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Response to Luigi

Reader comment on item: Advice to Non-Muslim Women against Marrying Muslim Men
in response to reader comment: Response to Curious on feminism and modern social trends.

Submitted by Curios (United States), Sep 16, 2009 at 22:36

....these new changes that you praise and agree with are unsustainable and will not last. History has proven that over and over. Really, Curious, the fundamentals of this "change" have been done, tried and failed before and I already see signs it's coming apart at the seams.

Do you really see signs of it all coming apart at the seams, Luigi ? Examples, please. I am out in the work world every single day and all I see are signs of women's role in the work world, etc, getting stronger.

... Curious, because ... most of these little flings are. I never insinuated that you are having casual sex, but it's become very clear to me that you have some personal situation at stake here.

Yes, Luigi. I do have a personal situation that brought me here to this site and it's comforting to know that other people are experiencing same or similar situatons. The dilemma is being able to recognise and separate the wheat from the shaft, the good from the bad.

Fortunately, God has blessed me with a good and analytical brain, so I manage to get through my own situation fairly well. I do feel that it's important for me to make suggestions for women who may be struggling and endure the constant. nagging wonder of whether the man likes you for yourself or what monetary gain you might provide for him. The first of the two suggestions: 1. Tell him that you have no money to offer and all you can offer is a marriage, if that is what he truly wants. Be emphatic, tell him you're in as great a need financially as he is and then you will see, quickly, which way the cards fall. 2. Investigate him just as soon as he begins to demonstrate an interest in you, IF you think you want to pursue a relationship with him. Send him a remotely deployable software that will let you see exactly what he's up to online and how many other women he's speaking with, if any at all. Won't take more than a day or two to get at the truth of the matter.

But don't forget, Luigi ... this same sort of thing is going on between couples in the states, same age couples. I read about these all of the time, written by both men AND women. Seems the internet has really wrecked havoc on many an otherwise good marriage. It's really frightening and sad. Personally, I am as leary of a relationship with an American man as I am of a relation with a foreign man, for this reason (of any age).

I'm sorry, Curious, but such validity can hardly be confirmed by videos or pictures. I've already know three people (all women 22 or younger) who were the victims of people stealing their identity and setting up fake profiles. And I'm not asking anyone to reveal themselves on here. Personal contact information is often filtered out.

Well, Luigi, such thoughts of using someone else's pics may have occurred to you, but I assure you, they have never occurred to me because, after all, ultimately you may meet the individual to whom you provide pics and videos and then what? Nicht gut, Luigi. I can assure you that my videos and pics are mine, no one else's. Of course, Luigi, there is always webcam and I doubt that any 22 y/o woman out there would be able to discuss with you the details of the debates occurring on this forum. So, let me offer webcam and lengthy discussion in addition to the pics and videos suggestion. Or could it be that you are ashamed of how you look?

Oh, we've been through this before on here, Curious. The "but we are all different" excuse. The more things are different, the more they are the same .. And I get hit on by attractive older women a lot, but I also realize that I don't really want to be with someone who is 55-60 by the time I am 40.

Well, Luigi ... if you don't know by now that people are all individual, with separate and distinct personalities, then you haven't learned much in life, at all. As for you being with a 55-60 y/o at 40, you're right, I doubt there is a chance of that because they will all be looking for someone much younger :-)

Eventually, Curious, age will set in. That will be the real test.

Yes, Luigi. And it usually sets in for men at a much younger age with all of that balding and putting on of the spare tire, usually quite evident in most men by age 40 !!

Much to our own detriment, but do not worry. Conservative elements around the globe will prevail as they always have for the last 10,000 years. Stability and strength of family will begin to overshadow progressive feminism this century, especially in the EU.

Oh Oh, Luigi ... you did miss your History, Political Science, and Macro Economics university courses, did you not?? Thank God that we were delivered from conservative ideology and sent the very liberal FDR at the onset of Great Depression. Hail to FDR who brought us up from the toilet of conservatism to status of world power and a booming post war economy.

Actually, there are well-documented cases about distance relationships and their bizarreness and failure over the phone and by letter. The internet is just another media by which this happens.

Really? Send us a link to a few ten or more of these examples.

Not when it comes to proximity and the fact that our words make up less than 30% of overall communication. Nonetheless, if you are seeing the guy next door and he spends all night on-line and wants a quick marriage, well, those are always signs of trouble.

Yes, I agree with the guy next door scenario. But, as for words making up 30% of overall communication ... I'm not really guite sure about that. Body language and facial expressions are important, I agree, but there is really nothing like getting the spoken word and watching for deviations in the story. These deviations tell the tale every single time ... the words. I rely on this online, at work, in any situation that requires dealing with people on an ongoing basis. Eventually they are going to slip if they're lying, regardless of whether you're looking straight at them or 10,000 miles away talking on a computer. A liar is a liar and they do what liars do best, they lie.

