Why do they do that? Do they really have any heart and feelings ? Why are we so easily hypnotized by them? Are they humans? Are we Paranoid?Reader comment on item: Advice to Non-Muslim Women against Marrying Muslim Men Submitted by innocence (France), Oct 2, 2009 at 17:51 I had posted here again few months ago about my " sexual frustrated " Egyptian Online Friend, but after following this blog with a great interest, I decided to share my story in the full version. :-) My Journey through the Egyptian Game! How did we meet: When I met my " egyptian rat" I was seperated from my French husband & I have a little 4 years old boy from my marriage. I am in my early thirties but I look quite younger compare to my age ( the egyptian rat is 25 ). I met him online of course in a social online game and not in a date site. I was never interested in any online romance. I am very sensitive and shy as a personality . I met him 2 years ago . He had told me that he was looking for a nice and polite girl to marry her. I asked him why he is looking on the internet for a girl and not in his real life. He told me that he was very disappointed and extremely hurted before by an egyptian girl ( however, he told me that there was not any Sexual Involvement ) and that he does not trust the egyptian girls any more.He much prefers a western woman. I asked him why and he told me that most of the egyptian women run after his money ( he comes from a quite wealthy family). I told him that the internet is not the right place to meet someone for a romantic relationship. He told me that he is virgin ( he is coptic christian very devoted ) and he is afraid that could be rejected by any girl because of being sexually unexperient at his age. We both started a good friendship and we talked a lot about our private life. That time I was extremely vulnerable because of my marriage problems. I originally come from Greece, I lived in UK for almost 8 years and now I reside in France where I am quite insolated without friends and I think he also took advantage of this. He knew I needed someone to talk , a friend! He was day and night online waiting for me in MSN. He was caring about me a lot and he wanted to make sure I was fine. I was emotionally very down because I was trying to sort out my marriage. I love my husband dearly and the egyptian rat he knew that. He had convinced me to help me with my problems. I trusted him ! One day I was devastated and felt alone so he went to buy a webcam to talk to me in person. I did not have any at that time neither he did. ( I think it was true that he did not have any already , because he installed it while we were online and the first time it did not work so he went back to buy another one ). When I saw him for first time I admit that he looked like a very innocent & shy guy. I even met his parents who came a few times on the webcam to meet me. I saw everything in his personal environment. On the walls there were some images of Jesus even on his PC screen. They did looked like very devoted christians. We became much closer friends and I finally bought a webcam too. We exchange a lot of personal photos containg his family and my family even my kid. I have extremely regreted it now but I am pretty sure that he is not the kind of person who would ever use them for any illegal purpose. There was no any nudity except of one that I am in my swimming suite. On my birthday I received two packages from him as presend. It was a couple of egyptian figurines which I had told him I liked from the ancient egyptian history. I was very surprised by his gesture :-) He also asked me if I needed any dresses from egypt or whatever and I thanked him telling him that I did not want anything ! Besides, he told me that his mom wanted him to send me some more presends because I had been so nice friend and kind woman. But I insisted I did not want any presends. He easily got my trust so I said everything to him about my private life. First he opend up about him. He said about all his life, his feelings and secrets. I did the same. When he got my trust I told him something that I never told anyone before. I told him that I was raped by someone when I was 20 years old and virgin and that this incident had destroyed my trust towards men. I had warned him not to hurt me and never to misuse my emotional state because I am too sensitive and besides I have a 4 years old to look after. I really did not need any more troubles in my head. He told me that many times he had been to a christian church to pray for me. We had a great online friendship and I admit that he made me feel happy and forget my personal problems, as well as, he managed somehow to give me a strength to move forward in my life as a woman and a mother . We were chatting for many hours online. We had also found out that we share the same interests in our life too. He was working as a graphic designer that time and I am an illustrator too. I am an entrepnereur running a small illustration company and yes few times he tried to enter into it. He wanted to come to stay near me and to work with me but I made it clear to him that , he can come to visit me any time he wants but