandhungJun 12, 2007 21:5286762
Bogus Arabic [25 words]dhimmi no moreJun 17, 2007 21:0086762
Learn your religion Aussie [48 words]RickFeb 27, 2008 03:3486762
There are actually 3 words in Arabic for 'Peace'. [94 words]EnquirerAug 31, 2008 11:4886762
Arabic for today [210 words]dhimmi no moreSep 1, 2008 07:2586762
Did yu read the original in the language it was written??? [101 words]KarlNov 30, 2008 10:4186762
1jihad is for all religions [123 words]jihadDec 14, 2008 05:1886762
Our dear holy war aka Jihad and poor Muslim eduaction [372 words]dhimmi no moreDec 14, 2008 17:5886762
fact about jihad [63 words]jihad the great no relation to alexanderDec 16, 2008 05:3586762
poor Islamic education [103 words]dhimmi no moreDec 20, 2008 07:2686762
How can they be so gullible???? [193 words]Just a ManMar 15, 2007 23:2086423
Huh? Please, go back to college.... [184 words]XelatothMar 22, 2007 10:1586423
Just as bad as he is! [122 words]EricaApr 13, 2007 01:5886423
about jihad [100 words]samApr 18, 2007 20:0286423
we have the technology now, in the west. The east did before the dark ages. It has shifted dramatically. [689 words]the real truth in the worldMar 11, 2007 21:1985928
to the the real truth in the world [286 words]MojMay 9, 2007 01:4985928
this is good [21 words]john greavesMar 9, 2007 04:1285356
Historical inaccuracy [230 words]MegMar 8, 2007 04:1781297
Wake up!! [148 words]Dave FileyJul 1, 2007 17:5381297
Wake up...Again!!! [149 words]Dave mallenderJul 27, 2007 08:1981297
Letter from Terrorist to Terrorist [7100 words]truthseekersNov 19, 2008 11:0681297
People rather than religion. [336 words]Kais Abu HmaidMar 7, 2007 20:3280773
Kais Abu Hmaid [27 words]reddyMar 13, 2007 13:0680773
"Our Lord is Allah" [45 words]-Mar 6, 2007 14:1080545
Allah = God (The same) [47 words]AdamMar 7, 2007 20:5080545
wake up [25 words]Frankfurt ElderberryMay 9, 2007 21:5780545
Someone (a muslim) wants you dead!!! [493 words]JonathanMar 3, 2007 00:2179857
dictators and kings. [71 words]hosniMar 15, 2007 19:2079857
Misinformed rubbish [100 words]James FisherFeb 28, 2007 13:5279361
decide [215 words]decideMar 1, 2007 17:0079361
Be realistic ! [321 words]ScottFeb 26, 2007 08:0579007
At least someone knows what there talking about ! [78 words]Adam clarkFeb 27, 2007 07:4379007
Keep it real. [187 words]AdamMar 7, 2007 20:4579007
No excuses [317 words]ScottMar 8, 2007 15:2879007
JIHAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [85 words]SachinFeb 22, 2007 08:2278336
JIHAD????? [297 words]KWMar 12, 2007 10:3178336
Hold up a sec..:/ [105 words]ToriMay 22, 2007 18:4378336
WHO WILL TELL ABOUT JIHAD ? [494 words]MOLAI RIZVIFeb 20, 2007 04:5678016
Gee, I thought it meant "struggle"...but with whom? [120 words]Kevin WMar 24, 2007 11:4178016
Jihad is defying true concept of life [149 words]EijazApr 4, 2007 08:0578016
Kevin --- Misconception maker [407 words]MOLAI RIZVIApr 4, 2007 08:0878016
Molai Rizvi's perception [23 words]Sheikh Abdur Rehman Al ZubairApr 5, 2007 06:3278016
For our dear Molai Rizfi rabina yu3limuhu al-lughat al-3Arabiya [160 words]dhimmi no moreApr 5, 2007 18:2578016
Molai Rizvi, Muslims love Osama [76 words]InfidelApr 5, 2007 22:2078016
To dhimmi no more: A+++ [10 words]Ynna (Tchkah)Apr 6, 2007 04:1878016
For our dear Molai Rizfi rabina yu3limuhu al-lughat al-3Arabiya part deux! [115 words]dhimmi no moreApr 6, 2007 07:2178016
Islam / Salaam- The Butter that Flies- Response TO Dhimmi no more [670 words]Ynna (Tchkah)Apr 6, 2007 16:5778016
Good Joker----- DHIMMI [271 words]MOLAI RIZVIApr 7, 2007 07:3078016
You are correct but not there [43 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 08:0878016
For our dear Molai Rizfi Islamic philosophy an oxymoron if there is one and speaking of math! [58 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 09:2178016
A question for the Mullah I mean Molai Rizfi [55 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 15:0078016
Sheikh Abdur Rahman and his logic [49 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 15:0778016
Crimes against humanity [342 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 15:3678016
For our dear Mullah Rizfi and the Qur'an really says that jesus is God and a prophet! [75 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 18:1078016
Our dear mullah and his poor education [57 words]dhimmi no moreApr 7, 2007 18:1778016
When is a genocide not genocide??? When done by .... [154 words]JaladhiApr 7, 2007 19:3778016
They don't understand,"ya ayuha al-faylasoof al-kabeer?" [82 words]JaladhiApr 8, 2007 07:5278016
For the Mullah Rizfi and his lesson in Arabic and the word jihad [439 words]dhimmi no moreApr 8, 2007 08:0478016
Our dear Mullah is a Shi3a and i have a question for you [59 words]dihmmi no moreApr 8, 2007 11:4378016
Paki/Arabic [51 words]dhimmi no moreApr 8, 2007 21:2378016
Proud to be Muslim--Dhimmi what you are ? [328 words]MOLAI RIZVIApr 10, 2007 04:1278016
WHAT IS YOUR RELIGION DHIMMI? [239 words]MOLAI RIZVIApr 13, 2007 07:1078016
Our dear mullah and his pablum! and the word Jihad! [186 words]dhimmi no moreApr 13, 2007 19:2378016
Our dear Mullah mo and the word Jihad means holy war period [87 words]dhimmi no moreApr 14, 2007 07:2578016
Dhimmi ---- Good JOKER [111 words]MOLAI RIZVIApr 16, 2007 10:4478016
For our dear Mullah [78 words]dihmmi no moreMay 9, 2007 17:0678016
Our dear Mullah and his poor Arabic [172 words]dhimmi no moreMay 9, 2007 19:3678016
truth about jihad [201 words]carl von bakerAug 9, 2007 02:5078016
off your high horse [90 words]chad millsSep 6, 2007 14:5978016
Islam- A Religion of Intolerance [199 words]RichieSep 23, 2007 14:3578016
Jihad is compulsory until deafeating crusaders,the zeoinsts & the US [26 words]Abubeker AbduJun 12, 2008 10:1378016
Our dear Abu and the Islamic crusades. [66 words]dhimmi no moreJun 13, 2008 07:1878016
Mr. Rizvi [670 words]KevinNov 12, 2008 13:4278016
I am Kevin -- the alleged "Misconception Maker". [137 words]KevinNov 13, 2008 22:0278016
Islam is the religion of tolerance. [90 words]NargessAug 30, 2009 11:2378016
Hey Molai (and Dhimmi) [74 words]klewOct 26, 2009 20:4478016
1JIHAD in WW2 [1707 words]CarlosDec 9, 2010 16:0478016
War on the Jihadists [129 words]William Dennis Brown Jr.Feb 7, 2007 16:1176415
You all goin to hell [48 words]AdubFeb 4, 2007 03:1275866
can we judge a man [59 words]mehreenFeb 21, 2007 12:5575866
Another opinion [104 words]JFFeb 1, 2007 21:2275536
What can i do ?????? [235 words]tommy smithJan 28, 2007 14:4074859
Jihad [14 words]Charles E PehlJan 23, 2007 14:3574272
Jihad vs. battle for land/power [48 words]AmnaJan 30, 2007 02:0274272
No answer in sight [138 words]JessJan 14, 2007 14:3772861
