And speaking of the bogus and victims of Arabian imperialismReader comment on item: What is Jihad? Submitted by dhimmi no more (United States), Feb 4, 2012 at 09:11 Our dear AFB or is it AEB is back for more "Our dear AFB whose Hindu ancestors were brutalized by Islam and 90M of them were killed by the Muslims that invaded India" ... Second, how ... did you conclude I was Pakistani? Yes you are you sound like one and you write like one right? Oh for the readers: Our dear AFB or whatever is saying that his ancestors were al-amazigh or the Beber the people of al-maghrib that were brutalized by his masters the Arabs right our dear AFB or is it AEB? Far from it. I'll reveal my origins later. Can you tell me when were those 90 million killed, in what era, by which army, dynasty, etc? Gimme details please. Here http://www.danielpipes.org/comments/30022 And if you do not like that Mr Ahmad is saying then prove him wrong and now you put up or shut up What a crime 90M Hindus the ancestors of our dear AFB or is it AEB, O darn it his ancestors were amazigh, were killed by Muslism "mash'allah our dear AFB can read. So what does it say in 3Umadat al-salik about the word al-jihad ya ayuha al-falyasoof al-kabeer let me guess you have no clue right?" ... Islam is not a clerical religion. We are not obliged to follow each other. A 13th century book is NOT of any relevance to my faith which originated in the 7th century. .. Then destroy it and do not forget to also destroy kutub al-ahadith wa al-sira after all they did not originate in backward 7th century Arabic and good riddance But I will tell your masters the Arabs in the UAE that you have no regard for kutub al-turath al-islami and I smell a fatwa here and it would serve you right Oh the Qur'an? It is poor literature and poor theology "ROTFL Pakistani Arabic it is اهل الذمة ya ayuha al-jahil al-kabeer. Oh darn it i forgot you cannot read speak or write Arabic the language of your masters the Arabs right?" Again, where did I say I was Pakistani? My native language is Arabic, and I understand several dialects of it. I've never even been in Pakistan ... Really? you understand several dialects so you tell us what do the following words from Egyptian Arabic mean? and they have great deal with our little chat el-gehadiyya or الجهادية and the word gehadi or جهادي It is your chance to shine our dear AFB or is it AEB "And I'm curious and do you speak Urdu? if then you need to stick to Urdu our dear AFB whose Hindu ancestors were brutalized by Islam" I have no Hindu ancestors and got nothing to do with Pakistan or Urdu. ... Oh yeah right "ROTFL Pakistani Arabic the word struggle in Arabic a language speak read or write is جد او عارك او عراك ..." Oh some thing was deleted here more swearing right? Typical Muslim Not Pakistani. Jihad, nidal, kifah, Arabic is a beautiful language not short of synonyms. And? and so is Urdu or is this the Stockholm syndrome right? Jihad means struggle, No it does not it means holy war and here is from yuor own dictionaries
So you see our dear AEB it is your islamic sources and Arabic dictionaries and not us proud kuffar that say that the word jihad really means holy war whether you like it or not, you impostor Arabic speaker. And speaking of an "impostor" an impostor is an Arabian warlord and caravan raider who had 23 wives and concubines and who had sex with a 9 year old girl and claimed that an Arabian deity spoke to him via an angel and his name was Abul Qasim By the way, 3araka and 3irak more literally involve fighting than jihad. And by the way jihad means holy war The Arabic for battle is ma3raka. 3irak is battling. And your point is? Way to go. You just proved how little you know of Arabic. The example you used denotes battling. Are you using a dictionary or a friend Oh I'm using the above dictionary ya ayuha al-ghabi al-kabeer "A liar is he who pretends to know Arabic when he does not and a liar is he who cannor read the definition of the word الجهاد in an Arabic source of Islamic law عمدة السالك where you will also find the "to establish the religion"" So rich coming from an impostor Arabic speaker to an Arab. Oh let ,me see your Allah says that this life is about al-qada' wa al-qadr right? so if I'm an impostor then it must be that Allah made me this way right our dear AEF or is it AEB? then I can only blame Allah for ebing an impostor So here is a solution: Let us do lunch with Allah and you ask ask him to un-impostor me deal? and order the ham and wine for me Again, why would a 13th century book be relevant to a religion established in the 7th century? Is something wrong with your head? Then get rid of it and good riddance "So did you read the book before you posted our dear AFB? let me guess you did not because you cannot read Arabic right?" Why would the views of a 13th century scholar mean more than squat to me? Is it that every book written by a Muslim zealot in Arabic is automatically considered part of Islam by your lot? Which lot is that? Oh I see you have no regard for umdat al-salik! You think I should write to your masters the Arabs and tell them that you our dear AEF or is it AEB have no regard for kutub al-turath al-islami? I smell one more fatwa here "Really? can you provide us with a reference from qamoos aw mu3jam lel lugha al-3arabiyya