not to work with me because my company is only in the start up and I can not hire anyone yet but maybe in the near future. Online Affection: I was always trying to keep our online relationship on a friendship level but to be honest he gained my heart. Somehow after 7 months online with him I started liking him as a man and feeling love for him. I tried to fight this emotion without any success. I knew it was wrong to start loving him while I was trying to fix my relationship with my husband and save my marriage. I love my hasband but there was a confusion in my head. I did not know what was going on with me! I was feeling ashamed of starting loving someone else! I was hypnotised by him! He wanted more than being just friends. He was bombarding me with sweet words such as " you are my moon , my whole life, I can not live without you, I am dying to meet you and keep you in my hands and I think if I ever touch you I am going to fade. I love you ....you look like an angel......I dream of you every day and night I can not even concentrate at my work.......I do not care if you have a kid ...I want to marry you and your kid will be my kid too....you deserve the best in your life...you are so lovely and kind and pure that I really want to make you really happy ......You are the ONE I was always looking for...I want you to marry me.... " and more and more......! !!! He started becoming closed to my kid too by playing with him on the webcam! I admit that he fooled me and I believed everything he was telling me. I feel shy of my self now that I was so naive! I loved his sweet character and liked him after all. However, I had always some doubts deep inside me about his sweet love words towards me. Those doubts kept me strong and not to fall completely in his charm. After 1 year he started becoming sexually frustrated. His nice , lovely to hear sweet words became ugly sexual comments and words. All this started during summer when I was wearing little tops and shorts. Whenever we were on the webcam he was demanding me to remove some part of my clothes.I was always refusing telling him how annoyed was that but he was saying that he was only joking because liked to see my reactions. I felt guilty because of me wearing little tops with my shoulders out when I knew he comes from a country that women suppose to cover shoulders and any other body part. I was excusing myself to him telling him that what I was wearing is normal for the european society. However, I never agreed with this kind of sexual meaning jokes & demands .Most of the time we had big arguments for " sex matters " . Many times I was about to delete him or block him ( I was extremely sad that moments because actually he is a very pleasant man for conversation and friendship ). Everytime he was coming back online with very long messages apologizing for his behaviour. I had always many doubts about his love words. I did caught him some times to lie. I don't know how but he made me forgive him every time and me feel guilty !! He is extremely manipulative person and very smart with his words! His way of talking can persuade you for impossible things! Many times when he was doing something wrong to me I caught myself apologizing to him as it was me had done wrong to him!!!!!! He had already gained my friendship and heart! He even cried many times on the webcam telling me that he had been always felt unattractive in his life. I told him that he is an attractive guy, sensitive with a very sweet character and that I was very sorry that I could not have any further relationship with him. I even asked him if it could be better for him to stop our contact . He certainly refused to do so and he told me if I ever walk out from his life he will not live anymore. He insisted that there is no life for him without me. He would definitely kill his self. Last year he was fired from his Graphic Designer position and he told me that he lost his job because I was making him ungry with my doubts so much that he became agressive with his boss! I was not sure if he actually was fired because of thinking of me but I did some online searches for jobs in Cairo!I was searching online sending him lots of job vacances but soon after I stopped as I realized that he was spending holidays in his summer house instead of looking for a job. He is still unemployed!!!! His True Colors Start Being Exposed: We kept our contact for nearly 2 years. In the beggining he was day and nights online devoted to me! However, I noticed that since he realised that he got my heart but I was not available for something more he started fading. He started disappearing more and more. However, he had managed to make me feel being depended on him! I admit that I was sad when he was not online! I was missing our loughs, jokes and good conversations. I was also missing a bit his charming words . He was always in my head. I was scared that I was possesed by him ! :-) Some times he was disappeared for two weeks or more! He was coming back with very persuaded excuses bombarding me again with sweet words " I missed you .....I love you "....! I never understood the point of disappearance and return ! If someone