Jihad in Reality vs. Jihad of Peaceminded Muslims [189 words]Robert L. BlumenblattJan 14, 2007 12:0572851
Comment [186 words]rocky balboaJan 17, 2007 10:3472851
Muslim Propaganda [104 words]DanFeb 18, 2007 09:5472851
the enemies [122 words]mehreenFeb 21, 2007 13:0872851
Christian Jingling Weapons [251 words]rocky balboaMar 16, 2007 21:4672851
allah will let the true side win [113 words]combatJan 8, 2007 11:5672076
Wake up Jihad Poster Boys! [117 words]CraigFeb 1, 2007 07:1772076
1Attention Islam [65 words]LifeFeb 2, 2007 00:2672076
the right way to live [62 words]moniFeb 21, 2007 13:2072076
a non believer [124 words]moniFeb 21, 2007 13:3672076
Jihad vs the West [110 words]Joe RadekMar 14, 2007 12:3972076
muslim and Muhammad [147 words]anupamaDec 17, 2007 16:5772076
problem with the leader [37 words]NaseemaJan 16, 2008 04:1372076
1the fact is unknown [109 words]Jad allah gendeelDec 25, 2006 08:3870483
A Holy War is a Contradiction in Terms! [137 words]truth-Jan 6, 2007 21:2870483
article [9 words]ben tillerDec 23, 2006 17:0670354
a little educating [256 words]agnosticDec 13, 2006 01:5469350
the difference between islam and christianity [466 words]Luke crueDec 12, 2006 12:2869266
to luke crue [117 words]red devilsDec 24, 2006 21:2369266
luke... youre kinda wrong [138 words]AlexDec 27, 2006 23:5069266
to anti jihadi [25 words]combatJan 8, 2007 12:0469266
You have to be kidding me [29 words]craigFeb 1, 2007 17:4869266
teachings of Allah [23 words]moniFeb 21, 2007 13:5769266
translation [40 words]SaraiMay 5, 2007 19:4269266
What jihad really means [240 words]mariahDec 10, 2006 23:5769085
Peaceful Muslims should conduct public condemnation of terrorism [169 words]InfideliousDec 8, 2006 03:0968723
Not quite right [80 words]ScottDec 5, 2006 10:0568328
What Jihad means [208 words]HananDec 12, 2006 06:1668328
my beliefs as a MUSLIM [170 words]CANONov 26, 2006 19:0667420
Live by the sword [386 words]davidbareDec 8, 2006 19:0267420
Can any muslim deny this? [152 words]anti-jihadiNov 25, 2006 11:0267294
Jihad is steadfast [124 words]Abdul Aziz bin AznanNov 26, 2006 03:3967294
A second thought about Jihad [269 words]ahmedDec 5, 2006 15:4367294
Thanks [70 words]ScottJan 7, 2007 00:2967294
Islam - other name of violence [67 words]RajuMar 7, 2007 21:0967294
raju you are right (EOM) [3 words]reddyMar 20, 2007 11:1967294
Jihad [111 words]AzyNov 25, 2006 00:1567246
Sources: 'Legacy of Jihad' [42 words]AlanNov 11, 2006 11:3865817
Sources? [80 words]DanaNov 5, 2006 14:5865306
The american policy of fear [81 words]Johannes VCOct 24, 2006 06:5764313
what is jihad [258 words]Sohn HOct 24, 2006 01:2764292
Women in todays societies [101 words]Space101Oct 17, 2006 11:3760712
All the comments are false [58 words]Mateen KhanOct 16, 2006 08:0160537
not until you can rule yourselves [22 words]brian ensOct 22, 2006 16:4260537
what are you arguing about, you guys? [309 words]RasanJan 22, 2007 02:3060537
WE RULED THE WORLD [237 words]moniFeb 26, 2007 13:3160537
Jihad defined [128 words]Henrik Ræder ClausenOct 11, 2006 10:4459784
Allah the god of Islam [134 words]MJApr 20, 2010 15:0259784
other religions are better in most aspects. then why islam? [346 words]sasikanthOct 2, 2006 04:0258563
1I don't agree upon what you say [161 words]SamiraOct 17, 2006 03:0058563
jihad [74 words]RAHEELNov 6, 2006 02:1958563
DIY Jihad Kit [49 words]VijaySep 25, 2006 13:5457478
Mohammad was a genius [543 words]Prophet2Sep 25, 2006 06:5957420
genius [25 words]anupamaSep 27, 2006 14:2157420
You couldn't be more wrong [197 words]FatimaDec 30, 2006 18:1157420
actually, you couldnt be more wrong [91 words]emFeb 24, 2007 02:0857420
Excuse me? [77 words]fatimaFeb 25, 2007 16:4757420
educated?? [68 words]emFeb 25, 2007 21:3857420
What is Jihad? [241 words]Act NowSep 24, 2006 23:2557375
Whose definition "jihad" ? [474 words]Prophet2Sep 24, 2006 08:3157289
sir [45 words]nupur guptaSep 24, 2006 17:3557289
no quran rules can ever explain the illogical belief in faith [147 words]nupur guptaSep 23, 2006 07:3657159
reply to nupur gupta [742 words]cocoNov 5, 2006 04:3357159
islam religion can be logically explain and understood [342 words]Abdul Aziz bin AznanNov 26, 2006 03:1857159
to mr gupta [42 words]khalid mahmoodDec 5, 2006 14:0857159
my answers with questions [117 words]moniFeb 22, 2007 12:3057159
2Truth about Muslim Jihads [246 words]Paul WalkerSep 5, 2007 15:2457159
to moni [46 words]naseemaJan 16, 2008 04:3057159
indian muslim [83 words]moniJan 20, 2008 06:5557159
jihad-??? [65 words]keertiApr 27, 2009 06:0857159
Islam [49 words]AhmedSep 22, 2006 11:5056989
Re: Islam- to Ahmed [71 words]BowlesSep 22, 2006 16:5256989
oh ahmed........ [24 words]nupurSep 24, 2006 09:5456989
Why bother [20 words]SusanOct 17, 2006 11:3256989
I still disagree [184 words]BowlesOct 22, 2006 17:1856989
muslims please tell me [82 words]macOct 30, 2006 01:5256989
reply to mac [256 words]cocoNov 5, 2006 03:4556989
to bowles [91 words]cocoNov 5, 2006 05:2156989
The Bottom Line [534 words]BowlesSep 22, 2006 11:2856985
yes [88 words]cocoNov 5, 2006 05:2956985
Def of Jihad [34 words]JasSep 20, 2006 18:4356706
would you trust a fashion book written by a cook? [70 words]MMSep 19, 2006 08:4256450
islam and christianity [45 words]anupamaSep 21, 2006 13:4056450
Crusades [18 words]Thomas of AischSep 24, 2006 23:5156450
well done [119 words]macOct 30, 2006 02:0256450
real fact [29 words]combatJan 8, 2007 12:4256450
truth tells it all [162 words]sheffieldSep 17, 2006 22:3756303
absurdity [246 words]Afshan AliSep 11, 2006 19:1655597
Absurd [3 words]TeresaSep 13, 2006 22:5055597
wrong concepts [336 words]taweezySep 14, 2006 20:4755597
good [408 words]ramchanderSep 28, 2006 03:2155597
contradiction? [61 words]macOct 30, 2006 02:0855597
distorted source and understanding [357 words]azizSep 9, 2006 22:2655387
do you really believe in Islam [97 words]anupamaSep 11, 2006 16:4855387
1It Is Time For The Muslims To Face The Facts [165 words]AnneMSep 12, 2006 19:0455387
small correction [121 words]Afshan AliSep 14, 2006 18:5655387
Islam resists change [115 words]anupamaSep 15, 2006 17:2655387
What comments from muslims???? [78 words]dharmayoddhaNov 24, 2006 09:4155387
to anupurna [72 words]moniFeb 27, 2007 09:5355387
dont live in the past [78 words]anupamaMar 1, 2007 14:4655387
we are not illiterate [69 words]moniMar 2, 2007 13:5955387
sati facts [247 words]mehreenMar 2, 2007 14:1255387
No Religion is Culpable but people who (mis)practice are [109 words]Guevara GDec 15, 2007 23:1255387
You misunderstood what is Jihad? [465 words]Dr. FahadJul 31, 2006 12:3051301
Non-Muslims Understand What Jihad Is, Just Take A Look At The News On TV [96 words]AnneMJul 31, 2006 17:3851301