No, Curious, we live on the same planet, and on-line, distance dating has an even worse success rate because of the communication gap.

Luigi, I don't see a communication gap. But what I do see is a potential for the relation to end because it cannot come to fruition. Some people will travel to meet, but others are not willing to do so. In the case of the later, then of course the relation will disolve. As for domestic relations, I read every single day on Yahoo and elsewhere about domestic relations gone wild and often times due to a partner's side extravaganzas on the internet.

Because women mature faster than men and ultimately want a man who they are secure with and who can protect them. Most of the "relationships" involving younger men and older women do not end well or progress beyond a sex buddy style relation. It's also largely based on appearance. Just listen to some of the stories on here, Curious. Some women are adamantly insisting they do not look their age but younger. So, in that sense, the woman does not seem older than the man, which really does throw another wrench into your argument.

Women may mature faster, but men often look older much faster. I think this is the reason for many women's preference for the younger man ... as well, the younger man has a fresh (unsoured) insite that an older man lacks. Seems to me fairly obvious, Luigi. We have a rash of younger men rushing the older women, not younger women rushing the older men. Think about that for a minute. Most young men I know will prefer an attractive woman, of any age. It's not the fault of women for staying more attractive for longer periods of time than men.

What is going on the domestic is the same thing that happens on the international front---sexual flings, not stable relationships.

Yes, exactly right, Luigi.

No one is suggesting that logic alone equals love, but in this me-first, emotional era of living, it is pretty always the one element missing and that's why so many women on this forum have problems.

Yes, sad but true, Luigi. We shouldn't have to put logic ahead of our feelings, but if we want to survive, we must.

If you don't know, then just say so, Curious. There is no need to take a poll, because all one has to do is look at the dating trend. First of all, more white men in this country date internationally and interracially than white women. Most of the women on this site who have tried or are in international relationships are either divorced, have had extended relationships with men in proximity to them that went nowhere or have been screwed over and hurt. That is why they look internationally, because they see it as a last bastion of hope.

Oh, I dont think so, Luigi. Personally, I find American men terribly boring. As for the men dating more internationally, I'm not quite sure about that, it's possible. But you can bet that if it's an older man dating a younger woman, she probably wants him only for his money and a free ride to America.

We don't have to have a zero birth rate to be in big trouble, Curious. Anything less than 2.1 will do. Just ask the Europeans as to why they put up with riots and crime from immigrants---they need the numbers. It's as simple as that. Everything from burning cars in France to trashing shops in Estonia to chants of NUKE NUKE DENMARK on the streets in broad daylight in Copenhagen.

Yes, I'm well aware, Luigi. Well, Luigi ... we here in America have the Mexicans. Should we thank God they're not muslim?

I don't think I am at all, Curious. You want to keep this about very general trends so that you can just keep arguing from your own personal observations.

Yes, I argue from my own personal observations, just like we all do, Luigi.

Curious, I will NOT accept birth control as a viable option. Perhaps it would interest you to know that it may reach a point where Western women will evolve to NOT get pregnant thanks to birth control.

Oh please ...

** You mean opting for a "career" instead of a family? More times than naught, I find such decisions to be selfish. Yet, many women do this because they have to in order to maintain a decent standard of living, not because they want to be some ideallic beacon of change.

That is what my logical mind sees, and logic and idealism are a poor match, Curious.

That's right, Luigi. Logic and idealism are a poor match. You should take your own advice on that count.

Better? Better for who, Curious? The selfish feminist who blames all of her problems on white men and who doesn't want to have any kids but expects her way of thinking and living to continue on?

Yes, exactly right, Luigi!

Luigi, in case you didn't know it, the reason American power was at an "all time apex", or America being established as a world power by the 1950's had absolutely nothing to do with the 1950's American housewife and everything to do with the FDR administration's policies for dealing with the Great Depression and it's subsequent merge into WWII with the Allied European countries ... really, Luigi, you do grasp at straws.

First of all, FDR was the worst President ever.

OMG ... Luigi. I didn't realise until now that you are truly demented! Thank God for FDR, he was this country's light and salvation. Without him, we would be a third world country today.

Actually, I personally know of several Catholic women who prefer such a lifestyle to the empty materialism of working or "having a career" to merely obtain a bunch of junk that has no value whatsoever.

Really? Why don't we ever here this perspective from these women, Luigi?

The explanation for that is very simple: Because they, like most Muslim-Muslim couples, do not need to come on the internet and discuss their relationships. Why? Because they are secure and trust each other and could care less what we think, Curious. They don't need third party confirmation about the validity of their partner and are not looking for some kind of deranged approval rating, encouragement or attention from total strangers on the most intimate aspects of their lives.