loves you, he tries to be as much as possible with you so not to miss you ! Right? His disappearances never made any sense to me! He also was telling me that he wanted to meet me in reality ! He was dreaming of that ! He told me that I was the best ever friend he had and the best woman he had ever met. He was keeping apologizing for being rude some times with his sexual demands and that I had to understand him that he comes from a mouslim country that sex is interdit before marriage... He wanted me to visit him in Egypt ! He offered me to stay in his family home as much as I wanted. He told me that if I was not able to visit him then he had decided to come to visit me in France. I was quite happy to see him and I told him that he can come whenever he wants as long as he is polite, not sexual demands and respectful. He never did! :-) In May, on my birthday, while I was working on my PC he came online asking me to play the social online game where we had met.I thought why not so I entered into it . Over there we started chatting and he became extremely sexually frustrated bombarding me again with rude sexual comments & words. I tried to pushed him away from this chat & he became quite aggressive asking me if I really want to have a sexual experience with him. I told him no it is not my style and he started insulted me telling me that I played with his feelings for 2 years and I have destroyed his life because he is not able anymore to love someone else....He even threatened me that he wanted to become a monk in the dessert being away from women because they hurt him all the time .... I was devastated and I said that I do not deserve all these and I blocked him! I was expecting him to call me or contact me online and excuse himself but never he did. He went disappeared for 2 months and to be honest I was thinking of him wandering if he is ok. I felt extremely sad because I thought he was in love with me finally and I broke his heart. I went to Greece for holidays and from there I contacted him in MSN asking him if he was ok and not sad from me. I received a message telling me that he was fine and how happy he was that I was having nice holidays and that he missed me a lot and loved me and was looking forward to speaking to me. End of July, I came back from my holidays & I found many messages from him telling me how much he missed me and he loves me so much and to forgive him. He wanted me to be happy and stayed in his life forever as a friend, as a partner as a wife or whatever I wanted. I sent him a message telling him that I am back and he can talk to me in messenger if he wants and that I prefer to be his friend. He was disappeared from the MSN and after long time I received an email telling me that he is extremely in love with me , nearly impossible to stay just friends and if he can not be with me then he will devote his self to Jesus by becoming a monk! He also asked me if I was playing with his feelings because I was always had doubts. I sent him an email telling him that I never play with anyone and that I know about the egyptian men who play online with western women for visa, sex & money so I asked him to proove that he is not one of them by answering some of my questions. He never replied back to me, he never answered me the questions. He disappeared . The End of the Egyptian Game: Since August, me and my husband are back together. I know that I should have turn the page and forget the Egyptian but I keep thinking of him. When he did not replied to my last email I had some crazy thoughts such as: Is he ok? Is he dead? Did I hurt him actually by not trusting him? Maybe I misunderstood his intensions! I decided to check on him so I reinstalled the messenger in my PC only to find out that he had deleted his email account! I went to my facebook profile and I noticed that he had blocked me! I opened a fake account and I searched for his name and I found him under another email address having over 50 friends and ONLY females!!! I added him pretending I am someone else , he added me back and then I wrote on his wall "thank you for adding me". He replied me back next day saying how beautiful I am ( I had put a fake photo of a model that I found on the internet ) :-) He asked me to visit him in his house in egypt for 3 months and he wanted to know me better.... I replied back saying that he is going too far so soon and how come he invites people from internet in his home without even knowing them! This is what he wrote after: " I am not weired because wanted to be good with u loooooll ?? ok any wayy i never invite any one from internet to my home but i see it anoyed u loll so np i am sorry i made mistake then ... and u know if i was u i wold say thx but as i see u need fun and i amm good guy not for fun :) thx any way . no i wasnt joking when i invited u i did that because u was polite and kind and good in ur words thats why i thought i should be good with u and treat u a real friend :) and i dont mean any thing else i am not the guy of flirt and i am not looking to be married lolll only i wanted to be kind with u and u told me i am weired lolll i am so shoked about this days ppl changed and no kind