I want some! [12 words]John GiannascaJul 31, 2006 23:2851301
Real Definition of Jihad [553 words]WayneAug 1, 2006 01:0951301
For Dr. Fahad: sorry my good doctor, but we infidels know very well what is Jihad!! [391 words]dhimmi no moreAug 1, 2006 07:0051301
Verse in Quran/Hadith endorse the violent [94 words]Reply Dr FahadAug 1, 2006 12:0851301
in response [762 words]Dr. FahadAug 2, 2006 01:2251301
For Dr. Fahad: the good doctor strikes again!! [391 words]dhimmi no moreAug 2, 2006 19:4451301
For Dr. Fahad: The good doctor strikes again and again, And the word Deen (sic)!!! [248 words]dhimmi no moreAug 2, 2006 20:0351301
For Dr. Fahad: and you credibility on the line! part trois [464 words]dhimmi no moreAug 3, 2006 06:4351301
Muslims [248 words]Chengiz KhanAug 5, 2006 04:4751301
worthless... [1159 words]Dr. FahadAug 6, 2006 13:1351301
For Dr. Fahad: and the good doctor is in the house...Part one [298 words]dhimmi no moreAug 7, 2006 07:2951301
For Dr. Fahad: and the good doctor is in the house, prayer and prophets part deux [161 words]dhimmi no moreAug 7, 2006 07:4051301
I think you muddy the waters Dr Fahad [597 words]NickAug 7, 2006 15:3951301
Clarification to dhimmi no more [336 words]NickAug 8, 2006 01:1351301
Jihad Is? [161 words]InfidelAug 8, 2006 14:3851301
For Nick: I very much agree with you [58 words]dhimmi no moreAug 8, 2006 16:5851301
Thank you [304 words]NickAug 9, 2006 00:4151301
For Dr. Fahad: Quran E-Majeed? [129 words]dhimmi no moreAug 9, 2006 07:0951301
Dr Fahad the dreamer [179 words]Dr RealistAug 11, 2006 04:4751301
Muslim issue [79 words]AlanAug 11, 2006 17:2751301
True Definition of Jihad...Point by Point [402 words]Zahid Hussain PalanaAug 12, 2006 15:1051301
In the name of Minority [99 words]True IndianAug 12, 2006 19:1951301
For Zahid Hussain Palana (Rabina Yuzahid 'Aliahu) : Arabian imperialism and jihad [309 words]dhimmi no moreAug 13, 2006 07:5951301
Dhimmi [15 words]KarlAug 15, 2006 14:3551301
just a bit of thought [227 words]'AbdullahAug 22, 2006 14:3151301
For Abd Allah (Allah yusalih haluhu) and other sordid matters part deux [59 words]dhimmi no moreAug 22, 2006 18:3951301
Just a comment [630 words]shortieAug 24, 2006 01:2951301
About Jihad! [214 words]EhsanAug 28, 2006 15:2451301
Jihad Goes Beyond Defending Oneself [497 words]WayneAug 29, 2006 17:2251301
Jihad [123 words]EhsanAug 31, 2006 15:0551301
Jihad defined by Quran [404 words]WayneSep 2, 2006 20:3451301
Reality about Jihad and the mist created by half knowledged people [655 words]RizwanSep 4, 2006 01:5551301
For dhimmi no more (you seem confused about your name) [632 words]RizwanSep 5, 2006 00:5751301
1The Quran and Jihad [824 words]WayneSep 5, 2006 17:4451301
For Radwan (Ranina yirda alihu) ... [207 words]dhimmi no moreSep 5, 2006 18:2051301
For Radwan and your Arabic lesson for today! [231 words]dhimmi no moreSep 5, 2006 18:5151301
To Wayne [410 words]RizwanSep 6, 2006 01:2851301
An Answer to Rizwan [443 words]WayneSep 6, 2006 23:2951301
So, who are the martyrs? [240 words]carolSep 7, 2006 21:0151301
Reply to Wayne [644 words]RizwwanSep 8, 2006 04:0551301
God of The Bible Doesn't Teach Jihad [755 words]WayneSep 8, 2006 23:1951301
For Radwan (Ranina yirda alihu) and "the meaning of Islam is peace"! [151 words]dhimmi no moreSep 9, 2006 08:0551301
For Radwan: In Memory of the victims of the 9/11 Atrocity [101 words]dhimmi no moreSep 10, 2006 08:1251301
Clarification of Misunderstanding to Wayne [695 words]RizwanSep 11, 2006 01:1751301
Allah is Not The God of the Bible [685 words]WayneSep 11, 2006 16:5951301
Kashmir Jihad [250 words]Secular IndianSep 13, 2006 22:0251301
Misconception [261 words]NavidSep 17, 2006 15:2851301
Overview of the West [359 words]Adnan AhmedSep 18, 2006 11:4551301
Answer to Navid re Misconception. [83 words]WayneSep 20, 2006 00:2551301
for dhimmi [84 words]nupurSep 24, 2006 10:1651301
For Nupur... [16 words]dhimmi no moreSep 24, 2006 17:3251301
for dhimmi [37 words]nupurSep 25, 2006 02:0451301
Friendship between Muslims and Jews and Christians [115 words]ramchanderSep 28, 2006 10:1351301
Dr.Fahad [45 words]daniel o'malleySep 29, 2006 10:1851301
We should speak to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see [165 words]A MuslimOct 8, 2006 04:3051301
Jihad, Wrongly undersood ? [226 words]Chuchu SolomJan 9, 2007 02:1351301
meaning of Kital [13 words]joeJul 19, 2008 20:5351301
meaning of Kital [14 words]joeJul 19, 2008 20:5351301
the meaning of kital [22 words]joeJul 19, 2008 20:5751301
Agree or disagree- Dying while defending An Islamic state [679 words]OmerNov 19, 2008 11:1251301
Fahad??? [93 words]KarlDec 1, 2008 09:4151301
Jihad does not mean fight for Islam [38 words]KishoreDec 28, 2008 08:1951301
Both Islam and Christianity command killing/preach not killing [427 words]Link1Apr 19, 2009 19:0251301
Twisted words. [139 words]LynnApr 20, 2009 07:4551301
1muslems think they are better [118 words]geckoJul 30, 2006 13:3151244
for Gecko [314 words]RizwanSep 6, 2006 02:0251244
2old testament vs quran (thanks for the reply) [112 words]geckoSep 7, 2006 12:4551244
I agree. Moslems intolerant [169 words]phil nolanJan 27, 2007 13:3851244
THOU SHALT NOT KILL [203 words]PATRICIA STROOPMay 28, 2007 20:2251244
1Old Testament vs. Quran [258 words]AliJan 22, 2013 08:4351244
1Another victim of Arabian imperialism and Islam [861 words]dhimmi no moreJan 23, 2013 08:3851244
1Guess who is also a pagan? Hint the PUBH! [156 words]dhimmi no moreJan 23, 2013 09:3151244
Lost tablighees and social benefits paid by kuffar and those that pray to idols! [92 words]dhimmi no moreJan 25, 2013 07:1151244
muslems [15 words]AMINUApr 29, 2013 12:2651244
New Testament [16 words]LauraJan 7, 2015 21:4651244
Jihad [228 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
SolemanJul 17, 2006 02:5949878
re: Jihad and Soleman's views [212 words]concernedJul 26, 2006 07:5449878
For Soleman: Mujahid and mujtahid and the word qital! [80 words]dhimmi no moreAug 3, 2006 17:4649878
astagfirullah [38 words]muslimahAug 6, 2006 10:3249878
For Muslimah: So what is really jihad? [4 words]dhimmi no moreAug 11, 2006 06:5149878
to: dhimmi no more [273 words]'AbdullahAug 22, 2006 14:2149878
For Abd Allah (Allah yusalih haluhu) and let us talk about Islam! [13 words]dhimmi no moreAug 22, 2006 18:3149878
For Abd Allah (Allah yusalih haluhu) and his Arabic langauge lesson and Muslim logic! part trois [170 words]dhimmi no moreAug 22, 2006 18:5649878
Christian Arabs despite all Muslims, exist [301 words]A Christian ArabOct 27, 2006 07:4649878
More falacies, more lies [51 words]ArabicChristianOct 27, 2006 07:5349878
response to dhimmi no more [65 words]BritDec 4, 2006 00:4649878