Certainly not what I read, Luigi. I see, all of the time, forums about local (American) cheating wives and husbands of every age. I don't call these "secure and trusting" relations.

Really? Then why do some women on here refute the wonderful advice given and proceed anyways? They are more convincing than you seem to realize.

I don't know, Luigi. A fool never learns? Well, possibly. Or it could be that we all have to play the fool at some point in order to learn from the experience. What's the old saying? Fool me once, shame on you but fool me twice, then shame on me.

I'm not so sure a movement would jump on your bandwagon of generalizations. Simply "letting the times speak for themselves" is not enough, not by a long shot. And our society is conditioned to make women who choose to be homemakers feel like they are not accomplishing anything.

No, Luigi. I think it's the remnants of this conservative era we've experienced with it's towering inflation and greed that forces our women have to work.

Well, Curious, out-of-wedlock mothering destabilizes civilizations. So does contraception.

I've certainly never once discussed or advocated for "out-of-wedlock" mothering. You've got me confused with someone else.

Exactly. There's a lot of men out there who are jerks and it's the number one reason why women go looking abroad for decent men.

I agree with that statement, Luigi. And, unfortunately, many foreign men are more educated, better conversationalists, just more interesting all the way around. Still yet, caution is the operative word.

Don't get too confused, Curious. The only reason women on here defend Islam is because they are attracted to an Islamic man. It's the same thing as when a woman stands up in a courtroom defending her ...

Possibly, and probably. But realistically, we shouldnt confuse one with the other, the religion with the actions of the people. After all, we are a Christian nation, but look at what George Bush has done to America's international image.

Also, you'll have to show me the precise links of Muslim posters on here defending Islam, because I do not see it. Every so often someone will come on here and request that not all Muslims get generalized, which is a fair point, but those requests are radically different from the accusations of islamophobia and racism against regular posters who merely point out the facts, facts that pretty disprove the legimaticy of said person's "relationship".

Hmmmm ... rephrase that statement, please.

1) If my comprehension is so "pathetic", why do respond with such vigor and detail? I guess you just can't stand what I have to say. It would also explain your quick responses.

Why? Because I do it every day at work, Luigi. It's ingrained in me and has nothing whatsoever to do with you. Of course, I will argue for what I believe is right, just like you do.

2) I find your insults rather amusing, Curious, and your posts clearly indicate that you have some kind of personal stake here that goes beyond having just younger male friends.

I wouldn't find the insult too amusing, Luigi, considering that you're reading many, many words and thoughts into my post that I dont put there. For instance, trying to insinuate that i'm an advocate of "out of wedlock" motherhood and the other "sexual" references, neither of which I've mentioned. So, with that being said, I still think you could benefit from some "reading for comprehension".


Note: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the authors alone and not necessarily those of Daniel Pipes. Original writing only, please. Comments are screened and in some cases edited before posting. Reasoned disagreement is welcome but not comments that are scurrilous, off-topic, commercial, disparaging religions, or otherwise inappropriate. For complete regulations, see the "Guidelines for Reader Comments".

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Reader comments (21923) on this item