ppl left loll any way i am sorry and u have great day too and if u want be real friend then welcome :) cause i am not intrested in the fb thing loooll and its not my way to talk or hurt like this but u made me feel so unwanted loll " I also created an msn account under another female name and I added him in messenger. He added me back immediately. Two days ago I decided to talk to him through my fake ID and try to learn the truth. He talked to me in a very polite and innocent way telling me how hurted he was by his two last loves. I asked him who was his love and told me that it was actually me and how nice person I am but he is unlucky because I am married with 1 kid etc....and then I asked him about his second love and he told me that was a girl from UK he met after me. I asked him when? He told me this summer which basically it was during when he was telling me how much he loves me and misses me and he wants to become a monk.....!!!!!! He told me that he loved me more than the other girl but he decided to walk away and leave me free! I asked him what happend with the other girl and he told me that it only lasted 1 month and she left him for someone else who was near her in her country. He also told me he wants to go to UK and find a job there. I continue writing but somehow I realised that he might had understood from one point & after who I was and yes he did! In one point, while we had a good normal conversation he asked me if it's me & I denied but he told me that he recognized my way of writing and my spelling mistakes!!!! I finally admited and told him that I am happy that he is ok and trully I missed our conversations & loughs and I would love to be just friends.I told him that I felt very sad that I might have hurted his emotions towards me . He told me that he really wants me madly in his life, that he has changed, he does not care for sex and he really wants me to be his best friend. He admited that he is a good person now devoted only to Jesus and he is so glad that I contacted him in that way:-) I asked him if he found someone finally and he told me no, he is not looking for any girl so much any more and tries to stay away from internet. We talked like very good friends , very politely. I asked him not to hesitate to contact me if ever needs to talk or ask my help...He told me that he will defenately stay connected with me because I am the only one who loved trully! Next day I was deleted or blocked from his MSN ! I can not describe how ashamed I felt in case he thinks I am the one who runs after him ! I just only wanted to know the truth and if he was ok after all. He is online , everyday in his facebook adding some porno stars and many other girls ONLY females. I am feeling so sorry if any nice girl meets him :-( I would like to find a way to ban him from the facebook! On my nerves I made the mistake to send him through the FB a message telling him that I am behind 20 female ids of his friends and he should start clearing up. He found & deleted my 2 fake IDs and I think is still checking. I already reported him in the " middle east rats " group in FB. I would like to stop him for harassing another innocent's life . He seems to me to be after visa, job and sex and If this is the case how I could ever ban him from entering UK or even better Europe, USA & Australia? This kind of immigrats can be very harmful to some people's life. I have been through mixed sentiments. I know that I Love my husband very much but why I can not turn the page to the egyptian ? Am I paranoid! I feel so much betrayed , stupid , naive, but at the same time I still have some thoughts about his actions. Did he ever loved me and care for me as he was brainwashing me for 2 years? I might never know :-) This week I felt emotionally exhausted. Why he kept coning me till the last conversation? What's the point of doing so? Is there any possibility that he is trying to forget me and move on with his life? If this is the case then I am glad! Why sometimes I still feel guilty thinking that he might actually loved me and I hurted him very much? Am I paranoid? The fact that I am back with my husband gives a great relief. I am wandering how much deceived I would have felt if that would have happend while my life was fallen apart. Me and my husband are closer than before. He is aware of my online experience with this egyptian rat. When I told him he was not happy of course. We took it as my life's lesson though and honestly here I can say that online relationships can not easily work and some times can be dangerous. I can see my husband's love in his eyes, I can feel it with his touch! Life's obstacles might had split us up but true love never left our heart. After my online experience I thank God that I am back with my beloved husband and not somewhere in the dessert in tears! I believe that what goes around comes around and if this egyptian man is such a liar and heartless he will be always looking for the happiness! In the end of the day I am happy with my husband and our kid and him is alone, unemployed, spending his days on a screen for nothing except of words!
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