jihad and other stuff [165 words]camJun 15, 2006 10:1147711
Offensive War [516 words]skaldJun 19, 2006 23:5347711
allow me to retort [97 words]camJun 20, 2006 17:3947711
Incorrect and retarded: [565 words]Erich von HürgeJul 18, 2006 12:3647711
jihad [39 words]dibaJun 7, 2006 19:4547264
to diba [11 words]tariqJun 13, 2006 04:2047264
Jihad, Protect of Islam and save of world [24 words]Arshad MehmoodNov 26, 2008 01:4347264
Jihad is not terrorism [172 words]Roohul aminMay 16, 2006 12:0345717
Forget about Jihad else the same Jihad will end your religion from the world. [76 words]Anti-MohammedMay 30, 2006 06:5045717
Struggle [207 words]AdilJun 2, 2006 08:4845717
I am not Anti-Non Muslim [186 words]A MuslimJul 24, 2006 02:3645717
The true meaning of jihad is .....by a true muslim [109 words]Muhammad ShoaibApr 26, 2006 06:5044225
THE WORD JIHAD [108 words]MICHAEL CONNORApr 14, 2006 13:2043186
THE WORD JIHAD MEANS.. .. . [57 words]ahmad zafireJun 23, 2006 21:5143186
Koran's Advice During Jihad [90 words]PopulousApr 11, 2006 04:1342901
Jihad like Crusades [189 words]UnderstandJun 16, 2006 00:3642901
importance of jihad [79 words]kaifMar 21, 2006 09:4340912
to kaif [65 words]Mr.XMar 25, 2006 10:4540912
misinterpretation [15 words]ferdinand abieraMar 18, 2006 04:1740638
to ferdinand abiera [55 words]tariqMar 19, 2006 06:0840638
jihad [40 words]TariqMar 17, 2006 11:4940552
Sorry [46 words]MikeMar 14, 2006 20:3940191
15The danger of Islam and uncontrolled immigration [825 words]faqiMar 10, 2006 20:1839689
to faqi [1673 words]tariqMar 13, 2006 09:2839689
...What about the threat to Islam? [707 words]Saad KApr 9, 2006 19:4039689
Islamic Imperialism by Dr. Efraim Karsh [72 words]A. KhanAug 23, 2006 22:1239689
real danger! [17 words]maraMar 5, 2008 06:2839689
how to understand islam [40 words]samMay 2, 2008 06:5539689
I convert my faith [8 words]ahmed latifaOct 13, 2009 18:3939689
muslem and the south african christian [96 words]chris RoosJun 29, 2010 17:4139689
Time to wake up [253 words]KimoSep 12, 2010 04:2239689
About Jihad in general... [343 words]Saad KFeb 20, 2006 12:0136542
God [174 words]RayMar 11, 2006 20:0136542
All Of You ...! [2053 words]JihadOnYouJan 22, 2006 03:5232158
To JihadOnYou [277 words]tariqJan 23, 2006 07:1532158
reply: all of you...! [228 words]nadsJan 24, 2006 16:0532158
Contradiction [185 words]MRB1017Mar 18, 2006 10:4432158
study [141 words]unknownJun 1, 2006 12:1332158
the right way to understand Islam [735 words]barkatSep 29, 2006 09:3632158
You are wrong [136 words]good doerAug 4, 2008 06:5632158
"If somebody wants the exact numbers of Chapters and verses of Quran, I will ...guide them." [47 words]Rochelle MichaelsAug 5, 2008 13:3132158
1Jihad is Hate [23 words]MartinJan 20, 2006 07:1332047
More research Martin [96 words]YasminFeb 17, 2006 11:3932047
No such thing as "peaceful muslims" [171 words]jandrdaFeb 22, 2006 19:5132047
No such thing as "extremist muslims" [297 words]tariqMar 5, 2006 07:1532047
to tariq [43 words]sanilkMar 14, 2006 13:0832047
to sanilk [116 words]tariqMar 19, 2006 06:1532047
Really [504 words]Nicko TuckApr 18, 2006 13:0332047
Actual Meaning of Jihad and how it is seen now a days [210 words]Adil JavedApr 29, 2006 12:3032047
Copy and Paste [11 words]John GiannascaJul 31, 2006 23:4032047
"Peaceful Muslims?" [110 words]Prophet2Sep 23, 2006 15:4832047
Thank you [74 words]K.FrazierMar 5, 2008 15:4232047
Jihad is ... [42 words]jawadJan 14, 2006 09:0231602
Sorry Jihad [43 words]diggerdeviantJan 13, 2006 11:2031569
To diggerdeviant [26 words]tariqJan 15, 2006 06:1731569
Fahad and Muhammed Asadi [171 words]LisaJan 7, 2006 19:5331244
Jihadiwaddy - The Musical [114 words]diggerdeviantJan 8, 2006 08:2231244
reply to Lisa [157 words]tariqJan 8, 2006 12:5931244
to diggerdeviant [73 words]tariqJan 8, 2006 15:4731244
Pls Listen: Lisa & diggerdeviant [188 words]B MustaphaJan 9, 2006 06:2431244
to tariq [8 words]YasminFeb 17, 2006 11:5631244
Reply to Lisa [101 words]YasminFeb 17, 2006 12:0231244
to Yasmin [17 words]tariqFeb 18, 2006 05:4131244
... Lisa [141 words]SunnyAug 28, 2007 04:3531244
Media Terrorism about Jihad [560 words]FahadJan 7, 2006 06:0731223
Macaroni [85 words]PigfootJan 6, 2006 13:2131185
what are you thinking.. [294 words]Mohammed AyeshJan 6, 2006 11:4331179
I applaud Mohammed [170 words]pigfootJan 6, 2006 19:0531179
this is not true at all [396 words]u shaikhDec 31, 2005 01:4430827
If that is not true... [30 words]MaryamJan 3, 2006 20:1330827
1Instructions for Muslims: How to Debate and Frustrate Infidels [701 words]Cheryl YoungJul 22, 2007 13:5530827
my reply to all who are saying jihaad is "struggle" [312 words]Mr.XDec 24, 2005 12:5730499
reply to mr X [45 words]tariqJan 5, 2006 09:3730499
to Dianamoon [30 words]tariqDec 22, 2005 02:0030394
to tariq [330 words]dianamoon12Dec 26, 2005 09:3530394
reply to dianamoon [924 words]tariqDec 31, 2005 04:2930394
to Dianamoon12 [256 words]B. MustaphaJan 3, 2006 07:4730394
to tariq [399 words]dianamoonJan 4, 2006 10:3930394
to dianamoon [15 words]tariqJan 5, 2006 14:3030394
to dianamoon12 [446 words]tariqFeb 5, 2006 08:5630394
For B. Mustapha (Rabina Mushil 'Aalihu) I'm still wainting for your reply [82 words]dhimmi no moreAug 11, 2006 06:4030394
the point is? [72 words]charlieFeb 23, 2007 10:5130394
Muslims and Jews working together for a brighter and secure future. [67 words]AndrewDec 20, 2005 10:4830245
muslim perspective about "jihad" meaning seems a little sketchy [148 words]Bushhouse68Dec 19, 2005 16:1430206
to Bushhouse68 [92 words]tariqDec 20, 2005 05:5330206
Research [50 words]DanielDec 18, 2005 17:5130158
To Daniel [112 words]dianamoonDec 20, 2005 09:5730158
No Facts, Just a Common Sense Approach [239 words]DaveDec 16, 2005 10:4030068
reply to Dave [585 words]Mr.XDec 18, 2005 09:1330068
reply to Mr X [208 words]tariqDec 18, 2005 10:3730068
Mr Dave & Mr x lets reason together on Jihad [423 words]Babagana MustaphaDec 20, 2005 07:4730068
To Dave [294 words]dianamoonDec 20, 2005 09:4830068
hello ,did u miss me? [809 words]Mr.XDec 9, 2005 19:3629717
Hey Mr X [769 words]tariqDec 14, 2005 06:2029717
tariq your anti-argument is weak [352 words]Mr.XDec 16, 2005 08:5929717
Re: Mr.X [328 words]Babagana MustaphaDec 22, 2005 09:3029717
Dearest Mr. X [104 words]SanaDec 23, 2005 00:3029717
reply to Mustapha [483 words]Mr.XDec 25, 2005 10:5229717
good job dear Sana [9 words]saraFeb 19, 2006 04:5629717
A Challenge from the Koran [157 words]MaryamDec 9, 2005 14:5329708
Jihad [83 words]Ibrahim NewmanJan 14, 2006 01:3629708
misguided soul [67 words]moniFeb 21, 2007 14:2529708
Do you know why? [236 words]MariamDec 1, 2005 18:3429282