Title Commenter Date
10A better story about religious conversion for love [103 words]PrashantAug 8, 2022 12:38284866
5Islamic marriage [354 words]Jessica (Canada)Aug 14, 2022 18:26284866
3Sorry typing error [61 words]Jessica (Canada)Aug 15, 2022 20:52284866
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3I'm aware of that [222 words]Jessica (Canada)Aug 16, 2022 23:18284866
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2Thanks Prashant [100 words]Jessica (Canada)Sep 13, 2022 19:06284866
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4Hello lina [220 words]Jessica (Canada)Sep 13, 2022 21:43284866
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1It's NOT the magic these Mena men put on you..I'm just came back from morocco and I can tell you everything from morocco [406 words]Jessica (Canada)Jul 17, 2022 18:43276707
1Recognizing Again That It's Not Magic That Holds the Fascination of Relationships - It's Works of Love Demonstrating Sacrifice [160 words]M ToveyJul 18, 2022 15:00276707
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3No more MENA for me... at least for now [126 words]DidiNov 12, 2022 20:40276707
1Hello Didi [65 words]Jessica (Canada)Dec 9, 2022 22:31276707
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9Why on earth you are dating Mena men again [219 words]JessicaNov 11, 2021 17:03276475
3Update on my trip [200 words]JessicaNov 11, 2021 17:18276475
5Good luck, Jessica [33 words]PrashantNov 12, 2021 12:17276475
2Thank you Prashant [69 words]Jessica (Canada)Nov 12, 2021 23:05276475
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7MENA meaning [69 words]PrashantFeb 22, 2022 00:03276475
8Question for Ms Jessica [115 words]PrashantFeb 27, 2022 02:07276475
3I'm back from Morocco [819 words]Jessica (Canada)Jul 12, 2022 01:31276475
5Welcome back, Jessica, but I am not convinced [253 words]PrashantJul 12, 2022 16:14276475
1Some typing errors because I didn't proof read [41 words]Jessica (Canada)Jul 12, 2022 19:56276475
1Hello Prashant [401 words]Jessica (Canada)Jul 12, 2022 20:16276475
1Just read your post [235 words]Jessica (Canada)Jul 12, 2022 21:24276475
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2Yes Prashant [97 words]Jessica (Canada)Aug 2, 2022 19:10276475
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17Don't marry a Muslim man until you read quran 33-4 [260 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
PrashantOct 24, 2021 22:01275986
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3Thanks for correcting me [79 words]PrashantOct 27, 2021 09:56275986
1Is the Qur'an a Kitab Mubeen? [207 words]dhimmi no moreOct 27, 2021 12:47275986
DNM, thanks for the references. [5 words]PrashantOct 27, 2021 22:17275986
1Reading the Islamic Literary Sources and the History and Geography of early Islam [389 words]dhimmi no moreOct 28, 2021 07:54275986
1Interesting That Greater Warnings of Islam's Intrigues Come From Islam Itself [166 words]M ToveyOct 28, 2021 13:36275986
3Attention: Prashant and A Very Concerned Reader [116 words]dhimmi no moreNov 8, 2021 08:09275986
1Attention: Prashant and A Very Concerned Reader Part 2 [111 words]dhimmi no moreNov 8, 2021 08:29275986
1Tovey: Is the Qur'an a Kitab Mubeen? [77 words]dhimmi no moreNov 8, 2021 11:26275986
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In Original Form or In Retranslation - How Does One Determine If Quran is 'Kitab Mubeen?' [271 words]M ToveyNov 9, 2021 11:25275986
What is a Kitab Mubeen and is the Qur'an a Kitab Mubeen? [312 words]dhimmi no moreNov 9, 2021 15:20275986
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1Heraclius' Farwell Address to Syria! 636 AD [156 words]dhimmi no moreNov 17, 2021 07:16275986
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Tovey: Did you mean غزوة تبوك or the "Battle" of Tabouk? [246 words]dhimmi no moreNov 18, 2021 09:35275986
DNM - مَعْرَكَة مُؤْتَة - Battle of Mu'tah [207 words]M ToveyNov 18, 2021 12:58275986
Tovey: Why did the Arabs starting in 633 AD, invade the Middle East and beyond? [122 words]dhimmi no moreNov 18, 2021 13:44275986
Kitab Mubeen - Next Session - Territorial Ambitions Prime Motivations? [181 words]M ToveyNov 18, 2021 19:44275986
Tovey: You need to read Noth's: Quellenkritische! The flying carpet of Soulyman and other sordid matters [465 words]dhimmi no moreNov 19, 2021 07:20275986