as in name of reference and page number? the following will not be accepted as evidence 1. My Mullah told me so 2. The moron Zakir Naik said so 3. Ambassador Akbar Zeb said so" وجاهَدَ العدوَّ مُجاهَدة وجِهاداً: قاتله وجاهَد في سبيل الله. والجهاد المبالغة واستفراغ الوسع في الحرب أَو اللسان أَو ما أَطاق من شيء. Oh let me see read the first line wa jahidu al-3adiwu mujahahatan wa hihadan qatiluhu wa jahid fi sabeel allah ... your source is saying that I'm the big time kafir is saying that jihad means holy war right? Thank you our dear AEF or is it ABF you proved my point Now you tell us why the delusions? We don't even use the word Mullah in the Arab world. We prefer Sheikh. I know an Emarati with the last name Mullah though. You keep proving how little you know about Arabic speakers. gobbledygook oh and i know a muslim his name is Mr Naik! and another one his name is Akbar Zeb and I'm not kidding you Jahada the enemy means fighting him What on earth is this? Oh let me guess Pakistani Arabic fighting him means haribuhu Why the delusions you tell us and jahada in the way of God. ROTFL Pakistani Arabic it is hijad fi sabeel allah Jihad is listed as extravagantly spending effort in war OR tongue OR whatever. In other words, struggle. War is obviously a struggle. I read this as jihad really means holy war thank you our dear AFB or is it AEB The only source we have that Mujahada is war to establish religion is some 13th century scholar that you insist on glorifying as if he was a Muslim Messiah. ROTFL Pakistani Arabic it is al-jihad No doubt a war to establish religion can be considered a Mujahada, but to say that Mujahada, Jihad, and whatever refers ONLY to military and religious contexts is a big, fat, lie. Literally speaking, Jihad and Mujahada mean spending effort, or Juhd. I don't need some internet moron lecturing me on my own language. Then get rid of his book and good riddance So you tell us what do these clusters of words mean? 1. جهاد يجاهد مجاهد 2. اجتهاد مجتهد يجتهد 3. جُهد مجهود يجهاد But again even your masters the Arabs have no clue about their own language "Sorry I cannot teach you Urdu because I do not speak Urdu ... Stop your delusions you ain't no Arab" Yup the person who doesn't know 3irak means battle (v) is telling me that. 3irak means struggle or fight as in jihad you even told us that or did you forget? "Really? so where would I find in the Qur'an ان الجهاد الكبير هوا الجهاد النفسي you will not find it but you will find the evil اقتلوا المشركين and this aya was the reason why 90M of your Hindu ancestors were killed by the Muslim invaders of India" My ancestors were not Hindu. Right and I'm not mother Teresa You find the Greater Jihad in the hadith, Oh let me see but with your strange logic why would you believe bboks written in the 9th century and not in the 7th century care to explian? And thank you our dear AEB that you will not find this bogus al-jihad al-kabeer aw al-sagheer in the book of Arabian ignorance which I admit I don't trust too much. Then get rid of them too and good riddance But I'm speaking from the perspective of tradition, and tradition is that practicing Islam in every day life is far more important and difficult than military conflict. That was referring to people who lived and died 1400 yars ago. You realize that, right? Why the double standards when dealing with Biblical genocide of Canaanites? Our dear AEB is saying the Bible is violent so what is wrong with the fact that the Qur'an is also violent? You think that I should tell the wahhabis that you are saying that the Qur'an is a violent book? they will agree with you As for the Bible your Allah says that it is a corrupted book right? so why do you believe anything that the Bible says? you tell us ya ayuha al-falyasoof al-kabeer "Really? so where would I find جهاد السان وجهاد القلم in the Qur'an? Oh darn it I do not translate Arabic for wannabe Arabs like you" I was paraphrasing. Then it does not exist in the Qur'an thank you our dear AFB or is it AEB I already told you I'm speaking from the point of view of the Islamic tradition, where everyday struggle far outweighs the military one. But that doesn't matter, the Qur'an doesn't say sanction indiscrimiante and incessant warfare as jihad. Wrong. The Qur'an says fight for no reason at all in kutiba 3alykum al-qital and the very violent Q9:111 or qatliu wa iqtulu and in the disgusting verse ayat al-sayf iqtoloo al-mushrikeen and the real reason of why 90M of your Hindu ancestors were killed by Muslim But tell me, why is it okay for you to quote a 13th century author, but it's not okay for me to speak about Islam outside the Qur'an? Give me one good reason. Oh I thought that you are Qurani faqat so did you change your mind and what a joke and i care less if you have an opinion or not "Really? there is such thing called جهاد اليد where would i find anything mentioned about it in the Qur'an a book that you cannot read in Arabic you tell us mr ignorant" More time wasting. O guru of wisdom I read this as you have no answer You think you're some sort of expert for knowing how to translate things into Arabic? رنك حبيبي There, in an Arabic you CAN'T understand ROTFL Pakistani Arabic it is ya habibi You cannot be an Arabic speaker right? "Then Jihad really means holy war right? and my evidence