Dhimmism [981 words]Dianamoon12Dec 1, 2005 16:1729267
Diana Moon, what can i say, you're wrong? [198 words]AlgerianDec 1, 2005 18:1729267
To Algerian [689 words]dianamoon (sometimes 12, sometimes not)Dec 2, 2005 00:1029267
To Dianamoon(12) [183 words]StfrDec 4, 2005 10:3729267
reply to Dianamoon12 [208 words]tariqDec 7, 2005 07:1229267
to Dianamoon(12) [78 words]tariqDec 7, 2005 07:2129267
to: tariq, part 1, about malaysia and uae. [301 words]dianamoon12Dec 7, 2005 19:3629267
To STFR [443 words]dianamoon12Dec 7, 2005 20:5929267
to:tariq, part 2 Dhimmism. [258 words]dianamoon12Dec 7, 2005 21:0629267
dianamoon12 [255 words]tariqDec 11, 2005 05:3729267
Dianamoon12 said: [41 words]tariqDec 11, 2005 05:5529267
still no comprehensive answer. please answer with logic, not emotion... [768 words]dianamoonDec 12, 2005 10:4829267
reply to diana. [1422 words]tariqDec 14, 2005 04:5429267
Arabic Interpretation [136 words]M C RandallNov 30, 2005 06:5629124
Re;Please, Please [614 words]dianamoonNov 28, 2005 23:3328957
jihad--fight for islam [86 words]wajahat ali buttNov 24, 2005 06:3328794
2Jihad: interpretation vs. meaning [2793 words]HenryNov 23, 2005 16:0128777
Peace between [205 words]SamNov 17, 2005 22:3528562
Islam is fallible [226 words]xtianNov 15, 2005 23:3528454
PLEASE PEOPLE [267 words]azzam tabbalNov 13, 2005 00:4328300
2Bismillah al rahman al rahim.... [287 words]azzam ibn luaiNov 13, 2005 00:2528299
the ugly truth [749 words]Mr.XNov 9, 2005 09:1528072
reply to MR. X - Jews and Christians [372 words]wamiqNov 10, 2005 17:4528072
To MR. X [66 words]MWNov 11, 2005 00:2428072
To Mr. MW & all that seek for the truth [262 words]Babagana MustaphaNov 23, 2005 11:2728072
Mr. X i like how you word the Quran the way you like it... [111 words]SaNa2Dec 1, 2005 00:5828072
reply MW [556 words]tariqDec 4, 2005 05:2928072
reply to Sana2 [204 words]LibraDec 5, 2005 11:2128072
You can be Mr Islam instead of Mr X [179 words]YasminFeb 17, 2006 11:3028072
MR X [117 words]muslimahAug 6, 2006 11:0028072
pece be upon you [16 words]mahmoudMar 3, 2007 10:5028072
Jihad is good only when used for the right reasons [11 words]Abdul The MercifulNov 5, 2005 20:2427835
Question [80 words]JeffOct 29, 2005 23:3627501
What is Jihad???? [52 words]tariqOct 29, 2005 03:3327474
Stop denying the truth [49 words]MWOct 30, 2005 22:5327474
Response to MW. please use common sense yourself [113 words]tariqOct 31, 2005 04:3427474
Re: Tariq [192 words]MWOct 31, 2005 20:2927474
Taqiyya [27 words]PawlakOct 19, 2005 12:3027107
1serious misinterpretation of jihad [304 words]HesterOct 4, 2005 15:4126589
1muslim is a peaceful religion [21 words]BABAGANA ABUBAKAROct 2, 2005 08:3026529
Jihad [42 words]B BSep 29, 2005 07:5226442
Jihad- response to B.B. [236 words]AnneSep 25, 2008 18:2926442
Part of the solution or part of the problem [104 words]Charles PSep 28, 2005 10:2026412
Who doesn't understand jihad? [137 words]Charles PSep 29, 2005 09:0326412
Charles P! You really don't understand jihad [204 words]Mustapha BabaganaOct 4, 2005 12:0926412
JIHAD [78 words]mansour sahakSep 27, 2005 19:1126386
What is Misunderstood [165 words]LSep 23, 2005 21:2726236
This is the TRUTH [274 words]satbahadurSep 21, 2005 08:2926120
answer to satbahadur [443 words]Zohair RahmanSep 22, 2005 20:2426120
3meaning of Jihad is VERY WRONG!!! [697 words]AyeshaSep 18, 2005 11:5726000
Answer to Aiyesha [431 words]AlonehhobSep 19, 2005 14:5326000
2For Ayesha: Jihad or al jihad al-Muqaddas means, and you guessed it, holy war! [743 words]dhimmi no moreAug 5, 2006 08:0426000
For 'A'isha: and why should we readers not believe you part deux [110 words]dhimmi no moreAug 5, 2006 15:5826000
12Our conviction on Jihaad unto US, yours unto you. [212 words]M s mApr 29, 2011 13:1326000
4Another victim of Arabian imperialism [667 words]dhimmi no moreApr 30, 2011 07:1926000
3Islamic drivel [135 words]dhimmi no moreApr 30, 2011 07:5226000
3Islamic gem time [412 words]dhimmi no moreApr 30, 2011 13:3926000
1So what is really al-jihad our dear Msm al-tablighee? Oh you do not know any Arabic right? [340 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2011 15:5726000
1Islamic delusions [117 words]dhimmi no moreMay 1, 2011 16:1126000
bottom line [49 words]soofiSep 14, 2005 19:3225840
The threat [19 words]gusSep 13, 2005 23:2025792
9Difference between what Bible teaches and what Quran teaches [251 words]elonehhohSep 12, 2005 23:2225733
FEAR and CONFUSION [170 words]MaeSep 12, 2005 04:0925698
Answer to Mae [714 words]AlonehhobSep 19, 2005 16:4425698
JIhad of all sorts [35 words]George M Weinert VSep 9, 2005 14:0525613
Western Ignorance! [133 words]TariqSep 5, 2005 18:1225499
To Tariq [479 words]John SamuelSep 5, 2005 23:3025499
John Samuel! please be Just [293 words]Mustapha BabaganaSep 8, 2005 06:0725499
1To Mustapha Babagana [101 words]John SamuelSep 11, 2005 13:2225499
Defining Terrorism! [70 words]TariqSep 5, 2005 17:4025498
The meaning of Terrorist [276 words]John SamuelSep 3, 2005 08:4925443
Islam is the True religion [362 words]MuslimAug 27, 2005 05:1425138
how do you know? [9 words]EmilySep 8, 2006 19:0625138
1Jihad is the logical consequence from the Koran's basic message of intolerance, hate and aggression [430 words]Dr. Florian DeltgenAug 26, 2005 09:3425123
... catholic church still lives medieval pracitise in Germany TODAY! [83 words]Mimi1968Jan 17, 2013 19:4825123
Chill people, chill. [1040 words]Ray BAug 23, 2005 07:2524983
Islamism is not a religion! [324 words]William L. DonlonAug 22, 2005 18:4424972
Aren't we all thinking the same??? [305 words]Interested readerOct 24, 2006 09:4424972
Muslims are free [340 words]Zohair RahmanAug 22, 2005 17:0924965
To Zohair Rahman [236 words]Nate BernierAug 25, 2005 01:5824965
In support of Zohair Rahman [121 words]Mustapha BabaganaSep 21, 2005 11:1824965
Jihad & Pakistan [121 words]RamasAug 22, 2005 05:5924953
ramas you are mistaken [264 words]saifuddinAug 23, 2005 21:0124953
muslims will be successful. [79 words]saqib germanyMar 1, 2007 09:5824953
jihad and pakistan [167 words]pakistaniDec 30, 2008 00:5124953
a muslim is a muslim because of fear! [187 words]thomasAug 20, 2005 13:1324927
jihad is for liberation [262 words]saifAug 20, 2005 11:1424925
4first understand the literal meaning of jihad! [386 words]unaizah syed(a proud muslim!)Aug 19, 2005 06:2824895
My struggle [24 words]FredApr 10, 2012 21:0824895
People of the World [173 words]Ayesha KhanAug 17, 2005 14:1224844
it isn't the religion.. [81 words]shengAug 16, 2005 04:4624728
kind comment about the truth of the matter [624 words]UnknownAug 9, 2005 23:5924518
Tragedy of Islam [128 words]B BasuAug 9, 2005 09:0824456
Brutal attacks since 9/11 [131 words]John SamuelAug 9, 2005 02:5524444