Muu'ta and the raids of the Arabs, in the border areas of both the Persian empire and the Lands of al-Ruum in late antiquity [61 words]dhimmi no moreNov 20, 2021 16:48275986
Legends, Myths and Fables - Part Two [268 words]M ToveyNov 21, 2021 04:40275986
13hiring private detectives to spy waste of money. [21 words]SharonOct 12, 2021 07:50275645
11Advice [51 words]K.Sep 24, 2021 20:05275087
13Going to jail [19 words]SamanthaSep 16, 2021 22:22274719
5Posted back in 2017 [183 words]LuhxJun 22, 2021 17:32268671
3Hello everyone and nice to see you back again Luhx [949 words]Jessica (Canada)Jul 2, 2021 00:42268671
3Update [290 words]jessica (canada)Jul 12, 2021 14:40268671
7Congrats to you [54 words]CandyappleAug 4, 2021 12:21268671
23You don't discover anything until you dig deeper [177 words]PrashantAug 5, 2021 01:14268671
3Thank you for your comment Prashant [299 words]jessica (canada)Aug 11, 2021 18:01268671
4Thank you so much Candyapple [179 words]jessica (canada)Aug 11, 2021 18:19268671
11Luhx might like to explain her position [296 words]PrashantAug 12, 2021 01:51268671
6We are always here for you Jessica [102 words]AliciaAug 16, 2021 21:28268671
1Thanks so much Alicia [358 words]jessica (canada)Aug 20, 2021 19:13268671
3Update 2 [118 words]jessica (canada)Aug 29, 2021 12:48268671
3Typing error [75 words]jessica (canada)Aug 30, 2021 17:25268671
1Update 3 - Rebooked my ticket again [106 words]jessica (canada)Sep 4, 2021 13:46268671
2Counting down the days to Morocco [136 words]Jessica (Canada)Sep 9, 2021 15:08268671
4Update again FLIGHT CANCELED AGAIN [83 words]jessica (canada)Sep 25, 2021 12:59268671
12I agree with you Prashant [73 words]Pumpkin SpiceSep 26, 2021 16:21268671
2Rebooked my ticket again for December [281 words]Jessica (Canada)Sep 27, 2021 21:30268671
12Misunderstanding Marriage is Miscarriage of Marriage [422 words]M ToveyJun 9, 2021 13:48268070
12fell in love with Morracan man in states [46 words]DanielleJun 9, 2021 10:12268057
24Run! [97 words]Lana(USA)Jun 10, 2021 08:39268057
5Yes I pretty sure you got played [80 words]Jessica (Canada)Jul 1, 2021 23:53268057
8Let us judge others [89 words]PrashantAug 6, 2021 18:04268057
8Western apologists for Islam [213 words]PrashantAug 7, 2021 17:52268057
3Wrong citation; correction. [29 words]PrashantAug 9, 2021 00:19268057
4So sorry [36 words]PollyJan 31, 2022 11:53268057
2My advice to Danielle (why is it so difficult?) [80 words]PrashantJan 31, 2022 23:02268057
35Understanding the narcissistic Muslim men who never will love their wives (In response to Tracy's post) [554 words]A very concerned readerMay 4, 2021 17:00266404
25Got some good posters on here [191 words]ChelseaMar 15, 2021 15:08264747
12Chelsea [78 words]LinaMar 23, 2021 19:43264747
12Absolutely! [119 words]Lana(USA)Mar 25, 2021 10:02264747
18Good to hear from you! [92 words]Robin M.Apr 6, 2021 07:36264747
6So true,but... [63 words]Lana(USA)Apr 22, 2021 00:43264747
8Is he married? [500 words]TraceyMay 4, 2021 08:53264747
15Understanding the narcissistic Muslim man who never will love their wives [474 words]A very concerned readerMay 4, 2021 16:32264747
9True Marriage is About Sacrifice - What are You Willing to Give Up? [124 words]M ToveyMay 4, 2021 16:35264747
17Advice to Tracey [338 words]PrashantMay 5, 2021 00:37264747
17Run [173 words]HopeMay 5, 2021 15:18264747
6To Tracy from a very concerned reader [17 words]Ella AustraliaMay 12, 2021 01:09264747
11Thanks to you, Ella [188 words]A very concerned readerMay 13, 2021 19:43264747
6TRACEY - ERHAN [26 words]KARENMay 20, 2021 18:44264747
11Agree [39 words]Lana(USA)May 21, 2021 15:59264747
3Rat or not? [88 words]MimiAug 16, 2021 14:09264747
14R A T !!!!! [144 words]ChelseaAug 22, 2021 12:11264747
4TOTAL SCAMMER MIMI [100 words]jessica (canada)Aug 23, 2021 19:09264747
1Rat or not [102 words]MimiAug 24, 2021 13:02264747
5RAT [190 words]jessica (canada)Aug 25, 2021 18:33264747
13You seriously need to research into Muslim men [197 words]Pumpkin SpiceSep 27, 2021 08:04264747
1Rat or not? [111 words]MimiSep 27, 2021 13:21264747
2Bună Spice [127 words]MimiSep 27, 2021 13:37264747
2Four Clues to Insincerity [101 words]M ToveySep 27, 2021 17:02264747
1Hello [94 words]MimiSep 28, 2021 04:35264747