is what we are told in 3umdat al-salik right ... ?" Jihad literally, means struggle. In the context of Islam, it means futhering justice in the way of Allah. Whether it's building a mosque, helping those in need, or militarily defending Islam, it's all jihad. The 7th century onwards conquests were political, and not religious. You had before us the Sassanid, Byzantine, Parthian, Roman, Macedonian, and Achaemenid empires, each with their own religious or political cults, if not both. Oh yeaH Arabian imperialism so you tell us what did your Hindu ancesrots do to your Arab masters to deserve that happened to them you tell us Please give me one good reason why should I, a Muslim, use what another Muslim said to define the whole faith for me. Give me one good reason. In Islam, fatwa and ahkam are not obligatory to follow; you can choose whatever scholarship you want, or practice ijtihad and come up with your own interpretations. We're taught to critically approach clerics and avoid mindless taqlid (which is what's happening with Salafism today, taqlid), but of course that doesn't mean you get to do as your heart desires (ex. say based on your ijtihad alcohol is halal just because you like to drink). Is that difficult to grasp? There is no unified Muslim authority we are obliged to follow but Muhammad pbuh, pubh? The Arabs do not use this little pubh you are either an Indian Muslim or pakistani and what is wrong with that? you tell us Then destory your islamic sources and good riddance his sayings and his revelations. That is all. Oh is that Abul Qasim? did i tell you that Allah also spoke to me too via an angel and i ain't no Arabian warlord or caravan raider "Really? so killing 90M of your Hindu ansetors was a good thing to "further morality and human rights"?" They're not my ancestors but who killed them? I'm pretty sure it was Turco-Mongolic converts to Islam, who practiced genocide long before they became Muslim. So why blame their brutality on Islam? They did it because your so called Allah said iqtoloo al-mushrikeen so we can only blame Allah for such crime "Oh the لا اكراه في الدين but i have a few questions for you 1. can you tell us what is سبب النزول لهذهي الاية" I'll say it bluntly, I don't know, and I don't need to know. Islamic verses don't contradict or abrogate each other, they complement each other. The abroggation is in the ahkam extracted from the Qur'an, and not the verses themselves. Example is that the Qur'an asked us to avoid, decrease (during prayer), and finally to stop consuming alcohol. By following the third verse, you can follow all three simultaneously. On the other hand, alcohol which was okay when it was discouraged but not banned, but after the third verse its consumption was forbidden. None of the verses were abrogated but the hukm changed. Likewise, the conquest of Mecca had nothing to do with religious compulsion being universally imposed, I read this as you have no answer and you do not seem to be aware that we are told that ayat al-sayf ABROGATED 124 verses in the Qur'an and what a disaster it was a campaign similar to the Israelites in Canaan. Oh let me see but the Bible is a kitab muharraf right? when why do you believe what it says? you tell us and you know what? the only ones that quote the Bible are tablighees and not real Arabs "2. The islamic sources tell us that اية السيف تنسخ اية لآكراه في الدين which means that your little aya has been abrogated" Answered this. Really? where? "3. If there was really la ikrah fi al-deen then how come 90M of your Hindu ancestors were killed by your masters the Muslims?" What do the actions of people post-Islamic relevations have to do with the intention of the original founder of Islam? paradox much? And they were not my ancestors. Oh let me see your Allah says that this life is about al-qada' wa al-qadr right? then we can only blame Allah for such crime Oh and why did Allah not stop such crime? unless there is no Allah or his is not omnipotent or he is evil or he is wating to get his share of the loot the 1/5 remember? so which one is it? you tell us "Oh the Arabic! Well you can ask one of your Arab masters to translate it for you" I'm an Arab. No you are not "Islamic gobbledygook" In others words you have no refutation to the fact that Qur'anic verses refer only to specific peoples Then it means that the Qur'an is not an eternal book for all times and all people right? Thank you our dear AEF or is it ABF or what ever and not to specific faiths. In other words you deliberately misinterpret the scriptures to feed your bigoted agenda. Well when we do lunch with Allah we can ask him to un-bigot me deal? ... "What atrocities? so did Pagan Arabs and Persians and the Byzantines killed 90M Hindus too and did they crash planes in big buildings and in the process killed many innocent people" Pagan Arabs, some Hindus today, buried their daughters alive. And your masters the Arabs destroyed and enslaved the people of great civilizations The Persians persecuted Christian Arabs of Iraq. Where is your evidence? The Byzantines persecuted Christians that disagreed with them. Where is your evidence? let me guess you have none right? 