Hitler [104 words]James RichardsAug 8, 2005 18:0824437
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side [198 words]besamAug 5, 2005 09:4924378
Is it Jihad [114 words]John SamuelAug 4, 2005 07:0224329
1you can't be further from the truth [906 words]Zohair RahmanAug 3, 2005 16:1024300
Moderate Muslims [43 words]MarkAug 3, 2005 07:5424270
To: Mark [151 words]MuslimJul 25, 2006 12:5624270
Oh Come on ... it's all very simple!!! [369 words]NGAug 2, 2005 18:1024240
To NG: Its NOT that Simple [1036 words]LouiseAug 29, 2005 00:5824240
1Violent Religion [58 words]SwarajJul 30, 2005 00:0824094
Hypocrites [101 words]Ali ALiJul 27, 2005 16:4523917
differential Jihad [285 words]yuval Brandstetter MDJul 26, 2005 13:5923837
Invasive Islam [159 words]SPJul 26, 2005 05:5423822
The meaning of Jihad [92 words]muqaddasJul 25, 2005 11:0323779
jihad [58 words]daveJul 23, 2005 22:3223741
Cause of All problems [155 words]bkJul 18, 2005 16:4423557
Pax in Orbis [184 words]Sojourner tempusNov 14, 2006 17:0523557
Think Bout It... [177 words]PJul 17, 2005 23:2423546
The truth [13 words]RGJul 14, 2005 13:5723494
Think before accusing.... [230 words]HananJul 14, 2005 01:4923481
JIHAD, ASK AN IRAQI [221 words]Michael O'DonnellJul 13, 2005 16:2223465
Worse than Islamofascists. [478 words]BJul 12, 2005 07:4423383
Aggressive jihad is weakening the Moslem world [62 words]Nic OatridgeJul 11, 2005 14:3623353
Slavery in other religious traditions [47 words]RuchJul 9, 2005 08:1823263
View from Britain - the problem with Islam [422 words]tim edwardsJul 8, 2005 05:2823193
People have it wrong about Islam. [232 words]sofiaJan 15, 2007 11:4923193
do we need wars ? [223 words]raghavJun 29, 2005 18:2523027
"jihadist(s)" is a superfluous neologism for mujahid(een) [46 words]Chris AtwoodJun 25, 2005 17:4922866
Lesser Jihad [133 words]O. MeyersMay 25, 2005 16:2822420
Ceaseless [92 words]M.BabaganaMay 18, 2005 10:0622141
Religion & Politics / Isolationism & Tooth Decay [245 words]RobbinMay 10, 2005 16:3822048
All bigots to be sent to colonies on the moon ASAP [110 words]RonenMay 3, 2005 14:3921966
Jihad in Britain [257 words]Dean MajorMar 29, 2005 06:4321197
Response to commenter Dean Major's 'Jihad in Britain' [254 words]L. RichardsonApr 14, 2005 09:4721197
What Exactly is Jihad? [91 words]Rose J. BrowneMar 28, 2005 22:0221195
A few comments... [271 words]Richard AngusMar 17, 2005 08:5021038
Best explanation... [165 words]D.CMar 4, 2005 11:4020659
It will NEVER end [112 words]KVMar 3, 2005 20:0120651
Ubiquitous Islam [241 words]Dr. Jamshid IbrahimFeb 20, 2005 16:3020442
Every one points fingers at muslims -- why? [237 words]SafiyyaFeb 19, 2005 17:1920431
Jihad BS [32 words]James HoyleFeb 15, 2005 13:1920362
Islamic Society [108 words]Faheel AtherFeb 6, 2005 07:2220137
Jihad seen linguistically [211 words]Dr. Jamshid IbrahimJan 30, 2005 12:3719991
Superior militiary forces have already tried to stop jihad thousands of times [96 words]Muhammad RehanJan 29, 2005 07:1219966
What does the qu'ran say....... [222 words]Abdel hamid benslimaneJan 25, 2005 07:4419848
This is a good article [8 words]Nweke ChikwenduJan 23, 2005 18:1719822
What matters is not what it means, but what it is used for... [185 words]Renzo CiafardoneJan 10, 2005 09:0319558
Islam and Slavery [226 words]MartialJan 1, 2005 19:0519292
Definition [69 words]Kutbettin KilicDec 25, 2004 15:3519131
The sad truth [83 words]MonaDec 22, 2004 23:1319116
Elitists [281 words]Les DavidDec 3, 2004 19:1718839
"Let us Jihad?" [221 words]Mohammad Nibras.P.KNov 11, 2004 02:3818223
Does Jihad shows Holiness or Violence? [79 words]LessyNov 8, 2004 05:3118132
Jihad doesn't mean terrorism. [72 words]Thuha NnguyentongOct 17, 2004 02:4117786
modernizing Islam [175 words]Jerrold L. Terdiman M.D.Sep 24, 2004 12:5017189
Jihad [51 words]Huw LeslieSep 23, 2004 16:4017151
A matter of will [81 words]JQ.Sep 22, 2004 03:2717092
the 200 year war [38 words]donvanSep 21, 2004 13:2417065
Overthrow of the constitution indeed! [266 words]FaithSep 20, 2004 01:2317038
Why no Condemnation? [109 words]ChrisAug 1, 2004 17:5016190
Jihad is justified when attacked [105 words]FSJul 22, 2004 03:5116041
The language curtain [97 words]Ryan WallerJul 19, 2004 16:3515997
This is not what Jihad is! [86 words]ZeeshanJun 23, 2004 18:3315782
typical american [73 words]Matthew MerringtonJun 8, 2004 02:4415567
We will not stop either [166 words]ConcernedAug 29, 2006 17:4815567
Jihad, Christian or Others [193 words]DavidFeb 7, 2007 20:0015567
2Definition of jihad [228 words]zark bJun 1, 2004 22:5215500
Finally the Real Truth! [25 words]AnnaMay 30, 2004 16:1715432
Jihad [48 words]luqmanMay 27, 2004 11:5115385
2Perilious Times: Will the true righteous people please Speak Up [257 words]John SavageMay 24, 2004 12:3315325
Joy set before us. [68 words]joshua fryeOct 16, 2011 21:2015325
Exalting the Words of the Creator of Human Beings [68 words]Ahmad, Phil.May 17, 2004 02:4515246
Jihad= ferocious self defense [304 words]BelegMay 11, 2004 04:3515108
You misunderstood the meaning.... [106 words]May 6, 2004 20:1615074
1Daniel Pipes has made a mistake [371 words]BilqeesApr 29, 2004 21:0914949
Jihad not terrorism [38 words]CelesteApr 27, 2004 23:0314913
real jihad [129 words]sheheryarApr 22, 2004 22:0214841
judge yourself [336 words]taweezySep 14, 2006 21:3314841
Jihad is Islam and without it Islam will not be. [283 words]Z. B.Apr 12, 2004 06:3314616
Jihad in Real ! The truth [206 words]Aamir AliApr 11, 2004 19:5914614
none of you no jihad [411 words]A AliApr 10, 2004 20:1614606
Quote - "How many Muslims believe in Jihad?" [94 words]SmithMar 25, 2004 08:0114371
Jihad is coming [323 words]almir begovicMar 21, 2004 00:2814269
WAR! [61 words]SoisayMar 20, 2004 19:5514267
Fear of jihad. [14 words]Robert C.Mar 12, 2004 20:3114183
THE REAL MEANING OF JIHAD. [124 words]Sadaf ShahidMar 9, 2004 15:5414141
lets get one [198 words]AssasinOct 11, 2006 07:2614141
jihad is not what you think [18 words]ramonFeb 11, 2004 10:2113844
1Mankind's destruction in the hands of Religion [276 words]Dorothy WodrichFeb 11, 2004 03:4813838
RE: Mankind's destruction in the hands of Religion [109 words]Rohan WalshMay 14, 2004 09:0513838
The Bible Agrees with your conclusions [418 words]DEHAug 15, 2006 01:1113838
Let's Bring an End to "organized relgion" as a political tool... [110 words]PabloOct 14, 2007 15:5313838
Worshippers of someone else is something else. [78 words]tinklingmateFeb 16, 2009 01:4613838
a response [208 words]rgJun 6, 2009 11:4813838
Learn from your mistakes [120 words]V.T (Brazil )Aug 15, 2010 09:5513838
an american muslim woman [173 words]nurjahan maryamFeb 3, 2004 04:5613672