4And Greetings of Peace to You; And a Simple Hello as Well [610 words]M ToveySep 28, 2021 12:08264747
6Message for Mimi [59 words]PrashantSep 28, 2021 13:26264747
Ciao [1362 words]MimiSep 29, 2021 14:34264747
2Bună Spice [95 words]MimiSep 29, 2021 17:29264747
Allora buona fortuna - In Seeking Contentment [35 words]M ToveySep 30, 2021 19:05264747
11Mental Torment [324 words]ChelseaOct 3, 2021 18:18264747
1Bună Spice [109 words]MIMIOct 10, 2021 15:45264747
5Strength of Woman's Identity Not Tied to Any Man [172 words]M ToveyOct 11, 2021 16:36264747
1Bună Spice [103 words]MimiOct 12, 2021 16:19264747
3Islam is Easy on the Muslim Man - Its Record Speaks for Itself [170 words]M ToveyOct 12, 2021 18:58264747
1Bună Spice [337 words]MimiOct 13, 2021 13:11264747
5Empty Promises Lead to Empty Hearts - Seek Spiritual Truth First [199 words]M ToveyOct 14, 2021 12:20264747
3Curious [54 words]SherryOct 17, 2021 15:08264747
Resposta para Mimi [35 words]AleJan 30, 2022 15:56264747
Rat or not [175 words]MimiJan 31, 2022 13:42264747
4Do Not Be Enticed - An Empty Heart Cannot Be Filled with Empty Promsies [158 words]M ToveyJan 31, 2022 17:42264747
9Do you want my opinion? [133 words]Robin M.Feb 8, 2022 15:02264747
Rat or not [179 words]MimiFeb 9, 2022 13:59264747
4Time to let go [62 words]Robin M.Feb 9, 2022 16:38264747
Rat or not [92 words]MimiJun 23, 2022 16:27264747
2Money scamming is not the main reason [148 words]PrashantJun 24, 2022 08:49264747
Rat or not [249 words]MimiJun 24, 2022 13:12264747
3Overcoming a Fear of Separation Anxiety - Insincerity is the Witness Seen in this Delusion [239 words]M ToveyJun 25, 2022 00:00264747
2Be careful [41 words]Catherine Elaine PeppersFeb 4, 2023 14:50264747
good evening catherine [208 words]MimiFeb 5, 2023 16:02264747
20To Brainwashed Smasher about the true meaning of nikah [505 words]A very concerned readerMar 1, 2021 01:44264398
16To Sherry: Veils for answering the nature's call, the Muslim men's right to rape the unveiled women [345 words]A very concerned readerFeb 26, 2021 14:24264318
25About the houris [690 words]A very concerned readerFeb 23, 2021 00:17264210
22To N and S: some replies to your questions and resources for you! [632 words]A very concerned readerFeb 18, 2021 18:26264041
36Long Live the Non-Muslim [847 words]AliciaFeb 18, 2021 15:37264035
15So beautifully written. Real facts. Why Islam can't be compared to other religions [353 words]A very concerned readerFeb 19, 2021 15:43264035
5Breath Taking and True Post [15 words]ChelseaMar 16, 2021 19:18264035
27Talking about morals: to Alicia on her last post which by the way I love! [314 words]A very concerned readerFeb 16, 2021 00:03263953
18Reply to A very concerned reader [115 words]Jessica (Canada)Feb 17, 2021 00:04263953
22A mix of fear, convenience, jealousy and pride: women's role in Islam [652 words]A very concerned readerFeb 18, 2021 04:44263953
6Hi A very concerned reader [516 words]N and SFeb 18, 2021 13:06263953
17Muslims Countries vs The rest of the World [305 words]AliciaFeb 18, 2021 13:52263953
13Muslim's misgiving [167 words]PrashantFeb 18, 2021 16:33263953
14Wrong religion, wrong site! [84 words]A very concerned readerFeb 19, 2021 16:06263953
7100 percent correct [68 words]Jessica (Canada)Feb 20, 2021 01:34263953
8Well said a Very concerned reader [153 words]Jessica (Canada)Feb 20, 2021 01:52263953
12Here's a nice example [79 words]JeffFeb 20, 2021 21:21263953
8Oh, The houris... [441 words]A very concerned readerFeb 20, 2021 23:52263953
11Once again, one-sided love [66 words]A very concerned readerFeb 22, 2021 13:33263953
1Failure to Notice Where Devotion to God is Supreme in Eternity [211 words]M ToveyFeb 22, 2021 15:38263953
4Haha A concerned reader [12 words]jessica (canada)Feb 22, 2021 18:43263953
14A God with no compassion, a reward full of lust [116 words]A very concerned readerFeb 22, 2021 22:48263953
2Very well said [5 words]PrasthantFeb 23, 2021 22:09263953
11Recovery [76 words]SherryFeb 24, 2021 11:35263953
4Relationships that Serve the Prideful Self Always Breaks the Hearts of Others [366 words]M ToveyFeb 24, 2021 12:49263953
9NPD in Muslim men and Ali Sina [317 words]A very concerned readerFeb 24, 2021 13:25263953