9/11 was nothing compared to Desert Storm and the 12 year embargo on Iraq. Should we say Christianity is evil because of Bush's little Crusade? Oh how about Muhammad little crusades including the invasion of Mesopotamia? so you see our dear AFB or AEB or what ever we kuffar learn from Muslims Muslim Arabs didn't kill millions of Hindus. Then refute Mr Ahmad and I will be waiting Our worst crimes are the African slave trade, South Sudan, and Iraqi Kurdistan. Arabs even after Islam have quite the clean history if compared to Christian Europeans for example. But the Qur'an says that slavery is OK and the wa ma malikat aymanakum so do you disagree with Allah what a fadiha! "Your Allah tells you to terrorize us infidels in اية الارهاب and to kill as in اية السيف and to fight us kuffar in اية الجزية and Allah is supposed to get 1/5 of the loot collected from us kuffar so the question now is how do we get to Allah his share of the loot? Do you have his e-mail address?" Same context as Israelis and Canaanites. You're a hypocrite for singling out Islam. So you are saying that islam is violent thank you our dear AEB and let us add the hypocrite to our list so you can ask Allah to un-hypocrite me deal? "Three out of four of al-khulafa' al-rashiduun were killed by other Muslims! right? so much for islam the religion of peace" Actually Omar was killed by a Zoroastrian. The other two were only killed because they refused to defend themselves. Correlation is not causation. ROTFL "correlation is not causation" is this also in the Qur'an? An argument could be made that they were killed in spite of Islam, not because of. Peacefulness of religions is decided on by people. Oh the religion of peace "For the readers: Our dear AB whose Hindu ancestors were brutalized by islam is saying that if other religions can be violent so what is wrong with Islam being a violent religion too? Right our dear AFB whose Hindu ancestors were brutalized by islam?" For he readers: note that Mr. Bogus has ignored what I said about Ummayads and Abbasids. Note that he's been calling me a Pakistani the whole time, indicating clear racism on his part (stereotyping). Oh I see you have no answer right? and racism? where? Dear Bogus, I am an Algerian. Paternally, my tribe's ancestor arrived from Mecca sometime in the 14th century to the Maghreb, and my descendence goes to the Hassan or Hussein. ... No you are not you sound like a Pakistani or Indian Muslims and what is wrong with being from India and why is the self hate? http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/66621_1632437900514_1523646399_1532203_4570450_n.jpgSince you pride yourself in reading Arabic, here's my ancestor's ancestry. How do i know it is you? The forefather of my personal family fled after killing a few Ottoman Turks. Futhermore, my great grandfather allegedly arrived from Yemen according to my aunts. And of course, maternally for several of my male ancestors, there's large amounts of Amazigh ancestries. I'm Arab by nationality, culture, and language, and racially I'm mixed between Arab and Amazigh. I'm proud of both. Oh your Amazigh that were brutalized by Islam and are you aware that the Qur'an says that islam is the religion of the Hijazi Arabs only and you ain't? However, Amazigh nationalists list my tribe as a Kutama tribe. Makes sense, since our province is where the Kutama originated from.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kutama Oh the amazigh were also victims of the arabs anf their imperialism We kicked out the Arabs from Africa, conquered Syria and Hejaz, and built Cairo ourselves. We were Ismaeli Shias, and when our governors reverted to Sunni Islam, we unleashed Bedouin tribes on them and Arabized North Africa. The Amazigh were Arabized by fellow Amazigh. At some point fundamentalist Sunni Amazigh reconverted North Africa into Sunni. Then leave islam and be amazigh again and be free from the arabs and their language and their imperialism As early as the eighth century, Turkish, Amazigh, and Persian secessionist dynasties had already stripped Arabs of their control over everything short of Syria, Iraq and Arabia. The stereotype that Arabs conquered everyone is a joke. Non-Arab converts to Islam played gigantic roles, such as the Mongols and their atrocities in India. We Amazigh had converted to Arian Christianity just to piss off the Byzantines, and when Arabs liberated us, we conquered Andalus for them. But when they became racist to us, we converted to Ismaeli Islam just to piss them off as well, and put some Arab Imam as our puppet Caliph, while Kutama military tribesmen ran the Caliphate. By the ninth century, the Arab control of non-Arab lands had already ended, except maybe Ummayad Andalus. gobbledygook in short you are a victim and no more I specialize in history; You teach history? you could have fooled us Arab, Semitic, and Amazigh history to be precise. I don't care what other Muslims did, as it doesn't concern us. You can falsify Pakistani history all you want; I'm no expert on them, so I can't comment. But don't go blaming Muslims for what one single ethnicity of us did. Can you give us kuffar link to see where you learn or teach about amazigh history Oh I urge you to leave islam and be free again from the Arabs and their imperialism and learn ro speak the language of your people not the Arabic that was imposed on them
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