7Islam Fastest Growing Religion [192 words]Miss Susan WJan 31, 2004 11:2913659
Islam [157 words]Mohd. Abubakar SiddiquiMay 27, 2006 09:5413659
MAY GOD OPEN YOUR EYES...... [662 words]JOURNALISTOct 2, 2006 13:5713659
Comments [54 words]BinuMay 2, 2007 00:4413659
1islam is the best [61 words]raja waqasApr 19, 2008 11:2113659
answer [72 words]thoyyibSep 13, 2009 09:2013659
jihad [10 words]Sharaaz_jhuryNov 23, 2009 11:3013659
truth about islam [74 words]LABEEBFeb 19, 2010 14:0013659
Terrible mistake [119 words]HaseebJan 21, 2004 19:4913475
Islamism is fascist. [776 words]DanJan 17, 2004 16:0113388
jihad is fighting the qufar in name off allah [40 words]Hani HanjourJan 15, 2004 16:5813373
This aint 1967 folks. [196 words]tom hiltonDec 22, 2003 19:5912769
If Jihad is compulsory [240 words]masch kisielDec 18, 2003 00:5012730
Jihad [59 words]abdul qayumDec 16, 2009 15:4412730
What we fail to see [72 words]KadafiDec 4, 2003 14:4512482
Jihad doctrine proves that Islam is morally and ethically corrupt. [233 words]Mr. RealityNov 28, 2003 19:4112369
Jihad is genocide: head and hand chopping [173 words]DemocracyistheanswerDec 8, 2008 11:3012369
Enough! [178 words]UsamaNov 22, 2003 12:3912267
Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan-Sauid religous leader wants slavery [158 words]Meli CalkinsNov 14, 2003 01:1512177
Your comments about Salih Al Fawzan [200 words]Defender of our faceDec 28, 2011 13:5212177
mr daniel. don't be so pensive about jihad [70 words]furqan wali khattakNov 7, 2003 23:1712107
This is no more than hearsay... [687 words]MurtazaNov 1, 2003 02:4512038
Jihad for americans [48 words]Albu DanielkOct 31, 2003 10:4712030
Bit of a shame [234 words]WillOct 28, 2003 14:4412005
JIhad! [13 words]abdullahOct 21, 2003 04:5011863
GOD teaches us to kill armed non muslims so... [25 words]kashan buttOct 16, 2003 19:4211803
jihad against EVIL [44 words]falviSep 28, 2003 09:5811538
JIHAD: The War to Eliminate "Kufr" (unbelief) and replace by "Din" (faith) [277 words]KafirSep 21, 2003 01:0711377
Moustafa Al-Issa father of Boulder mass shooter: anti-Chrisian, anti-Jewish, racist anti-black, pro Arab-"palestine" [240 words]MayorkaMar 24, 2021 02:4211377
A Shiite Narrative - How Much Hatred Now - How Much More Next [72 words]M ToveyMar 24, 2021 15:3111377
disinformation by terrorists [282 words]bud harrisonSep 11, 2003 23:5511222
An awakening [184 words]LarrySep 11, 2003 13:5011209
Jihad [109 words]A. AhmedSep 8, 2003 14:4211086
Days are over for Jihadis [119 words]hindustaan ki kasamSep 3, 2003 02:2010976
Please Read actual meaning of Jihad [246 words]ShanuWahidAug 29, 2003 20:4410921
I fear for my children [96 words]Fred OAug 25, 2003 15:2810760
American View (for fear for my children) [135 words]RachelAug 27, 2003 22:5210760
Re: I fear for my children (A Fundamentalist Muslims reply) [680 words]AbdullahDec 14, 2003 16:4110760
respect your diginity as a pious muslim [65 words]AbubakarJan 8, 2007 14:2810760
In the name of which God??? [73 words]Sabine Kurjo McNeillAug 23, 2003 04:1710736
Shariah Definition of Jihad [2035 words]Abu JamalAug 21, 2003 07:2810697
Legally Clear [53 words]OmarAug 15, 2010 12:5010697
Jihad....the strive [272 words]RamziAug 4, 2003 17:3410442
Muslims in India: Correction [70 words]KiranNov 3, 2003 09:1910442
jihad [64 words]neighorhoodcompleteAug 1, 2003 01:3510374
6The true meaning of the word Jihad [370 words]Chris B.Jul 27, 2003 01:1810259
revelation of truth [73 words]hadi jazuliJan 10, 2008 05:0510259
jihad [21 words]coolstarApr 9, 2009 15:0510259
1jihad [68 words]Alen LisicJul 26, 2003 00:4010247
Christians Need to Stand Up [95 words]Thomas LeeJul 7, 2003 22:039912
misunderstanding of the west [258 words]osmanJun 3, 2003 22:479363
The Muslim Beleifs [171 words]John MacdougallJun 2, 2003 12:569328
JIHAD-The misunderstood concept. [71 words]M.h.AdamMay 26, 2003 23:089246
The true meaning of Jihad [708 words]ShahMay 17, 2003 07:429109
I couldn't agree more! [197 words]Ashraf HocMay 5, 2003 12:068868
Comments to 'I couldn't agree more' [187 words]Shaf TahrMay 9, 2004 01:138868
3Muslims in Western Countries [131 words]Corey JamesApr 25, 2003 14:438676
Reply to what james corey posted [131 words]sidJun 4, 2004 02:018676
Spirit of Islam [521 words]natesseAug 20, 2006 20:418676
reply to so called Jihad [82 words]xyzJan 20, 2011 08:408676
Sir, Jihad does not mean this [388 words]Adil SiddiquiApr 19, 2003 02:558462
Misconception of the word "Jihad" [203 words]Amir KadriApr 18, 2003 14:238450
My concerns about Iraq [262 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Warren MeyerApr 10, 2003 12:008244
When is Bio-Warfare justified/necessary? [69 words]KevinApr 8, 2003 20:068185
Just what we don't need [85 words]Dale TrabshawApr 8, 2003 11:278150
Spiritualism vs. jihad [43 words]Mr. Michael W.Apr 4, 2003 12:088033
The self-evident unholy jihad [100 words]Mark McKinleyApr 2, 2003 14:447956
Back to basics! [161 words]ImadApr 1, 2003 17:537893
Intentions of Islam for American & the World [37 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
Vernon L. TurnerMar 29, 2003 13:277766
Blaming Capitalism, Colonialism and Anything Un-Islamic [392 words]Bob WilkinsonMar 20, 2003 20:207466
Still on the run? [152 words]Johnny CoomansinghMar 6, 2003 13:007118
Reply to Johnny [152 words]NadineDec 3, 2003 15:337118
Response to "Johnny" [151 words]SmithMar 30, 2004 06:497118
MILITANT KASHMIR? [168 words]Muslim EnglandFeb 27, 2003 13:056958
kashmir [123 words]anupamaSep 29, 2006 15:526958
Tolerance ? [195 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
DanFeb 26, 2003 11:386933
jihad more worst than nuclear bomb [75 words]kamalFeb 22, 2003 04:136837
Militant Islam - religon or cult ? [51 words]gwindorFeb 17, 2003 07:156693
Jihad is life style [97 words]KartonoFeb 9, 2003 19:486512
Why Apologists Muslims Live in Denial [119 words]I. C.Feb 3, 2003 14:296330
Defensive Jihad? [46 words]JoeApr 17, 2006 14:366330
Muslims/Jihad [23 words]AMBJan 29, 2003 14:286102
Only in defense of Islam [53 words]KateJan 28, 2003 05:036027
jihad= death: Response to "Kate" [221 words]JohnnyFeb 4, 2003 00:496027
Understanding the 'Jihadi' Mindset [101 words]Victor ChalasaniJan 17, 2003 14:545834
Jihad -- what Muslim scholars say about it? [420 words]Vinod KumarJan 17, 2003 14:285833
The Jihadis even didn't spare the non livings(Budhhas of Bamiyan) [55 words]DubetarJan 17, 2003 03:365818
reply to mr dubetar re Afghan statues destruction [181 words]F.k.KHANJan 28, 2007 05:185818
Genocide and Jihad [249 words]RKJan 16, 2003 23:215814
2Israel facing Arab Islamic genocide campaign since 1948... [1956 words]MorenaFeb 19, 2021 15:365814