9Very nice reflection, M Tovey: time comes when the only thing you see is the Muslim man [358 words]A very concerned readerFeb 25, 2021 01:35263953
4Objection on Religious Grounds - Men and Women Equal in Eyes of Heaven, Salvation [479 words]M ToveyFeb 26, 2021 18:53263953
9Narcissist destroy, empaths create: a selfish religion to cater one man's needs? [483 words]A very concerned readerMar 1, 2021 15:06263953
2Correction [45 words]A very concerned readerMar 1, 2021 17:43263953
3Male-Female Emotional Disparity - Seeking Common Ground of Love [342 words]M ToveyMar 2, 2021 13:31263953
5Sowing what we truly embrace and want to reap! [314 words]A very concerned readerMar 3, 2021 02:48263953
5Emotional Survival of the Most Desperate Kind [438 words]M ToveyMar 4, 2021 11:49263953
8To N and S [233 words]Lana(USA)Feb 11, 2021 21:19263845
17Thank you FAtou [88 words]BaboonFeb 9, 2021 12:49263786
9Hi Jessica [190 words]N and SFeb 9, 2021 15:57263786
10N and S [228 words]LinaFeb 9, 2021 17:05263786
19It's more dangerous than people may think [254 words]A very concerned readerFeb 10, 2021 14:57263786
8Very good points [213 words]LinaFeb 10, 2021 22:17263786
7Very true [120 words]A very concerned readerFeb 11, 2021 15:22263786
7N and S [471 words]Lana(USA)Feb 11, 2021 21:09263786
4N and S reply [645 words]jessica (canada)Feb 12, 2021 18:23263786
7Hi A very concerned reader [516 words]N and SFeb 17, 2021 16:51263786
3WEAK [23 words]alanaSep 12, 2021 07:00263786
48To Fatou/Adja, to the immigration officers of Western countries, to this forum readers. To those googling "I'm in love with a Muslim man" [812 words]A very concerned readerFeb 9, 2021 00:36263772
17I wish I could raise a toast to this [174 words]AliciaFeb 10, 2021 01:16263772
11Cheers! [230 words]A very concerned readerFeb 10, 2021 14:16263772
5Let's raise* that toast!!! [23 words]A very concerned readerFeb 10, 2021 15:11263772
11I could not agree more! [178 words]Lana(USA)Feb 11, 2021 01:10263772
19Why they don't like Christianity [713 words]A very concerned readerFeb 11, 2021 06:28263772
10Big hypocrite [222 words]Lana(USA)Feb 11, 2021 09:16263772
14Hijab and the hypocrisy of it [144 words]A very concerned readerFeb 11, 2021 15:13263772
4Where is the Truth Hiding When No One is Looking for it [233 words]M ToveyFeb 11, 2021 21:35263772
14My insight about Islam and why a Non Muslim woman can fit in this ideology [648 words]A very concerned readerFeb 14, 2021 00:18263772
2Why Non Muslim women can't fit* [14 words]A very concerned readerFeb 14, 2021 01:18263772
18Their lives and hearts are so dark [102 words]Ella AustraliaFeb 14, 2021 23:54263772
11Why they don't like Christianity [19 words]Lisa D.Feb 15, 2021 12:35263772
1Why Eternal Fulfillment is of Love/Respect is Hard to See [282 words]M ToveyFeb 15, 2021 18:02263772
7Well said, Islam has straight jacketed itself into self destruction. [139 words]PrasthantFeb 15, 2021 18:30263772
12Same feeling here, Ella, while we make great efforts to integrate their culture [144 words]A very concerned readerFeb 16, 2021 02:18263772
2Basis of Anthipathy Towards Judeo-Christian (Messianic) Beliefs [220 words]M ToveyFeb 19, 2021 21:55263772
3Great Truth teachings on Islam [99 words]SherryFeb 24, 2021 11:56263772
5Veils for answering the nature's call, the Muslim men's right to rape the unveiled women [338 words]A very concerned readerFeb 26, 2021 06:33263772
4Muslim dislike Christian / Christians have POWER over them [7 words]BrendaSep 17, 2021 15:28263772
7Hijab should not be used to exemplify diversity [274 words]PrashantFeb 7, 2021 01:39263720
21To Fatou: we wish we were discarded by your men!/ Thank us for warning you that they don't respect you either [335 words]A very concerned readerFeb 6, 2021 15:12263711
10Ladies here last comment [146 words]FatouFeb 6, 2021 09:56263707
Rat or not? [106 words]MimiAug 16, 2021 15:20263707
10Muslim Men will NEVER Marry a 53 year old Woman [243 words]AliciaAug 16, 2021 21:34263707
Female 53 years old. [102 words]MimiAug 17, 2021 14:42263707
5Hijab should not be presented as a symbol of diversity [159 words]PrashantFeb 6, 2021 01:47263699
7Hijab as a political statement [45 words]Lisa D.Feb 9, 2021 15:10263699
4Lina reply [90 words]FatouFeb 5, 2021 17:30263683
12Fatou: We wish they discard us!/ you should thank us for warning you [247 words]A very concerned readerFeb 6, 2021 14:57263683