2Re: “What does the Arabic word “Jihad” mean?” [1130 words]Dr Imran WaheedJan 15, 2003 12:555788
Islam and Slavery a response to Dr Imran Waheed [254 words]Steve TMar 3, 2003 10:215788
Response to Imran Waheed [82 words]A.A.May 1, 2003 12:285788
Dr Imran Waheed's many deceptions... [136 words]john SAug 16, 2003 21:345788
Response to Dr Waheed & Mr Farooq [276 words]Emmanuelle EvangelouJan 6, 2004 15:485788
Islam and Slavery a response to Mr. Steve T. [266 words]Mustapha BabaganaMay 25, 2005 09:105788
My reply to Babagana Mustapha [483 words]Mr.XDec 24, 2005 12:295788
Jihad - the INNER struggle, not outward [98 words]MQMar 7, 2010 18:585788
Challenge [23 words]samApr 7, 2010 03:225788
Jihad- A way to mobilize [136 words]Vinay DayalJan 15, 2003 09:235777
Holy War! And then Holy $*! [131 words]Sachin S. RathMay 7, 2009 11:235777
Holy War and then Holy ..! [135 words]Sachin S RathMay 14, 2009 10:475777
meaning of jihad [117 words]Swamy SJan 15, 2003 09:135776
meaning of jihad [25 words]mohammed abdullahiJan 30, 2006 18:445776
1Islam wants whole world [101 words]Rajender MasandJan 15, 2003 01:095766
What's in a name? [410 words]MarkMay 2, 2007 00:385766
1Mr. Pipes, I believe you're mistaken about Jihad [564 words]An American Muslim (Yehya)Jan 13, 2003 13:355699
Reply to Yehya Gouda: The definition of 'Jihad' [96 words]Larry ShermanJan 14, 2003 21:595699
Reply to Yehya [135 words]Chris IsherwoodMar 1, 2004 07:225699
A correctiive and suggestion for further reading [99 words]Christopher ChaseJan 10, 2003 14:435653
Thank you, Dr. Pipes [61 words]Steven Malcolm AndersonJan 9, 2003 22:345629
Congressional Declaration of War on Militant Islam [306 words]jeffrey weinsteinJan 8, 2003 17:265604
Jihad: The True Meaning [329 words]Siraj GibaniJan 7, 2003 14:525555
Response to Asymmetry [228 words]GeneJan 7, 2003 13:225550
Quran on jehad: I am scarred. [46 words]hari iyerJan 6, 2003 14:435520
Quran on Jihad I am Scarred. [60 words]Mojahid Wamiq Hussain Sheikh HaneefunJul 23, 2006 12:545520
1For Mojahid (sic) wamiq Hussain Sheikh: and the word mojahid (sic) and the word Mujtahid! [489 words]dhimmi no moreAug 4, 2006 07:215520
Concept & opinion [12 words]World peaceAug 25, 2010 09:435520
quran on jihad [36 words]hussain sheikhMar 9, 2012 08:365520
God bless you Mr. Pipes [95 words]Nirmol CostaJan 6, 2003 14:435519
think about it [50 words]anne snyderJan 6, 2003 08:275514
Jihadi violence - spreads through government support [39 words]Arindam BanerjiJan 6, 2003 05:595513
Apologies? [218 words]AnisJan 5, 2003 09:125497
Revolution by any other name is still revolution [181 words]J JohnsonJan 5, 2003 03:175493
Double Standards on Jihad causing more havoc [225 words]Raghavendra BellamkondaJan 4, 2003 18:135487
Let's Do Something Then... [537 words]Matthew J. FlemingJan 4, 2003 13:035482
1What is Jihad? [46 words]Imad BolesJan 4, 2003 12:515481
Disagreement [138 words]Moorhead KennedyJan 4, 2003 12:125480
1Arabic word "jihad" means ... [90 words]Michael HaddadJan 4, 2003 01:245470
8the TRUE meaning of Jihad....(removing the misconception) [469 words]HafsaJan 3, 2003 23:025466
Jihad, Jihad and Jihad [87 words]LaideMar 11, 2007 09:185466
More journalists like Daniel Pipes are needed [292 words]N.KhanJan 3, 2003 17:335461
Fearful Blind Eye [365 words]Clinton GatewoodJan 3, 2003 15:555458
The Meaning of "Jihad" [208 words]JacobJan 3, 2003 11:225452
Slander of America [45 words]Paul M. NevilleJan 3, 2003 05:175445
What is the truth about Jihad? [219 words]Alice StewartJan 3, 2003 01:065441
To further inter-faith understanding : explanation [part 2] [38 words]Mohammad Ibn KhanJan 2, 2003 16:265431
Jihad – a multi-headed monster. [499 words]J.ShearerJan 2, 2003 15:495427
The real problem is ambiguity [230 words]Boris FrenkelJan 2, 2003 14:315426
Moderate Imperialism [318 words]Arlinda M. DeAngelisJan 2, 2003 12:265421
Thank You. [7 words]K.BarashJan 2, 2003 12:105419
Jihad is-Jihad does. [158 words]Jack AjzenbergJan 2, 2003 09:175412
Asymmetry? [210 words]Paul HilderJan 2, 2003 07:175409
Cleaning the House [124 words]populousApr 11, 2006 04:415409
Rock on, Daniel [301 words]Sean JefferiesJan 2, 2003 05:525407
Jihad is what it means-Holy War [115 words]Allyson Rowen TaylorJan 2, 2003 00:185402
Dear Allyson Rowen Taylor [6 words]SueNov 21, 2003 20:385402
Wake up! [106 words]Daniel UtleyJan 1, 2003 23:145401
Insightful and well-researched [13 words]Aaron RosloffJan 1, 2003 22:055398
Jihad means violence [247 words]Gabriel GrossoJan 1, 2003 18:185391
Stop and think [56 words]JRNov 13, 2006 13:325391
3The true concept of Jihad [3071 words]Muhammed Qureshi MDJan 1, 2003 17:035386
Whitewashing Jihad [271 words]Roger G.Jan 1, 2003 16:505385
Genesis Revealed [184 words]JSJan 1, 2003 13:495381
The Jihash of the Jihad [514 words]CyberDataJan 1, 2003 13:495380
Re: Jihash of the Jihad [197 words]Vinod KumarJan 17, 2003 17:495380
Jihad [99 words]Shirley DobryJan 1, 2003 09:525374
The truth at last! [189 words]Steve CarlileJan 1, 2003 08:055371
Wow! Finally, you exposed the true meaning of Jihad! [118 words]Hari IyerJan 1, 2003 02:595367
Iyer you are not thinking about India. [95 words]Non Anti-Non MuslimsJul 24, 2006 03:115367
Jihad Description [52 words]Leslie Satenstein, Montreal CanadaDec 31, 2002 23:585364
stereotype about jehad; [237 words]shaniApr 8, 2008 00:475364
Wickedness and Violence [179 words]Susan LeskoDec 31, 2002 19:175357
Playing with words [273 words]Gabriel GrossoDec 31, 2002 18:485354
Jihad facilitates Islamic imperialism [43 words]Marc BaronDec 31, 2002 17:195348
Can't wait for the appropriate follow-up column [22 words]Andrew G. BostomDec 31, 2002 17:065347
What is Jihad [29 words]Hy TabachnickDec 31, 2002 15:415346
Persevere! [78 words]Archie GriffinDec 31, 2002 14:485342
Very Interesting. [20 words]John BucknerDec 31, 2002 14:105339
Where is the true jihad? [100 words]Ben CreechDec 31, 2002 13:485337
Reply to Ben Creech [101 words]NuraziemahOct 5, 2004 00:485337
Thank you Mr. Pipes [94 words]Alan SilbermanDec 31, 2002 13:225336
Jihad: Defensive? Introspective? Agressive? Or all three? [414 words]Diana NielsenDec 31, 2002 12:565335
Ask an American Muslim [410 words]RonDec 31, 2002 12:465334
Judging Religions and Cultures [71 words]populousApr 11, 2006 19:055334
I'm proud of you [37 words]SheerahkahnDec 31, 2002 12:465333
Jihad -- On Point [178 words]Michael WolinDec 31, 2002 12:375332
Very succinctly put [38 words]Michael JoyceDec 31, 2002 12:325331
The festival of lies and denial within the Muslim world [185 words]Kevin MDec 31, 2002 11:535328
When Chris Matthews ... [64 words]John BergDec 31, 2002 11:125322

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