4I would just leave it be [64 words]AjdaFeb 8, 2021 02:01263683
11Hmmm Fatou we all wonder [66 words]jessica (canada)Feb 8, 2021 11:51263683
5Ajda [7 words]FatouFeb 8, 2021 15:39263683
11Fatou's self-righteousness stinks [110 words]PrashantFeb 9, 2021 18:12263683
3Married [25 words]To Jessica canadaFeb 11, 2021 10:11263683
5Big hypocrites too!!! [263 words]Lana(USA)Feb 11, 2021 10:51263683
9Religion over Science [77 words]Lisa DFeb 11, 2021 12:35263683
5Gifts [12 words]LinaFeb 11, 2021 15:48263683
19Marriage means nothing in Islam, my dear [101 words]A very concerned readerFeb 11, 2021 18:04263683
6Reply about Married- and why are you using my name [143 words]jessica (canada)Feb 12, 2021 16:23263683
13Islam is the worst, Muslim countries will never prosper they just get worse [87 words]AliciaFeb 12, 2021 17:33263683
6Alicia is right about Islam [96 words]PrashantFeb 15, 2021 18:42263683
6Cannot say Merry Christmas in here. [43 words]Jessica (Canada)Feb 15, 2021 22:34263683
9You're very right, that's why our women need to be aware of this [300 words]A very concerned readerFeb 15, 2021 23:12263683
7Big thank you and my best wishes always [263 words]A very concerned readerFeb 15, 2021 23:37263683
2Rat?? [99 words]MimiAug 18, 2021 05:17263683
1ROP celebrations in Dhaka [184 words]PrashantApr 5, 2022 21:00263683
Another violent incidence in Tel Aviv [122 words]PrashantApr 7, 2022 21:03263683
15The true face of a real Muslim Woman [1019 words]AliciaFeb 5, 2021 13:58263674
21To Fatou: Muslimahs are deceived too. Are you surprised? [294 words]A very concerned readerFeb 5, 2021 13:14263670
4We all wait for Fatou reply to your comments [11 words]jessica (canada)Feb 8, 2021 11:56263670
2Lina [144 words]FatouFeb 5, 2021 09:16263662
1Explain to concerned reader [145 words]FatouFeb 5, 2021 09:08263661
16Your points [64 words]LinaFeb 5, 2021 13:54263661
21Correction and more unreplied questions [209 words]A very concerned readerFeb 5, 2021 14:43263661
14Purpose of the board [233 words]LinaFeb 5, 2021 17:34263661
8Things that happen in males parties and when nobody is watching [39 words]A very concerned readerFeb 5, 2021 20:01263661
13I'll take what I want from your culture and insult the rest [125 words]JeffFeb 5, 2021 20:44263661
16The reasons why Fatou is here and the controversial respect topic [290 words]A very concerned readerFeb 6, 2021 16:03263661
3Lina and other who take this tone in comments [107 words]FatouFeb 7, 2021 09:55263661
7Don't forget [144 words]LinaFeb 8, 2021 14:38263661
6Thank you [125 words]LinaFeb 8, 2021 14:48263661
5Or better still [18 words]LinaFeb 8, 2021 14:50263661
8So true, Lina [123 words]A concerned readerFeb 8, 2021 23:15263661
3Thanks to you too! [23 words]A very concerned readerFeb 8, 2021 23:52263661
8That is why Muslims (and the reader Fatou) need education [157 words]PrashantFeb 9, 2021 17:59263661
27Muslim Marriages the REAL WAY [1437 words]AliciaFeb 4, 2021 23:03263645
12What a good picture of Pakistani societal system [281 words]A very concerned readerFeb 5, 2021 13:58263645
7Yes muslim will never like non-muslim [86 words]jessica (canada)Feb 8, 2021 12:07263645
6This part is so true Alicia [387 words]jessica (canada)Feb 8, 2021 12:45263645
1Pipes Response/Our Religion [36 words]FatouFeb 4, 2021 16:31263624
3Teaching basic Arabic to wannabe Arabs our dear Fatou [241 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 5, 2021 14:14263624
4Guiding the perplexed our dear Fatou and deciphering the Arabic language [97 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 5, 2021 14:29263624
1Our dear Fatou and the word الصلوة/الصلاة (PRAYER) in the Qur'an [398 words]dhimmi no moreFeb 6, 2021 07:50263624
Mr. Pipes [6 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
AjdaFeb 8, 2021 09:53263624
23About arranged marriages: what Western women must know [299 words]A very concerned readerFeb 3, 2021 22:30263589
19In response to Fatou 2: It's all about respect [123 words]A very concerned readerFeb 3, 2021 17:55263578
10A very concerned reader: The correct translation of صلى الله عليه وسلم is not the PBUH nonsense [158 words]
w/response from Daniel Pipes
dhimmi no moreFeb 3, 2021 15:07263571

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